HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication PLANNER 4/20/2007 ~t ~ ..!-f ,- - '~ l , ...~ ?f-, , . "::;..~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ANNEXATION APPLICATIONS DISTRIBUTION DATE: April 20, 2007 NOTICE OF INTENT OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION ~--.. ""i -----__ '.-::';::- - j TO: --'i.~ !5.e:ll~Vogeney, City'Engineer (full) ~ jerry SIDith,-eliief of Police r=, C.~lia .l3arry,L~e County Transportation (full) _ Pam Meyer, Supervising Civil Engineer, Public Works Depart. \LesBenoy, SuperVising Civil Engineer, Public Works Depart. (full) - ''''' ./ . J _ Brian Bamett;Traffic Engineer/PE Public Works ' --.::' Gary McKeI1lley, Transportation Planning Engineer, Pub Wks (full) , ~' Gilbert Gor~oIl, Deputy Fire Marshall, Fire & Life Safety (full) (_~_-''famara Johnson, Springfield Utility Board (Electric) (SUB) (full) C" Bart McKee,:Springfield Utility Board, (watei) (full) L Tim Hanley, Rainbow Water District (RWD) (full) r~' Renae Siinmor},s, Eugene Water & Electric (EWEB) L ~arjqrie)~illph, Glenwood Water District , Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald People's Utility District (EPUD) - '."-'1 roo - ' Ed Bla,ck, Maintenance "7 .' '-- ~ . ..1 L.. George. Ehlers, Lane County Sanitarian Debbie Crampton, EWEB -.=- . Ptc!<.HelgesoI}~ EWEB (water) Steve Barrett,.Springfield School District 19 f _ Dennis Ernst, qi'y Surveyor (full) Pat French, Planner, Willamalane Park & Recreation District ". The Development Services Office has received a request for annexation, to the City of Springfield, Specific concerns of your division, department, or agency should be addressed. If you need more infonnation, please call Steve Hopkins,@ 726-3649. If you have comments ()r requirements of this prop?~~l, p1east: sen~ them in writing,byFridav. Mav 4.20(17;to tho/ [.QejeIQPl!lelltSeryicesDepartment, 22SLFifth Street, Springfield~ OR 97 ~7?J()r e~mail) _,~ shopkins@ci.springfield.or.us Attentio.D :_Stev~7 C}!?pkins 726-3649' -- 1 '..; ;'-i" ,..~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, 225 FIFTH STREET " SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1, ANNEXATION #LRP2007 -00017 NEPUTE Assessor's Map: 17-03-34-22 TL 800 Address: 1540 Kellogg Road, Existing Use: Residential Applicant submitted plans to annex 1,03 acres into the City of Springfield for future development Planner: Steve Hopkins i, .' 1 '" ., ai SPRINGFIELD Annexation Application City of Springfield Development Services Department ' ,225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 - Phone: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541) 726-3689 Location of the Property 1,40 Kp11noo Rn~d Assessor's Map(s) and Tax Lot(s) of the property included in the request, (please indicate if only a portion of a lot is included in the request and anach any additional map and tax lot numbers on a separate sheet of papeL) Map # 17-03-34-22 Lot # 800 Map# Lot # Map # Lot # Map # Lot# Area of Request 44~834 Square Feet or 1.03 Acres Existing Users) of the Property Residential Proposed Users) of the Property Residential Applicant Name Address John Nenute 1491 lIIimbledon Place Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: 726-0299 Owner Name(s) Same as Applicant Address Phone, The unuersigned :lcknllwledge~l;t the information in this application is correct and accurate. . Applicant Signature [1/ t~, Q)\{ 'Date":)' I.... . 01 , '\ ' If the applicant is other than.....,. ocr, th(,,'ner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behJ.lI~ ;''-\ ~y>;\\ Owner Signature ,f "WJ J VIi , Date (' . , , ! f1 () '1m" ~N'\ r'\/---l?r Office U~e Only: 1/,(/ j A /1 " Journal No, vII, Vdl-U t wi J T ReceIved By, 1'\ vlv ~ , Map No, \ 7-03 -3'f~2.2 Tax Lot f3(")rJ Date Accepted as Complete Revis~. ,;.,.;.o/vv :';1 '. ;' -~ ',ll, ,~ ., .':,', ;. ',- ,: '. ".' - .' THE APPLICA,ho~PACKET c ""::-;:;.,:':., '. .;. . "~ ,::1;: . ;',: .';t '-". . ,'-'- '.' ;', . . . " -. , .' 'ACOMPLETE APPLICATION CONSISTS OF: .'-"- -',' r,' ,'" -"., " " :,', .-:,. ~"'.. ~',.~'~'-' 1.' .', ',. 'r ,- ' - " . '. ' Th~re is ~n ihtake scr~;~ing, proi::es~ and a det~il,ed' completenes's check: . .' .' :\ , '. ",' " '",. .... , I. An int'ake screening process will be conducted at the front counter at the time of submittal~ Planning Division' . ; ;,:'. staff will determine whether all required items listed in ~he Annexation Submittal Requirements Checklist. have . 'been submitted, An application for submittal not having all of the required items will not be accepted" ' " ,', . 2. A detailed completeness check will be conducted',within 30 days ofsubmjnal. l~ this c'ase, the assigned Planner' .c' :will notify the applic.ant in writing concerning the completeness oftheapplication. An application will not be. . , ;: deemed technically complete until all information necessary to evaluate the proposed development, its impacts and - its compliance with the provisions ofthe'Springfield Deyelopment Cod~ an~ other applicable ~odes and sta~tes . '~ave been provi~ed, 'r,.. " ., ."..: ,'-...' " ' ," .'., . .. ...., .Incomplete applicatiC!ns -will delay the application reviewprocess'and may result in .denial if information pertaining to the ; criteria of ap~roval, is de~~i~nt or missing. .: ,.. .- I, , .' . -'-' .'.- ,- " , , 'IF YOU FEEL ANlTEM DOES NOT APPLY, PLEASE'STATE THE'REASONWHY AND ATTACH THE ',' EXPLANATION TO THIS FORM. APPLICATIONS NOT HAVING ALL BOXES CHECKED AND/OR AN EXPLANATION FOR ITEMS NOT APPLYING WILL BE RETURNED TO THE APPLICANT ANDWILL THEREFORE DELAY THE APPLICATION REVIEW P~OCESS,', .'", ' , ',; .' ", 'I. Application Fee ' '. . v ' ' ,'". ",- Two fees are required for Annexation Applications; A fee to the City'of Springfield and a fee to the Lane County Local' Government Boundary Commission, These fees are based upon trye area of land being annexe(;L, Refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule and,the Lane County Local Governm~nt Boundary Comrnission,Filing Fees Rule/Schedule for the appropriate fee calculatio'n formula. Copies of~oth fee schedules are available at the Development .~ervices Department. " ,', , " . " . , ' . . ' 2: Signing where necessary and f91lowing the instructio~~ ,c?ncer~ing'the attached forms I 3. Form #1, Petition ~.Annexation to the City of Springfield (page 3 of this packet). All persons who own an interest in the property or who are purchasers of the property on a contrapt sale that is recorded with Lane County must sign the annexation petition. Generally this mea!1s that'both the:husband and wife should sign. In the case ofa corporation or business! the persons who are authorized to sign legal documents for the firm may sign the annexation petition, Please attach a letter which notes such authori~ation. Attachment ."A " is the Legal Description.ofthe Property,. : . ~I' . " \.' ., , / b. Form #L~, Certification of Property Owners- To be completed by the'Bou!1dary Co~mission. , ' I '/.: -t VOc..()^ No c.,\t,.,{..'H ./ e. c;'. I,;'orm #2A, Certification of Registered Owners- To be cornplet~d by the BOllndary Conunission: d. Petition Signature Sheet-All qualified people must sign. Information Sheet-This sheet must be completed and submirte~ with the application. f. Three (3) copies of the applicable Tax Assessor Maps Revised 11/28/00 3 .' ..' ..- . ~ . , \: ','-" " '..... ": '.":,.' '~,,' , ,.... 'j... . . <. . . ~ " '. . "iI ", '~ ".: ""., """"1..; . :,~' , ; !'. .,'. ',. .... 3.' Dc~a~led.written .expla~ation ofthe,'propo.sal to in'elude:" " .,:',,{.' The siz~ and locati~~ oipr~perty , ,., c:r<..What city serviCes or facilities do you seek from annexing the property . . 0(' How the property will be served by a minimum level of key urban facilities' [3"'"' The zoning and plan designation of the site and adjacent properties ' . . GY.:' The proposed use of the, development area and scope of the proposed development , : ~ The current use of the site and any existing improvements : ':':r- . .":.' <:- ',*, Q..... 'Any special_ site features (i.e. wetlands, watercourses, steep slop~s, etc.) , :< .', " " '! ~ ,,' , . " : 4. "Eightee~ (18) copies of the foll?wing plan 'ALL PLANS Al\'D ATTACHMENTS MUST BE FOLDED TO 8>\" BY 11" AND BOUND BY RUBBER BANDS, ".' , .,' " " ,', '.1,3. Site Assessment of Existing'Conditions must be prep~red by ~n:Oregon Hcensed L~ndscape- Architect or Engineer and drawn to scale showing- physical features and watercourses' on the site c)r adjacent to the site, Infonnation required foradjaeent properties may be generalized to show the'connections to physical features, A Site Assessm.em must con!ai? the following infonnation: .' t ,~ . . _I'..... tlA . . - . ' ~,,'. . . -, ',' . , - cr'.' V~cinity:map, drawn to scale showing citY 'limits a~d the'iubject site ,~', 0" . A Site Map drawn to scale -/. 'I . . o ,The I DO-year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flo'od ,i'1' ". ,: -:' Insurance Rate Maps.or FEMA approved. Letter ofM,ap Amendment or Letter o(ryIap Revision . IT . 0 plan sho~ing the siJe's existing contour lin9s at,,1 foot,int~rvals"for'land with a slope over 10 percent; the contour lines may be at'5 foot intervals > .,. ".', ..' , - ,.' , [3...' Name and location of all 'existing 'public and private streets within or on the boimd~ry of tQe 'proposed development site including the right of way and paving dimensions, and t!te ownership and maintenance , ,.' status,:if applicable ,/, " ' " ' ,: ' '" ' ,r;/" Location of existing traffic q:mtrofdevices a~dfire hy'drants ./'. , '--", ' ~ Locatio!! and size of existing utilities including sanitary sewer mains', stonnwater management system's, \vater . mains, power, gas..telephon~, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed conn.eetion points ,,~, -' ' ',',' , j Revised 12/28/00, 4 , " .. .,\,.- .".,' ,"' " . .. . , . . .' ,,"~", .,; c,-' , ,... . . . ~ " ......" '. . "1 ~ ". '.:' ',' " ',~ . . ~; ,~,. "-, ..!" ... ..' ~::: -....., ". ..... , ,.,' ;...,' , ~ -, " . J:\ ."' . '- FORM #t ' , ,._l;~ . . " -.,' ," J PETITION - ~; 'l': ' ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD .. ...\ " "'. ..-; , '. TO: .'LANECOUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT'SOUNDARY COMMISSION . ' ','. ..... We, the undersig~ed: constitute the owners of at least one~half of the land area of the property descri~ed'in the attacl'\ment marked "Exhibit A" AND """ " ' , ., , " 'i:. . ..'..... ..... . . ',' . \l' :'. .' We desire to be annexed to trie CityofSpringfield, 'A map is attached marked "Exhibit B," showing the' affected terriiory and its relationship to ihe present city limit boundljIies, .." ...., . . .." '. ,,' ' The annexation constitutes a minor boundary change under the Eloundary:Commission AcCand should therefore, be considered. by the ~~!-,ndarY Commissiona~d,. after s~~y" a Fi\,alOrdershould be entered by the Boundary, CommlsslOn: . '..' ',.' .." '. "_,: . . '~", .-..::.- ",- . '. ",':.', . - , By', '( BY By By ~ ' ,MAP# 17-03~34'-22 LOT# 800 MAP# , LOT# ~ With the above signature, I am verifying that I have the authority to consent to the annexation on my own behalf or on be~alf of my firm, agency or trust. .~. . Revise~ 12128/00 , 5 ',' . ,'. " :'.; ',]. ,,; " ..... " " 'd.- ,'';.'' ", ''. '~': ". , .~ :,\'" '. ,,>:' '~ ." Revised -'212~/OO ',' 'ol.' ./1 ',' .(. ..;' "(,.f- ...." "", .,-, ..-,. " "f " .',h .'- .~ .. ", " "",:;.. ", " ",' " . ., 't .~,. '~". ~:'. ", .::r. ~ . ", .)- '" .:1 .!' """ '.-' ,'" .~:: r, 't., '.,' ;.,:. , .'" " , I " 'j.. , 1[, ~ '"., , '1 -,: " '1.-,.:. " .:> :2{ ,,:~. ,"1, =.'i:;)"':" ,jf "". ;' .:--- ',,' ,.'. ",... ',,,' '. .! ~. " -' " " '..'. " ',';: "1 ,':' , .'~ . ';' j:' t ';.,S;;' ":.1 .. ':. I.,' '.. .': .-",!:. ,.' ';" '.' ,;' .<. <.':. '-." ,,' ".- ,'. " ''.,J. "'j" t " r !i "." " " "\ 'J " " V 'j! " .' ",.'. ,Ii I~ ., 'j' , ;" I' ,,> , .ll '~l !" " ", " fi Ij 6 ., .. :r " ...... '.,,' ".' '.' ~., , - "". ,', :' :Y~~TIFIC~~I~N~~ PRO~:~RtY OW~~RS ., ,'., " ;~" ,J_: <,_'~: ;.'. <_.....',... -'j,':_ '."c., " '..: \.<" ,;.' ': .-~ ...... "..."" , ,," ;'1 have' caused a'search to be m~de-ofthe assessm~nt and taxation records, Lane Countyctep;rtment ~f ':;Assessmentand Taxation, on,: ',' " ,'v ..' '", :- , . " r' , -,' ,'. ' ,...., '" ,fl' .:c ,'>:~ '" "fl'-:.~~~ ," ,Ii' ~- )" ,-. '; ',. ,'c' , . ' -^\. , , f: ;-',,~, '/1 .)" ;~, .' "'1 ," ,'. " .:', -- ..-,' .;',.t' ,.Those recordsreflectthat individuals listed on the attached petition are the 'o~~ers o'f record 6r' '; the property identified by the tax lots described on the attached sheet ' , ',,, ", . ',; , " "",'j' . "".. , '. '. ;"" ,. ", " :.,-,", . '.' " ',,'., '" " ,,-~,:..~ i :'. .~,:t : . <". ';\", '..,.' " I' .c ,', ., ",,'.; ..,. " "'i", ;,;:' ~. ,. ",~.., '''-' ;) ;" '~-~ . , ~ ',;,,' , .:' .-.\ "',' -!,-, ."'., ,c,::' .,':' 'IL. "":.: ','i-; '.i'. "'.: ,..' Lane'County Department of Assessment-and Taxation'. ,', '... '. ,.,...,' \:" -- - . ", ' .. ....' .... ~ ~, ~ ~ '-:', ',. ":;.... ",,: '.. {~ ., '.'. "" " " ',. .,; ..;'., ;" . ~, ,t, '" Date _'L'. , ., '~ .' ;\'! .' " -", "'-, '), ,~. 't; .... ,~ " :< '''-,., 'l.l~. - .,~ ", '; \.: .,' .,:- <~. ," "'... ',," " . '" ~. :' " -, 'Revised 12/28/00 ~--~" " '." ,,':", ," ,,', .~ '. ,'~" - " ". "., \. ~ '~," ,~ . ... .,' .~. ,::, ~ ,,' , .""~' .:-> ,~. , .. '''",' . 'f, ,.'. ~ ." " ;', "1 . ~I " I'. ;i ',. ,. 1 \, " il ~~ . \~. .. ,~, . ~, 'I;~ ..' Ii' " If , !!.~ '. 7 !L ~, -",' }.," ,';' ,:.-~ ;;I" co:. . ,~-- -,.:.'. ;" -, , ,. ~". ,,' ~,<<::,~~,dF": ", ' '"PETITION ~S>UIREMENTS .' ,. FOR VALIDATION OF SIGNATURES'; FOR AtJNEXA TIONS,TO DISTRlqS'" ,;OR FORMATION OF DISTRICT :.' , , ',.", ", (1-8-2002),. ,:, ;:" :':"" . , . ~ , ~,' . ' , ,". . . , " . :'"' ':' '\', ", '." "",.,, ,., ,", ", 'J,,' " <,' .- , .-.". .. ',' : "~'" ~ " ,i',; '-'r -;., ;<:;. . .'.' ~,."; ii" 0' ' Petition sheetrrlUst include: (see aitached example) ; Signature. ",:;,,"'., ,,' >: ,.' '.. ','.:, . . "'" " . Printed name, ',',' ,0 ,Residential address/city." ',; , ," " , , . , , d'" &" I' # ,,-- '~,.., ",,'," 0, Associate map tax,ot ..,','.' " '.. '. . .."/:'::.'~,'...,',, .. ',-, " " ,',0' ,Whethd~iandownef(ifit 0illli.e utilized for Assessmen't& Taxaiibnalso),'fegist'eredvoter; or both ',,' o:'DateOTSignature<',,'.;.',: ....,,,,;' ',,' ,,, ..',',:, , ''',', ",- " ' ' :," 0' Co~pleted petitioris must be submitted as agroup..~ , " .' Completed petitionsmustipc!udeacompletelist of all affecteA,mapAiax lots i'n number order. ' , " .' .-, '~ ',,:- .'....,., " .: -' .- ..' ,.' ,." . .. -;" " "' '". . ,,'., ...... ," ;. ,r,' ~, " <'., .. ;',-' , .. " ..' ", .....:' -',-' ",.' ~ .';.., .. Once petition signatures are submitted, Lane County Elections will: ' ',0.. I?eterminethe t9tal valid registered voters for, the affected area, : ~ . "Validate the number of valid signature?, of registered voters. ',:' , ' ,,', ,;' o 'Certif'y the percentage of valid signatures to the tota'l v'alid registered voters for,the affected area, . , '- .: .~ .( ... . ' .' . " ~'" ' . .' '{. ,~,/.' i. .",. " "", .. I:\CDCC\ELEC\FRM\an~ex fonnation PETITH?NS REQU1RE~NTS.doc ' , ,,','4 '. " " -',,': , .. " Revised (2/28/00 .C', 8 ,', .,,'. .' 9 Revised 12/28/00 - ,t. ~~ " ,. .,j :1' .T',' '. " , '. .' ," " ; ;. ':i h' " '~ .;, '" -'" "'; .' FORM #2A CERTIFICATION OF REG.lSTERED VOTERS '.' .... .'.' ,.,...r'.:... ,,' .... ^ I hereby certify that signatures on the attached petition are register;d voters and reside in ,- the 'area described in the petition. ,These signatures represent not less than 50 percent of the registered voters residing within the annexation or withdrawal area described in this petition,', ' , . ' " ' '" ., Deputy or Clerk , Lane County, Oregon \' ~ , " ".. " 'Date ,,' ,. ", ,.' " , ,',' 1'. , ~. , ' , " Revised 12/28/00 jl ;:., ,.', ", .,. ,,' " ,. 9 .;<~,_, ',,,, _ -'Ji:,.:'::1j.Hi~;~::,~".:,. .~..' . " ....h.:~,..: . . PETITION,SIGNATlJRE SHEETOwnerslElectors' , .:. .,'<,' ,:"~~ .~..".' ',-,.', ., ". ;. '" ," , ': ,. '~ :. '..'(No;e This petiti6~may be sigmidbyqualiji;d ~e;jons:" , even though they d6 not know their tax lot numbers.)' : " . " ,~' . . , ~ ' ~. , ~ ',' , " "'. " . . "\i~;, .~, . \'..iF, , i~". ~ : : ,~/." ,.y . , 'I' " '. -- ',',I : NAME ,ADDRESS' ,..'1TAX.LOtNuMBERS l.. ,iTWP fRf See. ,I \1,1116 I Lot# l,i:, " (Example),' John Doe '135 6'h Ayenue East,Eugene j' ".' '. ,', .,'-, '" '. ,'~7 : ',;;1 " '."/ " I ,..."" I ';. , ,':,:> .1 " ',., " ~. f "I'" l , '". i,. .,:'. '. ~ -',';:, '-., -, ", ,,, '.~ . ' " -- . "', .... ..." t ,'" ," :',' I I I I I I I I I I. I .[ , , " .'. '~~ "', '.,-. '. I ~ I' I I I, I 1 1 j ,'.1 '. I With the above~ignature, I am verifying that I have the authority tol'consent to th'e annexation on my own behalf or on behalf of my firm agency ,or trust. !i' ' , " '.'1 Revised 12/28/00 10 ,'.'. "j" ,""" ',' ,r ,,',.' .' . - ' ,,' " l' .. ',';;L'.: ,,/) > "',". .;: .~ .~. , " ,~l'" , l;- ., ,> 5--".~'" . .:"",j ,: . ...~d'j.;' ':':', . , ,INFORMATION'SHEET ;'" . ".':.. . ~ '. ".;., ..) ~{ ,~... ,..: :.H " ;'. .; , . ~ i .'" '. 'i _.:.';" ,'" .",) .. ,- ~ ,'-. 't.j, ..>. ..... /,' ,j '('.: 'i ....'". .' ..... ,,'- '.' ' <.;" ",' '.':' . " ", " 'LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION, I',:, <. \ '''\:.,,: NORTH PLAZA LEVEL;PSB ".," ' c" ",';;<'" 99E,Broadw~y,Suite4,OO.., "-, .. ' __:." ',.Eugene, Oregon 9740i ,_ i, ' ' PlJ;QNE: 681-4425 ;, ~,. . r' . '.:'.' " ""Y~ ., .. ,.!' " . (-,:., ,~,:.; I '>.' '. ';' .'.' '0' :,y,:J; ".,,:.;. " :i '.. .,.;. ,,,' 1~9l ;, Q7477,)> (Zip) 'J,. .' ' t:., , Wimbledon Place (Address) .. John Nepute" :,' (Petitioner's Name) '. ....:.' {"".' .;',l,": -'-.1' 726-0299'_ . (f>hone) : , '''-'., Snr;ngfje1d", .- -(City) Ii; ,.,'_:' , , . < ~ ',,, -.; . " .-',' p! - .'." ,The attached p~titiori is for (anne~ation ,to)or (withdraw~1 from) ;he' . " .springfield "(City) or" (District) Y', , , ",' .. ..,.... --." .' .... , . - ,., . - : . .:. .' ",. . ,j . . "~- . ", )\ ':,: .o' '_ .: -:. : ,- . . . ,. . , . . !'LEASE'SUPPLY THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION REG)\RDlNGTHE AREA TO BE ANNEXED' , OR WITHDRAWN, . ;". ,None-, ,', ..' ,>, , '~: ~ ".." ,- ....,' :" .,', . _.".'" '.' 'j'. -',;.-Estimated po'pulatio~(at pre~ent): · ' "'" ',' ,", ',. - '." '.-, One" < ' :'~ , < , " -"1 Number'<,f E~istingResid~i1tial Units: I' ", .. Land Area:',' "1,03 ,,' Acres or Square Miles " .,'; "- . . 'Is the area within a DomesticWater Supply District?' 'Springfield Utility Board : . .. . . 1."., " :,:.:' ..-.... (Na[l1e) , " .",- Is the ~rei witli a RuraiFire Protection District? No .', "" (Name) .1; ! , j\NNEXA TlON TO CITIES OR WA TERDISTRICTS ONL Y' ,.' ~ ~, If the property is entirely or 'substantiaily undeveloped, what are the plans for future development? (Be specific~if site or development plans have beenprepared, please submit,a copy) ..;> ,'. Single-familY dwellings i" , ", B, Can the proposed develop~ent be achieved under current courJiy zoning? Yes x 'No " , '., ' '. . . l .', " ' If no, has a zone change been sought from the county either forma\ly or informally for the property under consideration? Yes ----'-- No' , ' i' Revised 12/28/00 " II " j ',' " ," .,'il , ~' "'\: .\ . '.~ '," '." , ' ',,'. -,', .,' , . ,.~. ..' .' ......1 :" l' . .....,.. " ". ".'. . .\1 ,'. . "p'i~as~ describe" ~utcom~ ,~.(~one ;chang~ ~~ciUesf itansw~r t6 tH~ ~ro'Ce~'ding: ~uest'iOf!.; is i.V es." :..' "", .. ~, . , '.., ~ ' '-.., , , 0",. ", . r..' ".".. .., . ~ :-.' ALL PROPOSALS ~ , ,- ,: A, Does this proposal include all contiguous property under the saine ownership? ~ lfnot, are you in the processofa major_,or minor,_ partition? ~(No~',:.: ,,' '.,,' ." ", ",<."::;", :','. . .' , . . If you are riot in the proc~ss"o(a subdivision, please state your reasons fornoi including entire- ownership, Additional parcels owned by aoolicant are alteadywithin city. ~ . :,'. '. - . . B. ORS 199:462 of the Boundary C.ommission Act states: "When:receiving a boundary change, a boundary commission shall corisider'economic, demographic and sociological projections pertinent to the proposal, and, , past and prospective physical developments of land that ,would directly or'indirectly be affected by the proposed boundary change." Considering these points, please ,Drovide the ,reasons the Droooscd boundan' chan!!c should be made, Please be very specific, Attach addition~l page if necessary.. '" To orovide oublic services to the development, oyopey1tv allowine. foy future , C. Names of Persons to Whom Staff Notes and Notices Shall be Sent John Nepute, (Name) 1401 lMi.m9-J.':"},,:,n D1 (Address) Springfield (City) ,97477 (Zip) Poage Engineering (Name) , ,p n Rn.v 7r:..?7 (Address) Eugene (C;:ity) (Tom Poage) 97402 (Zip) (Name) (Name) (Address) (Address) (City) (Zip) (City) (Zip) ,. , Revised \2128/00 12 , :~, , ".' . ",," , , " " ." ~~', ,', ,-'. ", ; '; -,- .;: '. ',' " '..'. . ".. " " , .~~' " " .., - '. , '. . , ''-' "PropertY OW,iiers Request For Expedited Proced'ure for annexation: 0 RS 199.466 ., '., '1 '., <- :" , ..... . . ,.", " . ,". . . . . ~..' ',. " '.., '~ . ,..,' 0' . ," -",_. . . . . I (\}Ve); the undersigned'propertY o\vnbr(s),request this anneXation 'proposal be approved 0ithout the study, p~blic 'hearing, or adoption of a fmal'order required by ORS 199.461, This request \s made pursuant to the provisions ofORS 199.466, '. .". ' , ' I (\}Ve) understand that a study: public hearing, and adoption ~f a fual order may be required if requested b): any person or gove~ing body receiving a copy of the executive officer's analysis,and recommendation as required by OR~ 199.466,..' . ' . _, ' , '.f "', " . '-, . " .~. '. .. .... _I " . ':"", ..' '. . This request is made in' ~ditio~ to and supplements all'othe,r requirements' for filing an'a:nn~xation petition, " .. Example: Map number 170,42130, Tax lot number 3000 Tax Lot 3000, ,To\vnship 17S, ,Range 04 W, Section ,21, W, Section 34 , Map 22 if " . ~,. W, Section ' ,Map W, Section ~ap' W, Secti9n ,'Map " " , " Map 30 , , , , Tax Lot 800 ,,,,Township .17 s; ~ge 03 .~ . '" , ' , Tax Lot . T o.wnship S,Range Tax Lot , Township S,' Range Tax Lot , Township S, Range ','-' ',PROPERTY OWNER -:,.' 'Name: (Print) John Nepute Address: ,1491 Wimbledon Place' Phone: 541-7-29-0299 'I' City/State/Zip Code: Springfield, OR '97477, . Sigriature: iYf' PROPERTY OWNER Date: Name: (Print) Phone: Address: 'City/State/Zip Code Signature: ~U( , ' Date:' ' No. Willi ili, ",,0" 'ig"U J. ;crify ili.ll.. h"'ili"y'mri" ,"000","' '" ""'~""" "" my 0= beh.f m "" behalf of my finn or agency , "1 I' " I" , " " ~ '. ,/::'. ~ ". -, I : "I! ,,{ . ,'. ~. ,,- 1..... . . ~ - '&! ; . ,: .~:. , '1/.' .,~.;<' J~.~ ,,' ~ .iI'l..... "._'J', ,',-> \n ,,': '-\l ':0... . '," ~.~ ~ ~ .',' -:>'~.~ %,~:" ,'. , . .' 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J 100.0' " , <, - J '0 ~ ' , 01: ,;'oo,o__~' ,,,,,~&.!>,,,''''}.'.I,I - " . 'c J ~' :..~.....o;....'...'l--E.., 8 100.0' ~o' 1.4 co ~ .,.:.'''' . " .~,.. !. ..: . " .', . '''''. " '. '. . '; :'''..'-, . ." \<~;.I<' '. . '.: ;'~ ": -," -...~ ',I ",- ".i\.1.. , ' .' -:, .~:. " , ", ::', . .~.,; ", ,s .'" .' , " , ~'" , ,Written Description , , ' , :: ' of the Project, ' ..:'t:': "', , ' and' ' A Summary of Key' Urban Services " ",..,,::- Available to the Property l' . : ' 'Assessor's Map 17-03-34-22, Tax Lot 800 " ',' ',", .;,: j.': :' ,. '" .;..,....,. -.' .' . _f, ,. ... ~_' k' , '" c " ...... '.'..J " -~. ) .,.. ' " ..' The subject property (tax lot 800 of Assessor's Map 17 03 34~2) is located on the north side of, Kellogg Road, west of Aspen Street arid east of Oak Meadows Place, The subject site contains approximately 1,03 acres with one existing residence that is vacant (1540 Kellogg Rd), and' " several outbiiildings 'as:shown on the attached plan,.' All of the existing structures on the property are to remain,' The surrounding property is fully developed with single family' residential , , ' 'houSing, zoned low density residential: and' all within the CitY of Springfield with the exception of the area,to the southeast.' The area to, the so~theast and across Kellogg Road contams ,properties that are developed with single family residential housing but still remain in the CoUntY. The Plan designations for the area to the southwest is for lo'w densi[V residential use, . _ J . After annexation the owner intends to subdivide the property into lots for single family . residential housing and will require services from the City of Springfield as identified below, No 'specific development plan is 'available, Although no specific development phm for the property is available, no extensions of public streets, water, sewer, or storm mains would be required to serve future developI]1ent on the site, ',' .:", '. j , . , Tne applicant is also the owner of the adjacent strip ofland to the west known 'as tax lot 7400 of Assessor's Map 17033422 (detail map no, I), This strip is already annexed and is a common area for the Oak Breeze Estates Subdivision. Any development restrictions associated with this strip, being a common area for the residents of the Oak Breeze Subdivision, are not relevant to ,- th'eannexation of tax lot 800'as all urban services necessary for annex~tion arecurren,tly, provided occan be accessed from Kellogg Road as will be discussed below, Although tax lot '7,400 may be included with funire development proposals for tax lot 800, this annexation proposal can be processed knowing that tax lot 800 c:m be further developed without including tax lot 7400, At the time future development appliciltions are made, the development restrictions associated \vith tax lot 7400 can be evalualed with respect to the specific development proposed, Without a specific dev'elopment plan at this time, restrictions that may exist for tax lot 7400 cannot be evaluated with the annexation proposaL' ' There are no special features (wetlands, watercourses,- steep sl?pes; etc) associated with this site or adjacent to it. The site is located in an area determined to be outside of the 500-year flood plain, A summary of key urban services available to the property are listed below and are shown on the attached plan, ' ' Sanitarv Sewer - Two sanitary sewer service lines are extended to the subject property from the existing 8" main in Kellogg Rd, One is directed toward the existing residence at 1540 Kellogg, 'while the other is stubbed to the southeast comer of the property, The existing home is served by an on-site septic system (tank and drainfield shown on plan) and is not connected to either 'of the' public service lines stubbed to the property, Sanitary sewer service for any future development .,. ., "'"..,' . ' .' , , " '..... ~ . . ,,;' .,', . ',.'.'.j .'':,., " " ~ ~ _h" , ..... ," " .' ., 'of the propertY c;m be provided by the existing stubs to the property: If the smb; 'are not . ", 'adequate to serve future developmentofthe property (size or depth issues) then serVices, for "" , additional developrnentwould logically come from the 8" mairiin Kellogg Road The 8'!'mail) in " Oak Meadows Place may also be available should ,'or both, Service'from the 8"'main in Oak Meadows would cross t~~ lot 7400 which is to be included With development plans for this'site, and is also owned by the applicant. As stated above, no, public main extensions should be ' requir~d to develop th~ subject property in the future.' " , ' " -..... ,-;t .. -, : Storm';ater - A 30"stormwater pip~ is available to,serve the'~it~ in Keliogg'R:l and also in Oak Meadows Place adjacent to the subject property, Additionally 'a curb inlet is located in the north' curb line of Kellogg Rd. 'n'ear the'southwest corner'ofthe site, Thiscurb inlet also'connects to' " the public storm systemin Kellogg Rd:. whichdraitis southerl/'to the Willamette River via a " 'piped system inPoltava St., Oksanna St., and Aspen St: As stated above, no public main ',', extensions should be required to,develop the subject property in the ~tureunless:needed to. accommodate the requiremeI1tS ofSp~ngfield forstoITnwater treatment., ' ::-,," ' ',,: ,;: . .,,~; . ..'..... Water - According to 'the LaneCounty RegionaJLimd Infollflation Database (RLID),the , property is Withm the Rainbow:Water District (R WD), ,The existing 'residence is 'currently served, , by R WD, An 8" water mains 'is available in Kellogg Rd. and a6" main,is available in Oak , , ' Meadows Place,that could provide service f?r future lots to be:developed on the property, As 'stated above, no public main extensions 'should be required to develop the:subject property in the, . future, Furore water service for, the site will be per agreernents'between the Springfield Utility , Board'(SlTB) and RWD mid may be dependem,upon the actual date of annexation and/o~ when ' , water service is requested. " ) , ' Power - SUB currently provides electric ser,.vice'to the subject propertY from overhead lines on , Kellogg Rd, 'After anrlexation, SD13 and will continue (0 provide service for the existing, ' residence and any future development on the site, " ' , . Streets - Keliogg Road'borders the south side of the subject property, Access to oill( Meadows Place to the west is also available for future development as the adjacent property, taX lot 7400, is also owned by the applicant ana will be included with any furore developm'ent plans, Oak Meadows is a fully developed street, dedicated to and maintained by the City, The maintenance and jut1sdiction status for Kellogg Road along the subject property is mixed, - According to RLID, Kellogg Road has been annexed into the City along the entire length of the subject property Per Phil Fields,at Lane County, the portion of Kellogg Rd, from Aspen St., westerly approximately nO;feet to the northerly extension of the westerly boundary of the Uke Village plat (also northerly extension of westerly boundary of tax lot 3400, Lot 1 ofUke Village) was surrendered to the Ciry by BCC order #88-2-24-17, He'also stated that the City was responsible ror maintenance of this section, The remaining section of Kellogg Rd., west of the northerly extension of the west boundary ofUke Village, remains under the jurisdiction and maintenance of Lane Counry, ,Any future development plans will require improvement of Kellogg Rd, adjacent to the site to' City standard's, including curb, gutters; and sidewalks, Exact needs Jor street improvements for Kellogg Rd. will be evaluated by the City durillg the review or future development plans '(panitions or subdivisions, after annexation),' Also see 3-26-07 e,mail from " " ", \ ..' . J.:- . :~. ~ " , , . '. :! ':').' ..' , '.' '" "'. . , D, <;'~ ;.,'~ ;.' :..... (' -.',. " ;.', " '" ~"', ,',. . ", ~ " ,,':-';' "0'" .",' .. -, :i\ ,t' "";_'" 0'. 0 '" :-1, 'PbilFields of Lane County Trapsportation regarding adjacent roads, " ,_ 'L, .; .' 0' . : . 'i" 0 ,-. ," . ~. . .. " . . ; ~ -, . , '. '." Schools, According to RLID, this sit~ IS within the Springfield School Dl;tnct #19' 'Th~ .-,'" . " existing schools which will proVide service to this neighborhood are Springfield High School, , , " Hamlin Middle School, imdCentenrual Elementary School. Armexation of the subject property "does not increase the heed for additional student capacity withll any of the 'above mentioned ' ' schools, ' . " ," '." ' ", . ,", , '.' ,;, ' ,( Fire and emen:!encv - Primary Fire and emergen~y protection services are ~urrent]y provided by , the Rainbow Water and Fire District. ,After annexation Springfield DepaI'iill.ent of Fir'e and Life ." '... ,.- .' "..... '. Safety will be the primary provider of these services with R w1) pt~)viding backup assistance as' necessary , .. , , ., . Police - Pollee protection can be extended to include this site consistent with the service provision througho~t th~ CiryAfter annexation: this property 'will receive polic~ services on' an , equal basis with proP?iies inside the city, . _ , ' ",', ,. , " ',i' ~ \~.. ,J.. . .. ., ";'1 ",} ';. .' ',c.' . ~.~. ' .. :; , " ~ ~ . \.1'- , '" , ' . .' " ~.. <. .-',,"' '.." ", ..,:,::.... r:" " , " ..',' -' '.... ,,-," '" ' ",.',: ,,: .,C". ,', :-.... . ....' " ,,' , , , " EXHIBIT"A"" ,;,,' , ." 'a Area'to be Annexed to the City of Springfield " , (Asse'ssor's:Map 17 03 34 22, Tax ~ot 800): ' ::. ;'i., . '~.. . , . , ' ,.- .'" "'.'. .., . ,\.' .'; BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EASTBOUNDARY. OF OAK'SREEZE ESTATES AS PLATTED , AND RECORDED ON FILE 75, SLIDES 617 AND 618 OF THE LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT " " FILES, IN LANE COUNTY OREGON, SAID POINT BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT , '13, OAK TREE SUBDIVISION AS PLATTED AND RECOR~EDON FILE 73, SLIDES 781 AND 782 OF THE LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT FILES, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON; THENCE ALONG T.HE SOUTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID OAK TREE SUBDIVISION, SOUTH 890 " 57'. 450'~ EAST 173,17. FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN THE SAID SOUTHWESTERLY ",,' BOUNDARY; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY, AND [TS SO,UTHERLY PROJECTION, SOUTH 02050'04" WEST 280,57 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO, 307 (KELLOGG STREET), SAID POINT BEING 20,00 FEET FROM, WHEN IvlEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO, THE CENTERLINE OF KELLOGG '. STREET; THENCE ALONG SA[DNORTH MARGIN, NORTH 7~o04'20"WEST167,88 FEET TO.A POINT ON THE EAST BOUNDARY OF SAID OAK BREEZE ESTATES; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTH MARGIN, ALONG THE EAST BOUND,ARY OF SAID OAK BREEZE ESTATES, NORTH 01016'39" EAST 2485?FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ALL IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON" , .. ~ I ':'". ,Of "', ...', ,; .'.... . .'-: li .' ; " , , I; " 3880 ,1<cNl\'EX D02,wPd April 18, 2007' ' .! . , ,. , " r ~ , ' Ii' I, ."1' ,". i I. i.... (" I 1 1'-. t~ ': ~ ,', r;,: L "'.3 ".: ~, " ~ '" . 1 ~ .~ <,I 'r yv . ~ ' f' _f" ,..,' ", ..:.....; '.':" ~- ~- e r.....,:-,?, ... CITY .86)' .':'".'~:;: I':: '~': I ; ; "'.,1 .a3S ',' ..' ',' (. >, :::-723 lIiIo..:.: ~~1 . :''-',\ :'\ ;,1 m, COUNTY' N , A,., ~C~"~ ""V' . "':,- ,8 This Map Not to Scale " ~'. 11oll5 ',-. 11" --;:~. 81' "" ; 'i., '- =-:-,:~--::.;}. " '. 1m i I I , ,I,' , !., 1 I, '.:J I '~ ~ 1'. ~ j >-" 'j "~ ' 'i:, ',' "I )\ jl " 1.!1S ,.;,~,' no; . .\~:> . !10 1- ~. 1',' I ,,1 , .i r 'i I''''''... 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