HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 7/23/2008 ~RiS RECEIVED AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICIi; JUL 2;J ~JC3 STATE OF OREGON) ) ss.' County of Lane ) By:~ tIJ ~ I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows:, 1. I state that I am a'Program Technician for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as, Program Technician; I prepi;lred anQ caused to be ' mailed copies ofAfi.P2007-COO/{)-~ tIJ. ~ fD ~d. ~ (See ,attachment "A") on -7/:;' ~ ' 2008 addressed to (see E:;~, Attachment B"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with ~ postage fully prepaid thereon. ' ~!l/uAt--cX~ ~JN LaFLEUR / STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ,~ ;( Pil ~ ' . 2008. ~erSOnallY appeared the al,love named Karen LaFleur, , l~ro,JralT\1rech~ician, who, acknowledged the foregoing ,instrument to be their voluntary , aCC Before me, " ' . OFFICIAL SEAL DEYETTE KELLY " ", NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON COMMI,SSION NO, 420351 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG, is, 2011 ~,~ My Commissio,:! Expires: y!t~/// .J:': 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us July 22, 2008 Notice of Decision - Springfield City Council To Whom It May Concern: On July 21, 2008 the Springfield City .Council adopted an' ordinance amending the Metropolitan Area General Plan text, Chapter III, Section:D, Policy D,ll, and an exception to statewide planning Goal 15 Willamette River Greenway to allow fill to be placed in the Greenway Setback Area for purposes of constructing a permanent replacement bridge over the Willamette River in the 1-5 ri~t-of-way, You are receiving this notice because of your participation in the joint public hearing process and/or the joint public hearing that was conducted by the City Councils of Springfield and Eugene and by the Lane County Board of Coinrnissioners on June. 24, 2008, Because you participated in this hearing you are entitled to this notice and have the right to appeal this Ordinance to the State Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA), Any appeals to LUBA must be filed within 21 days of the effective dat~ specified in Section 5 of this Ordinance (see attachment), City staff cannot advise you of your legal rights other than the deadline for filing and the mailing address ofLUBA.Y ou should consult a land use attorney for assistance. in this matter. The Development Services De~artment appreciates your participation in the~e . proceedings. The.comments, opinions and ideas of property owners:residents and tenants and other interested parties affected by land use decisions inform the process and are fundamental to the success of these endeavors, We hope that these actions as intended by the City Council prove beneficial to you, For additional information or assistance, please contact Gieg Mott, Planning Manager at 726-3774 or l!:mottlaJ.ci,sorinl!:field,or.us Date Received JUL 2 3 2008 Planner: BJ , ORDINANCE NO,~ 6227 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN (METRO PLAN) TEXT, CHAPTER III, SECTION D, POLICY D.ll; ADOPTING AN EXCEPTION TO STATEWIDE PLANNING GOAL 15WILLAMETTE RIVERGREENWAYj ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The City Council of the City of Springfield finds that: . WHEREAS, Chapter IV of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) sets forth procedures for amendment of the Metro Plan, which are implemented for Springfield by Chapter 5, Section 5.14-100 through 5.14-155 of the Springfield Development Code, for Lane County by Lane Code 12,225(2)(a & b), and for Eugene by Eugene Code Section 9,7730(3); and WHEREAS, on February 1,2008 the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) submitted an application to the City of Eugene for a Metro Plan text amendment, an Exception to Goal 15 Willamette River Greenway for the 1-5 Willamette Bridge Project;. and WHEREAS, ajoint public hearing of the planning commissions of the City of Springfield, the City of Eugene and Lane County was held on April 29, 2008 to accept testimony on this matter; and on June 3, 2008 the three Planning Commissions held a joint public meeting to consider the testimony and evidence entered into the record of this matter. Following the June 3, 2008 meeting the Springfield Planning Commission forwarded a recommendation of approval to the Springfield City Council on the request for an exception to statewide Goal 15 and amendment of Chapter IIl,Section 0, Policy 0,11 of the Metro Plan; and WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council conducted ajoint public hearing on this amendment on June 24, 2008 with the Eugene City Council and Lane County Board ofCornmissioners, and is now ready to take action based upon the above recommendations and evidence and testimony already in the record as well as the evidence and testimony presented' at the joint elected officials public hearing; and WHEREAS, substantial evidence exists within the record demonstrating that the proposal meets the requirements of the Metro Plan, the Springfield Development Code, and applicable state and local law as described in findings attached as Exhibit A, and which are adopted in support of this Ordinance, Date Received JUL 2 3 2008 Planner: ffJ 1 NOW, THEREFORE, THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Metro Plan Policy 0.11, Chapter II,I, Section 0, is hereby amended to read and provide as follows: ' 'D,11 The taking of an exception shall be required if a non-water-dependent transportation facility requires placing of fill within the Willamette River Greenway setback. ' 'I "An exception to Statewide Planning Goal 15 WiIlamette River Greenway was approved for Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) for " purposes of removing and replacing the decommissioned 1-5 Bridge, the temporary detour bridge and the Canoe Canal bridge with two new parallel bridges (one southbound and one northbound) l'I:'ithin the 1-5 right-of-way crossing the WilIamette River and Canoe Canal and within the WilIamette River Greenway Setback Line. The exception authorizes construction and . later removal of one or more temporary work bridges; demolition of the decommissioned 1-5 WilIamette River Bridge, Canoe Canal Bridge, and detour bridges; construction of the two replacement bridges; reconstruction of the roadway approaches to the bridges (1-5 and ramps); rehabilitation of the project area; and completion of any required mitigation of project impacts. In association with these tasks, the exception further authorizes within the WilIamette River Greenway Setback Line the addition and removal of fill within ODOT right-of-way and tb,e removal of fill within a temporary slope easement east ofI-5. This exception satisfies the criteria of Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-004-0022(6) WilIamette Greenway and the exception requirements of OAR 660-00(0020 Goal 2, Part Il( c) for a 'reasons' exception, and pursuant to OAR 660-004-0015, is hereby adopted as an amendment to the Metro Plan text, Policy D.ll, Chapter Ill, Section D." Section 2: The Metro Plan is hereby amended to include the findings offact and conclusions of law supporting a "reasons" exception to Statewide Planning Goal 15 and demonstrating compliance with OAR 660-004-0015, 660-094-0020 and 660-004-0022(6) attached hereto as Exhibit A, and incorporated herein by this reference, Section 3: The findings set forth in attached Exhibit A are adopted as findings in ,support of this Ordinance, . . .1 Section 4: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of the Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional;:by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof, Date Received JUL 2 3 2008 ORDINANCE NO. Plarwter: :BJ;' '.l." Section 5: Notwithstanding the effective date of ordinances as provided by Section 2.110 of the Springfield Municipal Code 1997, this Ordinance shall become effective 30 days from the date of passage by the City Council and approval by the Mayor, or upon the date of its acknowledgement as provided by ORS 197,625, whichever date is later, provided that by that date the Eugene City Council and the Lane County Board of Commissioners have adopted ordinances containing identical provisions to those described in Sections 1 and 2 of this Ordinance, I Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 21st day of luly, 2008 by a vote of 5 in favor and 0 against. (1 Absent) Appro,,' by'" M,yo< of "'~,",::I!@ 21" <fuy of J,ly, 2008. -kiJ u :- ATTEST: '., aru.u Jrnm.- City Record€j RE\lIEWEIJ & APPROVED AS TO FORM /La/ t!/~) DATE: d.//8/.e1J" OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY Date Received JUL 2 3 2008 Planner: BJ ORDINANCE NO. -&-2-28 6227 .; ;:iI '" ) I l, ... @Fi...!IlJill:,r;..<.I.....l"~ 11-c" o "'o:=,p:e,~,:>r,I;l1 _ _ . '. rn...~n!'...~ll:v:""I_!i-..;.. , ilJ .4t\ 2t~~. JI','''jl'.1 PIIlJI ^-m"!1~I~lcm Itc~iu~:t .i.-oJ.'.n.;3 "I }r< ......\,. "J '.' ....~ ~I - \ " ~, " Date ReceiveQ JUL 2 3 2008 Planner: BJ . " Interested Parties: 1-5 Willamette Bridge Pr (MA 07-3) (MA07-3) JAMES B COX JR 'ODOT MAJOR PROJECTS BRANCH 680 COTTAGE ST NE SALEM OR 97301-2412 (MA07-3) HARLOW NEIGHBORS 594 COVEY LANE EUGENE, OR 97401 (MA07-3) TOM BOYATT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 (MA07-3) STEPHANIE SCHULZ LANE COUNTY 125 E 8TH AVE Eugene; Oregon 97401 (MA07-3) MARK RABINOWITZ PO BOX 51222 EUGENE OR 97405 (MA07-3) HWY Div, Reg 2 Headqu OR. DEPT. OF TRA!'JSPORTATION 455 AIRPORT RD SE, BDG B SALEM, OR 97301 (MA07-3) Steve Cooper WHILAMUT NATURAL-AREA 3081 WHITBECK BLVD EUGENE, OR 97405 , (MA07-3) GARY MCNEEL COE PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING 858 PEARL Eugene, Oregon 974G1 (MA07-3) LAURA LANGDON HOME BUlLRl=,RS ~e:'i9,CIATI9N:: 2053 LAURA STREET" I .',~,\ , SPRINGFIELD"OR 97477 'dtl.,~ . " I~ i ,I; .~" . t~ ,~ . ;,:.."~ ',~ ' 'CITY OF EUGENE CITY HALL EUGENE, OR 97401 (MAOi-3) (MAOH) 'OREGON STATE OF' HIGHWAY C STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION' SALEM, OR 97310 (MA07-3) LAUREL HILL VALLEY CITZENS, " 2645 RIVERVIEW ST EUGENE OR 97403 DAVID SONNICHSEN 2435 SKYLINE BLVD, EUGENE, OR 97403 (MA07-3) (MA07-3) CELIA BARRY LANE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION 3040 N DELTA HWY EUGENE OR 97408 (MA07-3) , Mary Henderson NW WILLIAMS PIF'ELlNE 8907 NE 219TH STREET BATTLEGROUND WA 98604 (MA07-3) SHERWOOD REESE' 1927 RIVERVIEW EUGENE, OR 97403 GREG MOlT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 (MA07-3) (MA07-3) TERRY CONNOLLY EUGENE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE P,O,BOX 1107 EUGENE, OR 97440"1107 ,KENT HOWE LANE COUNTY ,125 E 8TH AVE ,'Eugene, Oregon 97401 (MA07-3) (MA07-3) 'CITY OF EUGENE, PARKS REC & CULTURAL SVCS EUGENE, OR 97401 (MA07-3) Corrinne Humphrey HDR 1001 SW 5TH AVENUE SUITE 1800 PORTLAND OR 97204 (MA07-3) CHARLES BIGGS 540 ANTELOPE WAY EUGENE, OR 97401 (MA07-3) JOHN DOTSON 2447 CANTERBURY EUGENE OR 97404 (MA07-3) MARK GREENFIELD , 495 NW GREENLEAF ROAD PORTLAND, OR 97229 (MA07-3) Tim Dodson ODOT 358 NW COUNTYMAN CIRCLE ALBANY, OR 97321 ' (MA07-3) TIM DODSON 3258 NW CONTRYMAN CIRCLE ALBANY, OR rQ73Z27 (MA07-3) CHRIS HENRY COE PUBLIC WORKS' 858 PEARL STREET Eugene, Oregon 97401 (MA07-3) LORI SEGEL GOAL ONE COALITION 642 CHARNEL TON SUITE 100 EUGENE OR 97401 (MA07-3) ~cEg~N BANKS Date Received 99 E BROADWAY SUITlO,f100 Eugene, Oregon 971MH2 3 2008 ~4r-t '~" Plannef>BJ Appl;ccAnt Joint Elected Officials Requestto SpeakForm Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing Speaking in Support of Ordinance Speaking in a Neutral Position Speaking in Opposition to Ordinance " tsI o o ~ "V/ '(i3J SPRINGFI~LD , Please complete this form before the agenda item is being discussed. Requests to speak during a Public Hearing must be submitted by the 'ti~e the hearing is called by the' convening officials, Deliver this fonn to the staff person at the infonnation table, You will have three minutes to speak unless infonned otherwise, When ' your name is called, please step up to the podium arid provide YOl1!-name and address, Speak directly into the microphone, Lights on the timer let you know when you have,J-S'seconds remaining (yellow light) and when your time is up (red light), Fonns will not be accepted liftedhe deadline, Please refer to the reverse side for additional infornlation on the Pubiic Hearing, ... / ' , Please Print M ;/I -. r'> Name " VA ~ b: ' ~ A:-'f~'~T ; I:. () (Also spell your name as it so;;s/i/ it is difficult to pronounce.) Address Lt '15' tJ 0) G (Q.~ {e,., f {iJ , fOkz !~~,? ,Date '~'J'1(V!', " Phone SOJ-&rJ-, :;YI7? State, Zip Of\, CC7:J::29 City . ;'J':,"-.~\;:;C~t_~~;~; t.: .;...~i> '~ i <1 ~ .' . ~ ' .; .;;. . Ijllnc: '~ " _k. ~ ' _. . ~,,1':.,, , ." .L !; _'"" "I'. .".~ . . " I , . , " Date Received JUL 2 3 2008 Planner: BJ L:\CMOlForms_ TemplatesllEOQuasiJudiciaIRTSFstandard071015,doc ~pp\;CO-h+ Joint Elected Officials Request to Speak Form Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing Speaking in Support of Ordinance ~ Speaking in.a Neutral Position 0 . Speaking in Opposition to Ordinance 0 w v Please complete this form before the agenda item is being discussed. Requests to speak.during a Public Hearing must be submitted by the time thehearim.. is called bv the eonve.uingJlffici91. n"liv('r this.fonnJ^ the staff person at the information table. You will have three minutes to speak unless informed otherwise, When .. your name is called, please step up to the podium and provide your name and address, Speak directly into the microphone, Lights on the timer let you know when you have 15 seconds remaining (yellow light) and when your time is up (red light), Forms will not be a~cepted after the deadline, Please refer to the reverse side fot additional information on the Public Hearing, Please Print ' ~ Name --r;;n _Do d50 11 ............... (Also spellyour name as it sounds, if-irls difficult to pronounce.) Address -37 5'6' /}.lMJC:;hf7 Ma t-1 {//J/: Ie City A /b~ . Date~l1: G 1 / Phone State, Zip uP "17371 ~'?G /({ ZCJO 8 / . . - . ,'~. ,',. '-:'>;' '. _.~. ~ ,- I....'.; "~l_/f . j . : > 'I'U..-' \....,:,.c \ -~'Il"-'. ' '" '~/~'f '.,.. ," ~-:l ";t{8 '1.; !i_,t ",>:. , 'if <0. -,. ,. . ~..( . ;">1 '. ..; h if.\"") l~ ~ "!'h.' '. Date Received JUL 2 3 Z008 Planner: BJ L:\CMOlFonns~ TemplateslJEOQuasiJudiciaIRTSFstandard0710 lS,doc Joint Elected Officials Request to Speak Form Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing .tp I Speaking' in Support of Ordinance .Speaking in a Neutral Position. Speaking in Opposition to Ordinance o o ~ " Address Please complete this form before the agenda item is being discussed. Requests to speak during a Public Hearing must be submitted by the time the hearing is called by the convening officials, Deliver this form to the staff person at the information table, You Will have three minutes to speak unless informed otherwise, When your name is called, please step up to the podium and provide your narlle and address, Speak directly into the microphone, Lights on the timer let you know when you have IS.seconds remaining (yellow light) and when your time is up (red light), Forms will not be accepted after the deadline, Please refer to the reverse side for additional information on the Public Hearing, / " Please Print k 7) (/ ( Name Ml'u' l'I)~(Ylo w\T2.. (Also spell your name as itsounds: if it is difficult to pronounce.) ,/ /. 1?,M ,./"51 2. "2.. ~ ./ /PVj' / . Phone City State, Zip 97l{o~ . , . Date . 6i'i~. ,I' : '. ;'i 'f Date Received JUL 2 3200B .: '\i,,', ,..,1.' . "-, ' '. L~ J/'r;::ft ,<;", ,-.t I) '::-'<I!.'_I~"} " ;-"', .. Planner: BJ ..-"'., '" ". L;\CMOIFbnns-Templab:sVEOQuasUudiciaIRTSFstandard071015,doc " 10int Elected Officials Request to Speak Form ,--p'" Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing Speaking in Support of Ordinance 0 Speaking in a Neutral Position iF' Speaking in Opposition to Ordinance 0 Please complete this form before'the agenda item is being discussed. Requests to speak during a Public . Hearing must be submitted by the time the hearing is called by the convening officials, Deliver this form to the staff person at the information table, You will have three minutes to speak unless informed otherwise, When your mime is called, please step up to the podium and provide your name and address, Speak directly into the microphone, Lights on the timer'letyou know when you have 15 seconds remaining (yellow light) and when . your time is up (red light), Forms will not be accepted after the de~dline, Please refer to the reverse side for additional information on the Public Hearing, , . Date . ~ //" Please Print .......- /" Name /J Oh 11 U&0;-J ...//' (Also spell your name as it sounds, if it is difficulHo pronounce.) // /' Address '2t1~7 'C/rnktdCr.~ City CA.f?/J0- / / ibfli;o ~ / Phone State, Zip bx9, (7tf9 '77/o~ , ~. l. I' .. ". '1\ . '.~' ......i'~":; . .." : " '. .,., ~ .',' Date Rece\ved JUl '2 3 20118 Planner:' B.J .~!~ . L:\CMO\Fonns- TemplateslJEOQuasiJudiciaIRTSFstandard0710 15.doc Joiht Elected Officials. Requestto Spealf Form . Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing ~ ~ lIii:_ Speaking in Support of Ordinance Speaking in a Neutral Position Speaking iu Opposition to Ordinance v o Date Please complete this form before the agenda' item is being discussefi. Requests to speak during it Public Hearing must be submitted by the time the hearing is called by the convening officials, Deliver this form to the staff person at the information table, You will have three minutes to speak unless informed otherwise, When your name is called, please step ~p to the podium and provide your nanie and address, Speak directly into the microphone, Lights on the timer let you know when you have 15 seconds ~aining (yellow light) and when your time is up (red light), Forms will not be accepted after the deadline('please refer to the reverse side for additional information on the Public Hearing, /"'. ' <1/' . . ,- ~::e Prin~ ~ U V i $.eq-J // . (Also spell your name as it sounds, if ids difficult to pronounce) . Address!1f.z" Cjt[A~(If'(J~,I' +CV)/.. . City / / / / ;i ~, . Phone State, Zip q 'J-1-oJ , " . \ . (-,el'l ,\C,);'\'4~;' .,~{;.J .'t " ~ . ~ ~ ~ ,.J , ' . Date Received JUL 2 3 2008 , I ~l .t,,' );'. I. j' V,I ~,'" ':0 Planner: BJ 1. ;'~~'~-: t' f. r 1 ~":.' -~:'. :~~~-:' ! '" L:\ClyfO\Forms. Temp1atesVEOQuasiJudicialRTSFs~dard07'1 0 IS.doc Joint Elected Officials Request to Speak-Form Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing v ~~ , , - . . Speaking.in Support of Ordinance Speaking in a Neutral Position Speaking in Opposition to Ordinance ~ a Please complete this form before the agenda item is being discussed. Requests to speak during a Public Hearing must be submitted by' the time the hearing is called by the convening officials, Deliver this form to the staff person at the information table, You will have three minutes to speak unless informed otherwise. When your name is called, please step up to the podiwn arid provide your name and address, Speak directly into the microphone, Lights on the timer let you know when you have 15 seconds remaining (yellow light) and when your time is up (red light), Forms will not be accepted after the deadline, Please refer to the reverse side for additional information on the Public Hearing, Please Prin}-. I I . f).. .. / . Name LA-\<1,V -fS /.:) r.~ ( . (Also spell your name as. it so~n~t.iS fu/fiduit to pronounce.) Address _ ~ V7) Ii ,vYh 7~ .17" hJ ~ ..., Phone y / . I City F(~", ~ -t" State, Zip 0 /Z,,? 7- CfCl;' Date t/t '-I / () 9!' , r. . \, . " '11 . ~ ..~. f"";';' ,~ ','" . .. ' . -.',\-1, .,"f" '.\' :; .. ': ~ . ' ,-' 'c Date Received JUL 2 3 2008 Planner: B~ rf1;'I' > L:\CMOIFonns- TemplateslJEOQuasUudiciaIRTSFstandard0710 I5.due . ' .' , '., - '. Arr Ii Ccwtt ,T REQUEST FOR RECOGNITION AT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS The purpo~.~fth!s form is to m~e sure that persons wishing:to address the Planning Commission have an oppo,rtumty to do so and that the names, and mailing addresses of persons testifying are . correct and become part of the record, The ChaIr can better estimate the time to allow individual speakers or group spokespersons ifforms are filled out at the beginning of the meeting and handed to ~e staff, Forms may also be handed to th~ staff at any time during the me~ting, Oilly after ,wntten requests have been honored, and as tIme permits, will speakers be recognized from the.floor. PLEASE PRINT Meeting Date: '1'-2. 7' - Z 4::? 8 Name: /1/1>1 D&cll'c:r71 / ,,--/ Address: ?2'Jf? J.J/.{.J ;:A"..o;.j;':Ph/b# 6:;....-k-: AMoAr/ (J)( - ,/' / / Agenda item on which yo~sh to speak: /.01/ d:--#t/J. lie: ~/.~,o.-r iJ/'L~p t tJ ' L' // "- I 1j!..LL[' / . /,.-" (Please giV~ item number and topic from.the pryttedagenda) Spea.kii(g for ~Agarnst' r--1 C 'th " "' ' .. ", ' W:;J i . bJ omments nel er m iavor nor m opposltIon: D' ~\rCA>J- '. - "pl=,'fumd oompl~,d furm " _, .' . Qi A ~p( tcOwl;7-- jt REQUEST FOR RECOGNITION AT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS The purpose of this form is to make sure that persons wishing to address the Planning Commission have an opportunity to do so and that the names and mailing addresses of persons testifying are correct and become part of the record, The Chair can better estimate the time to allow individual speakers or group spokespersons ifforms are filled out at the beginning of the meeting and handed to the staff, Forms may also be handed to the staff at any time'during the meeting, Only after written requests have been honored, and as time permits, will speakers be recognized from the floor. PLEASE ~RINT ' , ~Me~~~ Y 1-:;.1:1 DJ ' Name: MI\~K ~~~Gtl// Address: Y~5 10\0 C:~~I~A-t [(t,fo~~~t>l Ok cr/J;)~ Ageruh 'rem 'r" ""Je IN, II.",~ j R:,u", I:.o~t prne:f- / (PI~e give item number ami topic from the printed agenda) oatEfReceived Speaking for: ~ Against: D Comments neither in favor nor in opposition: J~ 2 3 Pw \.ti,.v,:-r , , 2008 Please hand completed form to staff" ~ ....-;;:~~ , ' Ct~." ,',. 'I ~ ,:I (l ...-jr~:J , . :l-Rlt.@J~a[\,ication~ Men::UNL;_Mlfro~Q1J~tern:tJExp.lote(I' _~'-~....... : _~ - ~ :,. \~ c.ae.'_~& _,YJ~_"F~~~~.~!~ ~1~ ~i, ~'~ ':~"'.I"'- '-'1:'0 ,-.' ._ }:].Jl,lf .~~~~~J~JL~~@J~J'p~'h''12rFf';~:~~J'~:.~:'~,:;];2,:~S~.:: ' " ~Ag(fr~s ~tP:/JWWW,rlid.Of~~Jr~.cfm?CFU}.:S1~28S&CFTOKEN-~286174 _ _ _ __ E]rg]~~~~~_>>: ~~6gi![Gl'--~--roIG;; +,~>Ei-;;r~.~H<s;~io~ !?'She.<k +'>',';' :i';) scll";';~- ~.~:.'!U' '~~I;~~'''I-i',:';;:;~~.Jr.~.&'i'~3(~;'~::5:Y''~i..~~~-:l3i ~(,~ '-:)s.+:'~~~~L{~"";>.:~i:_c ;'::::""". .-- :!;.,; i!<i. -~Y-':':~',--"''''''~':;'~-''''~'"'-;'-''~'';--'*::-'f,.,r :!i"i\~'i:''\''9.:'''~.;,p'..".O' ii j~!.J~_La;~nl~1~~~~:;g~~f(l~~L 1:"~A~~i~~~~:t' !Home:"f "-1 ~fealures"'owmeW >'~l j~u~ribe. to 'RUD~ -. ; PfOdiJds8rif5ervices ',.' I 2 llIcord(s)R!lected. Reoord numbelS 1 + 2 ,lie displayed belon. :~al-DatausetGliide 1 0 . Please click the 10 the right of a lecord to view ,1 detailed prol)el1y lepon. I~omp 8010s Soarch' SlJ'l!e:t Name Search '" ~ US' ----:--j ~" I HY.eAr-lD," '5250. HIGH: ; SPR SPR SPR 97478.a112456' 17111.18. : 8elalod Unks :J BUSINESS PARK BANKS RD. . . ." ". ."" 00110400 :~iillcatlonsMenu. ,. ",I LLCi':,' ',. ' ." .':.:' ~ i !.Qg.Qyl HYlAND 5262 HIGH SPR SP.R SPR 9",.747810112456 17111.18. i BUSINESS PARK BANKS RD ,00110400 LtC ~ ~ 1';' '~5F!rstPage'.. I < P~eviol!s Page.. . I !f'!extpage> I l. ,Last Page>> CJ~Nn'?r f'larne_ , l:if) and '-;IC ax Lnt ~ Od :4j'd N.....P,,,,,..rtvc:..;o''O!lIADDfications ~ ':"'" .,F-i' , . '~~.,~.' ..,'~-- ',w," J:)',I," .r,: J. ..1, I,e Int,,!n,", Date Received JUL 2 3 2008 Planner: BJ