HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2008-8-22 ".' . ,,~{,:~,. ~ .~,. -,.-1 - ;_""1: ",<f,;~':;"''' ... ' , ~ -, .~'~"~~CI'E~,:g)B:SPRJNGEIf:Ld;);"0Rf:GON. :r'-;~~ . ,:I.",,,, ~ "'~, j ~-}/[~~ . --. 'W; .,1."..".- ' ~ ~ ~ 225 FIFfH SlREET . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH (541)726-3753 . FAX (541)726-3689 ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION CIty Job Number L 0,#\ z-o c) lr - 0 \ Z. 7 f 1 L/ijjCATi6jii6FiNSTAT:r.ATi6N;&{:~l(: ':li f,,--y---'S'-j+l..- .':S:-F"'" ., 200 Amps or less $ 70 00 20 I Amps to 400 Amps $ 83 00 Bas GA G t::. L /J. 401 Amps to 600 Amps $13800 ATTENTION ~'~R~to 1000 Amps $18000 Phone 7 If (- (Y,'l'f c"l' rUles ae.yf'l!e!9~/.ooIl'1f~ you to $413 00 "VUII~atlon CeRllqoI1JlF.~ 'Dregon Utility $ 55 00 10 OAR 952-001-0010 " les are selforth 0090 You m"" ~_~~~ . , , ., ,. n~~~:~ ~~~ t~~~'i~=hO~ aI~ii1>ihG[,,: Center 19s~Ji~3~llIltJ~R;9Ii&,locatIon 200 Amps 01i~44J. 20 I Amps to 400 Amps 40 I Amps to 600 Amps Over 600 New AlteratIon or ExtenSIOn Per Panel SO One Crrclllt I ~OO ~-o Each AddItIonal Crrclllt or wIth r / A 0 SeTVIce or Feeder PermIt Z $ /00 ~'-' { rs OTI CE 'rlJi"-"""""""'''"''''' ,'.'.' .,....",.".",,-, ,.","".n~_" """~ """~. . ;j~- 1m" ~rr '''''''''''a'' ~,,,n ;r; jm""" ~ ,,~j;r; ~~",~~~1'" "'f"'''''-~~"''i,'''.#n'''=f?S,:'''ru~>'%W;f '"'" ~^'^'f41 1 THIS P~' [~~te!x~~w5Wi~S!~,~,!',~llf!ll,SIl;!!1.:'!lIUationl. ~UTHORI~tV~affilS PERMIT IS NOT $ 55 00 (,OMMENISfg;lJalihI&A~IdOONED FOR $ 55 00 OWNER lNST ALLA nON ANY 180 1l~I!'eIi~/ResldentIaI $ 28 00 The mstallatIOn IS bemg made on property I own which Lnlllted Energy/CommercIal $ 50 00 IS not mtended for sale, lease or rent Mmlmum ElectriC Permit Inspechon Fee IS $50 00 + Surcharges 4 ~~Uii~OTALVF3UfOl;E~""'l~~lr~ 6 () Owners Signature ~~;;' ~:~~:;~~ b.~", ,~w~,m1p_~b;;t1 7zD 10% AdJmlllstratlve Fee b 5% Technology Fee -r 7b~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION 17uZ 331( OS (00 JOB DESCRIPTION -JrJ.i ') Cl"'c.~\h Permits are non-transferable and expIre If work IS not started wlthm 180 days of ISsuance or If work IS Suspended for 180 days. !rCONfRAcrORINSi;;.a;tTIbNONLQ~ 2 ~->"~~";:~Md-J~~".m;c,/",,;:;jA'F't0h0"J /. ,,;_ "''''~''m"",.~,i ""-trb-"01! ElectrIcal Contractor t;' !\ST5 (0 (. c(cGTf(IC- AddJess 3 ~ ). S' 3 CIty s~o;r(o ExprratIon Date Y717.s }()-f-J,DIO 117770 )0-1-09 Supervisor LIcense Number Constr CODtr Number ExprratlOD Date Signature of Supervlsmg ElectrICIan I~ Owners Name 7-;....,~... G.:.e- s 71-l-. ~ \-- ~[>-A Address 1117 S::Pf"::~ Phone City Inspection Request 726-3769 Date 3 !;CO.MPLKifi,EEiJ:'SCliED'tJi1;;BEijjWVi;JI!i!!l!t{f!!:!.~r:.'r':: r'i 'I ~;aji._' _._ ,._ ~._i._.,_",,""i.v>"_"". _J;"~",",_M~~ "'''"'0.-",,,__< ~~m mm~_li_~m4'_0.&'\~;:':;;,_, ",__. A ~N=tii~iidtiit~i3:4SiD'#;i;:tMrirti!F1lfiil~~elli~;;i;;it.)~r",,'~ ...,.... _ u.,..... "'''"...._ .. _.,"",:o1,"'.m .,.,~___ '._~ "''___ _~m_..~~u Y~iP=....","",,~ g, ._. ,",1. '. Service Included 1000 sq ft or less Each additIOnal 500 sq ft or portIon thereof Each Manufact'd Home or Modular DwelImg ServIce or Feeder $11700 $2100 $55 00 B ':S~~~fr~j~~~ri:: id;;';IY;1ii:~~..trtr.l~l=r,~~~l;~d!~~j:l. L1drJ)W302iV'M441if["-L01;.u'k ~"' ""',JY::~ ',_ ~~~1U:1 ~~.,'" ~di""'110W0WVl:&iillil%Ai@1Th1'"w_,=A""h<kl ~ $ 55 00 $ 76 00 $110 00 D TOTAL Shared Dnve(T )/Butldmg FonnsJElectncal Permit ApplicatIOn 7-07 doc -~ -"-- Status Issued 225 F,lth Street, Spnngtield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO. COM2008-01271 ISSUED: 08/2212008 APPLIED. 08/22/2008 EXPIRES: 0212212009 VALUE' SITE ADDRESS- 1117 57TH ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 1702331105100 Spnngfield TYPE OF WORK ElectrICal WOI k Only PROJECT DESCRIPTION Add 3 CirCUIts TYPE OF USE Owner RANDY CLINE Address 1117 N 57TH ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97478 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type Electncal Contractor EASTSIDE ELECTRIC INC License 117770 # of Umts Pnmary Occupancy Group Secondary Occupancy Group Pnmary ConstructIOn Type Secondary ConstructIOn Type # of Bedl ooms Front yard Setback Side I Setback SIde 2 ~etback' Rearyard Setback Solar Setbacks Street Improvements Storm Sewer AvaIlable Speclall"'tI ulllOn Notes BUILDING INFORMA nON I # of Stones R-3 Height of Structure Type of Heat Ires you to '" 0 (,.1la'aW requ VB f"' '] \T\:)Wateloll~l-'~ h Oregon Utility , R ,- .",,(1 hy t e f rth f , ,,( ~ ange.. Jye' 58 rules are set 0 t 1" L "t'~nEncr'gY Pltl~ hOAR 952-001- " f'H r.~1 II In O/\I'i 9!)2SpnnklWB Wd\~~ of the rul<B'i,oy "_ .......:H/('\htalnCOP . \._.........^ vv X.~D.I'J\(EllJOPMEN-M&flh;IlM~lirooo.lfn ',Il. , "Ii I.' num08' IV' ,,,. -, 6"00-332-23"'1). Center IS ,- Overlay Dlst # Street Trees Rqd Paved Dnve Rqd % ot Lot Coverage I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I AdditIon ReSIdentIal Phone Number 541- ExpiratIOn Date 10/04/2009 Phone 541-915-9828 Lot Size Sq Ft 1st Floor Sq Ft 2nd Floor Sq Ft Basement Sq Ft GaragelCarport Sq Ft Other Occupant Load REQUIRED PARKING Total Handicapped Compact SIdewalk Type DownspoutslDrams ",nTIr.I=' , oL'ftJ' - .l'lAttiXPIKt: If '1'\,[ \~". r.. I va~{Fnrn~ "HIS PERMIT IS NOT ~~ENCEDIi~~BANDONED FOR $ PelV3ll\l'I" a oO/age V I or muMJllitWO DAY ~ mount a ue DeScflPtlOn Type of ConstructIOn Pal1.elof2 Date Calculated SPRINGFIELO -I Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO. COM2008-01271 ISSUED: 08/2212008 APPLIED: 08/2212008 EXPIRES, 02/2212009 VALUE: 225 FIfth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541- 726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769InspeltlOn LlDe Total Value of ProJect Fees Pmd I Fee DescrIptIOn + 10% AdmmlstratIve Fee + 12% State Surchal ge + 5% Technology Fee Add, Alter, Extend CIrc Add, Alter, Extend CIrc Ea Add Amount Paid Date Paid Receipt Number $600 $720 $300 $50 00 $10 00 8/22/08 8/22108 8/22/08 8/22/08 8/22108 1200800000000000902 1200800000000000902 1200800000000000902 1200800000000000902 1200800000000000902 Total Amount Paid $7620 I Plan RevIews I To Request an InspectIon call the 24 hour recordmg at 726-3769. All InspectIOns requested before 7:00 a,m. wIll be made the same workmg day, mspectIons requested after 7:00 a.m, wIll be made the folloWIng work day, I Reo III red InsoectlOos I Rough Electnc Pnor to Cover FlDal Electnc When all electncal work IS complete By SIgnature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examlDed the completed apphcatlOn and do hereby certIfy that all mformatlOn hereon IS true and correct, and I further cerhfy that any and all work performed shall be done ID accordance with the OrdlDances ot the CIty of Spnnglield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertamlDg to the work descnbed herelD, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made 01 any structure without permISsIOn of the Commumty ServIces DIVIsIOn, BUlldmg Safety 1 turther certlly that only contI actor; and employees who are ID comphance wIth ORS 701 005 wIll be used on thIS proJect I lurther agree to ensnre that all reqlllred mspechons are requested at the proper tIme, that each address IS readable from the street, that the permit card IS located at the front 01 the property, and the approved set of plans will remam on the site at all times durmg construction Owner 01 Contractors Signature Date Page 2 of2 225 FIfth Street SprIngfIeld, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ~P"'NQFI""" ~ ~ City of SprIngfield Official ReceIpt Development ServIces Department PublIc Works Department Job/Journal Number COM2008-0 1271 COM2008-01271 COM2008-01271 COM2008-0127l COM2008-01271 Payments Type of Payment CredllCard LRu..elOtl RECEIPT # 1200800000000000902 Date 08/22/2008 Descnptlon Add, Alter, EXlend Clrc Add, Alter, Extend Clrc Ea Add + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State SUlcharge + 10% AdmlDlstratlve Fee Paul By EASTSIDE ELECTRIC Item Total Check Number AuthorizatIOn Received By Bdtch Number Number How Received dJb 05570B In Person Payment Total Page 1 of I 9 56 46AM Amount Due 5000 1000 300 720 600 $7620 Amount Paid $7620 $7620 812212008