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Permit Correction Notice 2008-7-31
....'-~~"""%oi€~1'lI...--~.~_......-"'..........~""'~~~~~~.-..~ , L ~i . ",. ~",-:;1~ /,,/ ~~1'"t')>~;,~!~iid:''' , "C' ..' ". s~ "., .: Date: 7-',11 /~ ' ~!:i:''' . , 'lob# C7--,. cPt(W .' :. '" , . Address: ; .1:t:;f~':7ZJ ,r rr- . :.': . < .;1"''''; . Inspecti~n;'ype:. e:JI!f;:..../ fffJII,~""'~ v City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 22S Fifth Street Tt .}?rOV f~ V! ,4~~;.,. ~. _k- ../~,~ 4-clL4-.d- dL;- /",.-./c"'; ,..../ v ( ~ '-~ (. e;r'f}!J . \ v V-~ ~ ---+''1 N~~,}, ,1> /f!l~~P:::.". I ~:, " ~ J,~ *~'l--~ ~ d ~/^~ (1..q d~..Ic \ , ~ ~.. tJ " 'I 11~ '. ~?; -;4~ .I~' ~..// -~/d_~ff'#dk \ \ ,;' /,.' . j v '- / \ ~~ if \ '1, I~~ h.nn4. ~ ;tJd-~ j 1> Z, <( d~1Rl.J!<..,~' {J "-- ~. ) . ~ ",.. " Corrections and reinsp~dio~ request shall be made within 30 calendar days. ... . i Call for reinspection Syes DNo Inspector -?.:e-- . _Date; \. ,./ ~:"NNNNNNNNNNNNC~II for inSP~dion 726-3769NNNNNNNNNN~Questi~ns 726-3759NNNNNNNN~../r"