HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication PLANNER 3/3/2004 1. City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-3753 Fa.x: (541) 726-3689 SPRINGFIELD Metro Plan Amendment Application, Type IV Type of Plan A mendment (Check One) ,Br Type I: is a non-site specific amendment of the Plan. o Type II: changes the Plan diagram; or is a site-specific Plan text amendment. ;~~ll~riT!fl~fjl~'J~)m~fA!~~!fJ~i~~~4~111~~~;~~~~r1~~t~~t~~i'!~I~~~1iltf~~~~*i~ Tax Assessor Map Tax Lot(s) Street Address Acres Metro Plan Designation Refinement Plan Designation , 1,}jj~es'~'ti'i')ro7rt"/o{:Pr:O"~6:s'ed :!A:ril:~'i1(ltil~n't',\(AJt~tcii:;a(fditi o'ri'il'j ~sh:~~t~~lifli"e!e{iea j-~~~\~~f.~ftf~t;~@i~,~i'~~1?~~t~~~~;1!4(t~~~~~'1 ({ "~: ">:;:'~~'rf;r.g~':.!rii;~:;~~:,..; "..r'.1"('~'~7iP;f~i .~~~.~t;~?~:r:?f.: ~~i\~'<=;:' -;.'if.~2~:~'i'-~:"!~{7:";;-.:~:-;'.;i'~.:'ri~':~{<~;~':':.~' :!~'. 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"'" For Office Use Only: ' Case No. /""1( fUJOf-OOOO / Received By l{~;;(~ Date Accepted as Complete -:'.F. 215 Fifth'Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 ' 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number LRP2004-0000 1 LRP2004-0000 1 RECEIPT #: Description $142 Postage Fee Metro Plan Amend Type I Payments: Type of Payment Paid By !NT CHGS 4/20/2004 612-62256-647009 MVVMC B City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services D~partment ,: Public Works Department 3200400000000000049 Date: 04/20/2004 10:17:48AM Item Total: Ch~ck Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 142,00 9,264,00 $9,406.00 Amount Paid !NT CHGS In Person Payment Total: $9,406.00 $9,406.00 Date Received' 4":fl ~()ci Planner. GM Page 1 of! From: To: Date: , Subject: Susan SMITH Karen LAFLEUR 4/20/04 10:03AM Metro Plan Amendment fee Hi Karen, Thank you very much for your assistance with the application materials, We are in receipt of the "billing" for ttie fees involved, as follows: ' $142.00 postage $9,264,00 Type I Metro Plan Amendment Fee - q) 'fct., 00 Please consider this email as my authorization to charge the following account for these fees: 612-62256-647009 Again, thanks for your help. Susie cc: Gregory MOTT; Mel OBERST; Sandy KELLEY Date Receive:f- dtJ ,()t/ Planner: GM (;j City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-3753 Fax: (541)726-3689 SPRINGFIELD Metro Plan Amendment Application, Type IV Type of Plan Amendment (Check One) E Type I: is a non-site specific amendment of the Plan. , ' , o Type II: changes the Plan diagram; or is a site-spesific Plan text amendment. Tax Assessor Map Tax Lot(s) , Street Address , Acres Metro Plan Designation Refinement Plan Designation 'I~R~~~~{pJ!li~if!~~~BZ~~g!~m~~l~,~~i~~ij~~~~~~~~&~,~t1g~~{~i\{:~~~~~~~1"j!.t~~!'~1~~~til ~h~~jJ~<<.Ztu..~f/~Ja' . ,'1-;. [I>>UJVfL~j~ ~~y~~ J(~t1,-r/~o ~,~~/M ;JF5t-'~ "b)ca.-e... ~ ..M'~~ , "0'~.' J~~~ p,r5."""~,A{;Ia~~~...-..__,,,1 "I. t.IAOd^.""""-+ , I '< ~ r T' I'L ~ _..... .---- __ , ' ~, _&._V~ -' r " . j V . ~~;,'firt:;;:Pt:!::;~~N;~~4:;i~~- 1~[B~~~~~tj~~,~~fi~~~i?i!~~PJi~_~jT,jf.~~~ioii~~1~~~!~~~t~~~~~~.i~r~.{lI~~;ifl' ' Printed Name of Applicant Ci+v D-fSfJo'ru;rhtld - ,1V1 uJ M L.' Phone: " I I oJ: , ,ApplicantSignature ,~,~:4U.jA).C' 6.i1. Date $/c':j/tJ..f.- Mailing Addr~ss P<' F/fH{. <51",' ~1t?V '~ F; f cR. f 6 Lq ~ <I- 0/9'- Property Owner Signature , Mailing Address IJIA- , Date 1f-2o -ocr .., 1 "" .' , '/[Jl-r<I ,r,d iJQ:O ,\o\.oGlvau. ( (..It) "IIi Planner: GM For Office Use Only: , ' Case No. J.Jf.floO'f-oOOO/ Received By .i{~o;~ Date Accepted as Complete 1ll'ar,r.'"))',?"r--~1M."';~' .~, ~_"'-~.'YrilC_IWt~II~~gU!!!lJJ0I~JilllJg;)JFilJ@ '~_Eie'~k~~ii:}f9?t!#J~@~?~l#';1hYJ,::~,~~E::~*~d:~t1~~t:~~~~iJ!::0iJ.~~tf0~~~~11~j04rtf~%t;t4~Z~it~~J.A~:~(~;,~::;~~'::;1ii?<~/-t;&;;;~:~:::::!2f~Yl~~ r- ~ ; Date Received: ~/'dO lOt( 'Planner: GM DEPT OF FORh11 MAR 042004 , " ,,/ . LAND CONSERVATION D L C DNOTICE OF PROPOSEDAlVIENl9~ENT , This fonn must he received by DLeD st least 45 days nriortn the first evidentiarv hearini perORS 197.610, OAR Chapter 660,- Division 18 and Senate Bill 543 and effective on June 30, 1999, <:'\ee reverse side for submittal reouirement,) JUrisdiction: City 0 f S P r i n [j fie 1 d Local File No.: None - (Uno number, use: none) Date Of First Evidentiary H~aring: April 20, 2004 (M~ filled i!!l/ Date this proposal was sent or mailed: March 4. ", 2-004 (Date mailed or senl to OLeO) Date of Final Hearing:June 30, 2004 (Must be filled in) Has this proposal previously been,submitted to DLCD?' Yes:.:'...- No: ~ Date: -X. Comprehensive Plan Text Amendrilent _ Land Use Regulation Amendment --.:. New Land Use Regulation :)( Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment ,.......,.. , _ Zoning Map Amendment ~ 'Other: Am~nr1 Pllh'of,.. I=~,..ilitioo;:;' 01'=\..." (pI..... specify Type of Action) Briefly summarize the proposal. Do not ~e technical terms, Do not write "See Attached. n 1. A~d Metropolitan treatment facilities to the condi~ion assessment and project l1st. 2. Define difference between the PFSP project list and local CIP. . 3: Adopt new PFSP amendment process. 4. Adopt new findinos. Plan Map Changed from: Zone -Map Changed from: L ' N~ ocatlOn: N/A to add map of collection system (eXisting) and treatment plant to ' N/A site Acres Involved: N/A Specified Change inDensity: Current: Applicable Statewide Planning Goals: N/A Proposed: N/A Goal 11 Is an Exception Proposed? Yes:_ No:-K- Affected State or Federal Agencies, Local Governments or Special Districts: Lane Count V , Eugene, Springfield, Oregon DEQ, EPA Local Contact:Greg' Mott, Plannino Mor. Area Code + Phone Number: 541-726-3753 ,. . Address:.. ??5_. F.ifth 'I~tree:t',\; .\(Citv Springfield, oiig"g\;'EN1KiS' City: of Sorinqfield), Zip Code + 4: 97477 ,~. , , Date Received: '1 'CO t' 0 '( ===================================================~~er:=~=======~~~ DLCD No,: , ' SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS , Th~s, form IT!u<the re"eiverl, by OLCO at lea<t45 davs nrior to,the fir<f evidentiary heari"" per ORS 197.610, OAR Chapter 660 - ~ivision is and Senate Bill 543 arid effective on June 30, 1999, 1, Send this FOT1Tl and :rwO (2) Copies nftpe Prnnosed Am.!:.ndment to: ATTENTION: PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST DEP ARTMENT OF LAND CONSERV A nON AND DEVELOPMENT 635 CAPITOL STREET NE, SillTE 150 ,SALEM, OREGON 97301-2540 2. Unless exempt by ORB 1 Q7,61 0 (2). proposed amendments must be received at the DLCD's S).LEM OFFICE at least FORTY-FIVE (45) days before the first evidentiary hearing on the proposal. The first evidentiary hearing is usually the first nubHe "eari~ held by the jurisdiction's planning commission on the proposal, '3,- Submittal of proposed amendments shall include the text oftheameIidment and any other information the local government belie:ves is necessary to advise DLCD of the proposal. "Text" means the specific language being added to or deleted from the acknowledged plan or land use regulations. A general description of the propos~ is not adequate, 4, Submi ttaI of proposed "map" amendments must include a map of the affected area showing existing and proposed plan and zone designations. The map should be on S-I/2 x 11 inch paper. A legal description, tax account number, addressor general description is not adequate. 5, Submittal of proposed amendments which involve a goal exception must include the- proposed language of the exception. 6. Need More Copies? You can copy this form on to l:.1/'2>r11 "Teen naner oolx; or call the DLCD Office at (503) 313-0050; or Fax your requestto:(503) 3i8-551S; or email your, request to Larry.French@state.or.us - ATIENTION: PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST. J:\pa\paa\forms\noticepd.fnn Date Received: Planner: GM '-//~ /Ot{ rc:vised:08l9/99 '....."''''.. '-' "'"...\_~ ~ ':...>L,-;1~1.'~V'-~~'" "4,>.,. '.~;!i:'.' ~\: :I"l('~ ~t.,- I 1. Modify Chapter III-G. of the Metro Plan, by modifying the introductory text to read as follows: ' Chapter ill-G. Public Facilities and Services Element G, Public Facilities andServices'Element This Public Facilities and serVices Element provides direction for the future provision of urban facilities an,d services to planned land uses within the Plan boundary. The availability of public facilities and services is a key factor influencing the location and density of future development The public's investment in, and scheduling, of, public facilities and services are a major means of implementing the Metro Plan. As the population of the Eugen~-Springfield area increases and land development patterns change over time, the demand for Urban services also increases and changes. These changes require that service providers, both public and private, plan for the provision of services in a coordinated manner, using consistent assumptions and projections for population and land use. The policies in this element complement Metro Plan Chapter II-A: Fundamental Principles and Chapter II-B: ,Growth Management. Consistent with the principle of compact urban growth prescribed in Chapter II, the policies in this element call for future urban water and wastewater services to be provided exClusively within the urban growth boundary. This policy direction is consistent with Statewide Planning Goal II, "To plan and develllP a timely, orderly, and efficient arrangement of public facilities and services to serve as a framework for urban and rural development" On urban lands, new development must be served by at least the minimum level of key urban services at the time development is completed and, ultimately, by a full range of key Urban services, On rural lands within the Plan boundary, development must be served by rural levels of service. Users of facilities and services in rural areas are spread out geographically, resulting in a higher per-user cost for some services and, often, in.an inadequate revenue base to support a higher level of service in the future, Someurbail facilities may be located or managed outside the urban growth boundary, as,allowed by state law, but' only to serve development within the urban, growth boundary. Urban facilities and services within the urban growth boundary are provided by the City of Eugene, the City of Springfield, Lane County, Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB), the Springfield Utility Board (SUB), the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC), electric cooperatives, and special service districts. Special service districts provide schools and bus service, ana, in some areas outside the cities, they provide water, electric, fire service, or parks and recreation service. Ibis element provides guidelines for special service districts in line with the compact urban development fundamental principle of the Metro Plan. . (// ;M/()l.f Date Received: --, , Planner: GM V:\SDC\Metro Plan Amendment.doc .Last,printedLa'st 'pfuited,3i2/2004 4:54:00 PM ;\f:i::'t ',f1ftflS)Q Page 1 of9 ". This element incorporates the fmdings and policies in the Eugene~Springfield Metropolitan Area Public FaCilities and Services Plan (Public Facilities and Services Plan), adopted as a refinement to the Metro Plan. The Public Facilities and Services Plan provides guidance for public facilities and services, including planned water, wastewater; stormwater, and electrical facilities. As required by Goal II, the Public Facilities and Services Plan identifies and shows the generallocation3 of the water, wastewater, and stormwater projects needed to serve land within the urban growth boundary.4 The Public Facilities and Services Plan also contains this infonnationfor electrical facilities, although not required ff' oy law. The project lists and maps in the Public Facilities and ' Services Plan are adc!"J as part of the Metro Plan. :Information in the Public Facilities and Services Plan on T ject phasing and costs, and decisions on timing and financing of projects are not part (-the Metro Plan and are con1rolled solely by the capital improvement progran: aing and budget processes of individual service providers. This element of the J.., '1'0 Plan is organized by the' following topics related to the provision of urban fA. ,lities arid services. Policy direction for the full range of services, iB::lu:L_o ,,=lewa\.' r ser.oiee, may be found under any of these topics, although the first topic, Services to Development Within the Urban Growth Boundary, is further broken, down into sub-categories. o Services to Development Within the Urban Growth Boundary o Planning and Coordination o Water o Wastewater o Stormwater o Electricity o Schools o Solid Waste o Services to Areas Outside the Urban Growth Boundary o Locating and Managing Public Facilities OUtside the Urban Growth Boundary o Financing The applicable findings and policies are contained under each of these topic headings below, The policies listed provide direction for public and private developmental and program decision-making regarding urban facilities and services. Development should be coordinated with the planning, financing, 'and construction ofkey urban facilities and services to ensure the efficient use and expansion of these facilities. 3 The exact IOCld;on of the projects shown on the Public Facilities and Sen>ices Plan planned facilities I ." _ ' m3jls,is .determined.through ,1~~a1:processes. · Goal II also requires tJ:aIlSportation facilities to be included in public facility plans, In this metropolitan "-_ ...'. ,,-'I' area, tnmsportation facilities are addressed in Metro Plan Chapter ill-F and in the Eugene-Springfield Transportation System Plan (TramPlan). V:\SDC\Me1ro Plan Amendment.doc Last printed Last printed 3/2/2004 4:54:00 PM , 'Jv/j~ Date Received' t' Hal!G uf9 Planner: GM 2. Modify Policy G. 2, as follows: G.2 Use the Planned Facilities Maps of the Public Facilities and Seniices Plan to guide the generallocation of water, wastewater,strmnwater, and electrical projects in the " metropolitan area Use local facility master plans, refinement plans, capital improvement plans, and ordinances as the guide for detailed planning and project implementation, 3. Modify Finding 6 to read as follows: 6. 660-011-005 defines projects that must be included in public facility plan project lists for water, wastewater, and stormwater. These definitions are shown in the ' keys of Planned Facilities Maps 1,2, 2a, and 3 in this Public Facilities and Services Plan, ' 4. Modify Policy G. 3 to read as follows: .3 ,Modifications and additions to or deletionsfrorri the project lists in the Public Facilities and Services Plan for water, wastewater, and stormwater public facility projects or significant changes to project location, from that described in the Public Facilities and Services Plan maps 1, 2, 2a, and 3, require amending the Public Facilities and Services Plan and the Metro Plan, except for the following: I) Modifications to a public facility project which are ,minor in nature and do not significantly impact the project's general description, location, sizing, capacity or other general characteristic of the project; or 2) Technical and environmental moUifications to a public facility which are made pursuant to fina1 engineering on a project; or 3) Modifications to a public facility project which are made pursuant to findllgs of ,an Environmental Assessinent or Environmental Impact Statement conducted under regulations iID.plementing the procedural provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 or any federal or State of Oregon agency project development regulations consistent with that act and its regulations, ' 5. Insert, following Policy G.B: Services to Development Within the Urban Growth Boundary: Wastewater Findinl!~ II. Springfield and Eugene rely on a combination of regional and local services for the provision of wastewater services. Within each City, the local jurisdiction provides collection of wastewater throUgh a system of sanitary sewers and pumping systems_ These collection facilities connect to a regional system of similar sewer collection facilities owned and operated by the ,I '~',. )ll'~;1.~;-\. ',;..;rtr.~\ \0 ~ ,~~, '.., "","' fI'. V:\SDC\Metro Plan AIDenCli:l:ient.doc Last printed Last printed 3/2/2004 4:54:00 PM , Page30f91/,"l-1> ,/, Date Received' '-t" O(} / Dr Planner: mill .. -....,-.-.' Metropolitan Wastewater Mamgement Commission (','MWMC"), an entity formed under an iritergove=ental agreement created pursuant to ORS 190. Together, these collection facilities (which exclude private laterals which. convey wastewater from iridividual residential or commercial/iridustrial connections) constitute the primary collection system. 12. The primary collection system conveys wastewater to a treatment facilities system owned and operated by MWMC. Tbis system consists of an interconnected WaterPolliltion Control Facihy ("WPCF'), a biosolids facility and a ben~ficialreuse facility. Policies 0.9 Wastewater conveyance and treatment shal1 be ,,'.ovided to meet the needs of projected growth inside the UOB that are capable of Ct", plying with regulatory requirements goveming,beneficial reuse or discharge ( effluent and beneficial reuse or disposal of residuals. 6. Renumber all subsequent findings and policies accordingly. 7. Modify Chapter V. Glossary, by modifying the definition of Public Facilities Projects as follows: Public Facility Proiects Public Facility Project lists and maps adopted as part of the Metro Plan are defined as follows: Source, reservoirs, pump stations, and primary distribution systems~ Primary distribution systems aretrim=ission lines 12 iriches or larger for, SUB and 24 iriches or larger for EWEB. Wastewater:, Primary Collection System: Pump stations and wastewater liries 24 iriches or larger. , Treatment Facilities System: Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) project., beneficial reuse project and residuals project necessary to meet wastewater treatment facilities system design capacities for average flow, peak flow, biochemical oxygen demand and total suspended solids so as to provide service within the urban growth boundary (UOB) for a projected ' population iri 2025 consistent with fu.e population assumed iri this Plan,iri compliance with MWMC's discharge Pemllt MWMC's Capital Improvements Plan, as amended from time to time, shal1 be used as the guide for detailed pl~nn;ng and implementation of the WPCF project, the beneficial reuse project and the residuals project :, Date Received' 4/ dcJ/ {xl '., ,}c,A1 Planner: GM ," -,' V:\SDc\M~tffipl';m\Amendment.doc Page 4 of9 Last priJ]ltci:J E~!pfulted 3/2/2004 4:54:00 PM Water: ~~, .... -' ~, t~ ;, j\ ,'" ~.... ~ .j;. ,1:;. -::; ,....,,.... Stormwater: Drainage/channel improvements and/or piping systems 36 inches or larger; proposed detention ponds; outfalls; water quality ,projects; and ' waterways and open syStems, Specific projects adopted as part of the Metro Plan are described in the Project Lists and their general location is identified in the Planned Facilities Maps in Chapter II of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area Public Facilities and Services Plan. 6. Modify the Project Lists and Planned Fac;~ ,i as Maps as follows: I. Modify the teXt preceding existing Table 3 tC' ,.:ad as follows: Planned Wastewater System Improvements Planned st,:,~ ;,;-.lICfl5 ~,,= wastewater system impro', 'ment projects are listed in tables3,--EHi4 4, 4a and 4b. The general location of the;;,. facilities is shown in Map 2: Planned Wastewater Facilities, and Map 2a: Existing Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems. 2. , Insert, following Table 4, Tables 4a and 4b, as follows: Table 4a MWMC Wastewater Treatment System Improvement Projects Project Number 300 301 302 Project NameIDescription WPCF Treatment Project Residuals Treatment Project Beneficial Reuse Project Table 4b MWMC Primary Collection System L.....J-"u iement Projects ~ 1 i, Project Number 303 304 305 Project Name/Description Willakenzie Pump Station Screw PumP Station Glenwood PumP Station 'I , I ~ 3. Modify Map 2 to show Projects 300 through 305, and insert Map 2a ' V:\SDC\Metro Plan Amendmentdoc , Last p~ted Last printed 3/2/2004 4:54:00 PM Date Rec~!i of9 1/ ~~~dcf Planner: GM " 1. Fet'.:Ii1NmownoutsJtMU.UGBcanncl'IHtbcar.cf...trown without ml obtaining L.u. County land use epprr;Inl. 2. 7M ~ Joc.tlcm d lJrfJ fac/Iu... mown OtIlha map. Exac:l ptDjKf 1oc8~ .. dal<<rrJned Urough local pn:x!IU.... I' . \ ,I , .1' ':-, ~ .. :-: .... :; ", Of ~ i~ ~~ ...., r. ~:"'.' ~; ~t~~ :: ~'-:; 'j>:... ...1:, , -..!' .. ~. ".~. hotN: '., ) ') ~ I \1 \. ,. Date Received" eJanner~~n Eugene-SpringfieldPublic Facilities and Services Plan Planned MWMC Wastewatet Project Sites Projects are described In tables 8 and b . P1annltd MMro WaaWwatar Sit.. [!) RegioNll Pm1p!btlon Ii!. Sctew Purf'C) Station . Reglonal1 T,.atTr1MttSlt. . Roglon.IW1Istewa.. T~IItnwntSlIe C Metro Plan Boundary D-.lhbonG__ m Urban RnDrv.. NoI.: lJrben Reserve.... now being .luclhJd .. pIrf d!h. M~18n Urban R.a$fVII Anelyala Periodic Review Study, ; <' \' ~ ....J ,- , o " "1 ,~! '"I ~ ~..~ /' ~ r:,~ (I ~ MAP 2 -- . + 11 "March. 2OD4 Cf.-ifd-cJl./ "tIInJr -.,,' 1IJ ; '. :I .1 ':I lD 0 / ~ II ., :l (i) :!!' ~ci ~ , thJ. map depict. fJPprox/tr.at.lcoatJcrn. d IIxi#tihg : blic \YlI.!tIlWIIIw lacilillll.. Thi.s n;ep i.s ilNJJlrafivll d .should be lJ!ltId Iorrehwnce only. . ~ ~ , ''0 "" ,. ~_!~.. ;.' ::i 1> ';[ :;. .:: ..t ~6 f'.t I', \) \. , . ( I r' Eu"~. , '1 Airport '\ 41 c- " . I' '__ _ ,- " " [.- \ "' , , Eugene-Springfield Public Facilities and Services Plan Existing MWMC Wastewater Treatment Systems' Seasonal Industrial . Waste Site @ Existing Wasl8W8ter Treatment Facilities EllilUng Wa5t. Pipn 24" & larger 8" AirpOrt Waste Lines Study AI.. BoundBry tIfI,'oill U~nR_. c::J fohtro Urblln Gfow\1lBoundary '-'--- ..._.1 ~--.. f I + /, I I . MAP 2a "' Merch, 2004 9. Modify Ctlapter IV. Of the Public Facilities and Services Plan, by modifying the subdivision entitled "Wastewater System condition Assessment" (presently on page 82) to read as follows: Wastewater: System Condition Assessment Treatment: MWMC Wastewater Treatment System S,",.".",',:,: i..J", "....;an find cenelusi8ns fr.sHl CN).'! Hill Teehnkttl.Ue1/f8 an Flaw lffld Laa PHJjeels; and indieMe thllt the "Regi6nttl W89kIveteF Tl'.:...."."JIJ Sysk!tH Callditien . is-sessntel:~" :a ~3 !Ie rephleed by the Tcehnietd Ale1fl6, i.." "I' ",..Led t!feFein by. "/"'" ,.di!< MWMC existing infrastructure is monitored for problems that need to be addressed during operational and maintenance activities, MWMC has ongoing programs to help plan for and implement equipment replacement and major rehabilitation of existing systems. With these on going programs used to detect existing problems, the " infrastructure can be maintained an~ preserved to help extend its useful life for future , , years. In March of 2003" MWMC hired CH2M HILL to evalUate and plan for regional wastewater capital improvements that will serve the Eugene/Springfield \ll'ban growth boundary into year 2025. MWMC will need to implement the recommended improvements to meet regulatory requirements based on projected pollution loads and flows, CH2M HILL as part of its work to evaluate and plan for regional wastewater improvements has prepared a technical memo related to "Flow and Load Projections" dated October 7, 2003. This historical and projected information is being used to plan for needed MWMC capital improvements based on engineering evaluation methods and by comparing technology options. It is estimated that aJ-'J-'.w.imately $160 million dollars (in 2004 dollars) are needed for MWMC projects to address ,egulatory requirements and growth through year 2025,' ' , , Conveyance: Conveyance capacity and inflow and infiltration (III) ratios are important criteria by which to assess the performance of a wastewater collection system. Conveyance capacity is a function of adequate pipe sizing and measures a system's,ability to move effluent efficiently, Inflow and infiltration ratios l.AP'''.S the amount of stormwater entering a sewer system through defective pipes and pipe joints, or through the cross connection of stormwater lines, combined sewers, catch basins, or manhole covers. Such extraneous stormwater entering the wastewater system unIlecessarily burdens both conveyance and treatment facilities. 10. Modify Chapter IV. ,Of the Public Facilities a,nd Services Plan, by modifying the discussion of wastewater, in the subdivision entitled "Lon- Tenn Service Availability Within Urbanizable Areas" (presently on page 97) to read as follows:. " ,,-.' ,'.. Date Received: +:It)" o~ Planner: GM Page 6 of9 , V:\SDC\Metro.Plan Amendmentdoc Last printed LaStlprin~.3l2h004 4:54:00 PM _ '-.'" "llt~:'~ . 1. There are no areas within the metropolitan UGB that will be difficult to serve with 'wastewater facilities over the long-term (six. to 20 yearstassuminl! thatoublic infrastructure soecifications and reouirementsofthe develotiinl! area can be addressed, f>.oorooriate enl!ineerinl! desil!n oractices must be used durinl! the develooment an;l _ expansion into sensitive areas that are aporoved for develooment (ex. - hillside construction. etc.), ; flowe'/er, el[j'lall5iOR Exoansion of the existing collection system will be necessary to meet demands of growth over this time period. 2. Based on 2003 analysis. the EUl!ene-Sorinl!field metropolitan area treatment facilities system will reauire facility imorovements to address both drv and wet weather ree:u1aton: reaillrements relatinl! to oollutant loads and wastewater flows. Revonal and local ,i,,!,orovements to the collection and treatment systems are olanned for and will be implemented to allow for QI'owth within the UGB and for relllilatorv comoliance. +he Eugene ~;::'digZ:14 .-'",;"op';;~Uu-. =",.Hb6~o",J Wastew~,<or 7r<oa1ment Plaat Bas suffieieat desi.,.... :a;::::~' :-e-a~~~_an::ate pepwaLox; :.:....3f6a.:;:~ ;::.3 s6f\'e,all Rew 4evel:;:a3.:at ::1 t:ili.Jlit. However, peak wet weather ~ond~~.m., ;;,,;;ct.:ae treatlr.:..t ,L.Bi fr-em ae;"';e"';"s ~3 designed ~..p=;!-). \Vat, ';.oeatlier rel~ ;;"pro.,..:.=<-nG !!fe needed at tll: ;:la;-A c~ dthiB the regiolllll eeHeetiea system t;; ::?..:::.i-:!i.: f1a;-i.:'J ..yet weather er:ru~' beyond the yelH' 2007. ' 3. The provision oflong-term wastewater service in the Jasper-Natron area in Springfield is contingent upon construction of the Jasper Road WasteWliter Line Extension from 42Dd Street to Brand Stree!- CompletiOli of this significant in:frastiucture improvement wili enable this area to be served effectively. 4. The Willamette Heights area of Springfield requires installation of wastewater lines to replace existing septic systems. There are related problems in this area surrounding substandard streets and inadequately surveyed rights~f-way. 11. Add Table 16afollowing Table 16; as follows: Table 16a' MWMC Wastewater Treatment and Collection System Improvements; Rough Cost Estimate, and Timing Estimate I I I I I I 305 GJenwood PumP Station *Cost estimated in 2004 dollars WPCF Treatment Project Residuals Treatment Project Beneficial Reuse Project Willakenzie Pump Station Screw Pump Station $120,500,000 $6,000,000 $25,000,000 $6,000,000 $2,000,000 $500,000 2025 2018 2018 2010 2010 2012 --~~ --, " ",',' , ,:~"':". .,';'... it.,:.," '>>;;!"~I. V:\SDC\Metro Plan Afuen~eJ:li.doc Last printed Last printed 3/2120044:54:00 PM Date Received: Planner: GM Lf<)c') / Otf Page 7 of9 ,12: Add a ne~ chapter to the Public Facilities and Services Plan, to be Chapter VI., reading as follows: VI. Amendments to the Plan This chapter describes the method to be used in the event it becomes necessary or appropriate to modify the text, tables or the maps contained in th~ Public Facilities Services Plan (''the Plan"). Flexibility of the Plan Certain public facility project descriptions, location or service area designations will necessarily change as a result of subsequent design studies, capital improvement programs, environmental impact studies and changes in potential so~ces offunding, The Plan is not designed to either prohibit projects not included in the plan for which unanticipated funding has been obtained, preclude project specification and location decisions made according to the National Environmental Policy Act, or subject ..rlministrative and technical changes to the plan to post-acknowledgement review or review by the Land Use Board of Appeals. For the purposes of this Plan, two types of modifications are identified. A. Mod ifications requiring amendment of the Plan. The following modifications require amendment of the Plan: ,1. Amendments, which include those modifications or changes to the list, location or provider of public facility projects which significantly impact a public facility project ideIltifiedin the comprehensive plan, and which do not qualify as ..rlministrative or technical and environmental changes, as defined below. Amendments are subject to the ?rlmini<rtrative procedures and review and appeal procedures applicable to land use decisions. 2. Adoption of capital improvement program proj ect lists by any service , provider do not require modification of this Plan unless the requirements of subparagraph I above are met B. Modifications permitted without amendment of the Plan. The following modifications do not require amendment of this Plan: ' 1. Administrative changes are those modifications to a public facilitY project which are minor in nature and do not significantly impact the project's general description, location, sizing, capacity or other general ,characteristic of the project. ' 2. Technical and environmental changes are those modifications to a public " facility project which are made pursuant to "final engineering" on a project _._ .!~ or.!hg~1: ~ph_~\i~t fromthe finrlings of an Environmental ~ses~ent. /1 or El!yiroD$f\ll~~Hll1pact Statement cond1fl\ifu~ieerfiIDations t.f :;ro DJ Planner: GM ' V:\SDC\Metro Plan Amendment.doc Page g of 9 Last printed Last printed 3/2/2004 4:54:00 PM implementing the procedural provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act 'of 1996 or any federal or state agency project development regulations consistent with that Act and its regulations. Process for making Changes The following process is used to modify the P!an: A. Amendments ' For purposes ofprocessllg amendments, as ~efined here' divided into two classes. 1. Type I Amendments includeJU]lendments to the text of the Plan, or to a list, location or provider of public facility projects which significantly impact a public facility project identified herein, which project serves more than one jurisdiction. 2. Type II amendments include amendments to a list, location or, provider of public facility projects which significantly impact a public facility project identified herein, which project serves only the jurisdiction proposing ,the amendment B, Processing Amendments Any of the adopting agencies (Lane County, Eugene, or Springfield) may initiate an amendment to this plan at any time on their own motion or on behalf of a citizen. 1. Type I amendments shall be forwarded to the planning commissions of the respective agencies and, following their recommendation, shallbe considered by the governing boards of all agencies. If a Type I amendment is not adopted by all agencies, the amendment shall be referred to MPC for conflict resolution. Subsequent failure by agencies to adopt an MPC-negotiated proposal shall defeat the proposed amendment. If an amendment is adopted, all agencies shall adopt identical ordinances 2, Type II amendments shall be forwarded to the Planning Commission of the initiating agency and, following their recommendation, shall be considered by the governing board of the initiating agency ".I..';'f;~.tL ',~" ...:~:. Date Rer:~'ved' L1/:Jt) -Ot.j Planner: GM Page 9 of9 V:\SDC\Metro Plan Amendment.doc Last printed Last printed 3/2/2004 4:54:00 PM ,< \.De~t. of Land Conservation and Development_660_011 Page I of II ,~ OREGON SECRETARY OF STATE ....'Oregon State Archives l' tSWCI;i ';1 ~,_,~". _ . , ,_ - ----, .' ,I ~~~J~ , . ,.If:fl'I~~~leglSj1itl,,e.,,''itre'C()fljs[i.Tigrrit)7;.'L~lgene1libgYjlii1l'gO'"efnors,'i! ',., ....~~~~"',..-'e,-.;-:~'.~"'t"'~._:,..;,<-_._-,-'C".~,--~_.~.-.-;_.c......,.,."""..._c~:,.:_._..,_~,~.."".,..,.'.,7~~_::-~___~mt-.:'7."~':.:~m'"':..""'"'-_.:-..~~_7-.~."-"-.~,.~---:-..."..~-,-_.~-:":",,:.~."-.~''":, lMtt\?i{t~1iJ'fi~@~;!WC~iH,m$hO Id in ~is',~~~1state 'a_ge.ijcv~~airldca' g'o,vtig~~Y;:eb:e'*hlti~~StJ[~t911r.:tl1fiWj}~~~~Y,~ The Oregon Administrative Rules contain OARs filed through February 13, 2004 LAND CONSERV A nON AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DIVISION I I PUBLIC FACILITIES PLANNING 660-011-0000 Purpose TIle purpose of this division is'to aid in achieving the requirements ofGoalll, Public Facilities and Services, OAR 660-015- 0000(11), interpret Goal II requirements regarding public facilities and services on rural lands, and implement ORS 107,712 (2)(e), which requires that a city or county shall develop and adopt a public facility plan for areas within an urban growth boundary containing a population greater than 2,500 persons, The purpose of the plan is to help assure that urban development in such urban growth boundaries is guided and supported by types and levels of urban facilities and services appropriate for the needs and requirements of the urban areas to-be serviced, and that those facilities and services are provided in a,timely, orderly and efficient arrangement, as required by Goal '11. The division contains definitions relating to a public facility plan, procedures and standards for developing, adopting, and amending such a plan, the date for submittal of the plan to the Commission and standards for Department review of the plan, [ED, NOTE: The goal referred to or incorporated by reference in this rule is,available from the agency,] Stal. Auth,: ORS 183 & OAR 197 Stats, Implemented: ORS 197,712 His!.: LCDC 4-1984, f & ef 10-18-84; LCDD 4-1998, f, & cert, ef 7-28-98 660-011-0005 Definitions (l) "Public'faCilities Plan": A public faCility plan is a support document or documents to a comprehensive plan. The facility plan describes the water, sewer and' transportation facilities which are to support the land uses designated in the appropriate acknowledged comprehensive plans within an urban growth boundary containing a population greater than 2,500, Certain elements oflhe public facility plan also shall be adopted as part of the comprehensive plan, as specified in OAR 660-11-045, (2) "Rough Cost Estimates": Rough cost estimates are approximate costs expressed in current-year (year closest to the period of public facility plan development) dollars, It is nol intended that project cost estimates be as exact as is required for budgeting purposes, Dale Received:_7;d1/l?cf Planner: GM http://www.sos.state.oLus/archives/rules/OARS_600/0AR.:660/660_011.html 3/17/2004 , Elept. of Land Conservation and Developrnent_660_01 i Page 2 of II (3) '.'ShortTerm": The short term is the period from year one through year five of the facility plan, (4) "Long Tern"': The long term is the period from year six through the remainder of the planning'period, / (5) "Public Facility": A public facility includes water, sewer, and transportation facilities, but does not include buildings, structures or equipment incidental to the direct operation of those facilities. (6) "Public Facility Project": A public facility project is the construction or reconstruction of a water, sewer, or transpOJ1ation facility within a public facility system that is funded or utilizecJ.by members of the gem;ral public, (7) "Public Facility Systems": Public facility systems are those facilities ofa particular type that combine to provide water, sewer or transportation services. For pUl1'oses of this division, public facility systems are 'limited to the following: (a) Water: (A) Sources of water; (B) Treatment system; (C) Storage system; (D) Pumping system; (E) Primary distribution system, (b) Sanitary sewer: (A) Treatment facilities system; (B) Primary collection system, (c) S tonn sewer: (A) Major drainageways (~ajor trunk lines, streams, ditches, pump stations and,reteo'tion basins);. (B) Outfall locations, (d) Transportation: (A) Freeway system, if planned for in the acknowledged comprehensive plan; (B)'Arterial system; (C) Significant collector system; (D) Bridge system (those on the Federal Bridge Inventory); (E) Mass transit facilities if planned for in the acknowledged comprehensive plan, including purchase of new buses if total fleet is less than 200 buses; rail lines or transit stations associated with providing transit service to major transportation corridors and park and ride station; , (F) Ail1'ort faciliiies as identified in the current airport master plans;' Date Received: Planner: GM 3/f1-Or.f http://www.sos.state.or.us/archives/rules/OARS:- 60010AR _660/660_0 Il,html 3/1712004 Dept. of Land Conservation and Development_ 660 _01 i Page 3 of 11 (G) Bicycle paths if planned for in the acknowledged comprehensive phin, (8) "Land Use Decisions": In accordance with ORS 197:7 12(2)(e), project timing and financing provisions of public facility plans shall not be considered land use decisions as specified under ORS 197.015(10), (9) "Urban Growth Management Agreement": In accordance with OAR 660-003-001O(2)(c), alld urban growth management agreement is a v.:ritten statement"agreement or set of agreements setting forth the mean~by which a plan for management of the unincorporated area within the urban growth boundary will be completed 'and by which the urban growth boundary may be modified (unless the same information is incorporat<;d,in other acknowledged documents), . (10) Other Definitions: For the purposes of this division, the definitions in ORS 197,015 shall apply except as provided for in section (8) of this rule regarding the definition in ORS 197,0 I 5(10), Stat. Auth,: ORS 183 & ORS 197, Stats, Implemented: ORS 197,712 Hist.: LCDC 4-1984, f. & ef. 10-18:84 660-011_00 lO The Public Facility Plan (I) The public facility plan shall contain the following items: (a) An inventory and general assessment of the condition'of all the significant public facility systems which support the land uses designated in the acknowledged comprehensive plan; (b) A list of the significant public facility projects which are to support the land uses designated in the acknowledged comprehensive plan. Public.facility project descriptions or specifications of ~es~ projects as necessary; . (c) Rough cost estimates of each public facility project; '(d) A triap or v/ritten description of each public facility project's general location or service area; (e) Policy statement(s) or urban growth management agreement identifying the provider of each public facility system, If there is more than' one provider with the authority to provide the system within the area covered by the public facility plan, then the provider of each project'shall be designated; (I) An estimate of when each facility project will be needed; and (g) A discussion of the provider'~ existing funding mechanisms and the abilitY of these and possible new mechanisms to fund the development of each public facility project or system, ' (2) Those public facilities to be addressed in the plan shall include, but need not be limited to those specified in OAR 660, 011-0005(5), Facilities included in the public facility plan other than those included in OAR 660-011-0005(5) will not be reviewed for compliance with this rule; (3) It is not the purpose of this division to cause duplication of or to supplant existing applicable facility plans and programs, Where all or part of an acknowledged comprehensive plan, facility master plan either of the local jurisdiction or appropriate special district, capital improvement program, regional functional plan, similar plan or any combination of such plans meets 'all or some of the requirements of this division, those plans, or programs may be incorporated by reference into the public facility plan required by this division, 'Only those'referenced portions of such documents shall be considered to be a part of the public facility plan and shall be subject to the administrative procedures of this division and ORS Chapter 197, Stat. Auth,: ORS 183 & ORS 197 Stats, Implemented: ORS 197,712 His!.: LCDC 4-1984, f. & ef. 10-18-84 Date Received' Planner: GM 3/{ r~t{ http://www.sos.state.or.us/archives/rules/OARS_600/0AR _660/660_0 ll,html 3/17/2004 Dept. of Land Conservation and Development_660_011 660-011-0015 . Responsibility for Public Facility Pian Preparation Page 4 of II (I) Responsibility for the preparation, adoption and amendment of the publicJacility plan shall be specified within the urban growth management agreement. If the urban growth management agreement does not make pruvision for this responsibility, the agreement shall be amended to.do so prior to the preparation of the public facility plan. In the case where an unincorporated area exists within the Portland Metropolitan Urban Growth Boundary which is not contained within the boundary of an approved urban planning area agreement with the County, the County shall be the responsible agency for. preparation of the facility plan for that unincorporated area. Th'e urban growth management agreement shall be submitted with the public facility plan as specified in OAR 660-011-0040. (2) The jurisdiction responsible for the preparation of the public facilitY plan shall provide for the coordination of such preparation with the city, county, special districts and, as necessary, state and federal agencies and private providers of public facilities. The Metropolitan Service Districtis responsible for public facility plans coordination \vithin the District consistent with ORS 197.190 and 268.390. (3) Special districts, including port districts, shall assist in the development of the public 'facility plan for those facilities they provide. Special districts may object to that portion of the facilities plan adopted as part oftl)e comprehensive plan during review by the Commission only if they have completed a special district agreement as specified under ORS 197.185.and 197.254(3) and (4) and participated in the development of such portion of the public facilitY plan. (4) Those state agencies providing funding for or making expenditures on public facility systems shall participate in the development of the public facilitv plan in accordance with their state agency coordination agreement under ORS 197.180 and 197.712(2)(1)... - . . Stat. Auth.: ORS 183 & ORS 197 Stats. Implemented: ORS 197.712 His!.: LCDC 4-1984,f. & ef. 10-18-84 660-011-0020 Public Facility Inventory and Determination of Future Facility Projects' (I) The public facility plan shall include an inventory of significant public facility systems. Where the acknowledged comprehensive plan, background document or one or more of the plans or programs listed in OAR 660-011-0010(3) contains such an inventory, that inventory may be incorporated by reference. The inventory shall include: ' . . (a) Mapped location of the facility or service area; (b) Facility capacity or size; and (c) General assessment of condition of the facility (e.g., very good, good, fair, poor, very poor). (2) The public facility plan shall identify significant public facility projects which are to support the land uses designated in the acknowledged comprehensive plan. The public facility plan shall list the title of the project and describe each public facility project in terms of the type offacility, service area, and facility capacity. . . . . (3) Project 'descriptions within the 'facility plan may require modifications based on subsequent environmental impact studies, design studies, facility master plans, capital improvement programs, or site availability. The public facility plan should I anticipate these changes as specified in OAR 660-011-0045. . Sta!. Auth.: ORS 183 & ORS 197 Stats.lmplemented: ORS197.712 His!.: LCDC 4-1984, f. & ef. 10-18-84 Date Received' 1y 11/ otf Planner: GM http://www.sos.state.or.us/archives/rules/OARS_600/0AR_660/660_011.html 3/17/2004 Dept. of Land Conservation and Development_660_01 i Page 5 of 11 660-011-0025 Timing of Required Public Facilities (I) The public facilities plan shall include a general estimate of the timing for the planned public facility projects. This timing component of the public facilities plan can be met in several ways depending on whether the project is' anticipated in the short tenn or long term. The timing of projects may be related direct)y to population growth, e,g., the expansion or new construction of water treatment facilities. Other facility projects can be related to a measure of the facility's service level being inet or exceeded, e.g., a major arterial or intersection reaching a maximum vehicle-per-day standard, " Development of other projects may be more long term and tied neither to specific population levels nOf measures of service levels, e.g., sewer projects to cancel infiltration and inflow problems. These projects can take place over a long period of time and may be tied to the availability oflong-term funding. The timing of projects may also be tied to specific years. (2) Given the differentmethods used to estimate the timing of public facilities, the public facility plan shall identify projects as OCCUlTing in either the short tenn or long term, based on those factors which are related to project development. For those projects designated for development in the short ternl, the public facility plan shall identify an approximate year for development. For those projects .designated for development over the long term, the public facility plan shall provide a general estimate as to when the need for project development.would exist, e.g., population level, service level standards, etc. Timing provisions for public facility projects shall be consistent with the acknowledged comprehensive plan's projected growth estimates. The public facility plan shall consider the relationships between facilities in providing for development. (3) Anticipated timing provisions for public facilities are not considered land use decisions as specified in ORS 197.712(2) (e), and, therefore; cannot be the basis of appeal under ORS 197.610(1) and (2) or 197.835(4). Stat. Auth.: ORS 183 & ORS 197 Stats.lmplemented: ORS 197.712 His!.: LCDC 4-1984, f. & ef. 10-18-84 660-011-0030 Location of Public Facility Projects (I) The public facility plan shall identify the general location of the public facility project in specificity appropriate for the facility. Locations of projects anticipated to be carriedout in the snort term can be specified more,precisely than the locations of projects anticipated for development in the long teml. (2) Anticipated locations for public facilities may require modifications based on subsequent environmental impact studies, design studies, facility master plans, capital improvement p;ograms, or land availability. The public facility plan should anticipate those changes as specified in OAR 660-011-0045. . Stat. Auth.: ORS 183 & ORS 197 Stats. Implemented: ORS 197.712 Hist.: LCDC 4-1984, f. & ef. 10-18-84 660-011-0035 Determination of Rough Cost Estimates for Public Facility Projects and,Local Review of Funding Mechanisms for Public Facility Systems . (I) The public facility plan shan include rough cost estimates for those sewer, water, and transportation public facility projects identified in the faciJity plan. The intent of these rough cost estimatesis to: Date Received: 7Y11-al{ Planner: GM http://www.sos.state.oLus/archives/rules/OARS_600/0AR _ 660/660_0 II.html 3117/2004 , Dept. of Land Conservation and Development_660_011 Page 6 of 11 (a) Provide an estimate"'ofthe'fiscal requirements to support the land use designations in the acknowledged comprehensive plan; and (b) For use by the facility provider in reviewing the provider's existing funding mechanisms (e.g., general funds, general obligation and revenue bonds, local improvement district, system development charges, etc.) and possible alternative funding mechanisms. In addition to. including rough cost estimates for each project, the facility plan shall.include a discussion of the provider's existing funding mechanisms and the ability of these and possible new mechanisms to fund 'the development of each public facility project or system. These funding mechanisms may also be described in.lerms of general guidelines or local policies, (2) Anticipated financing provisions are not considered land use decisions as specified in ORS 197.712(2)(e) and, therefore, cannot be the basis of appeal under QRS 197.610(1) and (2) or 197.835(4). Stat. Auth,: ORS 183 & ORS 197 Stats.lmp1emented: ORS 197.712 Hist.: LCDC 4-1984, f. & ef. 10-18-84 660-011-0040 Date of Submittal of Public Facility Plans The public facility plan shall be completed, adopted, and submitted by the time of the responsible jurisdiction's periodic review. The public facility plan shall be reviewed under OAR Chapter 660, Division '25, "Periodic Review" with the jurisdiction's compreh.ensive plan and land use regulations. Portions of public faciliryplans adopted as part of comprehensive plans prior to the responsible jurisdiction's periodic review win be reviey.'ed pursuant to OAR Chapter 660, Division 18, "PostAcknowledgrnent Procedures". ' ' Stat. Auth.: ORS 183 & ORS 197 Stats.lmplemented: ORS 197.712 His!.: LCDC 4-1984, f. & ef. 10-18-84 660-011-0045 Adoption and Amendment Procedures for Public Facility Plans (1) The governing body of the city or countY responsible for development of the public facility plan shall adopt the plan as a supporting do~ument to the ~Lirisdiction's comprehensive plan and shall also adopt as part of the comprehensive plan: (a) The list of public facility project titles,'excluding (if the jurisdiction so chooses) the descriptions or specifications of those projects; (b) A map or written description of the public facility projects' locations or service areas as specified in sections (2) and (3) of this rule; and . (c) The policy(ies) or urban growth management agreement designating the provider of each public facility system. If there is nlore' than one provider with the authority to provide the system within the area covered by the public facility plan, then the provider of each project shall be designated. (2) Certain public facility project descriptions, location or service area designations will necessarily change as a result of subsequent design studies, capital improvement programs,_ environmental impact studies, and changes in potential sources of funding.Jt is not the intent of this division to: , Date Heceiveo' 3, 11-1Jl(' Planner; GM http://wWw.sos.state.oLus/archives/rules/OARS 600/0AR 660/660 Oll.html - - -' 3117 /2004 Dept. of Land Conservation and Development_660_011 Page 7 of 11 (a) Either prohibit projects not included in the public facility plans for which ~~anticipated funding has been obtained; . (b) Preclude project specification and'location decisions rnade according to the National Environmental Policy Act; or (c) Subject administrative and technical changes to the facility plan to ORS 197.610(1) and (2) or 197.835(4). (3) The public facility plan may allow for the following modifications to projects without amendment to the public facility ~m: I , (a) Administrative changes are those modifications to a public facility'project,which are minor in nature and do not significantly impact the project's general description, location, sizing, capaci~, or. other general characteristic of the project; (b) Technical and environmental changes are those modifications to a public facility project which are made pursuant to "final engineering" on a project or those that result from the findings of an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement conducted under regulations implementing the procedural provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (40 CFR Parts IS00-1508)or any federal or State of Oregon agency project development regulations consistent. with that Act and its regulations. . (c) Public facility project changes made pursuant to subsection (3)(b)ofthis rule are subject to the administrative procedures and review and appeal provisions of the regulations controlling the study (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508 or similar regulations) and are not subject to the administrative procedures or review or appeal provisions of ORS Chapter 197, or OAR Chapter 660 Division 18. ' (4) Land use amendments are those modifications or amendments to the list, location or provider of, public facility projects, which significantly impact a public facility project identified in the comprehensive plan and which do not qualify under subsection (3)(a) or (b) of this rule. Amendments made pursuant to this subsection are subject to the administrative procedures and review and appeal provisions accorded "land use decisions" in ORS Chapter 197 and those set forth in OAR Chapter 660 Division 18. . Stat Auth.: ORS 183 & ORS 197 'Stats.lmplemented: ORS 197.712 Hist: LCDC 4-1984, f. & ef. 10-18-84 660-011-0050 Standards for Review by the Department The Department of Land Conservation and Development'shall evaluate the following, as further defined in this division, when reviewing, public facility plans submit~ed under this' division: t'. . (1) Those items as specified in OAR 660-011-00 IO( 1'); (2) Whether the plan contains a copy of all agreements required under OAR 660-011-0010 and 660-011-0015; and " (3) Whether the public facility plan is consistent with the acknowledged comprehensive plan. Stat Auth.: ORS 183 & ORS 197 Stats. Implemented: ORS 197.712 Hist: LCDC 4-1984, f. & ef. 10-18-84 660-011-0060 Date Received: 3~(1/~L{ Planner: GM http://www.sos.state.or.us/archives/rules/OARS_60010AR_660/660_011.html 3/17/2004 Dept. of Land Conservation and Development_660_011 J;age 8 of 11 Sewer Service to Rural Lands (1) As used in this rule, unless the context requires otheIWise: (a) "Establishment of a sewer systein" means the creation of a new sewage sy"tem, including systems provided by public or private entities; (b) "Extension ofa Sewer System" shall have the same meaning as stated in Goal 11; (c) "No practicable alternative to a sewer system" means a determination by DEQ or the Oregon Health Division, pursuant to criteria in OAR 340, Division 071, and other applicable rules and laws, that an existing public health hazard cannot be . adequately abated by the repair or maintenance of existing sewer systems or on-site systems or by the installation of new 00- site systems as defined in OAR 340-07l-0l00; . (d) "Public healih hazard" means a condition whereby it is probable that the public is exposed to disease-caused physical suffcling or illness due to the presence of inadequately treated sewage; .(e) lISewage" means the water-earned human, ,animal, vegetable, or industrial:waste from residences, buildings, industrial establishments or other places, together with such ground water infiltration and surface water as may ~e present; (f) "Sewer system" means a system that serves more than one lot or parcel, or more than one condominium unit or more than one unit within a planned unit development, and includes pipelines or conduits, pump stations, force mains, and all other structures, devices, appurtenances and facilities used for treating or disposing,of sewage or for collecting or conducting sewage to an ultimate point for treatment and disposal. The following are nofconsidered a ltsewer system"'for purposes of this rule: (A).A system provided solely for the collection, transfer and/or disposal of storm water runoff; (B) A system provided solely for the collection, transfer and/or disposal of animal waste from a farm use as defmed in ORS . illJ03. (2) Except as provided in sectionsJ3) and (4) of this rule, and consistent with Goal II, a local government shall not allow: (a) The establishmen<t ofn~w se~er syste~s outside urban growth boundari~s or unincorporated commuruty,boundaries; (b) The extension of sewer hnes from within urban'growth boundaries or ~nincorporated community boundaries in order to serve uses on land. outside those boundaries; (c) The extension of sewer systems that currently serve land outside urban gnJwth boundaries and unincorporated communiry boundaries in order to serve usc:s that are outside such boundaries and are not served by the system on the date of this rule. (3) Components of a sewer system that serve lands inside an urban growth boundary (UGB) may be placed on lands outside the boundary provided that the conditions in subsections (a) and (b) of this ~ection are met, as follows: (a) Such placement is necessary to: (A) Serve lands inside the UGB more efficiently by traversing lands outside the boundary; (B) Serw lands inside a nearby UGB or unincorporated community;. (C) Connect to components of the sewer system lawfully located on rural lands, such as outfall or treatment facilities; or (D) Transport leachate from a landfill on rural land to a sewer system inside a UGB; and (b) The local government. Date Received' Planner: GM 3/ /1/ot( http://www.sos.state..oLus/archives/rules/OARS600/0AR660/66001I.html - _.,- 3/17/2004 Dept. of Land Conservation and' Development_ 660_0 II Page 9 of II (A) 'Adopts land use regulations to 'ensu're the sewer system shall not serve land ol:ltside urban growth boundaries or unincorporated community boundaries, except as authori~ed under section (4) ofthi5 rule; and (B) Determines that the system satisfies ORS 215.296(1) or (2) to protect fami and forest practices, except for systems located in the subsurface of public roads ~nd highways along the public right of way. (4) A local government may allow the establishment ofa new sewer system, or the extension of an existing sewer system, to serve land outside urban growth boundaries and unincorporated community b()undaries in order to mitigate a public health hazard, provided that the conditions in subsections (a) and (b) of this section are met, as follows: I . (a) The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) or the Oregon Health Division initially: (A) Determines that a public health hazard exists in the area; (B) Determines that the health hazard is caused by sewage from development' that existed in the area on the date of this rule; \ . (C) Describes the physical location of the identified sources of the sewage contributing to the health hazard; and (D) Determines that there is no practicable alternative to a sewer system in order to abate the public health hazard; and (b) Thc'local' governme'nt:' in response to the detennination in subsection (a) 6fthi$ section, and based on recommendations by DEQ and the Oregon Health Division where appropriate: (A) Detennines the type of sewer system and service to be provided, pursuant to section (5) of this rule; (B) Determines the boundaries of the sewer system service area, pursuant to section (6) of this rule; (C) Adopts land use regulations that ensure the sewer system is designed and:constructed so that its capacity does not exceed the minimum necessary to serve the area within the boundaries described under paragraph (B) of this subsection, except for urban reserve areas as provided under OAR 660-021-0040(6); , (D) Adopts land use regulations to prohibit the sewer system from serving any uses other than those existing 0, allowed in 'the identified service area on the date the sewer system is approved; (E) Adopts plan and zone amendments to ensure that only rural land uses are allowed on rural lands in the area to be serVed by the sewer system, consistent with Goal 14 and OAR 660-004-0018, unless a Goal 14 exception has been acknowledged; (F) Ensures that land use regulations do not authorize a higher density of residential development than would be authorized without the presence of the sewer system; and . (G) Determines that the system satisfies ORS 215.296(1) or (2) to protect farm and forest practices, except for systems located in the subsurface of public roads and highways along the public right of way. (5) Where the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) determines that there is no practicable alternative to a sewer system, the local government, based on recommendations from DEQ, shall determine the'most practicable sewer sy~tem to abate the health hazard considering the following: (a) .The system must be sufficient to abate the public health hazard pursuant to DEQ requirements applicable to such systems; and (b) New or expanded sewer systems serving only the health hazard area shall' be generally preferred over the extension of a sewer system from an urban growth boundary. However, if the health hazard area is within the service area of a sanitary authority or district, the sewer system operated by the authority or district, if available and sufficient, shall be preferred over other sewer system options. '(6) The local government, based on recommendations from DEQ and, where,appropriate, the Oregon Health Division,.shall .. . /11/otf http://www.sos.state.oLus/arChlves/rules/OARS600/0AR660/66001I.html~ 3117/2004 - -, - Date Received: ~.n Dept. of Land Conservation and DevelopmenL660_011 Page 10 of II . . determine the area to be serVed by a sewer system necessary to abate a health hazard. The area shall include only the following: (a) Lots andparce1s that contain the.identified sources of the sewage contributing to the health hazard; (b) Lots and parcels that are surrounded by or abut the parcels described in subsection (a) ofthi, section, provided the local govemment demonstrates that, due to soils, insufficient lot size, or other conditions, there is a reasonably clear proba.bility that onsite systems installed to serve uses on such Jots or parcels will fail and further contribute to the health hazard. I (7) The local govemment or agency responsible for the determinations pursuant to sections (4) through (6) of this rule shaH provide notice to all affected local governments and special districts regarding opportunities to participate in such detemlinations. .,' (8) Applicable provisions of this rule, rather than conflicting provisions of local acknowledged zoning ordinances, shall immediately apply to local land use decisions filed subsequent to the effective, date of this rule. [ED. NOTE: The goals referred to or incorporated by reference in this rule are available from the agency.] Stat. Auth.: ORS 183 & ORS 197 Stats. Implemented: ORS 197.712. Hist.: LCDD 4-1998, f. & cert. ef. 7_28-98 660-011-0065 'Vater Service to Rural Lands (1) As used in this rule, unless the context requires.otherwise: (a) "Establishment" mean; the creation of a new water system and all associated physical components, including systems provided by public or private entities; (b) "Extension of a water system" means the extension of a pipe, conduit, pipeline, main, or other physical component frpm or to ?n existing water" system in order to provide service .to a use that was not served by the system on the applicable date of this rule, regardless ofwheth';r the use is inside the service boundaries of the public or private service provider. (c) "Water system" shall have the same meaning as provided in Gcialll, and includes all pipe, conduit, pipeline, mains, or other physical. components of such a system. (2) Consistent with Goal 11, local land use regulations applicable to lands that are outside urban growth boundaries and unincorporated community bou~daries' shall not: (a) All.ow an' increase in a base density in a residential zone due to the availability of service from. a water system; (b) Allow a higher density for residential development served by a water system than would be authorized without such . . serVice; or (c) Allow an increase in the allowable density of residential development due"to the presence, establIshment, or extension of a water system. (3) Applicable provisions oflhis' rtile, ~ather than conflicting provisions of local acknowledged zoning ordinances, shall immediately apply to local land use decisions filed subsequent to the effective date of this rule. [ED. NOTE: The goal referred to or incorporated by reference in this rule is available from the.agency.] Stat. Auth.: ORS 183& ORS 19~ Stats. Implemented: QRS 197.712 Date Received" . Planner: GM -J;v {1- tJt{ http;//~ww.sos.state.or.us/archives/rules/OARS 600/0AR 660/660 'Oll.html 3/17/2004 -Dept. of Land Conservation and Development_660~011 Page II of II His!.: LCDD 4-1998, f. & cert. ef. 7-28-98 The official copy of an Oregon Administrative Rule is contained in the Administrative Order filed at the Archives Division, 800 Summer St. NE, Salem, Oregon 97310. Any discreprlOcies with the published version are satisfied in favor of the Administrative Order. The Oregon Administrative Rules and the Oregon Bu\\etin are copyrighted by the Oregon Se~rctm)' of State. Terms and Conditions of Use_ Alnhabeticallndex by Agency Name Numerical Index by OAR Cbapter Number Search the Ted of the OARs Ollcstions about Administrative Rules? Link to the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) Return to Oregon State'Archives Home Page Date Received- . Planner: GM 1y {1/~t.{ http://www.sos.state.oLus/archives/rules/OARS_60010AR_66Q/660_011.html. 3117/2004