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Permit Correction Notice 2008-9-2
"1" '..~...- '..'il;l'j\l'~~~~~'F'W8':\~"'lCfI\~~-1l"~~l~...'li~~'''''.~-''''Y'"-'~,,;'''fJt-~l-.-f~{~'~~'1,~~.:~~""'~~~~'~~.J~~"fF,.'ifi.J>f~~~.-,.-., City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street SPRINGFIELD ~ Date: q / L/ t73 Job# Of - IC~~ Address: '1657 l?Iu~ht'#r:: U;&\y' TO: [1/("Ydnll.lrc{~/J(Cd:./JC;;;Y 6-rf,,;;?rKr5' Inspecti~nType:]eVJ~L7 6k&tl/ t/~</r~ltJ Ptrrr7!f F(t'<7 DIA' /It/r' S9t.""'~ ~tPdv C/e: . > /11# /iOJZ; fJ/~fJ~C C;r~lAv~ ...ft//(IOSdVC -1-0 jJo~1 c /VfC//().IH: f/(qst' y<-+,..",:,,,J,, ~(yt(l;JI",,-,.,f 6-v{')""...A h /('/,,/ !2.t',-<.u/.../(" III. t C //O,!?: f/Ci(H I'o/~(c. !2/,,;f,,1 v/'(~~/...clz:;., !1Ia/s ft> 6-c 1"<<1,) UN'<d~~y rt""J".-IIYmlft:6,~ f . . IJ(I) NfL (so, 74: J1uJ II1wM &w.t'; rJv,,-, /lev. /Vet.. 7)0, 5Z(Ail1): nur) Sl (ovrl""l'AJ,f~ ~u.l{" 0"" (,'(J~llbA. Corrections and reins~ion request shall be ma" gWithin 7;;;:::- calendar days. q /J;}' Call for reinspection !'SJyes DNa Inspector VYurl RI,[a",/,.<At/I Date: - 2:-vo NNNNNNNNNNNNNCall for inspection 726-376 NNNNNNNNNNNQuestions 726-3759NNNNNNNNN