HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2003-5-29 '_. '>- j ': , _.r ~ < n f ' _ ':f~!~}T~~f:~~~~e;:,~:~:~"~~~:~';" .~,':'~'::'~' :.~~ ':~..:': '''': - ..,--... -, ,'~.:' 9~~~S~~,~ot~~~r;;:~~:{Lc' ~"',&' ,,>' . ,.,:: ":':/'~, " 'i < . , '~"."~"",~ _ ,::jr.. ,,';;, '::'-,,01''-",<'''_>:: ~c' . ., ~'" ! },~ .. j{, Qr~1i!ffst~:~4i~Jh!~v~!rlJ~/~pi{t~~p,t ~~~if~~ coor'tnlctl.on res4lt~ It is the respoo~ipility 01;','; " ::::,; '~: <;- ~t!1~J9f,~~,~tSt~l~~JQ~aVl, ~~<;!~~ mte~\ty of ~1ll;)uildin9- dUring constructior'll.':c/":".,:.?, j '; .. " i. .:' f)!: tttii~:~~ffi~';:~j$Mt,qf ~~~}~Dj~itito! '!<J',.ob,~aj!1 r~quf~~d p~r~its front th~ regulatol'1'=" ,>.' .;,,' ,," '. JI,IJl~<!lft!C!ct;l{s~ert~f,.J~,tQ~ '. %\art .st.. ~~mst(l!j::tIJ)-!'{<';:' The' <;'Qntraj;,torw shaD- aSSume' fuft,:., " "1~:'\~\: :', t~~~~~~,i~~~~~~~~;~~~,~!$J~~Jr~5J bt ~fi' JtJr,~sqr~tibn $ho~ld be!she nat follow this",,~ ", . .4':'"~i,~_~_~_"t:',".'~:~:;.,~~c~~:,,>:,,__~~,..,,';,:-:..':}~'~:";~... ',!Ii ~>'..'" .', .' " l . 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" ::'>,:',\~dl~rl:~~~~~~~~)i5~~~J~t~~,~d f?f ap~,.sp~cjfic sltuati6it.\r.,",,,.,,,, , 'J"" ,t" ''',~:' '. < , t' ~"'",,)? ~Y--'~>~ -::: _~i" ('~d"_"_,.",'"ofc ,p~<"it--"" "-~. . , "'~ '. : ", {C,,~~:r ~~~~f})~~,~~jJi9lJ1tJb:ai,~~~~9(~t~~'~~y~mll;f~ t~' thf <';ll~tomel <lfte( i.lc~eptQl1C~ oJ the:.-o ,,,. , : ~\ >""i/; g~~~ 8~~ t,f,i;~fl.!~~~~~[ ~n'l~ J?~ f!90?$IJ't,er~, Q"e~ p[<\Oltiv,,- ,~~ ',~", ~" ',', , 'e ' ~, ,((j/Ari'~6M ass~fu~d to 'iSe D~' #i'ot hetter.1tf!J~l>I:OQfijd.am~l)yi~~':" , _,'" "f' . f ,:.,':~,'..}~~ft<::':,;~i~,~:";,;-:,r-~~'r~~Y;3~;~c::~~~t:'~/~>;;;>\',_;~"<'" . ':" '''','0 .'t' ," _"t_ - , " ' :, .1f~~I!~~i.nd<!'Y;JMftb<>t~~~i:I~if~b~II,b. $, t2$;'xg~ GlSf24f.V4 unless specified otherwise", > ,',1 J, ...." d Z.'<d~' p'" ~ >;.__, -. ,d - ....,. ;.,. - " '.::.1,1; ~~9~i ~ii~itQ~t,~;~liil ~~, ~~t~ij~ r~ }(;C6rdaOc~ :vitlt th,. OTfOO.' In, new, CQo$ffU,ttiQ(ti the, ,~ ',.i .~ , .', 9~((I.,~rt~t.R{$.~[l,~I~ l:lp..\~~~(,~9-!ln~!!~ atld~~9,:WI!e\l~ and there shall ~~ a de}ectol il1 eacbi', :'; '. ,~", sleePJr9't ~~~,9~fi!~~!I;J1~9f,,~!~,ep~n\f.c<fel\ ~d' 00." 011: eac::1J ad?ltlonal. stOJY: oi the:, , . ~ '.,},.,." dY'1~IJUi\lt 1.1) ~d.~)t1ql},~;, ~a..!ill. n,e..", s[eeplM f<>9p1. and each neVI sJeeplOg area shalt have ,arc .::,' ~, .' ;' '_ ,$:m,?~~~~t~,cf91'~~~l.~;~ r}u;ty":ir~ ~\l1.otei~annectedt' ~d detectars shall be i,:staned lIt.", :- : ] " : " . tl)Q;, u1!.~J1,a!\gljlsf ~s>il: ?tWf 1[,~~/lJ(lg;: T~at~~~ r~U1red JOt ~ew: com~tl'l.lctiOIll:'" Th" " :,"- ,~: ': q~~~~'j)ftm ~1'l')1'{~1i<!n~e,<t ~Qs:tI~.A Rf t~a.dw.eUIO~ ~~alt be hard-\~Ifed ~ IOtefconoecte~,.." \, ";.'" ',' \~I~Il)i1~, ?~~~9J;,~,!" 91(1 J1q~ ,P,QJ1j,Q" unl~ss IOst<!IlatiOIl would be In an area not IJncovered, '" , ..', ': ,oy the pl:oPQseq w6r~ :.; ,: ,,' ,': '.. ' '.' ", ' e~- :. c~<: c .~~ ~_' ~ ,(,~ ~'';_ ~',}~_ ;~.~~ . ~'; ,-r '( ~- ~'r: ~' .~ ' >. .: ~;; ;;. '; ~.~ '" ~ , '" i , ~< 1:' ~ .' " -:: ~ !. : < ~'~ [', . , . ,,' t-~ _ " , '";: ~ " ' t'-" -"- , " .-- ;" .' ~ , " ~' "." !' . , " , " , " , , , .' , { -? ". ;.' " i' ~: ' c, " , . ~ ~~_.~-- ~ .. , " ,. : ,'~ , ' '. " - ~';; ~ -; . .( , " }~, -, J", " , , :c<'l6~1~~~+r6N/NOTES.. . :.;'_~>r ~'-l_~."? 'w- "",. "Y. ~ --"'IlEli'4,OV'-'J'- ~~-, "'--' ""'~ ~~~, - , ' -.-; :: \;,,; >f~;: A~t~~~~'";~iI:~~;~!'l~.v~iue ~S~jli, be: 100() pst If that value is changed by the jurisdictiol1 , ::~ . ',::: "d~(J,n\tW~~re}('~w pr,aGI1$$, nQ liabiJity shafl befCllI the desiW1er. ' '.',', , ;","",tz _d\~n\>"'_;"f:::~'i'-:~~'_" ~ ,- , ' " ..,:, )f ,f'J~ (~~~~~~~~~~PJ?~~.S'!i..\JP,di.~turb~d l?oil c:;levoid 9f ~ny or~anic n:aterial~ or on a maximum ,,' .' ~': ':. ." of ~ !1}at~'~,SQJ,Jlpc.u;lecl t9 ~$~ Compact~d lI!a,tenal shall consist of o/4~ crushed rock or' . ~ " ..: :~9rjlJiWMw~,{~Ij,~!~: J~~~~ir~}~ ~b~1J }:>~, stepped iI$ requir~d tQ maintain the .requir~d m)nimu/llc" ': . ,:,: ',.:::de~~~9!roPf~~,~e,~9~JiQ~:sI1W 9rac:;l~ : '., '''S', '" " , . " ;' ',:: ~;, Nt~lttiq'ilf,~Q,o'i~~~~e~ f'J[,~upp,q(tin!!, <l.oy; concrete \yQfk (in~Judjng l'latwark) $hajJ be, 4-'f.~ ' ' ;' ': ',u!1r~~~All~i~n,~~;~,r5* insp~~t~ P1 all OregM archit~t or engineer. All compaction shall, , ' 1'. \' , blt t9 ~ l}1iIlilij,~r(I ~~~", ,",' .' " -, , -" ,~" < ,> ,."' , " ,4.:' 'All, ~oMt~(~"~~~P}I'~)'~ a"roiJ;lirrIl.ln1 (;ompreSsive strengijt of 3000 psI unless requ.ired to be, , ",," c.' l1i~l.tle.t~\t~n9t" Di;<l~~iWt., Co.r\j;rfM $h~u p~ air entfaio(Kt. minimum 5%, maximum 7%. , ~ : - ' . - -:- ' ,~ . " ,~ , .: . '.. ,: G~P~;~ti~j~~~~~h~UJ~Y.~' ~<mY-QI jolhls ~t m;;xi}lllJm ~,5~ in.tervals in an, ctirectiQn.;:. :'" ,; . ': '~. linl~~)je~~i~i~QtJiervJi$~, an r~in!Qrci~~ ~te~ sh<.\II"b9 A-61 $ ~ade 40. WWM shaH b$ 6'" .. ;', . x (i-" 10.1tJ; 4-615:.';' ," ',:, .. " ' ' i " '_ 0 .~'~ ,-', _ , <::.~~~.:,~ :,_{, l .-~,~ ..:' ~ J-} ._ _'. ' t ~ , : '.1-.; ,NC~~~Q~; i!1~.$:qI1J~p't:~I~~ ~,<:>nCl;,:.!.'-S~~I(. bli, press,ure-treated.- Int~rio~' pOsts- shall be,- : 'c. .:, <. $~J!lr~t~ !r?V{ ~9(l~r.~tr~:~<!~,e~, Y.il,!h JJ\ll1l111un) 5$# roll. fWnng., All IOfe(IOI! post. 9reat~ . , .", ,', : tl')Jlll 4. iP l)el~!)' SJla,r,!:l~!T1epb~I1'ca\ly faste,ne~ to the plet and beam. .." ,::'J':>p,~;'A' ~;G~:;/.:li;~~f':S;.,'e:'::'';H~':f.E:''';'D;''U':': t. g - ~ ." . .. ~..J., ", ' ,~. '" . ~ ' < , . -". '-' c- .,' :, -:.~:,:. _~__ _. _ - - n_":~ _..:, _ _~, _ - ~ ~::t::::--,,"-. '-1.- -, " - ^ ',,<:, "~""'$"e(rt "---1. \.~ '" "" ~ ~/ c , :- < "/~ r-,,;" -;~~--","r",~:::$,L.~,-';-.:~, >'e ~:'~ _\,};~.< ~ - ; ,~. ::~~9~*L 1~:,fiq~~1," ~1,9t,pr~fJH, .' "'", ::',';' Pa "'e";~; er vationj;-:!,\ ':.'j;":: " . ", .. :,' , , ..., ~L. ",'" ,~., """ ...., "" ;',...:- Pager 31;~1~~ Sfga floOfl pratt,; ;'~ '; ":":", " : ,(?/. "aQ.jt4i~li~4' $lo~ f(6()t pfad:":':','" '~~, ~',;. :" , , ; :. , .. ' t,..~;,:,:~~..,f,~~r~'f,~Lt~uUg~~~jo;rj,:~Jf~{~~~rirr~ing: .Plan_ foundation O~taJh.'JI;".,' .1: : (, ':"u,~_~gt" f$:; 2~~ ~{qrY,Fr9()lFraromg.l?lgn,f:,;,!-< ' '>. . .. '. ':--" '.. " . ;" .. I'afillt t~'RootP.tajj,i~;:~"'~;:~" ' ,,' ,,;. :}', '.' ~r, . i?ani~~'Sl1TitgQr~t;;''i:fhi1. pr~-iii"':' ':'" ,,;,!;e:, :ci' ", , ;. ~",- ~lo.1.';;P'~':~"''!{'''''''''~^_\'-:':<lt:''''-;~~'"l-\~'_,<,;, ~~,~1'~" .... >." _1'<';';_ .,- " ,'- ,: '0' Ragt1~'" ~', ~~t;U,Q:Q~l' Wall f,'r.amlhg O~tajk;, ."C ..'. "~ , . w~:~~~__;:}~,,~,': ~-;";~~. ~_,-,,~ " ? _, :., G' _ ~~': '.~. ",,' > ; " ., - ,{ <1. 1 ' " ~ ~} , .,: ,:~"~~~>!:,_.., -:~~,-'r.'l :~~ ')':'< ."-f . " " , , ~ r .'. " ; ~- -- " . '1 ", - - , ,~ , '" ~ " ,~ .l. , , , "~.;- ~~:Q;j\iC, . :~'/~>::,i,'::'~:':' i --.,.-.. "'t"-. ."--- - .,,,- " , ':oi .~304' _ PrU,NTF-(08 H~ ,~6o" d~"'F/.P1t1Ht~ >, " T / " ';,. -,. . 1 - < ~_ , r- 0NTERIOR LOTS 's ~lNIMUM SETBACKS a~e from Property L1ne_ All mea,;uremen H use 10 feet - rant y~~d t~ G~rage 18 fee~ 5 feet ~Fr nt Y ta House or Garag 10 feet I_Side ar House or Garage _Rear Y d to HAY C~ETBACKS --~---~- , , _ _ _ . , 1IC .. ..... _ _.,. _. ~ .__ '~__~"""~ _ __~ . "----<. _.... ... _ ,.._. _..'," .... .... -.:j?""" " " .-' ", ~. - _;" 1 " ,- ^-,"- . . .~ ,-, '... ,'" ,. " !e ,'- '{ . ;:- ~~I1~tQ~ ~90sler,,~~io..n , , c - '-", ;"" ....~ ~,~ 1. ftat ~~jliji9,.a....... ...... ... ...... ....... ......;.:"-..: .~~~.Ltt-3w ~i $l9ped cei"ling ......~ .............. .... ........... ..... ...R~30 3.. Ext~riQr wall$.. .......... ............ ,.. u.. ."...... .......R~21 4; N.ew,-Windows......... .., ........:..... ....... ..... ..... ....U= 0.40 ~" Jl1t~ft~.t ~pqi'$ exposed to unheated space..:.R..25 6~, (1) ext~rlOtdoor.... ..... .....,....................... ...U= 0:04 1~, All 9the,e;ltferlor doors.................. .............U= 0.20 (lnt~fiJ6r d9~~9 not, ~xpos,~d to unheated space, attic window have no " , . gr'l~t9Y coo$ervatlon requirements) , B'rac'Q Panel Construction ....~ ~ ... ;" : ~" _Of h .._. . _ _.. _. "_ _, h _ _~ f . '.' .' ' " , ~teri6t Srace> Panels (J;Bf'~ Nt ~xterlor wciji unbroken by an opening is a.ssumed to be extenot pi.we pan~ (1;6P).. even if flot so designated on the floor plan. 0, ' . '... C'QAs,t.n:.Iftipll 9f ~ e~eftot brac, panel shaD consi~ as fallows: 2~ Jl 5" studs at 16" 00, with !i9lIJln,~ v..~ ~P!CP~~09d shea~in~ attached with Sr;I.nails spaced at 6" oc at the edges. 12" oc I.l1 me tieJd. No spe<;laI foundation holdowns are r~q!Jlfed at ESP's. . . ': ' ' , ' Alternate Brac~ Panel! {Aep}:. Alt~rnate !;lr<l~' panels shall consist of 2" x 6" 1>t4ds at 16" oc, ~itlt92ij)l~<!l Y.l' CO,3:plywQod sheathin? attachM with 10<1 nails at 3" ~ at the ~dges. 6" oc in tP,6tlt:Jp~ SJ-JJ;oog,es blockec:t Each alternate brace (>anel shall have a pair of opposing Simpson l,fJn!tt$gsj.'?~,lies, attach"e\l, to 4:" .It SO s.t!Jds al the side edges of each panel. Simpson ,~~TS1ts :iW~1:i9t$ fot the HT1'15 ties shall be pTa,ced prior to placement of the faundation ltisJ?icti9-O an,d pour. 'J _ - 'hterl~ Briii-. Panehf (I~P): IAt~.?I bra....' panels' stlqll consist of W' ~egular or S/a" Type X '9Yp~um ~Wcf pJ.~t~d on at botb sides of the indicated interior brace panel wall, Walls shall be " c.gi\n~~tfi~n9- ~~iiin~ i)locJ<log ilt malt. 4'-G" ~ and to floor framing at max. 2'-0;1 00., unless the >>,l\lIltitt i$ in Ij!"!. wim the ceilipg or floor supports, in which case the wall plate is to be nailed '. Qir.e,~t1i to th,)oists (ceiling or floor). ~: :: ," POrl~1 Fr~mEi~LI;il..<<h ~id frame sl)all CR~sist oIlJ minimum 2'-0" fuU-height waD at each end > ' 91- ~t' pqrt~ fl:amef' with minimum nominal Y2- COX plywood sheathing connected to the ",,, fr~ln~ wi,th 1Q~ nails at 3lt 0,0 at tM e,dges. 61' OC at the intermediate studs (if any), A min,\QJl,lm. :4:" If: 19" header shall extend '!.II.length from the outside edges of the portal frame, , ,aoj:J, i?e,m,ecIlMic~IJ~l?~nnectecf with ,approved Sim~son hardware to the stud framing. '. , rti~@\:I,~ Vitali p~i!Wt fOE an, brace; wall or pOrtal frame shalf be 10'-0", mE:asured from the , < bQtt9ti1.~ tot! ~nl plate to th~ top af the double toP plate. If wall height exceeds this restriction, ~,~f~41~tip,n~ ~J'la)1 bG submitt~ verifying the ability of that portion af the framing to withstand ,cJe~lgn lateral fQl'ce& , '. I.' '.. A~' k.llf~~iC~ ~onn'ection, harclwCll" shall, ba $i~pSOI1 $tr<>ng_ne brand, unle~s otherwise riqledl' " '. '. ' " ~I . , , '. , '-' -1., , " , , - - ~;= . ,. ,~ . ' ~ I c. ',~ 1j~ ' \~ , :?" ~:\. ~~~ .J '{i~"' . "," \ _ ~ - 1. O:of - - - - - >OM~' ' . 1 O. l... - - '- - - - - -0 - -_ L"". ,,~ '.'" ,( ....:..r- - - - _.:. - .. -,,- , !n~ YO ", :$ O:r .. " _../ -lI.oof drailugt 10 curh y; ''Cp , '. ..,~ f0~t~'..: ~liEnc:r-,,~w 'it.J : Ii -~ r ~'.'. &S3Xll;~~~ -{.' ( : I -' ~~lfI ~'Kl! , ." , I ~' ",,'d "\ ill I l ; (:1~) ( ~~'nl:;~tll (O~ r ~ _ _1 IT . ,'~' To", I . t- .. I I ' ;,' :! h" ' .'C"-,,,_C . 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'li'u f"~ P<-1~ S~L 1 rJ--, fJ-~'tsJJ tf[~ ~to '. .[~ t{oV :tlL~~' ~t' ~l .' t'f /' ~ I {\ot ~ \~\~ ; \P ~ ~~ ~L ~ ~J . ~ @ , DATE R'f'jf;'f{-b-~3 ZONE \.1..lY' UN1T(S) 1 SIORIES ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION I?: 0.;1.. 34-/1 0., 70 co ADDRESS &'("94.~~os ,{Ao<1.. OWNER f.,oteClW l3rv E.v_" . THE CONTENTS HERE oN HAVE; BEEN REVjE~EO, ~"ITH ALTeRATIONS I"-lDICATED ON COLORED PENCIL. CHANGES OR ALTERA'JIONS MADE TO THE APPROVED DRAWINGS OR PROJECT AFTER THE D~iE BELOW SHALL.. BE APP~OVED E'i THE BUILDING OFFICIAL, 'CITY OF SPRiNGFIELD, OREGC:l",~ APPROVEDBY'~_ ._' ,OA~CE; ~OB'~Oa~~'. "o{~ O~CUj::ANCV_ GI?OU'~ CCCUPANCY L01-!). " J 1.YPE CONSTRUCTjOl~~ ~ ,,' ' ~\... ~'A(i~J6Cf~i }fom~,S/aret tVans' ,-, - .- 'j .:ff - -i'" >< >,$A _'.,~ 7" 0- ~;<Jacoos: lan~ lot 64. l~Vi Landing. Springfield, OR :;:'"~;:--"},-.t.~.;:"A ~,,-~~' ", AP.fRCY~Dav: ~ ~ ~~~~~.t~ 'C'->1;':.:d'~_ j ~_ >' - < -' , ,.. , OR..AW,!!, .Qt,' 1>. ,~~ , ,'>~'-'~ -t-.l",~.Q;;.t .-' ;>".-....---,_,~ """,;. 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