HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Work ODOT 7/10/2008 1"'"0 :.'. f;r- 1/IO/db - k 1-5 1(' ~ ftJ.rk ""'-~ C? ~ ; ,.-. . c '. 'r., . . '6rego~ 'Departm'e!>.t of.Transportation.".' 'lr \ "t Date Received " JUL 1 0 2008 ~-'_ Planner; BJ 1 ._, 'f t .,:,;!\J',...-. . ~ ! 1, f...: "I \' Ii:)\ ~..1 , """,..~. ~...., : 0 " : I ~ : /, {"r "',. ',,:- I '~::~~)~j:. ',' ;;',"". .....,'-;;' '~~:;::'}::i'" ~ ,..,J""1 ~\i'~:j" ;':'J ',~,~' ,.. ~ ~~-./.'~" . I ~::;>~...,.~'~ 'i'!'"'''' '.. .jJ ':~;;~ ~'~~~~~ 'S~~\~~;~: : :1:1.,;,-;.. .,;11 I ';'I<)'l!.-' ~ .~ '~~{'~r; '::'. .~ ~.~~..-~.~~ -J, .~-, J .~}f~~ ':- ~ t'\"S~f'o;.'\: ~~r/i: -,oJ''- "i 4' V" II ~'.:'~. ~ . ~ 'Oregon Department of Transportation 1r PURPOSE AND NEED FOR PROJECT . Improve safety and maintain connectivity and mObility for all users of Interstate 5 over the Willamette River in the Eugene/Springfield metropolitan area . j ~ ' ., t.~, . II," . ' . S Oregon 'D~par'tmeht-ofTru..~portatioi1 "'. . .. '.'- .,' t . ','-... 1r BACKGROUND . OTlA III was passed in 2003 with the goal of repairing or replacing 365 bridges within Oregon, The 1-5 bridge over the Wiilamette River in Eugene/Springfield is one of. the bridges included in the Program. $ 1.3 Billion. . Because of its unique setting, this bridge is receiving more attention than other bridges in the program. OOOT has committed to working with the local community to design a new structure that fits the surroundings in a pleasing and functional way, . OOOT has prepared an Environmental Assessment to identify and address all potential impacts from the project. A Public Hearing was held and preparation of Revised EA will be complete in August of 2008, Date Received JUL 1 0 ZOOB Planner: BJ 2 ~,~ . . . ' " pr.;go~,pepi!rtment of Trag~portaiion. 1r WHY A BRIDGE REPLACEMENT? . The existing 1-5 bridge over the Willamette River developed shear cracks. This deterioration required that a weight limit be placed on the structure. This limit required large trucks to use a 200 mile detour. Some trucks went on 99 through Eugene. . An alternative plan was prepared to avoid the long freight detour. A detour bridge was constructed in 2004 to carry traffic while a permanent bridge was d~sjgned and constructed. However, the detour bridge is a temporary design, not tc? full standards, including seismic standards. Permitted on a temporary basis. . Commitments were made in 2004 to the community and to regulatory agencies that the detour bridge, would be removed and full environmental documentation. would be completed before construction of the permanent replacerilen,t bridge. \ .r~,'~ 'i r .' ,'- 'y,.' .' f'~ t 1. ,.1 '~'" :~-.,"1' t ~~. .' .- 'Oreg"o'il.DeDlU:tmei..t of,Tran~portation, :. , ~'~O; ~": _'~" ~ :t]':r""!~h--"!.~,_ :~: t"'''1~l.';i, -;,,' I:,:''f;." .~.'-J\. '.;', 1r PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT . Use aTlA III Context Sensitive and Sustainable Solutions framework: CS3 . Engage the general public through a variety of methods . Community Advisory Group (formed in January 2007, ongoing) . Preparation of an Environmental Assessment (January 200] - August 2008) . Presentations to stakeholder groups (ongoing) . < , Date Received l . ':.~i..". '\. . " , ~ ' ;'.. ,M1fl' , :!l' JUL 1'0 2008 ,,-, 'I ,:..,: Planner: BJ . .,.,1 ,." 3 ..' :' . . .!' -~:' ... \ ,-'I " . , "..tl""' I' ".J' 'I ~ , ~ 7tr COMMUNITY ADVISORY GROUP . 14 members representing neighborhoods, parks, businesses and community organizations. (CAG) . Identify issues . Provide input on community values relative to the .project . Assist Project Development Team (PDT) in development of project goals and objectives and alternative evaluation criteria . Provide input on environmental issues and design elements such as bridge type and landscaping . Provide input during design and construction .' , . . ~... . .' ~} j' , "...... ~ \ ; :'Oregon"Depitrimet..~;ofTr~sporiaiion" ". ,';.r' . . F . , ;. ,: ~'. ;", ~ .:-, w . . '* l t' \ '. o~,,'. "'. ... ' " ? 71r PROJECT COST & FUNDING SOURCES . $70 million for just the bridge structures crossing the river, railroad, and Franklin Boulevard . $110 million additional cost includes engineering, demolition, road work, other structures, work bridges, contingency .:. transportation system-unavoidable costs Funding comes from: ~ SAFETEA-LU (federal funding) $30 million ~ OTIA III (Oregon Transportation Investment Act) $150 million Date Received JUL 10 2008 Planner: BJ 4 r' '"4 ). j; ; '. ,/,':\ " ,. :: , , . Orc;goti Department>ofTtansportatio":. : . ' ,fr PROCESS AND SCHEDULE AU9USI2008" wa::' I'!l ' . .' . 1<lOIl','" . . 2009_2012 &i:l:f J Il~' .,r KEY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ISSUES . Cost . Clearances over Franklin Blvd and,:the railroad . Aesthetics . Impacts on parks .and natural areas . Impacts on trails and recreation I . Noise and impacts to neighborhoods . Impacts on water quality, fish habitat . Impacts on archeological and historical resources ua ~e Received JUL 1 0 2008 Planner: ;BJ 5 ' ,.~."'. (,~.. " <i-l I i'~ :. ,- .. , ' \.' 'C DESIGN CONSTRAINTS . Budget . Number of Lanes on 1-5: FHWA mandate . Franklin Blvd - Possible Future Improvements . Railroad clearance . Piers in river . Demolition of Two Bridges (Construction Phasing) . Schedule . '. <. .', . , " - ~. ~ . ' . ~' ' . ". 'Grego~, ~e~~r~el!t!of !r~sp'~r~ti~,~: . '.: EVALUATION OF BRIDGE TYPES 1tr r .. . Meets purpose and need for the project . Consideration of public input .:. Web Survey: 1285 Responses . Application of project goals and objectives (evaluation criteria) . Within project budget . Decision on Bridge Type anticipated in early August Datu F leceived JUL 1 0 2008 Planner: BJ 6 <' : ,<4 <" ,~: " ~ d, . ' , '. -'j "', ~ .' ~' '.Oreg~n .Dep.artm!'~t of1'ran.p~~tion' .' - ,...., 1tr BRIDGE TYPES EVALUATED AND BEING CONSIDERED . I-Girders . Haunched Box Girders . Deck Arch (Arches Below Deck) . Through Arch (Arches Above Deck) " . BRIDGE TYPES EVALUATED BUT EXCEED PROJECT BUDGET . Cable Stayed . Suspension ~. ~l"' $ft' ",...., 11 .. ,I ..."~ ::~. .;.-, ;.\ ",: , Jgr~g~~IQ~~w:~~~nt,?f,!r~~~~..:,ta~~,~ '.~ I.; , _J. . - ",1;' (":.. ~.., ~...t~, t'" ;'''', '"_ 'II ........ ,,' 7tr ~t;.':4 ~~ A Pier Confiauratlon ODtions " B "* :::~ '-1; .,- }l,' :",-,-~__,!;t' ',' - . -,' ~ ....i~'""',;:.t.~lo-~ 'oil:llll:lm'" tJ.,,:'i> !~i~ '.p~ q:~'~''''';':O''''Hr..'''' ~:(~;J.;/...:"~ ;i{f.,;1.4''l~r~,~,,-~~~r: .~ "'''<tJ','~l',.,<J'''-~1 .,,\;1" t!~.,,~,!>,! ~~.~.eI;1~, ~?f:':Y.~,/:w;)}?ui~ ':E,.~~,j .;~~.,<< '..~:~..,,:~::t~:;:'~}.~ ''''~-''')l ,,4F.~~' '" _'~'~';,[~l"l~;' .~'-~:~\r::lJ~~ l:\~-:"~;' ",,' ~J.,~~;';3''-i .. ~ Ji ,.~" .t.~ ,,~,[.''i'', . l:.'tl' -~ :'t.~ ~~:'1;I',,,;' ,.. '; l/fj....~'V.I~'~. \"';"'~ ,''!'':;1,.>'!:- ~ .!~ ":0." :t,':lJ ,r~" ~" ~ ,,'\,~t j-'-~ t; -"'A;. '''fri~ ,f, +\;t J;.r",~ ,,,,,j;.~. _"...,,1J"1';.~~ r;'1:~;:.~;~~~i~" ',ib""""'" .,.~'l't"'-, l"tjJ '~<i-",.;,f~'~:,:; . '. ..... ~ ; . ~- . ,:,,"/ ,:, 1.1,. .' .,1;";'; ~-. ", . (;t'1'.~l{~'~,; 1'1Z- "r;;; ~~ 1"'J:f, '":-J ,-,~,>' it h tjJ ,_-:-~",''''".\'' '':1' ~ I ~ <1:" .. ,re~~ cl:::n:~: ,t.,., (;;:. Dato ~~eceived JUL 1 0 Z008 Planrrer,>BJ,. ., .~. ,r :l",r-',17' . J , . i"" . .,. ... .. \ . < - , - C I -' .':, - . -.- , , -Or';go~ D,epartment or:Tr'"';.p~rtatiol" ' . -, ,.. j -'- ~, ..' . "0 _ ~.~. .' 1r Existing Conditions - View from River ~~ . ~ " 'J,.. t ~ r" ~,'." '. .'.. '1" ',~.' 'Oregoii D'epa:rtDlent;~'fTranspo"rtati~n, I . \" -:'-:"'.:i'" 1 '. , - t t'.' '.: . _ ',~ '" 'r;~I:"'. 'I " '1 '. } 1t= Existing Conditions -- Underneath Date Heceived . '. Date Received JUL 1 0 2008 .ILlL ~ 0 2008 Planner: BJ ";W' ")io:'''''', j ;; ';"".~il ;; 0 t. \::,) ~ r:. ~..;JW1 8 ~ i :,'. .. f' " 'O~eg,!';' J:}epartment of Transportation . . '., ".. .' I 1r Existing Conditions ':'-Franklin II. ". ;-;:i1''-:'~''f:' ,~,"': "L;~ ,;,-$:"": }~'~'I::'''.;...-i~ '.Oregon ;Depart.meni~of.m . < 1\'\a.ilii1i:\:~,: ' ;!l ,~.J"<':"';-t~.;r:..... "1. ':.' ';' ,""il'~1 . if'.~'i..~~~,',l 1r .~~..':"'! 'C _.0-_.....____..._____,..,... ,. , " !' Date Received JUL 10 Z008 P\anner: S,j 9 'i.~.~.~~~....~A~ ~.:r1. ..'" c,.............,"' ....~JIlIil....f:;.:: f~r~--. i.-;\~.~.:t:~rt:;~ '", '. .e ". ~~..a -:~@''"' ~";I :'9r~gon: :n~"p~~~:eri,t~~lT';~s,~~r,ta~ion':: . ~ . '. -. l':~.:: '<-:., .' .,-.; i,-. ...._."": . .:,..:' .. . ~ . '. c _.-1.- - ~ - . '. . .~. ,,- Bridge Types - VIew .from,e~.d*i!trian Bridge~""fP. ~- _""'"....T... ED--&Ig Cardbs =0 0 - ~ s:u "- ::J c: CD r- ::::J - :0 co -= co """I "" n = CD ' . = 00 (6" OJ b.... 0.. TlPtIuah~BtUaeTw:e F"mn.10: Miw V\W'W 1,- Esiatit'O =nditigD ami wilb Buill AIbrnaM Deeian 0Jti0mt. {8ridQe Type} i> .',: :7"::;: ":.; :~"~~"~>'~>~:~:";f.'~)-~:-~:}'~;1:':.:~~;'-:"~-\~~ .;~i_o'~",~<")~.'~:/ . ~';:.:" '~~:: ,,:.:.;~,~~ :>'. \':~r~i~~~Ji;?eB~1~'~~~:~6f~~~~por~~do'~. '.~. ~. .......:' .,:,~ )'~'";'':~''':-,~.t-^'''',,~ _~;~.,:,-';.'t:."!..;:.'~_;:: '::'I~.~ :,i:-';"~~~:~.::1_" ~.~.~;._~:~'.:..'~ 7: ~L'":~~'':''''' ':. -'~~:",~, ~:' -oN / CJ '- ! c: , ..... => CD '" n = CD = "'" _. ~ a.. r .' View from Beneath Bridge EmtilgCmfi5on:l lh'llugh.4lmBi:dlFT,.pe - ~AIdIBrid!FType BctGrderBfid;eTypt FI'J11f8 11: Ksv Y"18W 3 _ EDa.tina conditions and with Build AJtBmoItive o.aian Ootiona IBridae Tnel "',~:~~<::'~.'~~~::-';~"1>~'~~~~""~.~.:~...:..J~:~."'">~~?~.:...'":~~ :"~-'~ ,~" "-' .~::~:~":'.." '~::'~ '. - "". ~ ~ ..' : l~~~$2:~)li~~~~~~j;i!~~f:~~~~s,.,~~rt~ti~P:,> . :'~ ~..:. "~.. ...,~. I::,:' ""'Yi:'~"'.'-.::'~,.,',,"....' .~~_};~."." ".,,1"',~.1c '. ." :""; _. " -.. T View from 'Franklin Blvd Emrn9~ I-Gidr!PBmge Type "~r, - ..t .' ,- ,..,",-.;,. ,.., -"",.. :bGildel'8rilgeT~ "'0 0 - ~ Sll '- , ::J c: . CD r' ::0 :J ... CD ~ , : n. """ = m . . = = <" ...-00 m ,. c.... a. ltD::uobA1dlBritoI!T~1:e ,O:~tmI D: K.., Viww 't _ ~'[illtiMl conrfitianll MId wilb BuM A/l9nutiYlt DBeiao 0:atiaDa IBril:Id8 TVIJ81 . / " " .5 ..--.-" , ./. "" ". "1 Oregon. Department 0 .Transportation. , 1t= I-Girderllaunched ". ~'" ~"L/ is'!}. . {, ~ .. ,to j 1;, 4)!.'-~''{~_.t.., ,', _ ~ ": 0......... ~ D' ,~,,' - . 'If"r1, ~. ,-;. "'.... , , regon" ena11tmel1~ 0 'Hans QIl.:', :;, ":. ...'.....f... .=-".&,t'h.~~T~-,r" --. "'l~."" *. , .r' ':Q~'" <;.. 'i. 1r I-Girder llaunched ; : ' Date Received JUL 1 0 2008 Planner: . BJ11 " ',. 1 i I~.. \ 1tr I-Girder ~~ :,.~~,..,,_<. ,)~.~" 1 ,_ ,,,\~";,/ ~,.'.', ~~~~t~~~'f:eeaf~.,e'~~._~~~J;:~se~r o' ~[,~.:: 1tr I-Girder uate ReceiVed JUL 1 0 zooa Planner: BJ 12 / ,',0 . , . 1', Or"gon.D"partment.ofTr~'l!ortati~~, ' 1tr , . .'j . Box Girder 1tr Box Girder -. Date Received JUL 1 0 2008 Planner: BJ 13 .:.> \. Oregon D~pa\,tme":t ofTrin~portation I " ' 1r Box Girder 1r Box Girder Dale neliclived JUL 10 2008 Planner: BJ 14 , , ;_ . I ~.....) r. .." Oregon'i)~partment ofTt,!-"sportati;'';: . , . " 4 ,_ 1r Box Girder ~!h..,.~ ,~. '%0[:',( '....~'1.."-..\ ,..,.'-:tl ~.; ~ "..., " ~). ~Oiegon;Department,of,''])raDSiiortation:, ii ~-!l:, . - ~~f.'! ,,"':,"' 1-" tl;' ,JI _,/~'.~111t,J~~~1": 'l. -?;.:,f...f.~ 1lr Deck Arch ,.. . Date Received JUL 1 0 2008 Plannf~r: B,J "15; '," '- I c' . _'... lr Deck Arch '~ ' '. I . . , " .o~~g;'I;1~Q~p~t~~~i:of;i:~~~p';t~tii~ ~ 1 ~ . -10. ,_ , ~' I 1>' ~ "1...~,,, ~ '. ~ {- 1r Deck Arch I Uate Hecei\fed JUL 1 0 2008 Planner: tjJ] 16 I . . ....... 9rego~,Dep.art.menr ofTran~porration , 1t= Deck Arch .... " DatE: Received '..:,1' " ..J: " JUL 1 0 2008 c', , Planner: BJ 17 1r Deck Arch ~, <lh ":"', ;.. .' , ,.,,' .. ,;.. 7r Through Arch '~!Ji'"",%,'~' . . '~~~~:"~~':':1>~ , ',j . " ' ',.' Orego';'~D~pir~e~t'or";:rransp~rtati~Ji ". ., ~."If. '}," _"'.... l~ "''i,.~. ~~., 7r. Through Arch ". . i,~., .~, . ~)f-~~"'~'- ,.," Date Received JUL 10 Z008 Planner: BJ 18 / ..::.-.' '--' l-'" 'C' ,~ .- -.. ;"; Or<;gotl,Departmetlt ofTral!~portati'!tl. ' T . ThroughArch , '" ,.. , \ "- ~ ,- , . . '1 '~ .' 'l, ,,~...... ..O~e~otl I~etWfMi.. of,tr",!~p,?~ta;~~':,~~~:,~ r 1. .... . ~ ,.? .-.C'. '!' ~,:.c'" 1r Through Arch ~." , 1;. Dato ~eceived JUL 1 0 2008 Planner~ BJ 19 " . ,:" '. ,).. Oregon Dep,,;rtment"ofTr~st>'!rtatio~ .' , ' 7r Through Arch ~ l r. "~i;,' \1_, ,",. \t"'.'FJJ.~' -t"~'I' .1.1" ,;".\ Orego'i{((~~p:u-tme:nt ~'f.~rr~sp,?'rt~~~c:>>n.';.":;1 , ~"'>> ~.~ .i...~ c, ~ l~ . ~ ".<1"' '., 7r' ENVONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STATUS o December 2007 - EA Published o January 2008 - Public Hearing o February - Comment Period Ended o March thru June - Draft Revised EA prepared o July - Review of Draft REA by Study Committee o August - Approval of REA and FONS! (assumes approval of Metro Plan Amend) Date Received JUL 1 0 2008 ,"., Planner: BJ 20 !;... " . ~," "'.' ,~ , ,,;- T, '.;~ ", J ' " 1r METRO PLAN AMENDMENT STATUS . . ., ", Orego;' D~p'ar~entl;'fTrahsp~'ta!Jon ' " . '0 ." '. . . February 2008 - Application Submitted . April 24 - Joint hearing of Planning Commissions . June 3 - Joint Meeting of',Planning Commissions: Deliberations - Unanimous recommendation for adoption . June 24 - Joint Meeting of Lane County Commission and Councils of Eugene and Springfield . o July - Deliberations and Actions anticipated by County and Cities "~ ";;'~r' . -';:,-" ",......l~ ,~.'. .' y,r 't"" ,,'. ~ _! lO~~g~.~:Eep~~en.tj~f;r~~~t~n~~ :, ~~{ r~. . \', .:..~ Ii" ' I', ff ,< T'.4 '. ~ .'P~.. . 1r PUBLIC INVOLEMENTSTATUS o January - Public hearing,on EA " o Ongoing meetings with Stakeholders and Neighborhood Groups o Web Survey - just under 1300 responses . CAG - 11 meetings have been held; meetings planned for July 15 and August 5 . Saturday July 26 - Public event will be held on project site . CAG will remain active through design and construction " uate Received JUL I 0 2008 Plann' ei"p: ,:~ ~ ,,(;:.I'I,..~ 21 'i ~. .'~Q'rig~j('i>;~k~t~.~;{~fti;~~~~r~ati,~ri'. . I ~. ." ~-;:~. .~, \~ -,~.Lf~J~... J,'.~~ .1.,.~ .~~I~d ;-~~i~:: . :,:<~ : ~ '..~..;J.. ~ :-'.. ~ -, ~ ~:~ .... ~ ., ",:-, s. .,.. .,->1..... -: :~"":~.' ..-: .7: :. '.~ . :' r =u 0 - ~ Sl> '- :J c CD , :J - :D CD = CD ..., ,..., (") = CD . . = co <" r:o CD c..... c.. DELIV1!;RY METHOD: CMjGC CM/GC Contract Relationships ~,;::~~!~~;~~~/~~~:~~~;: . AGENCY .' ....... / "... ~./ ~c:.'" G'O / Q';." ".fj/~. '.:::/ ^\/' Q,' , . .~.. .~: ,,:::;./ ~/ VI ~/ 'f!1,' 0'- ''''''',1 C")/ Q:, c-'/ , ", : ..sl!.' : ..0: : 0: : l.....: i a..i , . . . , . : : , ' .' . )~;~~~~~.~.t1J:~~ .... Contractual Relationships Contractual Relationship <..m........~!.:!^!.~~!.mn.....m AlE '.JJgI!!.~.f!:.,.?Olutiol}.,.~~~~~?'" "':','1~~".;t,~~~:j,\,;~j:j:)~" ...............Q.iC~~!!~~:!j:~;.~~~?~~\)....,.....,.. II .. ~,. :'..,./,' .4._';.,' . ' Oregon Department of Transportation DELIVERY METHOD: CM/GC ,r . Builder + A&E Collaboration - Construction Expertise in Design Phase . Real Schedule, Real Cost, Constructable - Minimize Risk - Guaranteed Maximum Price - Continuous Value Engineering . More Owner Control - Separate Contracts: Builder and A&E . Early Construction Packages - Schedule Acceleration ' - Ready for Construction - Early Elements - Demolition, Foundations, Walls, Canoe Canal , o. ''! , . ,0- ~ '.. r ~~ , !,.:, -: . 'r. Oregon,Department'of:Tra.nspoFtation / ~:' .~.., '" '. ." 'l~~~"''''.to ~"f.. . .' ,r OVERALL INTEGRATED SCHEDULE 2007 2008 2009 2010 [Environmental Assessment l~i;a~'-~esign ~~~~ pr;~u're~ent I~M~ 'T~a~ Pr~~c~re~ent Final Land Use Actions Fined Design and PennitlROW Acquisition Construction 2012 .' " ... . . .t.:..", .\....~ . . , . 1r SUMMARY . ODOT, A&E and CMGC are working with the community to identify issues, goals and objectives, and criteria using a Context Sensitive and Sustainable Solutions Approach . Bridge options are being identified and evaluated; decision anticipated August 8 . Focus is on the highest value option that addresses community concerns ~ . . " . ~ . . . '<,' " .. r Oregon Dep,artmentiofTran'sp.ortation, . .' ".;..~. " ~- ~.. - . "I ".,", 1.' J ,..- ..~ 1r CONTACf INFORMATION . Tim Dodson, ODOT Project Liaison (503) 986-3311 . Ann Sanders, ODOT Project Leader Area 2 (541) 744-8080 . Joe Harwood, ODOT Public Information Officer (541) 726-2442 . Jamie Damon, CAG Coordinator (OBDP) (503) 235-5881 . OBDP Web site: www.obdo.ora . Willamette River Bridge Web site: www.oreaon.aov/ODOT/HWY/REGION2/I- 5WRB.shtml or www.wnlamettebridae.ora , Date Receivnd JUL 1 0 2008 Planner: EJ 23