HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 9/17/2008 .\ . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - DE )PMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DISTRIBUTION DATE: September 17, 2008 EXPEDITED - MARCOLA MEADOWS TO: ,4: 7- 7- 7. ~ -5- :z 1 7' ~ ~. ~ -Y ~ L' -Y Current Planning Staff: G. Karp, .J. Donovan, Liz'Miller M. Metz,o!,r.'Lissa Davis, L. Pauly, Tara Jones, Andy Limbird, Dave Reesor(Steve Hopkin'!>Molly Markarian 'Matt Stouder, Engineering - Public Works Department 'Les Benoy, Engineer Group, EngineeringlPublic Works Brian Barnett, Traffic EngineerlPE, Public Works Department (agenda only R E eEl VE D 'Jon Driscoll, Transportation Planning Engineer, Public Works Department 'Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall, Fire & Life Safety Department Melissa Fechtel, Fire Agenda only :, 'Pat French, Planner, Willamalane Park and Recreation District 'Tamara Johnson, Springfield Util,ity Board (Electric) . 'Bart McKee, Springfield Utility Board (Water) , ~ Jack Foster, Springfield Utility Board (Energy Conservation) By. DI<.c.. .fc....ue.v Amy Chinitz, Springfield Utility Board (Drinking Water), . Jim Henry, Central Lane Communications 911 (Subdivisions, Street name changes) Dave White, U.S.P.S.'(Growth Mgmt. Coordinator) . Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas (needs full packets for Partitions/Subdivisions) 'Celia Barry, Lane County Transportation Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald People's Utility District (EPUD) Lane County Land Management [Urban Transition Zone] . George Ehlers, Lane County Sanitarian [Urban Transition Zone] Of applicable) Tim Hanely, Rainbow Water District(' only if in the North Spf1d area) (if applicable) Ralph Johnston, Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority (if applicable) Dale Ledyard, Operations Chief, McKenzie Fire District (if applicable) Tom Henerty, Comcast.Cable (if applicable) , Debbie Crampton, EWEB (electric) (" If in Glenwood) Dick HelgesonlMel Damewood, EWEB (water) ('If in Glenwood) Steve Moe, Glenwood Water District ('If in Glenwood) Bill Grile - Development Services Director (agenda) John T amulonis, Economic & COrl)munily Development Manager Cindie Mott, Code Enforcement Inspector' (agenda) 'Dave Puent, Building Official (agenda) Lisa Hopper, Building Services Representative (agenda) . , Greg Ferschweiler, Keith Miyata, Brian Conlon, Gene Butterfield, PW Dept. 'Craig Fitzgerald, Maintenance PW Dept George Walker, Environmental Works Dept., (agenda only) Deanna Buckem, Engineering Assistant, Public Works Dept. Police Chief, Jerry Smith, Police Department (agenda) *Will Mueller, LTD Nonn Palmer, Quest Corporation (agenda . Lynn Detering (Stuckrath), ODOT, State Highway Division (agenda) Jeff DeFranco, Springfield School District (agenda) I, William Lewis, Financial Services, Springfield School District ( agenda) Andrea Damewood, Reporter, Eugene Register-Guard (agenda) INCLUDE WEEKLY LAND USE INFO Joe Leahy, City Attomey Dennis Emst, City Surveyor ., . Carole Knapel, PEACEHEALTH/JUSTICE CENTER/FIRE'STATION ITEMS 'I SEP 172008 (agenda) (agenda). (agenda) A request for land use action, as described on the attached agenda, has been received by the Development Services Office. Specific concems ot your division/department/agency should be addressed. If you have comments or requirements of this proposal, please send them in writing to the assigned planner @ Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477. Written comments of your specifiC concems or your division/department/agency will not be addressed unless you send them by Friday, September 26th or attend the meeting on October 1, 2008.' , will receive a full packet AGENDA SPECIAL DRC REVIEW COMMITTEE EXPEDITED APPLICATIONS . DEVELOPMENTSERWCESDEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET, Conference Room 4 NW Quad " Staff Review: October 1, 2008 @ 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. 1. SITE PLAN TENTATIVE #DRC2008-00068 LOWE'S HIW9:00 a.m. Assessor's Map: 17-03-25-11 TL 2300 Existing Use: Vacant lot Address: Vacant - MarcoJa Rd/28th/31st Street, " Applicant submitted plans to construct a 171 ,069sq ft home:,improvement store (Lowe's), with associated parking', landscaping and road improvements, " Planner: Steve Hopkins 2. DWP OVERLAY DISTRICT#DRC2008-00061 LOWE'S HIW 9:00 a.m. Assessor's Map: 17-03-25-11 TL 2300 Existing Use: Vacant lot Address: Vacant - Marcola Rd/2Sth/31 st Street , Applicant submitted plans to construct a 171,069 sq ft home'improvement store (Lowe's), with associated parking, landscaping and road improvements, within the Drinking Water Protection Overlay District. Planner: Steve Hopkins 1 " k:;ity of Springfield Development Services Department ~25 Fifth Street .ipringfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review Date Received: SEP 1 7 2008 .' Original Submittal " . ADDlicant Name: Jack Mandel 760-804-5309 ComDanv: Lowe's HIW. Inc. IAddress: .. .'. ...!530~arad~ .Avenu~~Su~te 140,.Car!sbadC~ 92g08.... .... _.. . '!='......"""'-"',"'.,~....;~\i'<'!"_':,.~.;;>;.,;, "-~. -' ,::>. '.c"'d, ., ."',"-~~',, ",,\%".l,'''';'<'N,,~, '''''i..\"..T,'f\'R:<''i,j,,~,,'''H,,''i''__ ,.....\P.N;'I'.-.., ':':""""""'~~'" ,.\I-;)".....,.."..,'1),':I._<>.j. '\""""'~""_ _':i..." \. ""'oj."," ,.:)',,;;lW'.,<,,'l'.!<i ";, - ",. ,,,..,,,,,',,_,.<,;,/_,.: ,"'>;.,,^.' ~''''__ 760-602-1018 ADDlicant's ReD.: JeremvMcPherson, P.E. Phone: 503-419-2500 IcomDanv: WRG Desilm. Inc. Fax: 503-419:2600 IAddress: 5415 SW Westgate Drive, Suite 100, PortlandOR. 97221 ...."'...."'~"~""".,""" ,s...",,","-,.:.-_,,"Y.'.-.._ :'-"'''''''''. "-,., :'":-.",,:"~-- -'~'_~.r..,^ """'''"-""i-~~."",':t.;,''''"''iT''';~'''''''':'<'''f!'!. ;<J.O'...::; ':-"";:'_"'''"~'''''''''''''H'''*"J.!.''.,'.-~.. "''''....,,.,.~.:''','-'''''...'-,'';'I.'''..''':..'"''r_'_~~'s.t,,,'<:c,.<~''~N " _ ,_ :"o."~",",,., ,~,.,. .""''''''c- :".-;~,~'-,''''''''-:'__'''''''''''' __ IproDertv Owner: J~~B-e;l: /Phane: 775-853-4714 J IComDanv: JHB. Inc. iFax: 775-853-4718 I I ~dress: 7510 Lon Ie Lane, Suite 102, Reno. NY 89511 'AS~~~~~~R"S M~P~'~:'I;:~~::5':'I,:u"'f" "r;:'~~;'~~~~')':":';;~:<"-'~-" '.",""'-'. ."".. I ProDertv Address: Northwest comer of Marc 01 a Road and 28th/31st Streets I 13.77 (followin8 approval of separately submitted Size of Property: crmr:lIrTp.nt ~llhciivl~i("ln hv nrnn~ nump.r) Acres ~ Sauare Feet n I Pro Dosed Name of Praiect:. Lowe's Springfield ,.\,,;;<,\ ;.~._,."~.:-,.;::,, J "'~"'9."''''''''._~._.:'.''' ,''''",-",-".''''-'' ..,...., ,-~,., --"-"~""_"''''~''''''::' ,"'~i....~.,-",:';T"',,-, '. l'.-.i";,w:((.-,;:,,,.,,;,;,;;,,-.. ",,-',.'';' ,.. ~; -.:~~'''''!f_-rl.'__ ",""",,, _. , Description of ProDosal: . ,,- -, _,~,_,_""".n" I I I j I j I If you are filling in .this form by hand, pleas~ attach your proposal description to this application. A 171.069 sa. ft. home improvement store, with associated parking, landscape, and road improvements ,'V' '<:"_''-''"J;.:;I..::.;:.ri:;'.I:c" ...~.j'>:!i-I'.:'.~:..... Existing Use: Vacant lot INew ImDervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): 562755 . . Si natures: Please si nand rint our name and date in the a ro riate box on the next sf Associated Applications: ISigns: ( ) PAl Ipre-SUb Case No.: 'PR.f'2..o0lHY:Obl Date: g-2.q-Og i Reviewed. ~v: Case No.:bi<l~_2.00g-000fo~ Date: Q-I1-06 I Reviewed by: ~ 'Dlication Fee: $ E~Jl~ITechnical Fee: $ P'l.D.pA,-kd Ipostaqe FefX~ . E;cpUJl'kc} I ,T ~A~~~~~~~~~B _.!.~T NUM~.~R: E~g~~.Q Revised 1/1/08 MOIIY~n 1 of 10 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2008-00068 Vacant -Marcola Rd and 31st Street SITE Map 17-03-25-11 Tax Lot 2300 \ North ~ + --G' . I II .__~b.l I r~ H ~ -~L ~ Date Received: SEP 11 2008 Original SubmittAl ------- tii;,L. n 1IIIIIIUlT :)O,~OO ! - i 11 I, ! ) (NOT A PART) l'l I ~~; :- i-~=-S[ASONAl.CARllEN%,,? -PARlOHCtoTs.ou:S ~V P~AUS C ~i J, -, ~ = ~ / V /c< - ~;;:;,,~ lIlb 1{2~ II ,,__ '~(~) 'l"IIIII1!?'8I"L~~, ~~~O I~ f'~m!" nOli\- -. - ~ - - ,',m '""" L == ~.3J; ~ C /~ _-// =-= ~,~ ~_ ~~_ ~::--~=:=,-~~'-c.-::-..:: I, --....:..---->+---::~jald' ._ _ +---- 1- MQ,I"<'f:IJIA~{Jfl) n::::g P=~ '. '[- I · . I L__ _ L=_-~ '>-- -- -- .--:-.::.=:=:: --- --. --. --. -- ., A >>-j '" " '3 ~ ~ fa - @ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -.- Hi -- /I;rDI~~~~ 12' ~ -4"PANlltIl'D..l.' ~: ~ALII ~ 21' I" Ill' '~fH ~ ~~m Jl. ~" 1Ifi'~'W~\W''I.: -==,..~ ..~ -COIII'AC UGHT AC TA,." .-lC F ':'==-~..""'" 4;,.'f:\*~~':i:<i'JF" ~~i - J" A:FI -g'ca.l1 -~ HEAVY AC "TRAFFIC I .~==-==~--=- -=~:: HEAVr CONCRETE PA - ._rFllll_n: .~~~:,,~~_.. :::=';~'IICDlDrT...C~ R ~--.......,-..~' "..., .......,... . ... .....,.. ---. -,"t:OIoIl Date Received: SEP 1 7 2008 INTRODUCTION , Original Submittal Prop~~ ~ The Applicant, Lowe's HIW, Inc., requests approval of a Site Plan Review application for the development of a 171,069 square foot Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse within the Marcola Meadows Master Plan area of Springfield. The proposed Lowe's warehouse will be the fITst phas'e of a larger master planned area, which will include future coinmercial ajld residential uses within the vicinity of the site.' The proposed Lowe's warehouse will have 118,560 square feet of interior sales floor area, 18,843' square feet <if space devoted to storage, offices and receiving, and a 31,179 square-foot garden center. In addition, the proposed development will include associated parking, loading and landscape, areas. Background , In December 2007, the Planning Commission approved the Final Master Plan f<ir the Marcola Meadows Master Plan Area. The Marcola Meadows Master Plan is a multi,phased, mixed-use development which will include residential, office, and retail uses on. a 100-acre dev~lopment site. The proposed Lowe's warehouse' will be located in the southern half of the Master ~lan area, which will be devoted' to commercial uses of varying degrees of intensity. The j\l[aster Plan will require several important road and infrastructure improvements, which; with a Subdivision application submitted separately by the Master Plan developer, will comprise the first pnase of the development <if the site. The approval of the Final Master Plan contained 53 Conditions of Approval, three of which <(.:onditions 3,16, and 36) apply to the development of the proposed Lowe's warehouse, whiCh is the secondpliase of the Master Plan: ' I COIldition #3: Construction of the required mitigation i~prov~ments at the sole expense of the Applicant and shall be complete and accepted by ODOT prior to final occupancy of the proposed home improvement center shown in Phase 2. The Applicant understands that the required road improvements must be completed by the Master Plan developer and accepted by ODOT prior to fmal occupancy of the pr~posed warehouse, Condition # 16: Prior to Final Master Plan approval, the Applicant shall prepare a deed restriction to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Development Services Director that states except for the requirement pertaining to pervious surfaces in the parking lots, the Applicant and successor owners shall comply with the following requirements requested by SUB at the time of Site Plan Review application submittal for the home improv,?ment center proposed in Phase 2 and for any additional commercial development proposed that is within the Drinking Water Protection Overlay District as shown in Phase 4. . As noted in the report, each individual developer will need to follow the requirements of SDC Section 3.3-300 Drinking Water Protection Overlay DistriCt Applications may berequired. , . . SDC Section 3.3-300 requires that all hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater be stored in secondary, containment. In order to meet the:secondary containment requirement, the developer of the home improvement store will need to incorporate secondary containment into the design of the building flo()r and any other areas where hazardous materials, including fertilizers and other landscaping products, will be ,stored. Chemicals stored outdoors (fertilizers, pesticides, etc.) must be covered and placed \~ secondary containment. . The north-central portion of the site for the home improvement store lies within the 0-1 TOTZ. The 0-1 y~ar TOTZ standards, including the 500~gallonstorage limit, will apply to the facility unless no hazardous materials are stored in or wjthin 50 feet of the portion of the site Lowe's of Springfield Site Plan Review 3 WRGDesign. Inc. September 2008 that lies within the 0.1 TOTl. (Hazardous materials offered for sale in their original sealed containers of five gallons or less are exempt from the 500-gallon storage limit.) · All lease agreements for the commercial spaces must include language requiring compliance with Article 17 Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District of the Springfield Development Code. Occupants may need to complete a DWP Overlay District Application. · No' fill materials containing hazardous materials shall be used on this site. · Injection wells are prohibited within the two-year TOTl. Any injection wells outside the two-year TOTl (if applicable) must be approved by both the City of Springfield and DEQ based on proximity to domestic/public drinking water wells, soils type, and depth to groundwater. . The pictures in the application suggested that parking lots will have pervious surfaces. Please consult with the City of Springfield Public Works Engineering regarding specific guidelines and restrictions for pervious pavement within wellhead protection areas. The Applicant understands this condition and will comply with the requirement~ requested by the Springfield Utility Board with regard to the Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay district which is present on the project site. Because a portion of the site lies.within the 0-1 year TOTl,.the Applicant understands that the 0-1 year TOTl standards will apply to the whole site. To demonstrate compliance with the 0-1 year TOTZ standards, the Applicant is' submitting a DWP Overlay Development application, including a narrative response to applicable code section, with the Site Plan Review submittal. Condition #36: Prior to the approval of the Fiiuil Master Plan, if EWEB requires bikeway improv~ments, the Applicant shall describe. the extent of those improvements and submit construction plans with the Subdivision Tentative plan required for the implementation of Phase '1. The, construction of shall be complete and approved by the appropriate agency prior to the occupancy of the home improvement center proposed in as part of Phase 2. A bikeway within the northern portion of the Master Plan area will be required by EwEB. The Master Plan developer will be responsible for submitting construction plans with the Tentative Subdivision plan required for Phase 1 of the Master Plan. The Applicant understands that the construction 'of the bikeway within the Master Plan area must be 'completed by the Master Plan developer and approved by EWEB prior to the occupancy of the proposed warehouse. Site Information Tax Map and Lot Numbers: 17-03-25.11 Lot 02300 Site Size: . 13.71 acres (proposed) Zoning Designation: Community Commercial (CC) , Comprehensive Plan: Commercial Site Description The site is located in the northeast portion of the City of Springfield at the northeast corner of the intersection of Marcola Road and Martin Boulevard. Upon approval of a separate Subdivision application submitted for the Marcola Meadows Master Plan area, the parcel for the proposed Lowe's warehouse will have an area of li71 acres. The site consists of a grassy, undeveloped field and is generally flat, with less than five percent slope. There are no known wetland resources, floodplain, or earthquake hazards located on the site. . Lowe's of-Springfield ~itp. Phm Re:vif':W 4 WRG Design, Inc. c:::.."'t........h.... ')()nSl