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Permit Correction Notice 2008-9-17
''"''.' ~',:"'>'''--''''''''''~"_'''''--'''''-".'''''~''''''''''''''''W1't)'o\Iol;'~ljl'I".tip;_r'''''.~W'~~Wl'^f"'~J"''''''''':'''-'''''T~'l:fI"{':\~.....\.~~..~~\)...'IJ'''~~~,", ~rPW'..~~-t".....q "l"'-"-:' City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street Date:~/J2/ 2tJ~Z5 Job# r ~ ---Of? ')<0 Address:_ C,c;q. '5 ~I (l-f- , Inspection Type: ~'~c-F r TO: ~l::-M) J5q1 - ~J ~ C-4I\/\-PR17jL I ') c:- ,-,' !() < r ,/ '-.C. H~12. ('J cJ-1 L\) /A).k, l) '.f1MP 11}']){l,(; , IAtJL!,'7l , KIf J::...UJ ' , D) A- I n:J)1.. t\-t 1:. ^} /;fi+1V'ij.. [, f7 L.I\J rD ,1lm:r.N1, Mfi-.,A) RIVI't... /1/(') r-lu,lhi/1 1... (',:) M RJ-c.,T 'rf) \ F fLr!tV1 , ., ~' ___ I I ?: r)(') P4v7f/ /,'$ ^ b.' i" " , :"':"+;:"" " - ;;"'-.... .~)... ,'fC';:}'.~ Corre~ions and reinspe~ion request shall be made within "'A n calendar days. . q ", Call for reinspection [DYes DNa Inspector j1> . L\ I f 1':.....,/1) _Date: ~r /..rfI) , ~~~~~N~~NN~NNCall for inspection 726-3769;"iNN-;;'NNNNN~Questions 726-37S9NNNN~NNNN' , .f ,',