HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecommendation Sheet PLANNER 5/1/2004 (2)
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I. ModifY the text on page 28, preceding existing Table 3 to read as follows:
Planned Wastewater System Improvements
Planned shert ;;.;:-.a lc;;g-tefffi wastewater system improvement projects are listed in tables3,-aOO
4,4a and 4b. The general location of these facilities is shown in Map 2: Planned Wastewater
Facilities, and Map 2a: Existing Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems.
2. Insert, following Table 4, on page 28, , Tables 4a and 4b, as follows:
Table 4a
MWMC Wastewater Treatment System Improvement Projects
. Proj ect
Project Name/Descriptioll
WPCF Treatment Project
Residuals Treatment Project
Beneficial Reuse Project
Table 4b
.MWMC Primary Collection System Improvement Projects
I Project Project ~ame/Description ,
I 303 Willakenzie Pump Station
I 304 I Screw Pump Station
I 305 I Glenwood Pump Station .
3. ModifY Map 2 to show Projects 300 through 305, and insert Map 2a
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Date Received
MAY 06, o{
Plann~r: BJ
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Modify Chapter IV. Of the Public Facilities and Services Plan, by modifying
the subdivision entitled "Wastewater System condition Assessment"
(presently on page 82) to read as follows:'
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Date Received
MAY 0 6 I 01
Planner: BJ
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Wastewater System Condition Assessment
Treatment: MWMC Wastewater Treatment System
MWMC existing infrastructure is monitored for problems that need to be addressed during
operational and maintenance activities. MWMC has ongoing programs to help plan for and
implement equipment replacement and major rehabilitation of existing systems. With these on
going programs used to detect existing problems, the infrastructure can be maintained and
preserved to help extend its useful life for future years.
In March of2003, MWMC hired CH2M lITLL to evaluate and plan for regional wastewater
capital improvements that will serve the Eugene/Springfield urban growth boundary into year
2025. MWMC will need to implementthe recommended improvements to meet regulatory
requirements based on projected pollution loads and flows: CH2M HILL as part of its work to
evaluate and plan for regional wastewater improvements has prepared a technical memo related
to "Flow and Load Projections" dated April 12, 2004. This historical and projected information
is being used to plan for needed MWMC capital improvements based on engineering evaluation
methods and by comparing technology options. It is estiniated that approximately $160 million
dollars (in 2004 dollars) are needed for MWMC projects to address regulatory requirements and
growth through year 2025.
Conveyance capacity and inflow and infiltration (VI) ratios are important criteria by which to
assess the performance of a wastewater collection system. Conveyance capacity is a function of
adequate pipe sizing and measures a system's ability to move effluent efficiently. Inflow and
infiltration ratios express the amount of stormwater entering a sewer system through defective
pipes and pipe jomts, or through the cross connection of stormwater lines, combined sewers,
catch basins, or manhole covers. Such extraneous stormwater entering the wastewater system
unnecessarily burdens both conveyance and treatment facilities.
10. Modify Chap~er IV. Of the Public Facilities and Services Plan, by modifying
paragraphs 1 and 2 ofthe discussion of wastewater, in the subdivision entitled
"Long-Term Service Availability Within Urbanizable Areas" (on page 97) to read
as follows:
I. There are no areas within the metropolitan UGB'that will be difficult to serve with wastewater
facilities over the long-term (six to 20 yearstasswmni! that nublic infrastructure snecifications
and reouirements oftJ:1" n"v"lnClin~ area can be addressed. AODrotiriate emlineeril1Q design
..oractices must be used during the develooment and exnansion into sensitive areas that are
aooroved for develooment (ex. - hillside construction. etc.). ~G"l:;;.:~7, 2J<~a:-",;;;;:-. Exnansion of
the existing collection system will be necessary to meet deI?ands of growth oyer this time period.
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2. Based on 2003 analysis. the EUQ'ene-Soringfield metronolitan area treatment facilities system
will reouire facility irnorovements to address both drv and wet weather reQ'ulatorv reouirements
relating: to oollutant loads and wastewater flows. Regional' and local inmrovements to the
. collection and treatment svstems are nlanned for and will be imnlemented to allow for growth
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Planner: BJ
Ik;;:c;;::1 Wastewater Treatmenl :'I,':i,' t,.;:; ~-~ficient desi;;n Z2;o2*7]:2 ezzzFiJflDdate population
increases ana sc::-:c i:c~1 Lew deve]op1Ren~ Eo: bihbut. Ho~;,'e\'or, peJl: .,'::: weather c'c;;s;-;;.eflS
limit the treGtllient flEi'1- frsn: ed:ioyin; i:f: ,s~sibned capaz;:j-. \Vet;-wF:l1:c, ~~
improvcmcI1ts arc needed a: tto jOlsrA aid y,ithin the re;;:3n&. ~31122:~2n,:::;s:~m to extcd 1:<l
fl!aitt',\Yct '"eather capaciv] l:z::;3Bd-the year 2007. '
11.Add Table 16a following Table 16, as follows:
Table 16a '
MWMC Wastewater Treatment and Collection System Improvements, Rough Cost
,Estimate, and Timing Estimate
300 WPCF Treatment Project
301 Residuals TreatmentProject
302 Beneficial Reuse Project
303 ' WiIlakenzie Pump Station
304 Screw Pump Station
305 Glenwood Pump Station
*Cost estimated in 2004 dollars
'2010 '
12. Add a new chapter to the Public Facilities and Services Plan, to be Chapter
VJ., reading as follows:
VI. Amendments to the Plan
This chapter describes the method to be used in the event it becomes necessary or appropriate to
modifY the text, tables or the D;laps contained in the Public Facilities Services Plan ("the Plan").
Flexibility, of the Plan
Certain public facility project de~criptions, location or service area designations ~ll necessarily
change 'as' a result Of subsequent design studies, capital improvement programs, envirorimental
impact studies ,and changes in potential sources of funding. The Plan is not designed to either '
prohibit projects not included in the plan for which unanticipated fun~ing has been obtained,
preclude project specification and location decisions made according to the National
Environmental Policy Act, or subject administrative and technical ch,anges to the plan to post-
acknowledgement review or review by the Land Use Board of Appeals. .
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For the purposes of this Plan, two o/pes of modifications are identified.
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'~~_'{I{li':-'l~'MiJM6difications requiring amendment of the Plan.
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Date Received
MAY 0 6 I et
Planner: BJ
The following modifications require amendment of the Plan: '
1. Amendments, which include those modifications or changes to the list, location
or provider of public facility projects which significantly impact a public facility
project identified in the comprehensive plan, and which do not qualifY as
administrative or technical and envirompental changes, as defined below.
Amendments are subject to the administrative procedures and review and appeal
procedures applicable to land use decisions.
2. Adoption of capital improvement program project lists by any service provider do
not require modification of this Plan unless the requirements of subparagraph I
above are met.
B. Modifications permitted without amendment of the Plan. .
The following modifications do not require amendment of this Plan:
I. Administrative changes are those modifications to a public facility project which
are minor in nature and do not significantly impact the project's general
pescription, location, sizing, capacity or other general characteristic of the project.
2. < Technical and enviromnental changes are those modifications to a public facility
project which are made pursuant to "fmal engineering" on a project or those
which result from the fmdings of an Enviromnental Assessment or Enviromnental
Impact Statement conducted under regulations implementing the procedural
provisions of the National Enviromnental Policy Act of 1996 or any federal or
state agency project development regulations consistent with that Act and its
Process for making Changes
The following process is used to modifY the Plan:
A. Amendments '
For purposes of processing amendments, as defined herein, such amendments are divided
into two classes.
1. Type I Amendments include amendments to the text of the Plan, or to a
list, location or provider of public facility projects which significantly
impact a public facility project identified herein, which project serves
more than one jurisdiction.
2. Type II amendments include amendments to a list, location or provider
of public facility projects which significantly impact a public facility
project identified herein, which project serves only the jurisdiction
proposing the amendment.
S. Processing Amendments
Any of the adopting agencies (Lane County, Eugene, or Springfield) may initiate an
amendment to this plan at any time on their own motion or on behalf of a citizen.
Type I amendments shall be forwarded to the planning colnmissions of the
respective agencies and, following their recommendation, shall be considered
,by the governing boards of all agencies. If a Type I amendment is not adopted
by all agencies, the amendment shall be referred to MPC for cqg.flicl R 'd
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resolution. Subsequent failure by agencies to adopt an MPC-negotiated
. proposal shall defeat the proposed amendment. If an amendment is adopted,
all agencies shall adopt identical ordinances
Type II amendments shall be forwarded to the Planning Commission of the
initiating agency and, following their recommendation, shall be considered by
the governing board of the initiating agency
Date Received
MAY 0 6 ,01
Planner: BJ