HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-12-17 , CONSTRUCTION/PLACEMENT PERMIT t-~vL~ COMPLETE THIS BLOCK. PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND PRINT. TO\''''HI;/ 8" l PAN;;;;?- I SECO~ I JiJ;; loom or :3UB~ION/PARTITION t~t apphcableJ I LOT/PARcEL I BLOCk LOCATION ADDRESS I . STREET 81: ~...4 CITY i~T{2CJRRLN1L\'. "X~ . ~ ;i ~L, ";?a-n.., -.-.- -- ~I ~:::lDJ ~-f?d-/~-vflf} ", OF BEDROO~ j ~F STORIES I # OF EMPLOYEES I WA,TFR SUPPLY 0 proposed - 0 Lx~stlng Kt~N;:;"~/(iJ~ 71637W<=>4U--z/& c../~ I ?/;:{_'~~'l CONTRACTOR'S NAllE ~~RESS P" F j? . =-~ ' I TELCPqO.'C NUNHER CONT";OR~R # I DI~~) //d'?~~ ~4!?'~ /;"zr >i~d gYd~~~L 'P7#~d _~~P~4YM/#:~--:' I !lAVE; CJ'l.m.rlJLLY EXN-l;>1",~4E COMPLE.TED APPLICATION POR PE T and do h~Y tf'rLlf) thlt all Informlt~on hC'rf'on l' true. lnd t:orrc,..t and r Furth....' certIfy that any and all Q~~crformcd 'ihall be done 1n accordance wIth the Ordl11il'1cc<J of L"Inc C01-lllL,. dnd t.h,... La"s of the ,>tlt" (")f Or~'pn p"tLalll1nq to the work descrIbed hercl.n and that NO OCCUPANCY Inll be made of any structu1e wl.thout the pLcml.S!non of the EU1ldl.l1g DiViSion I iurLh",r C.U:Ll[Y that registration wl.th the BUilder S Board 1S in full force and effect as required by ORS 701 055, that 1f eXLmpt thp bas1s for eXemIlt10n l.S notpd hereon and that only subcontractors and employees who are in compll.ance w1th ORS 701 055 Will be used on thiS proJect I HAVE READ ArlO ClIEO.ED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY - FOR OF~ICE USB O~LY ~~~;~~o~~~~~ DTwo COpJ.cs of Plans []TWO COpJ.cs of Plot Pla~s []Mechanlcal Checkllst DPlumblDS ChecylJ.st I Dplan Cl1ech. Info Sheet ZIP PROPOSl:.D USL OF I';QOI::'ERT'r: o ResJ.dentlal DIndustrlal o ConunercJ.a1 Dpubhc 1$ VALUE &~ U NA'1E (please prJ.nt) -~Yf/ /c2-//// DATE DOwner D Contr.lcto~ o Agent o PLANNING/ZONING: Zone /J?; -r t r'artItJ.on ::r Parcel # Parcel Sue .51 ~ /} HI ll.mUm Setbacks CL, front ,CL, sl.de lnterl.Or JIf Comments ,,-aJ/..:bL2M./YW~~./?~~~b;J.-/~bZ /o/":;'>//R,~ t?V ~/~/?~y ~..AP'h? -1 ~h./IUULe'O~~oate J,;J../J-</~I o FLOODPLAIN: In flood hazard area? 0 No 0 Yes <:;ee attaChJ'"Sheet. Date o RURAL ADDRESSING. !Xl SlUHTATION: rear GRID COORDI~AH.. N E Date ~ n o S I # B P . Installatl.on Recora Issu~d? [] Yes [] No Ins-callatlon Gallon Speclfl.Cdtlons Tank ,/fJi'ents }{JrfJ~O ./'J!/llZCf//JI'..e.1 AI ,()(J'&lf 01 f?~<<~m;1 ~ilIidTT'-fjy ~ . o PLANS EXAMINATION: Type Group Ll.oeal Feet Maxlmum Depth of Dral,l;lfH~ld of TrencheE' 11 ~ xufr ({,XJj1f~ti., ~JYP~ Date l1ltll$U'ldb /N,J. ~td ~ "/l.~ Use Comments Date o CONSTRUCTION AJTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT ~scnPhoy:J /J ./ 7A....&V~ /~ . -/ -~~ cC</-3i/ Sq Ft F J.:h.ed Fee/ Un~t Cost Floodplaln Fee Subsurface Fees BUJ.1dlng Pee Sewer/Storm Draln/Water Plumblng Flxtures Mechanlcal Plans CheCk Pee State Surcharge $ ~ $~-?a $ ~<: $ $ $ $ $ ,v - .:::;<- TOTAL VALUATION $ ( Or-, ~ TOTAL FEE $ ~~, FEES PAID B'S /~ D.7~ By /k;;;;,/)~ / Date / //~A-1 t/'/ / p-//tJ Lf''? ~ /-?-.p . --./ ~ ~ :;;/1 PER~IT APPROVED BY BUILDING ~~~EE (per ORS 456805(1)) LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT / 125 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 C74-194 SEE REVERSE . ,. . ~ '. SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS Of APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT~ CI"ATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE CDUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE. AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION CALL 687-4065 A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST MUST BE GIVEN Have the fol1owlng lnformatlon ready Permlt number1 Job address, type of lnspectlon, when It wlll be ready,- your name and phone number, and any speclal dnectlons to' sHe BUILDING DIVISIO~ REOUIRED lfISPECTlDNS 1) FOUNDATION INSPECTION To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all mater,als for the foundat,on are dellvered on the Job Where concrete from a central mlxlng plant (cormnonly termed "translt mlxedtl) 15 to be used, materlals need not be on the jOb , - 2) CONCRETE SLAB OR UNDER-FLOOR INSPECTION To be m~de-after all-,n-slab or under-floor bUlldlng serv,ce equ,pment, condult, plplng accessorles and other ancl11ary equlpment 'tems~are 1n pl~ce but before any concrete 1S poured. _ or floor sheath,ng lnstalled, ,nclud,ng the subfloor .- ~ , , . 3) FRAMING & INSULATION INSPECTIONS To be made after the roof"all fram,ng; r-,re block,ng and brac,og are ,n place and \ all plpes, fueplaces and chlmneys and vents are complete and all rough electncal and plumblng'are approved All -- wall lllsulatlon and vapor barfler are In place 4) LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION To be made after all lath,ng and gypsum board, ,nterlor and exterlor,,'s but before any plastenng lS appl,led or.. before gypsum board JOlnts and fasteners are taped and f..lnlshed' I. .. - - . "" - In place { - ) .~ 5) FINAL INSPECTION To be made after the bUlld,ng 's complete and before occupancy APPROVAL REQUIRED N~ work shall be done on any part of the bUlldlng or structure beyond the pOlnt lnd!cated ,n each succeSSlve lnspectlon wlthout flrst obtalnlng the approval of the bUlldlng offlclal Such approval shall be glven only after an lnspectlon-shall have~been made of each succeSSlve step In the constructlon as lndlcated by~each of the lnspectlons requlred - N01E ~11 bUlldlng permlts requlre lnspectlons for the work~authorlzed,-such as but not llmlted to - - . ~~ A BLOCK WALL To be made after relnforclng lS In place. but before any grout lS poured Thls lnspectlon lS requlred fo~ each bond beam pour There wlll be no approval untll the plumblng and electrlcal lnspectlons have been made and approved... t '- B WOOD STOVE To be made after completlon of masonry (If appllcable) and when lnstallation lS comolete Installatlon sha 11 be In accordance Wl th an approved natlonally - recognlZed testlng agency dlld the manu- facturer's lnstallatlon lnstructlons '" , . C r~OBILE HOME An lnspectlon lS requlred after the moblle home lS connected to an approved sewer or septlc system for setback requlrements. blocklng, footlng connectlon, tledowns. sklrtlng, and plumblng connectlons ' _ (1) Footlngs and plers to comply wlth State foundatlon requlremeQts~for moblle homes or as recommended by the manufacturer \ -1 .. (2) Mob,le home mlnlmum f,n,sh floor elevatlon shall be cert,f,ed when requlred by a floodplaln management letter ..(3) Moblle home tledowns, when requlred, and wlthln at least 30 days after occupancy , ' .... sklrtlng shall be lnstal.led and ready for lnspectlOn Tledowns and sklrtlng shall be lnstalled per enclosure ~ ' " Above~grade when pool , . D SWIMMING POOL lS lnstalled Below grade when steel 15 1n place and before concrete lS poured APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS THIS'PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT "BEG IN WITHIN 180 DAYS"OR~IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN IBO DAYS SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THIS PER~UT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INGmlPLETE OR ERRONEOUS I~FORMATION ," , ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT HIS OWN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS .' (1) (2) ,Permlts~shall be effectIve for one year from the date of Issuance . Upon completlng the c;nstructlon for WhlCh a permlt has been lssued the permlt holder shall notlfy the Department by subm,ttlng the lnstallatlon record form The Oepartment shall Inspect the construct' on to determlne lf lt compl1es wlth the rules contalned ln thls dlvls,on If the constructlon does comply wlth such rules, the Department shall lssue a certlflcate of satlsfactory completIon to the permlt holder If the constructIon does not comply wlth such rules. the Department shall notlfy the permIt holder and shall requlre ~ satlsfactory completlon before ,ssulng the certlf,cate Fallure to meet the requlrements for satlsfactory complet,on w,th,n a reasonable tlme constltutes a v,olat,on of ORS 454 605 to 454 745 and th,S rule Setbacks - Subsurface SewaQe Olsoosal From Intenor property llnes '" Edge of road rlght-of-way Bu,ldlng foundatlon Wells, other water sources Sept,c Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Dra,nf,eld 10' 10' 10' 100' l' < , L -- . \ \' J, " . , . I: ~ - , < ; . . < , , ~ \ 1= j 1\1 . .... .... d. " -+ d: ct ~ 11 I' , I I MIL '.)1'1'111,,)1'1 vJI){)II.I", i;ll;IILfH Pll il 1::()'-i()l,G(ln l~~(!\ ,\'lll~Jl] v' Pf:l,) 101lH, 1 rl't 1);'1 I,' \1)..11"11', l) L11l'[ .;1'1'1 .rh. r'11110f! \\L 'cl.'JI'11111) IW Lif' HP I {~ ('I j,I' COI),I,'1' 01 1"-1 l'lh ,"',1 ['f..('1 I i.' T r)nIJP ~/1 [( 1:)SI'LF~ r th~t } lIr~ l ;,~ ()() I ;\' i 111' II \; ,"I~ I f llN I 1 I.J ": .,!<C<1 1)('111 1 :'1 'In I Y1<lNbrlll 1), nl~n;11N I ill 1<1 K :~r\! 1)\;S 00 I I HUNt 7if ~ :?r,() l I \ ~lIl!n I f ON l-:-_C !.J!-lYS I Ill' l' : I fr'l_ I'W J l. TlIF~I:;:' fILCH ;'UI;' l'f'I' ~i! I I L' ) r E It H: ) 1 1 ~1J I r,~ )')J,,<' ;;11,\'1 Ijfl, 1'(JiJlH.L 1'-'1< l'll-C1lr,,/11 I'd FU SHill ,"llll HAI"GI:. II f IT UII fY 11'_'- 1 c." (.) I ,,( II fl.' " . " J } " R)I) o!) l'}t) ~ 1)0 I 'I [f,l b ,,1,'1' .. 1 l)1 J () I ril' I ,J \''1' I" II I~() If Sll," ."1 l'l'l, f1111 J.:: 1 I S j, (CHII'I r I] [iN n(,11 j '2, 1 " 1 1(11 -')1. I U )." " ~)IE'OO rl< II' · / , lane county Renewal of Temporary Moblle Home December 10, 1981 Jean Woolery 4617 Jasper Rd Spf1d~ OR 97477 RE TRS/TL \9, -O~-OS\d;;)O \ Your TMH permlt exp1res on December 31, 1981 Please be adv1sed a mob1le home placement perm1t 1S requ1red for all mob1le homes be1ng used for res1dentlal purposes 1n Lane County If your TMH perm1t was 1ssued for a fam1ly member suffer1ng a physlcal or mental d1sab1l1ty documented by a phys1c1an, therap1st or other profess1onal counselor, you may be el1g1ble for a renewal All TMH perm1ts lssued for purposes other than fam1ly member med1cal reasons, are not el1g1ble for renewal The mob1le home must be removed or vacated Your 1mmed1ate attent10n to th1S matter lS requlred by d01ng one of the follow1ng on or before December 31, 1981 If your TMH was lssued for a fam1ly member suffer1ng a med1cal hardsh1p and the c1rcumstances rema1n the same, return the enclosed form w1th a check for $85 00 (renewal fee) 2 If your TMH lS no longer be1ng used for res1dent1al purposes, return th1S letter stat1ng you no longer requ1re a mob1le home perm1t 3 If your TMH was lssued for a reason other than fam1ly member med1cal d1sab1l1ty, the moblle home must be vacated or removed on or before December 31, 1981 4 If you w1sh to pursue appropr1ate act10n that may allow the TMH lssued for other reasons you should contact Lane County Plann1nq If 1t lS poss1ble for the mob1le home to rema1n w1th appropr1ate perm1ts, you must 1n1ate that process on or b~fore December 31, 1981 Thank you for your cooperat1on and 1f you have any quest10ns regard1ng th1S letter, please contact Susan Keller, Lane County Plann1ng, Publ1C Serv1ce BU1ld1ng, 125 E 8th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401. v'-~t()~~~/')M~ cc Perm1t Process1ng .{k4~.J11' ,LJ ~v..~ _( 1,,--./,,_. /l:L;~-I~ TRS/TL flle ~'(Z-~, vr;z:'''2=-'~~~.~ ~~~, q -O'rr'-'T7'~ . /0~/fI ~ LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION / COURTHOUSE PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING I 125 E 8TH AVENUE I EUGENE OR 97401 / 150316874186 i ,- I> ( 1 ~ \ 1 4 I; ~ \ ; , , 1 , i i' 1 1 ! r, \ i i I ,j " , ( I , I , , I' , 'I , l I , , r ~ i > '! E f I' r \ i , I I] j i \' 1 ; I ,,~ KENNETH L WOOLERY JEAN M WOOLERY t.:... --'.. ' ( Sprrngfleld, Oregon 9747Z . ~ / \ 6t> If -;rO "'r "i:. _, ,'" CJ~~:/d~((,.._ {;:dL~'(~~/~_ < -,'"l,., > ~ -' _~'''ht <'~ f9P'-ffjrJ '~_ .~ ..... -'.. '.. f, ............... CEN EkNJlAlt BANR;~'"'' '; .-~.. ~ . POBOX W ~~ N ~ r.. "... ... .....- BP.nINGP'I~LD. OREGO~ P?-G!7 ... ~ (f:j II f'cA'~,j.,/ 6 _2/ _ '> ,) ,/ c.At.IlI0_:L:..A!\./rt /;.' -", C", /7.2< f '---, ~ ~ ---- ' I "---- >I::J - /.y -~5L ? fi "'I , . 777 ~'-, , " '_/"~~) f.... ..,_... \ -.'...,iY +~- 'f~ < -> J $ &y 255 .,..........., ~ ''-0 .----:bd (a,.L ~/h_~~,_ o ~ 1 " o },:> o .' TP # 2548-81 MAILOUT NOTIFICATION On Jan 28. 1982 , Notlflcatlon of Intent to Issue was mal led to property owners wlthln 300' of the property on WhlCh thlS temporary mobl1e home wl11 be located A copy of the mal1lng labels lS attached Permlt Processlng Sectlon Dept of Envlronmental Management Ma 111 ng Date 1/28/82 _ Appealed Issuance Date 2/8/82 lane county ca PERMIT # 2548-81 NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO ISSUE A TEMPORARY MOBILE HOME PERMIT Da te Jan, 28, 1982 On Feb 8, 1982 , a 2-year tempora ry mob1l e home penm t w1ll be lssued or renewed to accommodate a fam1ly member d1sab1l1ty sltuat10n for Jean Woolery 4617 Jasper Rd , Spfld, OR 97477 If you have reason to bel1eve that (1) the fam1ly member d1sab1l1ty cla1med lS not val1d, or (2) 1f you have eV1dence that the sept1c system lS fa1l1ng and creat1ng a health hazard, you may appeal lssuance of th1S perm1t 1n wr1t1ng by subm1tt1ng your letter to the unders1gned Appeals must be rece1ved by 5 00 P m. of the lssuance date noted above. Please be adv1sed that 1t w1ll be up to you to prove the val1d1ty of your obJect1on. If your appeal lS accepted, an appeal hear1ng w1ll be scheduled before the Board of County Comm1ss1oners and all property owners w1th1n 300' of the subject property w1ll be not1f1ed of the date and place. Very tru 1 y you rs , DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT J:""",.~~ ~ - , Lane County Plannlng . (j87::.418~ ~ ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT ADMINI,TRATIVE DIVISION / 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE / EUGENE. OREGON 97401 / (503)687-4394 OR 1-800-452-6379 WOIiILERY 821-80 Jean Woolery 4617 Jasper Rd Spfld, OR 97477 Leona Mangham 6413 W_ 18th Los Angeles, CA 90045 Harry Martln 170 S. 42nd St Spfld OR 97477 Orvllle & Marle Headlee 4579 Jasper Rd Spfld, OR 97477 Kenneth & Jean Woolery 4637 Jasper Rd. Spfld, OR 97477 E & Eldon Hllbert 4681 Jasper Rd Spfld, OR 97477 Larry & Shella Johns 1105 Clearwater Lane Spfld, OR 97477 Elmer & Margaret Gardner 4705 Jasper Rd. Spfld, OR 97477 Ronald & Shlrley Scott 4709 Jasper Rd Spfld, OR 97477 Harold & L.A Macauley 4757 Jasper Rd Spfld, OR 97477 Howard & Idella Hlnshaw 4801 Jasper Rd SpUd, OR 97477 ~'~~~;;-~'"li~ ,"'-'i."';.~.....~_....'2:.~?).",...~t. 'W,.q........'i;.........:..... R J & Margaret Wrlght 4821 Jasper Rd Spfld ,OR 97477 .........~~-~.::- ':--"",,__:.!;';.t-'-:- \- - .' ..... -~ ~ __~- : :.:~ ...:-:'....'::..".._r ~~-~.- S":;"- _~ - '- .~"'<'T"'...~_...-., ~ _~__~_~ ~ ..... ~ ____ ..L ....J_ _ . Isaac & Mora Johnson 4724 Jasper Rd Spfld, OR 97477 ~\~~ ~':::-=':'~~:: >"~=--i. ~ ;.~.: ~~_ ~:: ~~~~~'~~'- ~.ii~ ~ ~.- - ~-::,;- - --"'''''--~':'. .:;-~- ,;;;,----.--:.:-."';.:-~:-::... -.. ~~ - ~ ' --.. 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