HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 7/21/2008 t Pre 00 ,;\',,- . .. 'on phase I Date-Reeeived- Istart of early work package Construction JUL 2 1 2lWfi 1 Management/General I Y Contractor (CM/GC) Planner: BJ ---- --- -- Update on the EA Throughout 2007, an Environmental Assessment (EA) was developed in order to determine a range of bridge types for further analysis, assess t"v~",,~;al impacts and recommend mitigation measures. The EA was t"'''t''"red and published by OOOT in January 2008. OOOT is now preparing a Revised EA (REA) that will reflect changes based on public and public agency comments on the EA. When complete, the REA will be available for public review and will support a decision by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on whether to select a build or no-build alternative. In conjunction with the EA process, OOOT has submitted an application for local land use plan amendments as required by the project. In accordance with Oregon law, OOOT must obtain approval from Lane County and the cities of Springfield and Eugene before FHWA can provide final at"t"",.ral of the preferred alternative. Steps and Schedule We are here 2008 . Environmental Jan Spring Summer .... ~Co nplete NEPA process Assessment (EA) O'islrlbute t.and use tHearlng actions Architecture and Engineering (A&E) April 'ug-Sept 1 ','.' I Preliminary . ype seleded design - The CM/GC Approach to Project Construction Under the design-bid-build approach to construction, OOOT selects an Architectural and Engineering (A&E) firm to design the project, then seek bids from contractors to build it. While this "t"t".v"ch gives OOOT o'''''';oht of both the A&E firm and the construction ",,,,,,,ctor, the process often means that the contractor has little input into the design because the design phase is already complete. Under the design-build "t"t"ovach, ODOT selects a contractor who then chooses an A&E firm to produce a design. While this method facilitates coordination L,~~, "~~.. the contractor and the A&E firm, it can mean that OOOT and any t",v/"~, '.., ittees have less vv".,,;ght of the chosen design firm and the design process. The t"'V~~"';' for repL:'''b the Willamette River Bridge used two separate procurement processes to choose between A&E firms and Construction Managers/General Contractors (CM/GC). Under this CM/GC "r r' _ ach, vuv I holds a ""t"",,,,c. 2009 2010 2011 ~inal design ~M~{Guaranteed Maximum Price} Construction phase June 1- Oct 31 1----1 (Typical in-water work period) June 1- Oct 31 -r-- 1 - ~ ..... ~/#: ""/ ",r 4.~ .~. \.::::.. ~\.. .,"'/ iJ7' l!/ if C.s; loj, / E:,i I .!l!i . 8/ / 6:/ r I OOOT c. ..,I...d Relationships CM/GC Contractual Relationship of Trust AlE -..PrOb! ' ,oao'~,,' '. ......_.~..rn.._s.2t~~]9!'~~... __0. ..--..--....f.2!:~~lv~~_~~~~)........- contract for each firm. By w..~.".::tual ab,,,,,..,ent, OOOT is able to remain engaged in the design and ensure that both ['Lil\ ~.'.. "",,::ing in tune with the project goals and objectives. This collaborative ujJplvach also means that initial construction work by the CM/GC firm can begin even before final design is complete. Because the construction contractor is available during the project design phase, the contractor is able to idLIlt\~ unforeseen impacts and problems associated with potential designs and provide feedback to the designers. This active feedback mechanism helps to create designs that are both buildable and within the l".~;~~; budget. 2012 2013 """ ... 1-- ... June 1 - Oct 31 t---i June 1 ' Oct 31 ~ Dec 12 March , ~End of OllA III Build by Program dale - - - . Why is the Project Needed? A 2002 inspection identified shear cracks in the bridge structure. Weight limits were posted that forced heavy haul trucks to detour 200 miles around on an alternate route. , A temporary bridge was built in 2003-2004 as an interim solution to keep the route open for freight and other vehicles until a new bridge could be built. The temporary bridge has a short design life and does not meet standards for permanent interstate bridges. The old decommissioned bridge is structurally deficient and cannot be feasibly repaired or widened to accommodate projected traffic increases. A new bridge is needed to improve safety and maintain connectivity and mobility for all users of 1-5 over the Willamette River in the Eugene/ Springfield Metropolitan Area. The bridge replacement project is part of the Oregon Transportation Investment Act program. OTlA is ODOT's 10-year, $3 billion program to repair or replace hundreds of bridges, pave and maintain city and county roads, improve and expand interchanges, add new capacity to Oregon's highway system, and remove freight bottlenecks statewide. Contact for More Information Jamie Damon, Public Involvement Manager (503) 235-5881; jdamon@jlainvolve.com Larry Fox, Project Manager (541) 683-6090; Ihf@obec.com Tim Dodson, ODOT Agency Project Manager (503) 986-3311; limolhy,j.dodson@odol.slale.or,us Ann Sanders, ODOT Project Leader (541) 744-8080; ann.i.sanders@odol.state.or.us Joe H~rwood, Public Informati~~ecei (541) 726-2442; joseph.d.harwood~gtYt'a!e~or.us ed Planner: BJ L , You're invited! - PRSRT STO U5, POSTAGE PAID PORTlAND OR PERMIT NO, 11 j(6tJ18ffe ~ver =r:~- Bridge C'lI&. Eugene & Springfield ~ Bridge Design Kickoff orrJuly ~~> ~ '/. ODOT has hired Eugene-based OB~C . /A " ' in conjunction with T.Y Lin Internatzonal as the project Architectural and. . Engineering (A&E) team. The firms WIll work with the Community kArch Advisory Group (CAG), Det the Project Development Team (PDT), and the broader community to select a bridge type and work through the design processes over the next year. Please join us to kick off the design process at the July 26 "Bridge View" event to be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the corner of Franklin and Jenkins Drive, near the southeast end of the 1-5 Bridge. 1-5 Willamette River Bridge (Eugene/Springfield) "Bridge View" Design I(ic'(off July 26, 2008 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (drop-in) Willamette River Bridge ODOT Staging Area Franklin Boulevard & Jenkins Drive Bike, walk or drive to the bridge! Look for the tents at the comer of Franklin Boulevard and Jenkins Drive at the southeast corner of the bridge. 11rJt/MmlJffe ~vlJr Bridge E~g('...t & Sp,i1l9"tld Jamie Damon, Public Involvement Manager Jeanne Lawson Associates 1110 sE Alder Street. Suite 301 Portland. OR 97214 The Design Kickoff is your opportunity to: . Learn more about the project. t . Come share your point of view on the bridge type and design ideas, . Hear the views of others and review the findings of the community survey. . View the bridge with the design team at several locations in the park and t~l them about the design issues that are imp~ant to you. The kickoff will feature project displays, self guided tours, information on the design process, and how to get involved. Refreshments will be available onsite. Persons with disabilities requiring accommodations, please contact Kalin Schmoldt at (503) 235-5881 or kalin@jlainvolve,com, 1,1"111111111,1111'1'1'11111111,.11'11"11111"11111'1'111111111 Brenda Jones Planning Commission Secretary City of Springfield 225 5th St Springfield OR 97477,4675 - ..,.. n ! I r , ~ --- . I . 9' I ~ =-~ '. ,., ..:J t". ',_""'" 'r_o.;:.j.;:;.,. - .." .. J -h....- ,. -~ .... ~ t .. l':' Visit the project web site at: www,WillarrietteBridge.org ...~ Summer 2008 Date Received JUL 2 1 Z008 Planner: BJ - ~'!!!!.- . -~_ I -_J Throughout the Environmental Assessment, only the basic structure and pier locations of the bridge types were discussed to determine potential e~vironmental . impacts. WIth the deSign firm under contract, we are ready to discuss the structural and non-structural aesthetic aspects of the bridge. Survey Says... From mid-April to mid-May, a Web survey was conducted to gather input, values and ideas about the bridge types. More than 1,280 people participated in the sur~ vey, representing Eugene, Spnng- field, and other Lane County residents, as well as a diverse mix of drivers, cyclists, pedestrians, and park and river users. Respondents asked for a graceful, distinctive, and memorable bridge that fits the character of the area. Many 'der ,80" (iir also requested that the design minimize costs, maintenance needs and _' impacts to the community and - - - \ environment '.'" ' ~J Respondents overwhelmingly ~~~~~~ preferred the Through · ~ ;QIi Arch and Deck Arch I I I bridges over the Box t ' Girder and I-Girder types. Respondents liked the structural curves in both of the arch bridges, and the above-deck elements of the Through Arch type. While some respondents liked the simplicity of the girder bridges, many stated that those types would be uninteresting without substantial aesthetic improvements, A ful! sum~ary of the survey results IS available at www.WillametteBridge.org. Feedback from the survey will help inform the conversation at the July 26 Bridge View event Information gathered at the Bridge View will then help the CAG and ~DT develo\? their recommendat~~iqr 'Jl't1ich . bri<;ige type shouldlblaIe~Ce'ved The final bridge type selectIon will be made in AugustlUL 21 2008 .. "'-'~ ---- Planner: BJ