HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Miscellaneous 4/29/2008 (4) ~' .~ :<:>1' R . M r I " Notice of Proposed Amendment THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY DLCD 45 DAYS PRIOR TO THE FIRST EVIDENTIARY HEARING PER ORS 197.610, OAR CHAPTER 660. DIVISION 18 AND SENATE BILL 543, EFFECTIVE JUNE 30, 1999 Jurisdiction: City of Eu'gene, City of Springfield; & Lan'-County . Local file number: MA07-3&RAOa'1'(Eugerie); PAOB-5230 (Lane Countv);unknawn (Sorinqfield) r- , Date of Final Hearin'g: -tBD~esti~atedto be June 2008 Date First Evidentiary hearing: April 29, 2008 Date this Notice of Proposed Amendment was mailed to DLCD: February 27,2008 , Is this a REVISED Proposal previouslystibmitted to DLCD? DYES ~NO Date Submitted: . , ~ Comprehensi've Plan Te::;t Amend~ent ,0 Cornprehensi've Plan Map Amendment D Land Use Regulation Amendment 0 Zoning Map Amendment D New Land Use Regulation ~ Other:. Refinement Plan Text Amendment \ - Briefly Summarize ProposaL Do not use technical terms. Do not write "See Attaehed". (limit of 500 characters) The applicant is requesting a Metro Plan text amendment and concurrent Refinementplan text amendment (Eugene refinement plan . amendment only) to theWillakenzie Area Plan for replacem.ent of the Interstate 5 Bridges over theWillamette River and Canoe Canal (Patterson' Slough) including construction and later removal of one or more temporary bridges, demolition of the original and detour Willamette River and Canoe Canal. bridges, construction of replacement bridges, reconstruction of the roadway appro'aches to the bridges, rehabilitation of project area, and completion of any required mitigation. The applicant requests an exception to Goal 15 to allow a nonwater dependent, nonwater-related use in the Willamette Greenway setback and text amendments to the Metro Plan and the Willakenzie Area Plan to authorize the Goa/15 exception and allow placement of fill within a'setback. Plan Map Changed from: n/a Plan Map Changed from: n/a Zone Map Changed from:. n/a to: n/a to:'n/a to: n/a Acres Involved: 8.6 Loeation: 1-5 bridge: from Specify Density: Previous' .n/a . Applicable Statewide Planning Goals: 1,2, 5 -9, 11-13, 15-' Ne;w: n/a Is an Exception Proposed? ( ~YES DNO Local Contact: Heather O'Donnell (Eugene, Lead), Greg Matt (Springfield 72o-.J( (~" .;)(epm:Hlle .;)l;lJUI, ~Lane voumy, oo,,-.J~o) Phone: (541) 682-5488 Date( Received ~ 2 9 2008 . Picihner~ FU Extension: Affected State or Federal Agencies, Local Govemments or Special Districts: City of Eugene,OOOTI Lane County, City of Springfield Address: 99 W. ,otr;A.,Vehue,:,I:'; rc/ Fax Number: 541-682-9.R,7c2;. , i <'.'; .' . . ~ - I' r: City: Eugene Zip: 97401 Email Address:heather.m.odonnell@cLeugene.or.us - . ,,' -...:~~..J ~;!:;-<.';I'~"-' ..~ ~..;.: " J - .. -I' ---.1._1.-1 DLCD File No.: SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS This form must be received by DLCD at least 45 davs Drior to the first evidentiarv hearinz per ORS 197.610, OAR Chapter 660 - Division 18 . and Senate Bill 543 effective on June 30, 1999, 1. This form must be submitted by local jurisdictions only, 2, When submitting, piease print this form on green paper. 3, Send this Form and TWO (2\ Copiesofthe ProDosed Amendment to: '4 .' . -ATTENTION: PLAN AMENDMENT SP:ECIALIST DEPARTMENT OF LAND CONSERV AnON AND DEVELOPMENT 635 CAPITOL STREET NE, SUITE 150 . , SALEM" OREGON 97301-2540 4. Unless exempt by ORS 197.610 (2\. proposed amendments must be received at the DLCD's SALEM OFFICE at least FORTY-FIVE (45) days before the first evidentiary hearing on the proposal. The first evidentiary hearing is usually the first DubHc hearin~ held by the jurisdiction's planning commission on the proposal. 5. Submittal of proposed amendments shall include the text ofthe amendment and any other information . the local govemment believes is necessary to advise DLCD of the proposal. Text means the specific' language being added to or deleted from the acknowledged p.Ian or land use regulations. . A general description of the proposal is n'ot adequate, ' . 6. Submittal of proposed map amendments must include a map ofthe affected area showing existing and , . 'proposed plan and zone designations. The map should be on 8-1/2 x 11 inch paper. A legal descriptionf tax account number, address or general description is not adequate. Text of background and 1 or reason for change request should be included. 7. Submittal ofpropo,!ed amendments which involve a goal exception must include the proposed languagd :N,'ofthe~exe6pti~n:('. . . \',.)~,~''':''- f"'~' ." ....... ',"" 8. NiridMorhi:opies? You can copy this form on to 8-1/2xll (Treep DaDer onlv;or call the DLCD Office at (503) 3.7,3c0050; or Fax your request to:(503) 378-5518; or email your request to f -,J _ ., i! I'~' -, l'l.- ".. .' '. 'I. "rmar~:\!Uoa@sta'te.or.ns - ATTENTION: PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST. ,'\ , J :\pa\paa\forms\fonnl word. doc Date Beceived ~29 2008 Planner:BJ , ! i ! ! , I i i ! revised: 07/07/2005 I J --p.' Io~- .. ,. . CERTIFICATE OF MAILING -.1 I certify that I mailed a true and correct copy ofthe DLCD Notice ofA:doption for City File: MA 07-3 and RA 0.8-1 to: Attention: Plan Amendment Specialist Dept. of Land Conservation & Development 635 Capitol Street NE, Suitc 150 Salem, OR 97301-2540 Dated z- 2.--3 '-03 "'."....:.."'_::~a ...~... ,..,~~ ..~...~..._~...;_~_~. ~ r , '- l " Date Received o;fM 2 9 2008 Planner: BJ