HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Miscellaneous 4/29/2008 ..- .' / Planning & Development' Planning '" City of Eugene gg West 10th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 682-5377 (541) 682-5572 FAX V'{WW.8ugene-or.gov \ - NOTICE Qf JOINT PUBLIC HEARING OF THE ,EUGENE, SPRINGFIELD AND LANE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSIONS TuesdilY, April 29, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. _ ...Bascom/f.ykesonRoom - Eugene P.ublicLibrary. .-- ..-- - ,-' 100 East 10lh Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401 The Joint Planning Coml\1issions will consider the following at a public hearing on April 29, 2008: Subject Property: 1-5 Willamette Bridge Project (Eugene filesMA 07-3, RA 08-1; (Splingfield file LRP2007-00.o10; Lane County file PA08-5230) Assessor's Map: 17-03-33-41 Tax Lot: 100 Assessor's Map: 17-03-33-44 Tax Lots: 890,2500,2600 Assessor's Map: 18-03-04-11 Tax Lots: 201,3301 ODOT right-of-way & easements 1 . r- '. File Name (#): Location: [-5 Willamette River Bridge; from an area between the Willamette River and Centelmial Blvd. extending to an. area south of the Wilhimette River between Franklin Blvd. and the Glenwood'interchange (Exit 187). Jim Cox, Oregon Department ofTtansportation (ODOT) Corrinne Humphrey, Oregon Bridge Delivery Partners , Applicant/Owner' Representative: N aturc of the Reaucsts The Eugene, Splingfield, and Lane County Planning Commissions will consider the following requests -and makc-a-rcconlincndation to.the -Eugene and. Springfield- City Councils and the Board ofCollnty Commissioners. The requests will be heard before the Eugene and Springfield City Councils and the' Board of County Commissioners in a separate public hearing, following action by the Eugene and Springfield Planning Commissions and Lane County Planning Commission. Metro Plan Amendment (City file MA 07 -3) to amend the text of the Metro Plan, Policy 0.11, to allow for the placement offill in thy Willamette River greenway for the 1-5 Willamette Bridge Replacement Project and to allow for a goal exception to Statewide Planning Goal 15 (Willamette River Greenway) to authOllze a nonwater dependent, nonwater-related use within the Willamette River Greenway setback. . I J /< .,.,'1 ~. ./' Refinement Plan Amendment (For Eugene only, City file RA 08-1) to amend the text ofthe Willak(onzie Area Plan to allow for the placement offill within 35 feet from the top of bank of the Willamette River , for.t1,le 1-5 .wlll~mette Bridge Replacement Project. Date Rece',ved "C!,t'/~r.~:- ~L\p:.tl ~. ~'.,\\', ., '. ..' \: 'f' ""':$;1 ' ) ~no'-' (t !; \]<1 ~ .'1'J ~ " ' APR 29 2008, ..j IH ,;,~ ,,\ . I~ , " . ",' I , ." t(':' ....o?- 'r r 1 '~l'- :.. ~;t~i~ ~:i! ,j;"", Planner: BJ " The 1-5 Willamette Bridge Replacement Project includes replacement of the Interstate 5 bridges over the Willamette River and Canoe Canal (Patterson Slough), including construction and later removal of one or more temporary bridges, demolition ofthe original and detour Willamette River and Canoe Canal bridges, construction of replacement bridges, reconstruction of the roadway approaches to the bridges, rehabilitation of project area, and completion of any required mitigation. Aoolicable Critcria' Thc Eugene, Springfield and Lal1e County Planning Commissions will address the relevant approval criteria from the in making a recommendation to the Eugene and Springfield City Councils and the Board of Commissioners on the requests. Eugene, Springfield and Lane County all adopted identical Metro Plan amendment criteria, as listcd bclow from the Eugene'Code (EC): EC 9.7730(3) Criteria for Aooroval of Plan Amendment. The following criteria shall be applied by the city council in approving or denying a Metro Plan amendment applicatio.n: ! (a) The amendment must be consistent wit~ the rcleval1t Statewide Planning Goals adoptee! by the Land Conservation and Development Commission; and . '(b) Adoption of the amendment rilUst not make the Metro Plan internally inconsisten~. EC 9.8424 Refinement Plan Amendment Aooroval Criteria. The planning commission shall evaluate proposed refinemcnt plan amcndments based on the . criteria set forth below, and forward a recommendation to the city eouncil. Thc city council shall decide whether to act on the application. If the city council decides t~ act, it shall approve, approve with modifications or deny a proposed refinement plan amendment. Approval, or approval with modifications shall be based on compliance with the following criteria: . (1) The refinement plan amendment is consistent with all of the following: (a) Statewide planning goals. . (b) Applicable provisions ofthe Metro Plan. (c) Remaining portions of the refinement plan. (2) The refinement plan amendmcnt addresses one or more Of the following: (a) An error in the publication of the refincment plan. (b) New inventory material which relates toa statewide planning goal. (c) New or amended community policies. (d) New or amended provisions in a federal law or regulation, statc statute, statc regnlation, statewide planning goal, or state agency land use plan. ' (e) A changc of circumstances in a snbstantial mann.er that was not anticipated at the time thc refinement plan was adopted. Testimony and evidcncc of those testifying should be directed toward the applicable criteria of the code as described above, or other criteria in the plans or land use regulations that the person testifying believes to apply to the decision. Contact your iocal jurisdiction for information regarding other crite1ia. Additional Information and Staff Reoort The applications, including all documents and evidence, and the applicable criteria are available. for free inspection at the Eugene Plmming and Dcvelopment Department, First Floor Reception, 99 West 10th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p,m. Copies may be obtained at cost. The Planning Division staff report to the Planning Commission will be available by 3:00 p,;m. on Tnesday, April 22, 2008, at the same location. The repOli will be available'free of charge. For additional infOl:m'\tiotj,Yo~ m,ay cpn\a9t Heather O'Donnell, Associate Planner, City ofEuge~!t the. above addre';fs;~y-t'el~p]{onelli~:541-682-5488, or e-mail at: heatheLm.odonnellialci.eugene.cfLude Received ,":':/',.\- .:::; - , . How toSubfnit Testimonv . APR 29 7008 . 1. Send a written statement to the Planning Commissions, c/o Heather O'Donnell, 99 West 10tli Planner: sJ 'I _;I'~': lJ/#"...'f "il,. f'. . ", "-'''' ! J ~ 1 ~ . " ,., " A venue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 or bye-mail heather.m.odonnellWJ.ci.ew!ene.or.us. To be , included in the Planning Commission's pa~ket, your statement must be received by the Planning Division by 5:00 pm on Thursday, April 17,2008, 2. Submit a written statement after April 17, 2008, or at the public hearing. The Planning Commissions wiil have less of an opportunity to read the written material prior to taKing action (forwarding their recommendation to the City Councils and Board of Commissioners). ,3, Attend the public hearing on April 29, 2008 and state your concerns, Your spoken testimony will be recorded in the minutes ofthe hearing. The Pl'anning Commissions may limit the time for each speaker to a few minutes. You are encouraged to submit written testimony if you have detailed comments you wish to make. Further infOlmation on how to testify is found in the brochure "Speak Up!" available at the Planning Division and at the Pennit and Infonnation Center, 99 West 10th A venue, All testimony received by tbe Planning Divisi()!1,;vill,b,eforwardlOd (.o,the E,ugene & Springfield City Councils and Board of'Conlliiisiiiom;rsjiil6r to the:separatepuolic'neanngs(o'l5e'heICl'lJetO're'tI1e"Eiigene and Springfield City Councils and Board of Commissioners. You may state your opinion to your neighborhood group. To contact the neighborhood group, call the Neighborhood Liaison Office at 682- 5009 or visit the website at: www.eul!ene-oJ'.!wv/neiehborhoods . Issues which may provide the basis fo'r an appeal to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals must be . raised in Wiiting by thcperson testifying not later than the close of the record at or following the final evidentiary hearing on the proposal by the local govemment. Such issues shall be raised and . accompanied by statements or evidence s'ufficient to afford the Planning Commissioners, elected officials and parties involved an adequate opportunity to respond to each issue. ' Failure to raise an issue with sufficient specificity to afford the decision-maker and the parties involved an opportunity to respond precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals. All decisions of the elected officials are final. A party may appeal the dccision to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals within 21 days ofthe decision of the elected officials. Appeals to the Oregon Land Use Board'of Appeals are governed by ORS 197.830 to 197.845. Conduct of Public Hearinl!: The order of proccdurc for quasi-judicial hearings is: I. Planning Commission chair will commence public hearing. . 2. Planning Commission chair will ask commissioncts to disclose any conflicts of interest, ex parte contacts, and biases, abstentions or challenges toimpaJiialily submitted pursuant to Eugcne Code Sections.9.7065..--~... ........-,-.. __...____... ~- '.... '., ,..-.---....y.. ,"'.o- 3. Planning Commission will receive a City staff rcport and Commissioners will share any infOlmation learned from site visits. I 4. Public testimony from the applicant and others in support of the application.' 5. Comments or questions from interested people who are neither proponents nor opponents ofthe application. 6. Public testimony from those in opposition to the application. 7. Staff response to testimony, 8. Questions from the Planning Commissioners, 9. Rebuttal by the applicant. 10. Planning Commission Chair will announce whether the record is closed; record will be held open; or the public hearing will be continued, -" .' D t R' . The City of Eugen(::cQmplies with state aild federal laws and regulations relating to diSC~ll~atio~,ceIVed including the Americalls with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Individuals with disabilitieAJilf!H2ifj~08 accommodations should contact Heather O'Donnell, 541-682-5488, at least 48 hours prior to the hearing. . Planner: BJ 'f ,,' ...----: . \ 230 <1S1J 690 920 .~wl ;:1'~' .}:;~.~ .. ,.;:.AI Jlli1~\:,t~~ FI"II("{.J Location of Propo~ed R-::placenlcnt Bl1dgci\ J-,5 \Yillalllette Rivel. Bridge' Project '10/111!11'/(" ~i'",. - 'rS'mm." , , >.",;.. -- .: - ;..-tCMm. "''',," '''''' , Plan Amendment Request 2/0 l/2008 Date Received APR 2'9 2008 Planner: 8J