HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments COUNTY 7/31/2007 $>- -C ~ t , , " HOPKINS Steve From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: TAYLOR Paula L [PTAYLOR@lcog,org] Tuesday, July 31,20079:53 AM SCOLLA Connie J; SCHULZ Stephanie E; HOPKINS Steve; JONES Brenda Michael Kaiser Annexation (Nepute) No public hearing was requested on the Nepute annexation to the City of Springfield (ECSP07 -35), so the annexation is approved and effective July 30, 2007, at the e~d of the day. If you have any questions" please let me know. Paula Taylor, ExecutivcOffim I ,ane C()llOty Lllcal Government B(Jundary Commission (541) 682-4425 Fa'" (541) 682-2635 1 July18,2007 . : - ---~. . LANE COUNTY LOCALGOVERNI':~.ENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION 99 East Broadway Suite 400 Eugene, OR 97401-3111 (541)682-4425 FAX (541) 682-2635 , .' 1.: TO: Boundary, Commission Memb~rs; Lane Comity Commissioners; Lane 'County Land ManagementDivision; Lane County EnvironmentalH~alth Division; City of Springfielci; Willamalane Park and Recreation \District; Rainbow Water and Fire, District DistriCl; John Nepute; and Tom Poage ~t Poage Engineering & Surveying, Inc. ,- , ' FROM: PaulaL. Taylor, Executive Officer SUBJECT: 'EC SP07 - 35 (Expedited Procedure) ANNEXA nON OF TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELQ (Nepute) "Enclosed is a copy of the staff analysis for this proposal. It is sent toyou:as required by ORS 199.466, Please read the analysis carefully, The proposal is recommended for annroval withou! a Dublic hearin!! or further staff study, ' ' Ther~ are -i~~altematives:"'" ;:,' ., I.' If you agree with this recommendation;you need do notliing, 2, If,you fe~1 th~t a public' hearing is needed, you rilUst request, in wriling by July 30, ',2007. th~l a hearing~hould be set. The request must be in the commission's . . . .' lh' . offi~e by 5:00 p.m., Julv 30 , You must use the form that' is provided at the end of the staff analysis to request a hearing, ,For units of g~ve~ment, the form , . should be, signed by the chaim)anlmayor or other authorized person, If you or your unit of government, requests a public hearihg', the boundary coimrussion asks that you attend Ihe requested public hearing. If a hearing is requested, it will be, 'I' . set for thy next available boundary commission public hearing, ' ,'. ' " IF YOUHA VE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE ,PROPOSAL OR PROCEQURE, PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE (541-682c4425), ':: " Attachments pr: LCBC: L:\BClEXPlMEMCA2007lECSP0735 ME;'f.DOC Last ~ayed:.Jul~!8, 2007 . . . /',.-,; li. , , EXPEDITED PROCEDURE -.:. ST AFFIANAL YSIS . . . '( LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION AnnexatiOliof Territorv to the Citv of Sorin!!fie]d (Neoute) " L BC File E.C SP 07- 35 ' , ' Initiated by Resol)ltion No. 07-26 by.the City of Springfie]d'wilh property ov.:'ner/e]eclor' . -. . ~ ~. . ". consent . , ' , Action under,ORS 199.466 and ]99.490(2)(a)(B) of the boundary conimissio;"law ReceivedJuly 3;,2007 , Public hearing requests by July 30, 2007 . ,f '.' , Descriotion " ' ' The annexalioh: area includes one full tax ]oUocated il{ westem'Springfield, north of and , adjacent to Keilogg Road, south of-Centennial Road, and west of Kelly But!e , " ',I'. , Prgpertyowner: John'Nepute (1491 Wlmbledon Place, Springfield) Tax lot: 800, T1,7S R03W S34 Map 22 , ,Aqes: :t L02" \' , Eslimate of existing population: I (one single family residence), ;, . .j, , 'Existing land use: Residential ' , Existing zoning in Lane County:. LDRtuF-IO, ]owccten'sity residential with urbanizing fring~ overlay , ',', " " Applicable comprehensive plan: Eugene-Springfield ,Metropolitan Area General Plan (acknowledged in August 1982 and has been subsequently amended) .: Existing public services to the properties: Police '(Oregon State Police, Lane County ,sheriff), schools (Springfield School D,istrict 19); roads (Lane County, City of. " Springfield), fire (Rainbow Water and Fire Di~trict con(rac,ting with the City o( Springfield), water (Rainbo\y Water and Fin; q,istrict)" parks (WillamalanePark " and Recreation DistriCl) , " " ," , '. Reason for Annexation' ," " The property owner submitted an application'to the' City of,Springfie]d requesting annexation ,'to prepare this ]01 for residential deve]oIjment. The Eugene-Springfield Meiropolitan Area General Plan requires properties to. annex in order to receive urban, . " ,'J services, ", , , , -" . \f '.., "':", . This annexation proposal was filed with the boundary conullission oil July 3, 2007, in accordance' . with ORS I 99.490(4)(a)(Il), initiated by th,e City of Sr.ringfjeld with the co~sent from the property owner/elector. Prior, to initiating the annexation, the cIty of Springfield received written consent to ihe annexation from the property 'owner ,(Jolin Nep'ute) ilnd a majority of the eligible electors,' ,At the time the annexation was initiated by'!ilc citY'coimcil; there,oile elector ' registered within the annexalion area and a written consent was received from the elector (John Nepute): The statutory provision to receive consent from owners of more than one-half Ihe land ',.- '. LCLGBC Staff Ana]ysistEC;SP rn - 35) - July 18, 2007 Page I of9" , area and a majority of the electors [ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B)] is met. The applicant requested Ihat the provisions of ORS 199.466 (expediled procedure) be used in processing this ,annexation request. ORS 199.466 authorizes approval of annexations wiIhout.apublic,hearing or adoption ofa final ordCrif;n;quested ,by the principal ,petitioner.:, Under the expedited procedure, lhe boundary commission executive officer musl,prepare an 'analysis of the proposal within 15 days from its re~eipt. If, after 25 days from the filing date (in this case, July 30'\ no written objections are received from direct recipients of this staff analysis, the request is approved, However. if any direct recipient of this staff analysis does objecl, the proposal is scheduled fonhe next regular boundary commission public hearing., The direct recipients of this' slaff analysis 'are the individuals eligible to request a public hearing and are listed below under the first boundary commission standard. ' The proposed annexarion includes one full tax lot (refer to Maps No, I and 2), The, lax lot in lhe annexation area iscurrenlly'developedwilh'onereside'ntial'unit. The'annex-atiOii'was'initiiite'a b)' lhe City of Springfield af!erreceiving the necessary consents. The annexation area is contiguous 10 the City of Springfield and is in an area thaI is tOlally surrounded by the city limits. It is localed within the urban growth boundary (UGB) of the Eugene-Springfield Melropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan). The Metro' Plan designates the tax lotted, properties in the annexation area as low.density residential. The'tax lot is zoned LDRfUF-IO, 10w-deJ;lsity residential.with urbanizing fringe overlay, in Lane c;ounty. Upon the effeclive date of the annexation, the UF overlay will lapse and the 'properties will be zoned LDR in Springfield, ' Resolution No, 07-26; unanimously approved by,the Springfield city council on June 4, 2007, indicates that,it had been demonslraled thaI the properties could be provided 'with key urban services and the city requested approval of the annexation by the boundary commission, Following is a brief analysis of each of the boundary commission standards. '" Provide an impartial forum for resolution of local jurisdictional questions. Consider the effects of t,he boundary change on other units of governments. ORS 199.410(1)(b) and 199.410(3)(c)' ,~..,,~. '"' ,.".. '.,' - d" .' ~ ' "':', " , ,'- ' , '" ,- .-" This annexation request was filed in accordance with provisions inORS'l99 and was detennined to be a valid filing in accordance with OAR,191-006 (adopted administrative rule on boundary commission filing requirements), , The petitioner requested the proposal be processed using the expedited procedure. , This slaff, analysis was sent to the following direct reCIpIents: Lane, COYn1y boilndary 'cominission members; Lalle COU!lly commissioners; Lane County Land Managemenl Division; Lane Counly Environmental Health Division; Willamalane Park and Recreation Dislrict; City of LCLGBC Staff Analysis (Ee SP 07 - 35) - July 18. 2007 Page 2 of 9 Springfield; Rainbow W~ler' 'imd Engineering & Surveying, Inc, ': , Fire District; John Neptune; and Tom' Poage of Poage , :i''1- ,The annexation area is within the Rainbow Water and Fire District, which provides water service to 'properties within its boundaries"After. annexation to'.the' city of.Springfield, the annexation will ,be, withdra'wn from,:the district. by the city in accordance with ORS 222:' ~The Springfield Utility,Board (SUB) is the, ~ater' provider for the City of Springfield and will "be the water provider after annex'ation to, the city occurs. " . " , The Rainbow Water, and Fire,District contracts with ,the City of Springfield. for fire'services to properties within its boundaries. If 'the annexation is approved, the annexation area will be withdrawn from the district'lhrough separate proceeding~ by the City of Springfield in accordance with ORS 222. 'The City of Springfield will provide fire ,services directly to the ' " annexed area, ", The 'annexation area is wilhin the Williunalane Park and' Recreatioid)istricr and will remain in" the district after the, annexation,.is approved since the. city is ~ part of lhis special district. The park dislrict provides park and ~ecreation sen:ices and facilitie~ to Springfield residents, :;. Upon the effective date of the annexation; the area ,will be annexed aUlomatically, into the Lane County,MetropoJiia,! Wastewater Service District tORS 199!51O(2)(c)), which, was formed to, provide.the financing,Joi lhe regional 'wastewater treatment plant serving wastewater users within the cities of.Eugene and Springfield and other users within the urbanizable' area, ' " , " . . . j This request'is consistent with this boundary commission standard, ....l. Consider the orderly. determination and adjustment of loca,l govern,ment boundaries to best , 'meet the needs of.' Lane' County and Oregon,' Consider alternative solutions whe~e intergovemmental options are identified and make decisions"based on the most effective.long- c range option among identified a,lternatives, ORS 199.410(1), 199,410(2); and 199.410(3)(a) and, (e) !i " . ", ~ . The area in this annexation proposal is located within the acknowledged UGB of the Metro, Plan. Territory within this portion:of theUGB ultimately will be within the City of Springfield. The proposed annexation is contjguous to the City of Springfield and is in an 'area totally surr9!1n4ed" by the cily Iimits,'Annexation 'Of territory to,lhe:cityfulfills the poliCies adopted in',the Metro Plan of annexing out to the urban g~o'wth boundary" ' , , The incremental process of annexation causes short-term boundaries to be established: The acknowledged comprehensive plan in this area identifies the ,City of Springfield as the unit of government which wilfprovide urban services tO'lhis urbanizable area within the UGH. In the long term, teiritory within this geographic area will be annexed. to Springfield, '\"'. .~ -. " " LCLGBC Staff Analysis tEC SP07735) - July 18,2007 Page 3 of 9 "'". : -,' This annexation is consistent with boundary commISSIOn administrative rule implementing policies (I), (2), (5), and (7) which recognize annexation to an existing city as the preferred method of servicing urbanizable land. {I) This policy re,cognizes cities ,as Ihe logical providers of urban levels of service .. .' " . 'within ,urban growth boundaries when:.it is, consis~ent ~ith the, comprehensive pJfUl. .. '. (2) This policy expresses the commission's preference for providing urban services through annexation to a city in order to provide urban services to urbanizable lands, (5) This policy encourages provision of urban levels of service within urban growth , boundaries, (7) This policy expresses the cOmmissi!-m'spreference for annexation lo'iin existing city over all other alternatives. as a means of extending services to urbanizable lands, Implementing policy (3) recognizes that in order to meet the long-term objeclives of annexing out to an acknowledged urban growth boundary, short-term boundaries are created; which are logical within the contexl of the future service boundary: Approval of lhis annexalion will eliminale,lhesize of an existing islanded area" . ,. , This proposal 10 annex lerritory to the City of Springfield IS consistent wilh boundary' commission policies and this standard, Make boundary commission determinations which are consistent with acknowledged local comprehensive plans. Assure an, adequate quality and quantity of public seriices required in the comprehensive plan to meet"existing and future growth. For major boundary changes, there must be assurance that the proposed unit of government is financially viable. ORS 199.410(1)(d), 199.410(3)(b) and (d) The ,proposal area is within the Metro Plan UGB. The Metro Plan was acknowledged by the Land ,Conserv,ation "and. Development Commission ,(LCBC)> in" AuguSl ; 1982 and 'has been subsequently amended, The, Metro' Plan recognizes annexation as the highest priority for extending lhe minimum range of urban facilities and services 10 urbanizable areas (policies #8 and #10, page D-C-5) and recognizes that ultimately, all territory within lhe UGB will be annexed to an existing cily (policy #16, page II-C-6), The annexation area is designated low-density residential with 'urb'anizing,fringe overlay in the Metro Plan.: If lhe annexation is approved, the annexation area w'i11 be automatically rezoned to city LDR, low-density residential, upon the annexation effective date, The following services are eilher availab]e or can be exlended to this annexation area, LCLGBC Staff Analysis (EC SP07- 35) - July ]8,2007 Page 4 of 9 " , " .' Water -The,'annexation area is,withiiJ the Raihbow Water and Fire District. After annexation to , the city, the area will be withdrawn from the district thro~gh,separate proceedings by the City of Springfield ip accordance with ORS 222 and SUB will be th~ waler provider to the annexation area, An' orderly transition ,of water service will be made c~msislenl with ,Oregon law and an existing'iinlergovefnmental hgreemel1t between the two uti~ity providers. 'Springfield staff indiGate,'s there is an 'existing, 8-inch main line adjacenJ to the annexation area in' Kellogg Ro'ad tpat canprovi,de service ,10 new de'velopment within tpeannex<1tism area. ' ," , . ,', ' Electricitv ~ ~pringfield staff indicates that electrical service is available from SUB-the utility ,provi.?er for l<;rritory within the City of Springfield. ,;,' .,.. \ Police services' - The Springfield ,police department' can proyide police protection to the area' after annexation without jeopardizing service in other parts gf thesity. Police protection and resp<;mse' 10 "priority calls can be provided to the annexation area' consistent with service protection throughout thecity,~ " .- " , , <, " ..:' :..' '"," "~".~ "F , , U _ .' Fire 'and emeieencvservices -' The annexation area isprovid~d fire and related services by the Rainbow Water and Fire pistrict. The district contracts, with the City of Springfield for fire services within its boundaries, After annexalion to the city, the area will be withdrawn from lhe district by the City of Springfield in accordance with ORS 222. Fire services will be provided directly by the city after .annexation, Springfield staff indicated thaI response time to the anl1exation area is within' the ,4,minute response time standard for:basic life support services. There is an existing fire hydrant located on Kellogg Road nea~;the intersection of Oak,JyIeadows Place, ,', ," " ".'" ,> ,,' ,: " ", . '-, , , Emergency'medical transpbrt (ambulance) services are provided on aregional..basis by Eugene, Springfield, alldLane"Rural' Fire/Rescue to central "Lane Comity, The annexation area ,will contin\,e to receive this service consistent with the adopted ambulance service area (ASA) plan. , ' Mut~al aid'agreements have been adopted by the three regional~ASA providers to provide backup, coverage for each other: s jurisdictions, ' ii' ): .> " .', \".' ~ . Parks ,and recreation,- The, annexatIOn area is within theWillamalane Park and Recreation '. . . - . J" District'and will remain in the,district after annexation to the city, The City of Springfield is part of the park'distiict' and cily',residenis "receive: 'park' and recf~ation:'se'rvic~'s ",from' the"district: ,. 1\ . J,. ,-, Springfield staff indicated ,that the district o'perates two:aquatic centers, 'a communily center, an' adult activjty center, and 31 par~scontaining a variely of out~oor recreational amenities. ' The ,closest parks,to the annexation area are Menlo Park and,Eastgaie Woodiands Park, Parks system 'development charges will' be issued for new, residential development occuning wilhin the amiexation area, , , Schools -The area of this request is within the Springfield School DistriCl 19. Springfield staff' indicated that exisling schools 'serving this' neighborhood-,;-Centennial elementary, Hamlin middle:'and Spri~gfield high-will continue to serve lhe annexation area, .'.,' (' .' , - LCLGBC Staff Analysis lEe SP 07 - 35) - July l8, 2007 Page 5 of9 , , . ~I .. ' i, .\.. -. ..,...,-",...... Wastewater - The existing residence is not currenlly connected to the city wastewater system. Springfield staff indicates thaI two waslewater service lines ,are extended to the 'annexation area from the existing 8-inch main in Kellogg Road, . -.; '. Stormwaler - Any future development or redevelopment of the annexation area will' require appropriate stormwater management techniques in accordance with cily slandards. , . .u _ ~ r. . - . Streets - The annexalion area is adjacen\'1o Kellogg Road, a county road that is already inside the Springfield city limits, The City of Springfield is recommending acquisilionof right-of-way along the annexation area's southerly boundary, Specifically; lhe right-of-way line along the southern portion of the annexation area should be extended to coincide with therightcof-way on the adjacent parcel to the east. This acquisition can be acquired when the annexation area is partitioned or further developed. At that time, curb, gutJer, and sidewalk improvements will be required. ' , , Soliawasie"iniillLa!!emeiit' --Privatefiiins arid individuals collecl arid irafisjJort'soli~(waste to the Lane County administered landfill. " COllununication facilities - Various providers offer bolh wire and wireless communication services in the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area, Existing providers' and those entering the market will soon have the capability to provide service to future development in this area. Land use controls ~The property is within Springfield's portion of the UGB, Through an intergovernmental agreement belween Lane County and the City of Springfield, the city already has'planning and building jurisdiction for this property, Thecily will continue to: administer land use controls after annexation, " The minimum level of key urban filcilities and services are either immedialely available or can be provided within a reasonable future time frame as needed, This request is consistent with this standard, ( Consider the, comprehensive plan"s ecol,lomic, demographic, and sociological trends and projections and its environmental policies, pertinent to the proposal. ORS 199.410(3)(d) and 199.462(1) . The annexation proposal is consistent with the Metro Plan, as it is an incremcntal'siep in implementing the long-range plan for this area. The urban growlh boundary, land uses, and policies in the Metro Plan were develqped to meet the future needs of the metropolitan community, The,proposed residential use'is consistent with lhe long-range plans'for the area. This request is consistent with this boundary commission standard. . ," LCLGBC Staff Analysis (EC SP 07 - 35) - July 18, 2007 Page 6 of 9 , , " Recoiririiendation '" " . .' .~"... . -) , .. ~ . The boundary coillmis$io!,! staff recomn\ends,that the proposed ,annexation tOlhe' City of Springfield (EC, SP 07 ~ 35) beappro~ed without the h~aring and staff"reportas.required by ORS, 199466 ," ',' '" '" '" ", " ' ',.'.,,' ,i ";','," " ," ',', . '. . '. . 1~. . . ." ',' ,. . ., ".~'''.~ . t'; r:, ". " -' .... (i ' ~.,~ ,_ - ,. . _. . . . If a public hearing ,is requested, the proposal will b~"'heard ~t the comrnission.'s ne!'t avai!able 'public hearing,' jf none is, ie'quested, it wiiL be approved ,dnd effective July 30, 2007 'caRS , , " , , ,I ' , 199:466 and ORS 199.519). ' ',' ' " ' . , .... - . . < . , ' ..;, J .. ;c., ,/' . .,_. ",' . '- \ . '. Sign anti return thisfo;;n to the boundary co.mmissio/,u?f!ice:ONLYif}ou desire/hat a pu6lii:, hearing be held. Qffice: 99 East Broadway, Suite 400, Euge1je;' Oregon 97401.-3111 , , -.., . " ;j ###", i' L ""1 Pursuant to ORS 199,.466, I REQUEST Tl-IAT, A:"P'UBPC.HE~RII\!Qand STAFE, ~ ' .. . . . .' . 'STUDY becond~cied'on an anri~htio~, ofl tehi tory to the ciiX of Springfield (EC SP OT~35) as " , ~equiied:by ORS 199;461, This ,form must,bdiledin the ~~~issionoffice no latefthan 5:00 pm" Julv30.'2007, " .' '.~ , ,~.::. ,;, , . .. '. " ,!<,~ason for. requestingpl!blic;hearing: ,', " , ' ,i,. . ,. . ' .",. "l- .. .' . 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