HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-3-14 \\V( . PERMIT ;;;;//I-(-30-/tj' '" ~0'i'RS' ~L /J7-0.:J -c;J.5>9'?;<()! JOB LOCATION a-c;p~Ut!f/ ' ; ~6'('/lu./.Aj ~ ~ (<<<.C4/;J.--r-"t..4(:; k!c::p/,/Jt:<.->/'!/ --./tf--6 <.>-;J<-/P"'?2I<.-/j, ,ef:. ;'.\~~" 1[.-<. LANE COUNTY PERMIT ,-f/.<-!iviz: .:CiP<t!tJ P-u/ A;--Y/~ Acreage or Lot SI70 ,-::?.-5""? 4 Partitioning # /Y /t- () Completed SubdivIsion /J/ A- Contractor's 0 S # /)/ 4- - "O;?/ Lot Blocl< APPlICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS-=,I-!, ,/; ti/,&-t9-I;U4~ 37 a~..?--/ 6;! ~~~ Phone?.?i.0'- 76b7 OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS ~Y-/ ,7 - .;:! ' / // .. Phono CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRES" //./t'/?-r//7 ./'7~...-zVA/(./e~?U'_d./ Phone~.?- Mall permit to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner ( ) Contractor (v(Prefer to pick up Call 'i't:/? -c:;7~&;7_ (owner, etc) when ready STRUCTURES NOW ON JHE PROPERTY )1i260/;../~-??Z-C/>-'- );'J:?C-<#; &-j:Pt<'-:7_"- &~-</L~ 'THIS PERMIT IS FOR i~J~i' ./I/lut~ :1Jk-'~/If9?J{.f!.,. -~-U-U.-l # BED ROO MS...;::L'f PLUMB~ CONNECTIONsA:It- .. 1 "7 t/ ~ .'7"-' /)( WATER SUPPLY t-I..v!/A...-; .. SEWAGE DISPOSAL../~~O 0, t1--:0' S I # /VA- THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MI LE OF THE CITY OF PLUMBING BY .. ~/]-<../ )~~^--- I hereby certify that the above stateTT'ents are true and accurate, and that I have the follOWing legal Interest In the oroperty _owner of record, contract purchaser _ potential buyer, _ realtor or agent I further certify that (If not the owner) I am authOrized to act for the owner of record, and t~at ~? owner IS aware and approves of thos action I hereby agree to ~omPIY With a~_afP"cable Codes relating to this per~t Fee Paid $41, 'I () slgnaturf;;l/..A.. ,C' jJr,:'~... f'~ /< -:/../ . DatL/) ;,1..' ,'" -/7' ;-5-' (vJNEW ADDRESS ( ) FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT"/ () SPECIAL PMT' AREA MIN ELEVATION '""-... .' Drall1fleld ReqUired Lineal Feet MaXimum Depth Group ~. rn~~: l3';'J.h~i1i ~.ft.~'.l~l. ~"~U.i1;~iA ~~i-1"'... SANITATION Comments <;.eE:. A"T\""A..CJ.-tE.D By Date Date .. . PLANNING REQUIREMENTS SATISFIED Bv Date Date Issued ~ONE ~.f71 SETBACKS FRONT (S::-~/ SIDE FACING STREET (FROM CIL) INT SIDE YARD,,(S'l REAR~&I'(FROM PILl '" LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE 6874394 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE C5513 BLOG PERMIT _ WHITE BUILDING - GREEN PLUMBING - CANARY SANITATION - GOLDENROD OFFICE COpy - V\.HITE d ,j . :1 A . TRS1 TT PDet SubdlVlSlon Lot .I Job Location (Maress) Penult II For Permit U For ~Dan Permit II For Permit D For II - Perult For Permi t U For Block ~'l~ '"~ -"l ,,' ~\ 'i' ' 'I " \, r \, ~ :\ , " " I> " /wy,-S avS r e yo \\ 't ..... <<<1. 1\ ,i }, ~ ~ .... j I' .5::: I :, -- I I~ ... ~ 1 Ii.-;<&"P9'ltft+ D J f} /! ---r ; --r l',-w..o.. ) /U{j/ ~~jJ~E~A __----~ ji" wJ:/7--____ tJpJ (lI/U..!JL " --'-' -..... ro7/,_ 1 "-" Vicinity Map N I,;~ 18-0'2-0':, I L '2.r,7 r'\ L___ ___ 10 L';~,[ COUfn) PL;"l,'n ',:; V CO',ST?UCT JO:, ?E":':;TS & JriS~ECT10t\ ~ ME.E..D 01' '-: ~ FRO~ SURVE10RS GrF1CE - FLOClD PLh1t, t~';,,;:GEt:::hT DEPART::::"T Of PJ~Ll C LJ.!,C'S PHO',: 657-,195 SU5jECT PPTJT 1 JI, h:J"~ER S~E91 \ 1510', 50J LDJ :,G PEr, ']I 1,:,J':s::q TM\-\ ~,.:~ -iB '" - -:' RECO'V~hQ;:] c \ 'irlE ABOVE SUBJECT lS Jh A SPEC1AL PEPI:n AREA_ THE ABOVE SUBJECT lS INCLUDED IN T~E H U D FLOOD INSURJ.NCE APEP REt:;':;KS M.I-\, "TO 1OE. b...S I-\.\Gr\-\ b..'S "-A,H. /!:.."'T 4-f,.~i 3'1>:"':::---::'.:'2. ~, DATE ~-I4.-lp., s, -G.J01....c . , , .... .- Date meuu, f'3 -I 'i '))) Environmental ~[dnagement Department Division of Construct1on Permits & ,Inspection 125 - 8th Avenue East Eugene, Oregon 97401 Gentlemen Re Temporary Mobile Home Permit Applicat~on Th1S request for a temporary mob1le home permit ~b made under the general provis1ons of LC 11.100-10(4). l( (a) A personal, but not necessarily whereby 1t 1S necessary to have premlses (b) The mob1le home will be used for the applicant's personal use during the t~me a conventional dwelling is being constructed " on the prem1ses, after which it will be removed; " (c) The mob1le home will be used b7 an employee o~ this applicant for bona fide agricultural, forestry management, or ~ineral extraction purposes; (d) The mobile home will be a watchman or caretaker, industr1al use. f1nanc1al, hardsh1p exists someone living on the s~e ; , used for residential purposes for , I in conJunc~ion with a commereial or The specif1c circumstances necess1tat1ng this request are Ii Id t'I ~ II.( . u...J>_ ho O.J n ")4, 1 , 0.t. T h , <.. It 'wi. ~ n 1'1 ~lQ...l1..""A f'li IJ -&> d / Yl lj,j l~ Ro h. Lb !Pelf> b ~ 'Y\.Q. Q> Ie. (f)p-o . I J In - , / I understand that th1s perm1t 1S valid for one year only, and is subject to reevaluat10n and renewal at the exp1ration of that time. " Mdress Slgnature ~ /i M) I J) It.-I1J LA..;.1 {/),tt,3.7 ~ lonl~f Rj .~I ~".P <Dio I q 7'1- 7''1 V Y./ Zip Code " I I Telephone 7 d h - C; _\,- /:, '7 M74-152 :Vo.J"..u..tn..DI 'vv\..~ Ir,-D -z.. -O~ " li'nm,j.> paraL ~ 'z) ) ./ c.. ) '""'" "tRS,,T1 Job locatlonl,:<cad CLCC..Q....s5 . \ ~ c:. tt:> P. ~ ~~tten DJIectwns (1J I k'T 4 ~ '6i- S\' "t"n:S- d.~ 'p €~~, ~d - L <?~ \ 1"\ Y1 Tn c INFORMATION SHEET 77JlH - ~ 3::J-7J? R nCLr-!_ D E',p Rtl \7c- rt ~ IV-a.l I e. V"" - 0 Yl - 'I\(;.\r~ Ii\!.,l9~l ex) Building Permit (X) Site Feasibility Study for Septic Tank IJ-est holes will be ready SubdiVIsion / Number 01 sites a-8EWAGE DISPOSAl vPlUMBING BY <A-L~'E.J "1l.creage or Lot SI.70 7{, _<)".,. tLCYe e 5 'Partitioning # ( ) Completed ( ) Pending -1I:PPlICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS !{, h, {;)Dol e leu q".t,3.,. Sa < D f'..P Rri ~<; o-f' /rI I.{)WNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS, If dlffe~ from applrcant'< ~, ~.$, a..hE'19f", '.' '-C"ONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS c- s.u-:s rn H on GrOOV(-(:f:)-!ifi,.".. V-"'" OA.I ~!'A. '^'" r> _ ~ lIifall permit or results 01 site feaslbllrt't study to ( ) Applicant (X) Owner ( ) Contractor -,(b /I F/l-4.A.--L-~ ~ L-rPrefer to pick up Call 71ft. - ,9~';;7 (owner, etc ) when ready -tj: t. b' -. '!. Contractors O. S. # t$-TRUCTURESNOWONTHEPR~ERTY f'/jl')bl\l~ h()'Yvlta_ ~I Ntt1ITI-~tl?P()s.€. b~1 Idl'V\(' '~)' 1 PROPOSED USE (this permit) P-~ moeJ/ f-IO"mg ~/;/e~l~~!' (.'-u(d,?/C Oil """"r~'i -t;N1) "'WA TER SUPPLY e x.. I c:::. T, Yl C, \ 1.) 1"". II (existing or proposed well, etc II publiC, name 01 system) , e'Y I~T''v1G <'-e.'Dt'-C TavJR. 1 - , v1a...I) e..tJ , Lot Blocl< Phono Phono Phone 7</t.- <1 ~(,7 '74;: -514Rj (existing or proposed septic tank, etc) S I #< _ Address \..{"") PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF CITY ( qUA *************** ********************** ****** OFFicE USE ON L Y BE LOW THIS LINE *** ********** ** **** ** ** **** *-It *** * *'t **..., * *-'0-"'''' ) New Address Necessary ~ON~ ) Facility Permit Necessary SETBACKS Front Side FaCing Street (FROM CENTERLINE OF ROAD) ) Special Permit Area Minimum Elevation Interior Side Yard Rear (FROM PROPERTY LINES) To Planning/Building Inspector/Sanitarian/Surveyor This applrcant appears to have a problem with Your assistance will be appreciated By Permit Processing Section Responsp C5512 By DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Permit Processing Section 125 East 8th A venue 687-4394 nrVISlon TRS, 'TL /j?-tJ,:l ~t:J0- ~;)() ) Plot Subd~v~s~on Lot Plan Block C74-1S0 Vicinity Map Job Location Permit II Permi t Ii Permi t Ii . N (Address) For For For o~u' V Permit II Permit II Permit II For For For ~ ~'/, - ~'Il> ....... ~, ~SQv~ ~~V" .,__\\\'-___ ~d,' ~ J '- ~ ,~' '" ~ ~ ~ ~"1zft:I;..J~~~ D f -~,Pl 110 ~ Ii' r ' \ ' " \ I ~ '\ ~ " --'-' TRS, TL Plot Plan SubdJ..vJ..sJ..on Lot Block '~ It\. \~ ,>., ~cJ ,~")(1.sp~~\~d -."" " ,'<~, I C7S!, I I r ~... V) l...- ), '., Qj \ ,- rj~ v., I .-, Q~ .# -. <t1 i' \.'T-> ~ l ,. \l.J I '.<;;;' t-? \J' Q) I "' ~. j , I 'f- ~ ~ j, i~~H ~;"~7..t n~. l~' ,...':..1 .-a..L' -~ ">: ~ - f:I? f:1 t, "' , , u - ~ '1_ ~ -- III .s:.) tf} ~ ~' "" ~ Ql ~ -----.;-e., --..... .0- -,J-...... / 11'-" ~ \ \\0"""^-~ '\'\ .Q. Vicinity Map C74-150 Job Location Permit It Permit II Permit II .'\ N (Address) For For For l;;~ ~ ~ .:;~' 1/' ,- Ii ?lz 1'*' ":l i' , \ \") ~ 'k- Permit It Permit II Permit II - So.... s pe..l2. 'I..,) 'I \ '-- 0.. , ., jL 1\ ;f 1) ..0 "I I r-... :t , r::. i; V\ y I\,? \ 1(.' ~\ 0W-Q..; For For For ~ " " ~'- , "- , C I I ~ - \- ,^'..,.. ~ ",\~\,\L.\ o _,' pu.e.pGsJc D 'b I' LJ....1 (\, 1/\ ! ~_ J ~' ~'~ ';:1 0 '0 \ I ~ =-0,,0' , ~"" , -, . " ~, i " I r 1, H <1"_ -. , - - '< l:' ,