HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication PLANNER 2/1/2008 'c City of Springfield . Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street . Springfield; OR 97477 Phone: (54 i) 726-3753 Fa;c(54!) 726-3(i89 SPRINGFIELD Metro-Plan -Amend ment Application, Type IV Type of Plan' Amendment (CheckOne) . .' . . .~ Type I: is a non-site specific amendment of the Plan.' .. o Type IT: changes the Plan diagram; o~ is a site-specific Plan text amendment. . Tax Assessor Map Ta.x Lot(s) . StreetAddres~ ::r::-5 .~ fturoS5 l0~ \\CLWLO:t:tG 11~ Metro Plan Designation Refinement Plfm Designation . ~ru.Uf- ru.u.) . ~iJJ-V) .I-5 t:Yu'~ (J)J-eA 7 LJLv /"fM( "ff, J U - , \ , , \ , \ \ Printed Name of Applicant ~tfu- (j Phone: Applicant Signature Mailing Address Date Property Owner Signature Date Received r~c 3 1 2668 Planner,: BJ PRJ 2.D01-COCt)'1 . . - . . . For Office Use Only: Case No. lR,f2001-cmrD ReceivedB~lli~~~A Date Accepred as Complete Date Mailing Address " THE APPLICATION PACKET' '. A COMPLETE APPLICATION CONSISTS OF: 1. A comolete auulication ua!?:e (all of the sections on the opposite side of this page must be filled out). . . 2. A statement containin!?:Findin!?:s of Fact addressin!?: the Criteria of AUDroval found'. in Snrin!?:field DeveJoDment Code (SDC) 7.070(3). In order for the Planning Commission ~\ and the City Council to consider an amendment of a plan text and/or diagram, there must be Findings of Fact submitted by the applicant. The Findings of Fact must show reason for the request consistent with the Criteria of Approval (shown below). If insufficient or unclear information is submitted by the applicant, the request may be deni~d or delayed. The. application must include requlre;'entsfor addressing specific statewide goals that the Oregon legislature has said must be part of the amendment analysis, In particular, Statewide Planning Goal 9 Economy and Goal 10 Housing must be addressed for impact on buildable lands inventories, and a Goal 12 Transportation analysis must address < . criieria contained in OAR 660-012-060(1) and (2) of the Transportation Planning Rule (TPR).. Goals 9, 10 and 12 are ihree of several "Applicable State-Wide Planning Goals" that must be specifically addressed in criteria (a) of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) 7.070(3). These specific items must be inCluded in the application submittal to be considered a complete application. . . In reaching a decision on these actions, the Planning Commission and the City Council shall . adopt rmdings :.'thich demonstrate c'onformance to the following Criteria ,of !l.,.pproval(SpC 7.070(3)): .' " a)The amendment must be consistent with the'relevant statewide planning goals adopted by the Land Conservation and Development Commission; and b) Adoption of the amendment must not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent. , A man to scale deDictini the existin!?:and Drouosed'dia!?:ram chan!?:e. (If applicable) 4. The aDDlication fee. Refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the' appropriate fee. A copy ofIne Fee Schedule is available at the Development Services . Depar:tment. '.' .. 1f, r .' '. . r" ~ . . .~. t 1"~'-~';',;.f.).,J'-~' '., j ;DG\:, ; ik -l~_' '{";' l '.' 'l;~':' . to ':',', n ...:.'.'0 Revised 1/03 0_. . , . ~ .