HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/2/2008 . , City of Springfield Development Services Department' 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'u JUL 0 2 2008 SPRINGFIELD ~. Site Plan Application or Major Modification, Type II ! Type II Site Plan R~view: !Xl .. .. . K-~Wvt~ Major Site Plan Major Modification D . - . -...- Applicant Name: Hamilton Construction Co. Company:, I Address: Ip.o. Box 659. SDrinqfield, OR 97477' APPli~an~'s ~e'p~;'IScot; M:~ris' ,._".,;H'....U Company: IOlson & Morris Address: 1380 Q Street, Ste 200 ... Sprinqf~eld, OR. .~ ~..;~.;~,~_. <;;K'~T ,h ~_,iH' ..<;J<"'~_<;;0-~""F 'we -.c,' ....f..,elf!. 'I ~ho~e: 1(5;1) ~02-9790 IFax: 1(541) 485,3253 97477 ." . " ---:. \. IPho~e:I(541) 746'2426 IFax: I Property Owner':' Company: Address: ,",J., <;::> . '.... .../ ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 18-03-01-00 TAX L;OT NO(s): 300 Property Address: 2213 South 'F' Street J; , Size of Property: 18,21 Total ' approx. 0.5 develop area Acres [g] Square Feet Proposed. Name of Project: HamiltonConstructionFabrlcation Shop , . -{.JL . '... ,"'.' _,'." '''".. ,..:.,",,,,",.. .,'-,',.. .1'"L~ \I, " , ". ..._".',.^)' ~.".:!'_.."" Description of Proposal: Construct new 6000 square foot fabrication building & associated utilities # of Lots/Parcels: Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: sf Density: New Impervious S!-,rface Coverage: 6000 . .,s!_ ~Idg. Gross Floor Are,a: "'.-:,...;;ri....._.G~;;;~'^." ..,,,,J:':_,{_..~,..,:~.1t:\:: - . ,.t~'S-;- ""c. .,~ < ." dujacre 6000 sf I I I I I I I I I I D ,'I . -. . . - - Zoning: Hi - Heavy Industrial Applicable Refinement Plan: None Location: City Limits [g] Associated Apl!lications: None .-" :""-'f -,-,$ '.' ,"- ,'''>I - " '" ,;;. ....~.. ",,,, '.\;...'- '.1 Overlay District: None Plan Designation: HI Urban Growth Boundary D " if^/:;,t..:""-r;:,;'r',-;"'t -':;r . '>. _' . ,~.. . '.w'-- Pre-Submittal....-v./... /1r:vr1J l1. ,,,", . Case No.: 11l-.G lM-O - ODD ,5IDate: 7- ;),:08 Reviewed by: (initials) TJ Reviewed by: (initials) Total Fee: c./f..3tfloCP l, "'- ,. Case No.: Date: Application Fee: :/I 31-to ~ Postage. Fe~: . '.;: ,1.7.... "..' ."~..;.,v..;;';~"O~_" ". ';'t ',i' ~ ., ',' ..,...,.....- .--., -- " ~~'?m8 - a:x:lf3 - Steps in the Process: 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application The Pre-Submittal Application is mandatory. Please refer to the Springfield Fee Schedule for the Pre-Submittal Application fee. The submittal package must confqrm to the application completeness checklist attached to' this form." You are required to submit 7 copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review. Pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 am and noon. We will strive to conductthe Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of receiving the application. 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal M,eeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team to attend the Pre,Submittal meeting. The meeting wilL be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (B'uilding), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division, The meeting will be scheduled for 30 ~o 60. minutes. The Planner will provide you with a Pre,Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the items required to make the application complete-if it isn't already complete. You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal ,and acceptance by the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you have addressed all of the items on the Pre,Su6mittal Checklist, please submit 18 copies of the complete application to the City. A fee will be collected at that time and the 120 day calendar review period will begin. When the'iPlanner has prepared a draft land use decision, the draft will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for their review, At the applicant's request, the planner will schedule a meeting to review the , draft with appropriate staff if certain issues need resolution before the final land use decision is issued. Owner's Signature This application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. .Owner'ssignatures are requ(red at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate forscheduling of the Pre,Submittal Meeting, owner:4~k ~ 4'~~ -: Date: 0~~ PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL 0 2 2008 KoA.€:?-;- tJ. 4 /Z./~ Print -1' I represent this application to' be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this' application at the Pre,Submittal Meeting, I affirm the . information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application Owner: Date: Signature Print PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL 0 2 Z008 I 3. / 4.' ~)fr I \-1\1\' Ii::,\ Site Plan Submittal Requirements Checklist ~~ PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O *If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reasori Why and attach theJtpfpI6~~ffllll to this form, ' , 1. Application fee"refer to the Development Code Fee S~hedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula, A copy of the fee schedule is ayailable at the Development Services Department. The application fee and current postage fee is collected at the time of complete application submittal. ' Copy of the deed and a preliminary title report-on~ copy issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership.and listing all encumbran~es. If the applicant is not the property owner, written permission, from the property owner is required, One additional copy of ttie Site Plan reduced to 8 '(2 "x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. Right-of-Way Approach Permit application must be provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. Stormwater Management System Study-four cop;e~ of a study with the completed Stormwater Scoping Sheet attached. The plan, supporting calculations and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and , Procedures Manual. . 2. s. 6. Traffic Impact Study-four copies of a study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC Section 32.020(1)(c). Traffic Impact Studies (TIA) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation :Of a development on the City's transportation system. In general, a TIA must explain how the traffic from a giyen development affects the transportation system in term~ of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems, A TIA must also , ,;:. address, if needed, City, metro plan and state land ,use:and transportation policies and objectives. I 7. cve00Pies of the following plan sets for the Pre-Suhmittal Meeting OR . Eighteen copies of the following plan sets for Comple~e Application Submittal All of the following plans must include the scale (appro~riate to the area inyolyed and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100'), north arrow, and date of preparation. All plan sets must be folded to 8V2" by 11" and bound by rubber bands for submittal. a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions JZf Prepared by an Oregon licen'sed Landscape Arc~itect or. Engineer Vicinity Map . . . JZf The name, location and dimensions of all eXistirJg site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed )2J Required setbacks to the proposed new property' lines for existing structures to remain on site' . J2l The name, location, dimensions, direction of f1qiN. and top of bank of all . , watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Develop'ment Services Department .... , (:::' . ,. ;zr The 100-year fl~Plain and floodw?y boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood, Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision .1 JZf The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in Article 17 of the Springfield Development Code and delineated on the Welli;lead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department % Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 V2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs;riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings % Soil.types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County, A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table' b. Site Plan " , , ,0 Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Architect, Landscape Architect or Engineer o Proposed buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area applicable to the parking requirement for the proposed use(s)), setbacks from property lines, distance between buildings ;a'Location and height of existing or proposed fences, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles, and signs ' . . JZf Location, dimensions and number of typical, compact and disabled parking spaces; including"aisles, wheel bumpers, directional signs and stripil;g ,21' Lot coyerage calculations of all parking and vehicular areas . :a-'On-site loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulation . zr Access to streets, alleys and properties to be served, including the location and J dimensions of. existing 'and proposed curb cuts and curb cuts proposed to be closed . , , i2l Location of on-site exterior lighting . ~ocation, type and number of bicycle parking spaces ~ Location of el)isting and proposed transit faciliti~s Phased Development Where applicable, the Site Plan application shall include a phasing plan that indicates any proposed phases for development, induding the boundaries and sequencing of each phase as may be permitted in Section 31.040 of the Development Code, Phasing shall progress in a.,sequence that promotes street connectivity between the various phases of the development and accommodates other required p~blic improvements, including but not limited to, sanitary sewer, stormwater lTli~lnagement, water and electricity. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL 0 2 ZOOS c. Improvement and Public Utilities Plan 2l"'Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Civil Engineer 2T Location of all existing and proposed easements ~Location, widths and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed development, , . . .. ' :a'Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting .:;:? Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hyarants, power "r,(poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units. and similar public facilities )LJ Location and width of all existing ana p'roposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and trails o Riparian Area Protection Report For properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality limited watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of Jhe top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW ~ A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present . o Where the deyelopment area is within an overlay district applicable, address the ,!dditional standards of the overlay district , o If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC Articie 38 . o A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon 'Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property , o Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for ~eview o Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a ,Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted with the building permit application o Where applicable, any Discretionary Use, Varia.nce or Modification of Provisions as specified in SDC Articie 10 or 11 PRE.SUBMIITAL REC'O .JUL 022008 OILSON & MloRRllS A division of L.B. Olson & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers land Surveyors Urban Planners 380 Q Street Suite 200 Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 302,9790 Fax: (541) 485,3253 olsonandmorrjs,com Hamilton Construction Project New 6000 Square Foot Fabrication Shop Owner Hamilton Construction Inc. Attn: Robert Hirte P.O, Box 659 Springfield, OR 97477 Aoolicants Reoresentatiye Olson & Morris Attn: Scott Morris, PE 380 Q Street, Ste 200 Springfield, OR 97477 Architect Nagao Pacific Architecture Attn: Rodd Hansen 1680 Pearl Street Eugene, OR 97401 Contractor Chambers Construction LLC Attn: Daye Hoffman 3028 Judkins Road, #1 Eugene, OR 97403 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL 0 2 ZOOS Proiect Overview Hamilton Construction, lnc, is a construction company that specializes in bridge and railway construction. They haye been located at 2213 South 'F' Street in Springfield since 1953, with the site being approximately 18.2 acres in size, They are a large employer with more than 100 employees (most in the field), with about 25 employees at the South 'F' Street site, Due to the complexity of their projects, much of the parts for bridge and railway construction are pre-fabricated at this location and deliyered to their yarious job sites, The CUITent site is gravel due to the industrial nature of the operation (paying would be hard to maintain), The existing conditions plan shows that the majority of the property is being used for material storage, with the western buildings on the site being used as office and pre-fabrication. l/ L The current fabrication process involyes the (2) most western buildings and the western portion of the office building. This ptoposal is to construct a new 6000 square foot fabrication building which will consolidate to operation. As shown on the site plan, the new building willbe southeast of the existing fabrication building, connected with a new 'concrete ramp, This will eliminate the current internal traffic pattern for forklifts and 'utility vehicles driYing through the yard to other buildings. This will provide (3) benefits to the operation: . , " , , I. ,Intern'al fabrication.operation will be moreefficierit. 2, Reducing utility vehicle travel through the yard is safer. 3. Reducing utility trayel on the gravel surface will improve air quality, Upon completion of this new fabrication building, Hamilton Construction, Inc, is proposing to remove the existing secure sto~age' building (shown as phas~'2 on the ~iteplan), . . ".' " 1"'j ; " "\1, Phasing .~ This sitc was originally built out over many years in a pattern that is not conducive to their current operation. HamiltonCOIistruction, Inc. is planriing to alter the site layout of buildings in the coming years to'better:utilize'the site, However, the plan for the entire site has not been' determineCl.' i, ' ,.' , The site plai1 shows two other items as future phases, Phase one is the new fabrication building. with associated utilities, Phase two would be the remoyal of the current secure storage building aftei' the fabrication shop is complete, Phase three would most likely be removing the existing . fabrication office and sawshop with \he intent of eventually xeplacing it with their main headquarters 'office building, Since thiIl will'lnost likely bea longer time frame than 3 years, it was not included in this site reyiew application:' ' ,."" , . , . Traffic Circulation '& Parkin" ' Since-this is a heavy industrial construction operation, the site is not open to yisitors or even clients without checking into the office, Therefore, the main. parking area is at the north of the , ". . I' . property on the north side'oftlie'existing office, There are (3) other areas'within' the yard designated for employee parking, but they currently are gravel. There is no reed for yisitors to the site to be in the new fabrication shop, Therefore, we are not proposing a pav'ed road or pedestrian way from the office to this new building, There are currently about 25 employees who are at the site during the day, and there is currently adequate area in front ofthe;office and within the yard for parking, Utilities PRE.SUBMITfAL REC'O JUL 0 2 ZOOS "'1:J ::::0 rn . '-. en c: c=: r- c:o c s::: IS . ;;::I ::J> "', r- c c ::::0 C< rn ("') d (f) I -.) 2, fJ lT1 '" -; I I -7 / I ~--- - ---- /' / / ~ 'V. / / / / <)~ / / .._---~ / / / / \ '~ \ ,/ / o c .... ;~ ' ?,;r / /. ,~ :ii '/1'- \ it / "" ~ I! / ~ " /,,_l 1_ ',!, " ,.// (;J'/ " '. '.', "" "/ ~., '- "- / <~:..*';> '-',- / (' /" ,~-,'.' ----7"---1 I,""" ~-...:.:__:~ ' '...1 c.: ......., I 1\ I .' ,,... "--:---7--' I I '.J ...... 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I AI ..........:0:: 'li'j'" ~ .il ii" f8i.l.I' !I&'(I' .,!l@ ill'!i: . -\ Jilll ~ . . ~ ----1 ~ . -.- , ~ ~~;~s& iii: JIlGSI.SlJltZlll r Consulting ~OIl,...n . ~~'IJCI:"'l'Ill Engin",,". II r..,~').,...~. &Surreyors Site Development Plan lOT Phase 1 of ~ Hamilton Constructi'on ll.[VISlur-;s ~ ~~ """.{"T'~ ""-;-"-,,,.",, ..... "''',l[;WfVO' ",VIEWED" SpriTl!lfield. La.ne County ;"Oregon n ':., , 1651 CENTENNIAL BLVD, . SPRINGFIElD,,oR 97477 P,O, BOX 931 . SPRINGFIElD, OR 97477 PHONE: 541.741.19Bl FAX: 541.741.0619 A. ~ ~ '~ ~,.,,,,,,,,,"'" ~~i'.-. """ , gx~,rg{~~n . TiTlE INSURANCE SERVICES' ESCROW ClOSINGS 875 COUNTRY CLUB RD, . EUGENE, DR 97401 p.o, BOX 10211 . EUGENE, OR 97440 PHONE: 541.687,9794 FAX: 541.687,0924 July 2, 2008 Our Order No,; ELT-55804 PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT Olson & Morris 380 "Q" Street Ste 200 Springfi,eld, Oregon 97477 Attn: Larry Olson Estimated.Premium for: PARTIAL BILLING $200,00 TOTAL $200,00 Dear Larry: We are prepared to issue on request and on recording of the appropriate documents, a policy or Policies as applied for, withcoyerages as indicated,based on this preliminary report, J; LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A ShowingJee simple title as of Julie 26,2008, at8:00 a,m" vested in: HAMILTON CONSTRUCTION CO, (OREGON), an Oregon corporation Subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, copditions and exceptions contained in the policy form, No liability is assumed until a full'premium has been paid , PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL 0 2 ZOOS CONTINUED "IN OUR BUSINESS, YOU MATTER MOST" \'vww.evergreenlandtitle.com, . ) ELT - 55804 Page 2 .. SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS I . I . 1, Taxes or assessments which are not shown as ~xisting li~n~ by the records of any i~ing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or,notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records, , I,' . '. 2, Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shoWn by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by rbaking inquiry or persons in possession I thereo f. I 3. Easements, or c'laims of easement, not shown ~y the public"records; reservations' or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the isduance thereOf; water rights, claims or title to, water. 4. Any encroachment (of existing improvements located on the subject land onto adjoining j'j . land or of existing improvements located on adjoining land onto the subject land), encwnbrance, violation, yariation; or adverse circJmstance affecting the title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land surve~ of the subject land, ' . ' I 5, Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, irrlposed by hiw and not shown by the public I ' records. CURRENT EXCEPTIONS , , 6. Rights of the public and of goyemmental bodie;; in and to that portion of that portion of the premises herein described lying below the high water mark of Mill Race and the ownership of the State of Oregon in and to that portion lying belbW the high water mark thereof , ! ;,' , I , 7, Any adverse claim based upon the assertion that'the location, of Mill Race has moved and that any portion of the subject property has ,been cr~atedby artificial means or has accreted to such portions so created, or based on the provisions of ORS 274,905 through 274.940. . .' I , , 8, Reservation as contained in Deed Recorded May 27,1936, Book 186, Page 249, Reception No, 42663, Lane County Oregon Records, I , 9, Right-of- W~y Easement, granted to Pacific PoJer & Light Cornpany, a corporation; including the terms and provisions thereof, by instryunent Recorded March 30, 1965, Reception' No, 97387, Lane County Oregon Records. i', . ' . " 10, Grant of Easement, granted to the City of Springfield, including the terms and provisions . " I' , . thereof, by instrwnentRecordedMarch 18,1964, R,eception No. 49010, Lane County Oregon Records. ' , CONTlNDED PRE-SUBMllTAl REC'D JUL 0 2 ZOOS I I " ELT - 55804 Page 3 1 L Declaration of Private Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument , I' , Recorded February 27, 1998, Reception No, 98,14019, Lane,80unty Oregon Records. I " 12. Improvement Agreement with the City o{Sphngfield, in;luding the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded August 21, 1998l Reception :No, 98-66754, Lane County Oregon Records, i" I 13, Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Hamilton Construction Co, (Oregon), an Oregon corporatio~, as Gnmtor(s), to Cascade Title Co" as Trustee, for the benefit of ACC, Inc., an Oregon corporation, as Beneficiary, DatedAugust 7, ",' I , 2002, Recorded August 7, 2002, Reception No, 2002,059840"Official Records of Lane I County, Oregon, given to, secure payment of a Note for $1,219,825,00, I ;, . I l' NOTE: Taxes, Map No, 18-03-01-00,00300, Code 19cOO, Ac(\ountNo, 0578003,2007-2008, $8,307.42, paid in full. I: Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE NOTE: The address of the property to be insuredp.e;ein is: 22P SOUTH "F" STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477. , I NOTE: A JUDGEMENT/LIENIBANKRUPTCY!SEARCH was done for the name(s) , HAMILTON CONSTRUCTION CO, (OREGON), and as of June 26, 2008, none were found, NOTE: 'As of June 26, 2008, there are no lie~s fori the City of ~pringfield. INFORMATIONAL NOTE: The current yesting deed and all changes back to the deed which vests ownership 24 months ago are as follows: ' I l' I .' WARRANTY DEED RECORDED June 7,1988, FROM HARRY L HAMILTON AND WILLIAM T. PECKHAM, FORMERLY DOING BUSINESS AS HAMILTON & THOMS, A PARTNERSHIP CONSISTING OF HARRY L HAMILTON ANn" WILLIAM T, PECKHAM, TO JM,MILTON CONSTRUCTION CO, (OREG0N), AN OREGON CORPORATION, RECEPTION NO. 88-22344. ,:' I, , I I , 1 I I I \ IJaA By: I , I I 1 NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER uNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND I . ,. PREMIUM PAID. IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200,00 WILL BE CHARGED, effrey K. Walker Advisory Title Officer PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL 0 2 200S - ELT -.55804 Page I of I Legal Description I . EXHIBIT A I , I Begi1ming at a point on the Southerly right,of,way lineofthe:Southem Pacific Railroad 1218.66 feet East and 5io,26 feet North ofthe rejentrant angle of the Isaac Briggs Donation Land Claim No, 39, in Township 18 South, Rang~ 3 West of the, WilIamette Meridian (said Point of Beginning being by record 100,0 feet Sohtherly at right angles to Engineer's Centerline Station 469 +78,0 of said railroad); ~d running th~nce South 00 01' East 287,7 feet; thence South,550 51' East 86,7 feet; thence South 41026' East 609,9 feet; thence South 48034' East 138.10 feet; thence South 640 II.' Edst 126,8 feet; thence South'700 37' East I , 429.29 feet; thence North' 00 01' West 975.24.feet to the Southerly right,of,way line of said railroad; thence North 840 27' West along the SoJtherly righhof,way line of said railroad 1102.0 feet to the Place of Beginning, i~ LaneColmty, Orego~, ~ PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JULo 2 ZOOB ,\ ~~O 3-0) \, ~-- '. ' , ,','1 ---___ Nk ~>:'';;-J'''''-_ yet>' ---,. ''\I~ 33ge ' "'I" ? p~ I ./.16'1 )~ il~"fao II ~ A~;:,>q-, -'-:p .4"'~ r,# 0../ " '?, ~<:;""";3'c,7_-,,{5 (~I :x W ~ J I. f'.o ~ - L, .... }' S. 2739 . I ~'/fj,~, ON MAP ~i I.. /(, 0; , 35.}' ~ . '~ J.r:..."=---"'.... ....-.....~'-s.84..[Iq" '\ ~ 8.q.. ~ lE. . Ge'J'6"c; 3ss. '4,s' -~ ~ 3800 ."t . 2.51 AC. AI. ,,\0> 2\" X 1tl[<\ ,.1..,... :~ -: lo....l'J ~~I~Kr 'f\"' Q I. ... I t1J~ . t IV;" 'I, .!:o' ~. .... .A""'7'~I,r' I 0 . 'TE 0 /7 03 300 'l.d~'~, - "",-, 20' -s-;:: ~.~.w @-'--- -- __ --r:. ------ 1C )0'9. [ ,J ...... < : 400 ) &,1 701 "';'9,'13 \ 23.05 AC. 4o~. L...-- _ - , EA,S.;:-g"7~' --- INT. ELL COR. _6.~~~Gg~. O<9~02 ~g'~ .ii~ r' o a~:;;'" S:. ~....e.~e\.' < ' '5...,,<> ,":. II!. \~4.e v 0 0-C.:'+ J)...:Z.7~(,:. ~ .-.. -=.. "'"S9"4~e:;w"'\4.~' e-e. 0 ()'-' () () J t ,5. e 'I" s 3700 ""'CI ;;c i""n . '- c:r.> c: c: r- l:rI <:::> :s: N> 5i! '" r- = ;;:0 = 00 rn (""') d 20C lJJ Q~ "- THIS MAP IS TO ASS1S( 'lOCATING PROPERTY THE COMPANY ASSU!./,E:: NO LIABILITY FOR INACCURACIES, -:.. N W \17 E 5 COURTESY OF &veWREEN LAND TITLE CO '''1.198\ , " CATALOG NO TYPE NO. FloodPak Series FPS ORDERING INFORMATION Catalog Number: Example: FPS150NLXL-l 1 FPsl I I SERIES I FPS' FloodPak Small I WATTAGE I 42,42W IO-lOW 100,100W 150,150W, I I LAMP SOURCE I NLX'High Pressure Sodium (NPF) HFL'Compact Fluorescent HID units supplied with cJeaT'medium base lamp. ACCESSORIES FPSKNUCKLE - 1;2" Adjustable Knuckle, FPSARM - Shoebox Arm, Converts FloodPak to pole-mount (minimum 4" square pale), ' TECHNICAL INFORMATlOI'i C l-jJlt 1~1O'-1 1-111/2.-1 ",:.0.;. "<-:i;~'.1ii~,;... :@ UL Wet Location listed. 1(1fQ.3 JOB NAME 1120 I I ' I VOLTAGE I:, 1-12QV ,) I LAMP I l-Lamp furnished FPSSHIELD - Vandal Shield, Helps protect lens and lamp from breC?kage. Clear polycarOOnate shield snaps in'place over glass lens. I' PRE"SU~~ITTAL REC'O JUL 0 2 ZOOS Sloneo 1.5-1 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS .' The FloodPak is a perfect blend of architectural design and perfonnance. . The FloodPak can be surface mounted in various positions. Use IT as a cut'off wallpack or tip it up 22.so tor forward throw with semi-cut-off. Tip it up 450 for . floodlighting, or turn it over and use it for indirecVaccent lighting. . The FloodPak can also be pole mounted or ground mounted using mounting accessorie~. . Precision die cast aluminum construction. All exposed hardware is stainless steel. . Duraplex II dark bronze polyester powder finish is standard but the FloodPak is available in a variety of designer colors. . Hinged door frame with clear tempered glass lens, . Multi-faceted reflection system ~ provides uniform distribution. . Injection molded triple finger .. silicone gasket. .. UL wet location listed for above or below horizontal aiming. . Complete with a UL approved mounting box rated for 900C supply wire with integral bubble level. . Integra! heat sink ensures cool operation. . Meets IESNA cut~off requirements. . Contractor Friendly .;:::sign with "''<':i'.integral cable penniling easy:' hands free wiring. Crcsccn~flonco 120 E. Gloucester Pike. Barrington, NJ 08007.856-546-5500 (1'"-......-.. 1.5-1 HoodPak Series FPS' PHOTOMETRies 3MH I J /C~ J .0,\ ~~r' ,I I~~~ ::: -I ,~/ .J /' ~ I I I 3MH 2MH lMH 0 lMH 2MH 3MH FPS150NLXL-l @22S , , 3MH 2MH lMH 0 lMH 2MH 3~~ FPS150NLXL,1 @OO 3MH I I 2MJ ~~.:\ J ~r\ \ oj ;f /' ?)25 ,5 [\1,0 )~.1 I :] I '~J~/I. I_I '~ 3MH- --, I I I 3MH 2MH IMH 0 lMH 2MH 3MH FPS150NLXL -1 @ 450 FoOTCANDLE CORRECTION Multiply thefoltowing factors times the footcandle values ~or changes in mounting height. To Change from 15' New Hght. 8' 10' 15' 20' Factor 3:5 2.3 1.0 0.6 LAMP AND WATT CONVERSIONS Lamp 50W ': 70W 100W 150W Multiplier .25 0.4 .59 1.0 MOUNTING OPTIONS I .~.~ 00 Down 22.50 Down A50 Down 00 Up 22.5" Up 450 Up, (I'_m"'....... - PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL 0 2 ZOOS !.,escenlflonco 120 E: Gloucester Pike. Barrington, NJ 08007. 856-546~5500 10/03 CATALOG NO. TYPE NO, FloodPak Series FPM ORDERING INFORMATION JOB NAME Catalog Number: Example: FPM175MAL-8 I FPM I I SERIES FPM- FloodPak Medium I WATTAGE I 57-5'[W 7O-70W 100,100W 150,150W 175,175W I I I LAMP SOURCE I MA-Metal Halide (eWA) LX~High Pressure Sodium (HX-HPF) HFL -Compact ~ Fluorescent PMA-Pulse Start Metal Halide (HX,HPF) -, HID units. supplied. with clear medium base lamp. ACCESSORIES L~ I LAMP I L-Lamp furnished I I VOLTAGE I 1-120V 8-120V ' 208V 240V, :~ > 277V FPSKNUCKLE - 112" Adjustable Knuckle, FPSARM - Shoebox Arm, Converts FloodPak to pole-mount (minimum 4" square pole), , FPMSHIELD - Vandal Shield, ~elps protect lens and lamp from breakage. Clear polycarbonate shield snaps in place over glassJens. . TECHNICAL INFORMATION ~~\ I I -'~"" - 12" I -12-7/8"'- fl-=rBO ~ '@ Ul Wel Location Usled. 10/03 ., PRE-SUBMITfAl REC'O JUL 0 2 ZOOS Sloneo 1.5-2 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS . The FloodPak is a perfect blend, of architectural design and performance. . The FJoodPak can be surface mounted in various positions. Use it as a Gut-off wallpack or tip it up 22.50 'for forward throw with semi-cut-off. Tip it up 450 for floodlighting, or turn it over and use it for indirect/accent lighting. . The FloodPak can also be pole mounted or ground mounted using mounting accessories. . Precision die cast'aluminum construction, All exposed hardware is stainless steel. . Duraplex IJ dark bronze polyester powder finish is standard but the RoodPak is available in a variety of designer colors. . Hinged door frame with clear tempered glass lens. . Multi-faceted reflection system provides uniform distribution. . Injection molded triple finger silicone gasket. . UL wet location listed for above or below horizontal aiming. . Complete with a UL approved mounting box rated for 900C supply wire with integral bubble level. . Integral heat sink ensures cool operation. . Meets IESNA cut,off requirements, . . Contractor Friendly design with integral cable permrting easy, hands free wiring. crcsecnlfloneo 13"__.......... 120 E. Gloucester p'ike. Barrington, NJ 08007. B?6-546-5500 1.5-2 Flood~ak Series FPM PHOTOMETRies :::1 3MH1 1 I, I ;; ~ I //~ , g~~'1 (, ((r~~)' ( ~,-.J) \ ~ "-J /' II .,~.// \: , -I ::: /I;:;~~-- 1MH __-/-hf /~ . o /(r~ I J \\\' (,,~ . 2MH __I \ ~~;;I:__ ~~/ , '----- 3M1 . 1 3MH1 I :] , I 0.__ \ 3MH 2MH 1MH 0 1MH 2MH 3MH . 3MH 2MH 1MH 0 1MH 2MH 3MH FPM175MAL-8@00 FPM 175MAL,8 @ 22.5" 3MH1 1- I 1 ~-:"'\I '/ ~~~ 5" ~I(~t' ~ J' / '---: / I FOOTCANDLE CORRECTION Multiply the following factors times the footcandle values for changes in mounting height. 2MH - 1M:1 J J To Change from 15' New Hght. 8' 10' 15' 20' Factor 3.5 2.3 1.0 0.6 3MH - lAMP AND WATT CONVERSIONS Lamp 70W 100W 150W 175W Multiplier .36 .57 OJ 1.0 3MH 2MH 1 MH 0 1 MH 2MH 3MH FPM175MAL-8 @ 450 MOUNTING OPTIONS ~...-. 00 Down 22.50 Down 450 Down 00 Up 22.5" Up, 450 Up (1""..."'._.... PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL 0 2 ZOOS crCSCCRlflORCO 120 E. Gloucester Pike. Barrington,.NJ.08007. 856-546-5500 . 10103 CATALOG NO, TYPE NO, FloodPak Series FPL JOB NAME ORDERING INFORMATION Catalog Number: Example: FPL400MAL ,8 FPL I ' I SERIES FPl" FloodPak liirge I WATTAGE I 250,250W 400.400W' I I I I LAMP SOURCE I I VOlTAGE I MA-Metal Halide 1,120V (CWA) B-120V, lX-High Pressure LAMP I 20BV Sodium l'Lamp 240V, (CWA) 277V furnished *Requires reduced. outer jacketed lamp. HID units supplied with clear medium base lamp. ACCESSORIES FPLKNUCKLE - Adjustable 2" Tenon Slipfitter, FPLARM - Shoebox Arm, Converts FloodPak to pole, mount (minimum 4" square pole), FPLSHIELD - Vandal Shield, Helps protect lens and lamp from breakage. Clear poJycarbonateshield snaps..in place over glass lens. TECHNICAL INFORMATION 14"7/8" '@ .UL Wet location Usled. 10/03 . I ~ \ ' (} 81m' ,---- ---,~ - ,,~ , - I PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL 0 2 ZOOS Sloneo 1.5-3 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS . The FloodPak is a perfect blend of architectural 'design and perfonnance. . TheFloodPak can be surface mounted in various positions. Use it as a cut-off wall pack or tip it up 22:50 for forward throw with semi-cut-off. Tip It up 450 tor floodlighting, or turn it over and use it for indirecVaccent lighting. . The FloodPak can also be pole mounted or ground mounted using mounting ac~essories. . Precision die cast aluminum construction. All exposed hardware is stainless steel. . Duraplex II dark bronze polyester . powder finish is standard but the FloodPak is available in a variety of designer colors. . f:lingecl doortrame with clear tempered gl.?ss lens. . Multi-faceted reflection system provides uniform distribution. . Injection molded triple finger silicone gasket ,. UL wet location listed for above or below horizontal aiming. . Complete with a UL approved mounting box rated for 900C supply wire with integral bubble level. . Integral heat sink ensures cool operation. .- Meets IESNA cut-off requirements. . Contractor Friendly design with integral cable permiting easy, hands free wiring. crescenlflonco 120 E. Gloucester Pike. Barrington, NJ 08007.856-546-5500 (1"_..._..- . ' 1.5-3 PHOTOMETRies 3MH 251~ !r~~\ . 2MH I I 1MH I ~" I 0 l (/"1 .1 1MH ~~-- 2MH I ~ ,/1 ~:::rJ I 3MH I '-1 I 3MH 2MH 1MH 0 1MH. 2MH 3MH , FPL400MAL,8 @ 0' 3MH I Z~I~\' 2MH1 d~-\~\ 1MH I, . I 0 ~~~),I J J ~ / ( J I_~~/ J; I I /1 3MH 2MH 1MH- 0 1MH 2MH 3MH FPL400MAL,8 @ 45' MOUNTING OPTIONS FloodPakSeries FPl 3MH1 . ffi~ II 2MH1 ~:~ 1MH1 ~ j l~g3- I 2MH1 ~//-l 3MH! ' ~I~,/ I 3MH 2MH 1MH 0 1MH 2MH 3MH FPL400MAL.8 @ 22,5' FOOTCANOLE CORRECTION Multiply thefollo~ing factors times the . footcandle values' for changes in .mounting height. , ., To Change from 20' NewHght. 15' 20' 25' 30' Factor 1.78 1.0 .64 .44 LAMP AND WATT CONVERSIONS' Lamp 250W 250W 400W 400W MH ' HPS HPS MH Multiplier .57 .79 1,39 1.0 ...,...~ QllDown 22.5' Down ~5' Down crescenlflonco (I".-m.-.. 120E Gloucester Pike. Barrington, NJ 08007.856-546-5500 O'Up 45'Up 22.5' Up PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUL 0 2 ZOOS 10/03 Geotechnical Investigation New Shop Building, Hamilton Construction 2213 South 'F' Street Springfield, Oregon TABLE OF CONTENTS. APPENDIX A - FIGURES ...,..............................................:............................................. 3 PROJECT INFORMATION .........................................c.........,........................................... 1 FIELD EXPLORATION ..............................................,........c............................................. 1 SITE CONDITIONS.............................................................................................,............. 2 Su rface Co nd itions: ,.....,...............,....,....,......, .....,...,:.,................,............ .:....., ..,....... ..." ...... '...". 2 Su bsu rface Cond itions: .....,......,.."...,..."... ,.., ....., ........... ...... ,.....'.....,...... ....,.., ..........,........".......,' 2 Existing Data Review: ..,.....,...,.."......,........,..,.....,....,......,...........,.....,......".."..",........,...,....."....,. 2 SEISMIC DESIG N .............................................................................................................2 DISCUSION OF GEOTECHNICAL ISSUES ..................,.:.,.............................................3 Existi ng Fill: .."......,... ...........,......,................,...., .....,..............."...... ,.....,..... ........,...... ..............,..... 3 F ou ndations: ....'..,..,...".............,...,......."...,.. .....,....',..................,..." .....,..,.., ...........,....,..........",... 3 Build in g Pads:..,......, ...."....,.......,...........,......":...,,...,................, .::......,.....,..,.. ............,....,....,.....,.. 3 Weathe r Cond itions: ..."...."...,.................."................,.."........................:..... ............,...............,.. 4 RECOMMENDA TIONS...........................:.:.........................;.."................,........................4 Materials: ..........."."..,...." .,...,............."...,......"....".... .............,...,:......"...,........, ............,........., ....., 4 Foundation Design. and Construction: ......."...............................~..................................................4 Site Preparation- Building Pads:.,...,...........,........."...................:........,.........",..................",....... 5 LIMITATIONS ,OF THIS REPORT ..................................................................:................. 5 APPENDIX A - FIGURES .+ PRE.SUBMIITAL REC'O JUL 0 2 ZOOS 1.'< Page 1 of 5 June 30, 2008 Geotechnical Investigation New Shop Building , ~ ' Hamilton Construction 2213 South 'F' Street Springfield, Oregon PROJECT INFORMATION ,Hamilton Construction plans to construct a new shop building at their existing facility located at 2213 South 'F' Street in Springfield, Oregon, The site location is shown on the Vicinity Map (Figure 1) included in Appendix A The proposed building area is currently vacant and used for material storage, The new development will include.a new single story metal 'frame structure that will be used for a fabrication shop, We understand that the new structure will be :t6,000 SF in plan area and will, consist of slab,on,grade construction, The structure is planned to be supported by isolated column footings, . The columns will also be used to support overhead crane rails that will be incorporated into the new structure, We anticipate that minimal site grading (cuts and fills of less than :t2 feet) is planned across the relatively flat site, FIELD EXPLORATION The field exploration focused on characterization of the upper soils at the site, We visited the site on June 18, 2008 to observe surface conditions and conducted limited subsurface explorations, During our visit we conducted a brief surface reconnaissance of the proposed development area, Subsurface conditions were investigated by digging a test pit using a rubber tired backhoe provided by Hamilton Construction, The test pit was excavated near the center of the proposed building, The approximate location of the test pit and building are shown on the attached Site Plan (Figure 2, Appendix A), The test pit was excavated to maximum depth of :tHO feet The soil profile was logged and representative samples were 'collected from some locations, Our surface and subsurface observations are summarized in the, following sections, PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D JUL 0 2 ZOOS New Shop'Building 2213 South 'F' Street Springfield, Oregon Geotechl)icallnvestigation Project No, 933-08-02 , Page 2 of 5 June 30, 2008 SITE CONDITIONS Surface Conditions: The site includes relatively level terrain over the entir'e proposed development area, The ground surface of the storage yard generally consists of crushed aggregate base, Immediately to the south of the proposed building area there is an access road and it appears that grades slope downward toward the Mill Race further to the south, Subsurface Conditions: Subsurface conditions were evaluated using the test pit exploration and existing data from nearby the site, Subsurface conditions observed at the site as part of our field exploration included fill materials the fulL depth of the' test pit (13 feet), The upper :1:0,5 feet of the, fill consists of dense sandy gravel:with some silt The gravel is typically angular 1-inch, minus with some :1:3-inch minus graveL The upper gravel grades to medium d~nse clayey gravel that is gener~lIy :1:3-inch minus, The day is highly plastic and moist The clayey gravel extends ,to a depth of :1:2,5 feet Below 2,5 feet we noted soft to medium stiff organic clay, The clay is dark grey, very moist and has high plasticity, We noted moderate to large organic fragments within the clay the full depth of the stratum, ' Existina Data Review: The site is located in south Springfield with alluvial soils anticipated beneath the development area, We reviewed aerial photographs;;of the site as well as available geologic mapping and well logs in the area, We understand that the site was originally developed for a flax seed mill over 50 years ago, Therefore, we anticipate that grading at the site and surrounding area has been in place for at least this long, Our review of available well logs in the vicinity of the project suggests that alluvial sand and gravels underlie the area at depths of :1:5 to 15 feet Based on our data review, we expect that native alluvial soils that are capable- of supporting the proposed loads may be present at depths of :1:20 feet Deeper field exploration would be needed at the site to confirm the actual depth, SEISMIC DESIGN The average soil conditions in the upper :1:100"" feet beneath the proposed development area are expected to include predominately dense sandy gravel and weathered bedrock, The proposed foundation system will De supported by the alluvial soils, rather than the upper fill materiaL Ther,!"fore, we believe that use of a site class D is appropriate for seismic design, Peak ground accelerations and spectral accelerations (on rock) were determined for,design using 2% probability of exceedence in 50 years (i.e" :1:2,475 year return interval), The ground motions provided in OS~C are based on the 1996 USGS mapping, however, the USGS New Shop Building 2213 South 'F' Street Springfield, Oregon PRE SUBMIIT, AL REC'OGeotechnicallnvestigation - Ui Project No, 933,08,02 JUL 0 '2 zoos Page 3 of 5 June 30, 2008 updated the maps in 2002 to refleCt improved modeling of the Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake, We have used the 2002 USGS modeling as the most current and accurate information for the site, This modeling considers a variety of seismic sources including crustal and subduction zone earthquakes, However, the principal source of the design ground motion is due to a large magnitude (Mw 8,3 to 9,0) earthquake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone :1:45 miles west of the site, Crustal earthquakes were also considered, but do not contribute significantly to the design ground motion, The peak' ground acceleration (PGA) on rock for the site is 0,26g with a short period spectral acceleration (S5) of 0,649 at 0,2 second period and long period spectral acceleration (S1) of 0,30g at 1,0 second period, The parameters for establishing the General Procedure Response Spectrum using OSSC Section 1613 are summarized in Table 1, The values for Sos': and S01 include, a two,thirds reduction as discussed in Section 1613,5.4. Table 1. osse 2007 Seismic Des.ign Parameters Site I S5 S1 Fa Fv SM~ SM1 Sos S01 Class , D 0,64 0,30 1,29 1,80 0,82 0,54 055 0,36 DISCUSION OF GEOTECHNICAL ISSUES Existino Fill: 'Existing fill present at the site is unsuitable for support of the new structure foundations, The upper portion of the fill material includes, granular material and appears to be relatively stable beneath the truck and forklift traffic across the yard, Based on the depth of the fill material, we believe that it would be most cost effective to support the new structure on deep foundations that bypass the fill material. Using this approach it would be possible to 'float' the floor slab over the existing fill material. Foundations: The proposed structure could be supported by a variety of deep foundation types extending into the underlying alluvium,. We understand that Hamilton Construction will likely use driven piles or a driven pile tip, with reinforced concrete pier foundation system for the new structure, We understand that individual column loads of :1:45 kips are anticipated for the new structure, We expectthat driven pipe piles :1:18 to 24 inches in diameter could develop the required capacity with minimal embedment (:1:5 to 10 feet) into the underlying alluvium, . Buildino Pads: We have assumed that the building pad will be built up slightly above existing site grades to assist.in promoting site surface drainage' on the relatively flat site, In addition, raising the building pad slightly will allow the new slab to be constructed New Shop Building 2213 South 'F' Street Springfield, Oregon PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUL 0 zZOOS Geotechl'Jicallnvestigation Project No, 933,08-02 Page 4 01.5 June 30, 2008 over the existing gr~;lnular fill material without further stabilization of the underlying organic clay, Therefore, we recommend using a leveling course of :t4 to 6 inches of compacted aggregate base over the existing granular fill surface to prepare the site for the new concrete slab, There is some risk of long term settlement, cracking,and faulting of the slab due to the underlying organic clay fill material. This risk could be reduced by increasing the concrete slab thickness and/or increasing the slab reinforcement. We understand that complete mitigation of the fill material and potential differential settlement is not desired beneath the slab for the shop building, ., Weather Conditions: The site work is not expected to include deep excavations and will generally be conducted from the existing granular fill which is currently being used as an all- weather surface, Therefore, we do not anticipate that weather conditions will be a significant consideration for the proposed site work, . RECOMMENDATIONS Based on our observations of the soils and our uhderstanding of the proposed development OGD believes that it will be practical to construct the improvements using deep foundations to support the new structure, . Materials: 1, Aggregate base as defined in this report should consist of % or 1-inch minus, well graded crushed rock, The rock should be relatively clean with less than 5% (by weight) passing the #200 sieve, !: 2, Site fill, as defined in this report, consists of the upper granular fill from' required excavations at the site, Site fill is not suitable for placement beneath foundations and slab areas, Therefore, the dse of site fill will be limited to grading in the areas surrounding the elevated' building pad over the existing granular fill material during dry weather conditions, ' 3, Compact all aggregate base and site fill to 9,5% relative compaction, The maximum dry density of ASTM 0 698 should be used as the standard for evaluation of relative compaction, Field density testing should be conducted on the compacted aggregate base beneath the slab that exceeds :t8 inches in thickness to confirm adequate compaction prior to placing reinforcing steel or formwork, Foundation Desian and Construction: 4, Design all building foundations using deep foundation elements, We have assumed that the preferred foun9ation alternative will consist of a driven pipe New Shop Building 2213 South 'F' Street Springfield, .oregon Geotechnical.lnvestigation Project No, 933-08"02 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JUL Ii 2 ZOOS Page 5 of 5 June 30, 2008 pile, The pile foundations should be driven, to the required ultimate axial .capacity using a typical factor of safety. ofi 3:0 using the FHWA Gates Equation, 5, All piles should be driven to a minimum tip el$vation of 20 feet below grade, Actual pile depths and evaluation of pile capacity with depth would require , ,additional deeper geotechnical investigation atithe site, '., 6. Pile embedment depths and driving resistances should be monitored by the engineer throug'hout construction,' , Site Preoaration- Buildina Pads: " 7, Elevate the building pad and grade around the perimeter of the structure to promote surface drainage away from the slab', 8, Compact the existing granular fill surface, Areas of soft material (Le, the test pit location) should be excavated and replaced with compacted aggregate base, 9, Proof roll the prepared subgrade beneath the building pad immediately prior to placement of aggregate base, Any areas of pumping or excessive deflection should be excavated and replaced with granular fill or scarified, moisture conditioned and recompacted to provi'de a stable subgrade surface, 10, pface and compact :t4 to 6 inches aggregate base over the approved subgrade to support the building slabs, LIMITATIONS OF THIS REPORT The conclusions and, recommendations contained herein are based on the assumption that deep foundations will be used to support the new structure and that the actual depth and consistency of the alluvium underlying the site would be confirmed at the time of construction, The above recommendations assume that we will be present during construction to confirm the assymed foundation and subgrade conditions, We will assume no responsibility or' liability for any engineering judgment, inspection or testing performed by others,,: Our work was performed for the exclusive use by Chambers Construction and their design consultants for the new Hamilton Construction Shop Building project located at 2213 South 'F' Street in Springfield, Oregon,OGD performed our work in accordance with generally accepted professional geotechnical engineering practices in similar locations, Our services do not include any surveyor assessment of potential contamination or contamination of the soil origround water by hazardous or toxic substances, No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made, New Shop Building 2213 South 'F' StreeI Springfield, Oregon PRE-SUBMITTAL :REC'O ,. JUL 0 2 200S Geotechnical Investigation Project No, 933-08-02 1- l Geotechnical Investigation New Shop Building Hamilton Construction, 2213 South 'F' Street Springfield,OregoI?- App,encjx A Figures .> OGO Consulting, PC SelVing Oregon Geotechnical Design and Consulting Needs PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUL 0 2 zooa , l' ,- _0 . Q 11 OGD CONSULTING, PC. . Serving Oregon Geotechnical Desi91 and Consulting Needs 9027 NW FIR RIDGE PLACE CORVALLIS, OR 97330 15411 753-0895 VICINITY MAP FIGURE NO, 2213 SOUTH 'F' STREET NEW SHOP' BUILDING 1 SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, ',iTTJ lo"r'n " nl'\1" I'IID~1I '.. o ,...,. II\~~~~"':'__ JUL 0 2 200S Q OGD CONSULTING, PC. Serving CKegan Geotechnical Desil}'l CIld Consulting Needs 9027 NW FIR RIDGE PLACE CORVALLIS, OR 97330 1541) 753,0895 SITE PLAN FIGURE NO 2213 SOUTH,r STREET 2 NEW SHOP BUILDING SPRINGFIELD, OREGON f\nr- "linn. JUV'f'A I .....F'A "'l . "".... -, "".... .,." \ , . ~".. ",,""Wit II 1 Inb I\I.\,..., JUL 0 2 ZOOS .. L.B.OLSON & ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors Urban Planners 380 Q Street Suite 200 Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 302~9790 Fax: (541) 485-3253 Storm Water Design Report Project: Date: Designer: Type of Project: Chambers Construction July I, 2008 Wade R. Holaday, PE Commercial Proiect Overview Construct a 6,000 square foot fabrication shop. The project includes the addition of 6,000 sf of impervious area and the re'grading of the existing grayel around the proposed building. The runofffrom this area will be directed into the proposed bio,swale prior to out letting into the existing roadside ditch, A small area (700 sf) between the new and existing structures will drained into a catch basin with a fossil filter insert. ProDosed Destination The drainage from the site will be directed to an existing roadside ditch along the gravel roadway. Prooosed Pollution Control Facilities A bio,swale will be constructed at the southeast corner of the project to yegetatively filter more than the 50% ofthe new impervious area. The catch basin for the remaining arca will be a catch basin with a fossil filter insert. Proiect Site Data Imperyious Area = 3,000 sf (bio,swale) II 3,000 sf pipe system (new building) Peryious Area = 19,173 sf (bio,swale) (gravel area) Water Quality Intensity = 0,19 inches per hour (Rational Method) Peak Flow Intensity= 1.4 inlhr (2 yT, 10 min,) 2.4 in/hr (25 yr, 10 min.) Run off Coefficient = 0,90 (Commercial) Water Ouality Flow Calculations --- Q = 0.90(0,19) 0.44 = 0,075 cfs Peak Flow Calculations Q = 0.90(1.4) 0.44 = 0.55 cfs (2 yr event) Q = 0,90(2.4) 0.44 =.0.95 cfs (10 yr eyent) PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D ,JUL 0 22008 I , I , Bio SwaleFJow SummarY Bottom Width,= 1 foot Channel Slope = 0.25 % Channel Length = 100 feet Water Quality flow yelocity = 0.10 fps Contact Time = 16,67 minutes Water Quality flow depth = 0:32 feet " PRE.SUBMITTAlREC'D JUL 0 2 ZOOS " Worksheet for,Trapezoidal Channel'--1 " Flow Element Friction Method: . Solve For: Trapezoidal Channel Manning Formula Normal Depth Channel Slope: 0,00250 ftlft Left Side Slope: 4,00 ftlft (HV) Right Side Slope: 4,60 ftlft (H:V) Bottom Width: 1,00 ft Discharge: 0,08 ft3/s Flow Area: ft, Wetted Perimeter: ft Top Width: 3,57 ft Critical Depth: 0,05 ft Critical Slope: 2,60758 ftlft Velocity: 0,10 ftls Velocity Head: 0,00 ft Specific Energy: 0,32 ft Fraude Number: 0,04 Flow Type: Subcritical Downstream Depth: 0,00 ft Length: 0,00 ft NUlT)ber Of Steps: 0 Profile Description: Headloss: 0,00 ft Downstream Velocity: Infinity. ftls Upstream Velocity: Infinity ftls Normal Depth: 0,32 ft Critical Depth: 0,05 ft Channel Slope: . 0,00250 ftlft PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUL 0 2 2008 / < /'., " I / '" ~, "- ,- 1 ~" \'1 , , \/ 'I / :~'" " /\,' '/. ........ "- // P l' ',' ,"- , ;/ // <'-.~~':'--j'''-" ",- / '--_____.. (",/ ,/~~~'-,- x~r_~_~',~ --"-~/7- " 'R '---./'. 1\,' L .-'", ."'::--._____ ---- , . ~\ :'.f /fv< ------ ~~--]-- --.", __ I I : ':': ,~-:-:--- .""-~---:~.--'-'~' "r -- C. . . . . :-c-_:_,-._._ ',' 'c--- ----- J: . "",."" '." " ~-"~_-=,-=---=--;~-=----=,----=:-:'"7-*: ~-':-~~:':"-C.-~"-,-~~'.:..:--,"~___ " . --_ " ':'1 "r-------- ~~ ----- ---_~~~~~--y.J ~_-:~_ ~-----L__________~- <-',~'~1 -'-.' ----~--- -. -~-~---...:...:=~~~-.:J i "'~-----:-,-- "-.,:; , . -z':'7C""~~CC--~-'3.. L...:_...:'\_:;:,....:-.::;:, ':' , ", -:- ~-,____ -_ ----~- IC---' --CCCC_____ --_ . -r--_ . ----- _ J ---- . j -,--- -- ~- ---:.\ ,-~-, ' ----------- SOOl Z 0 lnr JI~3~ lVlllV\l8nS.3~d I I I -/" / ./ ;' .I / / / / / / ;' / / ./ /' / / / ;' / / / / / / / / / ~ ,. .f ~ ~ , ~ I , , / , ~~ inn e .1 11.6 r Ii q I , . . .'...'e -.,." ..~ . ~ . ~""-~I'.9' REVISIONS, , Ul X ' , -..J8,nrr1 ! Ulr'T'l ; .,1 I . :,,=CT~~ ____ ;,"'-",.... ,"-- Storm Management Plan Jor Phase 1 0/ Chambers Construction ",;"'.." 00"'_. Spri-ngfWld LafW caunty ""9= " / , I . \,j) \ \ o IF''''' ,,,,' ~ N ~II'"'''' I ~. '''''',.,!W --- ---'--..:- --...... r: ~-z ~ . r . :.:?~ s:~, ,,~J. -===--__"_'''"'' .,,,,.m.,- .OISOn&,~, . Morris' ~D ~~.=rr (~l,"nlli;l~ _\WI) im-mO f:ngi",,"r~ '~ .~ll.-:=, & $uiveyo'U -'''. O?/71/2008 13:55 FAX 541 736 Lv21 " CITY OF, SPRINGFIELD PW - .}lUlUU.s I) 141001 141001/003 Post-if' Fax Note 767' .T~+\- M6~r\ ':> CoJDept, I Dats I #QI -... .;. pages IF'c""B\\\'1 (",.r-h~ ICe, ' If'f1ooa'''3.(..,_It)'3'l I"'"'' "'-1"2:.c...1l::>"2..1 PhO",,'30-z._"l' "to IFax. 4~-3ZS3. PhOM: (541) 726.3753, Fax: (541) 736-1021 STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK ~-~......_..........~~_.........-.......~-.. (An.'o be/ow (/tis lin{J fil/(JI/ (JIll by Appllcf1Jll) .....,.__~."-~ .."" _.....~.... i (Ploa".,.runr 10 Mall Slo.dr:r@C:ilyofSpringfi<<ld"ublie Works Ehgi"ee~j"g: Fa:.- # 736./Q2/, Pho"" # 736./0;S), 1 empil: mSlow;iur(ifJd.sprinfd/tdd or. us Project Name: AsSeSSDI"S Parcel Land Users)! Pr"ject Size (Ac.",,): Appl"Ox. Impervious Are,,: 1-+.......:14....... t...._..J,....,.:.../...;_ /?u. j~~.o?: - 0 I _ 00'';=0 \..-1..e-l:hJ\, l....lCv5'1''1U~ (,,,,"/.1'07 ': fO-r SovH.., <!.,,/ ,./ /"'"I'~). J...-.,..c.."VI.;."',!,!' J9..,...:...... ,.) trOt ~...J../ (~ "''-'') ). --- .. Drninagc Proposal (Public connec1:iQn(s), di,charge loeation(.), ere. Armch additJonal sheet(S) Ifne<;.ssary' '/1... r.o! .....4...- ...: '1 k d"~<J....J ~ ~ ,...df Ii itfr<'j d".;../-') >~_n. . /. "tt... A-r..A tL:u..'j' IPro""gen Stormwater Rest ManalJementPraclices: & t::/~ <;,)...'f ~,II 'I:.c. 1",{J..lf...) ~,';~_, i~..I+--- ,_~ 0 S4 t..~ '}_..... I ,,~~,~),. ~.., /j,,;.} ~...J -It... "';(1 ~ v-: h- " i~ -~._---~ p~r(Nl 'beltJw Ihl.\'Jlnefil{ed...P/" In: tlte,Citr: amI kBfur1Tf/f~ I(}I'J~ A"(llllIltltll (At a minimum. aJ/.boxes clre.eked by rhl! CI'f ,In (he-front unrJ.haclio/ihMshet:-t ~'h(JlI be su.bhlilled for an QPfJ!ication.lo be cOn/viele for submit/iII, a/{houph ot.her tetJuil't2menrs mall be fU!Cl!$.rarvJ 1 , Draiua"c Studv Tvoc(EDSPMScetiOD 4.03021: INote. UH mav be substituted r"r Rational Method\ II Small Site Study - (use Ration.1 Method lbr caloulafions) o Mid~Level ))evelopiYlont Study - (use Unit HYdrograp~ Mel~od for calculAtions) , 0 Full Drainage Development Study - (us. Unit Hydrogr'p~ M.mod for calculations) Environmenta-l Cortsideration~: 1M Wellhead Zone: \0 -Zo"\i""'_.c-r;"."o.. ~~~~,Ii!! !:lillside Development: lV//'(' , IiIl WetlandJRiparian: ~\\\'\I-~,,- 1",1. 4-=~ J!jiI Floodway/Floodplain: Iccy....... T'Wel"'-- MSoilType: \\'1.-':'-.,.1.......~C\rb.o,; L~(~~Il:.;.c....IIJOtherJurisdictions 4L- , Downstream Analvsis: IMI N/A o Flow line for starting water surface elevation: , 0 Design HOLto USe for starting water surface elevation: o Manhole/Junction to take analysis to' Return to Matt Stouder@ City of Springfield, emalh m,~toud"miJci.sorl';ofl"ld.or.ua, F'4)(; (541) 738-1021 ,i PRE.SUBMITTALREC'D JUL 0 2 ZOOS 051.21/2008 13:56 FAX 541 736 l021 . -~. ...., ...._v ..<.....":'" rl1..l:lo. "'":1:.1. "11.001 "..v., CITY,OF SPRINGFIELD PW UJ...;;)UN &; ~lU.l(t(J.~ 14J002 I4J 002l00J COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS j F'orUfl'ir,;illl US'8~RPc.. . * Ba.'~d upon thq inf(Jrmo1km pt'm'!ded on rh~ fro"',oflhM. ,fheet. IhrJf()/lawing f't1presanlS a rnlniffmm CfI'what j.~ neecfedfor an appllc.(2Ji01r f(J be ,romplelefor 3ubmiltClJ with rfZ5pr!Cll0 dra;nCJ~,' hmveve-f'. this Itsl should flf)1 be li24d In lieu qlthl:f Springfil!/d Devt!/opmenl Cede (SDC) o",h~ CIl)' 's ET/glllt16!ring Desi8n M,:mua{ COjnpUanca With these requlremem., does /UN r:unUilUlC Site appJ"(wlJl: Addi1imlol Sl'rt"~pecffic Jrrj'ormmion may be required, Not~: Up('m scofjj"g sm:f!I submittal enSlIl'a completf!dfQrm !:c1.,r; tuum signed il11l1espace provided below: Interim Design Sbtndnrds!\V~til\r.QU:ality (EDSPM Chapt~t.'5) ~I!q if N/A ~ 0 AU non-building rooftop (NBR) i~pervjoLls surfaces !:l.haJl be PI' ~ .." ......_.;.rl(l!:.g. multj-Qharnbered Calchbasin w!oil tlhratlcn media') fur ~lOrmwatl!:r qunlity. ~ddl,tibnal1y) a minimum. of50% of tho NBR impervious surface shan bel trealed by vcgeta"tM m~thods. ~ . '\ . ~ 0 Where required, vegetativo stonlIwatcr desIgn shill I be consi'iC"llt with Imerim design st011d.rds (EDSPM Section 3,02), set . forth by the Bureau of EnviI'ol'Unenral Servic:l!lli (BES) Dr Clean Wmr S~rvices (CWS). II 0 For new NBR impeN{OUSarea less than 15~OOO square feel. Il. simplifi~d,design ap"roach may be followed as specif1e:d by the BES for vegetative! treatment.. '- . ~ 0 If a srormwater Ireatment sw~Je is propoSl!d1 submit calc\.lIQtions/spec;itl~,mion$for sizing~ 'Velocfty. tlow, side slopes, bottom' ~lope,and seed llllx consistent wi1h either BBS (Jr CWS mqutrcments. ~ 0 Waler Quality calcuIatiom OS required In Seolion 3,03,1 of the EDSPM' III 0 AUbuHding rooftop mounted equipmenr,-or othel' fluid containing equip'rnent located Outside ofthebuiJding, shall be.provided with sec:ondQ.ry corrrainrnBl1t aT weather telswtant emcIQsur~_ . Genem! Slud~ Rcqu,remont. (EDSPM Seellon 4,03) " III 0 Dr3in~ge studyprcpafed by a Professional Civil Engineer licensed In the state ct"Oregon. o !Iii! A complete drointlge study, as "'quired in EDSPM Section 4.03, J, including a hydrologiCll! study map, i!iJ 0 CRlculations shDwillS system capacIty for a 2-year STOrm e'Vel'l~ iind oV;rflow t:ffects ofa.25-yeat' Storm event o M The time ofooncentl'1l!lon (Tel shall be: dt~ermined using a 10 minut<::'stmt time "or developed b3sil1~. Review or Downstream System (EDSPM Section 4-OJ,4,C) o II A downstream drainage'analysis as described in E:DSPM Section 4.03A.G. On-sire drainage shall be gov~rned by the Oregon Phunbi"g Sp..ialty Code (OPSC), ' o . Elevo.dons of the HOt and ih~w lines for both city and private systcmswhere applicable. Design of Storm' Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04) - ',' . m 0 Flow lin~s! slopes. rim eleva.tions, pipe type and sizes, clearJy Jn~ir,;ated on::,thc pJan'set. o iii MinImum Ripe cover ~h:d' ~e 18 jnd1e:.s for n:intoreed Dlpe ~Ild 36 inchos for plain (Ioncrote and .,1:i1stic: pipe matona!s, Or proper engineering calculations ih,"l1l1 be provided when less_ The cover shaH be sufficient to support an 80)000 Ib load without fuilure oflhe pipe structurE:, , o !Ifj Manning',,: I'n" values for pipt:s shaH be consistcllt with Table 4-J oftheEDSr: All stann pipcsshaJl be desig'ned to llchit:"':c a minimum -.Jelocity'ofthree ~3) feet per second at 0.5 pipe'full b~cd on Tu.ble 4-1 ~ well. Other/Mlsc: , . IiI 0 Existing Ilnd proposcd. contours. located at one foot i~t!:IVal. Include spot,elevatlons and site gradeS showi!1g how site drains ,] 11 0 PriVi!lt~ !itoI'tnwstereasemenrs !\hall be clearly d(lpioted on plans when pri~afIH;tormwator flowS from one l>roperty to anQthel" ' o III Dryw~lIa shan nQ{..receivfll'llnoff' from any surl"e.ee w/o being treated by on.~ or'more BMPs., with the'excePtion of residcntiitl . building roof!; (EDSP Section 3.03A,A), Additional provisions apply to lhi$ as requir~d b)"thc:: DEQ. Refer to the welb.site: \l,'w"~'.de_Q8tat[' j)r_Il~/\'vrl/Qmlllldw~/llichml1e.hcjlJ for mare informatipn. . o ~l)etentiQn ponds shall be designed to limit runoff to pre--development ~ateB for 1Jie 2 tluough'25-ytar $torl11 events "'Tliisform sh.all k lndudl1d as Iln fJ!ttIclnnem, inside th~front ,'vvlir. (JftlJe :iCormwaMr ,'IUdy ,; IlvIPOR7'ANn ervGIN/::ER PlEASe ll/"ID lJEl,OW {I D 51 'N! I A~ the engil1eerofr'ecord,1 hereby certifY the above required ItMls ilUe , 1 11.-IO~ complete: and included with the submit;:ed stormw:a.ter s:udy ~d plan set Signature" Date; J f'So-k-R~.",'i IS (''''~J';rc.J s.-.:W.~ l'o"'lVerslon2: M",en:lOQ4,. ',- _ \'1....1._ I, \ (.J " ~ b~ ~c.e.::>:lQ"'l .\.. ~~~ ...,.......'~u.. \'1~~"f". . ~S;:-. ~~~ \~ dt'i.<.I..a.<,o..~ tR95l~.-j.... ~e..<i;~~<l>\.~~)ChS~"':-JD ?-~,..A::~",~.\s """"'"' 1t.<-('c.1:...:~. ",., . Kr: JUDIVUIlru: 1\.." JUL 0 2 ZOOS