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Permit Correspondence 2008-8-11
'4\; " " , ~') ~:~ ~" ~~ Wi . .", ,.-,r !"";-' Memo Elat~: 11 AlIgUSt, 2008 To: J ohn,L Demers, Architect AlA J3550ak,street/Suite 201 Eugene;'<DR 9740]1. ,., ',. From: 'Project: . ~.' ::"...':::" _;"" ,F. . . Ei445 -,1 ,.; "'\,- , .' ~:.::';;i\" ' AE.ProjecfNp:, .','j. . ,2'-0" Figure] .E]e.v.~tion'ofthetP]ywoo(]attachmenl'tothe'cut studs. Sincerely,. , ",. I' ~ 'v18K," '. " ~ " Jjjk AngiP" .' A~~k . U \Nww.angengineering.com Page I of I Q., b - )(,Z-z.-.. Jok Arig, r,E. Mid.,Town'Court . ;Commercial Center ;$prifjgfield,OR' ..... 'I ,.. G.RO:tJ~!~\,; .;.. .. \;f~' A -E',GROUP CIVIL&. :STRUCTURAL ~NGI:NEERING 1355'O~k;Siree[ SU~U~200 Eugene,.OR:97401 'r" :. ~. '_ '_.\ .' .....'-' ',,: _ '.,'" ,s ~:. ..stud'Reinforcil)g;at:~herecut'for Pipes"', .":': " ';;';'" -. '., ).'-. .~'1 ". . ,.,.',. . ,:'", '. ',', .::;'[l1i s,memo isto;address:i&2ati'oris'~here studd~in 'tlle 'n6rth,\till] :~~{e'cUt for. roufing',the ,>.~,.'_.'_r," '.-'.....'. _"'./;\_:":"':":_' ....'y-...'..'/,:.:.:-_. .:.....-'_..'-',...._...,:';'..."'. '_..~._.;;-'-...,.".-., ...,.... .-.....':........ "':',: .. . ". ':,' ;.:d.o~lJspo.uts::1!2:;.th! cl).;p !YYJooCJjslto"be; att~cHed:ip}~~cmcontiriu9iJs"stud 'on .eithelCsi de,of . ',ihei<<i()'ciit ;stilils!anCl' tii~"Jt'stu(jsif6i'2 'feeFfii\'fu:l&ta tlo~T6fjtIi~'cutS'wlth"iOdnail's ~t:,4 ,.'. ~ .,w,..- ': '..,-: ~..~:' ;(""':'<.h::".';~ ~:;_ "! _,i -',~d! :,1;,'.'" ;i,,:;.',_,~':i'':_\:~V: "'0":::,,:": ,:;},"'''i''''.~ ;/;;::",if. <f/:;~:,r" : ;-. -;.' _,:n ",,_ .". ,.C':' ':" _" ';" '" "'",>, ...' -:-' '"" "inches'on;cenlei'asi shoMi.i!JF i gure'\l;:'M(Ciodjg] u,ei is!to\ ge' aPPlie'd,betweeri.the. stUds 'and, the {~~jy\vQoa"':'il"""';' "}I~'((:'~0'~::~;rtil~rl "'I:I;'"'1N.;~;i}"": .'. ,,':"'., ........ ',' .... .' .., .' '. . ".,_.. ~~._ '".__~. ..:",: ft:-_..":':".. . ,,::1.,,\': . 'II ' I ' ~f ;~ ~;' ~~_:-':;-:-,-'-I"I-:7:~~;"""'''''''_'\jI'''-';:-I' 1--1 1/\::4 ,10d".l.'O.cw/",l.;Ui: ,.,.-.' .' 1:':;'" ';.....'" " I9E1U.ES'-lTHE5TUD5;el~ . 11,,- .' . 1'1: -'. . "':--1:1:1 I II, --'ANC' ll-E PJ..TlJ.OOD II . 1'1':, YI"f I .1 ,\?c2y"ruP /1.11.11.,,1 1.1 / ' ,"" Ii '1:1" "'1'1,""1'-.. II' "~'i. " , II '1'11,.' "I'(")"~I'''::-:::I/:''''FLnLi?OP .. ; t;;,;rc~~~~;~~~{f0{~~~,*,; ... . , 1,"'(""( ..II."...;,..., '1'i""""\:'II~""'''''' ,c: 2~e" - ,~',: " l,:~':-i;,';~~-'r ;':'li:r.:.~~~'~";~~::: :.. J(:~: ~~',' . ~t ~~/~::::'::~:,' .<;'. " .....: :;:': :i''''': ':r" Ii: ~'i'I"'" '11' '.1 I 1'1:'. 1'1"/ III Wl nr~~'~'lF~-L'l1 III I '11' II" II I '\ " " ph-5+I"41'I~32 fax-HI ~4I'12I9 angengiIieeiing.com