HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 2/20/2007 v ,. -. (2J .' n!nlRk'T6~~'mu:co. ('::vDl- Oy(f; ~.s " , PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT Tax Map & Lot Numbers 1702300002400 . ,~ THIS INDENTURE MADE and entered Into thls:>31:: day of We~~euser Como..a!''{. a Washin~n co!:09ration l hereinafter refer the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a muniCIpat corporation. In Lane County, Oregon, Grantee. " (?" the date of execution) 007 by and between to 8S the Grantor(s}, and Inafter referred to as the WITNESSETH: In Consideration of the acceptance by Grantee and the use or holding of said easement for present or Mure public use by Grantee, Grantors hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee, a perpetual easement seven (7) feet in width, ~ether with the right ': to go upon said easement area hereinafter described in Exhibit -N for the purpose of constructing. reconstructing, maintaining and using PUBUC unUTmS which may hereafter be installed on the followin9 desclibed property, lo-w~: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above easement unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever, IN WIT~S WHE~--.Jhe Grantors above named have hereunto set their hands and seals this 31 ,dayof_ /JtY\-'...L...aA...LJ......--. ,200~ "'1\',,, I ,.."" USEJ\lf.r~"ff ' ;: () I .'it~......, 00, ,f~)</ d~A (SEAL'r-.<:i.pV"'07&NAof{)f~ ,,~/(,o:C~~~"'~: i ,j11/. ,,/ (TITLE) ~U,t!WSEAL~Y~~~: -trY!!!, rW~ ~ (S~1)4i1rllt*/~}JZ!:}~~~~~~!f~~jI '~4 .......'O~' ~~~~~~~~~GTON ,} 58 "",,~~~~,~:..,..., ~ .. BE IT REMEMBERED thaI on this .3 \ day of _~evn~ -'-St- ,200.L.-before me, the und~ignE{\ a notary public in an1i for;:said Cqunty and Slete. per5f3nally appeared the within named "-1':'n~ h "r ! "11-d I Q!\i\. ) 'whosi\,identily ~ p~ve m ~ n sis ,0 satis ry e~' and Wh~y ~e duly SWOrQ, did say that ,,,...Jf\. \t J ~ of "t~I1)Q:ll1J.l.N).~ {' and does acknowledge said Instrument be the ee aq,t nd deed of said Corporation, and tha e seal affixed, to said Insb'ument Is the Corporate seal of said C..., . ,...,,,...,, J, and that said instrument was st and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand end affi m~6ffk:jal seal L ~ above written. / THE CONVEYANCE set forth in this instrument 'n Corporation ofthe Stale of Oregon, Is hereby approve accepted. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ~.~-, Denn~ P. Ernst - City of Springfield Surveyor /J rJ1:'-/:.' ):f-. Pelf /:>1 ?O{J"7 Date ~~:.~on af ChI.' Depuly CI.rk unty Deeds .nd Rocord.. 2007.0J/llJ Il~'lill~WJ1~J~W~"III'11 $41.00 RPR-ESIIT Cttt=1 Stn:6'cJ2I16/2oo7 01:23:37 PI! $20.00 SI0.00 $11.00 ' HIER 07 'RETURNTO:CITYOF8PRINGFIELD-PUBLlCWORK80EPT ,225FIFTH8TREET ,SPRINGFIELD,ORE<;UN.7477 ,...; I') " / <., .-"'-'-"'"---..."""""'''.'''' Date"R~~:.L- d-{jJQ-f:::' Planner: LM PUBLIC l1TILITY EASEMENT DESCRIPTION TO SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD ON THE PORTION OF TAX LOT 2400 RETAINED BY WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY , , A strip ofland, 7.00 feet in width, located in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 19 and the Nonheast 114 of Section 30, To"nship 17 South, Range 2 West, Willarnene Meridian; County of Lane, State of Oregon,. and being 8 portion of that property described i~ that Grant Deed, dated May 20. 1963, from SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, a corporation of Ibe State of Delaware, to wEYERHAEUSER COMPANY, a corporation oflbe Stale of \\Iashington, recorded on Reel 245, Instrument No. 59635, Lane County Deed Records, said strip being offset northerly from and concentric 'with the underlined portion oflhe foHo~"ing desc~plion: COMMENCING at a point in Ibe original located center line of ~outhem Pacific Company's Marcota Branch main track, distant North 4042'00" West 496.3 neet from the soulbeast comer of said Section 19? being at Engineer Station 146+49,57; thence South 59031'24" West along said centerline 24.37 feet to Engineer Station 146+28.3 E.C.; thence southwesterly along said center line on a comJXlund curve to the left (tangent to said compound c.urve is last described course) ha\ing the foJ]ov.ing radii) central angles, and arc lengthS': R&lii 22918.32 feet II 459,17feel 7639.45 feel 5729.60 feet 4583.69 feet 38J 9.75 leet 3274,08 feet Central Anvles 0004'30" 0009'00" 0013'30" 0018100" 0022'30" 0027'00" O't3'33" Arc len~hs 30.00 feet 30.00 reet , 30.00 feel 30.00 feet 30.00 feet 30.00 feet 12.90 feet 10 a point in the soulbwesterly line of the land described in deed dated Mal' 25, J 960 from Southern Pacific Company to Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, recorded June 30, 1960 on Reel I 55-60D;Lane County Oregnn Deed Records; thence South 32"J6'39" Eas150.00 feet along said southwesterly line to a point in the southeasterly line of the land of South em Pacific Company; thence southwesterly along the soulbeasterly line of the property described in thaI deed dated May 20, 1963 from Soulbem Pacific Company to Wey'erhaeuser Company, recorded on Reel 245~ Instrument No. 59635, said line being concentric with and distant SD.DO fee! southeasterly, measured radially, from said eenter line. on a compOund curve to the left (tangent 10 said compound elD'Ve at lasl mentioned poinl bears South 57'56'54" West) having the following radii, central angles, and arc lengths: R&lii 3224.08 feel 2814,72 feet Central Anl!les 0017'57" 0'36'00" Arc Jenv-hs 16.83 feet 29.48 reet ;:' Date ReceiVed::L / )0 &1: Planner: LM 2496.52 feel E.lldii 2241.88 feet 2033.53 feel 1859.91 feel 0040'30" <-"".entra) Anvle~ 0'45'00" 0'49'30" 13'55'43" 29.41 feel' Arc lengths 29.35 feel 29.28 feel 452.15 feel to the TRUE POINT Of BEGINNING,;. thenC"e ~nllth\Vfl:<;rtp,dv alom~ said southeasterlv line. beinlil ~nn~ntric with and di.s1aPt ~o 00 feet sOlltheac;terlv mea<;ured radial Iv fmm.said center line on a c:nmnnllnd ('111"\"'" to the left ftanl!ent tn ~id C'olJUlillU'1'I rllrvf>~Hast mentioned noi"! hears SmIth....lPC)'n'?4" Wp<.:t) havinf;! the following radii central an!!les' and arc len(Jth~: , " E.lldii Central AnG)e.\; Arc len~hs 1859.91 feel 1O'06't7" 328.01 feel 2033.53 feel 0'49'30" 29.28 feet 2241.88 feet 0'45'00" 29.35 feet 2496.52 feel 01>40'30" 29.41 feel 2814.82 feel 0"36'0011 29.48 feet 3224.08 feel 0031'30" 29.5;:1 feel 3769.75 feet OO27~OO" 29.6t feel' 4533.69 feel 0022'30" 29.67 feel 5679.60 feel 0018'00" 29,74 feet 7589,45 feel 0'13'30" 29.80 feel 11409.l7feel 0'09'00" 29,87 feet 22868,32 feel 0004'30" 29.94 feel 'to a ooint: thence South 250l.,'?,4" Wp.~ftanl!ent to said curve at la'tl: mentioned noint and continuinl1 aloop" .o;:aid 'ffilltheasterlv tine 142 70 feet' thence contir:lUinQ along said southeasterlv line on a comnoundcurve tn the right (taope"! to said 'curve at l~cii- ''If'':nfioned poi"1 is last described couf'!':el having ,he followin,: raetam central arwh~$; and are lenyths: E.lldii Central Anples Arc lenQths 5779.61 feel 0' 18'00. 30.26 feel 29t4.82 feet 0'36'00" 30.52 feet 1959.91 feel 0....54'00" 30.79 feet 1482.47 feet l'l2'OO" 31.0Sfeel 1196.01 feel ]030'00n 31.3 J feel 1005,04 feel 12"34'12" 220.49 feel to a point bein,: distant :SO 00 fpl'fcmlltheaCiterlv meaCiured radially from said l"~nt~r linp. of...DJ.N.n line track at EnQin~r ~t.illi2r I?:';+I\"~; thence North 47020'24" West leaving said southeasterly line. 40.00 feet to a point in a line concentric with and distant 10.60 feel southeasterly, measured radiaJly, from said center.line of main track; thence northeasterly along said concentric line on a compound curve to the left (tangent to said compound curve at laSt mentioned point bears North 42039'36" East) having the following radii, central angles and lU"C~engths: Date Received:) I ).0 (Or Planner: LM .Il.wlli Central An~les Arc length~ 965,04 reet 12"34'12" 211.72feet 1156.01 reet 1'30'00" 30.26 reet 1442.47 reet 1 '12'00" 30.21 reet 1919.91 reet O~54'OO" 30.16 reet 2874,82 reet 0'36'00" 30.10 feet 5739.61 reet 00:-18'00" 30,05 reet to a point; thence North 25~35'24" East tangent to said compoun_~ curve at last mentioned point and paralJel v.;th said center line ]42.70 teel; thence northeasterly concentric \\;th said center line on a compound curve to the right (tangent to said compound curve at last mentioned point is last described course) having the following rndii, central angles,lIlld arc lengths: .Il.wlli Central Am'!Jes Arc lemrthg 22908.32 reet 0004'30" 29.99 reet 11449.17 reet 0'09'00" 29.97 reet 7629.45 reet 0' 13'30" 29,96 reet 5719,60 reet 0'18'00" 29.95 reet 4573,69 feet 0022'30" 29.94 feet 3809.75 feet 0027'00" 29.92 feet 3264.08 reel 0031'30" 29.91 reet 2854.82 reet 0'36'00" 29.90 reet 2536.52 reet 0'40'30" 29.88 reet 2281.88 feet 0'45'00" 29.87 reet 2073.53 reet 0'49'30" 29.86 reet 1899.91 feet 6<>05'06" 201.78 reet to a point; thence North 53022'30" West 60.00 feet to a point in the northwesterly line of the property described in said deed dated May 20, 1963; thence northeasterty along said northwesterly line being concentric with and distant 50,00 reet northwesterly, measured radially, from said center line of main track. on a compound curve to the ~ght (tangent to said compound curve at last mentioned point bears North 36'37'33" East) ll.v;ng',the following radii, central angles, and arc lengths: l!.liWi Central Amlles Arc lensrths 1959.91 reet 4001'08" 137.48 reet to a point; thence leaving said northwesterly line Soutl149'21'19":East 100,00 reet to the True Point of Beginning. containing 1.26 acres, more or less~ all in L811e County, Oregon. Date R~ceiVed:J. ){) .QL. Planner: LM (1) " ~', " , ' Rrluilifia c1SC..<<J~ llTI.E CD, Eu()7-0l.{Dr rs " PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT . Tax Map & Lot Numbers 1702300002400 (on the date of execution) THIS INDENTURE MADE and entered into this ~ day of~'n J J/l ~ 200Lby and between WelfE!!1aeuser Com~ny', a Washinatp[l corDoration ., hereinafter rete to as the Grantor(s), and the CITY OF'SPRINGFIElD, a munlcfpal corporation, In lane County, Oregon, hereinafter referred to 85 the Grantee. ' WITNESSETH: In Consideration of the acceptance by Grantee and the use or holding of said easement for present or future public use by Grantee, Grantors hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee, a perpetuaJ easement seven (7) feet in width, together with the right to go upon said easement area hereinafter described in ExhlDit ~A. for the purpose of constructing. reconstructing, maintaining and using PUBUC l.1Tll1llES which may hereafter be installed on the following des~ribed property, tl:rWft: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN,BY REFERENCE TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above easement unto the said Grantee.1its successors and assigns forever, IN WITNESS WHEREOF,.the Grantors above named have hereunto s'et their hands and seals this .316t:o, day Of ("I f) JY'\ t J/lA '-1""- , 200L- o ,1nll"I" .,~~",,~US.E'~ "'" ":4.~"(.~041:'~o\_. :'S?:""'~' '(("'~~ ''U'1i',.'",,!-'' ,.,}- '-._:;~:f~~~~4::J "''''A'''''''''' ~ ,. -,,:SHINGiO,/ '""""",\ ...r , / . 0/' _~de,A\ (SEALl..<l/Iy,;c,~lrJIh# (TITLE) /' (SEAL <-- STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING } 55 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD B~~~ Dennis P. Ernst - City of Springfield Surveyor I F",s. (), ZOO';! Date' DivIsion 0' Chi.' Depuly Clerk Lan. Counly Deeds and Recorda 2001.~1l112 11111111111111111111 111111111111111 11111111111111 $41,00 008845e'~~,~lt1120840049 --ESltT . 02116/200701:23:37 PI! nr~ Cnlml Stn=6, CASHIER 07 $2O.OIl SIO.OIl SlI,oo .. RETURN TO, CITY OF SPRINGFIElD, PUBLIC WORKS OE~ ,225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIEln, OREGON 974"1 ( '1-- ........, --" -..............""""""""". : Date R~i3r_:.Ll:n.DI , Planner: LM ' PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT DESCRIPTION TO SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD ON THE PORTION OF TAX LOT 2400 BEING CONVEYED TO OREGON INDVSTRIAL LUMBER COMPANY A strip of land, 7,00 fcct in widul. toeated in thc Southca<;t 1/4 of Scction 19 and the Northeast 1/4 ofSeetion 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamett,e Meridian, County of lane, State of Oregon, and being a portion of that property dcscribed in that Gnltlt Deed, dated May 20, 1963, from SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. a cOljlorati6n of the State of Delaware, to WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY, a cotpOration of the State of Washington, recordcd on Reel 245, Instrument No. 59635, Lane County Deed Records. said str!p being offset northerly from and concentric with the underlined portion of the following description: COMMENCING at the brass cap marking the comer common to Sections 19,20, 29 and 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian; thenceNorth 28 '00'46" West 496.18 feet to a stone marking the Southwest comer of County Survey No. 1271; thence North 58058'00" East 114.86 feet to a point on the northwesterly line of the Southern Pacific Company's land as described in that deed date<! May 25, 1960 from Southern Pacific Company to Weycrhaeuser Timber Company, recorded June 30, 1960 on Reel 155-60D, Lane County Oregon Deed Records"and the TRUE POINT OF BEGlNNING; thence teaving said northwesterly Hne South 87005' We~1 972.76 feet to a point marked by an iron pin; thence South 76'13'18" West 436.91 feel to a point marked by an iron pin; thence South 14'26'06" West 304.72 feel to a point marked by an iron pin; thence South 39'24'30" East 281.40 feet toa point marked by an iron pin on the center line ofa vacated 40 foot roadway; thence North .75Q3S'30" East 112.84 feet to a point marked by an iron pin; thence along die arc of a curve to the left having a radius.of212.21 feei to an iron pin which bears North 61 005'30".East 106.27 feet from the tast described ,point; thence along the arc of a curve tothe left having a radius of993.54 feet to an iron pin which bears North 42'50'30" East 129.97 reet from the last described point: thence North 39005'30" Eas1169,46 fect to a point marked by an iron pin; thence along lbe arc of a curve right having a radius of 136,42 feet to an iron pin which bear. North 48'53'45" East 46.46 feet from the last described point; thence leaving said roadway South 62046' East 308.60 feet to an iron pin on the northwesterly line of said Soulhem Pacific Company's land as described that deed dated May 25, 1960 from Southern Pacific Company to Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, recorded June 30, 1960 on Reel 155-60D, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence South 49021'19" East 100.00 feet to a point on the sOutheasterly line of said Southern Pacific Company land; thence northeasterly a.l('1,"~ ~o; 4 'ifuthea.<;.ter)v line beinQ" concentric v.ith and distant 50 00 feef southea.c;terlv measured radi~lIv from Lhe centerline ofthr ~n,' nthem pacifi~;;~na;:':V Marcola Rranch main trnck on a comnound CUTVP to the ris:rht (tant!ent to~id ~ I} ~ at la~ mentioned noirit ht-.!lN North 41)e1R'4t.:F.:t_<tl) h:winQ the foilowino radii central an2"les lY'd are I~ " &Wi 1859.91 feet 2033,53 feet Central Annles 13"55'43" 0'49'30" Arc lenllths 452.1 5 feet 29.28 feet Date Received: J- h-o In r ' Planner: lM '., I'",. ' ',' . 2241.88 feet 2496.52 feet E4dii 2814.72 feet 3224.08 feet 0045'00" 0':'40'30" Central An~les 0036'00" 0<>17'5711 29.35 reet 29.41 reet A.rc lengths 29.48 feet 16.83 reet to a ooint on thp 'mlltr.U'P."te:TI" lit'le of that pmpenv de,,~rihed.i~eerl dSttPrl Mav?" lQr;O from Southern P>>r.,fir. rn11JJl.Dl"Iv to Wev~rh~~Il~PT' TirnhP.rJ:.2mn:mv_ n"C'orrled June 301960 on Reel 155~60D J .an~ r:,n,..nl)' Orepon Deed Recorrls' thence northeasterly alon,? the sollthca~terlv line of Ihat I"~'JJ~'. . rl~~~rihNI i~ ~jrf nf"Prl ci.lltf'rl M:w 1.c; 1960 said line be-inll concentric with an.d..di~~1oI_nt ';0 Of) ~0uthea<:terlv . meac;ured radially from the centerline of thp ~ollthern Pacific Comnanv's Marcola Rranr.h main track: on a con-mound curve lo'the riQ"ht (tan"e"! to said compound cnrve at 101:01 mentioned ooint hears North ::;7(\41'21" FSl<:.f) bavin~ thp followinQ" radii central an9)e~ and arc lenlPhs' B.l!I!ii ,Central AnFIe.1i Arc l~ng(hs 3224.08 reet 00)3'33" 12.71 reet 3769.75 feet 0"27'00" 29.61 reet 4533,69 feet , O~22'30" 29.67 reet 5679.60 reet 0018'00" 29.74 reet 7589,45 reel 0"'13130" 29,80 reet 11409.17foot 0"09'00" 29.87 reet 22868.32 feet 0004'30" 29.94 reel to a ooint on said Elo~t"a~t":rhr line. said point heinu distant ':;000 ff'!Pt southeasterlv measured pe~ndicll18Tlo said Southern Pacific Comnanv's main track at Emrineer Station 146+')83 E C . thenr...e North 59031'24'1 Ea!rt along ~id ~nilth"'a.<;lerly line 1 h R" fpet to ~ nnint: thence l::funh If)C'?~'1n'' W~I (\ 29 feet to a point on the northerly lifle nfjh"" T'jrn.~rtv (';nnv~~'PIi...from Weverhaeuser Cornnanv tn Y\rp rOI_lnt'lr hv rf~ recorded on Aut"...t 21 1985 on Instrument ~o_ R':;?Q7..2Z....Lmlr r.ollntv On:>DO~ f)i'ft'I R~orrl~_ AAirl nni.Dl...h.drig di.c:tRnt 40 70 feet measured radiallv to M9rr..nl:l Roan r".I1lfineer's Station T 5i 100+0000 PO(', thenr.p. North 4001J.':11" Btw. 56 88 feet along said northerlv line tn ~ nnint. said ooint beinp 5967 fee~ measured radiallv to. said Marcola Road RnQineer'sStation L5 190+53.39 POC: thence leaving said northerly line North 14015'29" West 84.58 feet to a point on the north""~03~""~~i' line of the Southern Pacific Company's land described in that deed dated May 25, 1960 from Southern Pacific Company to Weyethaeuser Timber Company, recorded June 30, 1%0 on Reel I 55..60D, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. said point also being on the westerly line of that pennanenf access easement conveyed from Weyerhaeuser Company to Lane County by docwnent recorded on April 25, 1989 on Reel 1569R, Instrument No. 8917677, Lane County Oregon Deed Records and being distant 136.00 reet, measured radially, from Mareola Road Engineer's station L6 t 90+80.35 'POC as resurveyed by Lane County in 1988; thence South 59"31'24" Weslatong the f.lOrthwcstcrly line of said Southern Pacific Company's.Iand as de~cribed that deed dated May 25, 1960 from Southern Pacific Company [0 Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, recorded June 30, 1960 on Reel 1 55"60D, 94,26 reet to a point, said point being distant 50.00 feel northwesterly, measured perpendicular to. the center line of said Southern Pacitic Company's Marcola Hranch Date ReCeiVed)l){) 101- Planner: LM . Engineer's Station 146+28.3 E.C.: thence southwesterly along said northwesterly line on a compOund curve to the left (langentto said compound curve is I~st described course) having the following radii, centra] angle" and arc lengths: . " Radii 22968.32 feet 11509.17 reet Centml A "vies 0"04'30" 0'07'32" Arc lenilth!'; 30.06 feet 25.2'1 feel _to the True Point of Beginning, cOntaining 12,89 acres, more or less. all in Lane COuntYl Oregon, Date ReceiVed:d--j)O loY Planner: tM .- Q) " ClUte: ,::>c,;:.( RETURN TO CASCADE TIllE co. 0.;01. 040'C ;, PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT Tax Map & Lot Numbars 1702200001300 '(on the data of execution) THIS INDENTURE MADE and entered into this ~ day of?f'lLi\ w'l D..Lj<l"200Lby and between Weverhaeuser ComD.-an't. a Washinaton ...........~.Q.."n .. hereinafter refemf:1 to as the Grantor(s.), and tne CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon, hereinafter referred to as the Grantee. WITNESSETH: In Considemtion of the acceptance by Grantee and the use or hofding of said easement for present or future public use by Grantee, Grantors hereby grant, bargain. sell and convey unto the Grantee, a perpetual easement seven (7) feet in width, to9ether with the nght to go upon said easement area hereinafter desaibed tn Exhibit "N for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, maintaining and using PUBlIC lJTILmES which may hereafter be Installed on the following described property, to.wtt: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN,BY REFERENCE TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above easement unlo the said Granlee.}ts successors and assigns forever. IN WI~SS WHERE::QE.Jtle Grantors above named have hereunto s:et their hands and seals this 31 ,dayof --;;::::r,:-........J.1"Ur ,200Z- , ~:tfw~ c::y:--r "",'Std..e&'{ tftiJ1b4~ STA'TE OF WASHINGTON } SS COUNTY OF KING CITY OF SPRINGFIELO By JL~~- Y-- Dannis P. Emst - City of Splingfield Surveyor Fell 12..2007 Date D!vision 0' ChJ.' Deputy Clerk L... Countv a.ods .nd Rocords ~OO'-Dlllll ml~ml~ll}ltIB~1II11111111 $36,00 RPR-E'- c tiS '. 02/16/200701:23'37 PI! -II ,,= t.n--& CASHIER 07 ' S18,OO SI0.00 SII.00 RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRINGFiELD - PUBLIC WORKS OEPT. 225 FIFTH STREET-SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 974n .~--. ..~,>>>.. .Date Rec::~1.)DI Dr Planner: LM PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT DESCRIPTION TO SPRlNGFJELD UTILITY BOARD ON THE PORTION OF TAX LOT 1300 RET AlNED BY 'WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY' A strip of/and, 7.00 feet in \\idth, located in the Southwest 1/4'ofSectioo 20, Towllship 17 South, Range 2 West. Willamette Meridian, County of Lane, State of Oregon, and being a portion of that ....vp....uj' described in that deed dated May 25, J~60. from Southern Pacific Company, to Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, recorded June30, 1960 on Reel] 55-60D, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, said strip being offset northerly [rom and concentric \\ith the underlined portion of the foJloMng description: A parcel of land locatediu the Southwest 1/4 ofSectiou20, TO\\1lShip 17 South, Range 2 West, WiJ..lamette Meridian, more particularly described as follows: I BEGlNNING at a point on the northwesterly line of that propertY as described in said deed dated May 25, 1%0, North 0034'43" West 573.21 feet from the section comer COmmon to Sections 19, 20,29 and 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West. WiIlamette Meridian, said point being on the westerly line of that pe.~=,.". access easement conveyed from Weyerbaeuser Company to Lane County by document recorded Aprit 25, 1989 on Reel I 569R, Irihtrument No, 89177677. Lane County Oregon Deed Records, said point being distant 136.00 f~ measured radiaUy, from Mam>la Road Engineer's station L6 190+80.35 POC as resurveyed by Lane County in 1988; thence North 59'31 '24" East along the northwesteriy line of that property described in said deed dated May 25, 1960,480.54 feet, more or less, to a point on the West bank of the McKenzie River; thence South 30'28'36" East 80AO feel to a point on the northerly line of that property described in that deed recorded on April 25, 1989 from We}-erhaeuser Company to Lane County, on Reel I 569R. Instrument No. 8917676, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, said point being distant 51.86 feet, measured perpendicular to, said Mam>la Road Engineer's station 1..6195+58.47; thence South 61 ou'n" w~ alonv ~id northerly line R9_Q? fP.ettn~T'\Oim-..said. point beinl:! distant 55.00 f~':. """"j'sured perpendicular to said Marool~ Rn~(i ~'il~inee~'s station 16 l'l4+6RI>' POT. '~ence South <;q'I R'?," W." alono ~~ n;a~~v line 96 50 feet to a poinl said point hP.inD distAnt 55.00 feet measured nernP.ndiCI~1 t i, arcnlA l?rv>:::J. ~"';f~ station 16 193+72 II PT' thence southwesterlv al~,;;; ;~~~~;;;~ line no QI> f"", as it follo"'~ the arc of 8 22973 3] foot mdius curve left (the ch 'l'h ht>:I')N ~nJJlh ')805&108" Wem. 270 QI'l f~t' tn R flOint ~id oolot being- di!W!int :')Cj 00 ff'f':t mea<:::UrM radiallv tl). ~irl M~ Road F.noineer's station 1.6191+01.80 POCo thence ~~;;:~ 31 ";7'OR" F~" 0 Q' f~e~~:::;i~t on the northerlv line of that nro...rtv conveyed from We euse Comoanv: ~~;~';;::;:' b ' ~ recorrlP.{t I'll} Al'etlst: 21 1985 on fnstnunentNo. 8529727 I.aneC'oun . rl Reooms said nolot beinr di~:mt fill nn feet mea<:::urro radiall>, to Marcola Road Emrineer's station r 5 19J +00 00 POC" thence southw~erlv 4Cj 94 feel alonp;'~id northerJv line al: is . follows the Arc'l'lfJ'l II 'ilQ 16 fOOl radius curve left (the chord of which ~r'" S~;h ~~Qi6'49' w~ d<:; 94 feet) tn a point. said noint.beinr di~f::ln' tift ftf} feet me~"ured radially to MarcoJa Road En.ineer's station L5 IQOH410 POCo ~e~;'6~~~ -:;:032'1:,;' W~:t alon~ s.;d uo~h;dv line 0 97 feet.to a pOint. saId 001(11 heml1 d1S1a t f; t ea~u rad Ilvtn M~rr.nl~ Rn&d. I Date Received:} )...() .Ill: Planner: LM . Enl!ineer'!; station LS lQOf.~i ~Q..RU.C; thence leaving said nonherJy line North 140J5'29" West 84.58 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 0.89 acres, more or less, all in Lane County~ Oregon. R 'ed.:)W,Dr Date ecelv ' Planner: LM