HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-1-24 (2) " : 1, .:!-~ .. ,,~ " Lane County .AJ,th?rl~ation' ',,'for:' , /~'YJdiVb/ ., r/ .,. ....:' NW,.,SHIP / I RANG,E 0 "> ",-, "', 'I SECTION ~ 'I T~ LOT,. DOUT OF /J? ,.... 0' ;O.y ";'- '.' 'dd2<J/ . ' S:..IBDIVISlON/PART,ITION .(ifapplicable) '.. I .\/ "LOT/PARCEL. ' ~I" B~" " " JJ/.'n' ,:, f ;:- '..-- 0...",. "" -: ,It.///~. _.,,,....-. -'. , .1' LOCATION ADDRESS STREET .",. .' ' ~., . .~CITY.. ' ZIP PROPqSED USE OF PROPERTY ,,')/655 ~/} 11 ,~,')f'd \, ~.:, /;;,,/'''Q;) "7/}~ ,L',.,::: ' ""_' ,'D~esi.-'~en'~~~l "0 Industr i;l 5?RUCTURES. CURRE. N#O..~N-~ OPER~TY ....:' .,'.. jf..p. ,. r .~ ~ ., .... ~ . . . . c;;~c~,u'~~"~:l;. . ..~ ... ~'_.# ~;;:;c,;:;""O C?~' 01, ,~.-" '..' .~., , ,"'...." n,',. .-, , ' . ..--' . W/l:.",f. I. .. ,.,-\ '-. ','-". ""-- O~SCRIPTION,Of PRO~OSEDWOro: :X~S;;;~~;;;jl< ~"'TmB 'dl~~s--g/"" :,1 DECLARED $'VALUE OFBE,D'-MS: ,r :",:, ,S:O/.~~:::. : J.:.;, 8~ - J:YEES,'::, 'V..:~T:~ ,:~Y/i)a{? '. :', ,~~~~~~~~: O;"NE~'S";(~;ltl (/.' ~',i))~ ':'..; 'f /,..'" "5L;;:r~;;-~~ ,CONTRACTOR'S N~~~03;; '."'~~;:,~ ", '. ,';J' ',,,,,).;' I:"',," TELEPHO~E NUMBER ?=:RHITTO Bf~MAIL.fD,TO. tNAME 7m~t;~' .':~.... .^..,,l i.l, '.'.. ~~~'-'l"f " t', NUMB~~ -~, ~. r;.- , ' ~/l' FOR OFFICE USE ONLY' ~~~~~~ai~ t, R- K" Lf '. ~' ,- o T.WO Copies of Pl~ns o Three'" Copies of, that Plans Ur-;~ch/Pl1..i~bJ.ng. Checkl~~t D'~egal Interest Do~ume!1t RI !,. .~-,. : . " 1', ( Cd P;LanC~_e.~k;')!lf.o._f?heet~. :. . , ' . '~I. '~'_ .. .'. ; '_ J _ . I HAVE. CAREFULLY EXAMINED '['HE COMPL~TED lI.PPLICATIDWFOR PERMIT. and do 'hereby cert~fy"th.at ~all inforrn~tion her!,!on is true and c:orrect, and that I ha~e the. following legal interest' in,' the properti:Go~rier of'reco~d ;"'{J:con~ract,' purchase; ;ID~-u;hor'iz~'d agent wi th evidence .of;authority attached. I Lrther c"ertify that a~y and all work pe,.rfarmed,shall b~'done i!l.:,a_cc?rdance wit1i',t~e Ordin'ancoe;;of Lane County .a~d, ~he..Laws .of tne, State of ,Oregon pcrtail1ing to the work described h9r~in, - al]-<:!}tha't:\Nr;> <?CCUPAllCY wil~ be ,made'o.f ar;J;...~t:r:~s.tut,:€!,,::ithout ,the. permission ~f- the; .Build~ng ,Division :f' . I fur- ther certify. that registration with the Bui'lder:s-Boara-is_ in full torce and,effectas;required -by OilS ,70L055, that .If exemp~ the basis for eXcmptlon i;;' noted hereon, and tha't.only subc.ontractors andremp16Y,ees.;""r:o are' i~' -fompFa'nc~'wii:.h/OR.S ~i)l;OS~ will be us~?:on this proJect. I HlIVE READ AND CHE;;::;t~N ~O.RJ-;;/t/ . (;);o/;;;t,'i "" "0".' '~A:;: ';Wy, ~, /~:2 V-g ~ .NAME (Eleas,e prin~)' . oJ:.':"~,.. . 't.~ . ., ", C~SIGNATU~ ,- '. DATE. READ THIS SECTION CAREFUL'LY. . YOUR AUTHORIZATlmi,rHKs"7BifEN 'BASED~';'ON THE' FOLLOWING ~~NDITIONS'!'", ,.:D PLANNI;~~Z'ONI~~:' :.1'Zci;e,",~:_A'eTP':..'..:p~~t':'ti6~'~~"Y": ~~:: .:~:j;;'~~-~ei.it..~ ~'Parcel.Size C3.0'') ~ c .'. ':.\;. C' ~,'! ':f.', . .~._~' ~.'l" I" '... , . '~hnlmum Setbacks: ,L, front' . ~. ., L, sl.de. -' - lnterl.Or ' rear '..':'C6'":EN1S,' " ,',~;.~'7~':\~d:d~~j~j~/j>0 ,rM'~ ~d~.K7":"~J~fVLJ"~"~~',~ , ",1 ~ ..' .',~ate: . ". ",". ':. ..."'~ ;~' . .... _... "," \... :.;< . ' . ~. I , In flood ryaza:;-_d a.:r;e<:l?D N~ D~Yes, SE~. 'AT,fACH~D S...f!EET~" ~\Date: ' 1","-- ,", .' f". ,'. '.. ".\1.'.. "-, ~: f" . . ,__,..:', ~ oj, .. ~ ~I, t. .' ',(' D' FLOODPLAIN" '" ~ n , t: /-~ '1-'g 'I " ,< .1.'1. ,h. ,I.nstaHation Re~ord' IS,;,U~d? DYesO No .' ',,( . . . '_Maxi!llUnl Depth ~ of 'Tr('!nches " .- i ~ ',Type"' .Group ",' ,,' '.l. 'Use C?'}'IENTS ,', t1~&:'~;',k'/l~./LLb.alt1L,~~ {( ',:rPlu1~' -,g/,I~";",:;,,..,,"'-"~,:,.' ",,'.:, .',()", ':,; ',,' ,U : ".V' ." t-O .' ....;..;( :...' . ....-.. ",' '..... ." n ..1, . ~ '~", I..... . '.. ~ate. ....1\ TOTAL VALUATION~ $ -' -- ,>." . 1--.,' '.' _"'./' '. " CONSTRUCTION 'AUTHORIZED BY 'THIS~PERMIT '.~~ ,-. ,,..;. '., :' ' ,~~dv/;;"}til :7 ~ 1/ ~s ./j f?,,-. '8/ ....,. (' Fixe'd '-Fe~-;: Unit Cost 'J" " , .' '.'.... . F_loodplain Fee Subsu'rfac.e :Fe~s Building E'~e .t'1~chIPlinbg Fe'e . . ~', : . ,- ... 'plans ;Check Fee. . - V-''' - ~.' . .' 'State Surcha!:'9$'. IIEQ. Surcharge A ~ $ " $' .Co 0,00 r<lS, Of) , Sq.. F,t. '. . ," ""!.:~ " < ,. $:., , , , < " " ,Ii" .' $ $ -, .. ,~,';' " .. ' " .' " " $ , ~,t .,,'... T9~AL FEE $$ t? " bS.() 0 ,~iiJh(}J;:t;;4,' .'.... / ~i~/ APPROVED BY .BU~LDING OFFltIAL<~~5I~NE~~, (perJ~p~S'~56 .'~05 (~)) , . . DATE LANE ~OUNTY DEPAR!f\i1ENTC?FPUBLlQ. I,^JORKS,LI\ND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687'4061., , "'i25E~ST 8TH AV'ENUi::; EUGENE, OREGON 97401' ' . -~-'''' ' , .:., " :. : ' . " ,SEE REVERSE FOR ffiNSPECTIONINFORMATION .:.. :' ", j'- ,-=5/- 8 ~; " ., . ~. ~ ::'. ;. ;-~ .;,- , , , " ,,,. '1., ," -..... " ..'" .,"t, " 7 :" ,....., ~ . ...... . '~."'. .~ :.:.;....".-..;,- .. "l ',~ .'~" ~~'I ; "l :.:~.~ , '/;"~( .' .~::~ ....~.. .. .' : .<~~, ,I .~:""-~ ~~~'_..'\:.:1~...\"~,'\.", !o<'-~'~;~.~.~',,~S~~'~"'>':-~... '-,..,.:'..~r'et:~ .~~.,,~~._ .:',<~r~'~ "', t.-", ~..' ' .... ..' \. " ~ i-:-.'/:"' . 1- ' '....J ..I, ~::~ ~, "'l -. SETBACKS.. AND; 9T~HE.~' 'CO~D;r:TIONS OF'" APPROYA"r.. ,MU}T ....-'B.E,~ STR:I.C.TLY' "OBSERVED'. , VIOLATION CAN" ,RESULT IN. .REV,(yw CATION' OF~ ,THIS 'PERMIT, ~CITATION' UNDER .PROVISIONS ,OF LANE'; COUNTY. 'is . INFRACTION ORDINANCE I AND/OR OTHER '. __, _~,.. ~i'.. __ ___',' , . - ,,',' _ '.' ,....' - ;,' '" ~... . REMEDIES ALLOWED,RBY,LAW,.~~'. _,'_ . ....~~_..._.~ ..5'_,..: ~_L...J.__--..-,-.._ . :..... '.. ~ '-.-' "-.-' .........,....,. -~~~ I:' . .'. f. ~;;' "f "':'., I. ;..1', - t.' " - _ .' "I. ,;' '. ' '. . "'_' .. ~HEN READY 'FO~, -iNSPECTION, 'iCALL t6 8 7-'40'6 5. _ A ~fNj.tt~,l1~O~\ A'r\{E~~...t,.)~. ',HOiJRS~~pVANg~O!!C.-E'" FOR - ~N,SP,~,C~"'~, T~ON REQUESTS MUST BE GIVEN. ,.. Hav,e, .the:"'fOl!lowl,ng'\'J:nfor:ma tJ.on."~eady: "-permlt 'num15er,-~J.ob _J?dqress.;- type of inspect~on~,:-\19e;.~;i.t, wJ.,rl tie ~e;,ady!"yo.ur nam~'..?nd phone~ r~oer. and ~rW;"spec:iai.r'd'i>r.ec:-tions .to Sl.te. ~;4 .- " '-f ~,j.J. - ~_. .;.\\~~~'~)--~~f\_,:\_\ .......;:;_:.,.~~.r.'c~:~_::..........\.~',:;~.:~. '.~ ....:~.~t~:s~,~_.~~ .".>.. BUILDI~G_.'DIV!SION::: _ _Y"--' , ~~:.-, ...... . , .' f,,;;-, ." :. :":'., , ~.....' \ ' . .... . '....~'~I. .-'-.......}::-.~....,' "':-\ -~..~}'..,~_.., ....~,,",......,~";.:,,'~,',... :-....1'< ",,1"\. j.,r....... ',.'".,.,.".... \;:t' "l.. '..... .'\~' .."'" .-. _....... 'r........"...._,.\e- ".'\') ,.~ ..L,,.-~ _\-..1' .,~-,-..'\I.~.,.i', '_ "...~:...".,J ~'.'.. REQUIRED ,INSPECTIONS"; . .\.' - ~. ".'~ ~I,""- . ... .~- -. ' . - -.\,. :~'.~":,, . ..: ~ , ,.... . '. -. '.~.:.' . ,~.... ~.. '. , " ~ 1. .Foundation Inspection: -.To be made. af te,r ti,ens:.h'es: a~e ~ ~xc:a~a,teq~e.ra~':'f~rITI~s' ~\~~~~d.J~'h~~;~lJ_en' aJ,l_ _. _ '.' .- ma ter l-al.s tor the tounda t:iori ~re',",de.liv.ered o.n" the~jop:~yn1ere 'concre,te 'frqm, a. c~ntral 'mixing, ......... :'.' --::;: ~ plant (commonly termed' "tra'nsit?In'J:xe'd"')).,J.s to 'De\.~used, ""mateI:.--1lals~ need ,not~ be on the Job. . (' - ..,.' ..-:,,~. ..'''~ ,..\~~...-.._~~t' ': 'l <'.'/'~'''~''7"~'''r:i~~'.. ..,....':.!t~ ')-~;:~,-!). "'., --- - ;-:-~.;q.~".f 2;' .Concrete Slab:or Under-Floor InspectJ.on: "To be .made af,t;,e.r. alL in-slab 'OJ: under-floor buildfng'., <'/ :,-"t ," se_rvi',~~~quipm2.!.1t;:.,~~c:ondui.t',-,pjJ?i..n~~,~cC:7~~C?:rJe.s, ~r:~ c?:t::h~,:r~~r:~il~:;'J.ry ~~~_i'~m.e~n~_ i ~en.is .are. 'in.~-'- J 'H " ( ::', ~ (~:c~>~~t ~efO}~e~~ny; c,~ncret~ ~s ~.oure? ~r.t ,floo.r ,she~\;,,~:~.~~~~:~~.a~\e~,-, ;.~:l~~~ng, ~:~: ~~~~~~~~~:,: : '.A' .'~,:,',"~" 3.. Framlng: _~.Insulatlon InspectJ.ons: _..Too_he. made. af,te;r. the~roof)J'all!...framlng.\f.~re .blpckJ:ngi,,-,and,_' _ ~.... bracing 'are .in place and~ all _pipes/ fifepLo1CeS)',chirriney-s" '-and veJ:lt_s, are. comprete" a na/ all,- rougli., -;'1'-.' .} elec tr i~al {and_ pl~I!'?ing are aI?pro,v~d.. - All wall" i~'~~la tJ.9P~and~ 'iC!P~ri~c{ir ier ar:t i.A, pl~ce... . .. t.~:.. '-t . .-~' _ ,"-..- .~ . , . . ' . ~. .-- , " .;---< ..;" -" + .";,' '. ~~, '. .,.. ....;,~. .' ~\ ~. --~'id -:1.: .',:-~r'.....'....C'<.;' .' ..........:..,. 4. 'Lath 'and/or' ,Gypsum Board Ins,,?ectJ.on: To be,'made' .after all lathl.ng ':lnd gypsum board, l.nterior..' c~~!1d" ,?_x...terJ~r,~ ~.s. ~n-...p.!,~~ .b~ ~ _,b~t.or:...~_ any .p'last.~~;ipg 1-,5" appj~~a;;aii9 'ne0r~" gyp~urn, b~arg, j~?ints __ ~,. and fasteners a:r.:e..t~ped and~finishe~... ~ "'. -" -, .' -.... . - :,.,.... " ;~~ '-, . 1"~' . .. ....':. '.' ~" . 0"" " -' ..' "t .. 5. Final ~Inspect'iori:;":"'To,'be:'fnade iH.t.er .the building'-:i~s,.complet~ ,a.n~:h bef.or,?occupancy..: ...... .r..' : " ;., _. , .-' .,l"', " ' .. II "" I '.. " tQ- -:'" ' -'0:. ~,,.\ ~. ,", . - APPROVAL~' REQUIRED. " No'~w6rk:shall b~" do'0-'~' on any' part of. t~e Dui:lding"o-r j-~truct..ire' beyo~dthe' point.." \ I~ . "indlcated inl e'acn su'ccessiv~ in'sp~ct,i6n,:kwithout firs"t obtaining theVapprov'aT 'of 'the bui'ldin"'g officia'l; I ". Such approval.shall' be' g.'iv-en on~y aftE/r"a~n inspec't'ion shall hay~e' ,.been 'made '6f ~acli 'slJc~es'~iv,e~ St.eP,:n . J~ i~," '~n the c.onstruction as iI?d~cated;bY'each":.o.f ,the .inspec'tions: required. .""'_ .. I :-.~6!E:~' f~Ai'i\~~ild~'n.g.,.p~e~n1i:~:r~~q~i~~~t.ri~~~tf~~~.S . ~.O\.t...h~ ~~r~~ a,u~h.~~'\~~q;', ~,~~~i1 i,~s..\~~t....~9~ ~:J.m~ti=~ :tg ~~t}( ,'A. Block Wall:, To be ,made after.lrelnforc~ng J.S ~n' place, but_"before~any grout. J.S _poured. ThJ.s - -..i-.....inspect~'on::~s.;required 'for .e-ach .lj'ond'.'i:>eam:'pour :'':'-~Th'er,~''- ~l'ti 'be-: n.o':"appr.o,va'~' UD.t~,l~ 't0e' p..l'dry)?i:ng, :c . 'an?' e1:~C;:j:.f ic~lf~i~~p'e~tion~. ~~ye :bee"nIE~d.e '~?.Dp' ,~P~J;.;.?v~?-~. .- ~- __.'- > ',t ,'. "... ,'. ;.' :":, ,:.. -, ... .' ,'~ '. _ .~, (- B. ,'Wood Stove: To -be made after ~ompletion 'of masonr.y .(iL;:applicable)' and when installation is' ;~. <:..-... 'complete. ' 'Installation s~~ll",b~ in ac~o?danse 'wi.th an.(a-pprove'd:;)..h~t.iona'ily""recog}1.~,ze~ \te'sti'ng..'to C~. agency and the manufacturer's install'ation' instructi'ons."" . I- C~.,lc Motiile~Horne:~ ,~n~ ins,pfc'tion,:~+~~...-i~~~ire(f 'a'f;;.~r:, \~h~' ,,;~bi.i~ ~h?we i? :co~n~$.!:~ed to- an ~pprfo~fed-' ; .~y.; 7~~er...o~) :s.epti.~J.sys.~.~m,~o'r~ s.~ ~?aq~. }r.e.qu~.J;'elfi~rJ~"i-.i?r~.c:kJ::.~g,t~oot'ing~~-r!1,ec tion', tiedown s,: ~', . s}<lr~l:ng, .'and plumbl.ng copnec::fon's ..;' " ,,'" ~.~ ~::. r': ~""',. ,. ,\'-' ,-, .... '-. '-" -. n' ':.. -, .,. -- ,\ .~.~ ",' '. .,', , '. ,', ,......._,-y. ,~".,,""'y1-"I.",,'."''','I.'\,,~,.l\:..;'',J,,\ . .",,\.,~\ ,\-_ ...-~,."..., ,,~"~'t.-.......... ,"1. .FootJ.ng:~'7l!}d p~ers.to_comply '.IfJ. th...,Sta te :'Joll;nda tJ;ol/,,'requJ..:rem~Ilts!-:,_\.orhmobJ.\le.~hom.es ,or,.:a.s" recOmmended ,by the manufacturer. . , ., ". .J ....i' . ,,\1 ....., '$;~~"'.... --;. .-~ .:'".. _._ '_ ' .. :" ',: . ,. ,.' ........ ',' " 2. 'Mob'i'fr home miI"limum finis!1"'floor- elevation ~shall' 'be ce.rtified "when -r~'quired~'by' a 'flood- plain ~rnana?J~~e.n5 'le.tt~:r:' ~ ~-f ,::~.:' J~ . ~''*,' .':,..t'" :." ~\:~ ;:~\"," . .t~~ .'J'of '.' :3. Mohi'le ,nome' tied.oyln~, when requlred, and ~k.:P::tihg' :sha"il ~e -'inst~~~ed and ready";for inspe'c"- tion withi'il at least 30'. days after '?ccupa!lcy~', Tiedown.s .'and- skirt.~p.g sn~ll ,.pe linstalled ,pe'r'enclosur'e.'" ~ '.. ' ' . DO:, 'sw:-Wnind P~OL: Below g~;/ade 'wrien ~tee-l' 'is-'in~~pi~'~~'~ cii~6before "'concret~ 'is;::pour~d: APP,'~'e~'.g;~'d'~: 'y . . t whenp'oo.1~ins,talled.' . !.."'.. ..,' '".:,~;,;" ... '~"',\. ~ _ _._' _ '. _ I ",,~'. "'-, ," ;, ...,.:" ,.., ,,.. '<,". . "~' ~. .t.... .l\F>PROY~D ,p.~~.~s: MpS,:T' :J3.~ .:9~..TtIE' JOB~,'~_fTE. ~'r:~,A~,~..\'l'IM.~S"DUR':r:N~' YJ"qRI5H{~~ li9r}~s:.. '~,~rIU~' P,~~~~~T...W~LL EXPIRE '. IF:WORKtDOES .NOT. BEGIN~ WLTHIN.'l'80:.DAYS'J ~'OR;'~IF,. WORK)~lS... SUSPENDED.JOR. ,ABANDONED' F9R :MORE' THAN' 180 DAYS,.' ~S{,lSPEtlSIO~ OR.\.REYP9AT1Q.N ~.Y. Oq:UR I~~TH'IS~~RMI,T3iAS _ISSUED:~qN.:!THE. BA,SIS:',OP' I-N_CP!'1YLETE .o'R'.E~RONE.ot.is IN~ORM.ATION .1,_ :.. ='~_,:,,,-:"~~ ):...; 0 . :.' ').... _:J . $b.',~~' _ "..,:: ;~.::."S~." l;_', ,"~'~ ~."..,;.~:~.:.i ~ \:.' }~~ .'~~'~~' .',.1. ~\ ..) ~ - ".0. \....:..:-> '-t,~~1 A.N~ONE' PR~~~ED~~G_~.PhST\TJ:!E p,?IrT'?:: ;3E,?UI'RED INSPECTIONS ..~~~t~2'.Pf.;~~~...:~l~~}??:~~...q~~;~I~~:j c'>'~'\;" \ "'~;~"'" SUBSURFACE AND 'ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: ..' \ ~:;~'.. ,-.'1 ,..'...,.--'t...~....-_-;-_:"'::-::--~-"--~-;'. . '1. :,,"\Pe~~~l~; _~h"a,1~i7.0~.~fe>~~'ye,{S?f~~~.~..r~,~r,. fr?,~ t~~~~f,~~~~,~":-~~F~~~s;,,~,~'~::~~~' . '''~' 2 .~.upon c"ompreting t~e constiuc;tiori' fO'~" wJ:licl1~--a':, p'ern,\it' has~.l?efjn;issue;'d,.the permit. 'hol'der :;na1l-' .~ot~fy t:h~.~ L.ane. colJ~ty Departm~r}'t o~~ .fl.a'nning a'~'~:' cO~U.~~~,!Devel~p;ne~:t;"'i.~y~.Sl-l;:~p:.t~~n.g_\~~i'.," lnstallatJ.on record form. The Department sha,ll J.!nspect the: constxuctJ.on'.to- determJ.neJ.f It'- .' complies' with:the rule.s 9ontained,.in this divfsion:: ,I{,thE; ;construction aoes c'pmpty"with such rilles, .. thE; Department shall ,i'ssue. a., certif.ica te 'of sa tlsfactorycqmplet.ron to the p~rmJ. tl hpJ:der. If the-_construct~on does not'comply with such:rures,~the'Department'sharl notify' the p~rmit. '- _ _ ~old~~. an9 '-shilll !"~qu'ire ~a_tisfactor:y~comp~tion_ l2.eJ.or~ .',issuing" t.l(:e_ cer,tifi.cat.~'..< :g:@.'~lure to_ _ --,. ,~'t . ,_' meet thel.requirements for, sa tisf.actory ~cpmpl~tion wi thin'a re'aso~able time. con's ti tutes a vio- . lation <;?fl ORS 454~605;~jto .45~.745 an.d ~~ts rule. . .' .':~ ,rS~tbacK~ ....~ Subs"urfac~"'sewaqe 'Dis'~osal (,:\ .... _1 " ~. ,j-'" 7' , r~ .''-:. - :'-'~'1........("t ",.'-', . j. ....,..,~~:} '_~'. ,.: '!:,if!~~~'. :.. " q,," ': "f~~ >- ~' .. ~. ~". . .' i' ~ .. ~2:.':'~'~'f ,~ .. j~ - ~~~ " " ~..4.,,~, .'.., ..~ .' ;.--: ..'...,;., " "..;" '~' . ,!', ,. , , "~;4'''' .~''':: -.' "~l/i , "':'v.._:;"~"" I. j., ., .\..,.... ,.t ~- ...., .~ \ ....: .' \ ,,_ r'.. '.' ~:.:,~;:.f~',.:~ -'";:~".'''''''(''''5''> ,"- ...... " '.........- ~--: .....; '!-"'i;"-'- ~-'" . .,: ... - , ._,"' " . "':,",v, "',, ," ~ .\.".i. _:,.'~.....\~,~,.I ~" ~.' . ",-- "):.. ..... . ..4-,.10 " ~_....c..' ":''' .....1'::0 ...' ._"'" ,4 . (. ...... j,.. ~ ' ',' " "t;., " I. .;r. " . ~ " ., .'_ I' " ( "..}.':S"':,. ."-....:.- 'J . .. , " \~] , Draihfi"er'd" ;;-'\"',_J.~' \ ", . . f,'-.' >- , . " ""-~' . ;J"'~\'-....:':..~;.:T~.. Septic Tank <. ..;... .,'"1,- From: 10 -, 10' 5.', 50 " " 10 I 10 '. 10' \"" . """ ,roo:"('!' -".: '..~. /" :. ~ .. . Interior property lines lEdge of road r~ght~of-way ~ .~Buildi'ng t'ounda tion ".'~ wells, ,other wa te,;r sourpes' " " , ...--- :..... ...;.,~--:, " ~ ......::'. _..... " ~." ..S:.. f I , ' , , .... ... ,.J.',.... q< " '" "'C " . ,}~-?F).: " , :', " ~.~... ~...:;7';;. ,~. .-,,:...-t'7,'-:,. '\"" ..~..:....t '_~_""\;;,s~ ~~ ," " 't,'.~, "~1:"~';' ,,:'. ~:: .~~. ",_,' d.: :(:-'.,._..,.....C'-:" "'I'=+\.,'..,~1d,Ll :I~_rp"f, ;1.. ;,.* )~. ..r~: ~:~I:~:l,~~." I:'.'.~.~>":""'::'\"':':' 'i < +')',:; I', :' ," L ' i=r..~:''''';'':,' .'-*, ,,' ....._, , c .'1"' "":'.'::' '.' " ~. '\I','" ~..." ;---" , .' \~. ",\,,- "\' J ., ,,' J~.): ....'. -Jv~".' 1 ~'. ::).... ,;} ': . J . :,I~\.'''' t,,' " ",:' ',\ , " , '\ C," , -::.. .. ~. . ,.,~ ...... , ........,' !',:.,~ 't' .,: ", \"" '. ". ."'. '" '.!,' . . ! ~.jl.' i'i ",' " ,',;.. c"i " ! -"j ,~ f' . , \' . ...~:~:~ :to i , , " ( " '''. ., i , ~'l'. ", ., .... .. , " " .' 1~ " . ., ~-;,). ,--',..' , ...;""'';' " -i 1 .' " TP II 268"84 MAILOUT NOTIFICATION On F ph rt 1.::1 rv 17. 1 q84 , Notification of Intent to Issue J was mailed to property owners within 300' of the property on which this temporary mobile home will be located. A copy of the mailing labels is attached. ~ ~'L~r~ _ {1/~/T.p, Permit Pro -ssing ection Planning and nity Development Mailing Date 02-07-84 Appealed Issuance Date 02-11-84 H I, I , , I r ) lane county' I , I I I I. -- PERNIT II .lllli...2.6.IkBF "" i '. NOTIfICATION OF INTENT TO ISSUE A TE~lPOR^RY NOBILl, HOME, PERMIT ", ;'~: .,." Date Fp.hrllrlL)L..~_Ah On Februarv 17, 1984 , a 2-y"ar temporary mobile home permit will be issued or renewed to accommodate a' family memb",r disability situation for Kenneth. & Jean Woolery' 4655 Jasper ,Road Spri:ngfjeld, OR 9.7477 If you h3ve reason to believe tha t (1) the family member disabill ty claimed is not valid, or (2) if you have evidence that the. sepUc system is failing and crc';lting a health hazard, you may appeal is!';uan'ce of this permit in writing by submItting your letter to the undersigned. Appeals must he received by 5:00p.m, of the issuance date noted above. Pleat>c be ad\dsed that it will be up to you to prove the validity of your objection. If your appeal is accepted, an appeal hearIng w,i..1.l be scheduled before the Bu"rd of C()unty Commlssi.oner and .111 . property owners within 300' of the subject property will be notifi.cd.of the d.1te and place. 'V~lY /7?{!, M.1ry C. Rissbe Land Management 687-3772 .-J ,;It,,,, I Afl-JI. U11 IN 1 '11'1 ANNINr. l)IVI:jJ(JN I COI)H11!nl,I~:1' 1'111111(; ~;UlVII.1 HIli! I Jlrl.j(; I "1:!~1 t III II ^V( UI If I f':I.JCirrH., (.Ill :JIM)! I 1~I):jl r.H}"llllfi lane county - PERNlT II IMIL.2h&Bb . NOTIfICATION OF INTENT TO ISSUE ^ TE~1POR^RY HOll iLE HOME: PERHIT ": , Date .'(:"pht"ll::::an,'- 7. loAll On Februarv 17. 1984 . 3 2-ycar tempo~3ry mobile home permit will be issued or renewed to accommodate a family member ?isability situation for Kenneth & Jean Woolery"~ 4655 Jasper ,Road ,Spr Ingfie 1 d, OR 9747} '1 If YOll 113ve reason to believe, that (l)the' ['"mil)' member disabiUty claimed is not valid, or (2) if you have evidence thilt the septic system is failing and creat ing a health hazard. 'lOll may appeal i.ssuan:ce of this permit in writing by ;;uhmitting your letter t.o the undersigned. /"PI?'eals must b(~ received by 5:00 p.m. of the :issuance date noted above. Please be a~,vised th.1t it will be up to you to p-rOVi.::. the .\la_Li,li~r'lf \'C'~.1~~ I~ll~_~.~' ~' Ll1_~.,_--:_:;:.1.L-'.:r~_~L+ll)--Dn~=-t_\~_ ;}F~J]!~~'d, ~:m ~ nn"'><11___~_ I}(~aring \.,rU.l bL' ~;L'..I1('dlll.cJ bel"ore t:fu:....-i)p;-lrd\d_~--.'\ir;.\-tt'Ly~.:.;;Jji!-n.G,;.H.;}n~-r.;,"ln~Jl.l - -=-.---=- --""':: property owners within 300' of the subject prop'p.rty will be notified of the date and place. . ' \'~Uly -Y'-HI~ ' (7l.t! !:-~~?1 rl<:lrV 1..... h.l%l~ Land ~lanagcment D~V1S-l.n 687-3772 ..J I '\~:I i \), 'r~ 1, :'1 '\:;~llf\h, 1l\\.'I~;!lIf\j I (1\111( i Iii Ii ,':1 l'll!i! il' ';1 1i\,1('1 !ill:: ! ),;4", 'or I 1l111/\\iIIJI,iI I !1)(;f:HJdl~j,"V)l ,!L,;i;nr.H/,llf'fj / ? " NOTICE LAND USE CHANGE BEING PROPOSED ,IN YOUR AREA -You are receiving this information because you own or occupy property very, near the property shown on the attached map. The Lane Code requires that you receive this no2ice so that you will have a chance to comment on land use changes being proposed in your area. If you have concerns or would like more information about the proposal described in the attached notice, you can call qr come into our office during the public service hours BEFORE THE DATE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING. If you desire to submit writtep material 'in excess to two pages into the re- cord of the hearing or for consideration at the hearing, the written material must be submitted to the Land Managemedt Division office at least five (5) days in advance of the public hearing. See Lane Code 14.300(5) for allowable variations. Your written comments arid/or verbal testimony will be part of the public record considered when a decision is being made on this proposal. Following the public hearing, a copy of th~ decision may be reviewed during public service ho~rs in the Land Managem~nL Division office. If the granting or denial of this request 'adversely affects your property you have the right to appeal this action. You may also want to share this information with others in your neighborhood. Lane County only notifies property own~rs and occupants adjacent,to property on which a land use change is proposed, so several of your neighbors may not yet be aware of this proposal. LANE COUNTY - LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION 125,East 8th Ave. (PSB) Eugene, OR 97401 General Phone No, 687-4061 .,--." , -~- ~_._...,-'-----'--' =---~~'--,~~~'~~~.--.. --'-,-._~ . ..-' - -'",,-~- o.=...",,~" -'-'-_.~.,-_.~.= .,-'- -.= ~. ***************************************************************************************************~ "NOTICE TO HORTGAGEE, LIEN HOLDER, VENDOR OR SELLER: ORS CHAPTER 215 REQUIRES THAT IF YOU RECEIVE THIS NOTICE, IT HUST PROHPTLY BE FOR\.JARDED TO THE PURCHASER." ~***********************************************************************************~**************~ ,;], :j~ ,,;" . 1 ~ 1 m,. ,. ';"'^.' >!:/- . ! ,) , ..1, ; , 1;i' t,~ . I' ;~ r ,- c " ~ r , r ( (' 0 G> r r *.,>:: *~, ***~ *~, ~,c* ** ** ** *", *-':'***:(1: '<' * * Dl.:L I VER THESE LABELS TO: :(I: ,* MARY * -* n~H #268-84 ****************************'" .4" _ .. _.___ __._ .~," . ~ELTHER J,U,E /'Jt!.RIE 64t"J ~F HOTH ST WE:STCHES Tl:R CA 90045 -~~-_.~-~- - 90045 WPICHT BoeoIE L 1/2 ~'R IGHT R J [. MARGARET 1-2 4HZ1 JASPER RD SPRINGFIELC OR 97477 ----~-,~, ' WOOlE~Y KEr~NETH l t JEAN M 4655 JAS PER RO SP~INGFIELD ~R q7477 --~ ,: ~ ,I I I I I ,I ~*******************I***** *>:: *~ :(I: DELIVER THESE LABE~S TO: -* * Mb.RY *. * Tt'-lH #268-84 ********************~******* HART IN HARRY C 170 S 42ND 5T SPRInGFIELD OR CHASE EUGENE C HILBERT E & ELDON W 4681 JASPER. RO SPRINGFIELD OR JOHNS LARRY 0 & 1105 CLEARWATER SPRINGFIELD OR ~ 97'-..77 '17477 SHEILA E LN ' 97477 I 'SHE IILA E SHEILA C LN I' 97477 **************************** * DELIVEr THESE LABELS TO: *' -* MARY *' * TMH #268-84 **************************** EDNEY VERNON A ~ NORMA L 4580 JASPER RD SPRINGFIELD OR ~7477 , '; GARDNER EU~ER V 4705 JASPER RD SPR I~GF IELu OR .~ ",-"-'- ..'1" ,. ******.*** ***.**~* **** *** ** ***,,, ... . DELIVER THESE LABELS TO: .'" -* . ,MA R Y * " THH N~68-84 **~*************-************i~ HEADLEE oRVI LLE I 4579 JASPER R-O SPRINGFIELD OR S. HARIE'W' ~ 97477..; " ""'I .'" R & IDELLA , ""'I''" & MARGARET : HINSHAW HOwARD " 4801 JASPER RD 97477 SPRINGFIELD 'OR 97477 :' .,' "'I JOSSART DARYL A 1155 CLEAH;ATER SPR INGF IELD OR E LORELEI A LANE 97477 O~VILLE S E HARlE W S & MARIE W "17477 " JG~S '~RRY E SHEILA 110 LEARwATER LANE '" SPR 'GFlELO OR :"I 97477.-'; ~ ** *** *** -* -* ** * * ****.o:~' **-* ***** . 2/02/E4 DATE PRODUCED . I' LABELS PRINTED **************************** " "'I "'I -<~'-- .- ~ ~ '. ~ !"" 1~ I ~ . :'f ~..' , '11" ;;, '';;'~ r ~i ; ~ - ,. *******~:****~.************** * DEL I VER fHESF. LM:.ELS TO: * * I~AR'Y * * TMH #268-84 ****************************, r r WELTfiER JJr~E ~ARIE 64U r,' :!OTH 5T ~ESTCHESTI'R CA 90045 r -~,-~~- - ....-- ( 90045 ; r o WP.ICHT ~OCOIE L 1/2 WRIGHT"R J & MARGARET 1-2 4H21 J/.5PER RD SPRINGFIELC OR 97477 e " ~'OLJlERY KEfJNETH L f. JEAN M 4655 JAS PER. RO SPRINGFIELD QR 97477 r ... 'i 'I I I :1 I " , I' , ~ I - ,.1 *******************~Ii*****~* * DEL I VER THES E LABli.';;s TO: * * MA.R Y ,~, 1 . * * H1H #268-84 ~,':' . *******************i:'!******* ~ r ",', , ,I ,I 1 97477 Iii , ' MART IN HARRY C, 170 S 42ND ST SPRUJGFIELD OR CHASE EUGENE C HILBERT E ~ ELDON 4681 JASPER RD SP,RINGFIELD 'OR JOHNS LARRY 0 (. 1105 CLEARWATER SPRHJGFIELD OR I i I ' ,,!r r 91477 LN I" 97471 ,j' 'i . I'~-, , , SHE,' A E SHE!' A E UI r 97477 , i I _j" I-~-. . ,~ , ~~ ,'. **************************** * DELIVER THESE l^BELS TO: * * MARY *' * TMH #268-84 ****************************. EDNEY VERNON A & NORMA L 4580. JASPER RD SPR INGF I ELD OR 97477" , :y' \.. GARDNER ELMER V 4705 JA~PER RD. SPRINGFIELO OR JOSSART DARYL A 1155 CLEARI-IATER SPR INGF I ELU OR r. MARGARET 97477 & LORELEI A LANE 91477 s r. MAR I E W S &'MARIE W " 97477, .:, , ****~******~**~************~:~, . DELIVER THESE LABELS TO:' *,'. *.- ,MARY. *. '. TMH ~~68-84 " , ****************************:'~ , HEADLEE ORVILLE S + 45'19 JASPER RD SRKINGFIELD .OK ,MARl E' ~ 974n.,: ';" . HINSHAW HOWARD 4801 JASPER RO SPRINGFIELD OR R & I DELLA 97477.: ,'"' ;,.' 'JG~S ARRY C SHEILA 'liD ,LEAR~ATER LANE SPK GFIELD OR , , ,,' 97477', ** ******:0: * ** * ******.********* ." ,),: :0:' 2/02/E4 DATE PRODUCED ,~ ~" ,# LABELS PRINTED , **************************** :~ Ii ....--"'\ '....-.. ,",' "'"' ",",,' "'"' "'"' " ," -.''':. ~ ~ ,~. . , ' . , , '~",I.N"REi t1ATTER OF: . .' '~ -' ~e~~~~"~ J~< WOO~ ,.'"'''' . ~~'t> JA5~ g.l), "", , U,.02-D~.I.:) '# 310()il.1~ " . . Assessor's Map and Tax Lot Numbers 1 c?) ./,yz, .05",.3 ' I q '*' 3200 . I e 3 Lb 0 . I Ii; ?ED (J . .. ., I ,'M 11 3MO_n~_:~_~~_~. I . /I' 35DJ . . I jj;." '''''0(.:,00 ,,_r----,-----' - I _ \6 3960' ,-C-. __..I ---.~--'-_"~__'___ 4'._'"".'" . Le .02.00. 1.2 ..s:t- .. ..-- -- -.-.--..-----...,.,-,.. . 1 <30D D, . - ~'--,-'-'- ". ... .. --" I . I 1e,.(Y2 -cor--I {'. -if '2,zo~~T---' -,...' . I . :3 ' 226~ l ---""-' :1 [~ 34~o -'l-- -~. ~---:- . II. I 2_2Dt.-- --1=-~-..~__=_~l1l~ j . 250'0--'11 .' .., -~-'\ ---I ~ z"oo-ll--'-,-~ '" .. j . "-"-II,--'j---~ -''II .'--r~~'--..---u-_.._'-~ ,11 ' . '-r--: '1 II ',:1. !I"~ " - , . 'I 1 . . . . ,M14~Ol JOURNAL NO. : t.,. ,:\ ~. : i , " Zhe-B4- I I A "1 pI! ~ ~ u ~' .<:' ~ :a < ~ ~ t . . ~ ..,!1 ~ ~ @ Hi ~!, ~ ~. '" ~ ~ , i ; ! ~ o \' ,',., cr. L,ANE COlIN'I'Y ~)EF"r E~NV MG1' RECPll:;l' ,~ APPLICANT WOOLERY, KENNETH AD DR 4637 JASPER ROAD, "i~\.~:: '1 C()20~:;()()02?O') SUBDIV ~ :::l!.,I B1...DG T'{.PE: U;~E F~ )3:OF~I"IS () Ur~ITS' ()O"i ,S'TOPIES :)I;J N E F;~ N i'1 E ' ,".I) D !;~ ~()DE . Al~PL N() AC1'ICJN DES[;RIF~l':[ON SQ Fl' lJNI1' GIJST VAL.UATJ:ON ;:~Pi...:OC;.S' 26884 DA1'[ 013084 SPRINFIE:L_D~ 97477 L.ur DLK 001 PHONE 746 956'7 FEE '1111 DtlYS~' .,:P ( BP ~ r{F' ~ ,I", ~ ..'1"' ;, ""F.' 'r t' ; g ~ 'I... i')(J ~ F I XTI...lF:E.S : ,..j tl[CH ~ l SI..JI';~ ~ .Li< ; M~ LC 26884 'fMHR e SDS ,~1}~~" O! ~I ND'., CONNF~;TOF:S: j"'IEC:Hi::"iNIC{:il... FEE ST(, TE: SUI:;~CHI:\I":CE I::'!... r::'l i\! CHECK F'EE '1 ~:~ ,,()O [j::'ICH ?J-'~' -\'r., () ~:} ;.;: :25.. 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