HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-6-10 - .......i -r:;;.-..- , .' . POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB ADDRESS: 4655 Jasper Road, Springfield, OR 97477 . LC 1168-80RTMH CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # TRS, TL: 18~02-05 Tl 2201 Subdivision: na This permit for the referenced property is hereby approved Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strict'ly'observed, Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, andlor other remedies allowed bylaw. App'iicant! Address: Owner! Address: Contractor! Address: ' Contractor's OS # Dwayne Stot~. same as above Ken Woolery. 4637 Jasper Road, Springfield. OR 97477 Telephone: 741-115,~ Telephone: ' Telephone: Total Construction Value: " " , . Constructiciri approved by.'tpis'permit:. Structu,res now orithe:'prope,rty: Water Supply: ,1,/..11 ", iI; ~.. PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Setbacks, Interior property lilies Edge of road right,of'way Building ,foundation Wells, 'ottier water sou~ces CONSTR'UCTION PERMITS/I NSPECTION ;\DIVISION Directions to Si,te: Date Issued: 6/10/SO C55,13 Renewal' of T.'. Mobile H~ 1286~79 (Single Wide B,roadmore 12 X ,60'.,1972) 3 MobilQoroes Storage shet!." " ..', . ..".!'... # Emplo~ees"..r:",~' . " ~,. . ,#'Bedrooms: ' ~ ' # Plurhbing Fixtures:, ,;. ;i.~ Zoning: AlIT Partitioning # 'Parcel # ,Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: ' side exterior: ; interior property lines: ;rear property line: Special Instructions: This 'permit is valid until 12/31/81,0r until hardship ceases whichever OCCtlrs first. , ,Parcel Siz~:.51 acres ; centerline of road, For information call 687-4394, . ." r~di HA~ ~/6/An Site Inspection # I ristallation specifications: lineal feet of drainfield required; max, depth of trenches: " Special Instructions:. '.eo" 't'........ i t'" ',' . .: ',' ," nnee:' ...'" ex S lng Dniinfield, '; " ,.' ,. 1. , , 10' ,;, 10'.' , '. 10" 100' gal. min, septic tank capacity; dra1nf1eld~ Septic Tink . 10' '10' 5', .50' .,,;- .", For information call between 8:00; 9:00 a,m" Corliss Kostv Type of Construction: Instructions: Group: Fire Zone: ,.Use Classification: " .f! :.... , , , ' " .' /"'1 For plans information call . . ,'.~'between 8:00.a.m, and'9:00 a,m.,' F . For inspections (see back of,this permit)tf~1I687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. an,d 5:00p,m,~&~ ~ne county ,.~~ ,',I.~ - ,""': ..-- DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 'COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE,BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 8y: JSS/gb . ,I " ''\' ""Ii ~. SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED Cl DISAPPROVED Cl DATE REMARKS FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVED L-I DISAPPROVED L-,I DATE REMA.RKS f'R.~~1.l NG I NSPECT ION APPROVED I. / DISAPPROVED /7 DATE REMARKS LMH O~ SH~ETROCK I NSPECT I ON Ap,PROVED / I DISAPPROVED ;----? DATE REMARKS I FINAL INSPECTION A~PROVEO ! ~ DISAPPROVED ~~ DATE Rf:MARK 5 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR ~... ff-7'-~_ INSPECTOR--'!l/ READY TO ISSUE / / NOT READY TO ISSUE / I DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR -;;..-";,,,. J ,,.-~, " ". POST TI;IISPERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB ADDRESS: 4655 Jasper Road, Springfield. OR 97477, , CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC 1168-80 RTIlH TRS, TL: ,18-02-05 TL 2201 Subdivision: " , ria This p~rmit for ~he refer~nced prop~rtyis hereby approved ,Setbacks' and other co~ditions of approval must be strictly o,bserved, Violation can result In revocation of this permit, citation under provIsions of Lane County's,1 nfractlon 'Ordinance, andlor other remedies allowed by law, . . ' ". Construction approved by this permit: fltlrier.al Of Temp. rlObile Hcma 1286-79 (Single wtdiHwoadmoJ'0 12 X 60 -1972) Structures ~On the property: 3 MobilessRtI~~ Stongesll~. , . .,,'. . '.' ", .'. . '. . -.., ",', '. . Water Supply:' l,t';"1 ' . #Bedrooms: '. 1" ' #'Pi'u'mbing Fixtures: .' . Applicantl Address: Ownerl Address: Contractorl Address: Contractor:s OS # r' ~'" I) PLANNING DIVISION " , WATER ,POLLUTION CbNTR8L DIVISION , f Setbacks , Interior pr<?pertX',lines Edge of road right'of'way , Building foundation' Wells, other water sources > CONSTRUCTION PE RM ITS/I NSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: Date Issued: ,;611oioo . C55-13 . ...,~. ~layne 'Stow, same as 'above Ken I:loolery, 4537 Jasp$r Road. Springfield, OR 97477 Telephone: 741-1754 Telephone: ,Telephone: Total Construction Value: -,- - # Employees:, , " . Parcel' Siz\!j.!i17 aei'OO ; centerline of road, '~ .-:i , "j , '-~ < ,- ~ Zoning: AST Partitioning # , " Parcel # Minimum required structural setbacks,. from: centerline of road, front: . side exterior: ; interior property lines: ;rear property line: Special Instructions: This pamit is valid until,12/31/81.or until , , hardship ceases M1idlevar OCCill'S first:. ;; F,or information call,687-4394, ' f./'!!ldi Han 5/6/80 . dj Site Inspection.# , Installation specifications: "' gal. min, septic tank capacity; lineal feet of drainfield required; max, depth of trenches: . Special.lnstructions: Connect Cil existing'dninfteld., " -,'" Septic Tank, : 10'. " '10' " , 5~ . 50' Drainfield " ,10' ',10' 10' 100' . ." ' , , , Corliss "Kost.Y " ~1 For information call between 8:00 ,9:00 a,m., Type of Construction: Instructions: Fire Zone: Use Classification: , Group: " ., , .., , '.... '''- ,/ For plans information call . . " b,etwe'en 8:00 a.m, and,9:00 a,in" . ". , ' /' . , for' inspections (see. back of'thispermit) cali 687-4065 between 8:00 a,rr1,.a'na 5:00 p,m, /,tC/A ,j(~~ ,bne co~nty . ~ ~ -- BV,: JSS.I"b,' . DEPARTMENT'OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT .. ,COUI;lTHOUSE:.1 PUBLIC SERVI.CE BUILDING .125 EASl..81JIAVENLJE,.EU(]ENE,..oREGON 97~91'" ," . " , , ., i'. \ -, SLAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARK s: GAS PIPING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED 'j / DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR INSPECTOR ~ (' ( ROUGH PLUMBING I f ApPROVED / I DISAPPROVEO I ' I DATE INSPECTOR ( r, REMARKS r t . I {' ROUGH GAS PIPING /7 . C7 Apl'~OV[D DISAPPROVED OA T'I::: INSPECTOR REMARK S " r , " FI NAL PLUMBING I I I. REMARKS ApPROVED LI:::'7' D'SAPPROVED C7 DATE_Jr:::.Z-fo FINAL GAS,PIPING ApPROVED. ~ DIS4.PPROVED / / DATE REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE / / NOT READY TO ISSUE / / DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR INSPECTOR " '" - " u' tP~ INSPECTOR