HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 2007-7-19 'ul 18 07 07: 16p Timoth~ A. Wolden 503-368-3818 p.l ARTISAN ENGINEERING, LLC 325 West 13th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401-3402 Phone: 541-338-9488 Fax: 541-338-9483 www.artisanengineering.com July 19, 2007 Stewart Swearengin' Swearengin Family Construction 155 E Harrison Ave Cottage Grove, Oregon, 97424 Re: Site Visit for Assessment of the Foundation Pad for-the"Stine Resid~ Lot #120, 6621 F.orrest Ridge Drive in Springfield (Permit ~ 2007-oo6~ Dear Stewart: I conducted a site visit earlier this week at the Stine Family residence that you are building at Lot #120 of the Mountain Gate subdivision. The house is a two-story ICF structure being built at 6621 Forrest Ridge Drive in east Springfield. The site visit was conducted per your requesl on Tuesday and the purpose was to verify the adequacy of the bench that you have excavated for the concrete foundation system. In particular, the City of Springfield is requiring that an Engineer sign-off on the foundation pad based on the requirements listed in the K&A Engineering report for all of the Levell! type of Jots in this subdivision. The requirements for this report are that the foundation bearing pad be checked for expansive Clay soil, the potential for slope movement, fill placement and compaction, site drainage, and general. overview of the pad for bearing adequacy. ' The foundation pad for the main portion of the house is level and there are no expansive soils present under the footings. I noted that the excavation had encountered a large amount of solid gray hard rock at the south west comer. There was also a portion of the foundation at the southeast corner thaI requirect some fill to be placed under the footings. The fill area is small and is .only under the entry stairs so the expected loading on the foundation is small. A % crushed rock fill was installed at this area and was compacted with a vibratory plate compactor "jumping jack". I used a pointed forming stake to probe the area around all of the footings and found only a few minor soft spots, all of which exceeded the minimum allowable bearing pressure of 1500 pst. Mosl of lhe bearing pad is on very firm material in excess of 2000 pst as determined by a pocket penetrometer device. In conclusion, I found no problems with the foundation. pad that had been excavated at the $tine residence being built at 6621 Forrest Ridge Drive in the Mountain area of east Springfield. The footings are being on a firm base and I have no con 6'1 \5'~, 'Iily, expansive soil, or site drainage. We have enjoyed assisling you with this - ... . . n. Please,call,if h t. ,......., ~ l ... .~. you ave ques IOns. i;J /_, .....1J .~. Q; v 16568 ,.... .:r~'~ ArwJ1~L- Timothy Wolden, P.E. Principal. Artisan Eng:..~<......, LLC I EXPIRATION DATE: 'pf/)8 ::: :-: -:- Jul 20 07 l2:2lp Jul 20 07 09:46a Timoth~ A. Wolden 503-368-3919 , 541-767-9615 l.;lTV. (F 5PRl~FIELD p. 1 . 't.Jr; ,t.tP LUC.ll aD; J.C ",l;t:I.;:Ib/tJ p.1 PAGE El,4 Cummuniry Servicc~ Di\.'~ Building 'safety CITY OF SPRINu"""LD, OREGON 2255'" StrC<I. Srrinl;ficld. OR 97477 PlI.726-J759 . Mountaingate Sllbd_ Lot # /20 ',.' . 'MountaingateSubdivision , . \ 'Siie'lir\'estigation QUeStionnaire for Consulting Design Professionals '!.' 'SrrEA~D~si{2r filrrcd %e' :(}tm Jo~# rt?M 'laJ7- CJob2- 7'.' '. lFo.mdittipll ~~rem.ents -' nt;.w~dures on residential JotS, .' . .ThlsforiruuB;'tieUsed as 8.veriflciuoo tullow ".' ~,.ctioo to ~., ,".., eon the job Site untillhe stainped. CillIPA VITFqr Sib! Inwsti&!i.qil Ouesti!,,!n!ire' is . submitted IolbeCity. This fonD must be .0' ,,,.. .' edby 8 licensed design ." ,~'.....-,.aI(mglireeior atchitect) or bislhei' autborized'.r.,~talive, and submitted to'the bllikllng inspector priOr to ~";":'dg CityJnspediorisor pladng '. .', rOllDdatioD~c%ete;ltisi '.,., _lIIal.lIIlqUrstiOlL'lbe~e'redc.;.~."..,.Jy'ror . . th~roUlldadon' site 10 be approved for Consll"!lcdiRi;. '. ,'. : .'. '.' . . ',Ow~er'Ra(Cy:~WeJ() " C~lrad.r ~ Wf'Cj/:(/)j;~ fal'lilr G.'1f'I, '[n(-, , .' A.Da~S)oi lh~ d~;"Protessional'S site e\'al~~n7 JulY Jtz'7~7 ..' '., . ",-.;~ . " .... .' ';i'\ , , '. :.8.' &s ~"ci~gnPra:"":" aI reviewed acOp:f Qf,che geoIlld>Dical infomiatioo. . .' .'that..vas prepiredroi:' 8he su.bdMsion reIatUlg to.this site? Y"s-X No-", .'.. '_ '. -.1. ":~. ',. ,'. ," . .".", .:' , ,.' '. ~_.." _' '.- .. _ <' -" ") ," ",,', - '- :',::. , . l{nUt: 'pleli,,,' ~Qcrrhis,Offic"for Q copy of rheripon. . The desig" proj'e5iiOrwl . .;m.Sf~~ familia"wi~,rhe geol~~nicaI1l.. ,.~nbefO';"FO":P~grlr;.,.fr>rm' , . . ,.' .' .-... '-. ,. ':' - - '. - <. ~ -.' ",' ..:. '. . . . ';- ': '.: ,. ';'. .:. - .' .- '. . c.;In'whktiGeorechnlcallnvistiga~ ca;;..',.. is 1115 sire 1OC8ted? " . ' d' Lneli " , .... '.',::'.' '. ..... ..... .,.. '. "teveliI':y< " Nolle:'_~v..1 II reauires a sile-soec\fu;.lteotechniCal investi~ation &. tS!QIt. " '. '. . . ' -' - . Wi:1;e any sile conditions identified that would c~geihe category?' YES ~ ". .' ,':.: ...... ' ..' . .... . ,'. . 'N02!C.. (For c~. ~C'lermuun.t Q1tqory. :socth.c,~ Gcotochmcal ~ fot' the c.orta:~ ph1l6C (If the subrJi.nsion) ',If''yes", explain (use the rim:rSe side of.lhissheel or an added sheetifneccssary) r .lof5 Jul 20,07 l2:2lp Timoth~ A. Jul,20 07 09:46a ".,........'......u, uo....o ,..:o-,Q/tI Wolden 503-368-3919 541-767-9615 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD p_2 p,3 PAGE ,65. C('lmmunilY Scrvt<:c-4l: Di\o'I,Building Safety CITY O.F SPRINGfIELD. OREGON 22S S<' SlTUt. springf'lekl. (lR ~1471 Ph. 72~:n59 Mounwngate Subd. Lot # J Z 0 ' .Was' a geolocbnicaJ engioeer involved al the'sice to verify th~1 conditions arc ,.suitable forcOns~ov. of the i>roJlo:sed building(s)? Yes _ No_ Name of geOlechnical cngitlc:er _' ' , . . . ' D, Wh2t..as tbt natare oftbe .," ",.tiOD and/or rdl? E'~~A.'t\v.\ VJA,5. _ ~(A~""NU \\JI\<., l~' <){l\-\~ ~"\ fax;;'L<;\, \-IlA,,~6b ~r ~ 0., 'J\ ~t- , 'Mun sm,:;f3/ '31l-T~' i561\'YU1Ja Mi01SOS,IJl'2..'O: ~<..6ei:> I.J,)i>U r ]v}' . <:J>JA",. '\MI\v, tJT of' . "Ii..\.{ '/ C r"Ms\,H:;f,) IUle-Vi- [-Iu ~. NDIl;-\~E"'<;' '\ $1T5 '. '. . \1. Nb6iL- '6..m'...l.\. Sn5 E~ - ~",,*^<:JI1o---D vl} PlATe- ' Was existing non-Slroctural fill or expansive soil cncounlen:d Oft we IOI?I\ID . . Yos_ No~ If "yes", wbat types. deplh.. and. locations, and how does it aff~l tbe bllildi.ng foundatio,:? . ',' ,,', ' . What measures' w~ taken to n;medy Ihe soil condition (includ~ tYPc of . engineered fill used to stabilize the Soil)?' ,- -.' _ .' ',. " '"--, . Ts;be sik .;.-~~ Q,kqL~.w ~q~e 0 10 mainbin corisiantmoislu~e' .' cemenl in the sub gl1ldc? - Note:. V"rifu:.tition of .noLiI.."" srabiluan.m in tilt ..ub . grade is a _ ""quire_mfar .,ife pre{XIralioll, and, musf be ilffirm~'b4ore .conStrUctiQn.'con"ctmtmlM1.:: '_.: .:.. :.....-:.":':.... "~ ",:.: .:1, . , .' . . .' IfinadCquatc. what measuie~ are robe laken, to provide consWtl ';'o;sWre conte"'l .' "inthesubgr3de?' . ". - .... ,. . ,.,.'. , " .... . , . . . , .::inIL.... I.Ul\':dl-'l~ "K(lt)\IoIJ..\ .tJ\U..\):'.l'TD~\7~. S-ll..;T&otl-S; . - . - .,A./J'b).\~,: ~){.tJA /\'<i\Jl7:C~, \.~N~\l51, ,~"'~f f~:~(\)l;:~' I'... , . , '.Is the~ile,as Pfep~, adeq;':U~i..adeq~';~. 10 .~~rt tlteP~ed: ' . srn.x:tufc? ".An.affi;matiw aru:Wer'L'r nqw.isite ro proct;edJng wit!z cO;,srructiOll. . . II inadoquate. what addit!onal. work is 'needed.tO prOvideadeqw;te 'ro~tIatioDsupPort? . ":'- .' ..;... ". ,'. " " . . c' et:tb'~ eN&ItJEg',(E.~ of" . . . ,Eo. Did.the cIeslg1i' pri.ressi""'" .rnn.ss placement and &:OmpaclloD'of tbe ,/J;- '. eJIgint=td fiU.oristb"",a Spedali...pectlon . '< ".';.f~rII>cOmiGgrrom_a - /'A::, . quatMedI agepey? I wir>resJed PMcemerzl. 0, Specinllnspleompaq;onreport 0 .' r1U-olS ~NiN\A"v .Ar-Jb;S' O~ (1l t'~ . 2of5 . Nt.,- i.\JJ'j)i:5l'--- t'T(Ul.6~.. -;TA\rL~ ,. 1- '~.. ................,. vu_...c.o Ti~oth~ A: Wol~en 503-368-3919 541-767-9615 '~D~Q'C ~lTY OF SPRINGFIELD p.3 Jul 20 07 12:21p Jul 20 07 09:41a , p.1 . PAGE 86 COmr.1UftIIY Service... Di,,~ fJuildiri~ Sa(Cty CITY OF SPRl.i'lGFTELD. OREGON . . 225 S" S1IU(. SJlT;n'gficl~. OR 97417 Ph.72('-~S9 Mountaingate Subd. Lol It jL.Q F. . The design prOCessional intends to use the following method f';r fnstaJl8tion . of. ...li",ated perimeter footing dniDs: .' " . . '_ ;Thc design on the attal:bed d~ng provide~ bythec:esign professiODaI..... 0 . ptYlf- Pi '(to .."The Olethodshowllontheongmalco/I5tIUction drawmg5............,-.: J(~ . ~ 't#J\If'l . The typical'~l1datian .Drain' dr.awiD8_attached \0 penniL.._..:_:_u...... 0 0x;lL IN', CPerf,?ratc~ penmeter drains arenOI required..:-.....-.....-.....---.......... 0 , [,~1L{0.. . ommenl..\. I . ~ ',," . . . , '~br,- \:)Vl~ .' . Note; City in.rP,tCtl!~wiU iltSp<<t inSralkddrairlspr'Wrto colier' upon requiisr... " Call: 726-3769ro schedUle: in.'pectiorz.; '. ,.', . . ::. '. '; - ~~..-" -' . -.' ',: . . .., \.... G; Low'~Jloi..tm.Wl.s~ an.ms an ~lIjm. to.. ,:. ,lth~ bulld.upi Or ~ ,"""",:" moisture hi.~detIR .f..mdstionsduring (and after)c." .;, '. ,1:tioD. This draili '. . 'may be iastallCd.!!lli1!: foatndationpla ....:.,; 'oqJy With thi!e.xpress'DermiSslGn ..,.qf~desi&ll.~~OD81' '. " ,~. ' '. ". '. . ..' ,a:. n.e design professionalhas determioCdihefollo"'ing: .'. " ..,.. ". :' ." ' . "The .~l_ ~p~e drain is' ~I!~~red whelllhej~widati01ti; i1zstal~d..L 0 . . ~: Idw-poiitt d';;n ~.~ inst~/.ledti/terf~ pl";~";;"'~ wi'ho~,a. ~ . signif~tinrmoisrure bul1d~up problem ":ithinrhe fOwidati"'!.,.,\....::;: j(.' , . :(17ii<low,'ppintdroirzl1Ul)'be'irz.sttdWatrhe:" .:.... , . ..' 'stage ,of(;(l/Iitruc:~u,ll)' .' . . . .,.. ,."'6<~J"'i""'I""..I'''I{...... . .b~::HiL.tlte'dUignp.rofl!S:s~o~..lob,,~edan~~pr~edi~in'st~l/(rJiont!e~ ...:c...,;~H ~'..': . .' ~j.~1 =Z';;i:;~:;~ ;;'ji;d;;'i~{;;;~~d;;;;;;~~ ::~uJ.fdjn:~ .' , .J~~\N~ , :whered~irfermiriarea'lh~time?(Must~anapp.~0Caiio,de.. 'D~>.\lJ . ", . .'.. !rreef gutter, .ft!>,.". ..~".r.:sump Pump curddi.~chf!rge 1&~.,tMhe .~treet, . : ' . , ,'GuN-:,~l\J,J . etc.) '.. . '. .... ' :-.. ' .',,',' .__'J . .. . , " " .]<+ . .".. The design profe~joDal mUst detennine' whether ~ apprO~.ed ;~..:.:., draWitlgs 'have .' . adequate foundation st~el. . ~ any additiolltaJ foundation stftl reqUired that is riot. :, , sbcnmOli the fO~~8tiOTl drawin&'i for the building?' " . . ',. . . . Yes:.-..:,.; No -A. (f~'ye:s". describe additional.tul required (of provirk dra~illg).. 30fS . Jul 20 07. 12: 21p Timoth:,j A. Wolden 503-368-3919 .' Jul 20 O~ 09:41a 541-767-9615 p.2 V"LUf.(.ClO' 00....0 (,(,It).:JOf!::3 CITY (F SF'UNGFIELD PAGE fl7 ClllnmlJl'lity Service... Di\'~ auil~ing Saf~y CITY OF SPR\.lIIGFlELD. OREGON US Sill Street SpringfM:ICI. .OR 914.11 Ph. 12C'-371'9 Mountaingate Subd. Lot #. ! l 0 Tho individual domg the observations, and providing diroi:ti"" for tile en:avali"" and sito preparoticn work on the propeTfy must. sign tho jiJllowlng statoment. -.' . ,.". ',' 17Jill1l.:", .,:.." OIl d6ign proJer$~lIal (II7tullhorizd ~!(}~ej _fISts,,,.,, hehh~ 06-"04 ,f!tJaired niOis't>r1'l' slQbiJiJJ procedurrJ OIl this Ilk, mull1ltl1 $lIch procell..,," . Wert! atcomplisltd.befiwe II1f1 cltallp$ rxwrnd illllul m...;.., , " co1tk", of~o s~ '. . ,grlllIe IIndutuid aroun4 tJra,b..il4irtg (whol'l'esJ"UU!.e soib tv""' eIlCOII_retl). :n.- ' un .:;, . ,,'..,, nlfuTtJrerGJtars 0IIzl 1M sub-gnzM, tJ$ ,. '.'~ ..J, is tUhfUlllo ''',SUpporlllul :.tn,ildbig prop;,$~J"r tlduile.' ' . .,.'. . . . Adllitionai'.., ,..,,,.s: '"h-. . . ,: (Note): Atopyof':Jds,rep<irtslJa)l be k~lOD s,i~~~~""", ,] pJa~s at all . . ,limes.' ..:' " ',:: c. " ,c' .- . .'" '. ,.' ..... . ,......., " " ThiS rep,!Jt.sbal1 bC f?1lo~ by an affidavi~signed 8lIdt.~". -~ by the de,.;ign:: . " profeSsiohal under wboSe' auspi.." Illis .report wa.< ~oniple<ed.' aftinniDg tllC - in:c. .':'~":.:m , herein~ The signcdlstaiaPcdaffidavill~g;d~_ with 3 eopy of ihi, ;"pOrt shall be ." . ,: :.".~lted'~I~~, m.,' ,'~oi_tO,~'''{1\frr~gi..:~r~,~'':tm,f~r~l!uildillg: . . ' S;gD_....~f\l'^-{JJ. ,.' ,.,..._ .' Naliie..,. '~-r4\W~}\ \tPDl.;t:a~ .l:Title4'LI.t0:',1 (~V. " , :Compan", 1";-'0S~>.l. r>.lCrl)JI';b-:>:tJl-llr .,.\,0., .,...., : .r'Phone~I.-'7<:x~ql:f~,? ..; ,./ '.' I. ......: :', '. '~censee~~~~\ 'A0~~N License # . ../ f, C;{.., 'rS ." expire< . . ">. (<')/'05"> h ...:.... :, r" ..,_..- ~, .. , ; . L,'. ,'" ,::< :._~..:' -J' ' ..' . -',,:: "', '.~. ..- . : . .:. ..': " The ~eoreCho;cat.repon: for e3ctiphaseofthc:Mountaingare Subdivision IIlakes'. . recommo:ndations for pla""mCDt of buildillg'ccm.huCticin on each site. 11ie ~rt 3.L'lO . " recommendS thai sl,e preparation during wet weather coilditions be avoided unk:ss .' .spCcial measUres'arc ~en to mitigate ~oft soU oondition"s and r:nois'lure'colleciipgin or around the foiI!ldation areas during and after the conSlJUction process.' Positive site drainage must be providcd_ . '. . . ' "." 40f5 ------:, i p.4 .:, ,.. '.. ,...... '.-; ,\ _,_ __, _....... '-"........u Timoth~ A_ WoldenS03-36B-3S1S 541-767-9615 (eQ~O~O CITY OF SPRINGFIELD p,S Jul 20 07 12:22p Jul 20 07 09:500 p.' PIlGE as ". Cmnrnunity ScrviC"..:.~ Dj",_ n~ildin~ ,S:tf'cty CITY'OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON .22S 5'" S'r<cl. Sprinl!fi<ld. OK 97417 Ph. 721\-3759 Mountaingate: SuM- Lot # Izo SileAddress t.il.1 fnrrest ((jrJ~ . A FFIDA\'IT For Sill> 11Ive.~glllion Questionnaire ,. ,I. . ,foundation Sub~Grade Approval-for '. " Residential BuildingSit.e in Mountaingate:Subdivision ',' .. '. . . ,The undersigned hefei:lyafflmlS 'thaI theexcava!ion, strUctUi'al ftI1 and mOisture , , srabilizationmetliods for the buildi"g sile at the liddress sbown above were 'obserVed by .< mcoran autliori~;"l employee ofmyfU1ll and that ih~'followingis uue;" . '. : . :'. - <' . L '" To.; geoiechnicaJ information for the Subdivisioti, sp.,.;ific t~ this, si~ was uti lired .' . . as Part ,of Ihe dClc:mIiniwon forfound3Iion ~.~~~~tionand dr3i!lagc: xequiCemellts. ' ',' ' -,' .'" . .\ .. , - - ." 2. . Theroond~i~s.u~giade is capable Of Supporiing a, minimum ofl500psf, and is : adequate to~upPort lhe building'proposw foi:this site. " .,.. . , . . : ...... .. - . ' .: . w :'. -. - . .,' "',' ~"" - . . ,"',. . 3' The 'moistUfi cOottint oCtile excavati~,wzadequalely mairitaln,ed during the. si~ . '.pn;par:llion proccissand l!w sile is ad,equll.tely graded ,and dnllnoo for di5Ch~e 10. ..., an approvcdlOeaDcin in oroer 10 maintllil! stable moistuTe~~'.;,_... th.r()Ughoutlhe..'. . cODStructiOn prooCss al!'llhm:aftcr> . ; ", '. ' '. . . '. . '" '. . .-,:' i..... ", .-,;';.. ,.;', ..,' ..' '.,'. '~,.' . '.- . ' '- i' . . ", .. . , ' , .. '.; . 4; ,The acc:lJiiipanying report titled "Siti:IOvesiigatiim ~t1PnPmefor ConSliltin~ .,.' . ., . '!2m2i! Profe~sionalf.' coillaiiiing field ObSl:lVilt\OllS and im;tructions madcOll . . . . '.(dates)'1"u IY IQZ,"r?7 " ,'" fof this b1Jilding5ij"was~_..~..I~..:ileither: " by me or by al'I authorized representative 'Utlder my supe/Vislon. To the best 'of . my knowledg>:::,tlie i1i.fonnatioD contained' in thai rcpon !~ complelC iIIld accUfatl>.. , .' ; t:' , ,....,. ., .... sigDature~A~)J f - : U. Dale Su.L-'1 \ ~ 0 q- ,', ,Na~e ofLicen~ PttiiesSioo3I(print) '<lI~()lt.i.'1'. .' I EXPIRATimj ~'WE: . (QIOB I FROM (THU)JUL .IS 2007 18:07/5T. 18:08/No.7500000430 P 2 ~Fcl TECHNICAL/PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT .u~J'.~~~~l-J.iIJlI.L...t.I_.II. DATE: JULY 19, 2007 PROJECT NUMBER: 2077144 This AGREEMENT is by an'd between Swearengin Family Construction hereinafter referred to as CLIENT, and FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc., hereinafter referred to as CONSULTANT. who agree as follows: CLIENT desires to engage CONSULTANT 10 provide technical and/or professional Bervices in connection with ClIENrs project designated .s Stein Residence. For the perfonnance of Its services, CONSULTANT shall be paid by CLIENT in the manner end at the time hereinaftar specified. The amount and terms of the fee will remain valid through complellon of the proJect, CONSULTANT agrees to rO.;..... for CLIENT suCh salVices in accordanca with the following conditions. SERVK;ES. CONSULTANT will provide consltu"'ion observation, testing and/or Inspection services at the request and direction of the CLIENT or the CLIENT'S representaUve, CONSULTANT _monts that its services are performed with Ihe usual thoroughness and c()n'lpetance of the tasting and inspection profession. No other warranty or representation, either expressed or Impiled, Is Included .or Intended in its proposals, contrac," or repons, either . written or .oral. . CLIENT recognizes thet the selVice. provided are not intended 10 replace or represent geotechnical study or roundalion investigation. The CONSULTANT shall not be responsible for tha intarpretatlon by others of tha infonnation developed. CONSUL TAIIIT will consider all reports to be confidenllal correspondence between the CLIENT and tIla CONSULTANT and distributa test data or reports only to thosa "~,.v..~. organi:talions or agencie\; specifically designaled by CLIENT or ils avthori"ed representative, All field dala. field noles, laboratory test data. calculations. estimates and other documents prepared by the CONSULTANT as insltuments of service shall remain the property of the CONSULTANT. . In the prosecution of. his work, the CONSULTANT will take all reasonable precautions to avoid, damage or injury to subtarranaan structures or utilllles, The CLIENT agreas to hold the CONSULTANT harmlass for any damege to subtemonean structures or ulllities which are not called to CONSUL TANrs attention and coirectly ehown on tha plans furnished. MANNER OF PAYMENT. Invoices will be issued at the SIld of 88ch monlhand are due and payable upon recaipt and are delinquent thirty (30) dayS aller date on initial invoice. If invoices are not paid in full prior 10 delinquency, CLIENT ag...es to pay intarest on the unpaid amount at the rate of 1.5% per mon1h (annual percentage rate. 19%) from the delinquancy date. All payments received shall first be credited to paymant of interesL and then to the principal balanca. CONSULTANT may at its option withhold delivery of report9 or other data pending receipt of final paymenl for all' services rendered. Set'Vloes will be billed on.a time..and~materials bssis.in accordance with our curren1 rate sheet, unle$S.otherwise noted. GENERAL. In the event,any tann or provision of this Agreement is held 10 be illegal or in conflict with any law of the State where mada, the validity "f the remaining provisions shall not be affectad, and this 'Agreement shall be construed end enforced as H ft did not contain the particular lerms or provisions. ~7;;;1 (Signature) Dale A, Webber (Type or Print Name) (Signature) SfGic;:r1 5w(.?1,en.Jt() (Type or Print Name) {J((! (I; d et1{ (Title) Structural Steel Supervisor (Title) PLEME SIGN & RETURN THIS PAGE ONLY To FE;I TESTING & INSPECTION, INC. AT (541) 684-3851. AGREEMENT MUST 8E RECEIVED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK, yZ3JlI/!/~iM yftfdt13-nM I fi;'fZ , /pl ;JGt:-Tf hrJ J~I/Ic-e-r 7=#!- A'g~ We-L4 { TO STl-c.cL -;}a4i)fU-j /r/ 4~e-