HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2008-8-21 (3) OCT-25-2007 14 08 10/25/2007 13 07 BUILDER5 ELECTRIC 7253575 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 541 485 4055 P 01/01 PAGE 01 Date ZON ~ l'IITT ALS t\J ~ DATE 15/~_Jo. SOURCE lY\ '}0 Q.i.L '2> ) "'L-I I i) t:! , I CITY OF SPRllNGFIELD, OREGON I Z2S F1FTlt STREET . SPRlNGI1~Ln, OR 97<77 . PH (<")n6-l75' . FAX (5'1)726-3689 ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION C.tyJobNumber LoIN\. ZOO&"- 00 5:81 1 ~:IOCAT10N'oF lliSi'AiitJIoN; r~~ ,., r ~,~ p ~ I 400 ~WA.A-+.,).....A-l LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1703/ Sl.fO wy JOB DESCRIPTION ~lL.A $ f:~ DOSCO. C G::~,) Permits .SlTe non-trllDrlerable and expIre If work IS not started within 180 day. o(,,,u.nce or ,rwork.. Suspendcd for 180 days 2 '~CC)NTi4:crOR INSTAiilrroN ONLY - p" \ ,I_ ,~ - ,-", Electncal Contractor [<,. ; , lr I'? (::; E. I >-- ( n ,( Adm.. 10"", Uc' (I, -) C v"" ~ Cny I~, ~(r,e . - r r-r , Phone I ~ '{,;:-i \... 1- " L > Supervisor License "Number S2 --, ~~ 5 Explrabon Date 10-/-/0 ConSlr Contr Number 4 -:' C1 Cc ExplTabOn Dale \ L - ) 'D - ) J Signature of SupervISIng Eleclnclan /7A<' I(~ Owne"Name UAWc5 r'^ve-stHAe-....+ Addre" Z 8 , l. Cre-Sc.e-o't f- Ctly t;l.A.lr-t:7</E Phone ~3S - SS'7L( OWNER ThSTALLATION Th. mstallaMn "bemg mllde on propertY I own v.h.ch IS not mtf:nded for sale, lease or rent Owners S,gnature Inspection Request 726-3769 \ ~ '7& ~r \~I.JII e1(J ':l>~ _~,......a.o ~ : !,~ ~- 3 COMPLETE nESCHEDv:r.E BEW,W; . ~_'?,"o: :): '(' I," - ... 4." I ~.. ,J ~ ,... ~l. M .. _" . _,. - ~ ,~--.... ~~-- --......-- ...._k..., A. Now Re.ldentJal- Single or Multi.FomBy per dw.nmg UOlI., ; , ~." "k~' -. Some.lncluded 1000 sq ft or 1e<< Eaoh addll10nal 500 sq ft or portion thereof $11700 $ 21 00 Each Manufact'd Home or Modular Dwelling Servtce or Feeder $SS 00 1,"'. - -~-t\"""T ?~T"-~~ r2(N{~~'l5 ~t!"~~ r ~-"" ';'to. B Serrle.. or Ft.d....,- Juri~.tJ.n.'^"t.l'Jltiq....pr,Re1....tioD: , . ~ I ~ \' I.r~-J. ~.lJu.\,I\I<l~~~~y ..., 40L II <ZOO Amps';' I.,.'; 1 :';"IL,s'rU23~G;Bf r ,J Z,8L" 1 1\ f1 -L IV IlrLL':J' r .J. 2~~~ps(t?(f?8lrJ':tam Co",,~e t'g'1e s9XI'J I Z 'JO 4 l~ps~ol~~&1'R1;r (Note_'''otolo~e~@O - 60hb!l\~p~9.oQ~egon Ujil,lv NotlfWlltllll Over 1000 1\l1!!IltWplli 1-800-332-23f141. $4H'm) etz ') R'S Z. Reconnect Only - $ ~5 00 ~~-.::,..,.._ I. .-,............"..,,...~)~ -.,""- --'-"I"l," ...,....~' "I- .1'} C Temporary SerVIceS ot Feeders : ~... f ~ .'" -' ""~l~"""r~j . ,.. ,l ~, ,11 "i' t." ~ IO!iltatladon, AlterabOD or Reloabon 200 Amp' or Ie<s 201 Amps 10 400 Amps 401 Amp. to 600 Amp. $ 55 00 $ 76 00 $1\ 0 00 Over 600 Amp. or 1000 Volts ,ee "B" above ~ - "_ ~.~~,_ ~ - I ,...-~ I" ~- ,.. , "l'. D Brancb Cfrcuiu 'I '" A ' . ... . " '" I~t '';! ;' 11-: """'7' " New Alter.bon or ExtenSion Per Panel ''''...I ' One ,-,,,,uII $ 48 00 Eljcll~Jdfl;;'narCI!J:l\1I\'1:e"rh'D/Rl'fF2r t)' 210 S'~c.~rf.~fJ \f,WER TH',S J:I~-wl9R~5 COM.(I'YifiN#e - DO '" ,Wf_i,_PERfyUT IS"f\I!1'f - ,,- ,~- " E.^ . Ml.t" AY (S'<fvlWRW\lf1i 00 /{'l'Ind..JlaE..ii InM.n.liou M1Huf v 'PEfllbO. l:IH'Un- .. , Pump or ."'gallon $ 55 00 SIgn/Oudme llghong $ ~5 00 LImIted EnergylRcsldenllal $ 28 00 Lonuted Energy/CommercIal $ 5000 MInImum ElectriC Penmllnspect.on Fee .. $50 00 + Sur.h.r~t$ 4 -'s -TOTAL OFABOYe ,- , . - {;.I cr, ~la~.surcl1at8e ' ' \ ' 71.f3.Be \0% Adnum!ltratlve Fee hI ., ,90 5% nehnolol!Y Fee I 'jO"l,.,r TOTAL f 7 'i7Z 2L. Sb-ved Dnvl:(T )lBwldm@: Fonns/EIl!Ctncal Pcmut Applatlon 7-(J7 doc TDTRL P 01 225 F,fth Street SprIngfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ~~ CIty of SprIngfield Official ReceIpt Development ServIces Department PublIc Works Department Job/Journal Number COM2008-0058l COM2008-0058I COM2008-0058I COM2008-0058I COM2008-0058I COM2008-0058I COM2008-0058I Payments Type of Payment Check cRecelOtl RECEIPT #, 220080000000000]270 Date' 08/21/2008 DescriptIOn Perm Serv/Fdr 200 amps or less Perm Serv/Fdr 20 I to 400 amps Perm Serv/Fdr 1000 amps/volts Add, Alter, Extend Clrc Ea Add + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 10% Admmlstlatlve Fee PaId By BUILDER'S ELECTRIC Item Total Check Number AuthOrization ReceIVed By Batch Number Number How ReceIved 97902 In Person Payment Total nJm Page I of I 95617AM Amount Due 2,847 00 1,29000 852 00 1,21000 309 95 743 88 61990 $7,872 73 Amount PaId $7,872 73 $7,872 73 8/2112008