HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-9-12 - ~~q(t1~ # 'Lane County Authorization for: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ~aDL- A.JdJl i 0 J ~ , roW.'SHIP( 8 , AANGE 02..> 1:05./ ~ 1;~~7r80UT OF SJBnl%)AR4IO~~ooabl~W:J.i :If.l 0' - cb2~05 ~~Ih' ~ATIO~ ADDRES~~".~~~ ~ ~~.[TY ZIP PROPOSED USL OF PROPERTY 4'037 ( ~. .L . 06- I <...../ f"'" LYl- d. . 0 ReSlde,nbal 0 Industnal 51r""~URES CU~ ON fRoPE~Y ~ I~^ '~..I I ~O~_"_~~O -, j ~~~~~r) . LO),{ \()IYl(1j ~ Irth~-~,~'/iY' '~~ , - (')f r~ '_ .01. . IT) r0-..X u...:L.J /1('. ~ ~ (3~ (9L, ti.., II ~ 70mr\O , ~TION OF PROPOSED WORK - Bf SPECIE ' H U - - ~JJ{If'O rY)(J,m ) ---, - - 1rTrnOJ "~ J' ontr" I ,'~E(L WQ~{)( l~ J O'k~NL""AND~~on~ ' CaNTRA~N~~ .' 17, ~ld_ i /\..TELEPHONE NUMBER( ",.", ro ~ ro... ro ,~, ~.. 0fKLn 5<1 ill . (~. C/;z47B1 ,,-,-" I HAVE CAREPULLY EXAMINED TNE COMPLLTED APPLIC~ON PDR PE \.,.idO hereby cert,fy that ~'O" hereo" " true a"d correct a"d that I have the foll~,ng legal '"tereot '" the property Jl'I.ow"er of record 0 co"tract :urchao," D:~::::a:ge"t ~th ~de"Ce of authonty attached I f_rther cert~fy that any and all work performed shall be done 1n accordance w1th the Ord1nances of Lane County and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertalnlng to the work descrlbed henlln, and that NO OCCUPANCY wlll be made of any structure wlthout the perrnlsslon of the BUlldlng Dlv1Slon I fur- ther certlfy that reglstrat10n wlth the BU1lder's Board lS 1n full force and effect as reqUlred by ORS 70l 055, that If exempt the basls for exemptlon lS noted hereon and that only subcontractors and employees who are In COmpl1ance w1th ORS 701 055 wlll be used on thls proJect I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY \ /7 ; ~~)eq" "" yJ/?pi~o! p~n~ f ((;II! . n , '1/:;:RE A ,f./ L!;j. 9 - ~..:: -;?r- ' Apphca hent., e;... QO _ 0 j Perm~ t # / _:..J /) 0 Nt" o Two cop~es of plans o Three Cop~es of Plot Plans LJMech/Plumb~ng Checkllst o Legal Interest Document o Plan Check Info Sheet DECLARED ~ VALUE ~pesed 11Ex~st~ng ~~~7 READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY YOUR AUTHORIZATION HAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS' [] PLANNING/ZONING Zone Part1tl.On # parcel # Parcel SHe 8.03 \C '.IOtdL, rear ')1 ~ ') D ~;I. SA:D b~" Z12rt ~ 12 I ILl xi- D C c ;,:::sG~~~ Ol \;~ ~,Y(>'i-RroV'\A ~~-'E_ ~ r~"('\(r'~cL\..\ IT" (1+ (~U \ \. '~' If! s::.P .A/~-pj =",--.a l',?4-~/'7 .4Q'~...t.--4s <::'f::_ ol"l. pL..r~ 'j-/Z-8~ Date Installa t10n SpeCl.fl.Cat1ons Gallon Tank L1neal Feet of Dral.nf1.eld Installatl.on R~cord _Issued? 0 Yes 0 No Maxl.mum Depth of Trenches [] SANITATION 5 I # B P # 17..et.J -vu.;.l..'.1.V .--e~ ~./~, ~.L.i</;.P/ ~...,,~ d4.~./ ~ 4;1~j -z;;:.:,-U ~~ ~..-h ~~A1d-J) JroJ. ,J? [] PLANS EXAMINATION Date A1l.&.. ~ R;;J~ "j~:L,tJ 1-J1-/,y ~ NJ..l,~, CO!>l};ENTS Type Group Use SEE REVERSE SIDE OF PERMIT AAO :! ~:':s~F'e::-;-ja~\~\-::tU T REQUIRE>,1ENTlI. " . PERMITS FOR ALL ELECTRICAL WORK "'1'JnL.'- ~i:: ,::I.t::(,U~iiv,"J TH~ 4TAIt. OF ORCGON, DePARTMENT OF PVC,IAJA-n:J> PIPE P2C)/,.\.IBI, ,.........., lINClf~-;, ;}; Cate I 4- 0 COMNENTS vI.JHI~IU--''''''[;. l'L{"\,.Il'\I\tll ::">(L,IIU\'( TOTAL VALUATION $ CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT -- Sq Ft Flxed Feel Floodpla~n Fee $ Un~t Cost Subsurface Fees $ Bu~ld~ng fee $ r-.~2;ch/Plmbg Fee $ plans Check Fee $ State Surcharge $ DEQ Surcharge $ TOTAL FEE $$ 'Y'- iL/t )(11 0) (), ~::f// PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (per ORS 456 BOS(l}) . DATF LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, C 14-25 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION , " SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- CATION OF THIS PERMIT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF, LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION, TION RE~u~~l~ MUST BE GIVEN of ,lnspectlon" when J.. tJ wlJ.l' .J - " CALL 687-4065 A MINIMUM'OF AT LEAST 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- Have the followlhg lnformatlon ready permlt number, Job address, type be ready, your name and phone number, and any speclal dlrectlons to slte __._L_ - , BUILDING DIVISION " " REQUIRED INSPECTioNS , 1 , Foundatlon Inspectlon To be mad~ after trenches are_excavated and forms erected and when all materlals for the foundatlon are dellvered on the Job Where concrete from a central mlx~ng plant (conunonly termed "translt rn~xedll) ~s to be used, rnater~als need not be on the Job , ---- --- , , r~"'Concrete Slab or Under-Floor Inspectlon To be made after all In-slab or under-floor bUJ..ldlng serVlce equlpment,_coD~ult, plp~ng_acces50r1e5, and ot~e~ anc11lary equ1pment 1tems are 1n place but before any concrete lS poured or floor sheathlng lnstalled, 1nclud1ng the subfloor . , 2 -3 4 .Fram1nq ~ Insulat10n Inspect10ns To he made after the roof, all fram1ng, flre bl~ck1ng, andM braclng are 1n place and all plpes, flreplaces, ch1mneys, and vents are complete and all rough electrlcal and plumb1ng are approved All wall lnsulat10n and vapor barrler are In place ~ - - "'- - . - -- - - -., - ~ Lath and/or~Gypsum Board Inspectlon To be made after all lath1ng and gypsum board, 'nterlor and exterror,_~s 1n place__b\L~_betore any~plasterlng lS appl1ed_and before gypsum board J01nts and fasteners are tap~d and flnlshed ~.. ~,' , ,- Flnal Inspectlon To be made after the bU1ld1ng l5 complete/and before occupancyf , 5. APPROVAL REQUIRED ,No work shall be done on any part of~the bUlldlng or structure beyond the p01nt lnd1cated In each succeSSlve lnspect10n wlthout f1rst obtalnlng the approval oJ the bUlld1ng off1clal Such approval shall be glven only after an 1nspectlon shall have been made of each succeSSlve step In the constructlon as lndlcated by each of the lnspectlons requlred NOTE All bU1ldlng.p:r~ts requlre_l~s~e:t:o~s_~o~_ the_work authorlzed, 5~ch as b~t not Ilm1ted to A Block Wall To be made after relnforc1ng lS In place, but before any grout lS poured ThlS 1nspect1on ls-~equ1red for each bond beam pour ,There wlll oe no approval untll the~plurnblng and electr1cal ~nspectlons have been made and approved B Wood Stove To be made after cornpletlon of masonry (If appl1cable) and when lnstallat10n 15 compl~ Installatlon shall be 1n accordance wlth an approved,_natlonally recogn1zed test1ng agency and the manufacturer's 1nstallatlon 1nstructlons _ v _ C MOblle.Home An lnspect10n lS requlred after the moblle home~ls connected to an approved sewer or sept1c system for setback. requlrements, block1ng, foot1ng connectlon, tledowns, sklrtlng ~ and -plumblng - connectlonS:- ~ -- .- 1 -Footlngs and plers to comply w1th State foundatlon requlrements for-moblle homes~or as- recommended by the manufacturer. "' .. _J... 1 __ _. ._ _ ........_ 2- Mob1le home m1Dlrnum flnlsh floor elevat10n shall be certlfled when requ1red by a flood- p_la1!l4man1l-g~men!....letter ~ _ _~... '" ~_ _ }l; :~ - ... -. " 3 Mob1le home tledowns, when requlred, and sk1rtlng sh~lr~be lnstalled and ready for'lnspec- tlon wlth1n at least 30 days after occupancy Tledowns and sklrt1ng shall be lnstalled per enc~osure. D SW1mm1nq Pool Below grade when steel ~Sl In place and before concrete 15 poured Above grade when pool-rs-1nstalled APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE -IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN -180 DAYS, \OR IF WORK~IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN 180 DAYS SUSPENS!ON OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION A~YONE PROC~EDING PAST THE POINT or REQUIRED INSPEC:IONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNA~IVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS 1. _Permlts.sh<111 !?e ef;e~t1v~ ,for one ye~T' from the IqatE?-iof 'J.ssuance -- _ . -. t \ r ..... ~ .... - _ 2 Upon completlng the construct10n for wh1ch'a'permJ.t has been lssued, the permlt holder shall notlfy the,LaneSQunt~ D~partment of Plann~ng and communlty Development~by submltt1ng the ~ lnstallatlon record form. The Department shall lnspect the constructlon ~o-determlne lf lt compIles wlth the 'rules contalned 1n th1S dlv1slon If the constructlon does comply wlth such _rules, the Department shall 1ssue a certJ.flcate of sat1sfactory completlon to the perrnltl ~old~r If the construct1on does not comply wlth such rules, the Department shall notlfy the permJ.t holder and shall requlre satlsfactory complet1on before lsslllng the certlflcate Fallure to meet the requ1rements for sat1sfactory completlon wlthJ.n a reasonable tlme constltutes a V10- latlon of ORS 454 605 to 454 745 and thlS rule Setbacks - Subsurface Sewaqe Dlsposal c, From Interlor property llnes Edge of road rlght-of-way BUlldlng foundatlon Wells. other water sources Septlc Tank 10' 10' 5 ' 50 ' Dralnfleld 10' 10 ,____ 10' 100' , , , , .) -.~ I ~ " !J Lot l - P!an Block Vicinity Ms? . t 10,1 'Jo') LOCe1 I' PLrm1 t Permit II Pen,n I' (Ace rL S S ) Fur For For /"'s a.$ fRr '~ \\ J ~ , -mee: 1"- ~ ~~llj ~ ,i' ~~_I"O~O ~ JJ< ~II. 52.~ -~11c.. I I -t::L !'p.....Mil fI -, fl Permit Pennit U l~ ~~ ~ 'If " " ~ I ~~ Idt ----- / Fer Fo:- for II !! I .. .. r.: II .. I' ----...-- ._.r;.(; c.!:;: "j .:;v ~ \..- .,,", ...--------..-.-_..-~- -) .:",) ~' i '" h. '-' . c. ..I ,. 1;:. .!l,"- 1Ii...... " ,'" ,. " ".1.. r, '" f"1' ~ ,.. ~:: 'I" I r' I .....:...