HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2008-8-25 Status Issued CITY OF ~rK11"tJl<mLD . Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO' COM2008-01288 ISSUED: 08/25/2008 APPLIED. 08/25/2008 EXPIRES. 02125/2009 VALVE: 225 FIfth Street, Sprmglield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726~3676 FdX 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme SITE ADDRESS 363 52ND ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 1702333102800 Sprmgfield TYPE OF WORK Electncal Work Only TYPE OF USE New ReSldenlIal PROJECT DESCRIPTION 200 Amp ServIce Change Owner EUGENE STEWARDSHIP LLC Address 317 30TH ST UNIT 211D SPRINGFIELD OR 97478 Contractor Type Electrical I CONTRACTOR INFORMA TION I Contractor EVERYDAY ELECTRICAL SERVICE License 136371 Expiration Date 08/12/2009 Phone 541-607-6908 BUILDING INFORMATION I # of UUlts Pnmary Ocenpancy Gronp Secondary Occnpancy GI onp Pnmdry ConstrnclIon Type Secondary ConstruclIon T) pe # of Bedrooms Front yard Sethack S,de 1 Sethdck SIde 2 Set hack Rearyal d Setback Solar Setbaeks SII eet Improvements Storm Sewer Avallahle SpeCial InstrnctlOn Notes DescriptIOn # 01 Stones HeIght of Structnre Type of Heat Water Type Range Type Energy Path Sprmkled Bnlldmg Lot SIze Sq Ft 1st Floor Sq Ft 2nd Floor Sq Ft Basement Sq Ft Gar dge/Carport Sq Ft Other Occnpant Load n/a I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I REQUIRED PARKING Overlay DlSt r---,,-'MI r", -0 1",,"I;otal'es you to # Street Trees Rqd f- _ , ,i _,' q Handl(:,.pped lity Paved Drive Rqd ~Iut I ^" ('l "";erh~ r I ~ll sa Compdct.3et forth % of Lot Coveragein 01\1, L::;2~vu1 ~Oa1 0 It lOugh OAR 952~001- 0090 You may obtam copies of the rules by . ~~ I _..._ j.1.-,...... ..",Ii:\r"\hnng, ';~r/lI'!:::1 llll;< v............ t' -" ~ . NOT I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENl;<Sj;;ber for the Oregon Utility Notification ICE: ~dl!w.I~ +-800-332-2344). THIS PERMIT a ype "./ AUTHORIZED SHALL EXPIRE IF ' Downsponts/Drams I$:J\Y.4-. COMME UNDER THIS ,ThE 'VORl{ ^ \^VV ANY 180~X~pOERRIS AeAIi!C~~~'v~1 ~ IS :\JOT '0~~ "OD ~ '~LJ ~Cin ~~~ I ValuattOn Descrintion I Type of ConstruclIon $ Per Sq Ft or mnllIpher Date Calcnlated Sqnare Footdge or BId Amonnt Valne Page 1 of2 Status Issued CITY OF ::SYKINGFIELD . Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO. COM2008-01288 ISSUED 08/25/2008 APPLIED: 08/25/2008 EXPIRES 02/25/2009 VALUE. 225 FIfth Street, Spnnglield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 FJX 541-726-3769Inspecllon Lme Total Value of Project Fees Paid I . , Fee DescnptlOn + 10% AdmmlStratlve Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 5% Technology Fee Perm Serv/Fdr 200 amps or less Amount PaId Date PJld ReceIpt Numher $730 $876 $365 $73 00 8/25/08 8/25/08 8/25/08 8/25/08 2200800000000001290 2200800000000001290 2200800000000001290 2200800000000001290 Total Amount PaId $9271 I Plan Reviews I To Request an inspectIOn call the 24 hour recordmg at 726-3769 All inspectIOns requested before 7'00 a m will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a m will be made the following work day I ReoUlI-ed InsnectlOns I 1,1 I i I I Electnc ServIce Approval reqUIred pnor to ullhty eompany energlzmg servIce By SIgnature, I state and agree, that I have carefully exammed the completed apphcatlOn and do hereby cerllfy that all mformatlOn hel eon IS true Jnd correct, and 1 tnrther cerllfy that any Jnd all work performed shall be done m accordance WIth the Ordmances of the CIIy of Spl mgfield Jnd the Laws of the State of Oregon pertammg to the work descnhed herem, and thJt NO OCCUPANCY WIll be mJdc ot Jny structure WIthout permISSIon of the CommuDlty ServIces DIVISIOn, Bulldmg Salely I further <ertltJ that only contractors and employees who are m comphance WIth ORS 701 005 will be used on thIS project I further agl ee to ensure thJt JII reqnIred mspectlOns are requested at the proper lime, that each address IS readable f. om the street, that the permIt card IS located Jt the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remam on the SIte at JII hmes durmg constructIOn Owner 01 Contractors Signature Date Page 2 of2 City of Sprmgfield Electrical AuthorizatIOn To Begm Work E-ma"ed To NETTONE@COMCASrNET Receipt # EC5366114 8/22/2008 4 15 21 PM ~ By Phone Check on status of permit (541)726-3753 or Ema" permltcenter@clsprmgfield orus TYPE OF WORK II I I I I I I I FEE SCHEDULE Dc!>ulphon l Qty En Rc.ld('llhal SIl\Gll- OR mulh.fanllly d"'e~mg UllIt att.lchuJ garage ~ 1 000 sq ft or less Ea addl 500 sq ft or portIOn Llrnlh.d .toerID' Limited energy, resldentld] (with above sa ft) . Llmlled energy multlfarmly resldl.ntHl] (wllh abovl. SQ ft) Llffilttd enLTgy LOmmerua-1 (with ;)bove SQ ft) Stand alone limIted energy, residential Stand-alone hmllLd energy multi fUffilly - ~Iand alone ltrolled energy commercia] Seruces OR feeder.. m..tallahon, alteration, .\;,\O/OR relocation lolul I"dudes I D New constructIOn [K] AddItion/alteratIOn/replacement CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION I (X] I or2 famllyd\\cllmg 0 Multi family 0 Commerclal/lndustnal I JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION IJob no IJob lIddrc!>s 363 52ND ST IClI)/StaterL.W SPRINGFIEI D OR 974786108 I SlIIte/bldg /dpt no jProject name Cross street/dm:ctlOns to job site ISubdl\-lslOn II,n map/p,ucel no , I Lot no I Ndme fy Mel1gan Iphone (541)9125829 Il<mllll !FIIX 9125829 200 amps or less 20 I amps to 400 amps 40 I amps to 599 amps I TEMPORARY !.cnICC!. OR feede~ installatIOn, alteration, AND/OR relocation I 200 amps or less I I 201 amps to 400 amps I 40 I amps 10 599 amps I I Bnlllch CircUits - Nl W, alteration, OR extensIOn, pcr panel I A I-ee for branch Clrlults with service or feeder fee each branch CircuIt I B Fte lor branch Circuits without servIce or fel.dl.r fee first branch circuit j each addl branch circuit j \hscellllnt'Ous I Service reconnect only I r dch manufactured or modular dwdlmg. service andlor feeder I Pump or Irngatlon cm:IL I SIgn or outlme Ilghung SIgnal clrcult(s) or limited energy panel, alteratIOn, or extensIOn $73 00 I $73 00 I I I I I I 1702333102800 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 200 <imp SLrvlLC change SITE CONTACT CONTRACTOR III hc no 20-441C ICCBllc no 136371 I BUMnes!. NmlL eVERYDAY CLECTRICAI ::'CRVICE INC I Contact IAddre!os 27492 SECOND PI I C1ty/St.l.terllP JUNCTION Cl I Y OR 97448 I Phone (541 )6076908 I F IX None Ilmad NETfONE@COMCA~ r NET I .\1Ltro hc no I City hc no I ~upervmng dectncldn !. hl no 4608S I SupervlslOg e1ectnclan'!. nami. WA YNF lAMAR ANTONL III Upon review and approval by your local JUrisdiction, your permit Will be e mailed or faxed wlthm one busmess day, with instructions on how to schedule your inspection ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES NOTE ThiS Authorization To Begin Work expIres within 180 days If a perrnlt IS not obtamed I I I J TOTAl PI< H.1\1I I H..... .. City Of Sprmgfield fees ] 0% Adm/ratIOn Fee Subtotal State Surchdrge (12% 01 permIt fee) City Of~pnn,gfidd fees" $7300 $876 $1095 $9271 5% I ethnology Fee The local building department may determme that an ~ ) V""\ Q"Y Authorlzatlon To Begin Work IS null and vOid If It does not COM LA flIj6 - \.)} ~O l) meet applicable land use laws and local ordmances RCPT# ord-6t)f"'-/2-0D DATE PROCESSED' ~ J/cJ Y ThiS Authorization To Begin Work must b" ~&~EW8/~~ed by, Permit f {/ , l ~ 225 Fifth Street Sprmgficld, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2008-0 1288 COM2008-0 1288 COM2008~0 1288 COM2008-0 1288 Payments Type of Payment ONLINE CHGS cRccuntl CIty of Sprmgfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Pubhc Works Department RECEIPT #, 2200800000000001290 Date: 08/25/2008 I 53 57PM Descnptlon Penn Serv/Fdr 200 amps or less + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 10% AdmmlStratlve Fee Amount Due 7300 365 876 730 $9271 Paid By ONLINE PERMIT CHGS Item Total Check Number AuthOrization Reccn:cd By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Paid NJM ONLlNEEVERYDA Y Onlme $92 71 Payment Total $92 71 Page 1 of I 8/25/2008