HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2005-5-3 (2) 04/29/2005 10:56 1-503-620-5539 AFGHAN ASSOCIATES PAGE 01 S - O~> ~O(5_ f ggD LP ~t(l\'1 t AFGHAN ASSOCIATES. INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL 'PROJECT: Brenner's Furniture Store Mech. Units DPlTE: ~129.2005 PLEASE DEUVER THE FOllOWING PPlGES IMMEDIATELY TO: PROJECT NO.: A05081 TO: Wally Elling COMPANY: Home Comfort COPY: COMPANY: .... . . . . . ... . .. .. . I .. ... f ..:..! oo:oo}' 00 ..:.. 00' , ..:..~ .. ..1 , ..." . I .. . f ... , DESCRll'TION: Details & Calculations ..... . . REMARKS: Details: Sheets 10 - 4D; Calculations: Sheets IC - 3C .. ... . .. . Please Call if you have 'any questions. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. .. ...... . . .. .. .... . . .... FROM: Plbdi for Hamid R. Mghan . ... . .. 00 . ....., . .... RECEIVER'S FAX NO.: (541)302-3070 There are 8 pages, inch1ding this lIlU1SD:littal sheet Please call (503) 620-3030 if you do 110t receivc all pages. 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FloOr U:faCt,or' 3d ' ~Window/Si<YIjght Schedule, : Fonn' '. . 4a 'Systems cGeneral' ';"'" '..4b ";Complex:Svstems '..",,,':,'. ,., Worksheet ' 4a ' Unitary Air Conditioners - Air C,ooled 4b ': Unitary Air COnd, - Water &, Evap Cooled 40 ,Unita,yHeat Pump:' Air Cooled ~'. .'. ," '4d"".~', U~itary:l,:l~a.ifu!"P.~Wat~~,~i:loted,:' . '.;' ,.' 4e.,' i Pack'agedTem)inal A:C.:-(\ir,CQ9led 4:f Packaged Terminal Heat F:'ump . Air. Cooled . .'.. ."\ " 4g Water Chilling pkgs. Water,& Air Cooied -:\. ....':.,': 4h, :,Heap:ieje.;iic:mJquiPment:'. . '0" ":, , " . '4" B"I G 'F'ed d'O"F. d ',' ..,..~t~'g',tJ',.'\r'.':{,,;',;,.,"" ,I:::'-'c',.ol_~~-; a.~-::.'.Ir, :~I)', 1"',lre r .~. '.':'" '" -:';.,;., ',4j : ,F.uriiaee&'UnitHeaters-Gasand.Oil-Fimd: 1 ;. "', ". . ,.. , , 4k. ";'SimultaneOusHeatin'g and Cooling , " . . .>j .' ',,'" 41 Air'TrilnspOrI,Energy , , >. -."' ",:' :~."'.,', Am' ,-'.".Natuml'Ventllation.. ,,~-'\'.'_ P, .';.tlghtJnil:~":':')I\"; ~;'Form, 'i. "V:Sa .:.Ug~ting 'Geneml .. ", " '. .....0..,,'.' ":..,' "'j ,:,; ;, -,: .\'"'' Sb' ... IntenorLighting PoWer _ tenant Method .' 5c Int: Ltriq. Power -,Space-bv-Soaee Method " ," .. 'Worksheet Sa Lighting Schedule' . ~,~~ ':,;t. :~..~. \, :'\ . ," :'" '{: ~" 5b ' ;' ';::.In!e.~or. Li~~tl.9g'P,~,^:er" ':"~ 1,\\,'" . " 'Attach o o D- O o o 0. 0. o 0, O. .0',; '.U,',:" o :.. o o '0.'.. 0.' o o 0,,' . .. 0, o o ,0, D' ,( .';0.; , Systems ," "\ ..' -c " ,,'. . ., ','\ .~\. \" ;' '. ~., " .... Appiicant 17,N~me .. 18..Com~nv; ". , ..: 19:5i~;;ature Attached ." INo: of Pages.'~, DoqJI'nent~ "I 'I I ..I I " ation ,.' , ."~ " .", I'~= . , ,1 . ,~. Jf.)~ -~~ 10. Telephone 11: Date' ': Description 0 Summary040104.xIS IForm 3a I BUILDING ENVELOPE - Project Name: GENERAL iJ~w~,. Page: I Chedtallboxealwll _. Exceptions DlsaJsslcndqualltylng 8Xceplon5ln InStuctIons """"". P1ans/S~Cs """""","""""by "lncttdngadntwlng aheet,detalInuTlbor. spedncortonl8Ctkln mQIor subpol'Ol1'8ph. " . ,.' " ".. ')~~ -t.,. ' 11 ',".., '. ,'. ' "I.-,,:;,~~r :1', '.1' . " .. . , .,'~ ,"" Ii" .> . ,{.:\ J /'i' . clliDate: Zones','," '.-' .'. .."" " ~ i ,:.', ' " ." . '. :.., 1. Exceptions (Section 1312) o No Envelope Components: The building plans do not call for new or altered building envelope components, e.g., walls, floors or roof/ceilings. o A Non-<:ondi.tioned Building. The proposed structure has no spaces heated or cooled by . an HVAC system. .... o Exception.:A1I new or altered building envelop., components do'not comply with the requirements; Section 1312, liut qualify for Exception' l' 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 Portions of the' buildillQ that aualify: I . The plawsp~cs show compliance in the following locations: ~Z.I 2. Air Leakage. (5e.:llon'1312: 1.1). . . 0" ComplieS. Plans requireihat penetrations in the building enveiope are sealed and that windowscand doorS are caulke,!:"gasketed or weatherstrlpp9d. The,planslspecs show compliance in the followiilg locations: L;/./ 3. Suspended.Ceillng (Seclion..1312.1.2.1): ' ;',. . .... '. .' 'W!I'1:om'plles. 'Build'iog plans donot'show suspended'ceilings used to separate conditioned space frOm unconditioned space. No exceptions permitted. 4. Recessed Llgh'j Fixtures (Seclion1312.1.2.2) loIa-'Complies. The building pial). db not show"reCessed light fixtures installed in ceilings separating conditioned spaces from unconaitioried spaces, . " . . . .0 Exception. rhe'building.plans:require.that fixturBsinstalled in' direct contact with'insulatkin, '.' be.insulatlon cOveraae f1Cliated"The olanslsoees show'coniolianceln the followina localions: . I . 5. Molsture',Co'n.ira. (Secllon,1312,1.41. . . . . . ..a-complles.:.A on.e..penn vapor.reta~er ts i~stal1ed'on the wann side'.(in winter) of all. ~xterior floors, walls and ceilings. and a ground oover is installed iri the crawl space for both new and ':'exlstlngbuildingswhereinsulationisinstalled..," : ',.. ,. ..... . " "'~ . "" . The'plarisl~pecs show cOmpliance in, the followi~g loeations:. " . , .1 O' Exception. All new or alteredbuilding.envelope components do not comply with the vapor . retarder .requiiilments.ot'the Jiode; but qualify for an exception. Note applicable exception.. , Section'1312.1.4;., . Exception 1'.0 2:,-0 " '. . ., .. ,POrtions ot.lh'e buildina lhatrom6lv: .. '. , I . .' ,~ I I, " 6'. Climate Zones ' <; . I ; '~one 1 ~ A building site is in Climate Zone 1 ,if ris elevation is less than 3000 feel above .' sea 'I.evelan~ iris in one of ilie following cOunties': Benton, Colum~ia, Clackamas,. Ciatsop, . Coos, CUrrY"DOuglas:JacksOn, -Josephine,Lane: Lincoln, Linn; Marion. Multnomah,.Polk. Tillari1ook,~YefTIhill,orWashingto~',:,: ." ',:'.:.':.'." "/'0"'" ., ""Y'. .' '. , :". h Zone2'Suildlng sites notinZ6~e 1, 'or\vhere'ronstruction sitl(elevation is 3000 feel~". higher, in Zone 1. are in Zone 2.' . . .. . ., ._ '. ". ~ ~ -, ~'-' <'. . . '3'1' , - Form 3b PRESCRIr 11"E PATH Proiect Name: ~ , , Glazing Conditioned IlOI~ I Ih.".., I x 100= ~) Percent ' '~P~c8 + Calculation Se!JlI- ,I I I I :1 I s8eIn:rtnJctIonSectlcn '. Conditioned + Xloo= '0" lor a dscusslon of Soace gIaZIng~ Condltlone~ L~~~. J I I J ,r """"""'- Mechanical + X1.00~ Penthouse Exteflor was Area GIaz"" (total rough . I.....il'l . rercenc """lr\,,..2>. Windows Fn:mWortu;heel3d, place1hll~ 0mUl 'Mndow u- fadorlWld~ Centar-d-Gass se. Notes Walla: See~,l.'. .&eci1onfDra : ~dY.eJ , . ,", ~ . .,'~. "' -. ' 'Be1ow-Gnlde f \ ^ ." .."r . i ~. ,Walla., ", c'J.: 'sae'l~l)'l&eetlon .ror'B-~'ct," ;:~~:s~:'; ',,~', 'Notes' ;:;',~{:.::~rir~,~;; , ".... . ,:JI,,;_':. ,. ~;.' :: , ~ ., L.':..I'r~2'.'~'li:,>i,,~',:.. ' Wind~, . ~ennt81 Pe~rf~n~t . . I . Wlrid~: (fromwoo.r-t3d) . " . (trom~3d) l G~ l4flJ.lll+-- .~.dlng C~lent' I I Paoe: Part 1 of 4 1 F~ Worksheet 3d, place thO highest ch.eraR wnd~ U..factor otwrltHn MA (Minimum Ass6mb!).). See ~GWi ReqUlrutnenb"ln table On the foi1owtng page fof spedftc MA roqulrelT1flnts. '. - I , : ~ , , 2 From WolksheetJd, pl3ce tho highest -center-of.glasa" shadmg coe1Tlclont (SC) for glass ot~ MA (MInbnum A$$embty). See "WIndOlN RequllefJ'l8ntll" In the follOwIng "tilble for spedflc MA reqtdn:lmonts. Shading Coemdent (SC) can be cak:utated from the Solar Heat Galn Coe1'ftdent UsIng the ~~: SC ;; ~HGC + 0,87. Manufac:t1wera da~ may 8190 be used to document SC. - . . ." W:V~II' 'nsl;l'~n Iype' R-Value, . InsuIaVon Only " ~.l..., or " 'IM~~~ I " t.' or or or "U' : -. ~ 'lJ.:.Facto~ . ~- ,: ..... '.1 I I'l' ,.' ,PC .,H; =6~ v;.",::u~';;'t.,r,J": . ,"(M~:~'i5.'::":~'~ c.~:(~O'i1~::I.,,'" " '.' ,"', '~~.'t.,';~"\::_.',\,/~' '\, ~,..', ',' ~ "~ ,\ ,,' ':../.'., -" ~ ,""'" . , , 'B8low-Gr8de Walls ,_ r', '~', " " ~'. ~,1 . ' "'~ '.: "1' , ~ '..' .=;,..^ \rr(T: , " _":(1 . 3 Submft Worksheet )a'for o8ch calculatod assembly u.ractoi :;":.i):;:.~, ;~);. '," ,/,:.' \;., " '., \> .~..~. ,- , ' '.' ,-I:, ',,, " , -' ',"-',' '{~~ir$.,Ls;\ . "i.,:':\:<~~:,i't " ., 'h.-i".,; " ,': ., '; .' ...., ^ .: ~f!'>~~~:\ ','. " ~\ ' , ,c,'_, " "',:'\ " \-) .}'-::';. , , ',; ~': ' " ':.,' i':.'}' \!'':. -' ~- '~. , , .~:;.~i;'7':; '\ " ,', ,-I'". .~" . 't''.<>' " ,'" r"- - ~ ,...~,. ,','t, ,.-._' ';_'~:;"~""'f',~'" '. ".'~ :__, . ,';_ __:,~ ';"..~_:.: ,'.",-' '1','" ,Notes- :,.; '4 ~'Slmpntled.-t~ ApprOach;"~ be'ked If~ ~ri 6x'C8eds<a~1e pe~aQes. . "_, '; , . "',,'.:-: -".,' :. . . -." , ,.' .. . ':; .' ,- , ., ",. ,. -'. . ,t" '.' ':' . .... _'~ ;,~' '1<_,,",. li'-:lr~mulll,~!IJ~of~~t1~cOnctlII8~a~.7,".5~.of_~ltace~:8,'t,{":~" ,.!~,;... 'f\,i';,',,~"'" ,~,,-.," "." ,._ ~,:I;:l:~\,~~....\' " ./~~ ~~ \eAnccies"to,bO:!!~~~r::A~iea_st50%l,or~~~be-~~\;~~ine~'.~ni!ui~~:'\" ~\;: \: ~.. ":',.0"",, . 1 - - .v__..~. '_,MA.'\Mnlmum AasemD.yJ IS a OOuoI8;.gtazea WIOOOW wnn a d.o incn tilt space; IOW-e coatl'lg \8<- U.4Ul ane Olumlnum Tl'&me. M^- :8hadlng~~nia_.~.'__..u__lSatln~oulboardpaneofgl8S8." . : -'.J:,.'. .' _'_' .':. , ,. :. '.' aAilcores~~~mUst~ftaJn'itgldlriWiaum~'~~fot~uSe'nmirlfOrcOd~waIIs .' -. ", - ..' -.--,. . '-'.' ,-' '. 'Batt ~Uatl9n' ~ ,n meml Ot~ fram8,~"shall.b8 ~ ...totOO'~ depth of the cavity. up'~.6,~ tn depth, . . 10' Prescrl~ ~ (~ 'Assombty) Is a ~lazed window w!ttI II O:SInCh argOn ftIled space, Iow-4 coating (e<= 0.05) and IhotmaI brUak . fr_am8.' ~~~Jng ~~"!~83Qtptlon ~ a O..2!>-flc~ th~ glass ~h ~~ ~~ (e~=-~.05). ~_1 ~ a tWed outdoor pono.' . > ,',[' -,,-~ "-.., '.. ~';- ;'.-:,-~:,/"'< ..:. ,.....';.. . ',.' , .~_\,. . rorm 3b . . PRESCRIPTIVJ!I .t"ATH I Code Requirements - Zone i I DIscussIon of these requirements In tho Instruction sadlon. Max. Glazing Fraction" UPI~15%, Wall ~ Insu18t1oo. TyPe ,)- Up to 30%. ' CMU 'MasonrY'. wlinteQralloose fill" insulation Masonrv or concretef, w/oonl exterior insulation CMU MasonlV'. wlinteoral rioict' fill insulation Masonrv or conc:rete:l. wlinterior insulation Masonr'{ or conaetell. w/conl exterior insutation FrameD jwood or metal framif.Kll Orner (DfOV1C19 snon aescrtooon) :~ CMU Masonrv". wlintearal riaicf fin insulation _ ,'" Masonrv or concrete:l'J wr.nterior insulation .Up ~o 40'" . Masonl"( or conaete:>. w/conl exterior insulation ',": '" ,'-:.} Framell (wood or metal fram1ffi.\ . " '-,:. umerroroV1OOsnorraescnDfiOn} " 90de Requireinents~Zprie 2 DIscussIondtt:'OSO ,.lnthelnstrudlonaedien. " ':-. MaX.:Gt8Zirig.~ . . ,,'t, ~,'~, '_ " .' ", .,- . FraCtion.', ; ,t' ,', ,.. ,'c.. . ',_~ .,., ".,~~jl.l:!~~ulirtlon Type, :.... '..,i;~_~:<., 1 :"":,,' \; "~~'\ I~' ..' \', Cd . ,; ;~" ;"',~ {.: ,'. U';'lo.15% _' CMU 'MasonrY'. wlintearalloose fil~ insulation ~ ; ..." \" IMason~Ofronaeted. w/conl exterior insulation ~~.. . CMU MasonrI'. wrmtenral riak:f fin insulation ~'\. "Masonrv or concrete", wlinierior insulation ;,Up b;"iD%'" '- lMasonrv or concreteD, w/conl exterior insulation .....t ":.,'~" ,,"")"f~IFrameIlJwood or metal frami'!<ll , ;_." .. IUtnerrDrovtaesnortaeSCnDtlOnJ '" '.' ."')1 I~~' ',. :' ~:: l(~-:,'~ '~ICMU Masonri'. wrln~ral !iO~ fiU insulation ., ,'- : ".' ~"., IMasonrvorconcretell.wlinteriorinsulation .:. Up t~ 4Ci~ '..,. IMason~orconcrete". w/cont exteriorinsufation : . - ' .. ., IFmme'jwood or metal lramffil '. .: ", ..,:, .... lumer (Orov1f18 snonaescnotlOn) ;' I (8 ., I f' '.~..;.:I, \.- ~ , . '<~r.j~:,,,'J;;!_:\~.."'\i~ ," . :.._, , .~.;: .. 't.:..' '." . ~~",.,;.' :..r,'- ".,........ .. '. ',,'~ ,- J',;,:', '-.t.' , . ~., . " ~ Project Name: Page: Part 2 of 4 Window ReQuirements M~ Shading .CoeffIcient Max. U-Factor 0.540' 0.57' 0.5407 0.577 0.370tO 0.3510 "~,. ZONE 2 r- h' .:.... . .', WaU;ReaulrementS ..~ :':...- ~~:R~~~i~e~~:~f'~jl~:\f<l:~ ..'} .' .lnauJatIonOnlv'" ; ",,!. 0, .,. ~ ,.\ " t Whidow Reaulrements .. '..'.. . 'I.. ,.MiiX,'Shadlng Max. U..fBctor, ..' ,1'Coeffi' Ie. I. ",\ , ,''0' " _. c n' >.1 ,~j:~~,~. 0.300 I 0.270 0.160 0.090 I 0.160 0.090 0.090 0.577 NJA 1.8 N/A 13 4.3 19 19 0.577 0.500' or 0.500' or or NlA 11 2.8 13 13 0.160 0.090 0.160 0.090 0.090 0.4310 0.370'0 or or or :1\:,\', '\". "~ ' .,. Form 3b PRESCRIPTIVE PATH proiectNam~:~"" , . RM>fsl Ceilings see Instruclkln sedIon foraclc:uss!ond rootslOlllllngs. RoOt J Cefling1' R-Value InsutatlonOnly (Mln.R-19\ '#( exl~, Notes 11 Write-ins shoftd~for_mb~wlththe ~~ InsutatlonR-vallJ8orthehJghest8SS8mblyU-f~. 12 Subml Woritsheet 3b for each caiaJla~' rooUceUIng 8ssembly u~actor. '; SkylightS Indudeliglazed &lTlOktIven15. ;",,', 'Soelnstruction aecllon for a .~dskyl~. LN~. I,~. +: ',.'.' ~I kX1OO= : '~l:I~..=~~;~~ditiOne~.'1 "I':;;:,'~:~..'~<. '\ 'j I' : I,. ",.' . '. . " , . ';>~::~~i:,~ ~ .~I' . .: 'JI'~;~.,\};;i~:;I: \,' I::.~' ':X"~Oo,~' " ~~thnll~ '.J' , ".; \.. - q~.~-.Skyllg_!'t.~_~.s;~:J}\ .:~ '; .-.',.,<,Roof~ii~Ar8a'.' - ~. .< '.1 ,~(\0!8lrough,~>,,,-.<' ~;jI; It_' '~(-Il2) ," frariieft2l:>".f_~,'." .', 'j' _": ...~-__.. -", 'I Xl00~': J I \. hSk~ht~-,l ~'. " . ,.... ';"pOrt:ent".\' . I.' Iv. ' .' ; ,. ." , " I...... " '" , ,....' . " ,', Code ,. C!implia~C8"" ~tioj,,\,. >,~:'~ "'i}";, _' ~ 1~~lJ."al,~rformanc:e - .~ OYlmlIlVelUcalU-FoctDr. ~equhemeDts, Performance ,", U-1.2JO for overall assemblY in oveme8CI ciano Jdiiilmum'ASSemol)' \ (MAl': '"." ',~.' DoubIeJll:a.zed.O.5-incl1a~ . .,' , ~i i :;" / :~,,:,' '. _ .~ .', -' . . ,.-:-" , '~. " , . ^ . . _ ,":: r "';.; " _' r,' ,,' -' '_"', ~ "':'" ",.', , . ,. 13 Skyllsmt pen:;entage area Is based oo'lDtaJ ~Ighl: ltnd'srnOkEi vent rough frame_ amadMded by,total cond~ rOof Brea~ Percentage must not Notes . . . I exceed 6 percent of total rOOf/ceJ!ng a--rea' III .. ."",:: ,. bai-lIdtT.g spactl. The Slmilitned Tr3de-on Approach 'must be usid It Otazing'fracIlori oieeede: ("." ,,;_,al~~?)~~~>__l:'\~:..'",':'i\':~~'~,~:~:,:.~?~.',.;::~:>.>.',' '~'. ._.....,' '::""'~"..', ,.j~'b- ,,' ,,~.... ':>",:~>~,~~;:'~,.' ~~' ,"',. ,., ,. ,_,1~1F:11:!.m~0f1(~3d:P~,!hEI~t~V~,I.U~f~0I'w.rn~n~(Mlnl.mum_A~~). See"s~~~rernenta-.,In.ta~leabovufor " _ :,S~,MAl'!'Ql,lIren:'8~. ..... "I.'" ,~:~~~'.., -,:- ;"\:.',;' .,': " ; ',.'\'. r" t" \-" :,' ,) ,':": '>; ',,' 'c' ,.1 .'-, .:_ . . ~ "I ...~ .. 15 Fmm\.vot1csheei'3d: pl8Ce the NQh8st .'ci;ntef~f..gi8Ss~ shading c60mclenl (SC), for glaSs: :'see $k)1~ Requirements-In the folloWing biblo fur, :", ; ~...."j.;F~~~~ff~~;~:~~~:~t:~~;tt;7: ", ,': " ;; , . " ,j ,~ .' ":: . , " " -....,.. . \....~:..,~~,~-. .... ~:"",_..<', 'i ,1.' ,..>: ,', . .:.-. ~ '" '" - . ..' " t ,.", '" . t:, ',~. 1C~ndl~l~ned . . ~:Spac8 Sqllghts. From Worksheet 3d. ......""'- OvemIIVertlcaI- WIndow"""""'.... hlghest"CentIlr-d- G... sc. . )" ,..:_....~ I,' ,'5kYlight , (boliIWcrl.shtlol3dl,: I .Th~~1 ~~nCe14'1 ,"',,:''-'' ,,'~ ,~~ -'.', "~":.:, . I 'Skylight (frotn~3d) I I, -~ '~-' ( ~: ' ~ . '_.,' , ,.." 1'< .)... ''': " ,,". '-,i~-, .'<,'.. ~ ~ . ,.' Paqe: Part 3 of 4 = U-Factor12 I (Max; 0,050) I I '- .' ,', ..../ . ,. shat;il!l9 'c;,~c~nt15 ., , ., Shading C08fflcient C.fIohv"'" ~'n"'\ .q~ Sc.o.41oeriter::Of:CiaSS" . - I l' , NlA ,.'" " ,. ',' ,-.' "\; '.';, Proiect Name: r'1teI CIJ~ Form 3b PRESCRIPTIVE PATH Pace: Part40f4 Floors ...- '"""'""', dlcUssJor:'rAllOors.' Notes' Code Require-' ':;"p.ntA ,-,", '-'~~~ra " ''!~-lI1strudlon'. soctIMltre f' ',:~cJ~. ,. ,".. :.t \;.'1,\ l', , """ -Not"ell " ~".~.. ' ~~,.:" '., . . Floors over Uncond~oned ~paces I. R~Value Insulation OnN . U-Factor ,~ " ..,,' y. " " . - " - Heated Concret8 ,Sl8b Edge ;'l :,.... l.JlI),. ., " R-VaIUe InSutatlOOontv " , Heated Slab,on-Grade (Section '1312.1.2.4) ,,' ':., . '.,' . 0' Complies, Building plans show insulation extending downward ,fiom'the top of thil slab a minimum distance of 24 inches or downWard and under the slab for a combinEid minimum distance of 24 . lriches' or 10 the boUom of the thickened edge of the of slabs used as 'a foundation, The plans/specs show compliance in the following locations: , , , . . .: . , ' ~ . (":., \ -' ;. ' ,. - .' : ~.' -.' ~' ".,: ,18 W~8 short~~ fo!,BSSembly,wItf)~,~ InsulatlonR-valueor~hlg~~!JttU.f~. 17 Subml WOOI.sheet 3c for each Cak:ulatad floor assembly U-factm. 111 Wrfte..UJ a ~ description for Heated Slab, whktl has heat. Wegmted Into slab such as hydronlc heat. rr more thai, one tIoor typo. emer the k7Mlst hsulatlotl R.vakJe or the Nghest ~. _ W~ of any ftoor. ' ";. ,'. ';,'.:,,',.. "COmpone~C'.,., . ,,:J ""i ," 'j' 'ff"" ,;" ,. "^ '. .1..1":, . " :,. ','. J:"':''';,''''".~,, -'~ )? :,., ~ ;. Floor over, Unconditioned SD8Ces:' ~ ~: ~<> ,- Compliance Ootlons '. I ',. . \" -<;:"'~ " . ,Mlri!'R-ValiJe;' ,,'." ,:i.- Max. u~ , '.-,',:1':',_"',./: " Iri'su~bi'ontr I" ,....: ":'~I' ;c~F.Ar.t,,:r:" ," \ .' r '11 or 0.010 ',", I,." ,_';,-'. ~,. ,.' . ,,~ ;,Componam:, . 1~~t8d Concrete SJab I:dae. ";.,~Mln. R,-Value .~ c,;-' .' ,I' C'Uriuate~ze,:;;.1 7,5 0< CI~Zono2J ' I 10.0 " . .. " ," ,,: ~:~~:'~):;.. .1~.:- ,:,<,',;,; ~,,: > o.'~1 i-f.'" :\,.,:',,' ",~ "'],;'" ,t~..t':i., ,~;~::/' . ,,', Doors'~,~ < < \, ,,' 'q' ~ ,'~. '- " ,,' '"wl1hleafwIcJthg~!er~4' o ',,:f. ~_, ,'.\' - ~ : ~,:,~', ;},,~:~~:,;, I.~; ~~. _.,- , '. <v'.' .~.':...:- .," , ',',,,, ;~ ;, ~, '-.,' ' ,'. , . 'i~ , ' , ,~}~~a~tor ' Center-of.panel " ',",J~ o.~~ . .;-:'-,\. ~,y<( ,.',) . . '.' R-VallJ8' ' ~ ': 'insutailon Only' ,,-' IMJrl:R~' . " . ' 0< I ,j 1, " . 'to: , ,,' ,J . ~ -;~.,,- :. r, , ., "" , "~" <"'}', ') .': o' " t--.' or',,' P . L ,.-" .'l. ' ':.~;..rl" ')(',_"'>,-":::'.::':~"':.,:.i',',l~~ ",:'~"\~~t f"'I\, .,;~"_,;~"'_~.~';" 't ':,."".,,1, """'~"':'~~':':":v_ ""~.,~-~"" t.' ,::,_,~\,.:,,~,:':., ,,:,':-:!~',~'::'.,I";"':",",,.~,~>,,.. .,.,~':':." ,....,' ,-111 WrII&-In a shOrt~uon for DOors. Ifm018 than one door type, eniertne IowttSt InSulation R:valOO or1ho h1ghest'oonhtr.of-ponel U.fador at my, ':,; '.:; :,dOOr.:~1faInQ h~"dOOfS,b-'~xe,mptflOm U-factoraOd SCrequ1r$rrle~: ~_~a ~Wktth4-ftor.klsIandOWl~ COUdoorsBraexompt. , ", .' > ..." . - '. " ," "..\. -',' '-' . ".... '. ,r" .'. 'L,' .".....1. " >'::~~':' \,'. , . / >" 't. .~,-:,;- ;~\ ,., ~ , ";:".':.:-'<'.) '~~' \'. "1"-";':' ';'\''';':1'.:,.1. ,:;',..,\"',,:';;::: .,~(". -: ~",' ,::. " '\, "': " 'j \' ~A . ,"\' ~ -." " " "~t ":;"'~~;;")~).,<,.::,~;~ -'(::".,::. ,,. "t' ," ,.'., ''. , .~{;, ;''''1'''., ".....'.. ". ..... ,';:';: ,., , . .,' :. ~"--- ':_1'. ,1" ,~, ' " '. " ': ~ ' ,;,,:.' <~\. '--", '''.'' ,.:,' ", ,;..:, ',1 , .,' ,~, .. \' ", ",./ .... ..-...' , , ~~ <.,j,;..~.0,i:'~<r... , ''''1.'. " ~ ',r,'" , ,r-,",,;'., . ~ ! 'I' "!~~ 'j .... ,. "1 .: ." '. , <:. ,_ .._, " <'~"{ f', , , .:''''''''-' , '..... '_C,_' ."3-5 , , ,,"., ... 3. ,,;~ . '.', " ~, , . . Form 4a ' Project Name: ~~.,. . SYSTEMS - GENERAL PaQe: AppUcablllty Discussion of quilllfylng exception~ on page 4-14 ,Plans/Specs ShcrN oompllnce by including a drlrMng sheet, datal number.... ~~::__.._ ~ and a.....~....."'...... , ,,1: AJlPUcabUty (Section 1317) " ~his form required? . , ..e1Fonn Required. Complete form if a new HVAC syste'm is being installed, or' components of an existingl:lVAC syste'1l are being replaced (I.e., equipment, controls, ,ductwork, aryd insulation.)" " ,. . . . , . OExceptlon.'The building Dr part of the building qualifies for an exception from HVAC code requirements. App'licable Cflde exception i.s Section 1317,1, ,Portions of the building thatq~alify: ":'Area:1 I . Exception 1. 0 2 0 3 0 Area: I I . Exception 0 2 0 3 0 . .A:rea:1 I' Exception '1 0 2 0 .3. 0 o.Form'Not Required. This 'project does'not contain work required to comply with cOde. . . ".,'. ' " .' ,,0,' ',.' r,' " -.' ~. '. ",~,.,' . ,". -. l' ..' ~ '" . . .. . 2. Simple o~ Complex Systems (Section 1317.9 o~ 1317.10) .~mple System. Building cpntains only Simple HVA~~yStem(s). Cpmplete this' ,fprm (4a) and equipment efficiency worksheets as required. Form 4b is not required. . ., qComplilx System. Proje,c!incl,udesa Cgmp[ex Systein,:Complet~:this form (4a), _', .' ,.'form 41> a'nlfequipmerit effici~"cy worksheets asrequk8d.' , '. . , .' ( '3~ System and z~necontrols (Section 1317.4.1 and 1317.4.2)' . ~ompJ!e~, All new HVA<:: ,systems inClude a\ leasJpne,temperature eont,,?l'device :,..~~;: >r~~pci~ding;.!~'t~mper,atur~s.~~it~i~.Jhf?~.n~~,. ;~. ,~<,,:'~ _ ."." ,,. ",; .,: ~'_' ",_ ':' :O:Exceptlon. 'HVAC,systelT!,qualifie~ for-a_n exception,fr,?!" zone'control f!lQu.rer,nents.' ", The applicable code exception is'seciiori'1317.4.2. "Exception .1-'0 2 0 . -., . -.' , . . - ", . . .' . , .~. ' .' : ,<Portions of, the building ltIiit qualify: I '1 : ..~."~.." ,.\.. . .' "'. ;. . d '..t '. _ ~ ,_, '. .' , \, _.' _,':.. ' ",:';The plans/specs show comllllance In ttie follOWing locations: ,.,' .1'?1-' . . . -. ~.- .'. .- '.' \. . '4:'co~trol CapabWties, (Sec; 1317:4;.2.1)" . .:, '.' . · . "~~",~II~s,:Zc,ne the.!l"osfa!sarEl;cap<!bl~'?!~~i~g s,~t~o ,the t~mperlltur!l5 '...... ,: . :; 'descnbed In Sec. 1317.4.2.1.. Where used. to. control, both heating and cooling, zone.: , ",., ," ~. '. ,.' ,'" .' .'. -', . .' -'. - ( ,~. -..' .. . . . ,.} . . ,.... corytrolnhllll be capapleof,proViding'atemperature.range',or"deadb.and of at le,ast . . . '::.,5 degrees F within ~hich'the 's,upply of twating and,CO()ling energy to the zone is "i'shufofforreduced.to a minimum. '.:.' .' ..:' . . . '. .. . : _.' -. -- .i' '" -" .. - '" . , ' _ ," \' _ , .~ ... " . .. ',_" . , :,: DEx'ceptlciri;]lie buildingqualifiesforan eXCept!on.l'!t~e,deadbarid i:equi~ments..,' <"., ;'.;'Tne applicablecode'excepticin'is Section:1317.4,2:r",.Excepticin '1'0'2 0 '," " I':':",'.'~,,," .. ,:,:;.', . _'~' ".,~. -.'~~ -- ,,"',.:',;"', .,~.,. '.' . ,,' ' p,oitions,of ilie bUiliJin~ ihat q~alitY: I :'. Theplans/specs shoY{ Compliance in the. following locations: ! ,'. ",," .......'-\ ". ....: r 4-1. . '''', ",,-. ',. t '. " .'.. ,,' ,. \:' I, '" . I' ~. I . ,\ .(. ;'\""" \.' , '.;'.;: :{),~....'. ". ..,' " ' ,", "';'}'"/'" ,-"'" Form 4a Project Name: ~~~ SYSTEMS - GENERAL Paqe: 5; Off-hour Controls 5.1 Automatic Setback or Shutdown (Section 1317.4.3) Complies. Systems must have "t least one of the following features: , .ertOntrol Setback Complies. Each system is equipped with automatic, control capable of reducing energy through control setback during periods of nonuse or altemate use'of , spaces served by system, ' "" ' , ' ',' ','" ~uipmentStiutdown C6mplies,;Eachsyst!lm is equipped with automaliFcontrol CaPable, ' of reducir)g energy equipmimt shutdown dunng periods of nonuse or altemate use of spaces served' by system. ., . '.', , HVAC systems with equipment.shutdown are equipped With at least one of the , following: ,', , ' ' o Programmable controls (1317.4.3.1 (1)) o Occupant sensor (1317:.4:3.1 (2)) o Interlocked to a securitY sYstem (1317.4;3.1 (3))' ,,' 0 Manually activated timers with 2-hour operation max ,,' , , ., ... - >. ., '. . .0 i:itception. nie building' qualifies 'for an exception'to ttie'requirement for autom~iic, setback or shutdown controls (first set'of exceptions), , :,' ," The,~p'plicabiecodeexcep.tioh iSSeetion,1,31.7,4j"'Excei>tion, 1 0 2'0 ,;'The pl~flsJs~ecs showcoO:1pliance in 'the foll~wing,16d!tions: .. , " "," ::,LI,\o\-\ ~:.:' . , \.. , "',, 5.~'.Shut:offDainper~ontiols (1317:4'::3:3)' "'.". ,",.", ',,: " " ..erC"o'mplies.,. Each o'uidoor air, supply and exhaust system 'is provided ,with motorized', ' . .' ", . '- - . - ~-' . , , damperS or other means of automatic volume shutoff or reduction during periods ' . ofnOni~seo(aJt~mateus'eof_spaCesSeryed.bY~ySt~_~~;,!..... ~..'.. '. "':.' o El\ceptlon: ,The b,uilding qualifies for an excepliontoJhemotorized damperrequlremenl. , Th'e,appli~abl';cOd~~xception:Section,131.7.4:3:':3. :-:Ex'<8ption 1 0 2 0 3'0 4' D. . . ': '. "-" " '- '., " , ' . The plansJ~pe,cs show compliance in the following 'lOcations: ' , I .' ,", .', S~3. -9Ptb.n,unStart Cc;~~ls (S~ctionJ:J~, "':, :'" ".e-complies.S,eparate 'HYAC systems:haVe 9<intiols, c~pable of varying s!arl-up time, of ,~' ,'" . . ..'.' , -, \"," . - , ""'" \" , .. , ", system to just meet temperature set point at time of.o'ccupancy. ,. , , " " " '~, .;' '\...;. "~' . "',., ~, , "'o' " ~ ... 1)\ ' , ,>' . , ' . " '0 Exceptlon.-HVAC systems'have a design supply air, capacity not exceeding 10,000 cfm: ,. , ',". .'1-' "/>" ,~., _."'.' '." ':.~, ,~' l. . '.. .,,' ". _'._, '.. '," ('. ~,;." ", , 'i'''.. The plansJspecs show comphance in the followlng.Jocations:" ," " {,,' , , " . :', - .' . ,,'" '. ;"'-~. , - i:." <:,- , . -,'. ,-"";,, , . I I I ~ . ) ", ,,,6. H~~t'P1iinp.Co'ntrOls(&lctio~ 1317;~.41. ,: ,," " .' !-B1fo HeafPuinp;The plans/speCs'do nolcall for a'newJiSat pump , ,: 0 Compiles.'" "All nevi tieat pumps'equipp{.d withslipplel'[ientary'heaters are Controlled to , minimize ihe use of supplemenii.1 heat as' defined 'In S~Ctiori 1317.4.4. ..... .,'," ,- .,' , ':" -' ',.,- ." ,-' . Th'eplanslspecs show compllarjce in the,tOliowir\gIOcation~: I '. " . -.' " , '. '<.': i.'. ".'-:"-, j-, ,,-, ',7; ~~pDient Performance (Section 1317.5:) "',' '", , .-, ',,:;, ~:~':''':'.. " '" ,O,N~.~.~'!V'HX~~ Eql!~i>mlJ~rTJ:i~ bu[lding 1?1~~s ~dpiot;\:a~' forh~~ electr~~! HVt.C,' ': '" :' c" , , ,,;,'.eH!!!Pmert, combustion hea,tlngequlpm,ent,'!?rheat-operated coohngeqUlpment., '" ", ,: , '..erCOmplles.AII new HVAC EiqUlpment have efficlencies'nolleSS thanthose;requiredliythe'" .:' " ' , :~'c;od~/"_:""'"\;;''' '; ~.,. ,'. ..'--', -'...., """.'\ '-I,' ,,,~,,;;.,,.,;.,, ,,' '. " ~., .~':. ~. ,"t:' ',The iol!owing',equlpmenteffi,clency worksheets are attachoo:. , I ,', 4a. 4b', 4c' 4d "4e 41 4g' " 4h '4i : 4j' ' 0" 0,,",0 U 0 GO" 0,0 ".0 '" 4-2 ' Form 4a Proiect Name: ~;., SYSTEMS - GENERAL PaQe: 8. Hot Gas Bypass (Section 1317.5) o .No Hot Gas 'Bypass -e!"C"omplles.' See allowable amount of hot gas bypass as'a percentage of total cooling capacity in table below. it Ra.Q Caoacitv Hot Gas Bypass Caoacitv . ~ 19 ~ I I I 1 I ....'1 . '. .... '1. 'AlloWable'Hot Gas Bypliss . . RatedCooI!ng<;apacltY... Max Hot Gas Bypass.. . '.' ' .:, ...., .'.' . Cal'!'c1ty' .. 'S24O,0!l0 Blu/h, "i". . 50% >240;000 lIt1l/h' . .' 25% '.., , " . ~,'- . ,~ O.Exceptlon, Unitary packaged,;y>>tem with .cooling capacity no .greater than 90.000 Bluth , ,. " ~. . . ," " ' ,t.. ," r'" "..' 9. EconomlzerCoolliig (S~~tici~ 1317.3) ..\... ,.. , " . . ..'- . . , .0 No Cooling. The'building,plansdo riot call for a new'fansystem.with mechanical,cooling. . ~omplies. Ea.ch new fan system has an a.ir economizer cBP,able of modulatir\g'outside-alr . arid retUrn-aii dampehdo.'provide'up t,,"100 percent'of. thedesigri supply air as 'outside'air: o Exception Atleast"n.. new fan syStem'qiJalifies fur.an e~ception.'. . . ,. The applicable cooeexception i!i'Section 1317.3.' .Exception, '1' 0 2 D3 04. 05.06 0 . . " .' '.,~ ..,,:, ' ,.' ~ ,. - ~ -' ..' '. - ., ,,' . . .1f,Exception'3,.isselected:Ciimp'ete:the following:.' , , .. , . .' ;'(a)T6tai ~oc;ling'~~a~!.~;;~f~x~mPt ~niis":.'.,,\:':' I ,..' , . '(bj total' installed buildirig.cO'olifig capacitY'.. ..... ,.1 I" '... ..., ., O,C~ri,plies.SJm;;f'e~e;nPt,'Unjts'rated ~tless t~~~ 54,Obgbtuthr is . , . , ~ ',', '.' ,,'....<., -.''[>'' '. '," ,. . . , . . ' "'<:240.pO() oi,al.b,SO;lO(,)O%bf total building cOoling cal?~city).., . .!',"".~':'"'__:;"_:~',~<~'y'::'/..:l~.~:::.:~,:)>'_/~..:~~.'~':~.~:' ".,,/,~,: '.. ::. ,~: ,,~,.,..-; ,.. . :~nit Ide'f]tili,erofexeIl1Ptuiiiis:j<"'~:1 . '"i" ",:: 1," ;n;e:'pi~nSl~;p;~~:~'h;~~@~'~li~~~ikth~;tQ'lIoWing:'lo'Catio'~s: '1:<,:.' "I . , ., , ~ ~ . ,. \ " ,. ".., ,'..~., :-('.~' .:;';' ....~, -,'/';',., " r:t",..:'>- \, :,:.~:. '\. ~. .:'.. ~l..,,' ~ ';\", ;'. '. _ ", 'j".' ,:; - ~. , ._1.'.' , " " . , .' " .' ,~,.. '.~ ) ~ , " r., " . . . I. '. ~ ~ .,' ',10. Economizer Pressure'Rellef & lntegn.tion (Section 1317.3.1 and . ;,. ~ \.' 1~i7 .~:.~t "'::~:/ '~'''.'':~:~~(::: S~::~' .... .~~ '0. '. . ','~ ' ,.'< ,1~~"~'~:" :.. " '..: '., ".' " :<'>'~~. . :..,;d.< 'i' '0 No Ecorionllzeni' Requl~,. :!he project does not cont..if] a new fan systlll)1 requiring .' economizers'~''.~..'' ;:.......'..:~_~,,':'-.~.,;,_l,,: ",'", ".',. :',;' _'_"'~""_' " ':-. .... ; , " . 0 ove!:pi'essUrl~tionC6iTjplil\s.The (j~wingsspeciiicallyidentify a pr:essureieljef riiePtia~ism: '~:.for.each fan system that Will'relieve the eXtra air introducedlby.the eConomizer. .'. . '.. . .. 0 Int&g~ilon Ccim~lIes.E!Xirlom~er is capable of providipg 'partial cOoling,even wli~n,additional mectia(1lcal cOOling:isrequired tf> meeHhe',~emairider of the cooling Ic;>ad.,': ,'. .' ',;"': '0 Exception. The appliCable exception'is Section 1317.3.2; .... ... Exception' 10 "aJ.' Thepla'nsispecs show i::oJnPIi~ticEiiri;hefciIlOWing loc;;.tidns::'. " . .. I J:'. .. " 11-3 . , 't~', , .' I Form 4a, Prolect Name:,.~~~, SYSTEMS - QENERAL .,. . Paqe: ., . .' 11. Duct. Insulation and Se~g (~ction 1317.7 & Section 1317.8) .' . '0' No Ducts. ,The building plans and specifications do not call for new HVAC ducts or plenums .ert=omplles. Ttie plans and~Pecificationscall'for all air-h~ndling ducts and plenums ' to be insulated and sealed as required by' Sections 131.7:! &1317.8. . . '12: Piplng Insulation (Section 13i~) . . ' . . - ,'\" . "', 'd' ., -', >' ...... . ,offI'Io New: ~Iplng.; -The building. plans and.specifications.do: not call for new piping serving a heating or cooling system or part of a circuia.ting service water heating system. . o Complies. All new piping serving a heating or cooling system or part of, a circulating service water healing system complies with therequirements'of the'Code, Section 1314.1. O.Exceptloil.N!'l~ piping qUalifies for,exc:el'ti~~: Section )314,1 ." Exception 10. 20 ,....-.... .' ';""'-.. '..",. \., 'j,',' "0. '." ,"." '".;' ..}. 13 Gravity Vent Controls (1317.4~5) '. o Complies. Stair and .shaft vents.. Stair shaft vents shall bi.-equipped'withmotorized dampers' , , - - "- . - . . . . that are capable of. being automatically closed during nOlTl)albuilding operation and are ':>' ','inte'r1ockedto:operi'asrequired by fire.and"smokedeteclioii5"ystems. .,' .... . , . . , . " ,-' "," .~'. .. ~,' . ~,', >, ,. - \'" .c ,. r ."'; i- ., '.', - . - . ,.' ,',,:;, _. '.~' """ . :. " '.' . '...a'Complles. Gravity hooi:ls,'vents:and ventilators. A1loutdoor.atr supply and exhaust hoods, . '" . vents and ve~tilat!>rs sha'lI bEi,equippedwith'n\otorizedda'mpersthat'wiil automatically, shut 'WiJenth.e spaCes 'served a"~ no! in use: .': . " ',<:' , . .:; . . . . . '0 Excep~on.l)1e:building 'qualifies for an exception to the gravity vent controls. ; ',. The 'appllcatii~cooeexceptioli IsSecilon::13H.4.5e2 :;;Exeepiion' )::0'2< o. .,' . .:" I ;"it -.,,'. _~_f''';',-' "~_'(' ~',,,:,,':-"y,,..:. '_.,,:, ~:' .... ....."..',.,." ,_,' J' :" _ ....' '" ,~,o.mpli~nce d~ta,II~.i,nP'la.ns/sll9cs:1 I. " "I' , '.- ,- . . , - .,' .' ,-' , . , - .... "'ci4:'Danip~rs(1317.5.5),'.,,:..:. . .:.",: ,:,' '..,'.... , ":'.: ::!1Complles. M6tonzeeVoutdooi'air supply.andexhilUstaii:dampers have a 'maximum leakage rate' ';;',",:r..,,' " ' "., ',.''''',<''f,,:,~jj.:\,~'..> :t,,':..,'......-.; _.j.'-,', (1"::--",";:"'-"-"_ ",i".._,'} v' .":,,\ ~.:~. .' "" -, - '._ . , .;,\ ,>' ',6f,3 cfnilfl2.al.1.0 In,w.g"when,tested,in:accordancewith,AMCA'Standari:l ,500-'1989.; . '; " '. '~':':"~ ~\ :"'.~' :'~e:pia~~~'~;~r~h~~:~'~pii~'~~e 'i~:tti~ -M'I~i~ing'I~~'~b~~; ~,- . ,., ': ' " 'f'" \.' ;.~., 1 r' . ,'. .~ ", "" . -. " ':"'-.. . - "'," -. " . .- "J - ." Y" ,^"'"" . ". ~ .' -, .. ,. ,.; . '. . ,; . ~"1.5,,J~ervic.e'Water, He!ltipg(~c.1315) .:'. ";'.';:: ,,'.~ ',.., ':. .,.... ,. '. ';".:' '..E:rIfci New Water. Heating.' ifhe'buildlng plaiis\'ilnd.speCificationsdo"not'call.fo~ new water. heaters;'. ; . \ ..,.' ,\ " ", b',' ,-'.' .'.' ..' ..:, ""',"" , ,. _" -, I,....."' ,- ','. ,',' , ' .. .,..'.. 'hofwater storage tanks or service h'ofwatei"distributlon systems.... :'.' . '. '. :', .'. 0 <;C?mplies. .'Alln:ew ~ief. h~aters~ ho! wate~slorage tah~s,or .servicehcit water di~lribution', ~".: sYstern'sC(",;pIY\Nith..thereq~!rements'9fth~'Sectioh1315:', '. ..,' '. '. :.. :~ ":'.: :':::8:,~\~~,~P.~~~;~,~,~~~r;;,~f~~j~.~I~.~~i~~'~~'~~,~:~t~.,~~!~.';e7~~~~~~:,:-'<~:':;~~~;~,~, I 1~~~ep,~,i,~Q~[]::,:, :. ;", ~. " .\'; :: .,:' ,':'_:'~9rtl.ons'of)h~:bUlld-,"g'that qualifY,' '-:" .....;..'.. " ., I I,' I' ".' .,.... j ... -'" ~" .,.' '''. .~" ',,,'. "- -'. . '.' ,~ "-" .''\'..' - <.' .' '~:;f";;'."',. '~";:''''''~' ';-~,"',"-",' ",'::'~''"."... 'f-, .:" . ..~6:.~i8~b.1itioy.1)-an8fo"rniers l~ction 13i6.~) \. . :.". .. . ..;', ... , , :..t:'l1'fc) Dlslrlbutlon',Transfonners": The plans/specs do not call for new distribution transformers,. " ;:', '''::9-!=o~P.iI~~:~jWr~~~~(~!rilJYli~~ir~ii~fq~~rS~90mpiy'~it~'~ff.i6i,:.~cy:',te~ifr,g,.a~d labeling; . " , .' :.i. : " :'. ' reqUIrements of.Seclion'1316.e'1'.1.. ..." ' <- . :.,.., ' .' '.... . .' " .' " ~_.' ,,'" " -' .' - -. , ,.' ,-.,. " .. " -' ,:- - , .. :.'. ,The planslsp~fs,~t\ow.ComPiia.nc8 ih'the follOwing lociitiOn~::: . . ...1 .. . ~" ,'. "',' ;. ~4;4' ~,". {~..\~;.::. -"..:.< '\~,-;" :~\' ~ . :.t~' "j" l :t.\.'.,_"., " ;,' '~ .- - ,\ - .. , ....,',', 1,...,...'.....: .... ;'il\~.'/~:':....": :'. ':. i'(',_:. ",'. ~' " ,. , .'-, I: " '. ..' 'Form 4a Project Name: ~~ SYSTEMS - GENERAL Paqe: 17. High Occupancy Ventilation (Section 1203.2.13) o Complies. HVAC systems with ventilation air capacities of 1,500 CFM or greater that serve areas having. an average ocCupant load of 20 square feet per person or less from Table 10-A have a mea!"s.to automatically reduce outside air intake. ' Identify applieable ~Y:ltems: " I I . The plans/specs indicate'whe,re equipment (i.e, .carbon dioxide sensor) and sequence is specified: , I , I . ' 0 Exception. HVAC systems ar~ equipped with an "nergy recovery oevlce with at leasI"5O%. , recovery effeciiveness. ' ,,' ..2J1lo High Occupan~y Systems: Project does not contain an HVAC'sY:ltem as describ'iK1 above . , " .-.,.,,,,',.,.' . ;- ',' ,'" ", -, ,.' '. . ','" . , '1"8. Occupancy Veriili'ation"(~C:tion120~.2) ," , . , " ,., "',' . ',.' . '. '~r:nPlles.Me5'ha,;i,cal',y~niil~~'O'l sYs!~m,~provlde.ih~ r.,quir,ed ~mourit,of ~entilaii9n's~ified, ' , hi Section 1203.2,1.'" , . , , 0 Complies, , Natural'ventilation sY:ltems,pr'oiride the required amou.ntof ventilation designed by , a registered archii~~i or ~ngine~r asspecrfi~d by Seetion1203.2.4. Attach workstieet 4m. ", The plans/sRees'show compliance on the. following, pages I I , 0 Exception. The buildi!"g 'qualifies'tor, prescriptive natural ventilation.., 'Exception tJ aJ' ; - -, ~, 19. Parking Garage Ventilation (Section 1203.2.11) " " ,jd-Nb Enclosed Ga,rages'. The building plans and specifications do riot call for encloSed Group S , parking garages,Wlth,a ventilation exhayst rate greater than 30,000 CFM., .' '0 C~mplles. - The .~Ians a':ld'.speCitications caJl-tor ca~on monoxide se;nsing,devices as required ,'.. ',', bySection 1203.2,11:.,'" ",'\' ;. ," " , ,: ,?Excepti()n.P'p.~? p,a,rkinggaiag~~.,. , ' . /20.S1rilillniDg~901s.~p~siuiii,Hot T11bs(Sectioil,1315.5l-., '. ".' ':. ".21'fc) New Pools, 'The bUilding"plans,andspecifications do'not call fo,.new, swimming pOols"spas :,::"":::,:"d~hottUb~;~,,": ~','''"-/,~~'-:'',"',:::,:>~,:<.~'''' '~":",:-"""'.':',, " ,. ".:"'. 1',' . ',-'::",' ": < '.. >.,'.;"', ".",. ' , " 0 Complies. )AllnewsWih1riiiiig:pools:SI'>as:or:hotlubs an>' eQuip~d With pool cOver: poolhilliter ' ,;,\,' ::C?~trOl~,a';C!:h~a!:~+~~:~~r~Uir~'~l,~~c!ion1315.5:' :..">":", . " ::,,":".{. 'r;,.,:~:~:\.;., ','~'- '_",':"'-'-"'.."'i;"';.-~f,,_~"''''~~,:;'''- '."..-'_,..~f>--;:'''.,\:.;' ,., '-:,,' ,..t'_,:"'.,"," .':... ".' :.:"".",..,'_'::-,,' ","1. :,: ~,:'~":;:~~:~:t~~~:~i~~tl~;;~~'l-HM~II fOriu~~;h~(j,iystem~' th~iha~~'~ \O~I, :: "','';,,',:'' ' \' .'. :'~..', ,,' .:e?;Cha_usr~te~~~~ie,r,tti'~r(1t5;Q~i~.;~":,,;~,:~,>~, ~: '., ,'-:' :,~ .", ,'.' ::~:',.' ~ "c' '\" ."'" / ,r '.,:> :i>':::" ~::: I" ,,',. Complies, Fume,hoodsY:ltems' have' at least one of the follOWIng, features: ,.' '. <' ' '" '. , . ", ". _ . ".-- - ~ "'Y- ,~,:..,.:. '. ~'. . " . . ",~ ',DVariable,air~6i~ij1~'hood'e~ha~ust;an(fr!>o;";suPP'IY systeni~Capatile oheducing exhaust and .' . .',' rl)akeup,air,vo!um,e. to 5g%,Of les,~ot~esig!"values:; ., "., , " ,,' ',';': , D;Direclmakeup(auxiliary),air supplyequal',to alleas! 75% cif the exhaust rate, heated no warmer . ", 'thah2. F below,.rilom,set''point; cooled to iiocoOl~r than 3.,'F aboi...~ room set pilint, no.' .', .:: " humidification added, arKt'no ~imulianeous !1eatingand ~cioling used'fo~ dehumidification cOfltrol. .:':, . ' 0 Heat 'recoverY sYstems to preroridition makeup, air from fume h60crexhausi in'acccirdance,~th ' " . 1318.3- Ex~u~i:Air:E.ne'rgy RecO~~;Y; without using ~ny exception. " . " , ...... ':...., -.,-';..., .'.,' '.' ",';, ..",' . . ." . , The, plans/speesshow,comphance In.the,followlng locations: '" ,"I " ~475" , '", '. ..' . " ''''. " ,..," , , " . . ..... '. '. .:,: I Form 4a , SYSTEMS Project Name: [~~~ #? GENERAL , ,Paqe: 22. Kitchen Hoods (Section 1317.11) oI3"Nbt Regulated, The plans/specs do not call for any new kitchen hoods wilh exhaust capacity greater than 5;000 ctm each. o Complies, ,All new kftchen hoods with a total exhaust capacity greater than 5,000 cfm have at ,least 50 perc~ni 9f ihe required makeup air; (a) unheatea or heated to no more than 60"F; ~nd (b) uncooled.or evaporatively cooled. " The plans/specs show compliance on the following pages , '. '-, ,- , "', 23. Outside Beiitfi!.g,SYlilt:ems (Section 1317.121 '. '"'::",, , ..Q.Ho Outside Heating. SYstems: The plans/specs'do not call tor nevi pemianently installed ; .' . -", 1"- ". \:. <: . _' '_'. '."... .' _! .". < ", ~, ' " - , ,'.' '. . , ,heating systems outside ttIB bull,ding, : . ' , "" ' , " , ' ,OComplles:' All new permanently installed,outsiae heating systemsareradiant gas fired systems' , controlled by an Occupiuicy sensor or timer'switch as requiredby Sectlond317.12. .' , , . . ,.; ., '.~ " .. '. . ' '. "'"'. ,', ,-' " .. ~ ~.. ... ',-f ~.". .' . ,,', . ',"-;~t " ,,', ,# \.. '. ^' d, '., ", . ,r:'" ... ',<"~:;,.~".~f~;:';',,:,\: -\': ., ,,' I~. I,.'..., ';'.,~ ',{, . -,',":. '-. /r'" ','-:~',_ . " . ~ j',j. '" ~ " " . "1 ~.~ ,~, ,- ","~:,.'. :,:' ~!, 'I'" ;". '" ..' :';- 'f' .,.-,: ., ," ",\ " , ,.,'_~", {,,,, c,; " "1:-,' ': 'i.,C<' . ~ ;:>:'.. . ,":,' "t',; "~" :..,~ r ,. T ,( -<i'. :;\' , ,~ ' ,,', , ~, , '!e' ~ '" ",. , l~'\ , ,," , , : " , ,'0 t,- . ','., ";-" , " " '.... . ' " '. " ~ :. , ',' " ", r'''''.l~~~~ ",,~':' . '. ~, " - !u..., ',_<"., "'f; ..'" \.~~~ ..~:j """, ........ '.' ," . ....,;':.. " " ...... 'l,l' , " ,." .. .'1;. .,~ 'r'. "" ":~ ~~ 'f... ! ,., '.': , " ",.g. . " -. .', ... '.,:'::,. ',-j;;; ,,- '. :'i,.' 'j( " ',' " ,. 'ff " '. . ~ \" ',' ',-"" " .. . " . :i ! . \.i~' '\" . ~}~ '~~~'~,-~'l~: \ " '.1 ~ _ .. _.'\ ". :,,;' :~.~ . , ~ ~: '~';' . ~. ,,". '- :' " 'I~-~:. ~.,,':'.' '.. 'i:;~,:;~y;;'~;::', , ". :'I',:;;:':t;?~:\;~}:!:.,\:~: :'," ", : S .~ .~... ,;' :}'.;:,:~,~~-"'," -~:,~.,:: :,'j,_..~"',,, I, " r ,~:,: ~"'::'\>~"{). " " " " " " , ," , I ,I' " " .. .' , " "'." ;",:,<. ,',i,\ 'f''' ':fjf,'J;~ f;:. '...., . '.1'0 ,~ ,) , . , ":':' l.~,,~ ,:,,~; '. ;" ' , " " '4'6""''':,c, , ,- ~, - "" "'''',' '.- ,,,.: C1TY OF SPRrNGF1ELD, OREGON G~ lMv-,:,':.,l.", ~....,.",' (~~ 'VAl ~ 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH:(541)726-3753 . FAX: (541)726-3689 ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City Job Number Date I. I iqcATION OF INSTAlLATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION JOB DESCRIPTION Permits are non-transferable and expire if work Is not started witbin 180 days oflssuance or if work Is Suspended for 180 days. 2. lq)NTRACToRnVsTALLATIONONLY 1 Electrical Contractor ~,{< ~ M rk. Address ~J7S- ~ Y/,#I' A~ City ~~ Phone 3f,C3-7/-7? Supervisor Lic,""se Number rJS"?/J -5 Expiration Date Constr, Contr. Number / 72~2 Expiration Date Signature of Supervising Electrician ~p~ ~ers Name Address City Phone OWNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I own which is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Owners Signature: Inspection Request:' 726-3769 j ~k0s' 3. [COMPLETE FEE $qHEDULE BELOW A. I New R.,sidential ~ !>!ngle'or Millti-Famiiy per cjwelling unit. Service Included 1000 sq. ft, or less Each additional 500 sq. ft. or portion thereof Each Manufact' d Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder $106.00 $ 19,00 $50,00 B.I' Setvi~es or Fe~~~rs ~'I~stallation; Alterations o~ Relocation: 200 Amps or less 20 I Amps to 400 Amps 40 I Amps to 600 Amps 601 Amps to 1000 Amps Over 1000 AmpsfVolts Reconnect Only ~ $63.00 JZIo $ 75.00 $125.00 $163.00 $375.00 $ 50.00 C. ['Temporary SerVice. o~Fe~ders " Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 Amps or less 20 I Amps to 400 Amps 40 I Amps to 600 Amps Over 600 Amps or 1000 Volts see "a" above. D. f,B;anch,Circuiis New Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit / $ 43.00 Each Additional Circuit or with 7 Service or Feeder Pennit J _ _ $ 3,00 $ 50.00 $ 69.00 $100.00 LfJ 9(; E. I MiscelIaneQ!ls (S~~icelfee.der not i~c1ude~) -Each Installation I Pump or inigation Sign/Outline Lighting Limited EnergylResidential Limited Energy/Commercial $ 50,00 $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $ 45.00 Minimum Electric Permit Inspection Fee is $45.00 + Surcharges 4. rS~T1LOFABOVE I. cPfR'5: O() Jf{~ .:ll.LJ 5"0 ~ / () , OS 7% State Surcharge 10% Administrative Fee TOTAL Shllted Drive(T:)lBuilding FormslElcctriClll Permit Application I-03.doc , \ , Form 2a Proiect Name: I Brenne~s Furniture I Pace:1 I SUMMARY Project 1. Project Name Brenner's Furniture 2. Project Address Gateway Street 3. CityfTown Springfield 4. Building, Gross Area (ft2) 5,950 7. Construction Site Elevation Above 2,000 It? [YES 5. County Lane 6. No. of Floors 1 ONO . Attached Chapter Type 10 Description Attach Forms and Building Envelope Form 3a Building Envelope - General 0 Worksheets 3b Prescriptive Path - All Climate Zones 0 Worksheet 3a Wall U-factor U 3b Roof U-factor 0 Check boxes to 3c Floor U-factor 0 indicate attached 3d Window/Skylight Schedule 0 forms and Systems Form 4a Systems - General U worksheets 4b Complex Systems 0 Worksheet 4a Unitary Air Conditioners - Air Cooled 0 4b Unitary Air Condo - Water & Evap Cooled 0 4c Unitary Heat Pump - Air Cooled 0 4d Unitary Heat Pump - Water Cooled 0 4e Packaged Terminal A.C. - Air Cooled 0 4f Packaged Terminal Heat Pump - Air Cooled 0 4g Water Chilling Pkgs - Water & Air Cooled 0 4h Heat Rejection Equipment 0 4i Boiler - Gas-Fired and Oil-Fired 0 4j Furnace & Unit Heaters - Gas and Oil-Fired 0 4k Simultaneous Heating and Cooling 0 41 Air Transport Energy 0 4m Natural Ventilation 0 Lighting Form 5a Lighting - General W 5b Interior Lighting Power - Tenant Method 0 5c In!. LIng. Power - Space-by-Space Method 0 ~ Worksheet 5a Lighting Schedule 0 5b Interior Lighting Power 0 Applicant 17. Name 18. Company 19. Signature Attached Document- ation No. of Pages Jack Reynolds Reyncmts Electric lpe:j ~~~ ; / , DlrsCription of Documentation 10. Telephone 541-343-7297 11. Date 03/15/05 This documentis intended to he II'f'o'i ,nlol" h" ~r',,:'~- ., ~~nolds ~ieclnc Inc. Wntlen permission for reproduction must .:~ ..U....,..J "I OfJVQlll.C. till:' t'lt'ttncal oeslgn IS not intended fa be usP.rl for rnd PC'timOJtiM .........l_.~C__ _ '\ ~. -- --..-..... ~"J ....'....IIJU.J.HJ,)g by any company other than Revnolds Eleclrir ,,, Q",nnl__ ~~,:~:~~c. snail De neld hannless for any misuse of this design Summary040104.xts Form sa Project Name: IBrenner's Furniture pogo:I' LIGHTING - GENERAL ExceptioDs OIaeuulon01 quaUfyIng .xceptlomlnlnllNctlonl P1ana/Specs Show~by~ . drnW1g IMIt. dItaII numbef, ando'or. ..,.... toCllon ""- Exterior BuDding Llghtlng Ie IIghtlng dlrectoc:lto WuITlIMtfIIrI..xtIflor oflhlbulldlng.nd ~...IkwI)'Iand 1oIdtng......wllhOl' .......- Clock Switches Ihd ,,- (..-onaI~) """"'- ~IorRdldey oflhl......ndIhaU ltew -or to mIlntalnllnetlMpIng dUl1ng power oumgn 181 1. Interior Exceptions (Section 1313.1) o No Interior Lighting. The building plans and specifications do not call for new or altered interior lighting. Skip to item 5, Exterior building Lighting - Ganeral, below. o Exceptions. 1. The building or part of the building qualifies for an exception from code lighting requirements. Applicable code exception is numbar: I 2. lighting equipment that qualifies for an exception - in addition to general lighting and is separately controlled. Applicable code exception is number: I Areas of the building and equipment that qualify for any exceptions: 2. Local Shut-off controls (Section 1313.3.1.1) o Complies. At laast one local shut-off lighting control for every 2.000 square feet of lighted floor area and for all spaces enclosed by walls or ceiling height partitions. This control(s) is detailed in the building plans on drawing number: I o Exception. The building or part of the building qualifies for an exception. Applicabla code exception is Section 1313.3.1.1, Exception: Portions olthe building that qualify: ISales Floor 41 I 3. Automatic Shutoff Controls (Section 1313.3.1.2) o Not Applicable. Office floor area is not over 2,000 square feet of contiguous office floor area or permitted space is not over 5.000 square feet. No offices less than 300 squara feet, meeting or conference rooms, or school classrooms. o Complies. All intertor lighting systems are equipped with a separate automatic control to shut off the lighting durtng unoccupied pertods. Offices less than 300 square feet, meeting and conference rooms, and school classrooms shall be equipped with occupancy sensors that comply with Section 1313. Compiiance details in plans/specs: I o Exception. The building or part of the building qualifies for an exception. The applicable code exception is Section 1313.3.1,2, E.........l"~:_..: I Portions of the building that qualify: 4. DayUghting Controls (1313.3.1.3) o No ctassrooms or atrlums with skylights or window to wall ratio greater than 50%. o Complies. All classrooms and atriums with window to wall ratio greater than 50% and/or skylights are equipped with automatic daylight sensing controls, as required by Section 1313. and Section 1313. The daylight sensors specified comply with Section 1313. Compliance details in plans/specs: 5. Exterior Lighting (Section 1313.51 o Complies. The plans do not call for incandescent or mercury vapor lamps for use on building exterior. o Exception. The building plans indicate luminaires with incandescent or mercury vapor lamps, but they are specified for use in or around swimming pools, water features, or other locations subject to the requirements of Article 680 of the 2002 National Electrical Code. 6. Exterior and Canopy Lighting Controls (Section 1313.3.21 o Complies. The building plans and specifications include photoelectric and/or clock switches on all exterior lighting systems which are designed and programmed to extinguish lights when daylight is present, as required by Section 1313.3.2. 7. Interior Connected Lighting Power (Section 1313.4) I YES IComplles. The intertor lighting power does notexcoed the intertor power allowance established in e~her tha Tenant Space Method (Form Sb) or the Space-by-Space Mathod (Form 5c). " Tenant Space Method (Form 5b) r Space-by-Space Method (Form 5c) 5-1 Lighting 2004 Forms live V1.1-040104.x1s Form Sb project Name: Brenner's Fumiture INTERIOR LIGHTING POWER - Tenant Space Method Lighting Budget ,"""""""" UU""" ..._to< -~ ,-- LI&h..... Po..., Buqot Track Lighting Power BuUcIIng's Lighting Power a ~ I Retail b. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 16. 19. \lD. 111. (a) Tenant or Building Type (Table-13G) Total Interior Lighting Power Budget (Watts) for Building. Total length of track lighting (ft) Une 2 multiplied by 37.5 Wattslft Total,;.", ,. ."';'.. of circuit breaker(s) serving track lighting (amps) Voltage of circuit breaker serving track lighting (volts) Maximum wattage of track lighting (multiply line 4 by line 5) Track Lighting Power (lesser value ofUne 3 or line 6) Track Lighting Power (line 7) TotaIlntelior Lighting Power from Wor'ltsheet 5b-1 (Sum of Column (m)) Total Adjusted Lighting Power (Une 8 + line 9) Don design meet budget? Une 10 must be no greater than Uno 1. PlllIa:1 (b) (e) (d) Floor Area (sq ft) Max Power Densitv lWlffl 1.5 Lighting Power Budoet (W I 8,925 8,925 5,95<l '68 8,300 80 120 9,BOO 6,300 6,300 + 2,531 8.831 YES 5-2 Ughting 2004 Forms Live V1.1-040104.xIs Worksheet Sa LIGHTING SCHEDULE Project Name: Brenne(s Furniture Page:1 (a) I Lum, 10 I TVDe A Floorescent Linear Lamps T5 B I Fluorescent 18 - 4 foot C I Compact Fluorescent Twin o Fluorescent Rapid Start 18 - 2 fool F Fluorescent 18 - 4 foot G Fluorescent 18 - 4 fool H Compact Fluorescent Quad T4 Track Lighting -, (0) luminaire J .:J .:J ~ ~ .:J ~ 1-CFQ9W/G23-2-MAG STD 120-13W .:J Track Lighting ~ j ~ ~ ~ ,~J ::J ~ Description 2-F28T5-ELECT -60W 3-F32T8130ES-ELECT RO EE-66W 2-CFT5W/G23-MAG STD-18W 2-F17T8-MAGNETIC-45W 2-F32T8130ES-ELECT NO EE-52W 3-F3218130ES-ELECT RO EE-66W .:J .:J .:J .:J ~ .:J ~ ~ ~ I No. - 2 ~ : ~ 2 .3 : ~~ _:J .:J .:l j ~: .:l I ~_i .:l .:l .:l -I .:l .:l .:l .:l .:l .:l .:l .:l ~ (C) (0) Lamp Ballasts Oescriotion No. Descriotion F28T5 1 Elect, Program Start F32T8/30ES 1 EE Reduced Output. IS CFT5W/G23 2 Magnetic Standard F17T8 1 Magnetic Energy Efficient. RS F32T8130ES 1 EE Normal Output. IS F32T8/30ES 1 EE Reduced Output. IS CFQ9W/G23-2 1 120 V Magnetic Standard (e) (I) Luminaire Is Luminaire Power From (watts\ Table 5c 60 YES 66 YES 18 YES 45 YES 52 YES 66 YES 13 YES 37,S I YES I I I I I I i I I I I I , ',__,... In ho"jell solely bylemplOyee. UI - I lhlS OOCUlll~n '" ".......-: jLsion for reprpoucuulIllUhlt- ., r--l-:~I...,. WnttP.floermp .. \__.I~ 1_ r\t:)llUIU......'.......-.. . iectrl"aICles,gnl~ll\.ll\lI""" . ......~~:_...A '1'1 -::trlv::Ince. ThIs e t' _,....., ...."nnc::;pl.. U'" ..-.-- .' nS1TiJCllUll Ul U"'1-"'--' . ....... ,,('lYi fnr cost estimating, co . t ,...,_~~..,.J Inr RP.'Jno\ds ;,., anv compal1)' otM' tnan ~"'l~:~:"::':i~llleotthiSdesign Elec\!iclnc.shalloen..ullo,,,;,o'r" i - document. I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I Lighting 2004 Forms Live V1,1-<l40104,xls IWorksheet 5b-l Projod Name: Brenner'I Furniture I INTERIOR LIGHTING POWER E.ctl room must beldt~. Oetcribe luminaires for each individual room In plans. FafIl'ld<flll'*G_ ......1Mt...ClObm ClObmlg). CcIbnn(k),_MTI oIecunnOlbrHCh llXlmoNy~lItlnt ...uybrllllollXlm.s.. --- -- ""h_ --" cntlg............ -- ~ ... ('1 Room 10 (do not leave any -I " " " " " " .. .. Space-by-Space Method Onty Sldoto COlumn ifill us/nQ the Tenant S <aCe Method (e) (d) ('I Space Type (Table 13-H) (enter apace type Oltf once per room) s_ Type lPO """ (n') Wor1tsheel5b-1 Total Budget TotaINumberofAddltionaIWor1l.sheet5b ~ -- ..., ...2 5b-3 Sum of 8ddiOOnaI 5b worksheets lotlll Budget (of.a womheets ('1 Lighting Power Budgot (b)ll(d) Peoe:1 tn LumlD (01 (hi QI 01 (1<1 ""'" ""''''''., -..... Lurrinairea(or "'"""" Ugh.... Room 50 Cdumn Ine8Iflfortradl; ...., ....... ...., TotaIllg. (., """"'I (W....I """"" (g)ll(h) ...., A -I .. 60 0 2,040 8,8311 . -I 2 .. 0 132 - I c -I . 1. 0 72 I 0 2 45 0 BO I F 1 52 0 52 G 2 .. 0 132 H 1 13 0 13 T4 ... 38 0 6,300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -j 0 -I 0 -I 0 -I 0 -I 0 .1 0 -jl 0 -I 0 -I 0 -I 0 0 0 0 -I 0 -I 0 -I 0 -I 0 - 0 -I 0 I -I 0 0 I 0 I -I 0 I -I 0 I -I 0 I -J 0 I Wkshl: 5b-1 Total Ughling Power (exduding IOOtI1'1plIlntd lIlllures) 2,53' I PfopoIId~'\.lghllng~ (TdIIlolcolumn{k).utllIcII'lg -, (I) LCIhtng~8udgel:~ ~onIy(TotaIolcolurnni')) (0) ArN SqfL (nol '*l\nd lor Tenanll.Mlhod) 2,531 2,531 Ims oocumem 'S Intefldetl 10 be used solely by employees 01 Reynolds Electric Inc. Written permission for reproduction must be obtained in advance. This electrical design is not intended to be used for cost estimating, construction or any other purpose by any company ollier than Reynolds Electric Inc. Reynolds Electric Inc. shall be held harmless for any misuse of this design document. lighting 2004 Forms LIve V1.1-QC0104.x1s Prepared by Reynolds Electric Inc. . LOAD CALCULATIONS PANEL A CONNECTED LOAD UNE 11 UNE L2 UNE L3 LARGEST UNE LOAD X 3 RECEPTACLE LOAD DIVERSITY RECEPTACLE LOAD lESS 1ST 10,000 VOL TAMPS REMAINING VOLTAMPS 5O'llo OF THE REMAINING VOLTAMPS DIVERSITY (NEC 220-13) CONTINUOUS LOAD LINE L1 LINE l2 LINE L3 LARGEST LINE lOAD X 3 25... OF TIlE CONTINUOUS LOAD (NEC 215-2) LARGEST MOTOR LOAD UNE L1 LINE L2 UNE L3 LARGEST UNE LOAD X 3 25'" OF LARGEST MOTOR LOAD (NEC 430-24) TOTAL LOAD VQLTAMPS TOTAL LOAD AMPS 39.-<<0 VA I ADJUSTMENT o '" ADJUSTED DESIGN LOAD VOLTAGE DROP 2 X L X R X 2 X 20 X 0.0847 X VOLTAGE DROP'" VD VOLTS 0.3 208 HARMONIC CURRENTS LINE L1 LINE L2 LINE L3 TOTAL HARMONIC LOAD (lARGEST LOAD X 3) DiVIDED BY CONNECTED LOAD HARMONIC LOAD % 208 V 110 VD'" . 0.2 '% 1000 1000 3/1612005 1.73 This document is Intended for use by Reynolds Electric Inc. employees only. Page 1 BASED ON TIlE 2002 NEC 12.560 VA 12.000 VA 12.100 VA 37.680 VA 15.840 VA -10.000 VA 5.840 VA 2.920 VA -2,920 VA 6,240 VA 6.240 VA 4.840 VA 18.720 VA 4,680 VA OVA OVA OVA OVA 0 VA 39,440 VA 110 A 0 A 0 VA 110 A 39,440 VA X 0.'" . VD X 0.'" . . OVA OVA OVA OVA 37,680 VA o 'Mo This documef1t is intef1ded to be used solely by employees of Reynolds Elel:tric Inc. Writtef1 permission for reproduction must be obtained in advance. This elel:trical desigTl is not intended to be used for cost estimating, construction or any other purpose by any company other than Reynolds Electric Inc. Reynolds Electric Inc. shall be held harmless for any misuseof this design documef1t. IPANEL A . . CONDUITS 1 . CIRCUITS 42 (;'sIZE 21121N FED FROM SUB C-lYPE GENERAL HI VOLTAGE 208 . WIRES 4 I LOW VOLTAGE 120 WIRE SIZE 11250 PHASE 3 GND SIZE #4 HERTZ 60 WIRE lYPE XHHW NEUT BUS YIN Y WIRE CUIAL AL GND BUS YIN Y WIRE AMPS 205 GND WIRE YIN Y IWlRE lYPE XHHW IWlRE CUlAL? AL IWlRE TEMP C 75 WIRE LENGTH 20 CONDUIT TYPE GENERAL MINIMUM AMPS 200 % FACTOR 0 MAIN BKR YIN? N PREPARED BY: REYNOLDS ELECTRIC INC. MAIN BKR AMPS NONE FOR SERVICE CALL 541-343-7297 # BKR CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION H I VA VA I H CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION BKR # 1 2OA-1P SIGN C 1,200 Ll 1.440 C SHOW WINDOW RECEPTS 2OA-1P 2 3 2OA-1 P SIGN C 1,200 L2 1,440 C SHOW WINDOW RECEPTS 2OA-1P 4 5 2OA-1 P SIGN C 1,200 L3 1,_ C SHOW WINDOW RECEPTS 2OA-1P 6 7 2OA-1P TRACK LIGHTING C 1,200 Ll 1,200 C FLUORESCENT LIGHTING 20A-1P 8 9 2OA-1P TRACK LIGHTING C 1,200 L2 1,200 C FLUORESCENT LIGHTING 2OA-1P 10 11 20A-1P TRACK LIGHTING C 1,200 L3 1,000 C OFFICE L1GTHING 20A-1P 12 13 20A-1P TRACK LIGHTING C 1,200 L1 1,440 D RECEPTACLES 2OA-1P 14 15 2OA~ 1 P TRACK LIGHTING C 1,200 L2 1,440 0 RECEPTACLES 2QA-1P 16 17 2OA-1P COPY MACHINE G 1,500 L3 I,_ D RECEPTACLES 2OA-1P 18 19 2OA-1P MICROWAVE G 1,000 L1 I,_ D RECEPTACLES 2OA-1P 20 21 2OA-1P KITCHEN RECEPTACLES D 1,440 L2 I,_ D RECEPTACLES 2OA-1P 22 23 2OA-1P KITCHEN RECEPTACLES D 1,440 L3 1,440 D RECEPTACLES 2QA-1P 24 25 20A-1P COMPUTERS G 1,000 L1 1,440 D RECEPTACLES 2OA-1P 26 27 20A-1P OFFICE RECEPTALCES 0 1,440 L2 0 G SPARE 2QA-1P 28 29 2OA-1P OFFICE RECEPTACLES D 1,440 L3 0 G SPARE 2OA-1P 30 31 SPACE G 0 L1 0 G SPACE 32 33 SPACE G 0 L2 0 G SPACE 34 35 SPACE G 0 L3 0 G SPACE 38 37 SPACE G 0 L1 0 G SPACE 38 39 SPACE G 0 L2 0 G SPACE 40 41 SPACE G 0 L3 0 ,G SPACE 42 This document is intended to be used solely by employees of Reynolds Electric Inc. Written permission for reproduction must be obtained in advance. This electrical design is not intendoo to be usoo for cost estimating, construction 01 any other purpose by any company other than Reynolds Electric Inc, Reynolds Electric Inc. shall be held hannless for any misuse of this design document. ICIRCUIT DIRECTORY PANel CIR DESCRIPTION 1 SIGN 3 SIGN 5 SIGN 7 TRACK LIGHTING 9 TRACK LIGHTING 11 TRACK LIGHTING 13 TRACK LIGHTING 15 TRACK LIGHTING 17 COPY MACHINE 19 MICROWAVE 21 KITCHEN RECEPTACLES 23 KITCHEN RECEPTACLES 25 COMPUTERS 27 OFFICE RECEPTAlCES 29 OFFICE RECEPTACLES 31 33 35 37 39 41 A OESCRIPTION SHOW W1NOOW RECEPTS SHOW W1NOOW RECEPTS SHOW W1NOOW RECEPTS FLUORESCENT LIGHTING FLUORESCENT LIGHTING OFFICE lIGTHING RECEPTACLES RECEPTACLES RECEPTACLES RECEPTACLES RECEPTACLES RECEPTACLES RECEPTACLES SPARE SPARE CIR 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 Prep!'red by Reynolds Electric Inc. 311612005 lOAD CAlCULATIONS PANEl B (RAlNTIGHT) CONNECTED lOAD LINE II LINE 12 LINE L3 LARGEST LINE lOAD X 3 RECEPTAClElOADDNERSITY RECEPTACLE lOAD lESS 1ST 10,000 VOLTAMPS REMAINING VOLTAMPS 50% OF THE REMAINING VOLTAMPS DIVERSITY (NEC 226-13) CONTINUOUS lOAD LINE Ll LINE 12 LINE l3 LARGEST LINE LOAD X 3 25" OF THE CONTTNUOUS lOAD (NEC 215-2) LARGEST MOTOR LOAD LINE L1 LINE L2 LINE l3 LARGEST LINE lOAD X 3 25" OF LARGEST MOTOR lOAD (NEC 430-24) TOTAL lOAOVOlTAMPS TOTAL lOAD AMPS 45,485 VA I 208 V 1.73 ADJUSTMENT o " ADJUSTEO DESIGN lOAD VOLTAGE DROP 2 X l X R X 1000 2 X 20 X 0.0847 X 126 1000 VOLTAGE DROP" YO VOLTS YO" 0.4 208 0.2 % HARMONIC CURRENTS LINE Lt LINE 12 LINE L3 TOTAl HARMONIC lOAD (lARGEST lOAD X 3) DMOED BY CONNECTED lOAD HARMONIC lOAD % This document is intended to be used solely by employees of Reynolds Electric Inc. Written permission for reproduction must be obtained in advance. This electrical design is not intended to be used for cost estimating, construction or any other purpose by any company other than Reynolds Electric Inc. Reynolds Electric Inc. shall be held harmless for any misuseofthis design document. This document is intended for use by ".'. ..... Electric Inc. employees only. Page 1 BASED ON THE 2002 NEC 14.106 VA 13,866 VA 12,666 VA 42,318 VA OVA -10,000 VA o VA OVA 0 VA o VA OVA OVA OVA 0 VA 4.222 VA 4,222 VA 4,222 VA 12,666 VA 3,167 VA "5,485 VA 126 A o A 0 VA 126 A 45.485 VA X 0.'" YO X 0.'" 0.4 VD + OVA OVA OVA OVA 42.318 VA o " - IPANEL B (RAImlGKT] , CONDUml 1 , CIRCUITS 18 c-5IZE 21121N IFED FROM SUB C- TYPE GENERAL IHI VOLTAGE 208 . WIRES 4 ILOWVOLTAGE 120 WIRE SIZE 11250 1 PHASE 3 GND SIZE It4 I HERTZ 60 WIRE lYPE XHHW INEUT BUS YIN Y WIRE CUlAL AL IGND BUS YIN Y WIRE AMPS 205 GND WIRE YIN Y WIRE TYPE XHHW WIRE CU/AL 1 AL WIRE TEMP C 15 WIRE LENGTH 20 ICONDUIT lYPE GENERAL IMINIMUM AMPS 200 1% FACTOR 0 IMAIN BKR YIN1 N PREPARED BY, REYNOLDS ELECTRIC INC. IMAlN BKR AMPS NONE FOR SERVICE CAll 541-343-7297 I I . BKR CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION H I VA VA I H CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION BKR . I 1 M 4,222 l1 1,440 G ROOF RECEPTACLE 2OA-1P 2 I 3 SOA-3P HVAC UNIT #1 M 4,222 L2 1,200 M ROOF EXHAUST FAN 2OA-1P 4 I 5 M 4,222 L3 0 M 6 I 7 M 4,222 l1 0 G 8 I 9 SOA-3P HVAC UNIT 112 M 4,222 L2 0 G 10 111 M 4,222 L3 0 G 12 I 13 M 4,222 L1 0 M 14 115 SOA-3P HVAC UNIT #3 M 4,222 l2 0 M 16 17 M 4,222 L3 0 M 16 This document is intended t b Reynolds Etectric I . 0 e used SOlely by employees of be obtained in adV;~~:~~: :,:~~st'~n lor reprod~ction must bbe used for cost estimating, constru~tio~s~~a~~ n:~~ended to y any company other than R . purpose Electric Inc. shall be held harml ey~OldS Electnc Inc. Reynolds document ess or any misuse 01 this design . ICIRCUIT DIRECTORY PANEL I CIR DESCRIPTION I 1 I 3 HVAC UNIT #1 I 5 I 7 I 9 HVAC UNIT #2 I 11 I 13 I 15 HVAC UNIT #3 17 B (RAINTlGHT) DESCRIPTION ROOF RECEPTACLE ROOF EXHAUST FAN CIR 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 This document is intended to be used solely by employees of Reynolds Electric Inc. Written permission tor reproduction must be obtained in advance. This electrical design is not intended to be used for cost estimating, construction or any other purpose by any company other than Reynolds Electric Inc. Reynolds Electric Inc. shall be held haffilless for any misuseofthis design document.