HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance CMO 5/17/2004 " ORDINANCE NO. 6087 (General) IN THE MATTER OF AMENDING THE EUGENE...:sPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN (METRO PLAN) TOADOPT AS . . PART OF PERIODIC REVIEW METRO PLAN HOUSEKEEPING REVISIONS, A NEW METRO PLAN CHAPTER III-C, AND A NEW METRO PLAN DIAGRAM; AND ADOPTING A SEVER ABILITY CLAUSE. THE CITYCbUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FINDS THAT: WHEREAS, Chapter IV ofthe Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) setsforth procedures for aniendmentofthe Metro Plan, which for the City of Springfield ate implemented by the provisions of the Springfield,Article 7, Metro Plan Amendments, Section 7.010 through Section 7.110; and, . ' WHEREAS, the current Metro Plan, adopted i'n1982 and subsequently amended, is in need of modification to reflect changes in State law and local conditions, as required by Periodic Review; 'and WHEREAS, following a joint publichearlngwith the Eugene and Springfield Planning Commissions on June 3 and June 17, 2003, the Springfield Planning 'Commission recommended the draft Metro Plan Housekeeping Revisions, draft Metro Plan Chapter III-C, and the draft Metro Plan Diagram to the Lane County Board of Commissioners by action taken ll;t a public meeting held by the Planning Commission on' . November 18, 2003; and . ' , WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Springfield has conducted a . public hearing and is now ready to take action based upon the above recommendations and the evidence and testimony already in the record as well as the evidence and testimony presented at the public hearing held in the matter of amending the Metro Plan. NOW THEREFORE, the City of Sl?ringfield does ordain as follows: Section I. The 2004 Metro Plan Housekeeping Revisions in the Metro Plan Housekeeping Revisions Draft December 31, 2003 and as,set forth in Exhibit A attached and incorporated herein, is adopted as amendments to the Eugene- , Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan). .' , . Section 2. The Metro Plan Chapter III-C is removed, superseded and replaced by , a new Environmental Resources Element (Chapter III-C), as set forth in Exhibit B attached and incorporated herein which is hereby adopted. '~'.""'.~'J--"_"'_._ ,';' ,Section 3:,'jThe Metro Plan Diagram is r,emoved, superseded and replaced by the Me.rrol1la~.piagram, as amended and as set forth in Exhibit C attached and incorporated herein which is hereby adopted. \ ORDINANCE Page I Date Received: Planner GM ;;/11'D~ j .~ . . Section 4. If any se~tion, subsection: sentence, clause, phrase or portion oftru.s Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of . competent j~sdiction, such portion shalLbe deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding' shaJi not affect the'validiiy of the r~maining portions ~ereof., ' -- ,,....' ( Section 5. Notwithstanding the effective date ofordin.ances,as provided in . Section 2.110 of the Springfield Municipal ~ode, this Ordinance sh81l become effective upon the date that aliofthe following have occurred: (a) the ordinance . has beim acknowledged, (b) at leastJO days have passed since the date the ordinance was approved, and (c) both the Lane,Coup.ty Board of Coriunissioners and the City of Eugene have adopted an,ordinance containing provisions having the same !lffect as those contained in SeCtions 1,2 and 3 of this ordiniillce. . . -. .. . ;, '. , Section 6. . Adoption of this Ordinance shall not affect rights' and ,duties that matured, penalties that were incurred, and proceedings that.were begun before the .,' effective date as specified in Section 5. '. ' '..' . FURTHER, although not part of this Ordinance, the Common Council of the City of Springfield adopts the Legislative Findings set forth in the attached Exhibit ~'D." " ADOPTED. by the Comm~n Council ofth_~ City of Springfield'by' a vote of.2- for and...:JL. against, this ..Jl!iday of .Mav ,2004;' ! C APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield, this17th day ~f May . 2004. ~jd - ATTEST: i, . rhr..M.. ..~ Amy SowrJ City Recorder Si~y:W(Jfeiken, Mayor " 'P:71'1F'INED & APPROVED \':" cORM ' j~~~ '" ,-\ _"\ \,~F\ \-\-1 ,),' c':.,. _L\_,'1 \ I '2.0<:> ~l ~,; nC;f OF CITY ATTORNEY N .City/Contractsllyletro~~ershiplOrdinance.doc Date Recalited: ? 11 /!)<f Planner: GM .' '.' ~, . ... I '. ... .. """" ,.,. '-;~." ...~-. ".",~:t.;.~l./.;,..}:,,,'"; ,:i'!:~t/.,. ; ~ - . ~~}\i.; ~ )€h j rM:.;;!'i . ORDINANCE Page 2