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't'" ~. . ^ r.:, '. , .~,' "- ,., ,; '>}:(d"~.'::,,;: ~ ..- .',J """, ';:"'\''''');'<; "{,, ,'. ' ,,".;, '.; "'I:,., ....,. " ..;:. .... ? ~, . { : I' ," .,'.. " '-,',. ' :'~"....: > , :, ~ ,~ ,; ;1" ~ ' .:'.--\ .~ .~~ "".-., .. " .' .' . i''t. 7,". .,'~ ,~., , " 'i;' ",:1 , "'., " , , t" ~ '. ,. 'n'.. ,,;' ." ".. .. " " , ' . '>-.'''''<' '. ,~. '," 'r:' ,.,. ...... ".f ., .. , " . :\~ ' i'" , .[. Febl'uary 25, 1969 ", " , '~..:, ,...." '."' ", " ,,'_ ,i~' :. ~..>:Y t~,> .;>' . ~'~:,_i":,;~",,...";" '. :\i[' I' . ',~~.:" :'-, ,.- , ' }~. Tom Kerr, Acting Secretary L.~ne County Planning Couunission Courthouse Eugene t Oregon '- ...... ," Re: Janecek, J,.~l.-Hinor Subdiv. Sec. 5, T18S, R2W, W.M. Dear Sir: It is recommended that a fifty (50) foot right- 'of-way be :dedicated along the .Iest portion of Lot 1. This would provide legal access to Lot 1 and would eliminate the necessity for creating the sixty (60) foot access to Jasper Road. -"':' - This would seem to be in the best interest of ,the over-all planning for this area. Based on the above recommendations, approval of this division of property is recomnended. .', . Very truly yours, ..... ,./ ....t. Gerald K. ,Attig Director of Public Works ;Ii" ,'p 'illl;/ I ;;.:Yc<<J.~ 'Z, .4i~g-~ By: George L. Griffin Subdivision 'Engineer " .,: " 'I;:, ~':'; ',,'~ , '. .,..... " .",j< " " .' " "GLG: ln ; ,~1) ': !\. .,~l ~, >, " , ,'/:,'", i ~ ~ ~!'~ n \Wm ]) , ,'" " " 1\,:, FEB 2 I 1969 . ~,' ~', ~,~.~ ,W ~~'> :;~" . "'\)\\, FEB2'1 1969",', ,',' :,~ ",:: ,,'~i ~ . :f~ . """ ~ , ":LA~E.G<J\Ji'iTY liEl-\LtH UNIT -':',' ,.,' ,f''--:' . ," ;,f' ~ :, l~NE ,'cC1UNTYHEALTHDEPT; '\' ,,-,' ), " "" .. , , , , .,.,' " > " " ...." .c, ." 'V, " '~,~,' , . ", , /' " "c,'" \.' '0~ ...:' .. '," ,- 1"'..", "..' - . _,il~' '. '. _...., " : ,'DEPART'MENT'fOF,HEAL1HANb S'ANITAlIbN" .. . .'~ '< .- - .. . - -" - .., ..~ . " "LANE,'COUNTY COURTHOUS,E, EUGENE, OREGON " , ", j " . .:~. " ,- " " ".' .' , .' , , HARaLDD. LYMAN,' M.D., Dl,RECfOR " " ,:',:h:BlillARY '25, ',1969 {.. " , , ,', M-SD ,- ' - JANECEK, JOHN , 18 - '02, - ()l)200 . .. :,~'~~; ~~ ;. . ~ '''(.-~,,,: . .- , . ..,',.. .: <to '~ , ' ""', .;. " ' <i, ,~ .' ~.. '. '" MR. 'TOM':KERR' ACTI"G~icRETAR' 'LAHt,CoUtlTY ,PLANNiNG CllMIIlSSIOtl C,OvRTHOUIiE " ,- , EUlIIE'i1~, OREGON:: ' ' ': " " "'. , 'RE; JOHN,JANr.~E.,MINORSUBDIVISION .-"( . .-.-. ~ ,- -. '., : r ,"" ..f. ~', ,j:; ~.;;, ". " '. ~. :. "," " . ," -/~ , ~ " 'f,' r ..' ',M ... "', . "", {... " i -".t:'" \ " ." ~ .. ., -, .,-, " '.~ l' ..., "-' 'V ': -1 -... i ./~ :)~~ ~t,"''f -' . , ...,' ., ~.; " ........- .... ~'(. ." ;.," " '. " . ~: , >"'; ,0"1 'ii ',,, ,'(". , , "',, "",,' r:.:', , ..1. " ,THE' 'Al!lOVt DUC'RisED ,PROPERTY HAS, BUN INVt8T.IGATtli 8Y 'Hia:'DEPARTMtIIT 'AND ,IS" HIREO' GIVEN APPRovAL"rOR ;THt I 1l8TU,l.AT 10M, or III,DIY IOUALaue- aUIt;ACE StltAGE ~18POUL SYllTEDt8~, ' .. ,. :-1' " ~JOHN c. STONER, R.S., DIRECTOR ~UIL~I"G'ANO'SANITATIO" DIVISION : ': . , Ci p , . ;.,/ ' " , ' C': P.~;- ',-~ SANITARIANll ;,' " ',<. " " CPK :8B' (4)', \:.-," , ; " - <. , , ;0.. " " '. .; . '., " ' :. " .' ,. ~ , -. . .- ,..' ~~." ',',' ;::.j,', .,::' \.' '. " j , .,,',"" "'. ,-J"'.' "!. r:: . ",' :. ,;~.-' ,,' '. , ,t. ,. ,lV " ') " . ;. " ..J,._, .f'. " l' . I' " .... , , -J"- t".-. " ~~" >'; ';'~ " . ,: .; '.' ~r .\', ,', "/., '-, " , '-' .r. , -r;:.-:' . ~ , " .,'.. , " ,.' ,,.-,,, i:"" ,,' , , ...",' '. ~, ~ '. . -'" '. . ,~ .' " , ' ~~ P.- .. ' " .' ," ,.,.( ~. '~ , ',' ~, " .....:... , " ~ f.. " , . ..~