HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 9/17/2008 R~ID Property Report Page I of I ~.unt.1I1511653 PROPERTY REPORT - LANE COUNTY Map, Tax Lot, & SIC # 17-ll3-25-11-ll2300 :3ite Address: Owner Name & Address: Sc Springfield L1c 7510 Longley In Ste 102 Reno I NV 89511 IMultiple Owners? No. IAdditional Account Numbers for this Tax Lot & SIC: TaXDaver Name & Address: Sc Springfield L1c 7510 Longley Ln Ste 102 Reno I NV 89511 !APprOXimate Tax 14.28 I Subdivision I School Springfield Lot Acres 622,037' Name: District Inc City: Springfield I Phase: I Elem Yolanda IUGB: Springfield I Lot # TL 02300 I Middle Briggs ICensus Tr/BlkGrp: 200111 II Recording # I.High IThu;slon I Zoning: ParenVOverlay CI I Statistical Class: I Land Use: 8040 Pasture, Cows, Sheep, Cattle I Property Clas~: 300 Industrial. Vacant j Property Value and Taxes land Value Real Markel 2007 2006 $6,460,794 $6,000,736 Improvement Value Real Markel $0 $0 Totat Value Real Market Assessed $6,460,794 $6,000,736 $6,160,756 $6,000,736 2007 I.~x~b.~.value $ 6,160,758 2007 :L...... $99,345.90 Tax Code Area 01900 Tw.o Most Recent Sales Date Price 04-10-2006 $8,000,000 ('4-07-1997 $0 Grantor Pierce Allan Hillar Te Pierce T r Grantee Sc Springfield lie In'strument # 20-06-024293 97-02296900 Residential Building # 0 (of 0 ) Characteristics Square feet Base Finished IVear Built I Basement I Bedrooms IFirst IFul/ Baths I Second IHalf Baths IAttic J% Improvmt Complete ITotal I Comments: IBsmt Garage Sqft AU Garage Sqft I Det Garage Sqft IAll Carport Sqft I , J .ThiS report extracts commonly used information from the Detailed Property Report. C1iclc hPfl! fllf rhp full [)pt~lfpd Prn'lprtv Il:Pl'}nrt. hl.1p:/ /www.r1id.org/OncPagcProperty ReportfOnePagePropertyReport.cfm ?laxlot_id~34 73... 5/13/2008 Date Received: SEP f 7 2008 Original Submittal (() if 2..4 <-.J -u..<J ... RETURN TO CASCADE TITLE CO. t;uoS- 03'-'1 6~ ~'. '1l-0~--U:;-ll"~O n-oz..-t><>-oo"18oC) Afterreco~dll' B11 Wiltamene Street --Elmono OR 97401-3107 r , 2OO&-02~293 IIIIIIII~II mlllll 111111111111 III 1111 111111111 $51,00 1110791531221l111l082421l.."",7 04/10/2006 03:55:06 P1I RPR-DEED CnL=1 SLn09 CASHIER 04 $30.00 $11.00 $10.00 Dlvlalo" 0' Chie' Deputy Clerk Lana Count.y o..cD and Rocorda Until a change is requested, mail all tax statements to: sc Snrin2field. LLC 5440 Louie Ln ste 102 Reno I NV Tax Account No. TRUSTEES' DEED (Statutory Bargain and Sale need) Allan HiIlar Pierce and Norman J. LeCompte, Jr., as Co-Trustees pursuant to the Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth C. Pierce, a deceased person, and Allan Hillar Pierce and Nonnan J. LeCompte, Jr., as Co-Trustees pursuant to the. Last Will and Testament of Ralph H. Pierce, a deceased person (collectively, "Grantor"), convey to SC Springfield LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (uGrantee"), the real property described on the attached Exhibit A, together with all of the right. title and interest of Grantor in, to and under adjoining streetS, rights of way and easements.. The true consideration for this conveyance is Eight Million Dollars (S8,000,OOO), paid by an accomrnodator pursuant to Section 1031 of the United States Internal Revenue Code. BEFORE SIGNrNG OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RlGtITS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197.352. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRlBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACfICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RlGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORB 197.352. SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS TRUSTEES' DEED - Pagel G:\u$T\NJL\Clicnl\Picn:e Tl'lI.St\Martin Salc\decd njl 060331.doc L: r-, Date Received: SEP 1 7 2008 Original Submittal .c' , . '1 . . J ~ 'i '1 .j . 1 ., ~ :1 ~ ~ " 1 J ~ i ~ oj ~ ~ , j . l 1 c! . -~ .. DA TED, April~_-, 2006. ~~ Allan HilIar --PIerce, Co- Trustee pursuant to the Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth C. Pierce, '~i1tZ Norman J. LeCompte~ Jr., ~Trust pursuant to the Last Will and Testamtnt of Elo C. Pierce, 8 ,deceased person , Allan Hillar Pierce, Co- Trustee pursuant 10 the Last Will and Testament of Ralph H. Pierce, a ~JlA ~ Nonnan J. LeCo~;:.~~i~ursuanl to the 1.Ast Will and Testament of RAlph H. Pierce, adeceased person STATE OF OREGON ) ) as. COUNTY OF LANE ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on April 10 ' . 2006, by Allan Hillar Pierce, Ca.Trustee pursuant to the Last wm and Testament of Elizabeth C. Pierce, a deceased person, and Co-Trustee pursuant to the Last Will and Testament ofRa?I:Ph H . ,8 deceased person, ....J"O__.__._,-'".~~..,-,."w.~ ~ 18 ll'1YWaM . 1>T.- . -~NIi=. Notary L?li~ Oregon J'" II; ~ ..,.a:E>>f8.MlOO2e.m Myco ISSl n plres: O..~.o, TRUSTEES' DEED - Plge 2 G:\llsr\NJL\Clicnt\PiCTCeTrustWarrin Sak\dtc:d njl 06QJ31.doc Date Received: SEP f 7 2008 Original Submittal ii . . , . w '" STATE OF OREGON ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LANE ) '~ This instrument was acknowledged before me on April f.!:!..., 2006, by Norman J. LeCompte, Jr., Co-Trustee pursuant to the Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth C. Pierce, a deceased perron, and Co-Trustee pursuant to the Last Will and Testamenl of b H. Pierce, a deceased person. .,,".,.L...... ,. ,..'.....\ .~.".,...,........i\lIli"'aa .,. " A~.PJ8lXlll!i=lllll "lIIroH$l1l1l_/l8lT2I, TRUSTEES' DEED - Page 3 G:\\Isr\N1L\Clit:rlc\J'icn:cTl'\luWartin Salc\deed njl 060)) I ,doc I, i,I,'. Oete Received: SEP 1 7 2008 Original submittal- . f'l" -\ , '1 1 1 ,f J 'i J j I -. i .J :1 =j ~ EXHIBIT A Real Property DelcripdoD. TRUSTEES' DEED - Exhibit A G:\usr\NJL\Clienl\Pierce Tnat\Martin Salc:\deed njl 06033I.doc ;,,' :', !!~ .' Date Received: SEP 1 7 2008 Original Submittal . ",,'. ... PARCEL 1: . Beginning At a point on the North righc.ot-way line ol Marcola ~oad. ..id point be1ng NOrth 89' 57' 30. Kate 2611.60 teet and North 00' 02' 00. Heat ".00 toet from the Southwest corner of the Felix SCOtt Jr. D.L.C. No. 51 in Township 17 South, Range J Heat of the willamette Meridian: thence along the North r1Vht-ot-way line of Marcola ROad South 8'. 57' 30. Heat 1'19,22 feet to the Southeaat corner or parcell DE Land PartitiOn Plac No. 94.P0491, thence leaving the North right-ot-way line ot Harcola Road and runninq along tho Ea5t boundary of said Parcel 1 and the Northerly exteo.ion thereof North 00' 02' 00. west 51'.00 fcet to a point on the South boundary of NICOLE PARK ae pl.tted and recorded in Fil. 74, slid.. )0-33 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along ~he South boundary of Baid NICOLE ,~ North 8" 57' 30. Kast 99.62 teet ~o the Sauthe~at QQ~ner ?l said NICOLS PARK; thence alon9 the East boundary o( said NICOLE PARX North 00' 02' 00" Heat 259.&2 feet to the Noreheast corner of said NICOLE PARK. thence .lon9 tho North boundary of said NICOLI PARK South a9' 59' 00. West &.20 !ee~ ~o the Southea.t corner of LOCH LOMOND TERRACE PrRST ADDITION. as platted and recorded 1n Book 46. Page 20 ot the Lane County Oregon plat Record.j thence .lon~ the h.t boundary ot said LOCH LOMOND T'2RAACB nRST Al)l):ITION North 00' 02' 00. West. 112.88 teet to the Southwe.t corner of AUSTIN PARI SOOTH. as platted and recorded in 1i1e 71. slid.. 134-13( ot the ~ne County Plat aeeo~d" thenee .10n9 the South boundary ot said AUSTIN 'ARK SODTQ North 89' 58' 00' East 260.00 teet to the SOUthC&8t corner of said AUSTIN PARK BOUTS. thence along the East boundary ot said AOSTIN 'AR~ SOUTH No~th 00' 02' 00. West 909.69 teet to tho Northeast eorne~ of SAid AUSTIN PARX ~OOTH. said point being on ~he South boundary of that cert.i~ tract ol l~nd described in a deed r_cordcd July 31, 19.1, in Book 35'. page 295 ot tho Lano County oregon De~d Recor4a; thenca ~lon9 the South boundary of said last described tract North 79' fll S.. East l08J.15 feet to the intersection of the South line of the laat de8cr1bed tract and the.Baat 1,no of that eertL1D t~act.of land canvav-d to R. H. Piare. and Elizabetb C. pierco and recorded in Book 2J8. Page .'1 ot the Lane County Oregon Deed Recorda, theftce along the East line of .ai4 last described tract South 00' 02' 00. East 1'91.28 Ceet'to the point ot: beginning. all in Lane county. Ore.gon. ., PMCEL 41 Beginning at . paine In the een~er or county RO.d Po. 751. 3470.44 feet S~tb and 1319.' leet East ot: the Northwest corner of the ~lix Scott Donation Land C16i~ No. 82. iQ Township 17 South. Range 2 West of the Will.mette Meridian. and being 866 feet South ot the SOutheast corner of tract ot land conve.yed by The Traveler. Insurance ~pany to R. D, Kercher by deed rocordad in Book 18'. Page 2&B. Lane County Oregon Deed Rccord_; thene. He~t 1110 toet to a point 15 link~ Bast at the Hest line of the Felix Scott Donation Land Claim No. 8~, Notifieation No. 3255, in Town3hip 17 Bouth, RAnge 2 West of the Will.mette Meridian. and running tbonce South parallel with and 15 links distant from said WC8t line of said DOnAtion Land Claim a distance ot 2301.16 feet to a point 15 linke Ea.t of the Southweat corner of sa14 DOnation Lan4 Claim. thence la.t fol1o~n~ ~loD9 the center line ot County Road Mg. 278 . dietaacc ot 1)1~ teet to a point in the center ot 8aid county Road Ng. 2'8 due South or the place at be~inninvl thence North following the center liDe ot said County Ro~d No. 7S3 to the point of beginning. all in Lane County, Oregon, EXCEPT tho .ight of way of tho Eugene-Hendling Branch ot the Southern Pacitic Railroad; ALsa EXCEPT that portion d.~cribed in 4..4 to The City ot Eugene. recorded in Book J5'. PAge 285, Lane County oregon Deed Recorda; continued- ~~... A, Page 1 ~ Date Received: .I wl SEP 1 7 200B r", Original Submittal ? . ~ ,',i ~ . -, ~ I , i 1 \ ., -, j " -, i .. 1. ,~- Property Description eontinued.!PARCEL 2) ALSO EXCEPT beginning at . point wbich 1. 1589.47 teet South and 1327,33 teet East of the Southwest cornor ot section 1', Townahip 17 South. R~ng. 2 Heat, willametee Meridian, Lane County, Oregon. said point also being opposite and 20 leec Easterly from Station 39.".43 P.O.S,T., said Station ~cing ia the center line ot the old route DC County Read No. 142-5 (formerly .'53). thence South O' 111 West 193.7' toet to the intersection with the Northerly RAilroad Right or way line, thence South 84' 45' West 117.33 t..tl thence South 7" 30' West 18.37 fcet to the intersection ot aaid Railroad Right of Hay line with the 90utherly Right ot Nay line of the relocated oald County Road No. 762-5; thenco along the Arc ot A 316.4B toot radiu~ curve left (the chord ~f which bears North 39' OJ' J5- E~'t 261.B3 feet) _ di8tAnc~ ot 269.94 feet to the place of beginning. in Lane County, Oresonl ALSO EXCEPT that portion deocrlbed 1n deed to Lane county recorded OCtOber 1'. USS, Reception No. ..68852, LAne County Oreg-on Deed Recordlls ALSO BXCEPT that portion described 1n deed to Lane county recorded JanUAry 20, 1986, Reception NO. B602217, ~ne County Ofticial Recordll; ALSO EXCEPT that portion described in that Deed to Willamalane Park and Recreation District recorded n.cember t, 1992, R.ception No. 9268749, and Correction Deed roeorded February '. 199], Recept10n No, '308.6'. t.ne County OtUcia.l Record'; . ALSO EXCEPT that portion deseribed in Exhibit A ot t,~t Deed to the City of Springtield. recorded SeptOmbor 22, 1'93, R.caption No. 9360016, Lane County Official Recorda. ALSO EXC&PT Marcola Road IDduatrial Park, &G plAtted and recorded in File 7S, Slides 8~7, a9G and 899, Lane County Plat ReCords, Lane ~ounty, Oregon. PARCEL J I An easement tor ingress and certain Reciproc~l EaSe~ent Recept10n No. '6~9763. Lane egress, parKing and si~ purposes 6S described in that A~reem.nt. reeorded April 22, 1994. Reol No. 1~4]. County O!'icl~l Records.' j ., " j i. PMCEL 4! } An easement for ingress. egreea and parking as described ~n that certain D~c1.ration ot Restrictions And Grant ot Easements, recorded March 17, 1989, Reel No. IS63, Reception No. 8911762. a8 amended by that cert~ln rlrst Amendment to DeclaratiOD ot Restrictions and Grant ot E.B~ant.. recorded October 31. 1989. Reel No. 1600, Recepeion No. 8949055, as modified by that certain Restated Declaration of Restrictions and Crane of E&sements, recorded May 10, 19'1. Aeel No. 1695. Reception No. '1216'8, and by that certain Assignment and A&8umptlOD of Obligationa. recoraed November 2, 19'1, R.el No. 20~9, ReCeption No. ~477951. all of Lane County Offici.l Rocorda. EXIIlBlT A, Page 2 Date Received: SEP f 7 2008 Original Submittal - '''ft' ~ 8 .., " ~CIlVCll'( C\l [ n ( 0 ~ - ( l"- e .- (. ii I ~~ ~5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Date Received: I I .'ii SEP 1 7 2008 ;'1 I "J' I I Original Submittal I I I I '" N I .., 0 I " I "- .. I. '" II~ ~ I I I I I I I I .... .... .... '''' .... "" 1'l."' a , ~ ~ N;I(I'llZ~O''' 3290J' FOR 'ASS{SSMENT A,\JD TAXATION ONLY N.E.l/4 N.E.1/4 SEC.25, T.17S. LANE COUNTY SCOU:'-_llllY set"""" 17 Q.,} 24 R.J W.W."". ...E-' _ - 1 ---------;- , (.,.(.8."'" , ~r (~ j ~ b / ,lifO",. ~. , . - 000 , ,;;; , , ,~ ~ ~ "'~rn. rD."", ~j jJ W,\~!<=o, ii.~ \1___ '.J..R _ !i ~". 1 ! ------ - ~::~~------------~------t~ 1103 2~ ~7,"" S TJ.,1(I.OTTtIlOH ......l1Oll~OO ~ '", ' 17 OJ 25 11 SPRINGFIELD NAn 27 2~ It ~ ~ ~ L i i ~ j i I , , , ~ ~ II 17 03 25 1 ~ SPRINGFlELD o .., <0' 5' !!!. CIl c: C" 3 := !ll. fJ) ,." " o !a CD :;0 CD o (1) :c' (1) Co o. --.. "" c::> c::> CIO ..~ ,;,,,<ijit;- -:- - .........~ ,p 17-03-24-3-3 SEE UAP 17- 03-24-3-4 -",1I'1-,SQ'rl ~qAn n nm_,,lWJ.Em m<g)-03 '" -"_.-"..<<: - m.._......... ...=-: ~ -8RAtx..E'l'WAY _ ] ~- "R,OGE SEE ~'P \~VE"UE Iii ---,..: 17-03-25-2-1 ~~:3 -" III DRIVE L_H__." A~~C - L MELl.OWOOO .-" ) 'cr' ~ ,~ " , " " ~ '" . ~ . ,p '-3 17-03-25.2 - 4 SEE MAP ~ SEE MAP 17-03~24~4-3 --?---- c:::::::::::--. . I -900 ~l , I i I SEE SEE UAP 0; I 11-03- 5-1-2 ~~ \ ~ '"-~'9-~, · ! 17 ~25 " :J \f"'" "i I ~~~':-_~__~~_~~~-=---l~~ - --- 919 f ,,,#,,,.- ~ . '-l/4COR. 24 .s25~4 19 ~. I 019-04 -r : w MAP .,..1 I 00 7. ~I :i:Ui:O~C'On 1_. ~ I ~1J..c. "0.11 " !~ COUNTY I ,I ~p 17-03-2 ;,~-: . ~! ._~"'" HOAD 'E.I:~~ OJ..t.IIO-II I .-- .(~ ~ ,,,. 'j:;f ~;i''''''' . . -, .I~ ,- f' -..lI1 ,~;1/i):1-'~~ SEE UAP 17-03-25-1-4 '1..-'" ..-............ 0 ::!. (C 5' 0 ~ lU en en .... c I'TI (1) CT " ::0 3 - = -..I (1) ~ 0 ~ (1) c::> :C' ClO CD a. .. jFOR ASSE' AND'T SSM Em , AXA TION ONLY Section 25 tr1S R' .3W.W.M LANE COUNTY . 1".000' 17 03 25 8 lNOEX SPRINGFIELD . flrtttc~~~~,~ .. I ~~.- " ",". "' ....... .,;;r · C., 'J> _ _ _ ,,,.,, "'''''''H ~~. ,_..~ ,',' n,-;;.m - - , I ~':;3~"":'''''''''...J- ",' , ,..-,_"..c~~f-::-~"' r~ -'. 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