HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 8/29/2008 :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Minimum Development Standards Wi(~~ - -~ ~- -- Requir~d Pro~e~t: Information (Appljcant:~ complete this section) Applicant Name: ClIl.lf .1T!'tt/..1~r. Phone: fl/-~f"rg Icompany: .ffEjl//J;t1,1 ftfdt- t:Nll.~li/7Fj Iile G Fax: " Yh - ff2 ( !A~,~,~~~~;, f~6.(<"",tff!tll(/!/{Jf"."IJ': .:fl{,"~,. ." ~f11!1(~{l4(l,,~, 11 f'?~ IAPPlicant's Rep.: RPN/lt./J ,t, rJi//We5 Phone: 726 J$7?S- Icompany: R.PN:ttIJ 1'. 7iI/ai5 I j./ttlll Teal Fax: 7% -fl~'/ IAddress: I~,/J~Y ~5' Il/At1l,t!//ttE( OJ( 97189 """"'..'!.'r:Io.."" "~".~;,:,"..~ti,~,,.<-'-'~' il;d:,~"l,-'~ .......-". .'"~''''",..[;<;'h~,,'''''i!J;'.'' ._,'e.-" ',. ,,;.,.~ -~,,,,.-.,,- "; Property Owner: Mil/oil. Il;f~~;: , Phone: b8'j - 97tJtJ Company: Fax: !~ddre~s: , ~f!?!("/A/I1"./r!!,,, .E:~ft'A(t,\Of:, lJ1fi/t" "" '. IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17.0-; .21,.W ITAX LOT NOeS): 2~ 0 I Property Address: J't~o ?,IrEI#~1' .fr,fJJ/JIAfPdL.d,~ 91f'77 !~.ize o!~~ope~:_,f~/J{t(, _ '.," ,.A~re~,.o,~quare Feet 0 I~~:~~~::~n of ;ZJtifEllin10 this2;;;;';Qtrs;;ttaJ;B?~b;iP~~;;';~'~~ IExisting Use: '..e;11"/Jtt~/J1/f ,J.#'v-/#f Mj.' . . . ISignatures: Please si nand rint your name and date in the a I I ___ -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . -. Date Received: ,. AUG 2 9 2008 Original Submittal Signatures )) , ':/' 't',': ,", :.',' "ll,.:,.. , .:~:~.~ .' (,~, ;~ <I' 1.,".' The undersigned acknowledges that the information'in this application is correct and accurate. Applicant: (l tM Sbo~ s;gnature Date: &-17-013 f).f~ls ST6u)~T Print, Rene,- JJ Print t theoowner'zjhe wn hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. , I' A -. ' - ,~~ 'j/)) I~ ~ Date: fj d /; t!YIE /.. -:V , /- VVl'1)b:'\ J~e.~e-- Owner: Plot Plan Preparation: I certify that I prepared the attached plot plan and that it contains the information specified in the submittal requirements checklist.! certify that the plot plan is accurateJ~based upon field locates and the best available information. I understand that City sta_ff will rely UP9" the plo~ plan in making any decisions regarding the Minimum Development Standards application. I. accept full "responsibility and liability in the event that there are a omissionsl mistakes, or inaccuracies in the plot plan. r- ~t .4~ V Plot P~ Preparer Signature !imlt/ I, 1j/;ep$7' #UA/~ Print " Date, 4t~ Date Received: AUG 2 9 2008 Original Submittal 1'(')" RONALD E. THIENES ARCHITECT 8/22/08 Date Received: Planning Department City of Springfield 225 5th St. Springfield, Or 97477 AUG 2 9 2008 Original Submittal Minimum Development Standards Explanation of Proposal Project Name: A Dutch Bros Coffee Shop Chris Stewart of Stewart and Sons Enterprises, Inc. is proposing to place a prefabricated coffee shop at 3620 Gateway St. in Springfield. The existing site.is ,approximately 46,365 square feet and is occupied by the China Sun restaurant.,The 353 square foot coffee shop would be placed in the southeast corner ofthe property and would have a project area of 5,577 square feet. Previously, "Cafe Diva" occupied this same location. The prefabricated coffee shop will be placed upon a permanent foundation and will be served by permanent utilities. , Access to the coffee shop will be via the existing 39-foot approach that currently serves the existing restaurant. There will not be any off-site improvements. Preparation of the site will be minimal but will required a removal of approximately 18 yards of soil for the foundation and landscape excavations. There are no plans to modify the existing grades or influence the existing drainage. There are uo special site features such as wetlands, watercourses, or steep slopes and there are no existing trees to be removed. There is currently only one easement that directly affects the property and that exists along the north boundary and is that has been granted to PP&L as a right of way. This proposal requires the removal of six parking spaces that serve a restaurant, which under current code would require 74 spaces. The existing site only provides 68 spaces. It is possible to reconfigure the parking by adding compact spaces and some parallel parking to increase the available parking spaces, however, our observations indicate, that 'even at peak hours of business, the restaurant demands less than half of the available spaces. The parking spaces to be removed are the maximum'distance from the entry to the restaurant that this site will allow and the peak business hours of each business are eight hours apart. We are asking that this development be allowed with the parking configuration shown on the site plan, but, would be willing to change the configuration in the future, if parking becomes an issue. We do not anticipate any requirement for additional planning applications, MDS exceptions or time line extensions, Please call me at 726-8795 or e-mail atrt878ralaol.comif additional information in needed. ~ Respectfully, ~~J ~ c/ Ron~ E.Thienes, Architect PO, BOX 25 WALTERVILLE, ORE 97489 541-726-8795 '0 ., . u 1\0, o .., Iii' 3' !!. en c 0- 3 ~:.i (p -1 m lJ r l> Z ~ = II UT ~ I ~ = ~ l>Ul~~ ! \l I ~ IS --..~ l" , )> c:: Ci) NJ t.O NJ = = ex> o ri ::0 CD g <' CD a. 11","",44'" 'GK --- ~ . ,,,,,,,"u',,,,. .".., --i' ,c ~ ~ ~ ("""""""" 'N..,: I i'~/ f l ::4., I .. I ' , ' , l..,.,'. .. / ' , ...."" , '? ~ i~ I , """""""",,,,,.,,,, : I ri;! Q:i I 1: i ~; ~\ I ' D '," · 'i ~tll' I e: ~ :~j \ L.'....~0.!jF..ii 1~:t.{!~.,.',:'.'..,\..,",:..,......'-~j.J I ffi7"""""" , , . ""'('!":"'~'I.I :>-.l.;:;,.\t::;.'.i. 'Ci7 I , \..., _1.,._ rll<l : '" '"~) ~a I :'.-- , r ~ . . & , k= - ~~ I . r - . r . , 0 . - r . r - . - r . . CArS'AY STHIIT A COFFEE 5l-l0P !'OR Cl-lRI5 5TEWART !62fZl GA'T'EU.l.s\Y 6T. -,;j.-..... __~,:;.U), OR ~~ P_O. IIC~ 2lI W......1ERVLll!. QlQ!OON 17_ PI<ONE,541.r_tM '~ft~~ \ Ilh liq~ Ioi~ \~ i .~---- RONALD E, THIENES ARCHITECT ",I\UG-29-2008 08: 21 ,_ CI\SCADET I TLE Win Title EVANS, ELDER AND BROWN 101 EAST BROADWAY EUGENE, OR 97401 ATfN: JEFF ELDER DescriDtion 08/21/08 Owner's Standard 08/21/08 Goverrunent Service Fee' 08121108 Temporary Billing ~ . ;, - :II CA~EDE co. STATEMENT Policv Amount , i Grand T olal 541 485 0307 P.0l/07 PAGE I OUR NO: 0259845 YOUR NO: DATE: 08/28/2008 OFFICER: DOUG PiERCE SELLER: BUYER: DEPOE Premium Amount 0,00 25.00 225,00 250,00 PLEASE SHOW OUR NUMBER ON YOUR REMIITANCE Pll!tn:R Rl!mU ta: Date Received: AUG 2 9 2008 Original Submittal 811 Willamene Street. Eugene, Oregonm401 Phone: (541) 687-2233' PlIl<: (541) 485-0307. omail; irifo@cascadetitle.com f. 'AUG-29-2008 08:21 CASCADE TITLE, 641 486 0307 P.02/07 - In CASCADE rlTLE CO, 11~Im~mllil ~i ~Iml ~llrnI PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT EVANS. ELDER AND BROWN ATTN: JEFF ELDER 101 EAST BROADWAY EUGENE. OR 97401 August 28 I Report No: Your No: 'Seller; Buyer: 2008 .0259845 Date Received: DEFOE TO COME AUG 2 9 2008 ,PRELIMINARY REPORT FOR:. Owner's Standard Policy Original Submittal $T/C PREMIUMS: Ownerls Standard Premium Government Service Fee Temporary Billing $T/C $25,00 $225,00 We are prepared to issue 2006 (6/17/06) ALTA title insurance policyliee) of CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY of OREGON, in the usual form insuri~g the title to the land described as follows: Beginning at a ,point North 890 49' 20" East BO. 031:' feet from the southeast corner of the A. C. Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 45, T9wnship 17 South, Range 3 'west, Willa.mette Meridia.'n: running thence North 890 4~" 2011 East 335.57 feet to a point on the westerly right of way of Gateway Street; thence along said right of way line on a 1669.85 foot radius curve to the right (the 'long chord of which bears South 20 51' 11" West 135,75 feet) a distance of 135.79 f;'et; thence South 040 56' DO" West 4.45 feet; thence lea.ving said risht of way line 'South 89lJ 4~' 20" West 328.0 feet; thence Narth OQ 10' 40" We~t 140.0 feet to the P9inc of beginning, in Lane Councy, Oregon. Vestee: RONALD M. DEFOE DATED AS OF: AUGUST 21; 2008 AT 8,00 A,M, Schedule B of the poli.cy(ies) to be issued will contain the following general and special j,' . exceptions unless removed prior to issuance: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS (Standard Coverage policy Excepti~ns) , " ' ,1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown a.s existing; 1 iens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessmente on real property or by the Public Records; proceedings by a public agency whiCh may result in, taxes or assessments, Or notices of such proceedings, whethe;r or not shown by the records of such. agency or by the public Records. No liability is assumed hereunder l/Illil policy has been 'issued andfilil policy premium hos been paid MAIN OFFICE FLORENCE . EUGENE FAX, . 811 WILLAMETTE ST. . EUGENE, OREGON 97401' PH, (541) 1901 HWY 101 . S. 2 · FLORENCE. OREGON 97439 . PH, (541) 485-0307 . B.MAIL, infol1lcaBcadetitle..com . FLORENCE FAX; 687-2233 997-8417 997-8246 AUG-29-2008 08:21 CASCADE TITLE 541 485 0307 ' P. 03/07 Order No. 0259845 pase 2 2, Facts, rights; ,interests or claims which are not sh9wn by the PUblic Recol'ds but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the Land or by making inquiry ot persons in possessi?n thereof. ]'. Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the Public Records; reservations or- -exceptions in patents or in Acts authori:ting the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. . 4. Any encroachment! encumbrance I viola~ionl variati~n, or adve~se circumstance affecting the Title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land, 5. Any lien. or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, i~po5ed by law and not shown by the Publ ic Records. I SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS, 6, Taxes fo~ the tiscal year .008-2009, a lien not yet payable. 7. Right of way easement, including the terms a.nd provisions thereof, granted to pacific Power & Lignc Company, as set forth in instrument recorded April 9, 1974, Reception No, HUOU, Lane county Official Records, " " ~ 8. Leasej including the terms and provisions thereoft~ from R. Major Oefoe and Karla K. Defoe, to Edgar C. and Mary Ann Brown, reco~ded 'May'}O, 1997, Reel No. 2296, Reception No, 9734170, Lane County Ofticial Records. 9, Deed of Trust) including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Ronald Major Defoe, Grantor, to Evergreen Land Title Company, TruBtee, for the benefie of LibertyBank, Beneficiary. oated January 15, 2008, re'corded January n, 2008. Reception NO. 2008-003819, Lane County Official Racotds, to secure payment <?t a note in the amount of $550,000.00, 10.. Assignment of rente due or to become due and ace ruins from said property, including the term5 and provisions thereof. from Ronald Major qefoe, ,who acquired title as Ronald M. Defoe, to Liber,tyl3ank, dated Ja,nuary 15, 2008, re.corded January 22, 2008, Reception No, 2008-003820. Lane County Official Records, ':' 11", Financing Statement recorded January 2"2, 2 008 ,Reception No. 2008- 003821, Lane County Official Records, lists Ronald Major Detoei as Debtor, and LibertyBank; as Creditor, with security information obtainable from creditQ~. NOTE;; Taxes, Account Nt? l08G9l5, Assessor's Ma.p NO. 17. 03 22 2..0/ #2300, Code 19-00, 2007"2008, in the amount of $10,015,83, PA!D IN FULL, NOTE: As of the date hereot. there are no ma.tters again~t RONALD M. DEFOE, which would appear as exceptions in the policy to issue, except "~S!: shoWn herein. NOTE: According to the public record, the following deed'(s) affecting the property herein described have been recorded within 24 months of the eUective date of this report, NONE NOTE: The policy to bE issued may contain an arbitration clause. When the Amount of Insurance is less than the amount, if any, set forth i~ the arbitration clause, all a~bitrable matters shall be arbitrated at the option of e1ther the Company-or the Insured" as the exclusive remedy of the parties. Date Received: AUG 2 9 2008 Original submittal AUG-29-2008 08:21 ,CASCADE TITLE 541 485 0307 P.04/07 Order No. O~59845 pas-e 3 This report is preliminary to the issuance of a policy of title insurance and shall become null a.nd void unless a. policy is issued and the full 'premium pAid. Cascade Title Co~ , ~ By: kd: Title Officer, DOUG PIERCE Date Received: AUG 2 9 2008 Original Submittal " rsoo '8 .' 904 -;: J /+1,00 AC. . ~ .," f' .t.' .... ~ ; +1'.""", .3 'I:: "";-v / ~ ."f /\J \( :e:~z,o.'j ..... ... l/lL:a ,~ ~Fa~RtJSE( ~ " l) :,../.... <:'2f!~' ~ ,"" 'AI'~.!ij'IS~''E_8!f.~' " 0' lig . , ^ " !!:OS"l.1'.'lQ..... e -M.U....:..........., I-'~" R~H1'j,19' J' '<: ~ . , ~Ofl,.1l1.'~~.V J I, W -f;:J'li!' , , ~ R=m:,oe'~ '-: . '::..W . J"I. ~ ( jlllr\.oo" ..~, SOC'04"OQ'C I. . ~ ." \.il21" ---;--- ~ I- ~ r . S41"O'41''w', I f"- t; 2J:rs', f VJ," tl~~'4'5'20'"" ];5,9'" ~ I I 24'".00' ,~ Ji('~"V.JT'.."JJ~.,.'iI.- -.. ~ ~ ,g J' i"--- lJ.fn l~ t I 2-HKl ~ SECOR ~ 8(f',~'.?O' t' . ~'5.'" / ~I l~ . . ., <<0,,,,<>' n" .' u. ~ A. STEVENS ,,2001 ~. ,2102,: 2101. \, CA. LANDESS~ ?O.77 AC'a!'~ .~ ~" I:'~~ D L C 45 ... ll' I ..; ~ ~'~' :t. \ I "'''{ . ., "\" , 0 ~ 'A'" .. ' ',' ~ ' /"".' , ~ . I ) A' -{.I",.. .l ~ ' :/ - ~ ~f40;);I~ --.~ .0'"J'tJ.F. ;;J';~~~ \ ~/_~~', \} .<... "-_n..'''' . ,~. 2300 " i ~~, :.I~ Q .... .l'rA'/............. ~""' '. . ,'( . '-~t.; \J "11\: ~ . 2 -.... ~~I ,. ":""" ,~"'lfill . to " !: ~ 41 3 \ ~ \ ;,':": ~ ~, '" ~ \ ~.T"' - '"":a... /-'I'w~1 r /4r-:- "..f,. "--....... l"; .7...../..~.dA. J.' 1'Itl."'.4q''Y>'~ .: 1 ,'" 2403 II 2402 ;;; 2414 ....'e.' .~ ~ ""Ji-'h. '~J,I~r ~C"O,63A~;."..' u ~J~~2407J 'i[li(~ I ~to~102;~~~:,:~.~'tl ~ ~'. l.,~}... "':~-..., - , ~./.l 1~.t' ,_... 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'_""'"-- ...-A..,J TH!S ~\t;P IS i 0 ;~ss\s.r LCiCAfiN(i PROPERTY THE cor.1?:,t~Y ;',SSU1.\ES tiO I.I.'.Rll.ITY FCK HI"CCl:I\;CIES w' . ~ ..<t".fJUf';'lr".E: 4.1.r. /.1" .....~;;, ~2'3IR' 1900 J,11 AC, t , :,. " ".. . , . '- ., .' \ ~OJ ~~ I";~ ~- < , ~ " , 541 485 0307 P,05/07 i:~l _.,... ~~ .3~..r. 'H.AA<>5~';"!o"e .-*:;';.00' 901 1,00 AC. 5 Ni:l~OoS5'S'",..!; i!4.e. QO' 905 1,01 AC, 4 2200 Date Received: AUG 2 9 2008 Original Submittal .Lf:.. fi#. '~..I~ J dl' ."'",'.,r.r:r A' I ....~I'. '/' . H .;p" .,tJ~ .";".E /;J 64' . 3000 ...:0. \ \ ~ , . AUG-29-2008 08:21 " ~, ~i :\, ~ ~, , ~ "1 I I =! ~;I Q)I I , , , CASCADE TITLE I, I 1 I - ~ _ _.&HI> 8ALlO Dmn ~~,~..~'"..... ON ~-rMt.!~- '~'M'9 ..~.... ." ':~~: . ....~,Q~.x.,~........ .., " '" ~~!;Y.,..,m, ?~~~Jl,.., .., '-",lID"" .h....... "'.. -- MrtfIIMt ..... Nt ,.,.,"'."..CASCI\DE'ESCftOW'.. 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DtJputy Jj Date Received: AUG 2 9 2008 Original Submittal AUG-29-2008 08:21 CASCADE TITLE 541 485 0307 P,07/07 .-- ~1-~O~/~~ ~'v a~b~ gLg l086915 0., 4ltw ra:cniIw I'BW'>> m: Major nefoe ............,..,.,,,.,., ""..........,......... < 'tI:i:; at .. -s,,1! .ai~ h.~ f ,"sl .;: ~fl is. ~-i Ii 'lit (:I,,~ ~d ~h .t ."..~~~,~~ "'" f~ ~' ~ ~ ~ 933111..lI4hway,.9,9.,.SOUch..",....,..,..... ......, '.,... ,...... Junct10n ~ity. Orogon 91448 5.7;.".''''....,....,......."..NAMi.~:':iP'K:'..''.......,.~... ~ .. t)(f!JIl~i&I'8QUIloIfall.qit..tGlll!lUlfll"l'a'll;Q; ~ Saae . ..".................".... .........,....................... $0: ", ....- -j ,~ 51 Q) if ..- i L ! \~J .. ~j id ~i ..'" :::, !~ ~ 'i! .B i WARAANTY DEED-STATUTORY FORM ~" 1; N o =n ~~"~"ZIP ~~~""u:=~~:~:;:;_~.,.UlIIIl~=:-~::t~-=:... w.JOR PEFOE . .............. """"""'" ...........".,.....................,.-."....."..........-.......""'.........-........-.........,.."'..,.... .........,....................- ..........-.,.-... .,Gr&rw- ccnveys_ WOITantG to ...,llOlIAUUI.,.,.DEFOS",.IId...EA1l1.A...it..:..DSalE....,IuW>an4,A"wJ.h_....,......., ....,......""......................."................H.......""......,._...........".."""."...... .......,...".....................""",...."...............,,"',....,............"",,,.... ..........,.".. GrsI1llle,thelolowingdoo..ibedl'8lll...",., freeof..... .. .""~"opocl/IcIlIl\'Bet/crl;hheroin, BeginnIng at a p01nt North 89' 49' ,20" Eaat 89.03 reet from the Southeast corner of the A. ~. Stevens Donation Land ~lal~ No. ~5, Townsh1p 17 South, Range 3 West, ,Wl11amette Her1d1an; runn1ng tn'lnoe North 69' ~9' "20" East 335.57 feet to'li p01nt on the ,u;) Westerly right of way of Oateway Street; thence along said r1ght ~ of way line On a 1869.86 foot radius eurve to, the r1ght (the long ohord of wh10h bears South 2' 51' 11" West 135.75 feet) a d1stanee of 135.79 feet; thenee South 04', 56' 00" West 4.45 feet; thenee leaving said 'right of "'''y line South 89' 49' 20" West 328.0 feet; tl>enoe North O' 10' 40" West 140.0 feet to the point of beg1nnins, in Lane County, Oreson; , ~Y.14'9lllIOOIiEc, , .', :5.00 !l!o!!IIAY.14''i'OlIIl3I'f\Ml '10;00 ~Y .14'9OIIIl;W,T FIJI) '20,00, '. ' . I . .~~~."~:.~.~I^I~~~~.(..:;;..." " ,.",h" ........ "A~'..' , . .- '. I.~.~ ~ ; /1-".'.;:.. -a\i".... ...~~CCMN.IE ......,. ., C>>I:~~ {~/.'~~<;~:.,l'",lnletromell..... .~., ...'. _ COnditions. restr1cti.... & .......:... of r.cord. t ': .:.;f':.,\rO.~\~:,I~J ~ I.' V .... ff,qo" J \ .:..' '\~'. '. .:..,-r... b l ; ... ./'.~ i, ... "'.~' ~ .,' ~.....,,.,....~.......~~ ,", . '.., .:;..."or. .,':""'. to c:hAnse y"", CGnliidmlllan forll1i8~ "11<0.0.I:1.g"".., lIey JI, 90 Dated.............:;...."..,....,.."., 19........." ~; 'fl1-- " .............. ... ......u _.L ............................... ...,'~!.~,~ ....... """.......T1.........,.."....,.."..,...,.., ~ '~'i.' .. r\ ":'. ,....i ............ ;,~theabovenarnBd ..,t STATE OF V"~""I"'. Cotny at L.Bno. &S. Major Dl!lfot;! end acknowledged the L. ~.....1notNnonl to be ....~~,~..,I~_, lle~ .<<=-' F. o-d..,,!f~r...!.~....,..,..,......:.A,O,19...~,O............,.. '-,. . .", ..~:(.~""::2)"~,:U!.i:,7.w;."', Mt_.,.,_,r...." _,.,.~ ~ : " 'I-';;:l;f~ 'lI7l108k.....e, ~ CASlllIDE TlTLI CD. I ~ I ~f\IO.101 -..,. (~w.~;. 1"--'''-'-'', "f: ' ' , , Date Received: AUG 2 9 2008 ..: Original Submittal TOTAL P,07