HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 8/27/2008 / {J- . ," Date Recilved: AUG 2 7~p08 -:>1 ", '';;.:~ Ina' SUbmitt~j . . .:.J ... .-:'-;:~.:i ~i~ "~~\I '.$1 . L 813ZZ311<l C 1- rlf-;J. )//. t\CC j - ';..; -:',::~P.:'. ~:'I't'> c.l,'I'I. ."'c' 1:;) 1- Ie.. ~l,~.l WARRANTY DBED " HARRY I. HAHILTON and. WILLIAM T. PECl<HAM, formerly doing business as HAMILTON & THOMS, a partnership con5ist~ng of Harry t. Ha~~ton and william-To Peckham, hcrein~fter called grantors, convey to'1IAMIUXON CONSTRUC'!.'ION CO. (ORI::GON),' an Oregon corporation)J all that "a';oprop,rty situated in Lane County, 'State of Oregon, described as, Beginning at a point on. the Southerly right of way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad 1218.66 .feet East and 570.26 feet north of the re-entrant angle. of the Isaac Briggs Donation Land Claim No. 39, in Township 18 South, Range J West, Willamette ~eridian, (said point of beginning ~eir.9 by record 100.0 feet ~outha~ly at right angles 1:0 Engineer's centerline station 469 + 78,.0 of said Railroad) and runninq thance South O. 01' East 287.7 feet: thence South 55. 51' East 86.7 feet; thence South 410 26' Ea~t 609.9 fect; thence South 480 34' East 138.10 feet; thence South 640 II' East 126.8 feetl thence South 70. 37' East 429.29 fect; thence North o~ aI' West nS.24 feet to the SouthC!r1y right of way linc of said railroads. thence North B4Q 27' West along the South~rly right of way line of said Railroad 1102.0 feet to the place of beginning in Lane COunty, Oregon. ./ .:'.,:.; ",., .Subject to zoning ordinances, reservations in federal patonts, casements, and rest~ictions and reservations of record. and covenant that grantors are the owners of free from all encumbrance9, and will warrant all persons who may lawfully claim t~e same, tho above doscribed property and defend the same against exc~pt.ag shown ahove. The true and actual cons~deration for this transfer is ,$150,000,00. -;:!., -;t! : ~:~l <)1 : .~:.~":.i ~.~~:J Until a change is requested, all, tax statements shall he sent to the .!ollmdng addral>s: I 5791AOOl 06/01l88CASC 1l1lOU08u. P.O. Box ESe . Springfield, Oregon 97477 57nAOO1 06/07/aapn!D /ILt 'l1.4"h.t:-r 1I,4009u ~ day of ~t, ,,975, , I!_ .Jj"!l,Lt-I.-!:> 1/-.r.'~'1':;"tt:,- ll~rY/IOHamil~ .) WU.:4.-zr" --7 \.P~ /" .c-~ William T. Peckham -- ~;':! ":"'~t /'~:'S:~'~':::' Dated this '..' :;/ ,\\)y,Hi;- \. \" ~i~ o~ 6REGON ~\.:.~?~~~:(..:-.~~' Lane as. . '.::.' ~ F .':~::.;..-' Personally llppearorl the above-named Harry:: I. Hamilton and William -i<".Peckhanl, and acknowledged the fore'3oil!9-...instr~llcnr to he their voluntary act. Before me: (./ :.f *~~~;\~y~, 1975. (Q-;~,~ I'J7/;t.J-~---_.. Notary pubLic for o1'e990 . My commis~ion Expires ,FJ.fJ -.79 .;'1 " .;.::~~;. '. ff, ~j , '.~_..:. ....::~~-~,-~:;'~;::~.:~:',:~t.}~~E1~i.1~::2'1:'.t;. "',,,' ';'i" . ,:;"i;"'" ".,.:,", ::,./V' ,'.':'. ""''''i';!J:''''r~'':'''''-.!M'!~1,''':>,i).",,,~.~~.,t,;, j... . ,::;~:rr. :::'~:.;\::... .. i t, " .... '~~,.: !~~)> :..T~.. ..; ~ ~I~;:;i:<: . ,-...t.::.,.: .:~~.~:.. . . ~.. ..-.",.. I~~:-~-. )::~t/~_.. ;';.,.'\".. . \.';;:;::... ; ~.~, .. .. .i'\\ ~~t;:~.- :~i;r ::::1.;'. ~: S.Da ~~.;.: . . . ::}i~\..-' .~.~.. 10.00. ,.,..... i.'~:(:: :.,.. .'.1":.,:.. "_..\. }it,. I,,' ..:::..... .,.:.,...;.. .."(:; 1" . ff:~':' !:.. ,';. r-:.::"~~. . <:.,:-~. : .',..... \'.;1. I?\ , I" " ;' !-C. i.. I ...- . .;t~:'" ~... 'i.>,: ......:.. I .';',:...', I """!~I- , ~ '~, - .~- >.. ,Z'>.'.' ~ ,.. ',.,,':,".' :.5, "-''';('~J '.'. ..... ;:9ii ...... .~ ....".>.:~ .. ..\.>1 ':';"fl :. .:~;j '\' '., " . ~':":I , ':".""';::"~I .~;--:,'t>\~;;: :.. ; .:::;:';':..~' , ,;. :.J 1 .... & I IIiI .. '..': i , ;. I I I I ~ .-1, . .~ . :.:,:~.~.~ ....,"-: :....,.-; "..". i , i I I i i i I I , I ,. I r i I I i , :;" ...;. j c::' !~ ';~~ "St\ , ~i P0 sg 4"4" ~S ""0 ~ { ,,' ,-' , 1 , -",!\' fi lJ1 ' m --t..,. - -:1'" ~ --...:l,' :g',:, a> a~:: Q~ n;:- ;;; ~.~ [I -<"e, ;!g ~o ~;r< roi iJ~ l.g .~'h' '!' "";:; ~ ~.~ " ~ ~; , -, a~,f ~ :g.t p: Date Received: AUG 2 7 2008 L .i I i " , -.j Original Submittal ~" Ilg II I,; ,.~..., I. ,. _ 10 . Iol",.~.: I 17l'C"', ",'K' \1 ...,..CJO , ~ "" ,.. .i> I " IWi " I i Iii I '...1 ;; II i II ~ I ~