HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Miscellaneous 5/6/2004 Summary of Major Findings Important to Phase 2 , , The following are the major findings of Phase 1 that were deferred to Phase 2, Long-Term Impr~)Vements, for further evaluation and planning: .' The remaining treatment capacity of the E/SWpeF is substantial for average dry and wet weather flow conditions and conventional pollutants (BOD, and TSS), . Peak flows have approached Or exceeded the hydraulic design capacity of the plant in seven instances, but no NPDES permit violations have occurred-mass limits have been suspended in these instances. Flows greater than the peak design capacity have been pumped by relying on redundant, spare pumps. The frequency of'peak flow exceedances will increase as the base, average wastewater flow increases_ This could potentially lead to NPDES permit violations caused by sanitary sewer overflows or exceedance of effluent quality permit limits, . The biosolids management facility has insufficient capacity to process solids currently produced by the E/SWrCF,The facultative slUdge lagoons will be full in 3 to 5 years_ Each of t!lese findings are addressed in Phase 2 of the master plan, :.-:.;,z~.. I:..... \'~.c' Date Received MAY 0 6 Ii IO'f PI a ooe rC:OoBJ Pox1 T7 AA.DOC 450. 2-12 Table 3-3 Design eriteria,!nd Historical Averages 01'iginal Design eriteria ' Parameter A verage Dry Weather Average Annual Maximum Day Average Wet Weather Flow (mgd) 49 70 59.5 , BODs (Ib/day) NA NA 66,000 i ! TSS (Ib/day) NA NA 71,600 I Historical Average lnfluej,t Flow and Loads 1990 through 1995 79,000 92,000 Percent of Parameter A verage Dry Average Wet Average Maximum ' Design Weather Weather . Annual' Month (Ave, Annual) i Flow (mgd) 26,0 41.8 340 73.5 57% BOD, (lb/day) 28,682 30,644 30,105 , 59,593 46% i TSS (lb/day) 31,056 36,684 34,063 65,822 48% i Note: In October 1992, thecE/SWPCF laboratory staff converted from BOD, to CBOD, for plant influent i analysis. . =NA = Notapl'licable " " pox1n.AA..CO:::: 455. Date Received JMMco. ~ob&i Planner:3.BJ I , 1 I " 1 I r ~ ;~ ,..~., ::,-( " ~ ~ '~ ~:' ii& I I ~ '.,.~ lli ~ :3 ~ If H I ".',., "~'i'~ Table 3-4 Average Per Capjta_Loadi"gs I Desig" Criteria 177 --, 'I' Dry weather flow (gallons per capita 1 per day) Actual Loading 143., i Wet weather /low (gallons per capita 'I per day) I BOD (pounds per capita' per day) I TSS (pounds per capita per day) 253 243 " 0,24 I L_~. 0,17 1~ 0,26 0.19 The fact that the plant is receiving average flows and loads at about half of its design capacity can be attrib"ted to the slow population growth during the 1980s and lower than anticipated per capita pollutant loadings. Based on LeOC's data for projected population growth through 2015 and existing influent per capita loadings, the facility's remai"ing useful life in years, as measured by the facility's design capacity being reached, is presented in Table 3,5 and is shown graphically in Figures 3-2 through 3-6, Flow projections shown include 2,6 mgd to account for two major high_volume wastewater dischargers currently under construction. The projections are also based on the assumption thatthe Santa Clara/River Road area will be fully sewered by year 2000. A brief discussion of each figure follows: . Figure 3-2, Wet Weather Flow: Beyond 1996, the projection is based on the average per capita wet weather flow for the past 6 years and LCOG'.s population projection, The maximum month flow (MMWWF) is based on the historical peaking factor of 1.34. The generally accepted maximum month design criterion for secondary clarifier overflow rates is 600 'to 800 gallons per day per square foot (gpd/ft'), which for the eight 130-foot- diameter secondary clarifiers equates to a MMWWF range of 64 to 85 mgd, The projected MMWWF intersects 85 mgd, the flow rate corresponding to an over flow rate of 800 gpd/ ft', in about year 2007. If not for the ability to provide split stream treatment (the diversion of flows in excess of i03 mgd around the secondary process), an overflow rate of 800 gpd/ ft' might well be considered too high, The MMWWF is the controlling parameter that will limit the liquid process capacity and drive the need for secondary treatment improvements. The MMWWF is highly influenced by collection system infiltration and inflow and is closely interrelated with the E/SWpeF peak hydraulic flows discussed later, . Figure 3-3, Dry Weather Flow: Again, dry weather flow projections are extrapolated from historical per capita dry weather flows and LeOG population projecti'ons, The dry weather average to maximum month flow peaking factor is 1.34, Ample dry weather capacity remains well beyond the current LCOG planning horizon, The dry weather maximum month flow projection intersects the maximum month design criteria of 66 mgd at about year 2024, The eight 13D-foot secondary clarifiers would result in an overflow rate of 621 gpd/ ft2, within the acceptable range, Date Received Mt.'t'MCO fiP~oli\3~ 3-6 Planner: BJ ) pox1nAA.()(X 456, Table 3"5 Remaining Life of E/SWPCF ____ Based on 6 )'ears of Data,.!290 t~rough 1995 - --- 1------ Remaining Life in Years Flow' BOD. I 18 NA , ,\ I f=----- Wet Weather Monthly Average Wet Weather _ ~ Maximum Month i Dry Weather i Monthly Average Dry Weather Maximum Month Monthly Average Maximum Month 10 NA 30 NA 27 NA ) NA I L NA I ---.---~-- 40 33 . Years of life remaining includes allowance for two major industrial developments underway, " NA = not applicable. ';~- LIFE-DOC 457, Date Received MAY 06 I ()~ Plann~~oaJ. '~ . ~ . ,~ , ..... g ~ en " ;j I I I Date Received MAY 06(0.( Planner: B~j ~ . \ . Wet Weather . \. . . ',Flow . '\ .. Management > . :Plan ~ . Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission G ,~~: ,~~ partners in wastewater management. 1453. ! Executive Summary Introduction In late 1997, the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC) initiated a project to develop a comprehensive Wet Weather Flow Management Plan (WWFMP or "the plan") for the wastewater collection and treatment facilities in the Eugene/Springfield. Oregon, metropolitan area, The need and scope of the project arose from recommendations in the Eugene/Springfield Water Pollution Control Facility Facilities Master Plan and results of preliminary analysis using a hydraulic model deve!oped for the regional wastewater' II . , I co ection system, ' " , The treatment plant was designed in the 1970s to proyideadequate capacity through 2005, From a base flow and loading standpoint, the treatm~nt plant performs well within its capacity (49 million gallons per day [mgdJ) in dry-weather months, However, winter rainfall creates flows to the treatment plant that excee'd the plant's peak capacity (175 mgd) on average several times per year and e;'ceed full (secondary) treatment capacity (104 mgd) more frequently, Figure ES-l shows seasonal average:wastewater flows into the treatment plant and compares them to peak wet weather flows from a typical storm event. A portion of the flows that exceeds the full (secondary) treatment capacity (104 mgd) receive primary treatment only and are mixed with fully treated water before being released to the Willamette River, USRlOO3672J3O,OOC Peak flow estimates for conditions associated with the 5-year storm event are used to size and plan for future system improvements at the trealInent plant and in the collection system, Through system modeling, the 5-year peak was estimated at 264 mgd, Peak flows are attributed to high infiltration and inflow (I/l) rates in many areas of the collection system. 1/1 occurs from extraneous water getting into,the system from illegal roof drain connections, Sewer pipe cracks, and other sources.lj1"is often associated with older pipes in the system that have deteriorated. Sanitary pipes in older areas are also more likely to be subject to improper storm drainage (inflow) connecti~ns whenconslI'uction inspection practices were more lenient and/ or such connections were allowed, Creating a combined flow'system, Newer pipe systems reflect improvements in constru<;tion techniques, materials, and inspection and typically exhibit far lessI/I. In Eugene, 11 percent of the pipes are at least 50 years old, In Springfield, the percentag~ of pipes at least 50 years old is 15 percent. Because the priinary sources of IjI are in the existing system and limited Ijtis ' anticipated,from ~ystem expansion, growth in the system does not contribute significantly to projected system deficiencies, The 5-year peak is estimated af298 mgd, Of this peak,only 4 percent, or 12 mgd, is estimated to be the result of 1/1 from future pipes. Estimates'1Ilade at the time of design of the treahne~tplant, relative to the amount of rainfall-derived infiltration and inflow (RDII) that could be cost-effectively removed, were overly optimistic, This has resulted in insufficient capacity to manage peak flows at the treatment plant and has increased the risk of sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) at~C'l ' d locations in the collection system. Example problems ihcIude basement and stre.!t.ItMI:It1f;\~CeIVe MAY 0 6 1 d MWMC-00001~ '1465,. q fi t"ianner. ~;~,!1 '~ WET WEATHER flOW JMNAGa.ENT f'I..AH D ~ and discharges to stormwater facilities and receiving waters. Although the magnitude of wet weather flows differs greatly, they are significantly diluted because the source of a majority of the flow is rainwater, not sanitary sewage, Treatment plant flow data indicates that wet weather flow is diluted such that the concentration of typical pollutants in wet weather flow is 50 percent to 60 percent of that in dry weather flow, FIGURE ES-l Seasonal Measured Rows' at !he Wastewater Treatment Plant Seasonal Measured Flows at the Wastewater Treabnent Plant 200 180 160 ~ 140 L-- __ __ __ _ _.,.R_e~~9fI~~_S_~~~~'Y!':.e~~=~t_L!'!..e~.:'.,,-___ ~ I " ~1W ' ! ~ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~i~~n!, ~~~a~:.r~~:n~~~v~_ _ __ _ _ _' fOOl i 80 I ~, 00 I 401 :I. Average Summer AaNS Average Wll'ller ReNts 1999.2CO.l Peak Winter Flows during storm EYents !!> f-i ~ ~ ~ = ??:" I I I -- -- i'30 --, ----~105. I I The overall objective of the plan is to determine the most co,st-effective and politically feasible method to manage peak wet weather wastewater flows that is acceptable to the Eugene and Springfield commwlities. Summary of WWFMP Developing the plan essentially consisted of evaluating four technologies for managing excess wet, weather flow relative to performance (frequency, of SSOs), cost, and political and community acceptance, The Jour technologies included: (l){system rehabilitation to control RDll; (2) in-line and off-line storage of peak flows; (3) additional conveyance (including greater pipe conveyance and pump station capacity); and (4) additional capacity to treat peak flows at the treatment plant ' "* -, is I' . ~. " ~ 1466. Date Received I ,M,((No rwOOo149, 6-2 US~I~.oo6 ~ '!1 Planner: BJ -, , ... Date Received MAY 06 {O~ ' Planner: BJ rJ) 1),0, c o <1:l (9 V C <1:l Ul :J o ~- o.Cc: ." - -- f- C"O =g 0 ,10 ...... ~ S>>; ;;:: :j' ~ CD ~ = :JJ ' ..,. CD n "'""I" CD . . C> -C.. _. ~,rn C6 ......,., Q., ..., '-' 2186, Average Monthly Residential Sewer Usage 7.0 ;~?~;~~;~~:: ",,\i:w.;I"';""5Wlt..1i""~Fil" J:~~::I,':~~"'-~~1' ,,':., :~:~;: :,).~-W~:~~+:'.-. . ',"c_'.'.." ::.;:":" :'..~-':,'. ' ", ;~ a II Ij ,'~ - ~ ~ r ~ i~ j) ~~ :ii ~ Fye9/90 FY90/91 FY91/92 FY92/93 FY93/94 FY94/95 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY98/99 f'Y99/00 Fiscal Year ['.....-...'..'...."..'..'.-----'----..'--.'.. "." ,_...", '" 11l!.E:.~.9~r1"II.?Erirl~fi~ld g.l3e.9i()n_~U (;-) '-.,.,.- ~ , :,l. " t:.:/srage Monthry'Residentia! Usage 1.000 gal Fiscal Year Eugene 'Springfield Regional FY39!90 5,8 6,2 6.0 FY90/91 5.5 6,3 5.9 F'/91/92 5,5 6.1 5,8 FY92J93 5.5 6,0 5,7 FY93/94 .5.6 5A 55 FY94/95 5A 5A 5A FY95/96 5,2 5,3 53 FY96/97 5,1 5,2 5,2 FY97/98 5.2 5,2 5,2 FY98/99 5,0 5.2 5,1 FY99100 50 5,0 5.0 FYOOIO 1 49 4.9 4,9 FY01/02 4,6 4,8 4,7 r-..: 00 - '" Date Received MAY v 6 I Oq- , pranneh BJ '. ." '.'. . ~, Technical Background, Report: ExistingCol"lditions and Alternatives . ii Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area Public Facilities and Services Plan April 19~9 Date Received MAY 0 6 I o~ Planne~~7,BJ . , Regional Wastewater Treatment System Condition Assessment Regional Wastewater Treatment System Capacity The MWMC Master PlanJor the Eugene-Springfield Water Pol/ution Control Facility, (Master Plan), completed in 1997, provides a comprehensive evaluation of the facility. The Master Plan estimates a fully sewered population within the metropolitan UGB to reach 402,567 by 2040, with a regional population of 443,033 receiving wastewater service at full build-out in 2050, The Master Plan estimates that existing design capacity of the, treatment plant can serve all new development in the metropolitan area through at least the year 2020, However, peak wet weather conditions that cause large yolumes of stonnwater to enter the wastewater collection system , constrain the plant from achieving its designed capacity, Wet weather related improvements are needed at the plant and within the collection system to extend the plant's wet weather capacity beyond the year 2007, The treatment plant, which officially began operation in April 1984, replaced the separate plants previously owned and operated by Eugene and Springfield, At the time of construction, the capacity of the plant was projected,to serve the growing metropolitan area'for a period of20 years. However, slower than anticipated growth in the 1980s has extended the design life of the plant by at least 15 years, The regional Biosolids Management Facility was designed to match biosolids drying and land application to the volume produced by the wastewater treatment plant. However, lower than anticipated solids processing efficiency (primarily due to variable summer weather conditions) is requiring additional improvements at the facility in order to match the design capacity of the treatment plant. The treatment plant has a dry weather design capacity of 49 mgd, Current actual dry weather, flows range from 45 percent to 57 percent of the design capacity, Sufficient treatment capacity exists to meet projected growth throughout the PFSP planning horizon. However, peak wet weather volume of flow, not influent wastewater characteristics, currently constrains the life span of the plant's design capacity. The plant has a wet weather design capacity of 175 mgd, Current maximum monthly wet weather flows reach 85 percent of.the design capacity for flow, High levels of wet weather flows are generated by infiltration and inflow (Ill) of stonnwater into the sanitary sewer system, Infiltration is a process by which groundwater enters the system through cracks and joints in sewer pipes. Inflow is the process by which stonnwater enters the system through improper connections of roof drains and other stoimdrainage facilities to the sanitary sewers, and by surface runoff entering through manholes." Regional Wastewater Treatment Facilities eondition Assessment The physical condition of the regional wastewater treatment facilities is maintained through equipment replacement programs and major rehabilitation programs funded by MWMC to maintain and extend the life of major regional wastewater ~ollection and treatment infrastructure. eurrent physical conditions with planned future equipment replacements and ongoing , ' 19 Date Received MAY 1I 6 I of Planner:I~",,~ " rehabilitation projects will maintain all regional wastewaterfacilities in good working order for the duration of the PFSP planning period, ' eompliance with regulatory parameters is a good indicator:of facility conditions, The treatment plant has always operated in compliance with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit during wet weather conditions, J:he mismatch of wet and dry weather treatment plant design is due to the fact that the amount ofI/I targeted for removal through collection system rehabilitation to match the wet weather hydraulic capacity has not been achieved. To address this issue, MWMC, Eugene and Springfield are developing a Wet Weather Flow Management Plan (WWFMP) to determine the optimal mix of treatment plant and collection system rehabilitation improvements. Recommended improvements will be incorporated into MWMC, Eugene and Springfield Capital Improvement Programs to extend the wet weather capability ofthe system. Since 1990, the amount of sludge produced by the Biosolids Management Facility has exceeded the process capacity ofihe faciljty's drying beds. This has:occuITed because two drying cycles per year are necessary to keep pace with production. Freq\lently, summer rains prevent two cycles from being achieved" Expansion of the facility's de~atering capacity is needed to extend the capacity of the lagoons beyond the year 2000, MWMe is cUITently completing designsiengineering, and will construct a mechanical dewatering facility in 1999/2000 that will eliminate the biosolids processing capacity constraint. The condition ofbiosolids quality is excellent, and consistently meets or exceeds all federal standards. No degradation ofbiosolids quality is anticipated over the PFSP planning period, Eugene Wastewater System Inventory amI Assessment Eugene Wastewater System Inventory Map 7 shows the existing wastewater system basins in Eugene, the Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (treatment plant), existing pipes 24 inches:'or greater in diameter. and the eight inch line to the Eugene Airport, ' As of 1998, the wastewater collection system totaled 607 miles in length, with over 20 miles of I pressure lines, The collection system consists of 433 miles of eight-inch pipe, and 46 miles of pipe 24 inches or greater in diameter. There are five main follection system areas (system areas) within Eugene's service area, each of which is divided into' basins, as follows,' , I, eentralEugene: 'f Downtown Westside, D.owntown eentral, Downtown Amazon, and Downtown Franklin basins ' Willakenzie North and South and WillametteRiver basins Bethel-Danebo North and South basins Glenwood and Lane eommuriity eollege basins River Road, Santa elara and Highway 99 basins 2, Willakenzie: 3. Bethel-Danebo: 4. Southeast Eugene: 5. River J3,oad: 20 Date Received MAY 06, at{ 1187, Planner: BJ \ Date Received, MAY \J BIOf Planner~ 8 ~ iJ< . . ...~ .' Oregon's Statewide Planning Goals & Guidelines GOAL 6: AIR, WATERAND LAND RESOURCES QUALITY OAR 660-015-0000(6) To maintain and improve the quality of the air, water. and land resources of the state. All waste and process discharges from future development, when combined with such discharges from existing developments shall not threaten to violate, or violate applicable state or federal environmental quality statutes, rules and standards, With respect to the air, water and land resources of the applicable air sheds and river basins described or included in state environmental quality statutes, rules, standards and implementation plans, such discharges shall not (1) exceed the carrying capacity of such resources, considering long range needs; (2) degrade such resources; or (3) threaten the availability of such resources. Waste and Process Discharges -- refers to solid waste, ,thermal, noise. atmospheric or water pollutants. contaminants. or products therefrom. Included here also are indirect sources of air pollution which result in emissions of air contaminants for which the state has established standards, GUIDELINES A. PLANNING 1. Plans should designate alternative areas suitable for use in controlling pollution including but riot limited to waste water treatment plants, solid waste disposal sites and sludge disposal sites, 2. Plans should designate areas for urban and rural residential use only where approvable sewage disposal alternatives have been clearly identified in such plans, 3, Plans should buffer and separate those land uses which create or lead to conflicting requirements and impacts upon the air, water and land resources, i 4, Plans which provide for the maintenance and improvement of air. land ,and water resources of the planning area should consider as a major determinant,.the carrying capacity of the air; land and water resources of the planning area, .The land conservation and development actions provided for by such plans should not exceed the carrying capacity of such resources. I 5. All plans and programs affecting waste and process discharges should be coordinated within the applicable air sheds and river basins des~ribed or included in state environmental quality statutes. rules, stanaards and implementation plan, 6, Plans of state agencies before they .are adopted should be coordinated with and reviewed by local agencies with respect to the impact of these plans on the air. water and land resources in the planning area, 1 Date Received MAY 0 6 of ( Planner: BJ p , 7, In all air quality maintenance areas, plans should be based on applicable state rules for reducing indirect pollution and be sufficiently comprehensive to include major transportation, industrial, institutional, commercial recreational and governmental developments and facilities. B.IMPLEMENTATION 1, Plans should take into account methods and devices for implementing this goal, including but not limited to the following: (1) tax incentives and disincentives, (2) land use controls and ordinances. (3) multiple-use and joint development practices, (4) capital facility programming, (5) fee and less-than-fee acquisition techniques, and (6) enforcement of local health and safety ordinances. 2, A management program that details the respective implementation roles and responsibilities for carrying out this goal in the planning area should be established in the comprehensive plan, 3. Programs should manage land conservation and development activities in a manner that accurately reflects the community's desires for a quality environment and a healthy economy and is consistent with state environmental quality statutes, rules, standards and implementation plans. , , 2 Date Received MAY 0 6 lor Planner: e;"J