HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Miscellaneous 2/1/2008 // I ,-" --, (0' .,," i1 l' (, :..' , I r~l)~ L~ ~ L~~ II '.~/ If:, ! r . ! , L) I----".---------~'" " -".\ \ ' J HI FEB -1 2~~~_j:" o...-'.~..,._..--.. ",.-" City G! Lll~~[::= Fl~,:,,-';:L~ Li\ 1:,";-': ~._.~-,,-_. -- ~ Planning & Development Planning City of Eugene 99 West 10th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 682-5377 (541) 682-5572 FAX www.eugene-or.gov METROPOLITAN PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICA TION Please complete the following application checklist. Note that additional information may be required upon further review in order to adequately address the applicable criteria for approval. If you have any questions about filling outthis application, please contact Planning staff at the Permit and Information Center, phone (54l) 682-5377,99 West 10th Avenue, Eugene. Check the appropriate box(es): The amendment is reqnested to authorize placement offill, and to authorize a non-water dependent and non-water related use within the established greenway. 1:2:1 Plan Text Change D Plan Diagram Change List all Assessor's Map and Tax Lot numbers of the property included in the request. Please indicate if only a portion of a lot is included in the request and include any additional map and tax lot numbers for subject property, Also, include existing and proposed Metro Plan Designations. !'Assessor'sIMap "Tax 'Lot' . Existinl!.Desil!riation i 'Rroposed Desil!nation I I 17033311 77 Parks and Open Space Parks and Open Space I I 17033314 77 Parks and Open Space Parks and Open Space I I 17033341 100 Parks and Open Space Parks and Open Space I I 17033344 77 Parks and Open Space Parks and Open Space I I 17033344 2500 Light Medium Industrial Light Medium Industrial I I 17033344 890 I Low Density Residential Low Density Residential I I 18030411 3301 I Low Density Residential Low Density Residential I " I 18030411 201 I Low Density Residential Low Density Residential I Street Address (if available): N/A Existing Use(s) of the Property: Temporary Interstate 5 bridge over Willamette River. Proposed Use(s) of the Property: Permanent Interstate 5 bridge over Willamette River. Existing Zoning: Public Land Is this Metro Plan Amendment being reviewed concurrently with another land use application? 1:2:1 Yes, application file number: MA 07-3 DNo FiJin!! Fee 1:2:1 This fee was submitted previously. A filing fee must accompany all applications, The fee varies depending upon the type of application and is adjusted periodically by the City Manager. Check with Planning staff at the Permit and Information Center to determine the required fee or check website www,euQeneolanninQ,orQ Metropolitan Plan Amendment Last Updated: 7/2004 Page I of2 Written Statement [8] A written statement listing relevant Statewide Planning Goals and demonstrating that the requested change satisfies the approval criteria in the Eugene Code, Section 9.7730(3). Describe any unchanged portion of the plan your amendment may effect. Information Reouired for Pronosed Plan Text Chanl'e~ [8] Map indicating the property included in the request and adjacent streets and alleys. [8] Vicinity map indicating the general area and allowing easy identification of the property. I Note: This is not a complete list of requirements. Additional information may he required after further review in order to adequately address the required criteria of approval. By signing, the undersigned certifies that he/she has read and understands the submittal requirements outlined herein, and that he/she understands that omission of any listed item may cause delay in processing this application. I (We) the undersigned acknowledge that the information supplied in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my (our) knowledge. OWNER(Also the Applicant? [8] Yes / D No): Name (print): Jim Cox, ODOT Major Projects Branch Phone: (503) 986-6612 Address: 680 Cottage St. NE City/State/Zip: Salem, OR 9730 I Signature: See Applicant's Representative Signature Below. APPLICANT D / APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE [8] (Check one): Name (print): Corrinne Humphrey Company/Organization: Oregon Bridge Delivery Partners Address: HDR, 1001 SW 5'h Avenue Suite 1800 City/State/Zip: Portland, OR 97204 E-mail (ifapplicable):corrinne.humphrey@hdrinc.com Phone: (503) 423-3700 Fax: (503) 423-3737 Signature: {b I Note: This is not a complete list of requirements. Additional information may be required after further review in order to adequately address the applicable approval criteria'Date Received FEB 0 1 2008 Planner: BJ Metropolitan Plan Amendment Last Updated: 7/2004 Page 2 of2 "-'~:l\) [E' (C; -ur-lfh~~{) i }~' Jw ~;~ -l-,~~~L ! Cit~ Of EUiien8 ' PI~;-lrliLij_~~i"'iSio1! __ _____-_J c REFINEMENT PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICA lION Planning & Development Plannin>) City of Eugene 99 West 10th Avenue .Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 682-5377 (541) 682-5572 FAX www.eugene-or.gov Please complete the following application checklist. Note that additional information may be required upon further review in order to adequately address the applicable criteria for approval. If you have any questions about filling out this application, please contact Planning staff at the Permit and Information Center, phone (541) 682-5377,99 West 101h Avenue, Eugene. Name of Refinement Plan: Willakenzie Area Plan Check the appropriate box(es): t:2J Plan Text Change D Plan Diagram Change List all Assessor's Map and Tax Lot numbers of the property included in the request. Please indicate if only a portion of a lot is included in the request and include any additional map and tax lot numbers for subject property. Also, include existing and proposed Refinement Plan Designations. . Assessor's Map 1703331 I 17033314 17033341 17033341 17033341 Tax Lot 77 77 77 .100 101 Existin~ Desi~riation Parks and Open Space. Parks and Open Space Parks and Open Space Parks and Open Space Parks and Open Space Street Address (if available): N/A . ' Proposed Desi~nation Parks and Open Space Parks and Open Space Parks and Open Space I Parks and Open Space I Parks and Open Space _Existing Use(s) of the Property: Temporary Interstate 5 bridge over Willamette River. Proposed Use(s) of the PropertY: Permanent Interstate 5 bridge over Willamette River Existing Zoning: Public land Is this Refinement Plan Amendment being reviewed concurrently with another land use application? t:2J Yes, application file number: RA 07-xx FiJin!! Fee DNo t:2J Afiling fee must accompany all applications. The fee varies depending upon the type of application and is adjusted periodically by the City Manager. Check with Planning staff at the PermO~cfi)ul{~~~w~ determine the required fee or check website www.eUl!eneolannin!!.or!! au::: nt:lIt:1 vt:u Refinement Plan Amendment Last Updated: 7/2.004 FEB 0 1 2008 -. It"lannell'>~g8d~ Written Statement - Submit 3 copies i:Sj A written statement demonstrating that the requested amendment satisfies the eriteria found in the Eugene Code Seetion 9.8424. Describe any unchanged portions of the refinement plan which your amendment may affect. i:Sj For text changes, a written example of the proposed text change.' This should be specific and site the page(s) the change applies to. Information Reouired for a Pronosed Plan Dia'!ram Chanl!e - Submit 3 copies i:Sj A map indicating the property included in the request and adjacent streets and alleys. i:Sj A vicinity map indicating the general area of the amendment and allowing easy identification of the property. ' i:Sj A map indicating the existing plan diagram boundaries and the proposed plan diagram boundaries. I No~e: ~his idS not a edompletel Iistddof requhiremen~s. dAd~iti~nalfiuformatlion may be required after fU,rther . I revIew In or er to a equate y a ress t e reqUIre cnterla 0 approva. By signing, the uudersigned certifies that he/she has read and understands the submittal requirements outlined "herein, and that he/she understands that omission of any listed item may cause delay in processing this application. I (We) the undersigned acknowledge that the information supplied in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my (our) knowledge. OWNER (Also the Applicant? i:Sj Yes / D No): Name (print): Jim Cox, ODOT Major Projects Branch Address: .680 Cottage St. NE City/State/Zip: Salem, OR 97301 Signature: APPLICANTD / APPLICANT'S REPRESENT A TIVE i:Sj (Check one): Name (print): Corrinne Humphrey Company/Organization: Oregon Bridge Delivery Partners Address: HDR, 1001 SW 5th Ave Suite 1800 Phone: (503) 986-6612 City/State/Zip: Portland, OR 972Q4 E,mail (if applicable): corrinne.humphrey@hdrinc.com Phone: (503) 423-3700 Signatnre:~ , Fax: (503) 423-3737 " Refinement Plan Amendment Last Updated: 7/2004 . Date R~ceNed FEB 0 1 2008 ~t"'f" Q-' . FlallllV . ""1'age 2 of2 ..a , City Of Eugene 99 West 10th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 682-5481 ;Fax (541) 682-5572 . ~ \ LAND USE APPLICATION REFERRAL Metro Plan Amen4ment To: Greg Mott Referral Group: . City of Springfield; Planning Application Name: 1-5Willamette Bridge Project File Number: MA 07-3 Street Location: 1-5 Willamette Bridge Applicant's proposal: . Replace the 1-5 Willamette River Bridge Planning's Comments: Supplemental Information Map / Tax Lot Numbers: ' , 17033344 00890 17033341 00100 18030411 03301 Please Return Comments by: 03/07/08 Return Comments to: City Of Eugene, Planning Division 99 W. 10th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401. , Aitn: Heather O'Donnell 541-682-5488 heather. m. odon nell@ci.eugene.or.us I \ Planning & Development Planning Division Date: 02/15/08 1803041100201 Return comments in the following manner: I. If you have computer access to OnTrack, open it; click on the Referral Tab, locate your refenal group name, and thgn double-click on the "Create" button at the right. When the "Land Use Referral" template opens, fill in the heading infom1ation and then type yqur comments. When finished, save it, and send an e:mail to the planner notifying him/her that your comments have been added to OnTrack. 2. If you do not have access .to OnTrack but can send a text docUI.nent (WordPerfect, Word, etc.), send an e"mail to the planner with your referral comments as an attachment. 3. Please respond with comments via OnTrack or e-mail whenever possible. Please do not write comments on the back of this referral cover sheet. The plarlner's e-mail is listed in the "Attn:" field above. If either of these options is not available to you, provide written comments via mail. Contact the planner if you have questions. . Please notify Amy. Janisch, 541-682-5699 @ City of Eugene Plalming Division, ifthe n'.:lto Rec 'ved contact person for the land use application ref~.rrals changes. Please provide the nanlr{!iH.:P el address of the new contact. ,. t';." '-.." , FEB 15 2008 Plan~g[: BJ.