HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2008-8-21 OCT-25-2007 14 08 10/25/2007 13 07 BUILDERS ELECTRIC 7253575 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 541 485 4055 P 01/01 PAGE 01 t-:r; _. ~!:..~ ZON . IN\Tl ALS '" \"^ j ~ ~ DATE /) ~Z.A -'-''' ~ "i<l)V SOURCE '(Y\ foQ/?/ 'Y / 2--) I 0 'i( CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ' , 225 FIlTH ~ET . SPRlNGI1ELD, OR 91477 . PH (<4l)n6-J1S' . FAX (S41)126-:l689 ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPUCATION CII)' Job Number .r 0"'"" zoO &' - 0 07' b I ('-200 Amps or less S 70 00 201 Amps to 400 Amps S 83 00 I~- I J I"' Addres. lr, vle",'''( (~ 401 Amps to 600 Amps S13800 ,- A'f;EEN-TJOi'hC"0C ~ 601 Amp"O 1000 Amps Sl8000 CIty c~ ]t~( r'P Phone (Ltf~.'''''';''''''>-.:ru\ :; OvcrlOOOAmpsNolts $41300 Notlfl~at;on Camel ReconneclOnly S 55 00 -.le.QAR952.001-lL \ ~~~, __~ ~ .=-J.--'1....,,..~"I-,.T.'I"-1--.-,.1"1," .,.... ~ Supel'Vlsor License Number S2 "OOn 'Vnll may OJ C., temporary Se,:"c", ~~ Feed,en, ,- ':', ,', " calling the centor I /6/ -/- I $3mher lor the 0, Installadon, Altenhon or ReI....l1On Center IS 1-biZOO Amps or J"'f 201 Amps to 400 Amps 40 I Amps 10 600 Amps OwnmNam. f!..,J,t.lt=s. ~vt!~twt~.f. Cre-s Le-.... +- E J\flSeell~n~tl. (~;:"'~~(.;d;;~ot l~c1od;d) -~E;~h I;91;.n;tiOD'" J _ r - .", City ~eA &--t;;I4It!: Phone 33 S - .ss '7 ~ orr ~ or IrrigatIon S SS 00 THIS ftiiliU\1!lilIl~!:"BXPIRE IF polE V'ORk55 00 AUTH<m!i!OO'~~I~f\'fglpERI\m ,~ ":Jr28 00 The InstallatIOn 19 betng made on propertY I own whIch COI1~M!hJIOO~~ISOI'!fJ'A'f~G ~tr 'n'-~ . S 5000 IS oollOtended for sale, lease or rent AiM,lOirliI/:mE\ectn" p'enOlI InspectIon Fee I' $50 00 + Surebar~.. 4 -'~ -'< ~~1i ~'tABoVe ",. ; I 'f 0 ,!ffIl!. " - " ~.State Surcl1arge I b BU 10% Adm1ll19trlllve Fee ''1 5% Tcchnology Fee "7 $177~ I ~fi?~T1QN'oFi:N:f.T~ON;: . L{OO X"'+e"'r"".4-+........A--1 l.Ji LEGAL DESCRIPTION 17031540 005'00 JOB DESCRIPTION -P.4<-lLA~ 'D Permlts.IITe non.traosferable and exptre If work IS not started wltbln 180 days of...nance or .fwork I! Suspended ror 180 day. 2 ~roNTi4.crOR IiiiiAiEAnONONLY . ,~, I~ I_ I ~ ~ , - , Electncal Contractor D" Ie- I,? y c; E. I ;-- ( n ,( El':ptratlon Date Constl' ContJ' Number 4"2 C1 (r: ExprrabOn Date /.:L - ) () - I \ Slgl1atureofS~gF ( Address zB'72 OWNER INSTALLATION Owners Slgnalure I.speehon Request 726-3769 ~~'1'" C"<> _/ro/I\ et' .''1 1 ~ Oat. 3 cOMPiriE FEE soon viE' B'Eui,w; ., --..,; 'j ,)'; :~ , " . " ... 4... I ~:: , ~ ro. ~l~ . .. - -/.. -. --'"'~"!I'?"T__-"""''''_ ...~.:'t A New Re.idenhal- Single or Multi:Famlly per dwenmg unJi., ',; I I , ~,~ ..~~, ,~ SemcelneJuded lOOOsq ft or I." SI1700 Each addItIonal 500 'q ft or portIon tllereof $ 21 00 Each Manufact'd Home or Modular Dwelhng Semce or Feeder SSS 00 -.. ~~-.....'j ~'-'f"'~-~~ "1'~"r"':-T,1"''ll'"l''r,:~r.:rr-''''''' B ' Senlees or Feeden - Jnsfall.hOn, Alterations or Re1oeation,' " , ~ I"" '" J. ,-" ~( "'1'7""~I7!.Y-r."" [1 "'V[",J S 55 00 S 76 00 SIlO 00 Over 600 Amps or 1000 Volts.ee "B" above ~_ ,_ ~~....~ ''''~ ,;<~; .. , --r , '"'l' "~l D Braoeh C1renlf$ ,- '^ " ',", I - ' I ~ 1'-: " New AlteratIon or E~teDsl0D Per Panel One CIJ'<:U1t I Each AddItional Cm:ult or Wllh I Cl. SerYlce or Feeder Pemut D s..mm (50) $.,A--OO"(S) ~o 'tD TOTAL 5bved. Onvl:[T yewtdlD@:FormsfEll!CtJ'lcal Penmt ApplK2tlon 7-01 doc TOTRL P 01 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfleld, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone CIty of SprIngfield Official ReceIpt Deyelopment Services Department PublIc Works Department Job/Journal Number COM2008-00716 COM2008-00716 COM2008-00716 COM2008-007l6 COM2008-007l6 Payments Type of Payment Check \.. LRcLemtl RECEIPT #, 2200800000000001272 Date. 08/21/2008 Description Add, Alter, Extend CIfC Add, Alter, Extend CIfC Ea Add + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 10% Admmlstl alive Fee PaId By BUILDERS ELECTRIC Item Total Check Number AuthorizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received nJm 97902 In Person Payment Total Pa2e I of I 95957AM Amount Due 5000 9000 700 1680 1400 $177 80 Amount Paid $177 80 $177 80 8/21/2008