HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1977-7-16 TRS, TI 18-02--05 TL2300 Z20 JOB LOCATION I ' , I ".~ 0 -,1,-.," -r " _w_..,:..- __ _ j;.;t;' '-.o..I'~, COxner of' 42nd and ~~... PERMIT # 544-77 " .:'$', , , LANE COUNTY PERMIT Acreage or Lot Si7~ Contractor's O,S, # Partitioning # ( I Completed Subdivision Lot Blocl< Ap'PLICANT'S NAME AND ADDR""" OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS , CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS ~~,~il permit to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner L StRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY " 1" # THIS'PERMIT IS FOR V.arket to be hoilt: Install SDS # BEDROOMS # PLUMBING CONNECTION5- ~~:I:EpRR:~::~~:l~':~: ::I:~ILE OF THE CITY OF SF~::AGE DISPOSA:LUMBING BY S,1. # f I hereby certify that the above ~tatements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: _owner of record; contract purchaser; _ potential buyer; _ realtor or agent, I further certify thai (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action, I hereby agree to comply with all applicable Codes relating to this permit, " (i>.:-lrv.........,<"~"\ Fee Paid $ . " ~ ,.-".....,./ :; Signatu r~ Dat~ I NEW ADDRESS ) FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT, ) SPECIAL PMT, AREA, MIN, ELEVATION: Fred York &:rte P.o. l3ox5SS9 'Eugene .-..u:.~;';6~ J ) Contractor, (;;)) Prefer to pick up, Call J\?'I.n1 fr:t...-:rn+ Phone Phon~ Phon~ (owner, etc,) when ready, 686-8285 8alre Ntna ,SAN,ITA!19!" ,- -~ 1(" , ' . . , Comments: , " ...< '- BUILDING 5 -IJ Type of Construction j=,'Z.. r:roup G,,:r:t'.A::Ji>..'( ::IK;I2F- Ilse Classification C~mments: ~1CLIAL lJ,J5flE:Gi-;OO 12t::t.~1 k."E.D S,""" TO U..t..l!"clRl1. 'it? Se.. 77-110 NOTICE: This project reqUires pla~s to be submitted to the State Building Codes Division for a review as required by , ,.' Sec, 301, (e~ State Bldg, Cod~ '" ''''', Ii-,I )' 'I i, . ......"",~' - - 'h By: ;,( fl////J' .A',/i,:/-... Date: 7ll,:;I-; 7 Date: 7-/;;-' n Date Issued: 'l~'- / / - -:l-; (FROM C/L) tNT, SIDE YARD to'REAR IO/JFROM plu' .~ F ire Zone Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required, Lineal Feet Maximum Depth '-'l It ,~ , , ''1 " 1 I ,-, r -,f> ~ Date: i-;(. i' -' -; PLAN N I NG R EQU I R EM ENTS SAT ISF I ED, B.Y'---N:"C/({<rtf{"r-.' ZONE; ".' SETBACKS: FRONT 35' SIDE FACING STREET ,..;i:' /'- LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 EAST 8TH AVE, EUGENE OREGON 97401 !i/eI,;", ?172 tZ -:v;~ C!.>I<:.. POST THIS PERMIT ON ~AIN BUILDING AT ~ITE ' C55-1,3 /( ,./tf./' ( BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE; BUILDING - GREEN; PLUMBING - CANARY; SANITATION - GOLDENROD; OFFICE COPY - WHITE '" $.<:::.77-110), , PHONE: 687-4394 .. ' \ ~ r ,., (,:" ( 1~2'Ol:i'.2 TL. Z300 ~ 5-t-'#~ ~ ~ '::\<'- 5' ",,,L~ l;";'ii ' ft,- '(-77 C3t77 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 9747,7 , ;". DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS March,lO, 1976 346 MAIN STREET 747,4221 'Mr. Roy L. Burns, Director Water Pollution,Control Division Lane County' l35'Sixth Avenue East Eugene, OR 97401 Subject: Sewer Availability; 18-02-05.2, Tax Lot'#2300 Dear Roy,- 'C Ij , In response to your February 18, 1976 letter regarding the sub ject property's access to public sanitary sewers, please be advised that the closest system is presently located along the west side of South,,42nd Street approximately 180 feet north of the referenced property_, An' elevation comparison of the property with the system indicates there is no 'gravity service potential. In regards: to available ,capacity, there presently, is dry weather capacity in the area's system for the intended use of the property (assuming the effluent could be pumped to the system), However,- this available capacity is oniy short term as the South '42nd Street, area is undergoing: a substantial, neighborhood change to multiple family residential. ' Our long-range planning indicates that this propeity'would best a future trunk sanitary sewer to' be located along !'Jasper 'Road. am presently unable to provide'any time table for'this proposed extension. be served by However, I trunk Should you need additional information, please advise. Very'truly yours, ,MAK: sk , " ,'~,rdOo Michael A. Kelly, Assis t Direc tor of Pub 1 ic Wo s .. ., , , ~ e 'I n'~orma tions f1eet , 'rILE......... PERI1IT ilUr:IBER,' -644-17 -t' ".J , l'egarding plans review items, Phone ~-B285 p'an~" review PERi'lIT NA~i( j=P~b Y()p~ CONTACT (Name) ~A.l-\s BUILDING-USE' ~~jY~l 5~E: (If Stoi'age, VlCi'rehouse, 'i1anufacturing, Industrial, or Garage: be specific regarding the use) flEfI BUILDING&" ,l\DDITIOII D'ALTERATIOiID', CONSTRUCTION TYPE: '5 -A/OCCUPANCY GROUP: F- 2- Ground Floor Area/Existing: - 0 'i'~ew Area: ~60 , FIRE ZONE: '3 4oDo' Total Area: ..... Area ,lncreases:"Number of Spri nkler Fire Zone StorieslHei ght in Feet: I '/ lo'-et , ' , I Sideyards ''1 ;Feetin Sideyards..5J For 100,0 %increase" System proposed for area increase of """""~',."., ,:" ' % No, 3 Increase """."":""",."""""".-""",,, ,33,~3 % TOTAL AREA INCREASE' '133,3'3 % ,Baseme,nt Area': , ,-,0'- , Spl'inklers Proposed For:, D 'One~hour construction; D Other (specify), , *(00 not fill i~ if used for area increases) Oc~upani: Load (v/hole building) based:on,TableNo, 33-A:' "?>7 (50' sq,ft,joccupont) , , Special Inspecticinl)gency: J=i\..l-'!> ?-S2:0 G"/.Jc". M.A.-SO).:>'~\'- ~E:fO.. ' , , ' ,,(Fills : Concrete:, F ~ greater than 2000 pS,i, F,ield llelding, High Lift 11asonry) ~lechanical Plans (Heating, Ventilation, and/or Ail- Conditioning)' submitted: D (Note: No heating or air ,conditioning: i,s proposed 0) "" , ,",:. ' , , NOTICE: ,The 'p'lans review cann'ot beq'in until the above is completed and submitted, IiJFORi1ATION PROV'ID~'D BY 'Date 'Submitted CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTION DIVISJON/PLArlSREVIEfi SECTION LAiiE COUNTY COURTHOUSE/PUBLIC ,SERVICE BU ILDlfiG/125 E. 8th Ave, /Eugene, Oregon 97401! (503) 687-4391 I " , ., .. ~IJA LEf- t.v-€.~tl ?~~ ~~.,' r ~ 1;4 I:t..t Ilz-l) () ,J{..J" , ~ tf.v .. (P,QO .~ -~' I t7t.. ;:; r _to ;yL>.~ ~.., '" c ,,' ""~'''-'~'';''i''':~':'''>''-:'"'''~' "', ",,,.,,,',','e,',,,,,, "''':''':~"?'''7'''',', 'Ve"" , '.. '--''''0 -""""'~"~'''''''''~''''':':i'''"'''P''':''''''''''''''V''''''"P"",' , --. lane county' '" " - HOLD SLIP ~; APPLICATION # S:-VI/-77 ~fl/ ~__J /PI"'} ,.?~ (/ 5""- s:r 9 r-"~ ~d___..~ ..a Name Address t'i , i " , " " " . ~~ i~ " I ..f ", -'r' " J " loll ,:1 , if Zi P Code The above application is being held by the Permit Processing Section for the following reasons: ./ /l ~ '*'" o /~~r--.~ ~ ci-/~/Gq?, - ~ j/ - @ ~~ U~ -,~ (E/~,-~.J"P~ ~~ V Division: /) /~~ ~.:..J7()...-I .A.-""#~ C>~ .. ~~ .~~...."..~_____ Date '///;"/:/-';:> ". - ./ ./ Si gnature: o~ ..' ,0 Division: ';:;~ , '.- Si gnature: Date This application will be held until If the information required above has not been furnished by that date your application will be cancelled. Fees paid for waste disposal systems (site inspections 'and/or applications to install the septic tank and drainfield) are nonrefundable, S.ome refund may be made on the building and plumbing portion of your application if cancellation is necessary. In the event a Planning or some other long-term problem exists over which you have , """""--no control we will hold the permit until the problem is resolved and we receive word 'vr from you as to whether to proceed with permit issuance or process a cancellation. " '!' " -.~ .;l.i /~ PERMIT PROCESS ING SECTION - 687-4394 ,J , -:: " c74-139 ~..,_ ,i "';;;~::'"",:.,,~.,,-,,: .;-_;.~ .-..~~:',:...;,.!. ..',,"'.-~ .~~.;~ ,{~:~,~~ t:~ ::"/iii:~~r;:L1:'::,..~~,~~::i,._;_"". "_<l;' "~;?,_~..,~.~~;ii'':;:,~:;,,~:;;'~ ~'" .,'.;" ~:, . ~~t., ~:.,<:""..;~.,;.,,: . ., ',- -.t, ::~.,;> ,:' ~n,""_""'--;'" '.. . ; < ", ~. (::'~""..--;~'r'1' ... , '.' ,-: ' i~ ~- ..,' " ' "," \ ~'1;' :' 'I'" "'. . ,,', !:.' 'J>. \. ,,\.. :'~ '".. .~ >, i"'" .', :-.... ". . ~{. .' .\. " , :!' :,1"', ~' " ',.:..'. '., " , , , , :";';;,;'r--,,,,",, ;?"'.~';:r:~,~';':\;:":I(:,,~?;,<,,~,~)?r'~,,~:,::".,;.;,:,,,;'::'f".'.:"'>,;'""',''''::'':;''r~'r~c.',', ,. , " \' " lane county - '0: }. HOLD SLIP , APPLI CATION # ~I-\ 1-.\ '\--\ 'I ~,,~ A L\ ()\~ ~n "\::)rw =-,:=-,P\\-l "Fllfl'l \ Zip Code The above application is being held by the Permit Processing Section for the following reasons: ~.\\ ~\ee~ ~ . ~,~~ ~e,-,~ y~<vy".y~~.:v ,~ ~~' Di vi si on: "----:-Ye, ....."",, \,. 1J '" <..~.s.s..' h,(> Signature: ~=~""'Y'-<\~"" Date~~\ \1 5E&e:IJaL'@#j~ eEVlaUU::-l'\~, Name Address 'i " 'I Di v'i s i on : ~ ~P~t{lud//~A .I j;--/d~h I ~ate4h /77 Si gnature: This application will be held until AFf2. 2t5,/S r / If the information -required above has not:been furnished by that',date your application will be cancelled. Fees paid for waste disposal systems (site inspections and/or applications to install the septi c tank and drainfiel d) are nonrefundab'le. Some refund may be made, on the building and plumbing portion of your application if cancellation is necessary. ' , ~'.: In the event a Planning or some other long-term problem exists over which you have no control we will hold the permit until the problem is resolved and we receive word from you as to whether to proceed with permit issuance or process a cancellation, , PERMIT PROCESS ING SECTION - 687-4394 C74-139, . , . ~\ ';,..;~,,~:~.~.:. : ,:~. ;..~j:: :,.;;,~,,./:.',,,'~!:~',,.':- ~:.-::\. '::;j~~;'>', 'S'.J;~~~I;{tF~';\::\L~;~~i:1~i~';'~i:~" ~;~'"~_~ ,.;:~"'" ,~~ I'" ',' '- , _' . '"," ;. , f",.." "~.- ,~, . .' ',,.' , , , , ".,' '" ,I'III(:((~ur:Jly " ' , " " .', DATE:h~;L~ 7~7. ,~ " , .'~l<.fll.':l,;';;'T " ,~ . '. , TO: fiEDYge~ ADDRESS:'PO, Be\( 61)?,Cj' E~;il)~F~-9k\ i -;'- .'. " RE: N.oTICE '.oF PLANS'REVIEW 'PR.oJECT: MAl2.iLET' ' ~ - -," ~>' --. The drawi ngs for the above project hav,e beenrevievled;for'conformity \,ith the structural, mechan'ical', and plumbing' spec'i;alty':codes of the State of .oregon, ' I:'; .' ." '," ,'\< Bef.,ore a plans'Teviewof the 'project ca~ be cpmpleted, 'and befol'e a' buildin'gpermtJ can be issued, the items note,a on,the enclosed list and. any specially noted provisions shall be incor,porated into the pl"oject docu- ments and! or add i ti onal i nfonllati on submitted: 'to's hOYI comp 1 iance \.iith the applis~ble Codes" Addi~ional data required shal.l,b~ submitted, in duplicute form, . , . '. Plea'se submit'forapp;rovalrevised plans or ,adde,nda to,tndicate:that the', items noted in 'the plans revievl h'ave. been' tncorporated into the,'projecL \.Jhen thisinformationls received, this office v/in be in a, position to complete the I'equire'ctpl'an reviev(of theproj~'ct. 'Your early submittal of ,the noted items will ,facilitate'the issuance of a building permit. ,- - ,..' - . .our review 'of'the subm,itted plans. shall ;not be construed as, approva'l of omissions or oversights 9Y this officeoi' ofnoncompliance'\,Hh any appli", ca'ble regulation of a'ny governmental agency', , Th5..s revie\, ,does not cover .o,S"E,A, (O,S,H,A, ),regulations, " , ~;. .. ' . If you havea:ny"questionsregarding ,this pra~'s revie0,noti'ce, free'to contact t hi s of.fice, .our 'phone number: tS,,68? -4391. . . ' please feel, J.oIIN [:: 13.o'SS'" Di rec tor ' '.~, Construction Permits & Ins'pecti6ri ,Division' , '~l' "~:,t' ?'("~'~, ,,~." , '. '. - . J'f/~ . ..' "\ '. .f" 4" ..,I' - . ..........., u ...~,' L..)... ~t', -..,...0--"^?,....~..,-.. , . ~ . (. BY: JOHN S,Sl1EED,Supervisor ", ,''---_/ 'Plans Revlew 'Sectlon,: ",",,' , ".."'-: . ' ~ ; . " cc: ", -';,J .Cl~IH!;l[::'II'!!I'i.' :'!';;'~IT~; ",' ..,.(t~'I:..;.'" I";' 1;'I"jl;'11.j " " j.-,! ',:' -,..,1 : 1.11 !,;; !'l',/ I , ';' ~ 1-; r f I - " !.': 1 ( ',:r i i!'. ' ! (: .'.. I' 1 : /" (! ,I I: l) f.i: ~ i.d 1 h~ ,I, " 0.- ;.". -(' " '. ' '11T flPPLICATION NO, 2.~ . ~~ , PLANS' REV rEW M'\P: I~-(')Z_- o~:2. ",. TAX LOT # 2300 ,PROJECT~: LIT'1'1.E F0zAMA~I='T " " DATE REC~IVED:AI5h7 PlANS By:,fiYTo/JERoWELL. ExN-1INED:Bv: 'DAVID W\.lITE "BUILDING CLASSIFICATIqN' BUILDING USE: JV\~~, , NEW BLDG. ~,; CoNSTR~TION TYPE:.?..;~I 'r' :. ADDITION' 0 OcCUPANCY GROUP: 'F,.'2. ALTERATION 0 FIRE ZoNE: .3 GROUND F~OOR AREA,: 4000, loiO, /c:,l\(]lLl~ Bt.sEMENT AREA: -b,:.... , , I SIDE YARDs:N-g~ STORIES/FEET \ , SPR I NKLERS: ,N 1<... 'SPECIAL INSPECTION: CoiJL.l2.ETE ' PLANS REVIEW CORRECTION LIST, '" " , h. r THE FOLlOWING ITEMS SHALL,BE INCORPORATED' INTO THE PROJECT lXlCll'1ENTS: ;. .' . ,.'. " + . 1. Specify the Trus_Joist type, i.e., TJL, TJM,- TJH,: TJ50, etc., [Sec. 301 (d)] , ,2. The specified',built_up roofing, is not listed in ,the'Owens/Corning Fiberglas Built-Up Roofil')g Specifications Book, Provide a ,copy, of' the manufacturer's U,L. specification, minimum Class B, or specify an approved fire retardant assembl'y, [Sec. 301 (d) & 3203(e)] . ' 3, Provide attic ventilation and locate an attic 'access as required by Section 3205(a) &, (c 4, The triangular portion of the eave, see detail 3/2, shall be fully open to the attic space or firestopped' every 10 feet, Provide a detail 'showing the option used, [Sec. 2517(f)] " " 5, It appea'rsthat the headers over the 'windows faiT in bending. " Provide a revised header';or calculations "to substantiate the propos'ed header. [S,ec, 2504(a)] 6., The' wood columns in the store front shall be el'ev:ated to comply with Section 2517(c)4 or be pressure, treated. "" ", ,'7, Provide a detail of the 'flashing at the window sill and window jamb; between the , 4" brick and the wood columns; and ,the 4x8 and 8"'block; [Sec. 301 (d) and 1)07(a)&{,b)] 8. Bloch1allsshall be reinforced as required per S'ections 2314(k)3 and 24,18(j)3, " The br'ick walls' shall be tied to the columns and slab.' g. ,A secondexH shall be provided out of the sales area without passing through a' , storage area, at least 40'"5',' from the front doors',.. or 'provide a .one-hour ' , ,corridor from the ,sales area to the proposed exit'door by the restroom" [Sec. 3302(d)&(e: 10. Provide a plan showing the layout of the checkout, stands and any other obstructions , whi ch would restrict, the, access to' the front, doors,. ,[Sec. 301 (d)] '11, ,Provide, a door hardware 'schedule. [Sec. 301 (d)] ! 12: 'Provide a plumbing plan and locate proposedfloor,:'drains on the floor plan, [Sec. 301 (d): 13. Therestroomfloor, base, and wainscot materials 'are unacceptable, ,The floor and ,base shall be continuous (integ'ral ) and seamless. 'The'wilinscot shall be smooth, 'hard, , and 'nonabsorbent. [Sec. 1711(a)] ",! . " 14, A separate permit and plans shall. be submitted for the: heating(ventilation system. , [Sec. 1105 and301(a)] , " ",' , Clarifications: ,A facility "permit sha'i.l be obtained, for 'the accesses,; from the Public Works Department" 'Phone 687-4491 for informat,ionre'gardi~g requirements ror a facil ity permit." A separate construction. permit is req'uired' for any s.igns on the site. The enclosed Plans Review Informatiof] Sheet shall be completed by the py:oje,ct engineer and submitted with 'the above items. : ,C74-133 CONSTRUcTJ(jN PERMITS & INSPECTION DIVISION : 'P~ANS REVIEW'SECTI~N /135 E '6TH 'AVE: / EUGENE', OR, ',97401 I (503) 687-4391 . TRS. T' \eyo'".:)'~ ~~~ Job Location '7'.:l 0 ~4 u /f~~r&.,~ Lf ;;L.-.J s.f t- 2\ Q.S.o e r' INFORMATION SHEET S'-\L\- ~1 ( ~ilding Permit ) Site Feasibility Study for Septic Tank, Number of sites ) Would like to meet on site, Call (owner, etc,) Acreage or Lot Si70 Test holes will be ready Partitioning # ( ) Completed Subdivision Lot Blocl-- ( ) Pending ,- L I I 9 APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS h--e.J .. IOic j -P,Cl6~~Y1/j::u,c/'~ 77t!.5-phono 0'\?b-8~g':::r ~WNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS. if different from applicant'< Phono CONTRAC 'R'S NAME AND ADDRESS Phono Mail per ' or results of site feasibility study to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner ( I Contractor. ( )8, fer to pick up, Call \nt''\l",- R~P,"'----, (owner,etc,) when ready, STRUCTURES'NOW ON THE PROPERTY PROPOSED USE (this permit)' 10 \iu\ Id., ~yk-e..;{. L-th lIa Yr!(-"f!-e, LlJC/>\~\f C.C} WATER SUPPLY (existing or proposed well, etc, If public, name of system) (existing or proposed septic tank, etc,) S,I. # 1]1" m SEWAGE DISPOSAl PLUMBING BY Address ( ) PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF CITY ( ~ y-'( In'l s.;: Ie ll, ) ,~ ***** ****** **** ** *********** ** ***** ** *-***** 0 FF ICE USE ON L Y BE LOW TH IS LI N E *** *** * *** ***** '* *** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** ** **: ( ) New Address Necessary ( ) Facility Permit Ne'cessary ( ) Special Permit Area, Minimum Elevation' ZONF SETBACKS: Front Side Facing Street Interior'Side Yard Rear, (FROM CENTERLINE OF ROADI IFROM PROPERTY LINES) To: Planning/Bui Iding Inspector/Sanitarian/Surveyor. This applicant appears to have a problem with Your assistance will be appreciated, By Permit Processing Section Responso' By nivision C55,12 ( ~\o -\' . ~ DEPARTMENT OF ENV IRONMENT AL MANAGEMENT Permit Processing Section 125 East 8th Avenue 687,4394, r- '..----------, , '--- , ~~ ''-''Q~~~ ~..J.~ ",~ ~Cl c.,~ ~O ~,~ "9.,Q.... \ " ,I , ': .______.u__ il 'i I ~! . i ; J ' "(-----~-...;..-._.- i I' L.~- f-,-'. j, "" ':?j' ~:J' ,0 '<:0 , " I 1-"-- l >,/'" "../ ! , 1.< 4, / I / I ,~l -r..', ,.., V {l~ '<Xl t~ ,1' n' 11\ I~ '. ./1 d ,[1) I I I I i I j, / ! i I, '.., ~.: '...J I, , " /"', 'r"' '-:l j;;.: .-' >"' .;t ,.( '7 q' ~, ',\ , " "'_'u"'_U --_.. ~-_.- '- ., , ., ~--,--,- -\- , \' I 1 '- \ ..1._-..... , \ ..._._;,~_.___. ~ .J. ~ti J: J../'j " ..,:..... -'--..''1' , I ., ') \1 '0 I I, I , ,,(' ,- f- -, y n cr, @ oJ.t -;t. . '~ t \ ....) "- ,', t\ t'- 1 ' tlI. '...... 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