HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2008-4-7 l"'~;l Information ",~. .To Build On Engineering' Consulting . 1l>rf~ L Y FIE LOR E P 0 R T c. (P-J '70S '8" ,): Mar.ch., 14, 2008 Sycan Development Corporation Mr. Tim Hovel 840 Bellline Road Sle, 202 Springiield, OR 97477 Report Number: ", 722-70091.255 Date.Performed: . '. "~I ..", . Client: :!' Project Name: Project Location: Holiday Inn 919 I<ruse Way Springfield, Oregon Contractor: Fabrica tor/Ereclor: Type of Inspection: Sycar Weslside I/Veldlng Permit No.: Weather: COM 2006-01505 Field/Showers Field Observations and Comments . Puddle welds, and bollom punch on roof decking line 11 to 12 from I< to R. Welding and bolting of beams, , embeds and joisllails at same localion completed. Detail1/Sl<1 visit #10 compleled, delail al Weslside of conference room, detail11SI<4 ilem #9 compleled. Also, at canopy and veneer support al meeling room delail 9IS-7.2 (4x4) and (3x3) angle welds 10 be completed. Welds nol compleled will be re-inspected at later dale. Weldmenls were inspected for size, length, profile and locations. To the best of our knowledge, the work inspecled is in conformance wilh approved drawings, specifications and applicable 01.1 codes except as noted: RFI on deck welding adjacent to PIT deck dated 3/12/08, slructural observation visit #10 for noted items. Contraclor was asked 10 notifv our office when additional services are needed. Inspector: David Smith,. Certification # 0877340-85 CCB #176269 If you have any questions regarding Ihis report, please feel free to conlact us al 541-746-9649. Respectfully Submitted, R:;JiV~/ }1nt-\dustries, Inc. Raymond AliP~ , Project Manager c: Cily of Springfield. Denny Wright Mega Pacific- Ron.Miller AAI Engineering- Harrid Afghan 'y I RECEIVED APR 0 7 laaB fl-US REPORT 1$ PROVIDE!) '::'OR THE INFORM,ATlON OF THE CLIENT ONLY THE REPRODUCTION a'''' THIS REPORT, BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIR[ " ~. ~.. ....:n...:.. ;::,-::::,-:- ,,; .~L:':', L :- 010. T T - ,.._'~-:..' ~::-. ":-~'':'.' ~~ "'~g""~sS""^'^' <'~"'''!.CEJ''''''' 'C'''''-OJC<:'' 1<:" ~,T;=n Professional Service Industries, Inc.. 1040-A Shelley Street. Springfield, OR 974-n. Phone 541/746-9649. Fax 541/746-7163 o 111 n II: ~' .1"-, I, ~ n Ci> liill!;: (') () () .....,,' i iiiillVi ( "j ',..., (" ) () \...) I I I C) ill ......, ! i) :1 .~i ,t. ,,Ii r1 i I ( ) j () (...) 1 I:' : il ~ ( !"i C) OCCUPANCY ADDRESS I. Holidav Inn 919 Kruse Way INSPECTION Person Contacted (Print) 5524572 Page 1 of.1 NC, Plan Review Visit # 1 Due Date 03/12/2008 Received By (Sign) Business Phone #: Owner: 1 Start Time I End Time I Hrs: I I ". I Minutes: I , REGULAR INSPECTION : ,. 1 11st ReinSDectiDn 1 1 2nd Reinspection 125.00 I 1 REFERRED TO FIRE MARSHAL 1 $60/hr.\ I Outside VisuallnspectiDn I . REINSPECTION TO VERIFY COMPlIANCE/CORRECTlON. WILL BE DONE ON OR ABOUT" :: _Occ'.Clas!i! . Prooertv Use Dat~ ; "R-2 449 HoteVmotel,' cQm~ercial Date: ~lInlC~ed) I I Manager: Service Date .1 Service Contractor I Sprinkler I I .Knox Box QQ ,yerifyKeyWorks,O'.. P.larm Svstem '. 0 Unknown Extinguisher Inside Residential Unit, I System [Alarm I I. I , '" .' . .~l.;..:.. .......L., ,;-::-:.....ll"',:...t-'....~.,;,... c.t:l ;II.:;l~~;1a.~;...", .....J. Q.. ,\, I.:;IY; ~-;,j{.' ~utJ.:..;;;;:.;:.jVII :::'Y:::'l~rl t Illttal';Y UL.JUO requirements. The system consists of30'>Iallon'tariks connected to 3/8ths inch Schedule 40 black cice. Two ducts, each measuring less than 100 perimeter inches, are each protected by a 2W nozzle: Two 10 ("', . _fMt a ;"~h exhil'J~t'hood.. ar:c :::rr.1lCllld tGgEltt1er lengtt1'1!i8e. fl~:h ~~~= ;:~en~m ar::: ::~ protected by '..< , ,four 1N nozzles.(two,nozzlesforeach hood). \.i"\j\.!r ." ... . ,I .~ r. Iii ). : ------Annlit:Jnr.p~ r.nrJsist of ~ :in inr.h nririti!p nrntedeo hy ~ 1 N n"c'l77Ip" ~~ll i~kHn:;:anrlJ:),'r r'V~tt3f"t~,,~'"' 1/2N nozzles as required by the listing, two gas fryers each protected bya 3N nozzle, a gas chai-broiler t-'IJ"~V~CJ Ly <0 ~;~ 11....~~;e, a JC ;11'-';1 J'~YIIICI lall.\:jC t-'1~lt:aAC'u ~Y'l;tlc~i,''Il ';IULLIt::'~-'~'IU lWU uvt:,"i::; mar' require no fire suppression protection'but will be located underneath the Tvoe I hood. '... .:: . 1 Between Fryer and Charbroiler 090000 Misc Violation " ' . "" :'-~;:...j;:. 13-1".....:, '"".:.l"'....,J~:,)r' or D illC:. '.:~~" ~.L~:t. f-il...l.... ~J,.~'"'......" f'J"-:;" o"J ....,,0.,.;..,'....;;0. pel lJ04 NFP'; dG, Section 12.12.5. 2 Kitchen Snrinkler_Tvne Unknown . . . . '." .. Inspecto'rs: . Gilbert Gordon >>MGII~ . Shift/Station LOCATION 1 COMMENTS (See back for. explanation) . . NC, Plan Review Comments{Deficiencies o Kitchen. . 01000 ADMINISTRMION . . rlall::' nt=vr~w: ~OrrlrT1t:;!rclall"\n(;flen Mooa ana UUCI rife .::Juppresslon ::>ystem. JOOiR..,;UIVILUUti-Ul::>U:J. Oesianer: .David Cairo Cnntr~Mt1r1. N~ttQP~1 !=irp i=ir1ht~r r:nrnnr:itivn - '.. .' - . ", ... )~ , - 09000.0 Misc. Violation 1"'-' , -,. 2._ 'Nil! '/crify fir-=: 3::';;-,-, ,.:...:.t~a-tleR.-8~ t,-,',,:, .:..~:...:~;~~:-,.;:." :~.....~J ':'~t-'t-'I":"":>;'.-'I1 '::'1~~Clll Ll ;t-'~c'::'~ 'I 8~Jj~ Lr Cori I I ,. I I I I I I I I I I II." I I I I I I I I I I I I , , I The item(s) noted are in violatiDn Df the Springfield Fire Code. This is an official notice Df viDlations requiring correctiDn: Failure tD cDmply with these requirements may lead tD legal action. The inspecfion is intended for your safety and the safety of the citizens of Springfield, YDur cooperatiDn is greatly appreciated. For mDre informatiDn concerning this inspectiDn call 726.2296. FO-48 Rev 6/07 ,- .. ,. . -Nozzle Part ,'S 'ZW Duct Nozzle (2) Exhaust Ducts 'ZW Duct Nozzle 1N-419376 2..a" into duct Less than 100 ~ 2..a" into duct 2W-419348 (4) 1N Plenum nozzles _ ~ - /' Perimeter inches each - 3N - 419338 @ 2-4" from face of filter, ~ 2W (2) Single Bank Plenum % N - 419334 'hfilterheight \ 2W 10'9" Length ea. t (2) 10~- Exhaust Hood, t ;/ 3/8" Black Schedule 40 // / OisttibutionPipe I 1.1N /L.1N I L.1N // L.:1N 360 ToEl8drical ShutdOWl'lS Incl FlreNlrm Tle-In (I1FlreNlrmexlsls) " 11 (2) Y.iN , ~a~manderl "",,', ]- 1~ .DoubIeTenk. 1 NllrogenClrtr1dge PTM23493 21"-34" 3.0 gal. 3.0 gal. --' , +3N 1N 35-"0- 1 ..,,,,, 3,OGII.AQenI ~lnd.wl 5.S. Enclosure pm30317 MsulAulotnln RegolltedReleasewl J,DGaI.AQentC)f!TIder PTM30299 ~ ~ Manual Pull to be located 10-20' from hood, on a path of egress@ 45"-48" above rIoor Mechanical Gas Valve (2) Gas rryers Max Dim. 19 'A~ x 25 318" 36" Griddle NQIf: 1) AU Electrical power under hood and make-up air to shut down on system actuation. _ .~ 2) Exhaust fan to continue running. c-_;.=.~::....._~- 3) Class -K" hand portable fire extinguisher to be locat~d \ by manual pull on a path of egress. L=-_.:1 C:~l [:;.:-\ L"'= \(~ l'''::~~ "" c::,;) = ...... ( 20 total flow points - 22 avaiiable 8 for duct1plenum. 12 for appliances System Designed in accordance with ANSUL, R-102, Restaurant Fire Suppression System Manual No. 418087-08,Revised 4-01-06 J a> ,-t co uJ U- I ...-- - -' ~ ,pringield 'ire '1arshal's Office / BJ"t'd 01 (h.e' ubmilH i I.ntor OJUO. , these pl.J.ns appear consill,- \ .. ..-: ...~ .................. l......ul Ul~ I~ l'lr~ .IIIn LlIt' ,)arery 01 the OSSC al J/or UFC as ,dop" I by 0 dinanc. by lh. City of Springfidd. ReView I J:nmenlS .In. noted ~xccp ions are attached Olnd on fHe at rhf" CilY )f Springfiel, Fire" arSha~' office. Approy' of s itted pl,ns IS "'Nn 'ppro'-IN; aMmo v rsights h. c y I reVlewt'"r7 __ ,3N f. lid - D,He;~ ~C1{evH. 36.cju9Y ~ . 21"-34" ~I *** *** 25" Gas Olarbroiler Oven Oven 36" Gas 6-Burner Customer: Holiday Inn 919 Kruse Wav. SorinQfield, OR 97477 Scale: I Approved By: , Drawn By: DC Date: 2/13/08 I Revised: System: Kitchen Exhaust Hood - Fire Suppression System Ansul R-102, UL-300 Compliant, Wet Chemical ~ 1574 W. 6th AVe. Drawing No. tlonal Eugene,Or97402 FS 1 FIRe FIGHTER CORP (541)485 - 3566 - ,- .. , II- " - Fire Marshal lrmation. thes~ plJ.n~.. .onsistcnt ment~ for Fire and Life Safety of the led by ordinance by the Ci'y of Sprin~field. eJ excrptions are aruched and on fiJ.e at r Mmld's office. Approval of submitted omtSSlOns or ersights of the de by: he by: t:qc:o' F,!o" . R-102 RESTAURANT SYSTEM I:IIANSUL I ,/ !?'ecun[;: NOZZLE COVERAGE SUMMARX, SHEET , Width Length Multiple Nozzle Multiple Nozzle I Min. Max. Nozile Flow (In) (In) wo/Dtip Board w/Ddp Board Nozzle HI. Nozzle HI. Appliance Type Points Max. Side Max. Side Are~ Sq. tn. Area Sq. In. (In) (inl I Frye,s without drip boards 230 I 2 14 15 I 27 47 Split or No Split Vat 245 I 2 14 15 I I 20 27 Fryers without drip boards 290 2 195 19 I I 13 16 I Non-Split Val (ONL YI 3N I 3 19.5 19 I F- I 21 34 I 3N I 3 ' 18 18 I I 25 35 I Fryers with drip boards 230 I 2 14 21 I 210 294 I 27 47 I Split or No Split Vat I 245 I 2 14 21 210 294 I 20 27 Fryers with drip boards I 290 I .2 19.5 253/8 I 370.5 495 I 13 16 I Non-Split Val (QNLY) 3N 3 19.5 25318 I 370.5 495 I 21 34 I 3N I 3 18 27314 324 497 I 25 35 J I Tilt SkilleVBraising Pan-' Coverage limitation are based on fryer sizes including the ~rip boards. J Exception: Till Skillets and Braising may exceed the ma)(im~m of 6 sQ_ ft. Range IN 12 I 32 30 40 I Without back shelf IF 12 I 28 .L 30 ,50 I With back shelf IF 12 28 40 48 I 245 2 24 I 28 1.. 40 50 I Without back shelf 260 2 24 I .32 30 40 I , With back shelf 260 2 12 32 30 40 J 2 x 290 4 36 28 15 20 I Griddle IN/1NSS 36 30 35 40 I 290 2 30 24 30 50 J 260 2 48 30 30 50 I 290 2 48 30 - 20' 30 j 2120 2 48 30 , 10 20 I Chain Broiler' 2x 1W 2 34 30 -". 10 26 I (Overhead Protection) " Chain Broiler 2 x 1N 2 I 31 43 " Front ~dge: 1 in, . 3 in. I " (Horizontal Protection) above'the chain Char Broiler Gas-Radiant 11N/1NSS!, I 24 36 " I 15 40 I Electric 11N/1NSS I I 20 34 20 50 I Lava-Reick 11N/1NSS I I 13 _ 24 , I 18 ..' 35 I -' r; .,., ~ 11N/1NSS I I " I Natural Charcoal' 12 24 " I 18" 40 ,,-,_.,- Lava-Rock or Natural Charcoal' J ' 3N I 3 24 30 I 14 40 I " ". I Wood Fueled' I 3N I 3 I 24 30 14 I 40 I Upright Broiler I 2 x 1/2N I I 30 32.5 ! Front edge: I Salamander Broiler I 2 x 1/2N I I 30 32.5 " I a90ve lhe grate I IN I 16 29 -' I I 11N nozzle location 10 be on Ihe vert,eal edge 61012," '" fronl and 0 to 12," above the lop of bro.ler j Internal Chamber I IN I 1 I 16 I 29 I - I -- J 6-12 In above eIIher end Wok 3.-75 to 8 ,inches deep 260 I 2 114 in. to 30 in. diameter , 35 45 3 to 6 inches deep 11N/1NSS 111 in. to 24 in. diameter 30 40 ~- ., ! l For multiple nozzle protection or single fryers, see detailed infOrmalion on pages 4-10 10 4-1-1 01 manual " See Figure 1 for nozzle localion. J Minimum chain broiler exhauSl opening - 12 in. x.12 in. (31 em x 31 eml, and r\?t less Ihan 600,;' 01 inlernal broiler size. '4 in. (102 mill) m~ximum ruel depth. ; 6 in..(15 em) maxir:num fuel deplh. t:ljCD r r :--;t:::(.' . Sec(I(Jt'/ R-l02 RESTAURANT SYSTEM ." y, NOZZLE COVERAGE SUMMARY SHEET Width Length NOlzle PlacemerH Nozzle Flow (In) (In) (See Manual Plenum Type Points Max. S}de Max. Side for More Defail) I Horizontal Protection Single Bank IN I 48 120 lOin ',6 in. 110m end of plenum I Perpendicular Protection Single Bank lW/l100 I 48 48 See ~anuar for,more delai.1 I Horizontal Protection V-Bank 2.x ;IN 2 48 120 Din. -:'6 in. lrom end of plenum I Horizontal Prolection V-Bank lW/ll00 I 48 72 o in. <6 in. from end of plenum I Perpendicular Protection V-Bank 1W/1100 I 48 48 I See M,anuallor more detail ,Nozzle Placement Nozzle Flow Perimeter Diameter (See Manual DUCI Tvpe Points (In) (In) ': tor More Detail) Single Nozzle 1 flow nozzle 1100 50 16 See M,?nual fdr more detail Single Nozzle 2 flow nozzle I 2W 2 100 I 317/8 I See Manual for more detail I Multiple Nozzle 2W + 1100 3 135 I 48 I See M~nual for more dela,1 I Multiple 2W Nozzle 2W >135 .1 >135 See Manual for more detail R-l02 OVERLAPPING PROTECTION The 245 nozzle, Part No. 419340, is the only approved nozzle for overlapping. (zone) protection. Appliance Tvpe Fryer Griddle Range Wok. Maximum Wok. Minimum Braising PanlTill Skillet' Lava Rock-Char-Broiler Charcoal Broiler Mesquite Wood Broiler Gas Radiant Char-Broiler Electric Char;8roiJer . -' I See Figure 1 for nozzle .Iocation. " Maximum Cooking Hazard 34, in. (864 mm) Deep x 5.8 sq. h. (.54 sq. m) 30 in. (762,mm) Deep x Unlimited Length 28 in. (711 mm) Deep x Unlimited Length 30 in. (762 mm) Diameter x 8 in. (203 mm) Deep 11 in. (279 mm) Diameter x 3 in. (76 mm) Deep 34 in. (864 mm) Deep x Unlimited Length 32 in. (813 mm) Deep x Unlimited Length 32 in. (813 mm) Deep x Unlimited Length (4 in. (102 mm) Maximum Fuel Depth) 32 in. (813 mm) Deep x Unlimited Length (1 ?jn..(J05 mm) Maximum Fuel Depth) 36 in. (914 mm) Deep x Unlimited Length .34 in. (864 mm) Deep x Unlimited ~ength COVER MUST NOT INTERFERE WITH EDGE OF DISCHARGE PATTERN l'''' ,,,, ZONE eNTER LINE '.:, .~ -'.' TYCO SAFETY PRODUCTS, ONE STANTON STREET, MARINETIE. WI 54143.2542 715~735.7411 !:BIANSUl\ Min. Max. Heighl Height (In) fin) I 2 I 4 I I 20 2 4 /1/3 the height of filter 1 I 20 Duct Lengfh (In) Unlimiled I Unlimited I Unlimited I Unlimiled {} ,~ I~O-6INIO-!5cm) I 'I . 1 I I Ii " r '1'" 40.45 IN n.' 1 rTl) ZONE I / / 'll 'K',~;'>: FIGURE 1 .-- .....-_..- " " Form No.F-2005010 192005 Ansu! Incorporated Litho in U.S.A ( , , TANK AND CARTRIDGE REQUIREMENTS Once fhe hazard analysis is completed and the lolal nozzle flow numbers are established. the quantily and size of agenllanks and cartridges needed 10 supply the nozzles with the proper volumes 01 agent at the ploper flow rales can be delermined. For carlridges used in the regulated release mechanism; flow capacilies. lank quantities and sizes. and regulated release cartridge options are given in fhe table below. Total Quantity and Flow Size of Numbers' Tank(sl 1-5 (1) 1.5 Gellon 6 - 11 (1) 3.0 Gallon 11 - 16 (1) 1.5 Gallon (1) 30 Gallon (2) 3.0 Gallon 16 - 22 Regulated Release Cartridge OptIons NitrogEl[! Carbon OioxirJp.. LT.20-R 101-10 LT-30.R 101-20 Double 101-30 Double 101-30" When one or more regulated actuators are used, the following lank and cartridge combinations apply for eachreguJaled actuator: Regulated Actuator Regulaled Actuator Tank(s) Cartridge (1) 1.S. Gallon (1) 3.0 Gallon (1) 1.5 Gallon and (1) 3.0 Gallon (2) 3.0 Gallon LT.20'R or 101-10 LT-30.R or 101.20 LT-A-101.30 or 101.30" or double lank LT-A-101'30 or 101-30",or double lank For e~cep!iOl1s to m,Hlmllm !low nlJmbers. Si>e Ol~l;,hulion P'plnq R"q'JIlf'rTlpnIS II)! 1 5 g,111on ",ndJOg",II'msyslernsinlhisSt>ClIon. ' .. The 101-:JOcarl(l(lg"cannOlhf'IJS""lwlofmI2JtwoJOq,1I1onl;t"ks;trem;llI,IOI(IP,II"',jPlhprj' For higher tolal flow numbers (23 10 110), mulliple cartridges and regulated aCfuators are required as shown in the System Selection Guide in Section IX - Appendix. SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX, 3470 ULC CEx747 Pege 4.43 4.1.06 REV. 5 ACTUATION AND EXPELLANT GAS LINE REQUIREMENTS This section 'contains tf1eguidelines for installing lhe actuation and expellanl gas lines. ~etween the regulated release mechanism reg- ulator, each legulated actualor regulator..and each agent tank. These limilations should be consideled when selecting lhe com- ponent mounting locations Actuation Gas Line - 6 to 8. Tanks Ma~imum . 8 Tilnk m~~irn.unnellects the ulilization 01 3 lank regulilte(J acltliltQrs. t. Use only 1/4 in. Schedule 40 black iron, hot-dipped galva- nized, chrome-plated. or st'ainless steel pipe and fillings. 2. The aCluation gas line piping is installed from the regulaled release mechanisrn to each regulated actuator connected wilhin the system. The total length of the actuation gas line from the regulated release assembly to the regulated acltJator assembly(ies) must not exceed 20 ft. (6 m) when using an LT-20-R, an'LT-30-R nilrogen cartridge. or a 10t'10 or a 101-20 c~rbon dioxide cartridge. See Figure 80. nE'GULAIEO ACTUATOR AS5EMI1LY EXPELLMH GAS llNES NOT I~JCLUOEO IN ACTUATION GAS LINE LENGTH TOTALS i ,/ I--~ ACTUATOR _ACTUATION GAS liNE WITH AN LT.20.R Lr 30 R 101 10 OR 101 20 CARrRlOGE "-' MAXIMUM LENGTil OF 20 FT (6 rn) ----........ MA.XIMUI>.l NO OF rl! TIrJGS 9 '. 'ANSlJL "UIOM"N- REGlJLATED RELEASE' "SSEM(lLV ~ IlFGULATEO ACTUi\10n ~ J________ --------~ '-......~., --------;::;"> ,,;:> i. -- " " ~ ,,~ " ~ FIGURE BO ""'-;', SYSTEM DESIGN The ANSUL R-l02 Restaurant Fire'Suppression System may be used on a number of different types of restaurant cooking appli- ances and hood and ducl configurations. The design information listed in this section deals with the limitations and parameters of this pre-engineered system. Those individuals responsible for the design of the R-102 system must be trained and hold a current ANSUL certificate in an R~102 training program, The R-l 02 and the PIRANHA systems use compatible agents and 'components, therefore, they may be usep together for cooking appliance, hood, and duel prote~tion. The primary ANSUL AUTOMAN Release can be eilher 'an R.102 or a PIRANHA ANSUL AUTOMAN Release and can actuate up to two additional A-l02 or PIRANHA Regulated Actuators. In systems utilizing a 101 ,remote release, any combination of the maximum number of regulated actuators can be used. Both systems must actuate simultaneously. Each system must be designed and installed per its appropri- ate manual. Adjacent appliances requiring protection must be protected with the same type of system, either R-102 or PIRANHA, unless the center-to-center spacing between .the adjacent R-102 and PIRANHA nozzles is no less than 36 inches. When appliances are protected with R-102 nozzles. the hood and connecting duct above those appliances ,cannot be pro- tected with PIRANHA nozzles. Mixing systems in a common plenum is not allowed. One of the key elements for restaurant fire protection is a correct system design. This'section is divided into tensu.b-sections: Noz- zle Placement Requirements, Tank Quantity Requirements. Actu- ation and Expellant Gas line Requirements, Distribution Piping Requirements, Detection System Requirements. Manual Pull Sta. tion Requirements, Mechanical Gas Valve Requirements. Eleclri, cal Gas Valve Requirements. Electrical Switch Requirements, and Pressure ,Switch Requirements. Each of these sectio~s must be completed before attempting anyinstaJlation. System design sketches should be made of all aspects of design for reference during installation. NOZZLE PLACEMENT' REQUIREMENTS This'section gives guidelines for no~z[e type, positioning. and quantity for due), plenum, and individual appliance protection. This section must be completed before det~rmining tank quantity and ........ Riping requirements. . Duct Protection - Single Nozzle All duct protection is UL listed without limitation of maximum duct length (unlimited length). This incluces all varieties of ductworks both horizontal and vertical including ducts that run at angles to the horizontal and ducts with directlonal bends. The R-102 system uses different duct nozzles depending on the size of9uc!. being protected. . -......, . SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL.EX.3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4-1 4-1.06 REV6 GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Nozzles must be located 2-8 in. (5.20 em) into the center of the duct opening, discharging up. See Figure 1. <:>r 2 - BIN. 15-20clTll FIGURE 1 ,"".", 2. In installations where a UL listed damper assembly is employed; the duct nozzle can be installed beyond the 8 in. (20 cm) rll3ximum, to_apoint just beyond the.damper assem- bly that wi,~J not interfere with the damper. Exceeding the maxi- mum of adn. (20 em) in this way will not ,void the UL listing of the systerl;.' . 3, Previously' listed 3 flow number and 5 flow number duct pro- tection detailed in earlier published manual, Part No. 418087- 06, can al~o still by utilized DUCT SIZE~ UPTO 50 IN. (127 em) PERIMETER/16IN. (41 em) DIAMETER. to . One 1 W nozzle (Part No. 419336) =: one flow number 50 in. (127 em) perimeter max.imum. 16 in. (41 c1j1) diameter maximum l!~ , DUCT SIZ~S UP TO 100 IN. (254 em) PERIMETE,R/32 IN. (81.3 em) DIAMETER J One 2W No~zle (Part No. 419337) =: two flow numbers 100 in. (254~cm) perim~ter maximum 32 in. (81.3 sm) diarr!~ter maximum . A 2WH noztle (Part No:.'78078) llJust.be s~bstituted for.a 2W nozzle for any installation using Option 2 of the 1.5 gallon sys- tem co'verag$ (duct and plenum protection only). A, 2WH nozzle is limited to a maximum of 75,in.(190 em) perimeter or a maxi- mum diameter of 24 in. (61 em) of coverage. The chart below. shows the maximum protection available from each duct nozile. ;~ Part 30 Gallon - t:s Gallon De-scription ,: No. Syslem System , 2W Nozzle '1419337 Maximum Maximum 100 in. (254 em) 100 in. (254 em) Perimeter Perimeter to 1 W Nozzle 419336 Maximum Maximum 50 in. (127 em) 50 in. (127 em) Perimeter Perimeter Plenum Protection The R-l02 system uses ttle 1W Nozzle (Part No. 419336) or the . 1 N Nozzle (Part No. 419335) for plenum protection. The 1 W noz- zle tip is stamped with 1 Wand the1 N nozzle tip IS stamped with 1 N, indicating they are one-flow nozzles and must be counted as one flow number each. When protecting a plenum chamber, the entire chamber must be protected regardless of filter length. VERTicAL PROTECTION - GENERAL . One 1 W nozzle Will protect 4 linear feet (1.2 m) of plenum. The maximum distance from the end of the hood to the ~irst and last nozzle must be no more than 2 ft. (,6 m). Alter the first nozzle, a'ny additional nozzles must be position'ed at a maxImum 014 h. (1.2 m) apart down the entire length of the plenum, The plenum width must . not exceed 4 ft. (1.2 m). (The ,1\IV nozzle can be used on single or V-bank fifter arrangements.) See Figure 6. 2,FT 1,6m) MAXIMUM .... 4FT (\2m) MAXIMUM 4 FT,!12ml,--"___ 2 FT [,6 ml MA~ur,l MAXlr,lUM __ -- ~ --- :.---:::; . ...-: "" "--.... '->r~ ~........-- ~ '-- ~ '---. t ------ FIGURE 6 . When 'protecting plenums with the 1 W nozzle, two options of cov- erage are available: . Option 1: The 1 W nozzle -must be on the center line of the single or "V" bank filter and positioned within 1-20 in. (2.5-51 cm) above the top edge of the filter. See "Figure' 7. -' l " t 20 IN.,!Sl ernl . 'lI.,jAXIMUM .Ll t llN 125 ernl MINIMUlI.l I I. t . il 2UIN (51 (In) MAXIMUt>.l . .-L I I ~'!"il"'ml ~ . II "'",MUM , FIGURE 7 '~"''''I SECTION tV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX. 3~70 ULC CEx747 Page 4-5 4'1-06 REV. 4 . Option 2: The 1W nOt;zlemust be placed perpendicular, 8-12 in. (~P-3~ em) from the face of the riller and angled to the center of the filter, The nozzle lip must be within 2 in, (~, em) from the perpendicular center tine of the litter, See Figure 8. ~ I~J -,,'-, ' tlOZZLE TIP ------ :MU$T BE WITHlrJ THIS AREA' FIGURE B "".""1 HORIZONTAL. PROTECTION - OPTION 1 1 N N'cizZLE j- PART NO 419335 - SINGLE BANK PROTECTION One 1N nozzl.e Will protect 10 hnear feet (3.1 m) of single liller bank plenum. The '~ozz\e(s} must be mounted in Ihe plenum. 2 to 4 in. (5 to 10 cm) from the face of the filter. centered between the filter height dimens,ion, and aimed down the length. The nozzle must be . positioned O-~ in. (0-15 cm) from the end of the hood 10 the tip of the I nozzle.'SeeFigure 9. . 1"",-.' ,. /' 10FT,!Jl ml MAXIII.1UM ~.ft'. " ..-' " FIGU,RE 9 SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 ,PageA-6 REV, 5 4' 1-06 Plenum Protection (Continued) HORIZONTAL PROTECTION - OPTION 2 1 W NOZZLE - PART NO. 419336 - "V" BANK PROTECTION .. One lW nozzle will protecl 6 linear feet (1.8 nil 01 'V" bank plenum. The nozzle must be mounted horizontally. positioned 1/3 the Ii Iter .. height down from the top of the filler. Nozzles can be located at 6 ft. I (1.8 m) spacings on longer plenums. The nozzle must be positioned 0-6 in. (0-15 em) from the end of the hood 10 the lip of,the nOlzle. . See Figure 10. . . IW NOZZLE ~~. ~--/ .~. 1~ HEIGHTQF FILTER (H) I / 6 FT,l1,8 In) MAXIMUM 1_.t1"T 112ml I MAXIMUM ~ FIGURE 10 ",,',j.' lN NOZZLE - PART NO. 419335 - "V" BANK PROTECTION Two IN nozzles will prolecl 10 linear 'eel (3.1 m) by 4 h. (1.2 m) wide of "V" bank plenum. The nozzles must be mounted in the plenum. 2 to 4 in. (5 to 10 em) from the face of the filter, centered between the f[ller height dimension. and aimed down the length. .. The nozzle'must be positioned 0-6 in. (0-15 cm)"from ~he end of the .. hood to the tip of the nozzle. See Figure, 11. .., j '" " -jtK //, '\.. " Y;/2-.JIN - '''"'\.. / /. (5-'10~nil 2 --1 IN, ," " !5-1O""!~/~ , t"'V't I""'" __4 FT.112I1ll_____1 . MAXIMUM ..,. FIGURE 11 ~~ For a p'\enum, either single or "V" bank. with a linear extension longer than 10 feet (3.1 m), each bankmaybe protected using one 1 N nozzle every :1 0 ft. (3.1 m) or less depending on the overall length of the plenum. See Figure 12. The nozzles may point in the opposite direclion$ as long asthe entire plenum area is protected. and 'he 10 It. (3.1 m) limilalion is not exceeded. See Figure 13. The nozzle positioning shown in Figure 14 is not an acceptable method of protectIon because the plenum area directly under the tee is,not within Ihe discharge pattern of either nozz)e_ FIGURE 12 . '~ 'Jo.'1.'l~, 10FT.131m)......' MAXIt..1UM '. , I I I ! FIGURE 13 "".''.li FIGURE 14 '''~l.1m Appliance Protection The following pages detail types of" appliance protection. Each design requires several factors: correct nozzle choice. correct noz- zle height above hazard, correct nozzle location and correct aim- ing point. Fryer - Single Nozzle Protection 1. Design requirements for fryers are broken down into two types. A. FRYERS WITHOUT DRIPBOARDS If the fryer does not include'a dripboard. measure the internal deplh (horizontal dimension from front to back) and length of'the frypol. B. FRYERS WITH DRIPBOARDS If the fryer includes any dripboard areas, measure both the internal depth (horizontal dimension from front 10 bi3ck) and length of the trypot portion, and then measure 'the internal depth and length of the overall hazard area including any-dripboard areas. . 2. Using Table, "Maximum Cooking Area Dimension - Single Nozzle Fryer Protection," determine which nozzle is needed 10 protect the fryer-based on the maximum dimensions listed. A. If the fryer does not include a dripboard, use the maxi- mum dimensions listed in the first column of the table to ~eJect the corred nozzle. 8. If the fryer includes any dripboard areas. use both the maximum frypot dimensions in the first ~column of the table, and the maximum overall dimensions in the second column of the table to select the correct nozzle. None of the maximum dimensions in either column may be exceeded. 3. If either the maximum Irypo! or the overall sizes are exceed- ed. an additional nozzle(s) will be required. Refer to the mul- tiple nozzle requirements. : Example: A fryer with a dripboard. The inside of the frypot without I the dripboard measures 18 in. in depth x 18 in. in length (46 cm'x \ ~(rcm) and the inside of the overall area including the pripboard i measures 18 in. in depth x 24 in. in length (46 em x 61 em). From the Table "Maximum Cooking Area Dimension - Single Nozzle Fryer Protection." either the~3N or the 290-nozzle should be select- ed to protect the fryer. depending on the maximum nozzle height above the fryer and the positioning requirements allowed. Refer to appropriate Figures. " ". "- ,/ -SECTION tV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page4-7 10.1-02 REV3 --.'" -' " SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX, 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4.8 REV. 6 4~ 1.06 Fryer - Single Nozzle Protection (Continued) Maximum Area Dimensions - Single Nozzle Fryer Protection Max. Size Overall With Orlpboard Max. Size Frypol Only Type of Nozzle Full or Spilt Vat 14 in. x 15 in. (36 em x 38 em) Full or Spilt Vat 14 in. x 15 in. (36 em x 38 em) Full or Split Vat 14 in. 'x 21 in. (36 em x 53 em) Full or Spilt Val 14 in. x 21 in. (36 em x 53 em) Full or Split Vat 14 in. x 21 in. (36 em x 53 em) Full or Spilt Val 14 1/2'in. x 26 1/~ in. (37 em x 67 em) 230 245 ~ Full or Split Vat. 14 in. x 15 in. (36 em x 38 em) Full or Splil Vat 14112 in. x 14 in. (37 em x 38 em) 29.0 290 -~, f I I '-r I ,I , , II :1 ....-1-......- , / .-'-t.... T I I I , , , I , , , I , (,- I , I I , I , , , , I I , .~.~.. FRYER WITHOUT DRIPBOARD FRYER WITH DRIPBOARO NOZZLE TIP POSITIONED ANYWHERE ALONG OR WlrHI~fpERIMETER OF COOKING SURFACE AND AIr-lED TO THE CENTER OF THE COOKING AREA " . FIGURE 15 "'."-~" ~-, ,I Nozzle Height Above Top of Fryer 27 in. to 47 in. (69 em to 119 em) 20 in. 1027 in. (51 em to 69 em) 13 in. to 16 in. (33 em to 41 em) 16 in:to 27 in. (41 em'to 69 em) , , I I < ,-- , , , , , , , , --':'" FRYER WITHOUT DRIPBQARD Nozzle Location See Figure 15 and 16 See Figure 15 and 16 See. Figure 17 See Figure 17 TOP OF FRYER r< , , , , , , , , , I I I - -:-~--f ~ - /~ 1-: Ii I I II I : /: I : I I / , , , I I ./ " ,; ,A/" --~ . -- '. ~ FRYER WITH DRIPBOARD " SP~IT VAT NOZZLE'fIP POSITIONED ANYWHERE ALONG OR WITHIN PERIMETER OF COOKING SURFACE AND AII,IED TO THE CENTER OF THE COOKltJG AREA: . FIGURE 16 ''''":''.' .' Fryer - Single Nozzle Protection (Continued) Maximum Area Dimensions - Single Nozzle Fryer Protection Max. Size Overall With Q~P~~_~9 Max. Size Frypot Only Type of Nozzle 19.5 in. x 19 in. (50 em x 48 em) 19.5 In.x25 3/8 in. (50 em x 65 em) 19.5 in. x 25 3/8 in. (50 em x 65 em) 18 in, x 27 3/4 in. (46 em x 70.5 em) 290 19.5 in. x 19 in. (50 em x 48 em) 3N ..18in.x18in. . (46 em x 46 em) 3N f: , ' I I I , , _'--'1 I , ';>, I , , , , , FRYER WiTHOUT DRIPBOARD FRYER WITH DRIPBOARO 290 NOZZLE TIP POSITIONED OVER THE MIDPOINT OF THE HAZARD AREA ~ 3 IN (76 em) FROM THE MIDPOINT ALONG THE LONGEST SIDE OF THE HAZARD AND: 1 IN. (2.5 eml FROM THE MIDPOltH ALmiG THE SHORTEST SIDE OF THE HAZARD AND A\l\.~ED AT THE M\DPOINT Of THE COOKING AREA FIGURE 17 ...~;::.:::1~~.::.:::,,-- r<--..." ,./-7:;;:- , ,~",+/ f<::~ I : .... ~ -.l-~- I 3~IN, (5G eml MAXIMUM DIAGONAL DISTANCE BETWEEN NOZZLE At~O f CENTER OF H.AZARD AREA i -~:-..J p~o"O~/ I --, I __-7:- , I '~FRYER WI I HOUl ORIPBOARD ," FRYER WITH DRIf-'BOAAD :IN NOZZLE TIP POSITIONED ANYWHERE ALONG OR WITHIN PERIMETER OF COOK ING SURFACE AND AIMED TO THE CENTER OF THE COOKING AREA FIGURE 18 .-.......-:.~. SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4-9 4- I -06 REV. 8 (Continued) Nozzie Height Above T9P of Fryer Nozzle Location 13 in. to 16 in. (33 to 41 em) See Figure 17 See Figure 18 See Figure 18 25 in. to 35 in. (64 em to 89 em) See Figure 19 TOP OF FRYER ~_" '. I . ..:': , " , " , " I " , " , " i~' : III , " : It , ~' ;' 1i-'J"l' 1\ I 1\ I I 1\, I d 1.,1 I : \': , , : ! I I' I , , ' I 1\1 I 1\1 , ' .~ FRO'~'~'-- -'- ~~ <;' , -1'q -, /} '- , . . - RIGHT TO LEF,T ~ """'" CEN1ERLltJE ___ FRYER WITHOUT DRIPBOARD FRYER WITH DRIPBOARD ,"-'.-~" NOTE: 3N NOZZLE'TlP MUST BE LOCATED WITHI~1 THE PERlt.1ETER OF THE SURFACE AREA WITHIN THE FRONT HALF OF THE FRY POT AIlO AIMED AT THE CENTER FIGURE 19 ,/ - J " "'.'.'H" '---.....: Range Protection 1-Flow Nozzle The R-l02 system uses live different nozzles for the protection of ranges. Two of the design options require a one"f1ow nozzle and three'of the design options require two-flow nozzles. NOTICE A 13 in:(33 cm) diameter wok pan is the largest wok size that can be protected on ranges When protecting hot top~anges; the entire cooking surface must~e protected. Range' Protection (1-Flow Nozzle) 'Single and multiple burner ..ranges can be protected using a 1t:J nozzle, Part No. 419335. The nozzle tip is s'tamped with IN, indi,- . eating that this is a one-flow nozzle 'and must be counted as one flow,number. When using this nozzle for range protection, the maximum length of the burner grates-being protected with a single nozzle must not exceed 32 in. (81 em) and the maximum area of the burner grates must not exceed 384 sq. in. (2477 sq, em) per nozzle. When protecting a range, the 1 N noz?le must be located a maxi- mum of 10 in. (25.4, em) from each burn~r grate centeriineand must be aimed at the cenler'of.the cooking surface. See-Figure 26. ---~._~--~ , , / \ I I "'" _~_ _\ _8_/-$ l'02'"")~~", '~\ Ii: I 'V i~ /' 10 IN (25cJ11) MAXItJLJM"'-., I ,I '\!/- ~;\ :J21N (8Io:;rn) MAXIMUM ON y' NOZZLE ---..... x :\ . /- ~ _ A";'"G ~~...:..,,\ __+ POINT /),\ lOIN, / (25cml MAXIMUM ---., ",,,,',,",1 FIGURE 26 SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4-13 4.1.06 REV. 6 . When this type of hazard is equipped with a back shelf located above the range top, two protection options are available: One requires a 1 F nozzle, Part No. 4,19333,,, and the other option requires a 260 nozzle: ParI No. 419341. Option 1: 1 F. Nozzle: When using the 1 F nozzle for range protec- tiof) with .or without back shelf, the maximum length of the', burner grates being protected muslnot exceed 28'in.' (71 cm) and the maximum area of the burner gr~tes must not exceed 336 sq. in. (2168 sq, cm). See F!gure27 for nozzle location details. 1F NOZZLE ~ I I I .w: ~B IrJ I (102. 122cm) I I I SHELF CAN OVERHMIG [)UR~JERISI BY A ~,1AXIr,IU"1 OF 11 IN,I28 CIIII '" ~.J- ~2Dl Alt.\ POINT (51CJ1lI r,\it<n,lUM ~' 1211J (30 5 CJ111 MAXIMUM /' "r' IJ IN nS6cJ111 MAXIMUt.1 1 !':NOZZLE LOCATED OVER FRONT EDGE OF BURNER GRATE ,o.ND ORIENTED SO NOZZLE'TlP FLATS ARE PARALLEL WITH BURr,ER GRATE FROtn TO REAR CENTERLINE AND SHALL BE AII..1EO AT THE CENTER OF THE COQKINGSURFACE FIGURE 27 "~l" ,. . Option 2: 260 Nozzle: When using the 260 nozzle lor range pro~ tection with or without back shell, the maximum length 01 burner grates being protected must not exceed 32 In, (81 cm) and the maximum area of the burner grates must not exceed 384 sq. in. (2477 sq. em). Nozzle must be located on the front edge of the burn- er grates a.nd aimed at ~J~9int 10 in. (25 cm) from the back edge of the burneFgrates. Nozzle must be mount- ed 30 to 40 in. (76 to 102 cm) above the hazard sur- face. See Figure 28. 260 NOZZLE ~ I I I 3().JOltJ I (76.102cm! I I I SHELF CAN OVERHANG tJURNERISI BY A MAXI"1UM OF 11 IN (28 eml <:::>-:1 1.157c"') MINIMUt..,l ~ ~ 110 IN ~. (25clIIl'FRnM BACK OF BURNER GRATES '-""-'::' FtGURE 28 ""_'C',I e Griddle Protection 1-Flow Nozzle The H-1 02 system uses fo'ur different nozzles f()r the protection.o' griddles. One of the applications requires a 1-flow nozzle and three of the applications require a 2-flow nozzle. High Proximity Application: 351n.10 40 in. (8910102 cm) above the cooking, surface. This high proximity application uses, the 1 N nozzle, Part No. 419335. The nozzle !ipis stamped with 1 N indicating this is a one-flow nOl- zle and must be"counted as one flow number. One 1 N nozzle will protect a maximum cooking area of 1080 sq. in. (6968 sq. em) with the maximum I~est sinp. of 36 in. (91 ,em). When using this nozzle for griddle protection, the nozzle must be positioned along the cooking surface perimeter to a maximum of 2 in. (5 em) inside the perimeter, and aimed to the midpoint 01 the .. cooking surlace. See Figure 35 and 36, NOTICE When using this,type 01 griddle protection, onty 5 flow numbers are allowed on a 1 Sga\lon sys- tem and only 11 Ilownumbers are allowed on a 3 gaJlon system. j -- ,---.,------ t MID_POINT OF I I COOKING'SURFACE. I : ~. I I' T I I : 1- j I L, , --'--______-..J' IN NOZZLE LOCATED ALONG ANY SIDE OF GRIDDLE SURFACE WITHIN 0 - 21N (0 - 5 em) OF COOKING SURFACE EDGE_ NOZZLE MUST BE AIMED AT MIDPOINT OF COOKING SURFACE. ,) / , . COOKJNG SURFACE EDGE i . ! . -- . FIGURE 35 " .--.;....... ''''.'_11 SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4-17 10-1.02 REV 5 (,- I I NOZZLE LOCATION r' 0 - 21N, 10 - SUnl I I INSIDE PERIMETER "",",*:1 1_ OF COOKING SURFPoCE II I' II 'II .1\ II 'II 'II 'EDGE I 1 OF -----=1 1 COOKING!I I SURFACE I I r, I . --:- . " jfl )'fi! , <lOIN II 1102,;mJ I 1 I MA~II,lUM .. I HEIGHT /';12 OF1N A! _ _ t rlQZZLETIP / / I' JSIN (!;l9Crll, , 'J / r I MINI"-IUM I / 1 I HEIGHT vi- / I 1 OF IN ,I I 1 NOZZLE TIP :1 ~ ~ ...--~ FIGURE 36 ,,"..' , '--, Overhead Chain Broiler .Protection (Continued) Example No. 1 '- Internal broiler size is 24 in. long x 20 in wide (61 x 51 cm). with an opening of 16 in. x 16 in. (40.6 x 40.6 em). To determine minimum opening size, multiply the internal length and the internal width by 0.6: Length of opening - 24 in. x 0,6 := 14.4 in. (61 em x 0.6 = 36.6 em) Width of opening - 20 in, x 0.6 := 12.0 in. (51 em x 0.6 = 30.5 em) The minimum allowable open,ing for overhead protec- lion would be 14.4 In. x 12.0 in. (36.6 x 30:5 em). Thi~ example wO!Jld be acceptable for'overhead pro- tection. Example No.'2 - Inter'nal broiler size. is 30 in. long x 24 in. wide (76 x 61 em) wllh an opening 01 22 in. x 12 in. (56 x 30 em). To qetermine minimufJ1' opening size. multiply i.nte'rnal length and internal width;by 0,6: Length of opening - 30 in. x 0:6 := 1 B.O in. (76 em x 0.6 = 45.7 em) Width of opening ~ 24 in..x'O.~:= 14.4 in. (61 em x 0.6 = 36.6 em) Minimum allowable opening for overhead protection would be 18 in. x 14.4 in (45.7 x 36.6 em). Because thiS broiler has an opening of 22 in. x 12in., the 12 in. width is below the minimum allowable cal~ culated dimension of 144 in. (36.6 em) and therefore would not be acceptable for overhead protection. Upright/Salamander Broiler Protection The R-102 Restaurant Fire Suppression ,System uses one 1 N NOlzle, Part No. 419335, for uprighUsalamanderbroiler protection': The nozzle tip is stamped with IN. i~dicating that this is a one-flow nozzle. !.. .\ One 1 N nozzle will protect a maximum hazard area (internal broil~' er chamber) of 16 in..(41 cm) deep x29 in. (74 ~~) wide. The single 1 N nozzle I!lust be 10caleddirecU{in line with either vertical edge 01 the, broiler opening, 6 in. (15 CrTl),.t9.12 in. (30 cm) in front of the broiler, and 0 in. to 12 in. (30cm) above the top of the broiler. The nozzle must be aimed at the center of the broiler opening_ See Figure 49. ' VERTICAL EDGE OF BROILER OPENING IN NOZZLE ____ (PART NO. 419335) .... . I'Ll'" NOZZLE , ,1":.:::_ LOCATION ZONE 121N. : 111;:ij (30cmll i!iIL 61N 1l5<:ml .... I I:::::.. 6f\1 , (15cml :)( AIM AT CE'NTER /'1 OF BROIL'ER . OPENING L . . . . "II =i - 1 [' I '_~ I 'i/~ AIM AI CENTER OF BROILER OPENING FIGURE 49 (_':I~~ SECTION IV- SYSTEM. DESIGN UL EX 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4.23 4-1-06 REV. 7 uprightlSala~ander Broiler Protection The R-1 02 sys'tem uses two 1/2N Nozzles (Part No. 419334) for all uprighVsalamander broiler protection. The nozzle tip is stamped 1/2N. indicatin~g that this is a half-flow nozzle. A pair of these noz~ zles will equal{one flow number. Two 1/2N noz:zles will protect a maximum hazard area (internal broiler chamber) of 30 in. x 32.5 in. (76 cm x 82.5' cm). These noz- zles must always be used in pairs on an uprighUsalamander broil- er. One nozzle must be positioned above the grate and pointed at the back oppo:site corner of the broiler chamber. The second noz- zle must be pointed down into the center 01 the drip pan through .. the open slot. ~eeFigure 50. Note: If metalblow-off caps are required for upright broiler or sala- mander broiler protection, use (2) two IN nozzles, Part No. 41 9335, inste~d of 1/2N ~.ozzles. SALAMAfjDER BROILER .~ L>l>O"~1 UPRIGHT BROILER " BROILER CHAMBER " J f . I rr=~."~ i,' I -h -~ / .~.. i , I -I L_~_J D}~ ."cl? " FRO,NT VIEW SlOE VIEW u u u u '~"~'.'.' . 'FtGURE 50 SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4.24 REV. 6 4~ 1 ~06 .. Gas-RadjanUElectri~ Char-Broiler Protection The R~ 102 system uses the t N nozzle, (Part No, 419335) lor gas- .. radiant/electric char-broiler protection. The nozzle tip on the 1 N nozzle is stamped with a 1 N.,indicating that this is a one-flow ,nozzle and must be counted as one flow number: One IN nozzle will protect a hazard with ,3 maximum length of 36 in. (91 'em) and a total cooking area which does not exceed 864 sq. in. (5574 sq. em). The nozzle tip must be located 15 to 40 in. (38 to 102 em) above the hazard surface. When using this .. nozzle for gas-radianyelechic char-broiler protection, the nozzle must be positior\ed anywhere along or wlth~n the perimeter of the maximum cooking area and shall be aimed al the center of the cookingsuriace. See Figure 51 ~, r ,( \~/ ~ ~ ,\ ! ///1'5'"\38 em, ~ ~ ~"""l~" t 40 IN (102 ern) MAXIMUM ..-.. ....' " ''-----.:. FIGURE 51 ~. .... " ...-.....'.1 DISTRIBUTION PIPING REQUIREMENTS (Continued) Distribution Piping Requirements - 6;0 Gallon Manifolded Sysl~m (Continued) This configuration consists of two 3 gallon tanks. Both tanks,are connected to a common manifold tee,and are pressurized from a single double tank (Part No. 73022) nitrogen cartridge in the regu~ . laled release assembly. ,See Figure 95. Note: A tank mounting bracket can be utilized'instead of the lank/enclosure assembly. . See Figure 97. . 3.HltJ BRANCH . ~81N 381N I USE HOSE' _ NS~TEE~' _ SUPPlY~SUPP~Y n GROMMET NO 1 - - ~ PACKAGE \ . 3'8 IN -..--...,. 38 IN BBANCH !PART NO \ ~ r SUPPLY . ""'~R . r D D 30 GALLOti TANK 30 GALLOtJ TANK , I DOUBLE TANK '-.j ~I NITROGEN CARTRIDGE OR : ILT.A.\Ol.30 I'" CARTRIDGE- REGULATED ACTUATOR OfJLYJ 30 GALLON REGULATED RELEASE ASSEMBLY OR 3 0 GA'LLON REGULATED ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY TANK ENCLOSURE ASSEMBLY , NOTE 1 THE PIPE CdiNECTlON FROM PNK CENTER TO TAr!K CENTER CANf~OT EXCEED 8-1,2 IN, (21.5 enl) ALSO. OEM RELEASE BRACKET ASSEMBLY CAN BE UTILIZED WHEN MMJIFOLDING 3 0 GALLON TAr!K NOTE 2' ONLY J GALLOr! TANKS CAN BEt.1AtJIFOLDEO FIGURE 95 ,-. ~''''l SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4-51 4-1-06 REV. 4 Distribution P,iping, Requirements - 6.0 Gallon System with Independent Pipe Runs ' Independent pipe runs can also be used with the regulated . release assembly and the tank/enclosure assembly. See Figure 96. When ma!lifolding is not used, each of the two (2) 3 gallon tanks 'utilize the piping limitatiol:s of a single lank system, ~~Fdb . ~ ~~ I - 1- DOUBLE TANK , II NITROGEN \, ,/ CARTRIDGE OR lOl.30C02 CARTRIDGE ILT-A-1Ul.30 CARTRIDGE - REGULATED ACTUATOR ONLY) . HOSE! GROM~'ET I PACKAGE I (PART NO. """ I SEE ~18511) I~NO,TE I NO,l _1..._._ CJ D 30 GALLON TANK OR 15 GALLON rANK Ii )OGALLOtJ TAtlK OR 1.5 GALLON TANK . REGULATED RELEASE ASSH.-1BLY OR REGULATED ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY TMJKENCLOSURE ASSEMBLY .,...-''''1 ,eo,,':: " J FIGURE 96 ",.,:", ,. ..........:; ( DETECTION,SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Once the fire suppres,sion system design has been determined, a detection system design must be completed. This section contains guidelines and limitations for detection system installation. Detector Ide'ntification The 1'.."0 types of detectors are distinguished from each other by their location in the detection system. 1. The Terminal Detector (Part No. 56838. 15375. or 417368) is the lasl in a series of detectors, or the only detector used in a single+delector system. This detector is thus named because it is at the point at which the wire rope ends. or "terminates." ' 2. A Series Detector (Part No, 56837,15373. or 417369) is any detector located in-line between the regula led release mech- anism and the terminal detector . Detector/Pulley Elbow Quantity The quantity of detectors used in the system will vary depending on the style of detector used. 1 . Conduit runs, pulley elbows. and number of detectors per sys- tem must be within the approved system, guidelines. The fol- lowing re-quirements must not be exceeded: Maximum Maximum Number of Number of Detectors Elbows per Svstem OfH. SvslRm Maximum Leng1h of 1/2 in. Conduit OfH SvslRm Clip on Slyle 12 18 125 It. (38.1 m) Detector Hinge Slyle 5 8 103 It. (31.3 m) Detector Scissors Style 15' 20 150 fl. (45.7 m) Detector 2, If hinge style petectors are mixed in a system with either c1ip- on or scissorl styl~, 4 series and 1 terminal is the niaximum number allowed. If clip-on style are mixed with scissor slyle, the maximuni allowed is 11. series and 1 terminal. NOTICE When using the "clip-on"style detector, the ter- minal detector may use the "hinged" style mounlingbracke'i with the "clip-on" style linkage. This is only allo~ed.with the, terminal detector. No other linkages are allowed to, be mixeq with other brackets. When using this option, the total number of "clip-on" style detectors (11 series and 1 terminal) is still allowed. " . 3. If hinge style detectors are mixed in a system with eitller c1ip- on or scissor style, the maximum length of wire rope must not exceed 103 ft. (31.4 m) and the maximum number of pulley elbows must not exceed 8. If clip-on style are mixed with scis- sor-style, the maximum length of wire rope must nol exceed 125 It. (3.81 m) and the maximum number of pulle'y elbows must not exceed 18., ~,Il the hazard requires more than 15 detectors, up 10 five 101 Remote Releases (Part No, 32381) can be used lor system actuation. Each 101 remote release allows the use'of a maxi- mum 0115 "scissor" style, detectors ( 14 series and 1 terminal) for a total of 75 detectors if needed. " SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4-53 4-1.06 REV. 3 Detector Placement Requirements EXHAUST DUCTS Each exhaust duct must have at least one detector installed in the duct entrance, located in the airstream of the cooking vapors, or at .. a maximum of ?O It, (6.1 m) into the duct opening. See Figure 98. 'f 1 If rr---',r1'=;j ~ -:=~ "'-",0=:=:11 , I 20Fl16m) MAXIUUt,1 I L , II r=r-u "fj---i FW l....l i -'------------ . FIGURE 98 ".\.':' NOTICE When gas appliances are used and the 1\ue gases from the burner are exhausted into the duct, the detector must be kept out of the air stream 01 these exhaust gases. These gases can be very hot and could actuate the system unnec1essarily. Duct openings that are long and narrow or large enough to require multiple duct nozzles may require additional detectors. " ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATOR If 'an"electrostatic precipitator is located at or near the base of the exhaust duct, it is necessary to locale a detector below the' pre- cipitator, at the,;base 01 the duct. and also locate one in the duct .. just above the" precipitator. See-Figure 99. ' , ,I When installing ttle detector bracket and system conquit, make certain they'doinot interfere with the operation of the precipitator. Note: On secondary filtration units utilizing multiple filter stages/media, contact,AnsuJ Technical Services for instructions. , , I I -1': 1- J+~ ~ , ,~" ---."1----\;".:1 I i \ ~ I FIGURE 99 ""','" SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4-54 ' REV.3 4-1-06 . Detector Replacement Requirements (Continued) COOKING APPLIANCES 1I the cooking ,appl'iance is located under al) exhaust duct where a detector;has been mounted, it is normally not necessary to utilize another detector for that cooking. appliance, provided the detector . is not more than 12in. (30 em) into the duct..$ee Figure 10Q. ~ I ~- rn-: I '7"\l I I APPLlM ICE REOUIRES SEPARATE DETECTOR APPLlAr,CE COVERED BY DETECTOR urJDER DUCT APPLIANCE REOUIRES SEPARATE DETECTOR APPLIANCE COVERED BY DETECTOR UNDER DUCT. . FIGURE 100 Each cooking appliance with a continuous cooking surlace not exceeding 48 in. x 48 in. (122 x 122 em) can be protected by a min- imum of one detector. Cooking appliances with"a continuous cook- ing surface exceeding 48 in. x 48 in. can be protected by at least one detector per 48 in. x 48 i.n. cooking area: Detectors used lor cooking appliances must be located above the protected appli- ance toward the exhaust duct side 01 the appliance. The detector should be localed in the air stream of the appliance to ,enhance system response time. ..... .. Note: For ovkrlapping detector coverage. see Page 4-42 for design :requirements,. Det'ection line Requirements CONDUIT -' Rigid conduit or 1/2 inch EMT thin-wall conduit may b{used ....... .Standard steel conduitlillings'{compression type are 'recommend- ed) must be employed to properly install the detection-system. All conduit or pIpe must be firmly supported. When using pipe, make certain that all ends' are carefully reamed. deburred and blown clear of chips and scale before assemb.ly: NOTICE The conduit offset can be used at the top or bot- tom of the regulated release to change direction of the conduit. The conduit offset cannot be used with pulley te~s. All other changes in direc- tion must be made by using ANSUL approved pulley elbows. Pari No. 423254'or 415670. See .. Figure 101. = -........:::~'::::- ~---..:- " o () t- , ~J ! " ~.-/ '. FIGURE 101 ,.",., Fusible link Selection When possible. tecmpera(ure readings should be taken at each detector location 19 determine correct fusible link temperature rat- ing. Temperature c'an be recorded using either a maximum regis- tering thermometer. ParI No. 15240. temperature tape or any other accurate thermometer. ~ I u ,,= ~"~WI.~ .F,:"I, --""I' ..-', ~ '""~.. '''~ .~ ~ "",";., K STYLE . ~ TEt,lPERATURE RATltJG STAMPED Qt, FUSII3LE LINK BODY .-- ~/1~ "",;, Jl.ILSTYlE SOOFI2t30 c.lm,LY ..... FIGURE 102 Select correctUL llisted fusible link(s) lor installation in detector(s) according \0 the temperature condition. Two styles are available. .. See Figure 102. See Component Section lor detailed temperature ratings. . . . . -~.; r MANUAL PULL STATION REQUIREMENTS A remote manual pull station allows t~e R-l 02 system to be man- ually .operated at some point distanl from the regulated release .. assembly, The-pull station should be installed at a height of 42-48 I in. (107-122 em). in accordance with the' requirements of the American Disabilities Act (ADA) and theAuthorily having Jurisdic- .. lion. and located In the path of egress. The pull station is the .only source of manual actuation of the regulated release ass.embly. The lotallenglh ollhe cable used fcreach manual pull'station'wilh~ in a system must not exceed 150 II. (46 m). The maximum number of pulley elbows thaI may be used per pull station is 20. One pulley lee, ParI No. 427929, is allowed per syslem. The maximum length of cable Iro"m the AUTO MAN 10 a pull station is 150 It. (45.7 m) With a maximum 0120 pulley elbows used per' side of the tee. As the tee is located farther lromthe AUTOMAN, the 150 fl. (45.7-m) maximum must be "observed but as pulley elbows are placed belween Ihe AUTOMAN and Ihe lee, Ihey musl be deducted from the available pulley elbows (20) allowed on each side. Example: Jf 10 pulley elbows are placed between the AUTOMAN and the pulley tee. the maximum available pulley elbows, left for ... use on each side of the lee is 10 per side. See,Figure 103 for three' different examples. (Note: Both must be gas valves or both musl be pull stations. Mixing is not allowed.) TEE CLOSE TO AUTOMAN(EXAMPLE) PULLEY TEE 121N. IJ05_mm) o D o AUTOMAN GAS VALVE OR t;1ANUAL PULL GAS VALVE OR MANUAL PULL .' 1~9 FT. 145 ~ m) AND 20 PULLEY ELBOWS MAXIMUM PER EACH,SIDE OF TEE TEE ~LOSE TO GAS VALVES OR MANUAL PULL (EXAMPLE) .~ ....~ 121N. .1 12IN,- (J05mn;) lJ05rnll1t o PULLEY TEE 0 GAS VALVE OR GA.S VALVE OR' MANUAL PULL I\lANUAL PULL AUTOIMN 1~'l FT 1.15,~JllI AND 20 PULLEY ELBOWS BETWEEN Al!TOMAN AN-D TEE . TEE HALFWAY BE'TWEEN AUTQMAN AND GAS VALVES OR Mf&.NUAL PULL iEX.AMPLE\ 75 FT 1229 rlI) AND 10 PULLEY ELBOWS D 75 FT (229 rnl AND 75FT. (22,9 nil AND IO'PULLEYE'LBOWS 10 PULLEY ELBOWS 6 PULLEY TEE 6 AUlm,,\MJ GAS VALVE OR ., MANUAL PULL '(;,\S VAL.VE OR MANUAL PULL . FIGURE 103 SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4~55 4~ 1.06 REV. 3 Melal Stamped Style ~ParfNo. 4835 or 54011 Parts that may be used for installation, of a metal stamped rem ole manual pull. station are: Oescrjotion Remote Manual Pull Station Assembly.' Remote MEtnu'al Pull Station Assembly Pulley Elbow " Pulley Elbow .Pulley Tee Efl.1LNQ, 54011 4835 423250 415670 427929 'Assemblylll{.luLlesp.Hlsll~lfW below: 1/16 in. Slalnless Sleel Cable 50 II. (15 m) Oval Press- To~Crjmp Sleeves Glass Break R.od (1) MECHANICA~.9AS VALVE REQUIREMENTS . An, ANSUL or ANSUL approved mechanical gas shut-off valve system can b~ attached to the R-102 system. The system works botn mechanisally and pn~!-lmaticaUy by use 01 an air cylinder -located insideHhe regulated release assembly. Upon actuation of the fire suppre'ssion system, a pneumatically-operated air cylinder assembly will mechanically close the gas shut-all valve. The total length 01 the cable for each mechanic'al gas valve must not exceed 150 ft. (46 m). The maximum number of pulley elbows that may be used is 20 for each valve One pulley lee' (Part No, 427929) IS allowed persyslem. The maximum length of cable from the AUTOMAN 'to a gas valve is 150 'ft. (45.7 m) with a maximum of 20 pulley elbows used per side of the tee, As "the tee is located larther lrom the AUTOMAN, the 150ft. {45.7 m)[f\aximum must be observed bu\ as pulley elbows are placed belween Ihe AUTOMAN and Ihe lee. Ihey musl be deducled from the availaple pulley elbows (20) allowed on each side. Example: [f 10 pulley elbows are placed between the AUTOMAN and the pulley;ltee, the maximum available pulley elbows left for use on each side of the tee is 10 peT side. See Figure 103 forthree ... different examples. : Parts that may;be used for installation 01 a Mechanical Ga~ Shut- off Valve are:,i. '. I lJp.sr.rinlion Ii P;ut No I ' Gas ValvelAclualor 314 in. Assembly (ANSULr 55598 Gas Valve/Aclualor 1 in. Assembly (ANSUL)" 55601 Gas Valve/Acluatoi' 1 1/4 in. Assembly (ANSULr 55604 Gas Valve/AcI0'ator 1 1'/2 in. Assembly (ANSUL)' 55607 Gas Valve/Aclualor 2 in. Assembly (ANSUL)" 55610 Gas ValvelAclualor2 112 in. Assembly (ASCar 25937 Gas Valve/Aclualor 3 in. Assembly (ASCOr 25938 Pulley Elbow 423250 Pulley Elbow 415670 Pulley Tee 427929 1/16 in. Slainless Sleet Cable '15821 or 50 It. (15 m)"or 506 It. (152 m) roll' 79653 Oval Press- To-Crimp Sleeve 4.596 Stop ,Sleeve (2).' --. 26317 15821 4596 4834 ,/ .' 'Assemuly IIlChlllt'~.p"rIS Irsted helow: r~ '." ,,: Air Cylinder Assembly Atr Cylinder Tubing Assembly -.... Copper Tubing. 1/8 in. Male Elbow Male Connector Machine Screw (2) Hex Nul (2) Lockwashei (2) Visuallnspeclion Seal (2) 15733 15521 15529 15525 15523 15522 15421 15527 4141 197