HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 8/18/2008 REQUEST FOR PARTITION TENTATIVE PLAN.APPROVAL , PROJECT NAME: APPLICANT I OWNER: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PROPERTY ADDRESS: CURRENT ZONING: PROJECT SUMMARY: . PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O . AUG 1 8 2008 Partition of Lot 8 of RiverBend Phase II Subdivision PeaceHealth Oregon Region Tax Map 17032200, Tax Lot 4100 . (based on RiverBend Phase II Subdivision Plat, recorded 3 June, 2008) 3333 RiverBend Drive, Springfield; Oregon '. MS - Medical Services (Proposed Parcel 1 ) MS - Medical Services, MUC - Mixed Use Commercial, MDR- Medium Den~ty Residential (Prop?sed Parcel 2). Lot 8 at PeaceHealth's RiverBend Subdivision, Phase II contains Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend, which includes the new Sacred Hearl hospital: Oregon Heart and Vascular Ihstitute, two parking structures, and two medical office buildings. The Applicant is requesting a land partition of Lot 8 (total area 56.819 acres) to create two (2) parcels. One parcel is approximately delineated by the footprint of the Northwes!Specially Clinics medical office building (approximately 0.763 acres; identified on the accompanying Partition Plan as Parcel 1); the second parcel comprises the remainder of Lot 8. APPLICABLE LAND USE DECISIONS: I Land Use Decision I LRP2005-0001 I LRP2006-00010 I LRP2006-00022 I SUB2005-00012 I SUB2006-00044 I DRC2005-00019 . I DRC2006-00059 1 I I Application Name RiverBend Master Plan RiverBend Master Plan Amendment RiverBend Master Plan Amendment Subdivision Tentative Plan Subdivision Tentative Plan Maior Adiustment Site Plan Review. Site Plan Modification Maior I I I ,. Approval Date March 21 , 2005 June 19, 2006 September 1, 2006 March 24, 2005 .. I September 7, 2006 I April 13, 2005 I September?, 2006 I I I I. I I I I I This partition request compltes with the above decisions a~d applicable land division submittal requirements and approval criteria, as outlined below. . Lot 8 Partition - 8/13/08 Page 1 , , . PeaceHealth APPLICANT'S DEMONSTRATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF SPRINGFIELD'S PARTITION STANDARDS -' SDC CHAPTER 5, SECTION 5.12-100. 5.12.120 Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements A. General Requirements. 1.. The Tentative Plan, including any required Future Development Plan, shall be prepared by an Oregon Licensed Land Surveyor on standard sheets ot 18" x 24". The services ot an Oregon registered Engineer may also be required by the City in order to resolve utility issues (especially stormwater management, street design and transportation issues), and site constraint and/or water quality issues. . Applicant's Response: Presented on 18" x 24" sheets, the Partition Tentative P/ary was prepared under the supervision of T od Kelso, an. Oregon Licensed Land Surveyor, and Mike Schmid, an Oregon Licensed Civif Engineer. 2. The scale at the Tentative Plan shall be appropriate to the area involved and the amount ot detail and data. normally 1" = 50',1" = 100', or 1" = 200', Applicant's Response: The scale of the plan is 1"= 50'. 3. . A north arrow ~nd the date the Tentative Plan was prepared. Applicant's Res'ponse: A north arrow and the prepared date are shown on the Partition Tentative Plan 4. . The name and address ot the owner, applicant,if different, and the LandSiJrveyor and/or Engineer who prepared the Partition Tentative Plan. Applicant's Response: The applicant and owner at the subject property is Peace Health Oregon Region. Project Team contact information is shown on the Cover Sheet 5, A drawing ot the boundaries ofthe enti~ area owned by the partitioner or ~ubdivider ot which the proposed land division is a part. . Applicant's Response: The boundaries at the subject property are shown on the Partition Tentative Plan in this application 6. City boundaries, the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) and any speCial service district boundaries or railroad right-ot-way, which cross or abut the proposed land division. . . Applicant's Response: The urb~n growth boundary is shOwn on the plans: The subject property lies entirely within the City at Springfield. There are no City boundaries, special ser'(ice district boundaries, .or railroad rights-at-way on the subject property. Lol 8 Parlilion - 8/13/08 Page 2 PeaceHeflfth ~ PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O -AUG 1 8 2008 7. Applicable zoning .districts and the Metro Plan designation of the proposed land division and of properties within 100 ieet of the boundary of the subject property. ,~ . .~....Ji Applicant's Response: All applicable zoning districts are shown on the Partition Tentative Plan. 8. The dimensions (in feet) and size (either in square fe!!t or acres) of each lot/parcel and . . the approximate dimensions of each building"site., where applicable, and the top and toe of cut and . fill slopes to scale. . - Applicant's Response: The plans show the line:and curve informalionfor all segments of the . boundary lines~ the size of each parcel in acres, ani! all building outlines on the site. There are no cut or.fiIlslopeswithin the boundaries of the subject properly.' , 9. The location, outline to scale and present use of all existing structures to remain on the property after platting and their required setbacks from the proposed new propertyJines. Applicant's'Response: The location and outline to.scaleof all existing structures to remain on the properly after platting are shown on the 'Partition Tentative Plan. The NSC building on the proposed Parcel 1 is under construction so there is no present,use bufwill house medical offices/services, consistent with the permitted use. Other buildings on Lot 8 will house a hospital and other medical offices/services cO,nsistent with under/ying MS zoning and the use permitted by the RiverBend Master Plan and subsequent land use approvals. All existing buildings on the subject properly lie within the Medical Service (MS) zoning district. Per City Code Section 3.2-515 (Base Zone Development Standards for MS) no interior side or rear setback requirements are applied within the MS Zone. Front Yard setback is 1qfeet. 'p~r City Code Section 3,3-1020-B (Nodal Development Over/ayDistrict), maximum front yard setback is 20 feet This application satisfies the applicable building setback requirements and is consistent with the earlier Site Plan approval granted to construct the NSC building. , i. 10. Theiocation and size of existing and proposed utiiities and necessary easements and . dedications on and adjacent to the site, including but not limited to sanitary sewer mahis, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points. ' . Applicant's Response: The location of existing utilities and existing easements and dedications on and, adjacent to the site, including sanitary sewer mains, stprm,water management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV are identified on the tentative plan. Specific. information about the existing property lines, easement lines, site facilities, imd adjacent publiC improvements can be found in the RiverBend Phase 1/ SUbdivisiorlPlat, SHMC site plans, and the PeaceHealth RiverBend Campus Section A and B Public Improveinent Plan Record Drawings, respectively These plan sets are referenced on the Site Assessment There are no proposed utilities associated with this application. .11: The locations, widths and purpose.of all existing or proposed easements o~ and abutting the proposed land division; the location of any existing or propose~ reserve strips, Applicant's Response: All existing easements on and abutting the proposed par/ition are shown on the tentative plan. There are no proposed easements associated with this application. I Lot 8 Partition ~ 8/13/08 Page 3 I '.. Peace Health ,. '1, . , .12. The locations of all areas to be. dedicated or reserved for public use, with the purpose, condition or limitations of the reservations clearly indicated. Applicant's Response: This application does not include any areas that are to be dedicated or reserved for public use. . B. A Site Assessment of the Entire Development Area. The Site Assessment shall be prepared by an Oregon Licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer and drawn to scale with existing contours at 1-foot intervals and percent of slope that precisely maps and delineates the areas described below. Proposed modifications to physical features shall be clearly indicated: The Director may waive portions of this requirement if there is a finding that the proposed development will not have an adverse impact on .physical features or water quality, either on the site or adjacent to the site. Information required for adjacent properties may be generalized to show the connections to physical features. A Site Assessment shall contain the following information. 1.. The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WLQW) Map on file in the Development Services Department; . , Applicant's Response: The Site Assessment was prepared by an Oregon licensed engineer and shows the name, location, dimensions, direction offlow.and top of bank of the McKenzie River This is the only WQLW adjacent to the subject property. '. 2. The 1 DO-year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in'the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Mapsor FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision; Applicant's Response:. The 1 DO-year floodplain and floodway boundaries are. shown on the Site Assessment. The flood hazard boundary shown is a compilation of predevelopment 100-year ..; flood elevations from the two floodplain studies showing the greatest extent of possible floo,ding (the wors/case condition). The studies are the FEMA Flood Insurance Study for Lane County . dated June 2, 1999 and the Corrected Effective Model (CEM) in the McKenzie RiverFloodplain Assessment prepared by David Evans and A.ssociates dated November 6, 2002. 3. The Time of Travel Zones, as.specified in Section 3.3-200 and delineatedoh the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Service Department; Applicant's Response: The Time of Travel Zones and the wellhead Area of Contribution are . shown on the Site Assessment. . 4. Physical features including, but not limited to, significant clusters oftrees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the (WLQW) Map and their riparian areas, wetlands, and rock outcroppings; Applicant's Response: The McKenzie River and the associated Riparian Area Boundary and Conservation Easement are shown on the.site assessment. Significant clusters of trees are shown Lot 8 Partition - 8/13/08 . Page 4 PeaceHealth PRE.SUBMITTAlREC'D AUG 1 8 2008 . on the SHMC Site Plan, but theydo not affect this application. /110 wetlands or rock (jutcroppings . occur on the subject property. _ '_.,..."'___ .~ .....w,.,t " 5. Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County; and Applicant's-Response: Soil types and water table informafion as specified in fhe Soils Survey of. Lane,County are shown on the Site Assessment. Soil type on the subject property is . predominantlyMalabon Silty Clay Loam (75), with some Newberg fine Silty,Loam (95) present. The majority of the subject property is fully developed and improved. ' 6. Natural resource protection areas as specified in Se~tion 4.3-117. , , Applicant's Response: The McKenzie River Riparian Area.Boundary isshown:on the Site Assessment. . . . Ii . C, A Stormwater Management Plan draw.n to .scale with existing contourS at 1-foot intervals and percent of slope that precisely .maps and addresses the information described below. In areas where the percent of slope is 1 0: percent or more, contours may be shown at 5-foot.intervals. This. plan shall show the stormwater management system for the entire development area. Unless exempt by the Public Works. Director, the City shall require that an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer p,repare the plan. Where plants are proposed as part 9f the'stormwater management system, an Oregon Ucensed Landscape Architect may also be required. The plan shall include the following components: Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations; , " . 2, Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns; 3: The size and location. of stormwater management sy~te~s components, including but not ~ ' ,~ limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells andlor detentionrponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained; . 4. Existing and proposed site elevations, gradesandco'ntours; and . . L 5, A stormwater management system plan with supporting calculations and documentation as required in Section 0-110 shall be submitted supporting ihe'propos~d system, The plan, calculations and documentation shall be consistent with the Engiri~~ring Designs Standards and Procedures. Manual to allow staff to determine if the proposed, storm.water management system will accomplish its purposes.. . ,. Applicant's Response to Section C: A Storm water MasterPlan and Stormwater Drainage Report were approved by the City of Springfield as part ofthe.'RiverBend MasterPlan, Case No. LRP2005'0001. Additionally, the Stormwater Drainage Report and Storm and Drairiage Plan for RiverBend Subdivision were prepared by a(l Oregon licensed engineer and approved by the City of Springfield as part of the RiverBend Tentative Subdivision Plan, Case No. SUB 2005-00012. The existing storm drainage system on and adjacent to the subject property is shown on the Sile Assessment. This system was previously approved thro4gh the Site Plan Review and Public Lot 8 Partition - "8/13/08 . Page 5 PeaceHealth . Improvement Plan reviews, This application does .not affect. the previous approved analyses because no changes or additions to existing improvements. ani proposed. .. , I D. A Response to Transportation issues complying with the provisions of this Code. .. 1. The locations, condition, e.g., fully improved with curb, gutter and sidewalk;.AC mat, or gravel, widths and names of all existing streets, alleys, or other rights-of-way within or adjacent to the proposed land division; . 2. . The locations, widths and names of all proposed streets and other right~-of-way to include the approximate radius of curves and grades. The relationship of all proposed streets to any projected streets as shown on the Metro Pla.n, including the TransPlan, any approved Conceptual Development Plan and the latest version of the Conceptual Local Street Map; 3.' The locations and widths of all existing and proposed sidewalks, pedestrian trails and accessways, including the location, size arid type of plantings and street trees in any required planter strip; , 4. the location of existing and proposed traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities, where applicable; . , 5. . The location and dimensions of existing and proposed driveways, where applicable; 6. The location oiexisting and proposed street lighting:.including the type, height and area of illumination; 7. The location of existing apd proposed transit facilities; 8. A copy of a Right-of-way Approach Permit application where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility; and 9. -A Traffic Impact Study prepared by a Traffic Engineer, where necessary, as specified in .. ). Section 4.2-105A4. ... ,.. Applicant's Resp~nse to Section 0: All provisions of this section have been met by the Applicant, as demonstrated by the list of approved land use decisions listed. at the front of this Applican.t Narrative. This application does not affect the previously approved analyses because. no changes or additions to existing improvements are proposed. Improvements on right-of-way within, or adjacent to the subject properly have been completed or have been agreed to in recorded Improvement Agreements, as listed in the submitted title report. Right-of-way and street . widths of adjacent streets are all shown of the Record Drawings referenced on the plan sheets in . this application The subject properly does ~ot have frontage on an ODOT facility. Lo; 8 Partition - 8/13/08 Page 6 Peace Health PRE.SUBMITTAL REe'D AUG I 8 2008 .. E. A Future Development Plan. Where phasing or large lots/parcels are proposed;the Tentative Plan shall include a Fut.ure Development Plan that: 1. Indicates the proposed [edivision, including the boundaries and sequencing of each. . proposed redivision at minimum urban density for proposed pnasing, any lot/parcel thatis large enough to further divide, or a plot plan showing building foot piints forMDR and HDR minimum . ,. . . densities;. . . ... . . .' . . ' 2, Addresses street conn~ctivity between the various phases of the proposed developmen't based upon compliance with TransPlan, the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), applicable Refinement Plans, Plan Districts, Master Plans; Conceptual Develop.ment Plans, or the Conceptual Local Street Map and this Code; , 3. Accommodates other required public improvements; including but not limited to, sanitary sewer stormwater management, water and electricity; .. . . .( 4. Addresses physical features, including but not limited to, significant clusters'of trees and shrubs, watercourses .shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map and their associated riparian areas, wetlands, rock outcroppings and historic features; and. 5, . Discusses'the timing and financial provisions relating to phasing: Applicant'~ Response to Section E: No further subdivision 'or land division phasing of the subject property (Lot 8) is planned beyond this Application. As such, a Future Development Plan is not includedin this application . . . , F. Additional information andlor applications required at the time:of Tentative Plan application submittal shall include the following items, where applicable. 1. A brief narrative explaining the purpose of the propo~ed land division and the existing use of the property; Applicant's Response: This document serves as.the narratiye explaining the purpose of the proposed land division and existing use of the property, . 2. If the applicani is. not the property owner, written permiss.ion fro~ the property owner is required; , , Applicanl'sResponse: Not applicable. Applicant is the Owner.' , . . , 3. A Vicinity Map drawn to scale showing bus stops, streets, driveways, pedestrian connections: fire hydrants and other.transportation/fire access. issues within 200 feet of the proposed land division and all existing Partitions or Subdivisions immediately adjacent to the proposed land division; , -. Lot 8 Partition -8/13/08 Pagel,. .. PeaceHeafth . " .\.' Applicant's Response: Plan Sheet CI.2 - Key Map; of this Application shows aft bus stops, streets, driveways, and trails within 200 feet of the subject properly. The Site Assessment plans . show alt sidewatks, driveways, and fire hydrants in the vicinity of the subject properly. 4. How the Tentative Plan.addresses the standards of any applicable overlay district; Applicanl's.Response: The subject properly faits within three (3) base land use Zoning Districts . and by three (3) Overlay Districts, The effect of this proposed partition on these districts is discussed below: SDC Section 3.2-200 Residential Zonina Districts - Medium DensitvResidential (MDR): . Residential-zoned properly accounts for a smaft proportion of Lot 8, limited to a rectangle at the northeast boundary of the lot, and the riparian boundary, fronting on the McKenzie River. This partition. application has no effect on the base residential ioning of Lot 8, and no changes are being requested under this application. . SDC Section 3;2-500 Medical Services Zonina District:. , 3.2-505 Establishment of the Medical Services IMSJ Zonino District: This district has already been forrilalty established through previous decisions (SUB2005-00012: .SUB2006-00044 and PLA T2008-030895) and no changes are being reque.sted under this partition application. 3.2-510 Sr.hedule of Use Cateoories: Proposed Parcel 8.1 faits entirely within the Medical Services zoning district and the proposed Medical Clinic uses within the NSC Buifding are a Permitted Use. Proposed Parcel 8.2 comprises the remainder of Lot 8, and no changes from the already-permitted land uses are proposed. .. . .' 3.2-515 Base Zone Develooment Standards: These standards have been met in previous permit reviews for existing development on the subject properly (Lot 8). The proposed partitioning of Lot ,. 8 into Parcel 8.1 and Parcel 8.2 complies with these base zone development standards. SDC Section 3.2-600 Mixed Use Zoning Districts - Mixed Use Commercial District (MUC): The only portion of the subject properly (Lot 8) that is zoped MUC is the RiverBend Commons, . west of RiverBend Drive. This portion of Lot 8 is 'currentfy left undeveloped; lies entirely within . proposed Parcel 8.2 and has no effect on the proposed partitioning of Lot 8 into Parcel 8.1 and Parcel 8.2. No changes to MUC zoning are being requested under this partition application. SDC Section 3.3-200 Drinkina Water Protection Overlay District: Aft previous land use applications for development within the RiverBend Subdivision have been reviewed and approved for compliance with the procedures and standards of this Section. The . relevant land use decisions are referenced at the beginning of this application and th~ findings are . in the public record. No changes are being requested under this Section, and the proposed partitioning of the subject properly into ParcelB.1 and Parcel 8.:2 complies with these standards. SDC Section 3.3-400 FloodDlain Overlav District: Aft previous. land use applications for development within the RiverBend Subdivision have been reviewed and approved for compliance with the procedures and standards of this Section. The. relevant land use decisions are referenced at the beginning of this application and the findings are. in the public record, No changes are being requested under this Section, and the proposed partitioning of the subject properly into Parcel. 8. 1 and Parcel 8.2 complies with these standards. SDC Section 3.3-1000 Nodal Deve/ooment Overlav District: . The proposed partitioning of the subject properly into Parcel 8.1 and Parcel 8.2 complies with the requirements of this Section. '. Lot 8 Partition - 8/13/08 . 'Page 8 PeaceHealth PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O AUG 1 8"2008 5. How the Tentative Plan addresses Discretionary Use"criteria, where applicable; , . . Ap'plicant's Response: There are no discretionary uses identified for this partition. 6. A'Tree Felling Permit as specified in Section 5.19-100; Applicant's Response: Not applicable. No trees will be feued as part of this application. . , 7. A Geotechnical Report for slopes of 15 percent or greater and as speCified in Section 3.3- 500, and/or if the required Site Assessmentin Section 5.12-1208. indicates the proposed . development areaha~lmstable soils and/or high water table as specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County; - Applicant's Response: Not applicable as there is no development proposed with this application. All existing development was constructed.!n accordance with previously submitted geotechnical information. . [i " 8. An Annexation application as specified in Section 5.7-100 where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within City's urban growth boundary and can be serviced by sanitary sewer; APplicant's Response: Not applicable. The subject propertY is within the City limits. 9. . . A wetland .delineation approved by the Department of State Lands shall be submitted . concurrently where there is a wetland on the property; Applicant's Response: Not applicable. . The subject property has no wetlands. . . " 1Q. Evidence that any required Federal or State permit h:\ls been applied fo; or approved shall be submitted concurrently; Appli~ant'sResponse: Not applicable. No such state or federal permits are applicable to this application. ..' 11. All public improvements proposed to be installed and to include the approximate time of installation and method of financing; . ... I ~ Applicant's Response: Completed. Constructi~n of Public Improvements (City project No. P50247) on the PeaceHealth RiverBend Campus was accepted by City Council on June 16, 2008. No further improvements are proposed with this application. . 12, - Proposed d~ed restrictions and a draft of a Homeowner's Association Agreement,'Where appropriate; . I .., " Lot 8 Partition '- 8/13/08 Page 9 PeaceHealth ., , Applicant's Response: A copy of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions "tor . RiverBend, recorded at Lane County on 8 April, 2008; No. 2008-019743, is included with this. application: . . . 13. Cluster Subdivisions shall also address.the desi9n standards specified in Section 3.2-230; Applicant's Response: Not applicable., No cluster subdivision is part of this application. 14. Where the Subdivision of a manufactured dwellin9 park or mobile home park is proposed, the Director may waive certain submittal requirem!'lnts specified in Subsections A through M. However, the Tentative Plan'shall address the applicable standards listed under the park . Subdivision approval criteria specified in Section 5.12-125. (6211) Applicant's Response: Not applicable. No manufactured dwellings are part of this application. APPLICANT'S DEMONSTRATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF SPRINGFIELD'S PARTITION ,. . STANDARDS - CHAPTER 5, SECTION 5.12.125. 5.12-125 Tentative Plan.Criteria A. The request conforms to the provisions of this Code pertaining to lot/parcel size anddimensions. Ap.plicant'sResponse:. The subject area to be partitioned, Lot 8, is approximately 56 acres in size, with the vast majority of that lot within the Medica/Services (MS) zoning district SDC 32-5.15 identifies 3 acres as the minimum afea for MS.zoning, and SDC 32-515(1) states that the minimum development area must be at least 1 acre. Consistent with these Code provisions,th~~development authorized for Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBerid (DRC2006-00059) included the NSC building site proposed for partitioning and approximately 47 acres within Lot 8. The dimensions of proposed Parcel 8.1 (the parcel that includes the NSC building) and Parcel 8.2 (the remainder of Lot 8) Sheet C2.3, number 5 of 16 on the attached Partition Tentative Plan. The proposal complieswith building setback standards for development in the MS zone outlined in SDC 32-515. B.. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram and/or applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Pian Districi map, and Conceptual Development Plan. . . Applicant's Response: The proposed partition parcel is zoned Medical Services and designated . . Commercial on the Metro Plan and Gateway Refinement Plan diagrams. The remainder of Lot 8 is zoned MS, Mixed Use Commercial.(for the portion west of RiverBend Drive) and Medium Density Residential (the 'portion along the river, and the portion east of Baldy View Lane and north of the future Loop Road). These . areas are zoned consistent with their Plan designations. Because the proposed partition does not alter existing zoning - which has been deemed to be consistent with Plan diagrams through earlier land use ., Lot 8 PartitIOn - 8/13/08 Page 10 PeaceHeafth PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D AUG 18 2008 approvals - and remains cansistent with earlier approval .of the RiverBend Master Plan, the request complies with this criterian. ., c. Capacity requirements. .of public and private facilities, including but natJimited ta, water and , , J' electricity; sanitary. sewer and starmwater management facilities; and streets and traffic safety cantrolsshall nat be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time .of develapment, unless .otherwise pravided far by this Cade.and ather applicable regulatians. The Public ,. '. Warks Directar .or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues. " Applicant's Resp.onse:Carisistent with the abave criterian, the capacity requirements needed ta selVe the NSC building develapment an prapased Parcel B.1 and on the remainder .of the medical.center an ParcelB.2 have been fully addressed and canstructed per earlier land use approvals' (i.e., LRP2006-00010, DRC2006-005p and Public Improvement Plans). , . ,; . D. . The.propased land divisian shall camply with all applicable public and private design and canstructian standards cantained in this. Cade and ather applicable regulatians. Applicant's' Resp.onse: Agref!menifarparking and access assure th~t Parce/B. i has adequate driveway access .off RiverBend Drive and parking facilities an Parcel 8.2as required by SDC 4.2-120. This' . . . agreement suffices to comply with the requirement in SDC 4.2"120c.ii. for cambined access to the twa parcels.- Design.and canstruction .of the driveway(s) and streets providing access to the twa proposed parcels, the structures an these parcels, and parking facilities supparting them have all been approved through earlier land use approvals (i.e., LRP2006-00010, DRC2006-00059 and Public Improvement Pians) . as being in conformance with applicable specifications and requirements .outlined in the SDC and otlier applicable planningdacuments and regulations. : r E. Physical features, including, but nat limited ta: steep slapes with unstable sail .or gealagic canditians; areas with susceptibility .of flaading; significant clusters .of tr~es and shrubs; watercaurses shawn an the WQLW Map and their assaciated riparian areas; ather riparian areas and wetlands specified in .Section 4.3-.117; rock outcr.oppings; .open spaces; and areas .of historic, and/or archaealagical significance, . as may be specified in Section 3.3,900 .or ORS97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-249, shall be pratected as specified in this Cade .or in State cir Federal law. . " Applicant's Resp.onse: Physical features were considered in earlier land use approvals for develapment an Lot Band in.the RiverBend Phase /I subdivisian approval. There a~e no steep slapes, unstable sails .or geolagic canditians, rack outcroppings, wetlands, .or areas .of historic or archaeolagical significance an Lot B or the praposed parcels. The propased ParcelB.2 borders a watercourse shown on the WQLW Map (i.e., . the McKenzie River), and pratection and enhancement .of the riparian area and watercourse was conducted pursuant ta approvals and requirements stipulated in earlier Site Plan Fieview approvals (i.e., DRC2005- 00019 and DRC2006-00059). Significant tree clusters on proposedParcelB.2 were also conselVed' pursuant to Site Plan Review approvals. Buildings on the proposed parcels were canstructed ta be abave flaod hazard boundal}' elevations, per earlier. land use approvals so they are nat susceptible td potential floo.ding. There are no wetlands on Lot B or either of the propased parcels. . , . . Lot 8 Partition - 8/13/.08 Page 11 Peace Health :. .' .~-;.. F. Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate..vehicular traffic; bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential. areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways. Applicant's Response: "Access, parking areas, and ingress-egress points to serve development on proposed ParcelB.1 and on ParcelB.2 were reviewed and approved through ear/ier Site Plan approval (i.e.; DRC2006-00059) and through approved Public Improvement Plans, consistent with the above criterion. G, . Development of any remainder of the property under the same ownership can be accomplished as specified in this Code.. . Applicant's Re'sponse: The proposal.will establish a new parcel (Parcel B. 1) that will encompass and include the NSC building. The remainder of existing Lot B - which is commonly owned by PeaceHeaith along with ParcelB.1 - will be included in the proposed ParceIB.2. Fufther development on ParcelB.2 could be accomp!ished consistent with the above criterion, as allowed by Code requirements and provisions of the approved RiverBend Master Plan (LRP2006-00010). H. Adjacent laQd can be developed or is provided access that will allow its development as specified . ^ -, , in this Code: Applicant's .Response: Land adjacent to the proposed p.arcels can be developed as identified in the approved RiverBend Master Plan (LRP2006-00010). The proposed par/ition does not affect access or development potential of land on or adjacent to the subject site or elsewhere on or adjacent to the RiverBend Master Plan boundary. I. Where the Partition of property that is outside of the city limits but within the City's urban.iiable area and no concurrent annexation application is submitted, the standards speCified below.shall also apply. , , , , [ Applicant's Response: Not applicable. The property is located within the city limits. J. Where the Subdivisionof a manufactured dwelling park or.mobile home park is.proposed, the following approval criteria apply:. . 1 Applicant's Response: Not applicable, No manufactuffid'dwellings are parl of this application. Lot.8 Partition - 8/13/08 Page 12 Peace Health