HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 6/17/2008 07/21/08 MON 08:26 FAX 5417263689 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 141 001 --.1- . ********************* I' __~ *** TX REPORT *** ********************* / I . / . 0681 . . I ~ 6t>o~d\ yf-~))~~ . 968255721 0fp2~ '5512/ ...0 r'\\ / EUGENE PLAN/DEV '" I / T\~"f/:--. W-- - 07/21 08:25 " \) ~~~ 00' 53 . ( /' . . 2 ~1if.fi,..k lkL,>C>C - ~ 62 . OK . &02 -~47 - <.~ r. . ~ lh-V ~ Q~'-:C "rl.x -b TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID ST.. TIME .USAGE T PGS. . .SENT RESULT Cit.Y of Springfield .. . Development Services Department F aC5imile Cover rage . I . I Fax: (5+1) 726-368?,,~ To: -1~a}hd^ _ Off)t!'tin.o d~ Compan~, . .(D~('3b ~:v".. ~ . (1 , &"/l~ 0 From: ~d / / r f (uti-' Fa~ " &F2-557L. / M.::ssage: !1 a1i6~-<-~h~~~ 'PYhIR-I+ . o I - :5 UJ ell /1A1A.df:L; '&u~ ) 1:~.~ I )ate Received JUN 1 7 2008 IFlanfior: BJ r08 MON 08:28 FAX 5417263689 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD s******************** ... TX REPORT ... *******~************* TRANSMISSION OK TXIRX NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID ST. TIME USAGE T PGS. SENT RESULT 0682 96823947 07/21 08:27 00'54 2 OK 141 001 SPRINGFIELD ft;~ z - ~q t.f 7 I , I i I I I Cit.Y of Springfield Development Services Department Facsimile Cover rage Fax: (5+1) 726-j689 To: 1( PACt ~. Compan!1' ~ d4u terj,(A(7.;.J ~ 1nfftL {j () Fax: From: . ....... Message: JfF!~L~~ T~6 /)JiJ/lAU/Lv "1J~./)Jj- . Q . . I. ~d/J'.J - I '7 i I , I B$te Received I J U N I 7 2008 P~annor; 8J I ., 1-5 Willamette Bridge Project Metro Plan Amendment.and, for Eugene.only, Refmement Plan Amendment: June 24, 2008 Joint Public Hearing.with Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners EUGENE MAYOR (presiding Officer):. Opens the Public Hearing. This is a joint public hearing with City of Eugene and City of Springfield City Councils and Lane County Board of County COInmissioners for a Metro Plan amendment and Refinement Plan amendment request. The refinement plan amendment is a City of Eugene application only, but the public hearing will be combined to include both applications so we will not start a second hearing for the refinement plan amendment. Those wishing to speak during this pilblic hearing should haye already submitted a completed Request to Speak form to the information desk. If you wish to speak and you have not already done so, please submit that form now. ' SPRINGFIELD MAYOR: .. . I call this meeting of the Springfield City Council to order and n6te for the record that Councilor's. (names) are in attendance. Would Springfield staff please read the ordinance title into the record of this public hearing. ' BOARD CHAIR: Call meeting to Order Read Ordinance into record ORDINANCE NO. PA 1247 - In The Matter Of Amending The Eugene- Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan Text, Chapter III, Section D., Policy Dl1; Adopting A!1 Exception To Statewide Planning Goal 15, Willamette River Greenway; And Adopting Savings And Severability ClauSes. (File No. P A 08-5487; 1-5 Willamette River Bridge Project) Open public hearing EUGENE MAYOR (presiding Officer): The actions included.in this ordinance are quasi-judicial; so we will use quasi-judicial format for this public hearing. Do any councilors need to disclose any conflicts of interest or ex. parte contacts?! SPRINGFIELD MAYOR: Do any councilors need to disclose ,any conflicts of interest or ex parte contacts? . . I' . . BOARD CHAIR: Do any councilors need to disclose any confl!cts of interest or ex parte contacts? EUGENE CITY MANAGER: Introduces topic, staff, and presents background information; states list of criteria of approval. ' Date Received JUN J 7 2008 EUGENE MA YO~ (presiding Officer): . " ' 1 NOTES. ", ....- .1fo.-", \, ". ' ~, t"'; _" .)~ ~. ,-,~. " , ..",.: 't I' .~\'[a~tuJ toriflict ofinterest-B decision-maker must announce the conflict and stepdo~] Planner: BJ . ..',. I' ~ _ , [pot~ntiaI conflici'ofinterest B decision-maJ<_er must announce the conflict & state whether (s)he is able to be impartiaL If so, decision- maker may participate; ifno~ decision-maker muSt S1ep down] . '.~[ei;Parte~cprita~B,cie~i~f~n-maker must announce the substance and context of the c~mm~cation, then may participate.] .. . Testimony, arguments and evidence presented must be directed toward the approval criteria or other criteria that the speaker believes to apply to the decision. The failure to raise an issue with sufficient specificity to allow the City Councils, Board of Commissioners and parties to respond will preclude appeal on that issue to the State Land Use Board of Appeals. The failure of the applicant to raise constitutional or other issues relating to proposed conditions of approval with sufficient specificity to allow the city to respond to the issue precludes an action for damages in circuit court. EUGENE MAYOR (presiding Officer): The Request to Speak forms'have been separated into three groups and speakers will be called in the following order: those in support of the proposed ordinance, those with a neutral position, and those opposed to the proposed ordinance: Please give your name and address when you come to the podium to speak; you will have three minutes to comment_ The timer and lights on the podium indicate the time you have.to speak. A yellow light will come on when you have 15 seconds to complete your comments. The red light indicates the end of the three minutes. I'll now open the public hearing with those in support of the proposed ordinance 1. Beginning with the applicant's testimony. 2. Others in support 3. Those with a neutral position; 4. Then, those opposed to the proposed ordinance. EUGENE MAYOR (presiding Officer): Asks for staff response. EUGENE MAYOR (presiding Officer): Asks for applicant rebuttal. EUGENE MAYOR (presiding Officer): Announces whether record is closed, the record will be held open, or the public hearing will be continued. SPRINGFIELD MAYOR: AnnoUnces whether record is closed, the record will be held open, or the public hearing will be continued. BOARD CHAIR: Announces whether record is closed, the record will be held open, or the public hearing will be continued. If any participant has requested an oJ-'J-'v.~.mity to present additional evidence, argument or testimony, the MAYOR (p,residing.Officer) announces that per state law the City will either: ''"\0' rl. fY"f,~!,..\ nyr'ij . t~-"I1\! .:':..f..,_, G 1 ~.,'.. <f. , 1). leave the record open for at least 7 (or more) days for additional argument, followed by 7 days off the clOck i~iap~iicant's rebuttal, or . . 2) continue the hearinR10 a date/time certain. t (....~ ,,,.,.,,-,,,, I. _ :;,>'; . C r~ l' '.. EU'GENE MAYOR (Presiding Officer): adjourn SPRING,FIELD, MAYOR: adjourn BOARD CHAIR: adjourn Date Received JUN 1 7 2008 ....... Planner: BJ