HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-4-26 JOB ADDRESS 4617 Jasper Road, Springfield. Oregon I TRS TL 1S-:02-05 f1 2201 , , \ " . " POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC-873-79-TMII SubdiVISion na \ This permit for the referenced property IS hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed result In revocation of this permit, citation under provIsions of Lane County's I nfractlon Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law Applicant/Address Owner/ Address Contractor/ Address Contractor's OS # Violation can K. L. Woolery. 4617 Jasper Road. Springfield, Oregon 97477 .** same I I Total Construction Value I Telephone Telephone Telephone 746-9567 I I ConstructlOn approved by thiS permit Renewal of TM11-63o-78. Renew each year. Structures now on property: mobile home and multi purpose building. \/Vater Supply well PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTiON CONTROL DIVISION . Setbacks Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way BUilding foundation Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PERM ITS/I NSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site Date Issued 04-26-79 C5513 # Bedrooms # Plumbing Fixtures # Employees 2 na "" ZOning Agt Partitioning # Minimum required structural setbacks, from side exterior na , interior property IlI1es Special I nstructlons none na Parcel # na centerline of road, front na na ,rear property line na Parcel Size , centerline of road, 3.57 acres For Information call 687-4394, Ro2er Hollis Site Inspection # na Installation specifications na na lineal feet of dralnfleld required, max depth of trenches na Special Instructions If SDS should fail. a for to repair through this gal mln septic tank capacity, permit to repair must be applied office. Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Dralnfleld 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call /;117-39.62 between 8 00 - 9 00 a m I!.a~ "..ray. " " Type of Construction MIl Group MIl Instructions Renew each year. Fire Zone 3 Use Classification SFD/TMII For plans Information call 687-3760 between 8 00 a m and 9 00 am, Ralph Hough For inspections (see back of thiS permit) call 687-4065 between 8 00 a m and 5 00 p m ~ne county (a , ~, none o DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 6TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By John E. BossIly ... lane county Water Pollutlon Control Dlvlslon Envlronmental Manaqement Department 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oreqon 97401 LOCATION Twp Ranqp (Complete SubdlV1S10n Name Sectlon Tax Lot # the follow~ng, ~f apol~cable) I.ot # Block # ~ system located on thlS property has ever falled by dlScharqlng sewage upon the ground surface or lnto publlc waters, by clogglng or backlng up, or In any other manner ~ I have lnformatlon that the eXlstlng subsurface sewage dlsposal sys- tem located on thlS property has falled In the past by dlscharglng sewage upon the ground surface or lnto publlc waters, by clogglng or backlng up, or In some other manner, and that I have no lnformatlon that the eXlstlng subsurface sewage dlsposal The system has been repalred and has operated contlnuously Slnce the repalr wlthout other fallures Date(s) repalrerl I have had personal knowledge of the performance of the eXl~tlng subsurface sewage dlsposal system located on thlS property for ' 7 years and months ~ D The system has not been repalred The eXlstlng sewage dlsposal system conslsts of a) Septlc tank has' b) Number of dralnllnes c) Length of dralnllnes d) Dlstrlbutlon box? Yes ga 11 on capaCl ty No The eXlstlng septlc system was lnstalled (Date), under Lane County BUlldlng Permlt # Thls system last served a dwell lng havlng --3 bedrooms (lnclude all rooms WhlCh could be used as a bedroom, though actually used for other purposes such as for a den or a sewlng room) OR, lf for commerclal use, thlS system last served an establlshment havlng employees, and gallonsl day sewage flow ThlS system was last used on (Date) In case of an addltlon, the new portlon wlll be eXlstlng dralnfleld APPLICANT~/.J 11 ;; PROPERTY OWNER i2]Yes 0 No DATE --rYJ h J, I O'Z - I '7 79" feet away from the uJt~/ (J C74-156 WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION / 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT EUGENE OREGON 97401 / 15031 687-4061 'W' PUBLIC NOTICE 1 Jlo ~ (LB- ~ If'MPllRA Y MOB11' 1I0MI PIRMIT APPW AT I ON II 8.JJ - 7 i tl I ~L if PO~TIN(, DAn jj;j~ 7' frr- K ~~iJ!l~'~ ;/ld(~rucMIT). (Addre" of Property WhPl(;td1e ~m" will he Located) liAS RFQUESTED A I r..MPORARY MOB I Lr llOHF PERMIT FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR AS PROVIDED BY LANE rODE II 100-10(4) ~ A personal, but not necessarily financial, hardship exists whereby It is necesgqry to have someone liv1ng on the same prem! sea that support the applicant's dwelling or mobile home. The mobile homc will be used for the applicant's personal use during the time J conventional dwelling is being con- structed on the premIses, after which it will be removed; The mobile home wIll be used by an employee of this applicant for bona fld~ dgrlcultur.II, forestry management, or mineral extraction purpose!:!, The mobil" Ilome will be used for resident1al purposes for a watchman <1, L aretakpr, In conjunction with a conunercial or Industr1.r1 IIgp [] o D A.,"{Y ~WIC.HBOR1N( I(L\lDI NI Uil IECflNG 10 IlllS PROPOSW USE ~lAY CALL THE DEPAR1MJ NT OF I NV I !{()N~!I- NTAL MAM(.E~1I N r rOR FURTHER INFORMATION. IF NO WRJ rrFN OBlEC r I ON~ IIAvr BHN RFrETVW WITHIN TEN DAYS AND THE PROPOSED Il~t, MHTS OTHER CRITrRTA fHIS 1EMPORARY MOBILE HOME PERMIT WILL BE IS~UE.D FOR A PERIOD or ONI- YEAR, RFNFWABLE ANNUALLY c--~ ??' /;;iP- is ~ !J;;/I IlIl'AI(IMrN'1 or rNVTRONMCNTAI MANAC,EMFNT LAN! COUNTY pum Ir ~I RVlC I BUlLDINC. 687-4065 , ,- , I: I , " I' ,,I ,- l' ! I I' ,I ,I, .1 II , " I, Ii , ,. I' "