HomeMy WebLinkAboutAIS PLANNER 1/18/2008 .' ,~ ~ ~{)N. 'JmJ g-- ---OWo I .. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVI~E STATE OF OREGON } } 55. County of Lane } I, Brenda Jones, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Secretary for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, ()regon, " 2. I state that in my capacity as Secretary, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies of Copies of AIS for Marcola Meadows Appeal's to the City of Springfield City Council, mailed; to the seven (7) appellants (See attachment "A") on January 18, 2008 addressed to (see Attachment "B"), by causing said letters to be placed ii) a U,S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. ~~~~ Brenda Jones U Planning'Secretary RECEIVED JAN 182008 By:fh?~~~ " STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane , ~ '~~-,g , 2008 Personally appeared the above named Brenda Jones, \2 ~cretaryljlho acknowledged the foregoing instrument:,to be their voluntary act. Before me: ' f~ Dc~~~c~,:;- ~~tL y ~ Ng~~i:syg~l~o04~~~N MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG, 15, 2011 . , . ~pl;:;4I My Commission Expires: <6//S III I , Meeting Date: January 28, 2008 Meeting Type: Regular Session Department: Development Services Staff Contact: Gary M, Karp c; I(,;~ S P R I N G F I EL D Staff Phone No: ,726-3777 C I T Y C 0 U N C I L Estimated Time: 60 minutes ITEM TITLE: APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMISSION'S APpROVAL OF THE MARCOLA MEADOWS MASTER PLAN APPLICATION, ' 1) The City Council is requested to address some procedural issues, 2) Then, either a) uphold the December 20th Planning Commission approval oUhe Marcola Meadows Master Plan application as conditioned, or b) approve the application with m()dified conditions of approval, or c) if the Council finds it cannot affirm the Planning Commission's decision, or otherwise approve it with modified conditions, then deny the application,'; , Seven persons, including the property owner (SC Springfield LLC) and 6 individuals, have appealed ,the December 20th Planning Commission's approval of the Marcola'Meadows Master Plan, As permitted by the Springfield Development Code (~DC), and for ease of review, staff has combined all aopeals into one staff reoort, ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Staff Report: Appeal of the Planning Commission's Decision Attachment 2: Master Plan Conditions of Approval Attachment 3: Letter to Applicant's Attomey Jim Spickerman from City Attorney Dated January 8, 2008 Attachment 4: Plan'ning Commission Minutes, December 20, 2007 Attachment 5: Draft Planning Commission Minutes, December 11, 2007 Attachment 6; Transportation Graphics " Attachment 7: OreQon Revised Statutes (ORS) 197,763 /. ,/' , AGENDA ITEM SUll'J.MARY ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: DISCUSSION: On June 18, 2007 the City Council by a vote of 4-2 approved Metro Plan diagram and Zoning Map amendments to allow a mixed use commercial/residential development on the former "Pierce' property on Marcola Road, An approval condition of these applications was the submittal of a Master Plan application to guide the phased development of the property over the next 7 years. The Master Plan application was submitted on September 28, 2007, The Planning Commission conducted pUblic hearings on this application on November 20, 2007; December 11, 2007; and December 20, 2007, At the conclusion of the December 20'~ hearing, the Planning Commission voted 7.{J to approve the Master Plan; this action included 53 conditions of approval. On January 4, 2008 seven separate appeals of this decision were submitted to the Development Services Department; six of these appeals are from 6 individuals and one is from the applicant of the Master Plan, SC r Springfield LLC. . ' ' The attached staff report divides the issues raised in these appeals into.the following general categories; 1) procedural challenges; and 2) challenges to findings and conditions of approval. Issues raised by the 6 individuals fall largely into this first category and include notice, participation at hearings, etc, , but do not raise objections to any of the 53 conditions of approval. Issues raised by the applicanVappellant include: adequacy of findings demonstrating proportionality, imposition of conditions not justified by the criteria of approval, and delegation of df3Cision-making authority to the City Engineer, but raise no Challenges to procedure..' ' , ," Of the numerous issueS raised in these appeals the most significant, if upheld by the Council, is Condition #27 which requires the Master Plan to depict an access lane adjoining the residential properties along the south side of Marcola Road' and a roundabout at the intersection at Martin Drive and Marcola Road... Attendant to this requirement is the dedication of sufficient land to accommodate the access lane and roundabout scheduled to occur during the Master Plan's Phase 1 development. The construction of the access lami would occur within existing right-<lf-way, but to maintain the existing cross-section of Marcola Road, the portion of Marcola Road abutting the developmeQt site would need to shift north onto this property, This shift would occur just west of the intersection of 28'h and Marcola and would transition back into the existing alignment just west of the new roundabout at Martin Drive, The staffs recommendation of this condition was supported by the Planning Commission and is based on: 1) the authority granted by the Springfield Development Code to require such improvements; 2) the proposed development is the only reason improvement to Marcola Road is necessary; 3) the applicant offered no reasonably workable solution to the traffic and safety conflicts along Marcola Road created by the proposed development; 4) access at any point along the development site's frontage with Marcola Road creates traffic' safety conflicts with the residentiarproperty along the paralleling south frontage of Marcola Road; and 5) the only successful mitigation of the imp~cts to these..!learby properties, whether by using a roundabout or a traditional intersection design, is the inclusion of the access'lane. Without all these improvements staff cannot support the Master Plan as submitted by SC Springfield LLC, and the Planning Commission unanimously concurred with this conclusion after evaluating the facts, ' ".'C, . ... -. '.-.. ~ . 1 ':- -_. . .....__ .L.____......._..,_._.._.. ,'...._ 1...,,_, It J > CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST ' SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . --- .~- ......... ..., ....... ""',...-... I .. .... ........ .11., _, .., .._ 4 Nick S~vchinski 2347 Marcola Road Springfield, Oregon 97477