HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2003-9-24 I (Y o W z W L:J :::J W V) V) w (Y r=l r=l <[ (Y W D- O W 0 U Z 0 <[ I (Y D- <[ I- t>1 a:: Z <[ <[ t>1 U ~ --.I (Y D- O D- L.. <[ . UE-<~ '" 0 ZCll'<l' z -<1'- ~ . r.le> :>: CIl 0 z Z '0:: CO , ;; 000 co z '" ~o:: 0 '0 ~ 1- CIl _ I ',,", :>: r.l~r.l 1- 0<:> 1'- !> ZO CO ,- _0::1'- ,C> .", ~.'.:J0___ :::J < ..... ,,,", 0:= CIlr.l '<I' ,;-. " < ,,0.e ; " :::E N < .....E-< I- Cl ",E-< u w '" Z"'S -, w 0 D- '" 0 < D- o H u l Q ..J ,.1 ,.. ""' z :2 :> 0 I- If) U w ""' . C) I C) <;j' II . V) ~ V) W W (Y --.I r=l <[ r=l U <[ V) .. i". M e D- W W ""' I- ~ C> IJ' e l- e 0 IJ' ..J X W ~ I- Z I, 0 I' ~ D- I If) (Y (Y e I W W N Z Z " e :3 :3 I D- CD 0 0 ~ :>: 1, T MINIMUM SETBACKS - INTERIOR LOTS All me~surements are from Property Lines -Fl:ont yard to House 10 feet -;krUt!!i1t:' c-r -F~ont yard to Garage 18 feet -Slde yard to House or Garage 5 feet -Rear yard to House or Garage 10 feet J:~7~ P.U,E MAY CHANGE SETBACKS I, I' NOTICE: THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. N r~f'(.) ru~ ~.,) ~ ~ ~ ~~ >.~ :sfU " ~'lJ 0 <;,fl<:)~ -J'~ ~ _0 ~ 0 ~ ~ ~,:)~~~0Jj:<f~~ ~ Co _0r::;;""",~ ".' ~ <,~ ~~ ro; ....0 ~ ~ IJu 0 a 0/ ~S.J -Q;-' ~ ('_ru ~ ~ boT c& -.,) ~ "j ... i; 'b'l.> S ~ll.> "Go vllJ ~ :,..'I:i .:l- '< ",,"0 '" ,Il'ENTION:Oregon law requires you to ,ollow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility ,\Jotitlcation Center, Those rules are set torth in OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001- 0090. You may obtain copies ot the rules by calling the center, (Note, the telephone number tor the Oregon Utility 1IJ0titication Center is 1-800-332,2344). ~~iA) c.-T. 53.90' E '-Z)I( I L -'~~~"0 (~~ ~I<?~ joY ~.lIlM ItA N ) ~ I ;:::'j ...J PrL~~?S-7J1'#J ~ II / I'" ,..~ ~ / (1IOt.L~ (}'YlC1d . -pdl II IrT ~ ' \ " t 'JQ) ~ -!rJ (IIflILWI aN \ .1 I I I ~ t: ~ \j I 7'-r11 1\1 ~ ,I (/) '1 r-- ~ J", ~I o I~ I ~.. ~I ~ 0 ~ (r~ I", . ~ I ct Z~~) '~~ f II~ ~ ~~ ] -- 5~' ~ ~, './1'\ I ~~ 4Jj 0.. fJ>~-,L') III I C'- J-->-' l ~ '~I' I-II?-.~ I , ~ { 'f[c t '1 / L' cr:: D LL . \f\ ,,0 ~ - ,0 ~ .~ .'" I"" 1\' l~ ~ I ~, If Q)'1UI~ w ~ " O)"CJ ex) .' . ..- Lf)J'oI) LOC'-l -~I ,/~.I 66.35' /1 '11 , ---~-_...- ---- - /! ) '.~ ro- . .~i'ROVED ONLY R R ~ID[NTIAl U!" IN ACCORDANCE ITH ARTlel" 'f. ~f' ~-H~ SPRI~[i~LmEVElOPJv\Eh' ;',f$ :'0~.::~~W~L'- ., ""Cl'. "'JJrnM~~~ ~-~~W~~~.~__~.... ~ _ " .VVi...-v~.J{!i! !.~.~~~sl.._l~__. _ . _ _ _ _. _ ' , ' h f!'~:~~~'~~"~i~J . ~B ~~, 6."'e,.',..,~,. '''':S\L!'-'\.~ ~ O\V"'-'r':f-"'. ~_._.- --- ""'_.'-~-, . . -IV "'I..t.- C'~""~-' -, ~ .. . ----.-- A.k1E:R;;:-i (.!..;..:~' , ' r "11 --I o~~ ,\~"-i-'~-(jo-T'-,' ,~ ;[::3 J.-'R.O.JEr: T )\F' ,:. " ' . 0 ~ THE5u'l...':..'::'IG;Y.' -, ~ -'-~-,- r, ,'.== l:'{ E CI1Y OF ::'i:J'~>>D O."...("r',1 &L~9~fLB( ,(~~;- '~::I;Z,#J LANDMARK DESIGNS STANDARD RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 2003 GENERAL: 1 All constructlOn, plumbmg, electrical, and mechamcal will comply WIth the Umform Building Code, State, County, and MU111clpal codes, 2. ConstructlOn shall comply with any and all Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions recorded against the land. 3 General contractor and all subcontractors will review plans for accuracy and verjfv aU dimensions and cornpl1ance wIth appbcabJe codes prior to the start of constrllction BIds submitted will be accordmg to above review. 4 Safety, care of adjacent properties dunng construction, and compliance Wlth all apphcable safety regulatJOns IS, and shall be, the contractors' and all subcontractors' responsIbility. S. All trees shall be protected from damage, unless approved for removal by OWner, 6 In the event any suit or action is instituted by eIther party, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and trIal or appellate COlirt costs. In addition to any other relief granted CONCRETE: 1. All concrete form work shall be tied together and braced to and from true hne, square corners, and plumb walls 2, Remforcmg bars sball conform to ASTM Spec (A62S). Deformed bars with a mInimum YIeld stress of 40,000 PSI. Welded wrre [abnc shall be 6x6 10110, conformmg to ASTM Spec (18S), Poured footings shall be poured on level, undisturbed SOlI 3 Foundation ventmg requires I S sq, ft. of vent for each ISO sq ft, of crawl space area, One vent required within 3 ft, of each corner 4 Foundation supporting wood must extend minimum 8 in. above adjacent finish grade. S. Mimmum foundation wall is 8 in, WIth 18 in, mmimum depth, EXCEPTION: If a 6 in. foundauon wall is to be used it must be remforced wIlh mmimum #4 vertIcal at 6 ft. 0 in, 0 c and with two horizontal #4 upper 7 in, rebar placed I m. mi111rnurn to 2 m maxlinum from wall face not agamst eaI tho 6 Footing sizes are based on soil with an allowable pressure of 1,000 PSI. Fooungs on soil WIth a lower allowable soil pressure shall be deSIgned WIth approved engineering practIce 7 Compressive strength for fouodation walls not subject to weather shall be 2,SOO PSI. Foundation walls subject to weather shall have compressive su'ength of 3,000 PSI - (no test required) unless otherwise specIfied on drawmgs, METAL: 1 Flashing shall be 24 gauge GJ, metal, Gravel stops and beam caps to be 22 gauge GJ. metal. 2 Framing connections to be by Snnpson Co, or equal Simpson HI to be used at each end of each truss, FRAMING: " I. Exposed exterior plywood shall be extenor grade CCX, Nail 6 in, on edge and 12 in, in field. 2 NI dimenSIOn lumber to be Douglas Fir - Larch, standard or better. 3 All walls shall be double plated and p1atedjomts WIll not be less than 48 in. apart. Top plate of interior walls shall tIe full mto exterior wall plate (Minimum] 0 - 16 penny naus per lap Jomt ) 4. Level changes at entries shall be minimum 112m, and maXlmum 7-I/2m 5 All headers shall be 4 x 12 with 2 m, rigid msulation, interior headers to be 4 x 8, unless otherwise noted, or per C A B,O , Table 602 6 6, Plumbing walls shall be 2 x 6, Bathtub framed at 60-1/2 m, unless otherwise noted, 7, ProVIded blockmg for other traders mcluding, but not limited to, drywall backing: shower rod, 84 in. height; towel rod(s), 42 m, height, and curtam rod(s), each side of all windows. 8, NI pre-wiring will be coordmated with owner (i e, TV, telephone(s), etc,), 9 All trusses to be per manufactured engineering speclfications, all spans, numbers, and configurations to be. verified bv manufacturer odor to fabrication 24 m, 0 c, typical 10 Insulation baffles shall be 3/8 in, CDX plywood, no felt paper added, Scrap IS acceptable IT meetIng minimum requrrements , MASOl\'RY: 1. Brick I Stone to be selected by OWner. 2. Fire damper reqUITed except for gas fIreplace 3 Provlde outside combustion arr for all fireplaces using a 3 in. diameter openmg (typical) with damper. THERMAL PROTECTION: I. B 1l1ldmg Components: Wmdow glass u = 0040 or less. Doors other than main entry u = 0.20 or less Mam entry door, maXlffium 2.4 sq ft. u = 0,54 or less. Skylight glass u = 0,50, Skylight area < 2% of floor area, 2. Insulauon reqUIred as follows: Exterior walls: R-2L Underfloor insulauon: R-2S. Flat ceilings R,38. Vaulted ceilings' R-30, Basement walls R,2L Slab floor edge msulation: R-IS Forced air duct insulauon: R.8 if located in uncondluoned space, 3, Ground cover reqUITed as follows: Crawl space, 6 mil, Black'polyethylene, Under slab: SS Ib, rolled roofing or approved eqUlvaler,t Ground cover must be lapped 12 in at all Jomts, cover entIre underfloor area, and extend 12 lD. up foundation wall. 4 Vapor walls: one-perm required, faced insuJation-typ Floors: one-perm requrred, faced insulation below floor or kraft paper between decking and underlayment. Cellmgs: no requrrement for cellings with attics above them, O.5-perm reqUITed in cellings without aEDes above s11ch slllgle rafter vaults. Polyethylene sheets or foil faced batts, PLUMBING: 1 Flxtures to be identrfied and approved by owner. Color to be white unless speCIfied 2. Plumbmg waste lines to be located in accordance Wlth the following: The center line of we waste lines will be 12 in. from face of wail. behmd Tub waste lmes are assumed to be center ill wall behind controls and 15 in face of side wall. 3 FOR TUB AND SHOWER ENCLOSURES: All wall board Joints, cut edges, and pIpe openings are to be protected with a separate coat of tIle adheSIve used as a sealer Prior to application of the finish material, all openings around pipes, fixtures, etc. Shall be caulked WIth an approved waterproof non-hardening caulking compound. 4, Shower heads shall be equipped with flow restrictors limiting the volume to 2.5 GPM maximum. S. Tub and shower doors shall be safety glazed or approved plastic, 6 PlumbIng contractor will install plumbing to minimize noise from use, structural support members will be protected, 7, Water heaters shall be provided with pressure relief valves, and drain to exterior. FINISH: I. All finishes shall be identified by owner, inclUding cabinets, doors, finish trim, etc. 2. Doors and windows are to be weather-stripped 3. All windows, including skylights, to be insulated glass (double glazed), (See THERMAL PROTECTION above,) 4 Flash all exterior door, windows, and horizontal wood trim as required S. Unless noted, all vmyl floors shall be coved and countertops will be self-edged and caved, 6 All open flame and glow elements to be 18 in, off garage floor. 7 The house/garage wall shall be fimshed with 1/2 ill, gypsum board or equivalent on garage side, or as per local fire codes,