HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2008-8-21 (2) OCT-25-2007 14 08 10/25/2007 13 07 BUILDERS ELECTRIC 7263676 S41 485 4055 P 01/01 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PAGE 01 CITY OF SpRlINGFIELD, OREGON ' - , ~1II1"O"'C"'O " ,- k~ ZON C.:r; rN1TIALS N i'-"":: DAIT 1<",2,-l-u< SOURCE 'f'Y\. ('"6. ~rv 225 FlITH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 9,.77 . PH ('<4')716-J75' . FAX (5'1)7l6-~~ ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPUCATlON CIty Job Number (0""'" zoo8- OO:Sl 0 I, '.200 Amps or les, S 70 00 201 Amp. to 400 Amp. $ 83 00 Address l-=-(J I)('r(~,( y~ 401 Amp. to 600 Amp. S13800 NOTre,:, 601 Amp"o 1000 Amp. S18000 CIty t=:", TAl:<:: PJ:P'nW g\!rAe !:.~;:, CC L" _ Ov""IOOO Ampsrv&trENTION' Oregnn ~}},QQ .' - AUTHORIZED U d: L^' " : ,," ,-, _ 'f(l8!\econnectOnly fOllow rufas adop'''.-j tJi/5Rl~6l '-O]W ,,' GON/MI=M('/:n ND!R !H~"'ER,~d] IS NOT __" __ ,- =~t~o.,~Uj,,;.;',~;'~"':~.~Y supervlSo'Aff'YibNod ~~ QR,li;7$AI~lJOiEIl.FOR C Tempotary silOs[ Vi ' -QIHC 1fJmUgll O,~,':14fi'~u~~h DAY I't:HIUD. . ou may obtain caples of the rules b - E.ptrabonDate 10-/-/0 ID'tallatlon,Alte..ji\\jUrw~r. (Nole thet I h Y IlUmber for Ih 0 e ep one 200 Amp' or le<s e regol'1llS$J)fl/ Nnhflf"~11 Const!" Conu Number 4 Z C1 1.,1: 201 Amps to 400 Amps Cenle. IS l-BOO-1ltl2ll113441 en 401 Amps to 600 Amps $11000 Over 600 Amps or 1000 Volts see "B" above ~~ ~ ~ "'__~_. ,...~ ~i'r' --r' ,.,.... '-I r~ll- ......, D Branch Cfrr~its .. ~ ~ :. \ '. f, /?tIS ~ Owner; Name HAW E~ L....rl +-_e-.... -I- Address 28" Z Crt:? .5Le",+ Eo M'""'.ell~D~'b (~~'.;f;;d;;~ot l~eiDded)-~E;~IL-I;.t~a~~D'" , J < " ~ - . City cu.. 6-~"'l? Phon. .3 3. S - 50S' '11.( Pump or Irngahon $ SS 00 SIgn/Outhne LIghtIng $ 5S 00 LImIted EnergylResldentlal $ 28 00 LlDuted Energy/Commer.tat $ 50 00 Minimum Electrl. PenmllDspeetlon Fee IS $50 00 + Surehar~.. 4 ~-'s ~ioTAiOFABOVz; ,," : ~-:' - 21 () 1~ P , ,- ., , State Surcllarge ZS :t.o \0% Adnlllustrallve Fee L I 5% Toehnology Fee 10 ~o $2 bb 2!!- I ~1QPtT1QNOF:iN$T~O~;, . 400 r,^~I'i^A-+IM.4-1 W Y LEGAL DESCRIPTION /7C>':$/Sl(O JOB DESCRIPTION 0050C ~ ~e- E Permits are non-traosferable And expire If 'Work IS not started withIn 180 day. or...nanee or .rwork IS SDspended ror 180 day. i'(."""~........~.--,""" -~ r ....... ...,,~r~" ..........". ~..-- -~...-~ -- 2 ,PPlVpU-CTOR JNtr1f4t710NH?LY Electneal Contractor A, , I (' 10 y ':: E- I ':' ( n ,( EXpllOcon Date ~ t. -1(\ - " SIgnature of SupervlSmg Electnclan OWNER INSTALLA nON The mstallaMn " hemg made on propertY I own whIch IS Dot mtended for sale, tease or rent Owners S,gnature InspectIon ReqDest 726-3769 UZ7b cC& y~ ~1~411 II e'll 'l>:> .x)-?,I) oK Date 3 cO~iErE FEESOODriLi BE.f4:fiT,: : ~~ Y"j '" ~~J' r ~'I' _ .. ~- -,. -~~ ~ ' --....,.",...,-- -.......-- "".-"'"'1 A New R..ldontJal- Single or MDlti-Famlly per dwe"..g unit" ,~ , ' ., ~. _ ..~~, "c S.mee Included looo'q It orle<, $11700 Eaeh addItional SOO sq l\ or portion tlIereor S 21 00 Each Manufact'd Home or Modular Dwclhng Sernce or Feeder SS5 00 B _ ~ ~- -0., ~--v .....-~ - ~ ~' "i ":~TI!"'''''"'''''' ~r '"'i'-~~'" S.N1ees or F..den - Installahoo, A)ttrotiOM Dr Relocatiou: " " , ,... " l '..' _, -, ~t " New Alterahon or ExtenSion Per Panel One CircUit I Eaeh AddItIOnal CII"Ult or with Semce or F ceder Penrut so IbO ~O 0'0) 3Z $~ (5) TOTAL Sbved Onvc{T )/Bwtdmg FormslElectnCl.I Pemut Apphcmon 7J'J7 doc TOTAL P 01 225 Fifth Street SprIngfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone CIty of Sprmgfield Official Receipt Development Services Department PublIc Works Department Job/Journal Number COM2008-00310 COM2008-00310 COM2008-00310 COM2008-00310 COM2008-00310 Payments Type of Payment Check CReCell1tl RECEIPT #, 2200800000000001271 Date' 08/21/2008 Description Add, Aller, Extend CIfC Add, Aller, Extend CIfC Ea Add + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 10% AdmlDlstlal1ve Fee Paid By BUILDER'S ELECTRIC Item Total Check Number AuthOrizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received nJrn 97902 In Person Payment Total Pa2e 1 of 1 9 57 22AM Amount Due 5000 16000 1050 2520 2100 $266 70 Amount Paid $266 70 $266 70 8/2112008