HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 4/16/2008
,} 55.
County of Lane ' . . }
I, Brenda Jones, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose a'nd say as follows:
1. I. state that I am a Secretary for the Planning ,Division of the Development
Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon.
2. I state that in my capacityas Secretary, I~repared and caused to be
mailed copies of Notice of Joint Public Hearing Regarding /-5 Bridge
for Apri/29, 2008 (See attachment"A") 011 Apri/16, 2008 addressed to
(see Attachment "B"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail
box with postage fully prepaid thereon. .
Brenda Jones U .
Planning Secretary
. . - ~
STATE OF OREGON, C6unty of Lane
I' .
'I '..' .
!l.nA"P J&. ,,2008 Personally appeared the above named Brenda Jones,
~ who acknowledged the foregoing instrumentto be their voluntary act. Before
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My Commission Expires: 'S jtS,/J/
. Date Received
~.1 6,Z008
. Planner: BJ
... i
Tuesday, April 29, 2008 at 6:00 p.m.
BascomjTykeson Room - Eugene Public Library.
100 East 10th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401
The Planning Commissions will consider the following applications at a joint public hearing on April 29,
W~: '
. Amendment in the form of an exception to Chapter lIT, Section D, Policy II of the Eugene-
Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) to allow placement of fill in the
Willamette River Greenway setback area for the purpose of removing and replacing the existing
temporary detour bridge with a permanent bridge; remove the decommissioned bridge; and
construct and remove temporary work bridges. .
. Amendment to the Metro Plan to adopt findings allowing an exception to Statewide Planning Goal
15 Willamette River Greenway to authorize a ilOn-water-dependent, non-water-related use
(permanent 1-5 replacement bridge) within the established Willamette River Greenway setback.
. . Amendment to the Willakenzie Area Refinement Plan to allow for the placement offill within 35
feet from the top of bank of the Willamette River for the 1-5 Willamette Bridge Replacement
Project (Eugene approval only). '
File Name (#):
1-5 Willamette Bridge Project (Springfield file: LRP 2007-00010; Eugene file MA
07-3, RA 08-1; Lane County file PA08-5230)
Subject Property:
Assessor's Map: 17-03-33-41 Tax Lot: 100
Assessor's Map: 17-03-33-44 Tax Lot: 890
Assessor'sMap: 18-03-04-11 Tax Lots: 201,3301
Location: 1-5 Willamette River Bridge; from an area between the \\fillamette River and Centennial
Boulevard extending to an area south of the Willamette River between Franklin Boulevard and the
Glenwood interchange (See attached air photo).
Jim Cox, 'Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT)
Corrinne Humphrey, Oregon Bridge Delivery Partners
Nature ofthe Reouests
ODOT is proposing to construct a permanent bridge over the Willafnette River in the existing 1-5 right of
way; dismantle the decommissioned bridge and temporary detour bridge; and construct and dismantle
temporary work bridges for all elements of this project. Because these activities will require the
placement offill within the established Willamette River Greenway setback area, an exception to Policy
. 11, Chapter III Section D of the Metro Plan is required. An exception to Statewide PO~teGR~ceived
~1 6 2008
Planner: BJ
WillametteRiver,Greenway also is required by Oregon Administrative Rule 660-004-0022(6) to allow
non-water related or non-water dependent uses within the Greenway setback. All three governing bodies
must approve these requests..
The applicant also is requesting amendment to the Willakenzie Area Plan.to enable fill to be placed within
35 feet from the top of bank of the Willamette River. Only the City of Eugene must approve this request.
Eugene, Springfield, and Lane County Planning Commissions will ~onduct this public hearing, accept
testimony and submittals and based on the entirety of this record and any materials submitted during any
extensions thereto, forward recommendations to the Eugene and Springfield City Councils and the Lane
County Board of Commissioners. The two city councils and the Board also will conduct ajoint public
hearing on these requests at a time, date and place to be determined.
ADDlicable Criteria
Eugene, Springfield and Lane County use identical approval criteria for Metro Plan amendments.
However, because these criteria are found within the development regulations of the respective
jurisdictions the citation references reflect those individual documents. The Springfield Planning
Commission will rely on the criteria of Springfield Development Code, Chapter 5, Section 5.14-135 (C)
which read as follows: '
, ,
The following criteria will be applied by the city council in approving or denying a Metro Plan
amendment application:. .
1. The amendment shall be consistent with the relevant Statewide Planning Goals adopted by
the Land Conservation and Development Commission; and
2. Adoption of the amendment shall not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent.
Testimony and evidence of those testifying should be directed toward the applicable criteria of the code as
described above or other criteria in the plans or land use regulations that the person testifying believes to
apply to the decision. Contact your local jurisdiction for informati~n regarding other criteria. .
Additional Information and Staff ReDort
The applications, including all documents and evidence, and the applicable criteria are available for free
inspection at the Springfield Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield Oregon
97477 between 8:00 a,m. and 5:00 p.m. Copies may be obtained at cost. The Planning Division staff
report to the Planning Commission will be available by 3:00 p;m. on Tuesday, April 22, 2008, at the
same location. The report will be available free of charge. For additional information, you may contact
Gregory Mott, Planning Manager, City of Springfield, at the above address, by telephone at 541-726-
3774; or ecmail at: gmott@ci.springfield,or.us.
How to Submit Testimonv
1, Send a written statement to the Planning Commissions, c/o Gregory Mott, 255 Fifth Street,.
Springfield, Oregon 97477 or bye-mail gmott@ci.springfield.or.us. To be included in the
Planning Commission's packet, your statement must be received by the Planning Division by 5:00
pm on Thursday, April 17, 2008,
2, Submit a written statement after April 17,2008, or at the public hearing.
Date Received
~l 6 zooa
, Planner: BJ
3. Attend the public hearing on April 29, 2008 and submit oral and/or written testimony. Your oral
. testimony will be recorded in the minutes of the'hearing; all written material, including e"mails, is
placed in the written record of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commissions may limit
the time for each speaker to a few minutes. You are encouraged to submit written testimony if
you have detailed comments you wish to make.
All testimony received by the Planning Division will be forwarded to the Eugene & Springfield City
Councils and Board of Commissioners prior to the separate public hearings to be held before the Eugene
and Springfield City Councils and Board of Commissioners.
Issues which may provide the basis for an appeal to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals must be
raised in writing by the person testifying not later than the close of the record at or following the final
evidentiary hearing on the proposal by.the local government. Such issues shall be raised and
accompanied by statements or evidence of sufficient specificity to afford the Planning Commissioners,
elected officials and parties involved an adequate opportunity to respond to each issue.
Failure to raise an issue with sufficient specificity to afford the decision-maker and the parties involved an
opportunity to respond precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals on that issue. All decisions of
the elected officials are final. A party may appeal the decision to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals
within 21 days of the decision of the elected officials. Appeals to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals
are governed by ORSI97 .830 to 197.845.
Conduct of Public Hearing: The order of procedure for quasi-judicial hearings is:
I. Planning Commission chair will commence public hearing.
2. Planning Commission chair will ask commissioners to disclose any conflicts of interest, ex parte
contacts, and biases, abstentions or challenges to impartiality.
3. Planning Commission will receive a City staffreportand Commissioners will share any information
learned from site visits.
4. Public testimony frqm the applicant and others in support of the application.
5. Comments or questions from interested people who are neither proponents nor opponents of the
6. Public testimony from those in opposition to the application.
7. Staff response to testimony.
8. Questions from the Planning Commissioners.'
9. Rebuttal by the applicant.
10. Planning Commission Chair will announce whether the record is closed; record will be held open; or
the public hearing will be continued.
The City of Eugene complies with state and federal laws and regulations relating to discrimination,
including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Individuals with disabilities requiring
accommodations should contact Heather O'Donnell, Asso.ciate Planner, City ofEug~ne at 541-682-5488,
at least 48 hours prior to the hearing.
Date Received
1tfl.62008 '
Planner: BJ
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@ Rebuilt roadways
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Location of PC\"lf'lOOc:d Rep)aCjlucnt BritJRcs
1-5 \\1 ., R1nr Ilrid2' Project
Plan Amendment Request
2/0 InOOS
Date Received
~ 1 6 2008
Planner: BJ
'ELO, OR 97477
"'j;l;IIi'I<'f"I':IlI,A!(');I':(ti'Ji'~ " ..
fEW, OR 97477
David Sonnichsen
2435 Skyline. Blvd.
Eugene, Oregon ,97403
Charlotte Behm
731 Poltava Street
Springfield, Oregon
Date Received
Planner: BJ
ELD, OR 97477
Joan Armsted
Glenwood Association
4017 E 16th Avenue
Eugene, Oregon 97403
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Date Received
~ 1 6 2008
Planner: BJ