HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 6/2/2008 . . ",.., .- '-~ , ,4 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE Date Received JUN 2 2008 . Planner: BJ STATE OF OREGON } }ss. } County.of Lane I, Brenda Jones, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Secretary for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon: 2. I state that in my capacity as Secretary, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies of Notice of JointPublic Hearing for June 24, 2008. Location Eugene Public Library (See attachm~nt "A") on June 2, 2008 addressed to (see Attachment "B"), by causing'said letters to be placed in a U,S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. Brenda Jones () Plann!ng Secretary SlATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ~1.A.L/;;jVL/ ,2008 Personally appeared the above named Brenda Jones, Secretary, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument ,to be their voluntary act. Before m~ . 'IWt r-----------------~ ~ . OFFiciAL SEAL ~ '! . NANCY MACHADO j l \. ./ NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON i . COMMISSION NO. 380103 , ,.~.-__~ ~o.~~~ ~XP~S J~N~1~ ~~J . .- ~~7JlaJ,~ My Commi~on EXPiresy!J 0 / 6, ~ (/7.JF; " . . . uate Received JUN 0 2 2008 Planner: BJ ~ ., .1) . . I NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING: SPRINGFIELD AND EUGENE CITY COUNCILS AND THE LANE COUNTY BOARD OF . , COMMISSIONERS,. I' . Tuesday, June 24,.2008 at 7:30 p.m. Bascom/Tykeson Room - Eugene Public Library 100 East 10th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401 , The JOInt Elected Officials will consider the foliowing a:ppli~ations at the joirit public hearing: . Amendment in the forin of an exception to'ChapterIII, Section D, Policy II of the Eugene- Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) to allow placement of fill in the Willamette River Greenway,setback area for the purpose ofremoving and replacing the existing temporary detour bridge with a permanent bridg~; re!llove tfe decommissioned bridge; and construct and remove temporary work bridges. _ ' . . . ,. I' e Amendment to the Metro Plan to adopt findings allowing an exception to Statewide Planning Goal 15 Willamette River Greenway to authorize a non-water-dependent, non-water-related use (permanent 1-5 replacement bridge) within the established Willamette River Greenway setback. I, e Amendment to the Willakenzie Area Refinement Plan to allow for the placement of fill within 35 feet from the top of bank of the Willamette River for the I-S Willamette Bridge Replacement Project (Eugene approval only). ' . File Name (#): 1-5 Willamette Bridge Project (Springfield file: LRP 2007-00010; Eugene file MA 07-3"RA 08-1; Lane County file P A08-523q) Assessor's Map: 17-03-33-41 Tax Lot: 100 'i .Assessor's Map: 17-03-33-44 Tax Lot: 890; Assessor's Map: 18-03-04-11 Tax Lots: 201,3301: i: Location: 1-5 Willamette River Bridge; from an area between the.Willamette River and Centennial Boulevard extending to an area south of the Willamette River'betw,een Franklin Boulevard and.the Glenwood interchange (See attached air photo). Subject Property: Applicant/Owner: Representative: Jim Cox, Oregon Department ofTransporta~ion(ODOT) Corrinne Humphrey, Oregon Bridge Delivery partners Date Received JUN 0 2 2008 Nature of the Reouests Planner: BJ ODOT is proposing to construct a permanent bridge over the Willamette River in the existing 1-5 right of way; dismantle the decommissioned bridge and temporary detour bridge; and construct and dismantle temporary work bridges for all elements ofthis project. Because tvese ~ctivities will require the " placement of filJ~\~lJiiL~r~~l~bE.sf~J~ill~ette .River Greenway. setback are~ an eXce~tion to Policy II, Chapter III SectlOn'DoHhe Metro'Plan IS reqUired. An exceptIOn to StateWlde Planrung Goal 15 Willamette River Gre.t<l1way als9, is required by Oregon Administrative ,Rule 660-004-0022(6) to allow non-water related or Jclri?wate/d~~endent uses within the Greenway setback. All three governing bodies must approVe t4es~'req!lfsts.~. '{ .;", l{" . 'lr,Fi,:J ,~s.\ ~;I1..:;,~ 1: The applicant also is requesting amendment to the Willakenzie Area Plan to enable fill to be placed within 35 feet from the top of bank of the Willamette River. Only the City of Eugene must approve this request. Eugene, Springfield, and Lane County Planning Commissions conducted ajoint public hearing on these applications on Tuesday, April 29, 2008. The Planning Commissions considered the evidence, testimony and submittals during the hearing on this matter and based on the entirety of the record and materials submitted during an extension of the written record, forwarded recommendations to the Eugene and Springfield City CoUncils and the Lane County Board of Commissioners. . The elected officials will consider these recommendations and this record, and any additional testiniony offered, during the June 24th hearing prior to reaching any final decisions on the'applications. . . Annlicable Criteria Eugene, Springfield and Lane County use identical approval criteria for Metro Plan amendments. However, because these criteria 'are found within the development regulations of the respective jurisdictions the citation references reflect those individual documents. The Springfield City Council will rely onthe criteria of Springfield Development Code, Chapter 5, Section 5.14-135 (C) which read as follows: The following criteria will be applied by the city council in approvmg or denying a Metro Plan amendment application: ' 1. Tbe amendment shall be consistent witb the relevant Statewide PlilDning Goals adopted by the Land Conservation and Development' Comm.ission; and 2. Adop~ion oftbe amendment sball not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent. Testimony and evidence of those testifying should be directed toward the applicable criteria of the code as described above or other criteria in the plans or land use regulations that the person testifying believes to apply to the decision. Contact the Springfield Development Services Department for information regarding other criteria. Additional Information and Staff Renort The.applications, including all documents and eVidence, and the applicable criteria are available for free inspection at the Springfield Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield Oregon 97477 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p,m. Copies may be obtained at cost. The Planning Division staff ~_ ~'\.f~p?[l,t()}li,e,:~it~F?uncil will be available by ~:~O p.~. on T~esday, June 17, at the,same location. The 1" . report Wlll beavmlable free of charge. For additIonal mformatlOn, you may contact Gregory Mott, Pl~llg}4~!lger, City of Springfield, at the above address; by telephone at 541-726~3774, or e-mail at: girlott@cI.spnngfield.or.us. . . .' 1\ ,. ~ .: , ." . It'" .".,':\ ~, ,.'~ How.tilSiIbmit Testimonv 1. Send a written statement to the City Council, c/o Gregory Mott, 255 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 or by ecmail gmott@ci.springfield.or.us. To be included in the ,City Council's packet, your statement must be received by the Planning Division by 5:00 pm on Monday, June 16; 2008, , . 2. Submit a written statement after June 16, 2008, or at the public hearing. 3. Attend the public hearing on June 24, 2008 and submit oral and/or written testimony. Your oral testimony will be recorded in the minutes of the hearing; all written material, including e-mails.is placed in the written record of the Elected Officials. The Elected Officials may limit the time for each speaker to a few minutes. You are encouraged to submit written testimony if you have detailed comments you wish to make. All testimony submitted to any City of Springfield office will be provided to all the Elected Officials participating in this hearing. Issues which may provide the basis for an appeal to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals must be raised in writing by the person testifying not later than the close of the record at or following the final evidentiary hearing on the proposal by the local government. Such issues shall be raised and accompanied by statements or evidence of sufficient specificity to afford the elected officials and parties involved an adequate opportunity to respond to each issue. Failure to raise an issue with sufficient specificity to afford the decision-maker and the parties involved an vppv.;.rnity to respond precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals on that issue. All decisions of the elected officials are final. A party may appeal the decision to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals within 21 days of the decision ofthe elected officials. Appeals to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals are governed by ORS 197.830 to 197.845. Condl,,:t of Puhlic Hearin~: The order of procedure for this hearing is: I. The Mayors and Board Chair will open the public hearing and request that the ordinance title be read into the record (when applicable to ajurisdiction). 2. The Mayors and Board Chair will ask their respective elected officials to disclose any conflicts of interest, ex parte contacts, and biases, abstentions or challenges to impartiality. 3. The elected officials will receive a City staff report and the elected officials will share any information learned from site visits. 4. Public testimony from the applicant and others in support of the application. 5. Comments or questions from interested people who are neither proponents nor opponents of the application. 6. Public testimony from those in opposition to the application. 7. Staff response to testimony. 8. Questions from the elected officials. 9. Rebuttal by the applicant. 10. The Mayors and Board Chair will announce whether the record is closed; record will be held open; or the public hearing will be continued. The City of Eugene complies with state and federal laws and regulations relating to discrimination, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Heather O'Donnell, Associate Planner, City of Eugene at 541-682-5488, at least 48 hours prior to the hearing. Date Received JUN 2 2008 Planner: BJ ,. '" '''' ,~. < 'i... , ............ , 'fD "e..J,:t:.MO~,t :)1",:;11:: ,..___!. ......ltor...li_ ...v'7__t....I..... I WIk:.r1JI:," ,.;.....,. Qnt:IW:I. It :.D' <<, :W_~"'l Q l>.l./U>....."i.._ - n]ll...J l..",,~... }lI'\UJ"'''' tt.1~~r.1 ""~j' I~ (, illl.."...... U.h...., JlI'''~ ...,~... t :.tlmB. _._W.I~I" ('11m AlI1t'flch~1cn11~(fuNI liOl!l('J8 7 ~'RP200~. 0001 O(b) 1~5 I?'idge 300' mail out Streets .:... ,..... ,.,.-' II': Springfield Streets ~ Tooltip is Street Name Springfield Streets with Names Buffllr layer Tax Lots - Tooltip is Maplot I-I Snringfield City Limits - - !...~IsPR Hijffi Euaene City Limits .....~ ~ i1"'...I.EUG ' ..wil Springfield UGB. r~-'l I-I -- iill!j Inl ...,;";,,. SCALE 1 : 19,274 .... .. .... I 1,000 2,000 ,3,000 '"-<;'; ;;'s"FEET....~....., '" "" .....'-'. ----.. -. 1,000 0 .,;. - ..http://spintranetlm9_mwf/sPLmain_lide_83.mwf . {,. ~- PDate n~w~;Jed: J(4V:;L,'Ot~ lanner: BJ . CJ N . . ......~,~ -. ...-... j, ... I, Date Received JWN 0 2 ?n~~ ~"1 t: i;"'_~; \~.~-.t r;'":~ ., ~ ~ "l'-~\.. ~ 1!.:-'hO,;> Monday, March 10,20082:50 PM .'-, :LRP!008-000 1 O(t>) F.5 Bridge Streets - Springfield Streets - Tooltip is Street Name Springfield StreetS with Names Buffer layer Tax Lots - Tooltip is Maplot H!:~ S"pringfield City Limits . !....J>PR .. !illih~' E'!llene City Limits -- iill:!EUG Springfield UGB ~ r-~ 1-' -- Ii ~,ill1 SCALE 1 : 19,274 liiiiiiiiii':"_ _ 1.000 0 1:000 2.000 FEET http://spintranetlm9_mwf/spr_main_tide_83.mwf . Date Received: UUJu_~~ . Planner: BJ. .N 3.000 A Monday, March 10, 2008 2:41 PM , 1703342303800 AROLLAPATRICLAM 550 WALNUT PL SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342304100 FENLEY STACY D & KAlHRYN L 6764 D ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1703342304400 OLSEN KENNETII E 1584 CANAL ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342304600 MEIERING BRlAN T 1568 CANAL ST . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342304900 LANDY FAMILY 1992 REVOCABLE LNlNG TRUST 503 WALNUT PL SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703343200300 MOE S STEPHEN PO BOX 847 ~~ SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703343300100 BROOKS MAURlCEE 86261 FRANKLLNBLVD EUGENE, OR 97405 1703343300200-5'00 OR DEFT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES % FACILITIES DIVISION . 1225 FERRY ST SE SALEM, OR 97310 1703343400500 ECOSORT LLC PO BOX 10928 EUGENE, OR 97440 1703342303900 TRUST AGREEMENT DATED 3117/2005 549WALNUTPL SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342304200 DORMAN BRUCE LEE & JUANA A 529 WALNUT PL SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342304500 BROWN TIMOTHY J & JULIE A 1576 CANAL ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342304700 SHJERVE BRENT J & GLENDA S 1561 CANAL ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342305000 NORTIlWEST PIPELINE CORP PO BOX 2400 MD 46-4 TULSA, OK 74102 1703343200500 WILLAMALANE PARK & lEC DIST .250 S 32ND ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1703343300100 BROOKS TIl0MAS E 17% 3331 FRANKLLN BL vI> EUGENE, OR 97403 1703343300300 OR DEPT OF STRATIVE SERVICES % F ACLL S DIVISION 122 RRY ST SE EM, OR 97310 1703343300700 PATEL ALPESH & KOMAL 1857 FRANKLLN BLVD EUGENE, OR 97401 {t;tWJL VWAICt '<. h ~ ( ",: ,'\,,~elved:U(iJi~~;'~] Planner: BJ . .. 1703342304000 .~ BURNHAM JAKE D & KENJ?ALL 541 WALNUTPL SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342304300 PARKER CHRlSTlNE 1592 CANAL ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342304600 KLELN SHARON L 1568 CANAL ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342304800 JACKSON GREGORY A 509 WALNUT PL SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703343300100 BROOKS FAMILY L TD PTRSHP 66% 3331 FRANKLLNBLVD EUGENE, OR 97403 1703343300100 RENFRO PAMELA 17% 3331 FRANKLLN BLVD EUGENI,i, OR 97403 1703343300400 OR DEPT OF STRATIVE SERVICES % F ACI S DIVISION 12 RRY STSE ALEM, OR 97310 1703343300800 SANIPAC LNC PO BOX 10928 ATTN ACCT DEPT EUGENE, OR 97440 [;+o{.' if v 1 17033311 00977 SWANSON JANET KAY 489 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100985,lg~1 QUAIL RUN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCLATION 435 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100987 S1RICKLAND DAVID J & REBECCA S 485 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100988 LAU SAMUEL S M 483 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100990 . DAVID L COLE & NORMA ANN COLE REV TRUST 479 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100991 KNAUS WILLIAM ALFRED & PA1RIC1A 477 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100999 GOTTESMAN ANDREW & RENEE 473 COVEY LN EUGENE,OR.97401 1703331101000 PORTER MARVIN J & JOANNE T 471 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401. 1703331101002 DONAHUE GLORlA J 467 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331101003 KATHY D JOHNSON TRUST 465 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 170333 H01011 SMITH FAMILY JOINT TRUST 461 COVEYLN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331101012 HINCKLEY PAMELA .459 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331101013 WINTERS FAMILY TRUST OF 2001 457 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331101014 VOTAW MERNA A 455 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331101023. CURTIS ROBERT L & EILEEN J 447 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331101031 QUAIL RUN HO WNERS ASSOC 435 Y LN GENE, OR 97401 1703331400100 VINSON SHIRLEY 3360 BUCKINGHAM AVE EUGENE, OR 97401. 1703331400200 POOLE WILLIAM L 672 ANDERSON LN SPRINGFIELD,OR 97477 1703331400400 EWEB PO BOX EU ,OR 97440 . r; L Ud"'\:; r~CCG;.~: 'l)fI"A.P~~.lJ1 Planner: BJ 1703331100986 CARTER KENNETIl L & DONNA 1 487 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 ~ 1703331100989 . CARTER KENNETIl L & DONNA I 487 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 17033311 00998 DONNA READE NIXON TRUST 475 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331101001 BOSCH CLEMENT A & VICTORlA A 469 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331101010 VIGGIANO STEFANO M & SUSAN N 463 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 17033311010]2 ffiJFF R ALAN 459 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 9740] 1703331101022 449 COVEY LANE LLC PO BOX 40806 EUGENE:OR 97404 1703331400100 PALM DEANNAM 3360 BUCKINGHAM AVE EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331400300 OGLE JODY R & DANIEL G 690 ANDERSON LN SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 & REC DIST 17033311 00937 C S ROBERTS & P W ROBERTS REVOCABLE TR 565 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100940 CYN1HIA FEUDNER SHAW REVOCABLE TRUST 1574 COBURG RD #157 EUGENE, OR 97401 17033311 00943 PAPP ALICE L 537 COVEY LN . EUGENE, OR 97440 1703331100946 HIGHTOWER HORTON L & PEGGY M 525 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100949 WARDAN JANICE A 521 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100952 WENTWORTH SCOTI W & DEBORAH L 650 SAND AVE EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100960 mOMAS W COINER TRUST 210 S 5m ST COTIAGE GROVE, OR 97424 17033311 00963 FONG LAWRENCE & CHRISTINE 505 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 MARITAL TRUST 1703331100974 BUSH CHRISTOPHER T & JOAN 495 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100938 STRUB MICHAEL PAUL & JONl MARIE 557 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100941 RAGOZZINO EDWARD W & ROXANNA J 545 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100944 SP Am MARIAN C 533 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100948 SANDERS JACK M 523 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100950 ANDERSON rumm 519 COVEY LN EUGENE,OR 97401 1703331100953 . LINDA M ROCKEY DECLARATION TRUST . 701 SWELLS #2601 .. P"....L CHICAGO, IL 60607 1703331100961 RACHELLE S SPECKMAN REV LNING TRUST 509 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100964 GIBBS LNING TRUST 503 COVEY LN .EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100972 TINSMAN NANCY W TE 499 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100975 MILLER ELlZABEm J 493 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 . -', Date ReceiVed:(J[JN"t.1)-do r( Planner: BJ I 1703331100939 BENSON ROBERT S & KAREN D. 553 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100942 CAMIN 1996 TRUST 541 COVEYLN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100945 SILVIS MICHAEL J & ELINOR 529 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100948 WIANT KATI!LEEN P 523 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100951 SHONKWILER CHARLIE 517COVEYLN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100953 PAUL H ROC CLARATlON TRUST 701 S S #2601 AGO, IL 60607 1703331100962 PIPER DONALD J & SHARON L 507 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 17033311 00965 ADAMS LISA 501 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100973 PLUMMER KYOKO 497 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100976 KOEBRICH mOMAS L & MARY E 491 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1703334402600 OREGON DEPT OF TRANS HWY COMMISSION 355 CAPITOL ST RM 119 SALEM, OR 97310. 1703342301001 NORTHWEST PIPELINE CORP . PO BOX 2400 MD 46-4 TULSA, OK 74102 1703342301109 BOGGS CURTIS L & KELLY L 620ROWANAVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342301200 STURM CHRISTINE L FRANZKE 1554 CANAL ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342301500 PRATT TORI L 1520 CANAL ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342302600 HOUSTON MATT G & VICKI J 17347 SW 131 ST AVE KING C1TY, OR 974224 1703342302900 BAILEY JOHN M & VALERIE A 1547CANALST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342303100 SONG YUN SEN 1538 WALNUT ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342303400 . MACAULAY KARLENE 1504WALNUTRD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342303700 . ANDRESS SHIRLEY J 526 WALNUT PL . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342301107 PlllLLIPS THOMAS A & ARDEN C 602 ROWAN AVE SPRlNGFlELD, OR 97477 c 1703342301110 BATI1G JOSEPH M 650'ROWAN AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342301300 STOTZ KRISTINA ANN 1542 CANAL ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342301500 PRUSZ SUE H 1520 CANAL ST SPRINGFIELD, OR .97477 1703342302700 NELSON MARITA .1523 CANAL ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342303000 HAYES LANDRY D 1550WALNUTRD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342303200 SALVATION ARMY PO BOX 1472 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342303500 SPECK CONNIE 502 WALNUT PL SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342303700 lEND1CKPERRYB .526 WALNUT PL SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 \ fJ. C. " _Date Received:. (, iua~ ~J Planner: BJ . .. 1703342300800 METROPOLITAN WASlEWAlER MGMT COMMISSION 225 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477. 1703342301108 SCHACHNER MARK E 610 ROWAN AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342301110 HEATON BELINDA A 650ROWANAVE . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342301400 HONG VALERIE A 1536 CANAL ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342302500 OLSEN REVOCABLE LIV TRUST 1505 CANAL ST .SPRINGFlELD, OR 97477 1703342302800 CANAL & MACKIN LLC 255 MCENERY RD FELTON, CA 95018 1703342303100 LIN WAN PING 1538 WALNUT ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342303300 BLUM MICHAEL L & BETSY L S 1518 WALNUT RD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342303600 MILLARD JAMES L .1390WALNUTPL SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703342303800 AROLLA CHARLES A 550 WALNUT PL SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703331400700 CITY OF EUGENE 500 E4THAVE EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331400903 SHARP STEVEN M & SHIRLEY A . 1685 DlAMOND ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703331400906 LEE WlLFORD C & MAXINE 631 RAYNER AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703331400909 . WARKENTIN RICHARD & MARlLEE 630 RAYNER AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703331400912 JONES LEO V & JEANETIE MARIE 690 RAYNER AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703331400914 HULTGREN JOHN D 700 RAYNER AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703331401100 KOENIG TH W & BONNIE L 63390 0 ESCHUTES RD BE R 97701 1703334100101 WILL PARK & REC DIST 250 S ST S GFIELD, OR 97478 ANDS DEPT 1703334400600 DND LAND COMPANY LLC 31395 COBURGBOTIOM LOOP RD EUGENE,OR97408 1703331400700 EWEB PO BOX 10148 EUGENE, OR 97440 1703331400904 PORTH EDWARD A & ARLENE F 675 RAYNER AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703331400907 REINKEKE AMY 1310 LRVINGTON DR EUGENE, OR 97404 1703331400910 HORBACHUK ANGEL M 650 RAYNER AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703331400913 COOPER JANES SA D 3317 SOUTHVIEW DR EUGENE, OR 97405 1703331400914 SENN CHARLOTIE V . 700 RAYNER AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703331401200 KOENIG THO W & BONNIE L 63390 0 SCHUTES RD. B ,OR 97701 ~TIVE SERVICES 1703334400300 LANE COUNTY OWNED LANDS DEPT 125 E 8TH AYE PUBLIC SERVICE BLDG EUGENE, OR 97401 1703334402500 OREGON DEPT S HWY COMMlSSI 355 C OL ST RM 119 S M, OR 97310 lJ.- . ed rJ~u'lL(/ . ate Kecelv :~. "-(.......iff ovv ! Planner: BJ 1703331400902 RYAN MARY E 1655 DlAMOND ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703331400905 COOLEY WINIFRED 651 RAYNER AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477. 1703331400908 O'KEEFE THOMAS A & KAREN E 610 RAYNER AYE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703331400911 DICKINSON CODY & TERRl 670 RAYNER AYE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703331400913 . PHAN SETH C 3317 SOUTINIEW DR EUGENE, OR 97405 1703331401000 - n.o<J I '103 - '/17 KOENIG THOMAS W & BONNIE L 63390 OLD DESCHUTES RD BEND, OR 97701 1703334100100 CITY OF EUGENE 22 W 7TH AVE PARKS REC & CULTIJRALSVCS EUGENE, OR 97401 1703334400200 OR DEPT OF AD TIYE SERVICES % F ACLLI ISION 1225 Y ST SE S M, OR 97310 1703334400500 OREGON PEPSI BOTI1.ERS LNC PO BOX 11039 OLYMPIA, WA 98508. . 1703334402500 STATE RIG SSION 355 C ST RM 119 S M, OR 97310 1703331100500 LEWIS EDWARD C & ruLLA V 723 ANDERSON LN SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703331100600 TROTIER BEITY . 2941 EDGEWATERDR EUGENE, OR 97401 1703331100702 SAKACS1lEFF 'A 885 ANDERSON LN SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703331100703 . ONELL BRYAN E & ASHLEIGH 863 ANDERSON LN SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477. 1703331100705 JOHNSON WINONA A 885 ANDERSON LN SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703331100800 CALLIE COURT LLC 524 CONNECTICUT ST SAN FRANSISCO, CA 94107 1703331100802 CENTENNIAL PARK PROPERTIES PO BOX 56 TURNJ;R. OR 97392 1703331100901 P AClFlC POWER & LIGHT CO 700 NE MUL1NOMAH STE 700 ATTN ROBERT G STRONG PORTLAND, OR 97232 1703331100904 KOENIG 1110 S W & BONNIE L 63390 OLD SCHUTES RD BEND, 97701 1703331100905 KOENIG 111 S W & BONNIE L 633900 ESCHUTES RD BE ,OR 97701 1703331100907 KOENIG 633900L BEND, S W & BONNIE L ESCHUTES RD 97701 1703331100910 KOENIG 111 S W & BONNIE L 633900L ESCHUTES RD BEND R 97701 1703331100911 KOENIG S W & BONNIE L 63390 DESCHUTES RD B , OR 97701 170333110=0913 . KOENIG 1110 W & BONNIE L 63390 OLD SCHUTES RD . BE/ 97701 1703331100914 KOENIG 1110MAS 'YJi-BONNIE L 63390 OLD D fiU ",S RD BEND, 7701 1703331100917 KOENIG 1110 & BONNIE L 63390 OL SCHUTES RD BE , R 97701 17033311 00935 TESTERMAN LARRY TE . 569 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 LVGTR ------r' - Date ReceiVed:_~ ltw ~ :3O<J j Planner: BJ ' 1703331100702 HANSEN KIRSTEN N 885 ANDERSON LN SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703331100704 JOHNSON DONNA 851 ANDERSON LN SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703331100801 P AClFlC POWER & LIGHT CO 700NE MUL1NOMAH STE 700 ATTN ROBERT G STRONG PORTLAND, OR 97232 17033311 00903 KOENIG 111 W & BONNIE L 63390 DESCHUTES RD B , OR 97701 1703331100906 KOENIG 1110 & BONNIE L 63390 OL SCHUTES RD BE R 97701 1703331100909 KOENIG 1110MAS 63390 OLD D BEND,O 7701 1703331100912 KOENiG 1110 ONNIE L 633900L CHuTES RD BE , R 97701 1703331100915 KOENIG 1110 & BONNIE L 6339 ESCHUTES RD ,OR 97701 1703331100919 QUAIL RUN HO ASSOC 43 VEY LN UGENE, OR 97401 RS 1703331100936 C S ROBERTS & P W ROBERTS REVOCABLE TR 565 COVEY LN EUGENE, OR 97401 uate RltceIVed:nU::N~p-)dotl6 PI FM . .. 17033311 00500 1703331100600 An"Mb3 1100702- Resident Resident Resident 723 ANDERSON LN 835 ANDERSON LN 885 ANDERSON LN Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 , . 17033311 00703 1703331100704 17033311 00705 Resident Resident Resident 863 ANDERSON LN 851 ANDERSON LN 891 ANDERSON LN Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00800 1703331100800 17033311 00800 Resident Resident Resident 960 ANDERSON.LN 10 960 ANDERSON LN 8 960 ANDERSON LN 1 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00800 17033311 00800 17033311 00800 Resident Resident Resident 960 ANDERSON LN 11 960 ANDERSON LN 12 960 ANDERSON LN 2 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00800 17033311 00800 17033311 00800 Resident Resident Resident 960 ANDERSON LN 3 960 ANDERSON LN 5 960 ANDERSON LN 4 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Spririgfield, OR 97477 17033311 00800 1703331100800 17033311 00800 Resident Resident Resident 960 ANDERSON LN'6 , 960 ANDERSON LN 7 960 ANDERSON LN 9 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477. 17033311 00802 1703331100802 17033311 00802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 11 926 ANDERSON LN 13 926 ANDERSON LN 16 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield; OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 20 926 ANDERSON LN 23 926 ANDERSON LN 32 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 1703331100802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 33 926 ANDERSON LN 47 926 ANDERSON LN 48 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 5 926 ANDERSON LN 55 926 ANDERSON LN 58 . Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 _ Date Received: JDj,~.;r~J II Planner: BJ I 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 1703331100802 Resident . Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 61 926 ANDERSON LN 63 . 926 ANDERSON LN 68 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 75 926 ANDERSON LN 78 926 ANDERSON LN 84 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 1703331100802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 86 926 ANDERSON LN 87 926 ANDERSON LN 89 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 92 926 ANDERSON LN 97 926 ANDERSON LN 99 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, <?R 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 . 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LNIO 926 ANDERSON LN 15 926 ANDERSON LN 17 Springfield; OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00802 .. 17033311 00802 1703331100802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 21 .926 ANDERSON LN 24 926 ANDERSON LN 27 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 3 926 ANDERSON LN 30 926 ANDERSON LN 31 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 'Springfield, OR 97477 1703331100802 1703331100802 17033311 00802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 36 926 ANDERSON LN 37 926 ANDERSON LN 4 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703331100802 17033311 00802 1703331100802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 43 926 ANDERSON LN 44 926 ANDERSON LN 49 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 " 1703331100802 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 51 : 926 ANDERSON LN 54 926 ANDERSON LN 57 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 ( - -- -" - Date ReCeived: (J Ii-1M do:-~ 1, Planner: ~d .. . ~ 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 1703331 0802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 64 926 ANDERSON LN 71 . 926 ANDERSON LN 74 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703331100802 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 77 926 ANDERSON LN 88 926 ANDERSON LN 9 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703331100802 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 90 926 ANDERSON LN 96 926 ANDERSON LN 1 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00802 1703331100802 1703331100802 Resident Resident ',; Resident , 926 ANDERSON LN 100 926 ANDERSON LN 12 926 ANDERSON LN 18 Springfield, nR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00802 1703331100802 1703331100802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 26 926 ANDERSON LN 29 926 ANDERSON LN 38 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703331100802 1703331100802 1703331100802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 39 .926 ANDERSON LN41 926 ANDERSON LN 42 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 1703331100802 .Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 52 926 ANDERSON LN 59 926 ANDERSON LN 6 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00802 . 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 Resident Resident Resident .926 ANDERSON LN 62 926 ANDERSON LN 65 926 ANDERSON LN 67 Springfield, OR 9747~ Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703331100802 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 72 926 ANDERSON.LN 79 926 ANDERSON LN 80 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00802 1703331100802 17033311 00802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 82 926 ANDERSON LN 83 926 ANDERSON LN 85 . Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 ,----, - Date Received: lJI{-we-~/66 Planner: BJ . . 17033311 00802 1703331100802 1703331100802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 93 926 ANDERSON LN 95 926.ANDERSON LN 98 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703331100802 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 Resident Resident. Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 14 926 ANDERSON LN 19 926 ANDERSON LN 2 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 . Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 22 926 ANDERSON LN 25 926 ANDERSON LN 28 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00802 1703331100802 1703331100802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 34 926 ANDERSON LN 35 926 ANDERSON LN 40 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 45 926 ANDERSON LN 46 926 ANDERSON LN 50 Springfield; OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00802 1703331100802 17033311 00802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 53 .926 ANDERSON LN 56 926 ANDERSON LN 60 Springfield; OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 66 926 ANDERSON LN 69 926 ANDERSON LN 7 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703331100802 ,1703331100802. 17033311 00802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSONLN-70 . - 926 ANDERSON LN 73 926 ANDERSON LN 76 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703331100802 17033311 00802 17033311 00802 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 8 926 ANDERSON LN 81 926 ANDERSON LN 91 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00802 1703331100903 17033311 00903 Resident Resident Resident 926 ANDERSON LN 94 876 ANDERSON LN 878 ANDERSON LN Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 uuia j:<.&\lliwd: (l ) If I.J 1~/ ~}~ Platlf\ift . BJ " 1703331100904 1703331100904 17033311 00905 Resident Resident . II Resident '. 874 ANDERSON LN 872 ANDERSON LN 866 ANDERSON LN Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00905 1703331100906 17033311 00906 Resident Resident Resident 868 ANDERSON LN 864 ANDERSON LN 862 ANDERSON LN Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 17033311 00907 17033311 00907 17033311 00908 Resident Resident Resident 854 ANDERSON LN 858 ANDERSON LN 850 ANDERSON LN Springfield, OR 97477 . Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477' 1703331100908 17033311 00909 mi33311 00909 Resident Resident Resident 852 ANDERSON LN 766 ANDERSON LN 768 ANDERSON LN Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 . 1703331100910 1703331100910 17033311 00911 Resident Resident Resident 762 ANDERSON LN 764 ANDERSON LN 758 ANDERSON LN Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703331100911 1703331100912 1703331100912 Resident Resident Resident 756 ANDERSON LN ,754 ANDERSON LN 752 ANDERSON LN Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703331100913 1703331100913 1703331100914 Resident Resident Resident 746 ANDERSON LN 748 ANDERSON LN 742 ANDERSON LN Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703331100914 . 1703331100915 1703331100915 Resident Resident Resident 740 ANDERSON LN 730 ANDERSON LN 732 ANDERSON LN Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703331100916 1703331100916 17033311 00917 Resident Resident Resident 724 ANDERSON LN 726 ANDERSON LN 720 ANDERSON LN Springfie1d,OR97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703331100917 1703331100935 1703331100936 Resident Resident Resident 722 ANDERSON LN 569 COVEY LN 565 COVEY LN Springfield, OR 97477 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 .1:. , Date Received: ,-lLorr~;~hg . Planner: BJ 170333.1100937 . 1703331100938 1703331100939 Resident Resident . Resident 561 COVEY LN 557 COVEY LN 553 COVEY LN Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 17033311 00940 17033311 00941 1703331100942 Resident Resident Resident 549 COVEY LN 545 COVEY LN 541 COVEY LN Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 1703331100943 17033311 00944 1703331100945 Resident Resident Resident 537 COVEY LN 533 COVEY LN 529 COVEY LN Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 17033311 00946 1703331100948 17033311 00949 Resident Resident Resident 525 COVEY LN 523 COVEY LN 521 COVEY LN Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 1703331100950 17033311 00951 1703331100952 Resident Resident Resident 519 COVEY LN 517COVEYLN 515 COVEY LN Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 17033311 00953 1703331100960 1703331100961 Resident Resident Resident 513 COVEY LN .511 COVEY LN . 509 COVEY LN Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 17033311 00962 17033311 00963 1703331100964 Resident Resident Resident 507 COVEY LN 505 COVEYLN 503 COVEY LN Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 17033311 00965 1703331100972 17033311 00973 Resident Resident Resident 501 COVEY LN 499 COVEY LN 497 COVEY LN Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene. OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 1703331100974 1703331100975 17033311 00976 Resident Resident Resident 495 COVEY LN 493 COVEY LN . 491 COVEY LN Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 . Eugene, OR 97401 17033311 00977 17033311 00986 17033311 00987 Resident Resident . Resident 489 COVEY LN 487 COVEY LN 485 COVEY LN Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 /-----, Date Received: r)tuu~~ Planner. 8J 1703331100988 17033311 00989 17033311 00990 Resident Resident Resident 483 COVEY LN . 481 COVEY LN 479 COVEY LN Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 1703331100991' 17033311 00998 17033311 00999 Residenl Resident Resident 477 COVEY LN 475 COVEY LN 473 COVEY LN Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 1703331101000 1703331101001 . 1703331101002 Resident Resident Resident 471 COVEY LN 469 COVEY LN 467 COVEY LN Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 1703331101003 1703331101010 1703331101011 Resident Resident Resident 465 COVEY LN 463 COVEY LN 461 COVEY LN Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 9740L Eugene, OR 97401 1703331101012 1703331101013 1703331101014 Resident Resident Resident 459 COVEY LN 457 COVEY LN 455 COVEY LN Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 1703331101022 . 1703331101023 1703331400100 Resident Resident Resident 449 COVEY LN . .447 COVEY LN 691 ANDERSON LN Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 , Springfield, OR 97477 " 1703331400100 1703331400200 1703331400300 Resident Resident Resident 651 ANDERSON LN 672 ANDERSON LN 690 ANDERSON LN Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703331400902 1703331400903 1703331400904 Resident Resident Resident 1655 DIAMONDST 1685 DIAMOND ST 675 RAYNER AVE Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703331400905 1703331400906 1703331400907 Resident Resident Resident 651 RAYNER AVE 631 RAYNER AVE 611 RAYNER AVE Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703331400908 1703331400909 1703331400910 Resident Resident Resident 610RAYNERAVE 630 RAYNER AVE 650 RAYNER AVE Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 ,I - 'l"lt~ R~~IWld:J u.iu:hJ?r(J!J, I. I Pra~: I3.J ., . - J 1703331400911 1703331400912 1703331400913 Resident Resident Resident 670 RAYNER AVE 690 RAYNER AVE 696 RAYNER AVE Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703331400914 1703331401000 1703331401000 Resident Resident Resident 700 RAYNER AVE 700 ANDERSON LN 702 ANDERSON LN Springfield, OR. 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703331401100 1703331401100 1703331401200 Resident Resident Resident 708 ANDERSON LN 710 ANDERSON LN 714 ANDERSON LN Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703331401200 . 1703334400300 1703334400500 Resident Resident Resident 716 ANDERSON LN - 3100E17THAVE 3032 JUDKINS RD Springfield, OR 97477 Eugene, OR 97403 Eugene, OR 97403 1703334400600 1703334402600 1703342300800 Resident Resident Resident 3028 JUDKINS RD 3001 FRANKLIN BLVD 1451 WALNUTRD Eugene, OR 97403 Eugene, OR 97403 Springfield, OR 97477 1703342301107 1703342301108 1703342301109 Resident Resident Resident .602 ROWAN AVE .610 ROWAN AVE 620 ROW AN AVE Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR. 97477 1703342301110 1703342301200 1703342301300 Resident Resident Resident 650 ROW AN AVE 1554 CANAL ST 1542 CANAL ST Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703342301400 1703342301500 1703342302500 Resident Reside~t Resident 1536 CANAL ST 1520 CANAL ST 1505 CANAL ST Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 " Springfield, OR 97477 it" 1703342302600 1703342302700 1703342302800 Resident Resident Resident 1517 CANAL ST 1523 CANAL ST 1539 CANAL ST Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield,OR97477 1703342302900 170334230300() 1703342303100 Resident Resident Resident 1547 CANAL ST 1550 WALNUT RD 1538WALNUTRD Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 - . Planner: BJ ...... uare R . JJ I i 1703342303200 1703342303300 ~- .~IVed:~ (f j,(j !); d@() , Bfl@I'l3Bl:!00 I : Resident Resident Resident ..... 1530WALNUTRD 1518 WALNUTRD 1504 WALNUT RD. Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703342303500 1703342303600 1703342303700 Resident Resident Resident 502 WALNUT PL 510 WALNUT PL 526 WALNUT-PL Springfield, OR 97477. Springfield, OR 97477 Sprillgfield, OR 97477 1703342303800 1703342303900 1703342304000 Resident Resident Resident 550 WALNUT PL 549 WALNUT PL 541 WALNUT PL Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703342304100 . ~703342304200 1703342304300 Resident Resident Resident 533 WALNUT PL 529 WALNUT PL 1592 CANAL ST Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield,OR-97477 1703342304400 1703342304500 1703342304600 Resident Resident Resident 1584 CANAL ST 1576 CANAL ST 1568 CANAL ST Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703342304700 1703342304800 .Ii 1703342304900 Resident Resident Resident 1561 CANAL ST . 509 WALNUT PL 503 WALNUTPL Springfield; OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1703343300100 1703343300100 1703343300200 Resident Resident Resident 3329 FRANKLIN BLVD 3331 FRANKLIN BLVD 3233 FRANKLIN BLVD Eugene, OR 97403 Eugene, OR 97403 Eugene, OR 97403 1703343300700 1703343300700 1703343300800 Resident Resident Resident 3007 FRANKLIN BLVD 3005 FRANKLIN BLVD 1650 GLENWOOD BLVD Eugene, OR 97403 Eugene, OR 97403 Eugene, OR 97403 1703343400500 Resident 3425 E 17TH AVE Eugene, OR 97403 'WENT SERVICES :; DEPARTMENT STREET 'OLD, OR 97477 ; DEPARTMENT STREET =LD, OR 97477 IIENT SERVICES ; DEPARTMENT STREET _ 'LD, OR 97477 Joan Armsted Glenwood Association 4017 E. 16th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97403 . Charlotte Behm 731 Poltava Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 !iJlfa..~~ David Sonnichsen 2435. Skyline Blvd. Eugene, Oregon ,?7403 ,. '" II i Ii. H}'4:~ \'.:1' 1" 4 ;"hi; Date Received JUN 2 2008 . Planner: BJ MENT SERVICES G DEPAFlTMENT. . STRIiET . ELD, OR 97477 'W, OR 97477 .-,..... ~~ Heather O'Donnell Planning and Development City of Eugene 99 West 10th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 " Department , " ,. . J Stephanie Schulz ' Lane County Land Management, Division 125 E. 8th Avenue Eugene, 'Oregon 97401 "!, Corinne Humphrey, AICP Oregon Bridge Delivery Partners 1001 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1800 Portland, Oregon 97204 1, Jim Cox Oregon Department of 680 Cottage St., NE Salem, Oregon 974301 Transportation . Date Received JUN 2 2008 Planner: BJ ,