HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 4/22/2008 v . 'PRE-SUBMI~'fAL . \. . , DISTRIBUTION LIST: Date Distributed: 4- 2..2-08 , /Dave Puent - Building . /' /' Gilbert GordonlMelissa Fechtel- Fire ./ . Gary McKenney - Traffic. / Matt Stouder - Public WorkslEngineering Les Benoy - Public Works/Engineering Dennis Ernst/Jon Driscoll, Surveying . Planner, ,~ I , PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O APR 2 2 Z008 .J City .of Springfield C Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax (' '- PRE-SUBMITTAL REeD APR 2 2 Z008 Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2008-00024 Date Submitted: 4/22/2008 '- Proiect Name: HELFRICH PART 2833 20TH ST Project Description: Pre-Submittal Meeting - Tentative Partition in the UGB Application Type: Partition Tentative Job Address: 2833 20TH ST Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1703240000500 DISCLAIMER: Applications will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the time of the Pre-Submittal Meeting 'and Submittal of the Application for Development Review. Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 with any questions or concerns. A Planner will be assigned tbe rollowing business day and will contact you to confirm tbe meeting date and time. , PlanJobPrint.rpt '4/22/2008 10:25 :05AlV \ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2008-00024 283~ 20tb Street """"/'~~ ~~~~ ~ 'J ' ,t' I' II =1=1/ II 'I I ' rtl, 'I ~~ SITE Map 17-03-24-00 Tax Lot 500 North + PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O APR 2 2 2008 I ~ I Ill' ~ ~ J .....'m=':"" ~..~ HAYIlENDRIOOERD ; , A "TrANAL . -f- . VICINITY MAP N.T.s. ElXm01'PAvm.f!lm' ~ il - HELFRICH F AMIL Y REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST " . - "I I EXISTlNGEWEBEASElYffiNT_ I RECHl'TlON_7'i-21936 ~ .. WET ROCX 0ARD1!Nll TAXMAl'17.03-UOO TAXLOTS04 UAC EmmNOSTORMfJRAINP1PB ----~---- . DJSI1NOWATEkMm1lR .. 'tb EXIlI'I1N()STOllMIl'RAINCATalBASD 1IlII.'nINO""""..... 70NTNr.& PI AN DF.slGNA110N , PRESENT, LOWDENSITY RESIDBNTIAL(lDR) lJRBANrllIDFRINGE(UF-W} FLOO()1N'F0RMA110N ~4)1',MAL;AKI.>/1iNE:AE FtRMMAPW4Im9C1IS3F WATl-l?, "-"NOOW LAND DIVISION TENTATIVE PLAN MAPI1-03-24-00TLSOO SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ~ / ~~';UST TAXT~~2A-OO / ~ ON SllE SEPTIC - "ill MARCH 2008 ONIlILLROBBllTK- TAX1dAP11-OO-2.4-00 TAXLOT54l3 ....C (lDB) \ \ \ \ MlCHJ..AN5JtJJANBTL TAXMAF17-Q)...:lA-OQ TAXLOT4Ql tl.61AC (lDB) "tl'- - O'NI!II.J..Jl.OBI!RTItElLY TAX NAP 11-l13-2.4-00 TAXLOT603 'UC (IDR) 40' o ,_ 1 ~ n ~ -= -- s ~~ -! . , ~ . = t: '"'l~ "d . ~ . ! p ~ ~~ ~o "n... IIq ~! ~ ~~ IIi ,p I' ~ ~ l~ ! ,~ JJ ..:.....- ~ z -----' .. ~ c . c .2 ~ ~ 0 c 0 ~ "i c --------- 0 z ----- --- ------ Z " . ~ ~ Z ~ ~ C ~ ~ C . ~ W ~ S z u 9 u ~ ~ ~ ~ . w 0 ~ ~ N . ] ]; ]; ~ ]; II ~. z .. . ~ ~ ~ . c c u ShoetNumber ... "'. APPLICANT'~~fATEMENT AND SUBMITTL"~":" CRITERIA ANALYSIS FOR THE .. HELFRICH FAMILY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST LAND DIVISION APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD;OREGON APPLICATION DATE: March 17th; 2008 APPLICANT Jim McLaughlin 2428 Ranch Drive Springfield, OR 97477 Phone 541-729-4886 PROPERTY OWNER Helfrich Family Revocable Living Trust - Dean & Gayle Helfrich Co-Trustees 2587 North 19th Street . Springfield, OR 97477 LOCATION: Assessor's Map 17-03-24, Tax Lot,500 REQUEST: Land Division Tentative Approval for a 2 Parcel Partition I PROJECT SUMMARY This application is for tentative approval to divide a 1.1 acre parcel into two parcels of .65 acre and .45 acre. The property is currently zoned Low 'Density Residential (LDR) with an . . Urbanizable Fringe Overlay (UF-I0). The site is in Lane County but is within the urban growth boundary of Springfield. The applicant is not planning to annex the property. The property is used for residential purposes and curren.tly has a single family dwelling. The subject property is currently serviced by the following utilities: Electric: Springfield Utility Board(SUB) Water: Rainbow Water District Gas: NW Natural Telephone: QWest Cable Television: Comcast Sanity: On Site Septic This application is to be processed under a Type II Land Division Tentative Plan. PRE-5UBMITTAL RECIO APR 2.2 2008 II DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION CRITERIA The Development Review Application Requirements for Land Divisions is defined in the Springfield Development Code Section 5.12-105 through5.12-120. This section shows the application criteria in . grey text boxes with narratives on how the applicant has meet each of the following requirements. Helfrich Application Narrative Page 1 of 10 - "-1, . Land Divisions . - , ,- ' "" . 5.12-1050.1 -Applicability The partition process applies within th~ city.limits ar;d theCity's- urbcmizable area. Gimerally, no more than 3 parcels may be created frdm one tract of larU1 iii the City';sUr.baniiable area untitan~e;~tion', ~ specified in Section 5. 12- I 25I2. b. iii.((J2.) ,:' <;,' .:, The property is located outside the Springfield City Limits but within the Urban Growth Boundary. The proposed division is to result in Two(2) parcels. 5.12-110 Tentative Plan Review. Tentative Plans.i3reOreviewed under Type II proce'dure.' '. . , ",. :. "'~:~~'>:Z.'- ':' :"< '~" .-\"', ";1:~ ,.:,." .~.}: ~,.' "",':f';: ~"Y?/~: '1, ", ',' >,' .... .!~': ,'~;;",',:i<',_, :. ,:<,.::.,:~. 5.12"115 TentatiVe Plan .:.... Gel/era!: A;ny..re~igeniiallill.jd division shall conform tothefoliowlrzg siandards.... . '.. '-. ':"..,' .," '. .'-: . .' ':'.,,' ..' . '>, ' ..' . " :',;:\' . , ',~ . . ',' '," lo.' .' 'U:,!:. ' ,,{ i .' . j,- ". ,.,. .' " ',' ',:.: A "':::".\ A. Theliiilparcel dimensions shallconf6rm fo the minimum standards of this Code. When lotslparcels are more than double the 'minimUf{l,area pe~rniited. by' the ."io~i~g district; t!ze Director shall r~q~lrJ , , . ,:,."',,'. ' ~~', ',' "" .. '." '. "'. ' ,.". ,. thattheseIotslp,arcels be arranged:. :',., - "'. i:\?i,.,' " " y.,., , ..' 1. 'Toaltow redi~i~ion,::a'dd .t., . "i .;:~\:". '. ...., ...,:". _ ;'.~~:'~;. . .. 2; To/illowfor the eXt~'m;ionofstT-eets to servl!;./uiw-llotslparcels. '.. .... '.' .....;.,;:... . , " '" '.,.', '.' " ,e,~ ,), '-~__'. " '" , '; ". , ~, . . __.. "-', ,~' , , . .," .J.,Placement o/structures on the larger. lots/parcels shall be subject. to approval by.':the" ""'l*',~"'';'"''''''~';'-I''' ", ~~:','-:.le":" ""<.:r<;""~ I.'" " "C". '~,' ,~'.'i>':'" " -- ~';'\';'~, Director\i:ipori a'determinatiori thatthe:poteniial maximum;3erisity of the IdFger 16i/parcel is' not . .., _'~ ''C, ,.' .' ,,'.' ", ',' :".' "", . ", ' "i '" , " ", ' ,'- '.. . '," ' ~ ',!-e., ". ,'" . ~ impaired. I,norde~ to make (his det~rmination, the Dir.f!ct,Qr mayreq,uire. a F"';Wf~'pevelop'ment Pl,in : as.specifi.ed(nSection5.12-12.0E.,~>,. ,,, .'" ".i~:;~.: 'ri". '"':'\;'., . ';(:';':~,,~ B. Double frdntage' lotslparcels . shall be avoided, uniess netessaryto prevent access't6residential' . . " .-' ,'."." . " ." , i,',( " .' . ,.,':i::,..'j, ,-' " .: " ',' ,', ~~- " developm,mt from collector andafterim stieets or to overcomespecific topographic situations., .0:' c. Pdnharple'lots/parcels'shalj~(jmply' with the standa;''4'ip~i:ifil1d,(11: Sections 32c21 5. ard 4.f~1 iOA: 1'1 the" ca~~,;?J;multiplep"qnfu1fz5{f!s!jn SubdiVi~io.ns:.~(Jrfflf;~ftio.'rz:of. necessq'!:::~t~l,i~es to ;.~~1')'J ~ll approved panfiandle lotslparcels shall occur prIOr to r,ecordmgthe Plat. . '" .," ..... .'.; ,'.,(li,.: ,. ,r<",.>,."." ',,,.....,;'i,,~~W,-"" ~.,.' ~.' ""''';~''':~-,'O_''''''",'' ",,", "">,,:' ""''''". .,''''''.' " '" ': '.",,"--''" ,,' ''':';'',l,',t: D. Blof:lc le'ngthy'6r, localstreetSisasspecified in Seetiojz-4.2:Jj 5:. /.: '.' ;':,J:\;~~~,'~;' Springfield Development Code Section 3.2-215 lists the Parcels sizes for Urbanizable Fringe areas as: " .:.eitbe1;-JO. acres, 5 acres of~fIiall!'!itiith(/ ro:ea stalmaf~.oftbis Section' when appf6yed tlifi~gJi' th~Partiiiorlp;o'cessspecified ilisii'cttim_5:12,ioo. ': ~~';"j~?':(~"'''' ) ,.... . :~-.;..'...' .i' - '~;'i'~1i, '~~:~1~:~e This application is being applied for approval through the Partition process. The Code lists the LDR minimum Parcel size for bulb portion of a. cul-de-sac as 6000 square feet with a minimum street frontage of 35 feet. Proposed Parcel 1 adjoins the cui-del-sac with a frontage of 94 feet. Proposed Parcel 2 does not adjoin the cul-de-sac and is proposed to be accessed by a 20' Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D APR 2 2 2008 Helfrich Application Narrative Page 2 of 10 5.12-120 Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements. A Tentative Plan application shall contain the elements necessary to demonstrate that the provisions of this Code are beingfulfilled A. General Requirements. 1. The Tentative Plan, including any required Future Development Plan, shall be prepared by an Oregon Licensed Land Surveyor on standard sheets of 18" x 24". The 'services of and Oregon registered Engineer may also be required by the City in order to resolve utility issues (especially stormwater management, street design and transportation issues), and site . constraint and/or water quality issues. 2. The scale of the Tentative Plan shall be appropriate to the area involved and the amount of detail and data, normally I" = 50', 1" = 100', of I" =200'. 3. A north arrow and the date the Tentative Plan was prepared The tentative Plan has been prepared by an Oregon Licensed Land Surveyor, and the stormwater management plan has been prepared by an Oregon Licensed Engineer. The Site Assessment map is drawn at 1"=40', the Tentative Plan map is drawn at I" = 40' both maps are on 18"x24" media with north arrows on each. The Tentative Plan Map is attached. to this Application. I 4. The name and address of the owner, applicant, if di./ftrent, and the Land Surveyor and/or Engineer who prepared the Partition Tentative Plan. The names and address of the Owner, Applicant, and Land Surveyor are on page one(1) of the Land Division Tentative Plan Application Form. I 5. A drawing of the boundaries of the entire area owned by the partitioner or subdivider of which the proposed land division is a part. . The boundaries of the area owned by the partition are as shown on the Tentative Map attached to this application. 6. City boundaries, the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) and any special service district I boundaries or railroad right-ofway, which cross or abut the proposed land division. The Urban Grown Boundary runs along the northerly line oJ the property and is shown on the attached Tentative Plan Map. 7. Applicable zoning districts and the Metro Plan designation of the proposed land division and of properties within 100 fiet of the boundary of the subject property. The property and adjacent properties are zoned Low Densisty Residential (LDR) with an Urbanizable Fringe Overlay (UF-JO). Properties and their Zoning District and Metro Plan designations are shown on the Tentative Plan Map. 8. The dimensions (in fief) and size (either in square fiet or acres) of each lot/parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building site, where applicable, and the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale. . The dimensions of the proposed lots are shown on the Tentative Plan map. The site is nearly level therefore building sites and top and top of cut and fill is not applicable to this site. No grading is proposed as part ofthis application. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O APR 2 2 200B Helfrich Application Narrative Page3 of 10 9. The location, outline to scale and present use of all existing structures to remain on the property after platting and their required setbacks from the proposed new property lines. . The existing mobile home will be removed prior to final approval. 10. The location and size of existing and proposed utilities dnd necessary easements and dedications on and a4iacent to the site, including but not limited to sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable Tv. Indicate the proposed connection points. The location of existing utilities are shown on the Site Assessment map attached to this Application. Utilities are as marked per Locate Ticket #8030715 and city as-built mapping. Utilities necessary to service proposed Parcel 2 Will be located Within the 20' Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement as shown on the Tentative Plan Map. , I. 11. The locations widths and purpose of all existing or proposed easements on and abutting the proposed land division; the location of any existing or proposed reserve strips. . Easements affecting the subject property as determined by the Preliminary Title report are shown on the Site Assessment Map. The easement documents are not specific as to location or Width. The approximate locations of the easements are shown as determined by record information or as constructed utility lines marked per Locate Ticket #8030715. A 20' Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement is proposed to serve Parcel'2. No reserve strips are proposed. I 12. The locations of all areas to be dedicated or reserved for public us.e, with the purpose, condition or limitations of the reservations clearly indicated. . No public dedications are proposed. B. A Site Assessment of the entire development area. The Site Assessment shall be prepared by an Oregon Licensed Landscape.Architect or Engineer and drawn to scale with ex/sting contours at one- foot intervals and percent of slope that precisely maps and delineates the areas described below. Proposed modifications to physical features shall be clearly indicated The Director may waive portions of this requirement if there is a finding that the proposed development will not have an adverse impact on physical features or water quality, either on the site. or a4iacent to the site. Information requiredfor a4iacent properties may be generalized to show the connections to physical features. A Site Assessment shall contain the following information. The Site Assessment map has been prepared by an Oregon Licensed Engineer and is attached to this Application. 1. The name, location, dimensions, direction of jlow and top of bank of all watercourses that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WLQW) Map on file in the Development Seniices Department; , 2. The IOO-year jloodplain and jloodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision; The property is Located Within FEMA Flood Hazard Zone AE as shown on Map 41039Cl153 F, effective Date June 2, 1999, With an approximate Base Flood Elevation of 452'. There are no WLQW mapped on this site. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O APR 2 2 200B Helfrich Application Narrative Page 4 of 10 3. The Time of Travel Zones; as specified in Section 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Service Department; 4. Physical features including, but not limited to significant -clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the {WLQrfJ Map and their riparian areas, wetlands, and rock outcroppings; and - .' Trees large then 6" diameter are shown on the Site Assessment Map. The time of travel zone was reported by the City as 5-99 years in the stormwater scoping sheet. This information is also noted on the attached Stormwater Management Plan. 5. Soil types and water table information as mapped andspecified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. The NRCS identifies the site soils as predominately Malabon Silty Clay Loam. NRCS soil types are shown on the attached Site Assessment map. C. A.Stormwater Management Plan drawn to scale with existing contours at one-foot intervals and - I percent of slope that precisely maps and addresses the information described below. In areas where the percent of slope is 10 percent or more, contours may be shown at five-foot intervals. This plan shall show the stormwater management system for the entire development area. Unless exempt by the Public Works Director, the City shall require that an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer prepare the plan. Where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system, an Oregon Licensed Landscape Architect may also be required The plan shall include the following components: 1. Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations; 2. Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns; 3. The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained; _, !, 4. Existing and proposed site elevations, grades and contours; and 5. A stormwater management system plan with supporting calculations and documentation as required in Section 4.3-110 shall be submitted supporting the proposed system. The plan, calculations and documentation shall be consistent with the Engineering Designs Standards and Procedures Manual to allow staff to determine if the proposed stormwater management system will accomplish its purposes. The stormwater management plan is attached. One foot contours are shown and no additional grading is proposed. No buildings are being proposed as part of this application but in order to satisfY this criteria approximate roof drainage patterns and discharge locations are shown. Currently the end of the street is gravel and the access driveway is gravel. No additional paving is being proposed. Pervious area drainage generally flows towards the drainage ditch and the river (overland sheet flow arrows are shown on the plan).. There is one existing 36" public stormwater pipe and drainage ditch. The new homes will tie-into this system with 4" stormdrain piping. No grading is proposed, and the existing grades are shown. All of the information required by the Section 4.3-110 is shown on the attached l8x24 Stormwater Management Plan. The stormwater scoping sheet returned from the city is attached to this application. - PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O APR 2 2 2008 Helfrich Application Narrative PageS of {a D.A Response to Transportation issues complying with the provisions of this Code. 1. The locations, condition, e.g., fully improved with curb, gutter and sidewalk, AC mat, or gravel, widths and names of all existing streets, alleys, or other rights-ofway within or a4jacent to the proposed land division; The location and type of road sUrfaces are shown on the Site Assessment Map. There are no sidewalks on or adjacent to the site. . 2. The locations, widths and names of all proposed streets and other rights-ofway to include' the approximate radius of curves and grades. The relationship of all proposed streets to any projected streets as shown on the Metro Plan, including the. TransPlan, any approved Conceptual Development Plan and the latest version of the Conceptual Local Street Map; The radius of the cul-de-sac is shown on the Site Assessment and Tentative Plan Maps. There are no pr9posed streets shown for this area in the. Metro Plan. 3. The locations and widths of all existing and proposed sideWalks, pedestrian. trails and accessways, including the location, size and type of plantings and street trees in any required pli::mter strip; There are no proposed sidewalks, trails, or accessways. I 4. The location of existing and proposed trcifjic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities, where applicable; There is an existing electrical transformer and it is shown on the Site Assessment Map. There are no existing .or proposed traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, mailbox units or other facilities on this site. . 5. The location and dimensions of existing and proposed driveways, where applicable; There is. an existing 10' wide gravel drive servicing the existing dwelling. No new driveways are proposed at this time. 6. The location of existing and proposed street lighting: including the type, height and area if illumination; There are no existing or proposed street lights on this site. 7. The location of existing and proposed transit facilities; .. There are no existing or proposed transit facilities on this site. I. 8. A copy of a Right-of Way Approach Peimit application where the property hasfrontage on I an Oregon Department of Transportation (GDGT) facility; and Not applicable to this site. PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O APR 2 2 2008 Helfrich Application Narrative Page 6 of 10 I 9. A Traffic Impact Study prepared by a Traffic Engin,eer, where necessary,as specified in Section 4. 2-1 05A. 4. ' Not applic~ble to this site. The Public Works Director has ~ot determined that a Traffic Impact Study is necessary and the proposed division would not geI1~rate 500 or more vehicle trips per day. According to the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Informational Report an additional dwelling resulting from this division will generate an increase in daily trips of9.57. . E. A Future Development Plan. Where phasing or large lotslparcelsare proposed, the Tentative Plan shall include a Future Development Plan that: - 1. Indicates the proposed redivision, including the boundaries and sequencing of each proposed redivision at. minimum urban density for proposed phasing, any lot/parcel that is large enough to fUrther divide, or a plot plan showing building .fOotprints for MDR and HDR minimum densities; . 2. Addresses street connectivity between the various phases of the proposed development based upon compliance with TransPlan, the Regional Trd'nsportation Plan (RTP), applicable Refinement Plans, Plan Districts, Master Plans, Conceptual Development Plans, or. the Conceptual Local Street Map and this Code; 3. Accommodates other required public Improvements, .including but not limited to, sanitary sewer stormwater management, water and electricity; 4. Addresses physical features, including but not limiteft to, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map and their associated riparian areas, wetlands, rock outcrop pings and historic ftatures; and 5. Discusses the timing and financial provisions relating,'to phasing. No additional Development is planned for this site. F. Additional information and/or applications required at the time of Tentative Plan application submittal shall include the following items, where applicable: . 1. A brief narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed land division and the existing use of the property. . This application is for tentative approval to divide a 1.1 acre parcel into two parcels of .65 acre and .45 acre. The property is currently zoned Low Density Residential (LDR) with an Urbanizable Fringe Overlay (UF-IO). The site is in Lane County but is within the urban growth boundary of Springfield. The applicant is not planning to "annex the property. The property is used for residential purposes and currently has a single family dwelling. 2. If the applicant is not the property owner, written permission from the property owner is required The owner has signed the Land Division Tentative Plan Appiication Form: PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O APR 2 2 2008 , Helfrich Application Narrative Page 7 of 10 3. A Vicinity Map drawn to scale showing bus stops, streets; driveways, pedestrian connections, fire hydrants and other transportation/fire access issues within 200 fiet of the proposed land division and all existing Partitions or Subdivisions immediately a4facent to the proposed land division. A vicinity map has been included on both the Site Assessment & Tentative Plan Maps. There are no fue hydrants within 200' of the property. There are' no partitions adjacent to the site, Subdivisions adjacent to the site are shown on the Tentative Plan Map. 4. How the Tentative Plan addresses the standards of any applicable overlay District. The Urbanizable Fringe District criteria are discussed under Tentative Plan - General Item "D". I 5. How the Tentative Plan addresses Discretionary Use criteria, where applicable. 6. A Tree Felling Permit as specified in Section 5.19-100. No discretionary Use or Tree Fallingis sought for this application. 7. A Geotechnical Report for slopes of 15 percent or greater and as specified in Section 3.3- 500, and/or if the required Site Assessment Section 5.12- j 20 indicates the proposed development area has. unstable soils and/or high water table as specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. There are no slopes greater than 15 percent or unstable soils or high water table as specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. 8. An Annexation application as specified in Section 5. 7-100 where a development is proposed I outside of the city limits but within City's urban service area and can be serviced by sanitary sewer. The site is outside the city limits but within the Urban Growth Boundary however there are no sanitary sewer within 300' of this site therefore an Annexation application has not be provided. 9. A wetland delineation approved by the Department of State Lands shall be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property. . The.National Wetlarlds Inventory, as mapped by the Lane County Maps application, does not show wetlands on the site_ I 10. Evidence that any required Federal or State permit has been appliedfor or approved shalf be submitted concurrently. . .. . : No federal or State permits have been determined to.be necessary for this application. '1 11. All public improvements proposed to be installed and to include the approximate time of installation, and method of financing. - No public improvements have been proposed for the application. 12. A title report prepared within one month of the date of submittal. A preliminary title report is included and attached to this application. PRE.SUBMITTAL REeD APR 2, 2, Z008 Helfrich Application Narrative Page 8 of 10 I ~3. Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of a Home()wner's Association Agreement, where 1 appropriate. ' , No deed restrictions are proposed. I 14. If the land division is to be phased, a Future Development Plan for the remainder of the property shall be provided, including timing and financial provisions. This development will not be phased. G. The locations and widths of all existing and proposed sidewalks, pedestrian trails and accesswlrys, , including the location, size and type of plantings and street trees in any required planter strip. There are no proposed'sidewalks, trails, or accesSwlrys.H. The approximate lot/par~elllryout and the approximate dimensiOlis of each building site, where applicable, and the top and toe' of cut and fill slopes to scale. The dimensions of the proposed lots are shown on the Tentative Plan map. The site is nearly' level therefore building sites and top and top of cut and fill is not applicable to this site. No grading is proposed as part of this application. I. The locations and size of all exist(ng and proposed utilities, including but not limited to, sanitary sewer mains, storm drains, water lines, electric, telephone, TV cable, and gas lines., In the case of multiple panhandles, include a utility plan showing how the multiple panhandle parcels will be served by these utilities. The location of existing utilities are 'shown on the Site Assessment map attached to this . Application. Utilities are as marked per Locate Ticket #8030715 and city as-built mapping. Utilities necessary to service proposed Parcel 2 will be located within the 20' Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement as shown on the Tentative:Plan Map. , ' I J. The location, widths and purpose of all existing or proposed easements on and abutting the I proposed land division; and the location of any existing or proposed reserve strips. ' . Easements affecting the subject property as determined by the Preliminary Title report are shown on the Site Assessment Map.' The easement documents are not specific as to location or width. The approximate locations of the easements are shown as determined by record information or as constructed utility lines marked per Locate Ticket #8030715. A 20' Private Jqint Use Access and Utility Easement is proposed to serve Parcel 2. No reserve strips are proposed. I K. The locations of all areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, with the purpose, condition or I limitations of the reservations clearly indicated No public dedications are proposed. I L. The dimensions of the proposed lots/parcels to include square footage calculations. The dimensions of the proposed lots are shown on the Tentative Plan map. The site is nearly level therefore building sites and top and top of cut and fill is not applicable to this site. No grading is proposed as part of this application. Helfrich Application Narrative PRE-SUBMITIAl REC'O APR 2 2 2008 Page 9 of 10 i 1M. The location and outline to scale of all existing structures to remain on the propertY and their I required setbacfss from the proposed new property lines. The existing mobile home will be removed prior to final approval. I N. Cluster Subdivisions shall also address the design standards specified in Section 3.2-230. Not applicable to this site. O. Where the Subdivision of a manufactured dwelling park or mobile home park is proposed, the Director may waive certain submittal requirements specified in Subsections A. through M However, the Tentative Plan shall address the applicable standards listed under the park Subdivision approval criteria specified in Section 5.12-125. Not:applicable to this site. III A TT ACHMENTS I. Typell Land Division Tentative Application 2. Narrative 3. Copy of Deed 4. Copy' of Preliminary Title Report 5. Land Division Tentative Plan (8 Yz"xl I ") 6. Three (3) copies ofStormwaterScoping Sheet 7. Seven (7) copies of Site Assessment Map 8. Seven (7) copies of Land Division Tentative. Plan Map. 9. Seven (7) copies of Stormwater Management System Study &Stormwater Management Plan (all on one sheet) PRE.SURMITlAl REC'O APR 2 2 2008 Helfrich Application Narrative Page 10 of 10 LAFLEUR Karen Subject: location: PRE2008-00024 Pre-Submittal Meeting (Part Tent) Helfrich - Andy _SP _ ConfRm616 Fri 5/2/2008 11 :00 AM , Fri 5/2/2008 12:00 PM Start: End: Recur,ence: (none) Meeting Status: Meeting organizer , Required Attendees: LAFLEUR Karen; L1MBIRD Andrew; Pre-Submittal Group A Pre-Submittal Meeting for a Partition Tentative has been scheduled for Friday, May 2,2008 @ 11:00 - noon in DSD 616. The planner assigned to this application is Andy Limbird. The applicant submitted plans to partition one lot into two parcels in the UGB. Please confirm your attendance at this meeting. Thanks... .Karen PRE.SUBMITIAl REC'D APR 22 2008 c. 1 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax PRE-SUBMITIAl REC',D APR 2 2 Z008 SRAlNOFIEl;O; .'0......""....?"."'~~.'."'"'.-,~......,..~"'. \'1 " ~1 Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2008-00024 Date Submitted: 4/22/2008 Proieet Name: HELFR.ICH PART 2833 20TH ST Projectnescription: Pre-Submittal Meeting - Tentative Partition in the UGB Application Type: Partition Tentative Job Address: 2833 20TH ST Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1703240"000500 DISCLAIMER: Applications will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the time of the Pre-Submittal Meeting 'and Submittal of the Application for Development Review, Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 with any questions or concerns, A Planner will be assigned the following business day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date and time. PlanJobPrint.rpt 4/22/2008 10:25:05AIV , Pre-,Submittal Meeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Friday, May 2, 2008 I. PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2008-00024 (pART TENT) HELFRICH Assessor's Map: 17-03-24-00 TL 500 Address: 2833 20th Street Existing Use: Residential Applicant submitted plans to partition one lot into two parcels Meeting Dateffime: Friday, May 2, 2008 DSD 616 11:00 - noon Planner: Andy Limbird PRE-5UBMllTAL REC'O APR 2 2 2008