HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Structural Calculations 2008-8-29 AUG-29-2008 07:57 To: . John Hyland Construction , P.O! FAX TRANSMISSION John Hyland Canst., Inc. P,O, Box 7867 Eugene, OR. 97401 Phone: 541-726-808f Fax: 541-741-0896 City of Springfield Attn: Lisa Hopper Fax #: 726-3676 From:Shaun Hyland Subject:, COM2008~OO~~~_1~ --~7 --- --, Pages: 2 , Remarks: Thank you, Shaun Hyland Vice President Date: August 29, 2008 I received a letter that we needed to supply some information to close out a Structural Fill Permit. Included in this fax should be the information necessary to do that. Please let me know if you need anything else, ~. 'fJLSCJ~~\~~- -. ~--___J AUG-29-2008 07:57 John Hyland Construction P.02 l rtUl!!,;ZIn/ormation "..,. r:ro Build On E '" ", , " ,"rig . ConsuIIIlIg. fbsting August29,2008 Mr, Shaun Hyland John Hyland Construction, Inc, , P.D, Box 7867 Eugene, Oregon 97401 , . Subject: Building Pad/Structural Fill. Final Summary Report High Banks Business Park HIgh Banks Road Springfleld, Oregon 97478 Project Number: 722-85004-6 Case Number: C0M2006-00241 Dear Mr. Hyland: Professional Service InduStries, .Ino. (PSI) is 'writing this letter \0 docu'ment that, in accOrdance with Section 1701 of the State Building Code, representatives from our finn heve performed lasting and Inspection s,ervices during constructlon of the bulldln9 pad at the above listed project. Our project file Indicates that our services listed below ware conducted as scheduled from Jamiaiy 8. 2008lhrough August 27, 2008. This letter represents a summarY Of the work observed and reported by thePSI representatives, ' +SoUs Observation/Structural Fill ' , To the best of our knowledge, the testlng and Inspection services during the construction of the building pad were performed by our flrm In general eccordence with the project plans. specifications, geotechnical' /'llport prepared by PSI dated February 18, 2008 and applicable workmanship provisions of the Slate , Building Code end Standards, For speclflc details regarding our testing and Inspection services. please reference our previously submitted report numbered 722-85004--1 through 722-65004-7, Sincerely, Professional Service Industrles,IRe. CCB# 176269 ' ~ Vl)~ Raymond V. A1lparti Project Manager RVNrva .' ~I .'\" I .~, P,.:.":.".:SeNtco Industries. inc.-100M Sheley Street. Sprl"llfiold. OR U74n; Phon. 541n4!HlS49' FoX 54W4&-7163 TOTAL P.02