HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 8/29/2008 AUG-29-2008 08:2t CASCADE TITLE .....,.. 541 485 0307 P.06/07 5 ~Ul.... .~Ift6I"AMt IAl.I! M~U'g.y JGIM fIb!:I:!~!!J,""-QliLI.2...!l7. .nu....lu.. ..... ....~" .~n.b...-"Ji'~: ~,; ~~;;;.~~1w-~;;":,_...:-c:-:..~~~il II ::::::::~:::::::::~:::::::::(i;;;;i~~:ni-';t~ii;;;;'i;;j'd~i;;d;;j';;;;;;';;;;";;;;;;~;;';~~::::::::,:,:::':,:::::::',:::::.:::...COUnfr. " OtcAon. ro..wU.. , . Beginning at a P>lnt ~ 890 49' 20" East 80.03 feet: fmn the I SOuthea$t -..- of the A. C. Stevens Donation tand Clajm No. 45. I 'l'OWn$h1p 17 ~. llan;e 3 west. WU1alette llerid.ianr running thence IlOrth 89 49' 20" Fast: 335.57 feet: to> a ~t "" the I,;' Wester1yri.ght of way of Gateway street; thencle al.onq said ri.ght of way line on a 1869.86 fCJ% radlus _ to the ri.ght (the lonq Ii ~ of Wh1cl1 bears South 2 SO' 11" _ 135.75 feet:) a distance :j of 135.79 feetl thencle South 04 56' 00; _ 4.45 feet. thonoe '.,.!, leaving ,said 2;ght Of way 11Do South 89 49' 20' _ 328.0 f....t; thenclB North 0 10' 40" _ 140.0 feet to the point' of berJinnin3. in Iane, Chm1:y, ..-....:J'-.; .1 I I I I S!I ~I '" II' UIIJtI. .... I. ...........u kilt ........."'" II E,7,.';~::;::. ,m:., II~::~,.. .,,'.., l::="'" ""A;~~~~~~ ~ 1- " "i. ;t~ . '" ~ 'i1 " .:;: ~~ f ~ ~ ~ -'I ;., . ~ ~ n, ~ ~ .i .~ .~ ~ : '1 r:.i: "" 'li ,. o' J: J 1. '. 1 : ;, ?.' j; ~ ,~ ~ ~ i: II "/1 I" ll'o\C[ IfGljJF~llIIIl. CONJIMlE OfSCItPtlQP.r oN .tV{1lft SI~J I ; T'- t.... -..idoraiKm for t/I/. oon,..y._ i. '.~~..9,Q!h.Q9.... (Hero _Ir with f~'''rllr''''lilll!lJJllIIn; 93J13DJI. ::~:::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::'::::::::::::::::~:i:;:=rEiHi::~: -....D~;;;.b;.;;;;;;;;;.~..;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;~il2lt..n:..:.."..n.....m.n............;,..._:..m;-;;;;m'ii#:';:jq::::::::::::,'.:;i9i!~:::: THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW un 6, tHE "ROPfIlTT DI.., . ' .' sc..... I. T." '..T....... 1.".LATI...'..'LICA'ULA.. ~ ~ ,.'. Ua~ ';t.ws.aa~ ~G&'tT~:to....'&u. ~1'~"'.\!'.1: 'r.nN"r~=i .".....~ ..........'}"....;........... ...............,.....".... ,....m...:lli. ...... WITH TIt. ."00,.,,,. CITY.I By..._... ....V--"".... =.........:.Jtftid.nt & r ~~::.~...A\IT..Nr T.. n...,. "'llO'Il. U.... III< ...~.~..'::.=:..;...:...._..................... on .................. ,:.,,,.. '.' . .. m 14" il STACB 0,. OR'POIr. 0..." ";;ta:::.i" ~ ,,'. .. ., )... ... .. , &J,.... ... .."__.."."..,,........ ,..JJ<) !. _w"::~E??.=~.~=E::~~~;~.~:~,:~~~~:~~;~ i' .::~:........,".,:~'..,....."._"n.."...:.,...''';:'_:..:..::......~'i~i ~ i~,'..~ ~;:7':x,~,i. 0...;".,:'. 4-~VI" ",.. ': .11 lEIIallna.. rau&llll",,,"'...."..,-,.,.J.dIt4_rJJ,.,,,lIUftMlfo.._~_olWlfaadd.w/. . ..., ~~& em be -. ~~~,~.J~"~~~i(~t?f:\,,..:. ..', I' . Notrtry,ht/i, tor o~J"" ecRunI~ ~H.:..~I.1f.? ~"..~. , . ?77 ., '\\' , ' '..1......" STATlf OF OR~:~~........,......._.. ~ . 11M witlWt bulro- <thor_em,lIo. . _.uN ANI> &aLlIl DlIZi> ~ i&:~~~::. ~ . ':::JIBR." ....~.....z.~ *"",.,...... ....... .....'."CASCADEESCROW'.. .....'.--.-.11l711.'OAl(,."....... ....... -""'" "EUGEH:;,(lfIE' 97401.... ..._, .."" ...."'......,..68Z~u.:,,;j;"" , d~ .!ill! j-i liJl .,!,,, diU g" ~i w,! ~l Cl.' ~E j; U~ I0I'l0 ...:~.s. 1 1 '" a: .. ~ ~d :j ...... ('I) ~ CD If i T'" :! i.. H >. CI:" m ..:.y.~.*~ ..~'Q:f:Jf~:. \ I I II I I i I ii :1 !/ I' .........-........-;..;i.:&-.......... ]1 ...........-....... Deputy Ii ..__.~...__..--., l'........J ~ ..._.N;; anti ttJCOtdl1d DO No~._~..__..._~..;.. ~ ell' u J./lilolinstru. f>>~tion N(j....._..;....~._. ~ 1IIIid Count". . , IuuwI am! iHJ 01 Date Received: AUG 2 9 2008 Original Submittal AUG-29-2008 08:21 CASCADE TITLE 541 485 0307 P.07/07 .-- \,;.l-.LO.l/~O t.!tv b.dl~ g.L.g lOg6~lS .fter~r'im'nm: ~,~.~,?,~...~,~~,~.!......".,... 9f:I~~!~4 . '1:I:i; .~~~ ~Ji1! J~ ~ i l ,I!(J ~$ I, ~~ K= ~! f '. ('I) !~ ~l li~:1 i;" ~~ i5 ~l~ ~, J H ~ WARRANTY DEED-STATUTORY FORM ;\~ ~.' ~ 1 ,"'1: 933711"II4lw"y.,~,9.,S=th....,,,,.,,.,,..,,,,...... Junction City, Oregon 97448 5;;.,.,",.................""NAMi;'ADOii:iESSi:'ii""...""...;,......... 1~;~ia~.mcil..tall........Qr; it' SA!lI.i:I 'l' . ill ~ ~ C13 I~Mf.Q~. ZIP'" ~~~~~~~~;,c:t.l.iI,~~~:=."...4>.:.~=:-=.:%;~=:... KAJOIl nEFOE ........... ..,.""."" ",."",." ",.. .,.. ..... ..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.., ...,...,,,,,.,,,,,,,,..,,..,.....,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, '''''''''''' """".,.- """",.""....,llrantor """""YB and warrants to ,...llll1IAlJl"H....JlEFOE..,alUl...lABI.A..,L...DEFOE..."Iwsb.and........"lla".,..",."".""""".'.'.." .... ...."'"" .....,,'" ..... ..,,,...,,,,,..,..... '"' .,"'..,.,..._....~...."..'m"'... ............ ........"'........ ......_..._".......... ..........""..... ............"" ....... ..... ....,,, .... GNlntee. the:, '. i.! '."" ,:,,;..... '." ". " "... of '""""'1Il.a...., ~.. ~ 1181: _ heroin. Beginning at a point North 89' 49' 20~ Eaat 80.03 feet from the Southeast corner of the A. C. Stevens Donation Land Clalm No. ~5, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Merldlan; running thence North 89. 49' 20. Esst 335.57 feet to's p01nt on the ~ Westerly r1ght of way of Gateway Street; thenee along ssid right ~ of way l1ne on e 1869.86 foot radius Curve to the right (the long chord of which bears South 2' 51' 11" West 135.75 feet) a distance of 135.79 fe~t; thence South 04' 56' 00. West ~.45 feet; thence leaving said right of wily line South 8g. 49' 20. West 328.0 feet; thence Narth O' 10" ~O" West aO.O feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; -',... . l!B!IfAT.I4',~." .:5.00 ~T.14'9IJlIO;lPfUlD 10~00 g~y .14'9IIIIOJMT Fl.Nl20.00 ' ; '..' . i ,~tl~.I,."~III";"~,,,~ ': r' ; ."-:...~:".Il!ll/:;',,,\,,,.'" '.' ",'t' ........ v...~,..,-' . .~., _,"r" " . /.....-.t'".:~: ';,. .,...~. " fFPMIRIMSlW;;l;.aMN.IE '''~.'' ,CIH.____ .<;,. ,,-, .. '1 $ ,(~-..I:".'tli, "', ~l8fntBh:'omeuena. ". '; ,...;..GXCcIPt cond:LUOUIIIt reGitt':1atiQQ.S" .aae.llIe.~ts of .I'" . 'U.... r \: ". . .t~}l-"'::I.'"' . : "; ''';fl~\7.~\Ct" -~J 1'\,:,..\.". Uf). ...1iYOl ; \ /",:- ~ ... '\\",'/6(,/ :'. <1)> ..........\)ft..v.. . ...., ,:::..'"0'1'" ........!. record. to: choanae. T"", c:onsiderullan for U1is 00I1'IeTh:8 is S "_lug....... May II 90 Oetod...... ....... ;,t......... ..... ...... 19........... .4::..:=................ srAlCOF"'"..,u,~.Co\myafUlne.... F '''. ,"",,_theabovefllllloid Major Defoe and scknDWledgod the Icnlgoing InGtrumanl: to be ....~~.~...I~_. Be~' ~; // o-d....~~r...!.?............'m:.A.D.19,..9~..:m......... '-,. ',. ~;I.~....2).:~a.:u..~[:iM...". ....c....._._, """'faolbgon . ,[ ~,. ; .;-..... ::, 'I- ~ :l-f.l. CAlICADETITLICll I"" '0711 Dlik *"-, EugoIlo FlftI'lNO.101 (~J;. f'--......... . "f . . . Date Received. ". . AUG 2 9 2008 Original Submittal TOTAL P.07