HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2004-2-7 .-I o:l "---- , ~'S) 9 _______I' :2 ----- ' ~ I , .-I .0:: 1 {:, I' I I II JJ(7, I~~i ~ I ['" {:, .-I' (.)' , , i , " :,~I Il/ / .1 '--- VI,4.411J1-+- - f7I-IW ~}t(/ ! I I '--- !: I r--- 'I , ----1--- t17J Co I . i------r , 1 ~Roofline 3D LayoLt ~tS:::J~~ STEVE lr~UJ]~[k!]~L I tY"/"..'V'"/"..~ I s V s t em;.3 HOUSER .--' C I I Ir----r-I___ , ! 1. i/ , "',~ I' , ~- 1 ~ : '---....~6) I "--- 1&.::> I'~ I {:, 1 I I r' PI ~ ~ \ -:r '-.) (7, A) --:---.: r . l:~ I ' , I I ' , r " ,::! {:, 1 WO. 020604BO SALES REP I ABeD DUE DATE I OSGNR/CHKR ABeD I ABeD 4364-4366 FORSYTHIA COURT SPRINGFIELD, OR TC Live TC Dead Be L.1ve Be Dead Tct.~ 25.00 per 7.00 p.s:! 0,00 pili:! 10.00 pat' 42.00 pe:! Date 2/7/2004 10:57 CurFac-Lbr: 1.15 OurF.c-P~t: 1.15 O.C. Spacing: 24.0 easion Spec : use *Tr/.C:!g I 49 / 6 . Job Name: HOUSER ~ MOSHOFSKY r-r.')r')l'1 TRUSS 4445 Northpark Dr. Cola Springs. CO 80907 TrusPlus 6.0 Ver: T6.4.2 Truss 10: HOU-A1 TC 2114 OFL ~l Be 2x4 OFt III GBL BlK 2.4 OFt STANDARD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT "1607. loaded lor 10 P$F non.concurrent Bell. BUILDING DESIGNER MUST VERIFY GABLE LOADS! (.o. ) gable bracing feQuir80 C.58" intervals, ~e~xP8:~~f G~~?el~~t~fs~lm~~3S. ~~Ilsn~l~:a=~ ::fUl~J~~ITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. BEARING REQUIREMENTS mown art based ONt y t~~~r~ls~~t~~~I~Eelfft~~~~ft. VAlUES. End verticals designed lor Ixialloads only. Extensions above or below the truss profile (II any) require additional consideration (by other$) for hOflz. loads on the bldg. 1-4.0 4-<>0 :'-O-<l 4-0-0 ,...0 ....0 9-4-0 ,3-4-0 2 3 4 5 . 7 . 9 1012 ra:oo- 7-- -3 ~ #' r?' #::::-~.. > ,.. A r?' _ _ _ _l7U3 ~ 6-: .15 SHIP .. :r 0-4-3 2-3 ~ 1-4-0 1-4-0 .1"*,,, 1314 15 16 17 18 19 4_0-0 :'-0-0 5-4-0 9-4-0 TYPICAl PLATE: 1.5-4 20 21 222.' 4-0-0 I 13-4-0 OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT Truswal Systems Plates ate 20 ga. unless shown by -18"(18 ga.), "H"(16 ga.l, or "MX-(T'Mv1X 20 ;8.), positioned per Joint DetaiJ. Report. Circled plates and fatllllrame plate. are positioned as Iho<Nn above, Shift gable.tud plate. to avoid overlap wlth.tructl.nII plates (or .tapIe). W ARNI NGRead all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecllng Contractol ThII cIftlll'lll lor." individual buUling compllMfIl not.... .~m. It '- bMn baNd an aped~ pRIYIdH by lie -.pontnIlTIII'IUfIodulw anddontlneccor~wilhlMeuT..u"~oITPlandN'PAdtslgn-"-", Nor~II"""""'IorIirntnalonal_eer. 10 b<t ",riled by 1M compof*d rnanuIaclw. tndIar buIdrla dttlgn.- prior 10 fIobrIcaton. The buIcInO dMigMr....t..--1hal: II>tloadl;uaztdan....dnlgnmHIcracud...loHngln1>ouclby...loctlbuNng codt_Iltpwlicul.-tppIc.tllcrl. ThedMlgn_ _1I>t1opd1cr1l.ltttralyl"'-'bylhtrool'crlocr~andlltboCl<om~dlt~br-.lby.rigld_ll:WIgrMttr\lll...~ '-",unI... IlCherwIMnottd. BrKlnlilsl-. II lcr 1attr.I-..ppcrl 0' ~lMmt.-.""IaIIdu~bucldlngl4lnQlh. ThllCIOfI'lpOfIIIII Il1dnolHple~dln."y."vlranment_wII_.lhtmolalure CCIfIt..tollht-c:tlou-.:llll%anclIcr_(lOIIIltdorplt~corroalon. FtOrlc.t~,h.andI....tIoI andbracellW IluUIn~wIlh '.IOIHT OETAfLS" by T~, 'ANSIITPl ~', WTCA I'-Wood T.... Courd 01...".,.,. ~ 0e.ilI'I R~, 'HAHOl.ING INSTAlliNG AN[) BRACING UETAL PlATE CONNECTEO \MXlO TR~ -(HIB-Dl)ancllilB-D1 SUMMARY SHEer by TPI. TheT"..PIablIntlllutt (TP'f)ltlot;atedatO"OlotloOrtve, t.bcIt.n, .......--.53111. The~Fcr"andP.perAl.aocia-.fIoFPAJlIloca!Matl1l111illl SlIelfl.~,St.aoo.~,OC2OCl)ll. Otv: 2 This truss is designed using the UBCCocte. Blda Enclosed II Yes Truss Loc.tion .. Not (nel Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line'" No , up Category .. C Blelg Len1fh '" 50.00 '\8Idg Width '" 20.oo't ~~r s:'d~~~~JinC:,I~J'rO:d ~ 17 ,0 psI Cust: HOUSER WO: Orive_C_hou4_L00005_JOOOO4 Dsgnr: #lC = 14 WT: 133# TC live 25.00 pst DurFacs l"'1.15 P"'1.15 TC Dead 7.00 psI Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 BC live 0.00 pst O.C.Spacing 2- o. 0 BC Dead 10.00 psI Design Spet: UBC TOTAL 42.00 pst DEF.Ratio: U240 TC: U24Q Job Name: HOUSER arGo. J:}fC B~~~:4IZ~.~fQ'O 2 13. g. 4 588 5.50" 1.50" MAX DEFLECTIONJspa~: ~~~~ ~~~oiw. <f~ .7111' Te FORCE AXL aND CSI 1.2 -1366 O.Q1 0.570.59 2.3 .111 0.000.570.57 Be FORCE AXl BND C51 4.5 11970.200.170.37 5.6 Il7S WEB FORCE C51 wEB FORCE C51 2.5 1770.G:6 -}700.04 2.6 .11330.85 ~ MOSHOFSKY '-"/~r'....., TRUSS 4445 Northpark Dr. Co/a Springs. CO 80907 TrusPlus 6.0 Ver: T6.4.2 Truss 10: HOU-A2 TC 2x4 OR i111 Be 2.0;4 OFL i111 WEB 2x4 OFl ST ANDARO PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT "1607. loaded lor 10 PSF non-concurrent BelL. PLATING BASED ON GREEN lUMBER VALUES. ~~f~n~l~?cf~ fsNf~'l~J~~ITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. BEARING REQUIREMENTS ~own are based DNL Y on the truss material at eaCh blaring. Shim bearings (II needed) for req. support. End verticals designed lor axial loads only, E.densions above or below the truss prolile (II any) require additional consideratIon (by others) lor honz. loads on the bldg. 7-3-15 7-3.15 8_8-1 14-0..0 2 ra:oo- 3 3-4 /T ./" 3-11-9 7--3 " S-:S-15 SHIP 3-4 ~_.10 1 3-4 .. I 0-4.3 O~8 ~ ---2.QQJ 14..n.p 5 I 4 6. 7.3.15 7-3-15 6_B_l 14-0..0 TruswaJ Systems Plates are 20~. unless $hown by -18-(18 ga.). .W(16 ga.l, or-MX.(TVvMX 20 ga.l, positioned per Joint OetaIJs Report Circled plates and lalse frame plates IIl1I positioned 8S shown above. Shift gable stud platel to avoid overlap with stnJdl.nl plates (or staple). W ARNI NGRead all notes on this sheet and give a copy ofit to the Erecting Contractol Thi:ldlt$l",,"lor&lllndvldualbulcln,,~not~'l'Stem.llh-nbHtlb'''donlPftlklllonlprovldeclby'''~manu1ac:lu"... andclon.InKCOtdancewilhlh.o;uTant........aITPlandAFPAdalgn.tandar... Nor~.lIUUIMdb'dmInsIDruoIlCCUl"K)'. .lDbey.nt.dbylle~ andfarbuldng -v-priDrlolltwlcdon.Thebuldng~muet--.~ ...i0oi.. UlllUd on.... dalgn "'"' 01 uend lie IoMng ~ by ...loc.rbuMng code....ew ~ eppkdon. The clee9laeumee _lhetDpch<<cl.laW~br--'by...rooIOIIoarIllea'*"'_...bcIComm.cl. 1aW~l:nce>dby.Ilgld~lI'lOIt.n.IdfKllr IUcn.d.unlneClCt>er'wlM/'IDCK.Bradngw-..lorleterallUppCW'lol ~_rnembetsrn,ID.___I:luellIng'-'cllh. ThieCOlJClOM'll Il\allnolbeplecadlneny...................t...._....rnoIetur. c:antantol...woodIDuceedlt%anoi'Df____p/al8c:orr...... FIbric:IIII.Nnd..lnltalandbrKlo IIW ......._dance wUll 'JOINT DETAIlS'byTI\ISWaI. 'ANSIITPt 1'. WTCA 1'.lNoodTNM CouncI oIAmerlcoI StancWd Daign~. 'HANClUNG lNSTAUJHGANO BRAClNGUETAl. PLATE CONNECTEOWOOOTRUSSES' {HIB-Ol)..-.:I'HIB-Ol SUMMARYSHEET'by TPl. The Tnru PlMe~ (TPl).1ocated 1It000000000Drive.MadIon. w..-..nS371.. The~ForeIItandP..AAoclnanlAFP~.locaIIdetlI1111llll S....NW.SleIOCl.WaIhngIDn.OC2OO3e. Oty: 14 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 .1161b Support 2 .!45Ib ThiS truss is designed using the UBC Code. Bldg Enclosed .. Yes Truss Loeaticm = Not End Zone Hurricane/Ocean line = No . Exp Category '" C Bldg LenRth;; 50.00 It~ Bldg Width" 20.00 It Mean rool helRht;; 11.:;Jllt. m:rh " 80 UBC Standard"Qccupancy, Oea load" 17.0 psI EXPRATlON DATe 0lII30I0I 2/9/2004 eust: HOUSER wo: Drive_C_hou4_l00005_J00004 Dsgnr: #LC = 14 WT: 79# TC live 25.00 psI DurFacs L=1.15 P=1.l5 TC Dead 7.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 BC live 0.00 psI C.C.Spacing 2. O. 0 BC Dead 10.00 psI Design Spec UBC TOTAL 42.00 psI DfF.Ratio: L1240 Te: l124Q Job Name: HOUSER ~ MOSHOFSKY '~""~""'>.Q TRUSS 4445 Northpark Dr. Co/a Springs, CO 80907 TrusPlus 6.0 Ver: T6.4.2 Truss 10: HOU-B1 TC 21.4 OFl 1f1 Be 21.4 OFL "1 GBL BlK 21.4 DFl STANDARD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. BUILDING OESIGNER MUST VERIFY GABLE LOADS! (.) gable bracing reQIII(~ C 58" intervals. ~ee:P8:~ri~ G~~?elb~~a~Ps~I~~~~E35. ~~,tsnUK::f~ :rfUl~J~~lTE RESULT OF MULTIPLE lOAD CASES. BEARING REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY tL,,\~~g~ls~t~;:~a~Eet~t8t:~E~' VAlUES. Otv: 2 This truss IS onlgned using the uae Code. Bldg Enclosed .. Yes Truss location .. Not End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line'" No . UP Cat~ry '" C Bldg length.. SO.OO HI Bldi Width.. 20.00 It Mean rooT height.. 9.42 It mph .. 80 uae Standard Occupancy, Dead Load.. 17.0 psI 2-8-0 I 2_8-0 2.8-0 4-0-0 2-6-0 I 5+0 6-0-0 '2-0-0 R_n..n I, fWl-n i 3 4 . 7 . . rs:oo -5.001 3-4 2-1 )-1 >-; 3-4 _ 0:4-1 '8 '8 8 ~~~1 ?_o.n r 2-lWl -1 1'-n.tl 10 11 12 13 ,. " 1. 17 ?8-0 I 2-8-0 I ?_8-0 I ".;2-0. I 2-6-0 I 5-4-0 6-0-0 12-0-0 I TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-<4 OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT TruswaJ Systems Plates are 20 ga, unless shown by "18"(18 ga.l. .W(18 ga.). or "MX"(TVVMX 20 ga.), poslUoned per Joint Details Report. Citded plates and false frame p1atu 8ffl positioned 11$ shoWn above. Shin gable stud plates 10 ellOid overlap with structural plates (or staple). W ARNI NGRead all notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contracto. This dni",iI lor.. IndYlchIIbuIcIng c:ompon8nlnot_l}'Slem.ll hab+wl baMd on "P"Ci1leatorw prcMdN by... componenl anddGnein~wl1hltMCU'l'''''''''''oITP1It1dAFPAclaign~clI. Nor~...........:I""~.-ncy. ~...lDbev.n'.,dboylh.o;:ompor>WIt~....o'or~cIMl,,*,priortolabriedon.Thebuklng~lI'W1__lhal ltM loaWulIli~ed onlhia dnlgnm..toruOIH IhloadnllimpoMdbyltMloc-'builclnll code andll\4l~appac.o:on. n.. MI"'_..... thallhelopchord.le*alybracedbylherool'or__~andllMboCIomch<<d;.lmtaIybfaeedby.rigidlllHlllngmatlllllldrKOy '1!.Iched.\ftalloa-wiH_.~"'-'.""~suppartol ~""""'cnr~r..a-lIuc:Io:aIlg""",,. ~~ 5l'IalInotbeplaceclln~elMronIMnl~...._ltMmainft _ot...woodlllaceedln.-.dIflII__p.teowroUon. F~.II&n<I.,lnatd and bt_Nl_ln.~..... 'JOINT OETAlLS' byTIWWlIl, 'ANSUTPlI', WTCA 1'.lNooclTNMc.o.....cI or""-k:..l Standard ONlgn ~... 'IW<lOUNG INSTALUNG ANO BRACING METAL PlATE CONNECTEDWOOO TRUSSES' -(H1B-ll1 and 'HIll-II SUMMAAY SHEET try TPl. TheTNM PlateIlwliUe (1l>Ijillclc**' 1II0't1t10tla0lM.~, ~5J71'. The~For"'andP_AaaodaIion(AFPA)illDcateclallI11 111111 kiNI.NW.S.e.oo.~.OC2OO3e. Cust: HOUSER wo: Drive_C_hou4_L00005_J00004 Dsgnr: #lC = 13 WT: 70# TC live 25.00 psi DurFacs L=1.15 P=1.l5 Te Dead 7.00 psI Rep Mbr Snd 1.15 BC live 0.00 pst O.C.Spacing 2. O. 0 BC Dead 10.00 pSf Design Spec USC TOTAL 42.00 psI DEF.Ratio: L1240 TC: U240 Job Name: HOUSER SF Q. {:-g>c 7~}"~\5}Z1.~~Q'O 2 11. g. 4 132 5.50' 1.50' MAX DEFLECTION (span): U999 IN MEM 4.5" CliVE} L'" -0.03" (): -0.01' 1= -0.04' iC FORCE AXL BND CSI }.2 .759 2.3 .759 Be FORCE AXl BND CSI 4.5 6430.100.190.30 5.6 6430.100.190.30 WEB FORCE CSI WEB fORCE CSI 2.5 164 0.07 ~ MOSHOFSKY n-r ~r~~ TRUSS 4445 Northpark Dr. Colo Springs. CO 80907 TrusPlus 6.0 Ver: T6.4.2 Truss 10: HOU-B2 iC 2.4 OFL III Be 2.4 OFl #1 WEB 2.4 OFL S1 ANDARO PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VAlUES. ~~frUf~~ ~f:fl~J~~lTE RESULT OF MUL TlPLE LOAD CASES. BEARING REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY on tl1e truss material at each bearing. 6-0-0 I 6-0-0 6-0-0 12-0-0 Fi._n...n I, Fi.-f1_0 3 rs:oo .5.001 3-5 2-1 )..1 _ 0:4-, ".0_0 f--,.o.n I I I 4 1?Q-O 5 I . 6-0-0 12-0-0 6-0-0 6-0-0 TNSWaJ Systems Plates ate 20 Ga. unless shown by ~18"(18 ga.). W(t6 ga.), or "MX.(T\"'MX 2Og.1.), positioned per Joint Details Report. Cltded plates and lalse frame plaIn 8f8 positioned as shown above. Shift gable stud plates 10 avoid over\ap with strucll.nl plates (or staple). W ARNI NGRead all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractol Thiadalgn.b...lncivIcluaIbuI<Ing~enInotlrula""'m.1l hMbnnba.adon~pnMdldbv"'componeonl.......tacu. ..-ddoro.ln_cIanct'wilhlhtCU'l"tnt--.....oITPlandA1P",dalgn~d1. No~.~bclrrwlMon.tl_Ky. " 'lobtvtri'tdbyllM~mtI'lUfadur.tttdlOfbulcing ~prIorlolabrlctlon.ThtblMlg....mual~.... 1h.......ufIIlndonll>l.daignm..,.ul;..dlh.lolIcinglmpo..dbylh.loc:aIbulIding codellldlht~tppk;llIon. Th.dnIll"......... lIutllh.lop_cl.ItI...lytw.<<clby""oof..loorah..ll*\gandlh'bollom_cllalaterd)'bral;ldby.ngkIahtalhhg""1trilII'*~ .U._d,lM'lIeHoCI'>tt'Wia.noltd.IlfKltlgs/'loMl....~Sl4'POf1of ~"",,**,...,..,___Mklngltnglh. nw-.-- ahaInotbtplKeclinany~_"'~"'moiaIuf. _or"'_Io"'-"'lnl.rtdlot_-..--""'--'"otion. Fatwlu1l. htoI'KI', Nld and tw_lhiI..... in.1;COfdance _ 'JOINT DETAILS' by Trut....... 'ANSVTPll'. .....-reA l'..wood T..... CoundI 01 Amaric:a Slanclald Duign R...,..".;bili~... 11NIDUNG INSTALUNG AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' -(H1Ml)and 'Hla..lll SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. Tht T.....P\a1e1nsUtAt (TPl)lt loc:Mtdat D'Ondioon...Mtdaon,1I\beontin53711l. Tht1o,rMricanF"a1W1dPaptr~(A1PA)"r..c.!edatlll11'" _....WJ.8lII800.WW*'glon.DC2OCl3lI. Oty: 12 UPLIFT REACTlON(S) : Support 1 .1l61b Support 2 .1l61b ThIS truss is designed using the uac Code. Bldg Endosed .. Yes Truss Location" Not End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Une '" No . Exp C41legory " C Bldg Lenlrth = 50.00 HI Bldg Width '" 20.00 It Mean r001 heilUll" 9.42 It. mph :: 80 USC StandanfOccupancy. Dead Load'" 17.0 psi 3-; 13 SHIP ~ ElPIlA11tIl DAre UIlI3Q\M 2/9/2004 Cust: HOUSER WO: Drive_C_hou4_l00005_J00004 Dsgnr: #lC = 13 WT: 57# TC live 25.00 psf OurFacs l::1.15 P=1.15 TC Dead 7.00 psI Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 BC live 0.00 pSf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 BC Dead 10.00 psI Design Spec UBe TOTAL DEF.Ratio: 1I240 TC: 1I240 42.00 pSf . Job Name: HOUSER BF 0- :-g)Cl~gCJ.&.ZEl.~Q"D 2 25- 9. 4 1320 5.500 1.50" MAX DEFLECTION \Spanl : ~9.b:21~ ~;M'(}~?5.IT~I~~k. Te FORCE AXL BND C51 }.2 .2142 0.040.320.37 2.3 .1691 0.030.320.35 3.4 .1489 4.5 -1686 0.030.320.35 5.6 .2141 0.04 0.32 0.37 Be FORCE AXL eND C51 '.8 1930 0.320.270.59 8.9 1930 0.32 0.25 0.56 9.10 1487 0.130.380.52 10.11 19290.320.280.59 WEB FORCE C51 WEB FORCE C51 2.9 .4760..llflO 3350.15 3.9 336 a.SEW .480 0.29 3.10 690.04 ~ MOSHOFSKY c>r~r~~ TRUSS 4445 Northpark Dr. Colo Springs. CO 80907 TrusPlus 6.0 Ver: T6.4.2 Truss 10: HOU-C1 TC 2114 OFL #1 Be 2x4 OFL #1 WEB 2.4 OFL S1 ANQARO PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1&07. Loaded lor 10 PSF non-concurrent BeLL. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VAlUES. ~~lt~n~l~F8~ i':f~'l~J~~ITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE lOAD CASES. BEARING REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY on the tru 55 material at each bearing. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. Otv: 2 UPLIFT REACTlON(S) : Support 1 .!34lb Support 2 .134lb ThiS truss is designed using the USC Code. Bldg Enclosed '" Yes Truss LocatIon'" Not End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line'" No , up Category '" C Bldg Length'" SO.OO It, Bldg Width = 20.00 It Mean rooT height:ll 10.46 It, mph:ll 80 USC Standard Occupancy, Dead Load'" 17,0 psI 5-9-14 5-2.2 4-Q.() 5-2-2 5-9-14 5-9-14 1140 1540 2().2.2 26-<>0 "-"'1 13 UU> 14 11.(l..1l' .1 2 ;; rs:oo- -5.001 4-8 5-5 I \ 4-11.1 II 2.5-8 (l.4-1 e;::::::- n $=:>-< 2.5-4 I (l.4-1 ~ , ''''''' 11~ I 7 . 1140 1140 9 10 4.o.<l 1540 1140 26-<>0 Truswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by .18"(18 ga.l. "H"(le ga,), or "MX"(T'M.tX 20 go,). posiUoned per Joint Details Report. Clrclod plates and falso frame platas are poslUoned as shown above. Shift gable stud plates to avoid overlap with structuml plato. (or staple). WARN/ NGRead all notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractol ThiI~illoranlncl:vldualbulcing~not\rwl;~m.1l hab.."b...don~tcaliDnIpr~by".~ and don.ln.ecordaneawjlhlh. CU'l'enl........,. ofTPlandAFPAdulgn._"'. No,npoNitIiiryil oaauIMd Iorclmanolonal occuracy. o IObevori'odbylho~.........I!odl.r...-dIorbuiding ~priarlOlabric:Qon.Thebulclng.......lTUt__lNl lhokM.alllllzodon...~..-or........lholoo<lng~bylholocelbulclng CICIOMandhpoQculoroppko_.TlMdoo9I_ lhollhotrlpa-1l_latorolybrKedby"'rooI'orloor~andlho_d>onl_ _oIytw-..by.rIgicI~rnoWlolclndty .ltadMd......... OChorwia. nolod.llrKingu-. ia ........suppor1of ~_fNII'lboq onlylDr..a-buc:klnglonglh. ThIa~ 5hollnolbepl.cedinany...won......lllalwil_lhomol.~. contentollhowoodlO..celldlP%onciIor_COl'IIIe'dorplo"-"oaIon. Fab'lc:a...~.....ldandbr.ce" .....In-c.nc........ 'JOINT OETAll.S'byT.......... 'ANSl/Tl>II', WTCA 1'-WoodTruu CouncI 01 ~ sc.nd.d Dnlgn R~, 'tWO../NG INSTALLING AND llIV.CING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES" -{H18-11IJand 'HIB-t1I SUMMARYSHEET"o.,TPl. ThoT"..PIt..~ (TPlJia\oeOloodO\~0rtv..MIoobon.~S371'. Thc"""",,*,Foral_P_Aoaoc:inon(AFPAJ_loo;otIIdalllll ItIlh SrHl.NW,QoIOO.WoIhiIlgIcn.OC20038. 5-8-13 SHIP ElP1lA11CII1lATI:: 0lII3Q\K 2/9/2004 Cust: HOUSER WD: Drive_C_hou4_L00005_JOOOO4 Dsgnr: #LC = 14 WT: 152# TC Live 25.00 psi DurFacs L=1.15 P=1.15 TC Dead 7.00 psI Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 BC Live 0.00 psi D.C.Spacing 2. O. 0 BC Dead 10.00 psI Design Spec USC TOTAL 42.00 psi DEF.Ratio: U240 TC: Ll24Q . Job Name: HOUSER BFa. {"f?Cl~McJ.&.ZEI.~Q'D 2 25.9.4 1320 5.50" loser MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 IN MEM B.9 (LIVE) L= .0.14" 0= .0.09" T= .(1.23" ie FORCE AXL eND CSI }.2 .2124 0.04 0.44 0.48 2.3 -1870 0,04 0.44 0.48 3.4 .1870 0.04 0.44 0.48 4.5 .2124 0.04 0.44 0.48 Be FORCE AXL BND CSI 6.] 1898 0.310.230.54 '.8 1261 0.110.36 0.46 8.9 1261 0.110.360.46 9.10 18980.310.230.54 WEe FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2.7 .4080,3(9 6320.28 3.7 6320.QIB .4080.10 ~ MOSHOFSKY n-r~'~ TRUSS 4445 Northpark Dr. Co/a Springs. CO B0907 TrusPlus 6.0 Ver: T6.4.2 Truss 10: HOU-C2 Otv: 17 ie 2x4 OFl III Be 2x4 DFL /1:1 WEe 2x4 OR 5T ANOARD PLATE VAlUES PER lCBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. loadeo for 10 PSF non.concurrent Bell. ~~,~nM~f(i~ ~~UJ~J~~ITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. BEARING REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY ~u.~~~;rue:lS~~t8'~ari~Eel~L~~BE~' VALUES. UPLIFT REACTION(S): Support 1 .134lb Support 2 .134lb This truss is designed using the use Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes Truss Location'" Not End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line.. No . up Category .. C Bldg Lenlrth.. 5O.OClltl..~ldg Width = 20.00 It Mean rooT heiRht = 10.~ It. mph = 80 UBC Standard"Occupancy. Dead Load.. 17.0 psI 6.9-14 .6.2.2 6.,-, 6-9-14 6-9-14 13-0-0 19-2-2 26-<).(l ''-''-'' ,'-"-" .1 i '3 . rs:oo- -'.001 3-5 5-'-1 :I: 0-4-1 ... 13 SHIP 2.5-8 ..:I: 04-1 ~ '0-0-0 ,o~ 8.10..10 l 26-<).(l 6 7 8 8 I 8.10..10 8.10..10 8-2_13 17-1-6 TruswaJ SY5tem' P1ales are 20 ga, unless shown by -18-(18 ga.), -W(18 ga.), or -MX-(T"M.lX 20 ga.), positioned per Joint Details Repen. CIrcled plates and false frame plales are positioned 8. &hown above. Shin. gable .tud pletes to evold overtap with structural plates (or staple). W ARNI NGRead all notes on this sheet and give a copy of/t to the Erecting Contractol Tl'QdNl~~lo<an~"~__nolWAIJVIl*m.1t habMnbaaed...SpKlbllaneproy\dMlby""~~. -.d clofMln .ccordanee...lh lhea.oTenl v.,.ionr, oITP' .".jAFPAdai~ ._cla. Noraponaiblltyla __for cIIMnaIonaIeea.-KY. ltoto.vltfll.dbyllMco~enlmanuraeu..MdlOfbullclrlg dMllJWpriorlobbrM:dorl.TlMbuIdng..,gn......I~lNt IlMIoa..utlludon...dftlcnmH'lOf..~lh.loa<Ing~bylh.locaI~codeendl'Ml~appIcdon..n..Onlgn......... 1h><t1lM topcllordillaWdybr.cedby....ooIOf toOf w.llwIg end IlM bottom_d;. 1aW.....~by . tIgld......,.....w.taI dlKIy .lladIad,uNeu~.nowd.8Iacing.r-illo<l.IleIalauppollol ~""'~Of"IotID"O"C'~Ienglh.ThiI~ ahdnotto.pl."dlnanyltflwon,....lh.l"'uua.lh.moiaILU conl.n1or....woodto..ceedlfi'11oaMlor_~pI.l.ICOfTMion. Fabriul.,hancI..lnatalllndbracelhia lruH .._~wilh 'JOINT OETAlL.$'by TIUa..... 'ANSVTPll'. WTCA l'.WoodTruuColn:ll ol.-.....nc. ~ Dni~ A~. 'HANOUNO INSTAU.ING AND BAACtHG METAl.. PLATE CONNECTEO WOOD TRUSSES' ~H1e-el)_'HIa-81 SUIolMARY SHEET by TPI. TlMTruu~~ (TPI)..Iocateda1D'0nHI00ltve.......................U71.. TheAlMr\c.llt1F...at_P_~....(AFPA).louted.ll1',ltlh StrHt,tIN,$teIOO.~,OC200:MI. Cust: HOUSER wo: Orive_C_hou4_l00005_J00004 Dsgnr: #lC = 14 WT: Te live 25.00 pst DurFacs l=1.15 P=l TC Dead 7.00 pst Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 BC live 0.00 psI O.C.Spacing 2. O. 0 BC Dead 10.00 pst Design Spec UBe 141# 15 TOTAL 42.00 psI DEF.Ralio: 1I240 Te: L/240